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LTC1041CS8#PBF 数据手册
LTC1041 BANG-BANG Controller U FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LTC®1041 is a monolithic CMOS BANG-BANG controller manufactured using Linear Technology’s enhanced LTCMOS™ silicon gate process. BANG-BANG loops are characterized by turning the control element fully ON or fully OFF to regulate the average value of the parameter to be controlled. The SET POINT input determines the average control value and the DELTA input sets the deadband. The deadband is always 2 x DELTA and is centered around the SET POINT. Independent control of the SET POINT and deadband, with no interaction, is made possible by the unique sampling input structure of the LTC1041. Micropower 1.5µW (1 Sample/Second) Wide Supply Range 2.8V to 16V High Accuracy Guaranteed SET POINT Error ±0.5mV Max Guaranteed Deadband ±0.1% of Value Max Wide Input Voltage Range V + to Ground TTL Outputs with 5V Supply Two Independent Ground-Referred Control Inputs Small Size 8-Pin SO U APPLICATIO S ■ ■ ■ ■ An external RC connected to the OSC pin sets the sampling rate. At the start of each sample, internal power to the analog section is switched on for ≈ 80µs. During this time, the analog inputs are sampled and compared. After the comparison is complete, power is switched off. This achieves extremely low average power consumption at low sampling rates. CMOS logic holds the output continuously while consuming virtually no power. Temperature Control (Thermostats) Motor Speed Control Battery Charger Any ON-OFF Control Loop , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. LTCMOS is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. To keep system power at an absolute minimum, a switched power output (VP-P) is provided. External loads, such as bridge networks and resistive dividers, can be driven by this switched output. The output logic sense (i.e., ON = V+) can be reversed (i.e., ON = GND) by interchanging the VIN and SET POINT inputs. This has no other effect on the operation of the LTC1041. U TYPICAL APPLICATIO Supply Current vs Sampling Frequency Ultralow Power 50°F to 100°F (2.4µW) Thermostat 10000 26V AC 2-WIRE THERMOSTAT 56Ω 1000 4.99k 4.32k 5k 2N6660 1 8 2 7 3 LTC1041 4 † 6 10M IS 400nA + 5 6.81k 1N4002 (4) 6V 1µF DELTA = 0.5°F 100 TOTAL SUPPLY CURRENT 10 1 LTC1041 SUPPLY CURRENT 0.1 49.9Ω † SUPPLY CURRENT, IS (µA) 0.1µF VS = 6V LTC1041 • TA01 ALL RESISTORS 1%. YELLOW SPRINGS INSTRUMENT CO., INC. P/N 44007. DRIVING THERMISTOR WITH VP-P ELIMINATES 3.8°F ERROR DUE TO SELF-HEATING 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 SAMPLING FREQUENCY, fS (Hz) 10000 LTC1041 • TA02 1041fa 1 LTC1041 W W W AXI U U U W PACKAGE/ORDER I FOR ATIO U ABSOLUTE RATI GS (Note 1) TOP VIEW Total Supply Voltage (V + to V –) .............................. 18V Input Voltage ........................ (V + + 0.3V) to (V – – 0.3V) Operating Temperature Range LTC1041C ......................................... –40°C to 85°C LTC1041M (OBSOLETE) .................. – 55°C to125°C Storage Temperature Range ................. – 55°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300°C Output Short Circuit Duration ....................... Continuous ON / OFF 1 8 V+ ORDER PART NUMBER VIN 2 7 VP-P SET POINT 3 6 OSC GND 4 5 DELTA LTC1041CN8 LTC1041CS8 N8 PACKAGE S8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PDIP 8-LEAD PDIP TJMAX = 110°C, θJA = 150°C/W (N8) TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 150°C/W (S8) J8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD CERDIP TJMAX = 150°C, θJA = 100°C/W LTC1041MJ8 OBSOLETE PACKAGE Consider the N8 Package as an Alternate Source Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. Test Conditions: V+ = 5V, unless otherwise specified. SYMBOL PARAMETER SET POINT Error (Note 3) CONDITIONS V + = 2.8V to 6V (Note 2) MIN ● V + = 6V to 15V (Note 2) ● Deadband Error (Note 4) V + = 2.8V to 6V (Note 2) ● V + = 6V to 15V (Note 2) ● IOS Input Current RIN Equivalent Input Resistance Input Voltage Range Power Supply Range Power Supply ON Current (Note 6) Power Supply OFF Current (Note 6) Response Time (Note 7) ON/OFF Output (Note 8) Logical “1” Output Voltage Logical “0” Output Voltage External Timing Resistor Sampling Frequency PSR IS(ON) IS(OFF) tD VOH VOL REXT fS V + = 5V, T A = 25°C, OSC = GND (VIN, SET POINT and DELTA Inputs) fS = 1kHz (Note 5) LTC1041C LTC1041M Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. % of DELTA mV % of DELTA % of DELTA nA 16 3 ● ● 0.001 0.001 80 0.5 5 100 µA µA µs 0.4 10,000 V V kΩ Hz V + = 5V 60 V + = 4.75V, IOUT = –360µA V + = 4.75V, IOUT = 1.6mA Resistor Connected between V+ and OSC Pin V + = 5V, TA = 25°C, REXT = 1M CEXT = 0.1µF % of DELTA mV 1.2 ● V + = 5V, VP-P OFF UNITS mV ● ● V + = 5V, VP-P ON MAX ±0.5 + ±0.1 ±3 + ±0.1 ±1 + ±0.2 ±6 + ±0.2 MΩ V V mA ● 10 GND 2.8 TC1041M/LTC1041C TYP ±0.3 + ±0.05 ±1 + ±0.05 ±0.6 + ±0.1 ±2 + ±0.1 ±0.3 ● ● 2.4 15 V+ 4.4 0.25 100 5 Note 2: Applies over input voltage range limit and includes gain uncertainty. 1041fa 2 LTC1041 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Note 3: SET POINT error ≡ ( VU 2+ VL ) – SET POINT where VU = upper band limit and VL = lower band limit. Note 4: Deadband error ≡ (VU – VL) – 2 • DELTA where VU = upper band limit and VL = lower band limit. Note 5: RIN is guaranteed by design and is not tested. RIN = 1/(fS x 66pF). Note 6: Average supply current = tD • IS(ON) • fS + (1 – tD • fS) lS(OFF). Note 7: Response time is set by an internal oscillator and is independent of overdrive voltage. tD = VP-P pulse width. Note 8: Output also capable of meeting EIA/JEDEC standard B series CMOS drive specifications. U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS Normalized Sampling Frequency vs V +, Temperature IS(ON) vs V+ 2.2 NORMALIZED SAMPLING FREQUENCY (fS AT 5V, 25°C) 18 16 12 25°C 10 –55°C 8 6 125°C 4 2 R = 1M, C = 0.1µF CEXT = 1000pF 1.8 TA = 125°C 1.6 1.4 1.2 TA = 25°C 1.0 10 8 6 12 SUPPLY VOLTAGE, V+ (V) 14 16 0 8 10 12 4 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE, V+ (V) 2 CEXT = 0.05µF CEXT = 0.1µF 1 16 14 0.1 100k 1M REXT (Ω) 10M LTC1041 • TPC03 LTC1041 • TPC02 LTC1041 • TPC01 Response Time vs Temperature Response Time vs Supply Voltage 300 10 CEXT = 0.01µF CEXT = 1µF 130 TA = 25°C V+ = 5V 120 250 RESPONSE TIME, t D (µs) 4 102 0.8 TA = – 55°C 2 Sampling Rate vs REXT, CEXT 2.0 0.6 0 RESPONSE TIME, tD (µs) IS(ON) (mA) 14 103 SAMPLE RATE, fS (Hz) 20 200 150 100 50 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 0 2 4 10 14 8 12 6 SUPPLY VOLTAGE, V+ (V) 16 LTC1041 • TPC04 40 –50 0 25 –25 75 100 50 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE, TA (°C) 125 LTC1041 • TPC05 1041fa 3 LTC1041 U W TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS RIN vs Sampling Frequency AVERAGE INPUT RESISTANCE, RIN (1/fS • 66pF) (Ω) TYPICAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE DROP (V+ – VP-P) (V) VP-P Output Voltage vs Load Current 0 0.2 0.4 V+ = 16V 0.6 V+ 0.8 1.0 = 10V V+ = 2.8V 1.2 1.4 V+ = 5V 1.6 1.8 2.0 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LOAD CURRENT, IL (mA) 9 10 11 10 1010 109 108 107 10 102 103 SAMPLING FREQUENCY fS (Hz) 1 104 LTC1041 • TPC07 LTC1041 • TPC06 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO The LTC1041 uses sampled data techniques to achieve its unique characteristics. It consists of two comparators, each of which has two differential inputs (Figure 1a). When the sum of the voltages on a comparator’s inputs is positive, the output is high and when the sum is negative, the output is low. The inputs are interconnected such that the R S flip-flop is reset (ON/OFF = GND) when VIN > (SET POINT + DELTA) and is set (ON/OFF = V+) when VIN < (SET POINT – DELTA). This makes a very precise hysteresis loop of 2 • DELTA centered around the SET POINT. (See Figure 1b.) For RS < 10kΩ VIN (2) + – + – V+ (8) COMP A ON/OFF (1) 4 The dual differential input structure is made with CMOS switches and a precision capacitor array. Input impedance characteristics of the LTC1041 can be determined from the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2. The input capacitance will charge with a time constant of SET POINT DELTA (5) V+ + – + – DELTA – + DELTA ON/OFF OUTPUT SET POINT (3) COMP B GND (4) 4 CEXT DEADBAND V+ REXT OSC (6) V+ TIMING GENERATOR VP-P CIRCUIT VP-P (7) GND 0V POWER ON VU VL INPUT VOLTAGE, VIN 80µs LTC1041 • AI01a (a) LTC1041 • AI01b (b) Figure 1. LTC1041 Block Diagram 1041fa 4 LTC1041 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO CIN (≈ 33pF) S1 RS The input switches of the LTC1041 are capable of switching either to the V+ supply or ground. Consequently, the input voltage range includes both supply rails. This is a further benefit of the sampling input structure. + VIN CS S2 – Input Voltage Range V– LTC1041 DIFFERENTIAL INPUT LTC1041 • AI01 Figure 2. Equivalent Input Circuit RS • CIN. The ability to fully charge CIN from the signal source during the controller’s active time is critical in determining errors caused by the input charging current. For source resistances less than 10kΩ, CIN fully charges and no error is caused by the charging current. For RS > 10kΩ For source resistances greater than 10kΩ, CIN cannot fully charge, causing voltage errors. To minimize these errors, an input bypass capacitor, CS, should be used. Charge is shared between CIN and CS, causing a small voltage error. The magnitude of this error is AV = VIN • CIN (CIN + CS). This error can be made arbitrarily small by increasing CS. The averaging effect of the bypass capacitor, CS, causes another error term. Each time the input switches cycle between the plus and minus inputs, CIN is charged and discharged. The average input current due to this is IAVG = VIN • CIN • fS, where fS is the sampling frequency. Because the input current is directly proportional to the differential input voltage, the LTC1041 can be said to have an average input resistance of RIN = VIN/IAVG = I/(fS • CIN). Since two comparator inputs are connected in parallel, RIN is one half of this value (see typical curve of RIN versus Sampling Frequency). This finite input resistance causes an error due to the voltage divider between RS and RIN. The input voltage error caused by both of these effects is VERROR = VIN [2CIN/(2CIN + CS) + RS/(RS + RIN)]. Example: assume fS = 10Hz, RS = 1M, CS = 1µF, VIN = 1V, VERROR = 1V(66µV + 660µV) = 726µV. Notice that most of the error is caused by RIN. If the sampling frequency is reduced to 1Hz, the voltage error from the input impedance effects is reduced to 136µV. Error Specifications The only measurable errors on the LTC1041 are the deviations from “ideal” of the upper and lower switching levels (Figure 1b). From a control standpoint, the error in the SET POINT and deadband is critical. These errors may be defined in terms of VU and VL. V +V  SET POINT error ≡  U L  – SET POINT  2  deadband error ≡ ( VU – VL ) – 2 • DELTA The specified error limits (see electrical characteristics) include error due to offset, power supply variation, gain, time and temperature. Pulsed Power (VP-P) Output It is often desirable to use the LTC1041 with resistive networks such as bridges and voltage dividers. The power consumed by these resistive networks can far exceed that of the LTC1041 itself. At low sample rates the LTC1041 spends most of its time off. A switched power output, VP-P, is provided to drive the input network, reducing its average power as well. VP-P is switched to V+ during the controller’s active time (≈ 80µs) and to a high impedance (open circuit) when internal power is switched off. Figure 3 shows the VP-P output circuit. The VP-P output voltage is not precisely controlled when driving a load (see typical curve of VP-P Output Voltage vs Load Current). In spite of this, high precision can be achieved in two ways: (1) driving ratiometric networks and (2) driving fast settling references. In ratiometric networks all the inputs are proportional to VP-P (Figure 4). Consequently, the absolute value of VP-P does not affect accuracy. 1041fa 5 LTC1041 U W U U APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO V+ 8 Q1 In applications where an absolute reference is required, the VP-P output can be used to drive a fast settling reference. The LTC1009 2.5V reference settles in ≈ 2µs and is ideal for this application (Figure 5). The current through R1 must be large enough to supply the LT1009 minimum bias current (≈ 1mA) and the load current, IL. P1 80µs COMPARATOR ON TIME 4 GND 7 VP-P LTC1041 • AI03 Internal Oscillator Figure 3. VP-P Output Switch V+ R1 1 R3 R5 VIN 2 R4 R6 SET POINT 3 8 7 VP-P LTC1041 6 GND 4 R2 5 DELTA LTC1041 • AI04 Figure 4. Ratiometric Network Driven by VP-P V+ R1 8 1 IL R2 R3 7 2 VIN SET POINT 3 4 LTC1041 6 5 DELTA LT1009-2.5 R4 LTC1041 • AI05 Figure 5. Driving Reference with VP-P Output If the best possible performance is needed, the inputs to the LTC1041 must completely settle within 4µs of the start of the comparison cycle (VP-P high impedance to V + transition). Also, it is critical that the input voltages do not change during the 80µs active time. When driving resistive input networks with VP-P, capacitive loading should be minimized to meet the 4µs settling time requirement. Further, care should be exercised in layout when driving networks with source impedances, as seen by the LTC1041, of greater than 10kΩ (see For RS > 10kΩ). An internal oscillator allows the LTC1041 to strobe itself. The frequency of the oscillation, and hence the sampling rate, is set with an external RC network (see typical curve, Sampling Rate REXT, CEXT). REXT and CEXT are connected as shown in Figure 1. To assure oscillation, REXT must be between 100kΩ and 10MΩ. There is no limit to the size of CEXT. At low sampling rates, REXT is very important in determining the power consumption. REXT consumes power continuously. The average voltage at the OSC pin is approximately V+/2, giving a power dissipation of PREXT = (V+/ 2)2/REXT. Example: assume REXT = 1MΩ, V+ = 5V, PREXT = (2.5)2/106 = 6.25/µW. This is approximately four times the power consumed by the LTC1041 at V+ = 5V and fS = 1 sample/second. Where power is a premium, REXT should be made as large as possible. Note that the power dissipated by REXT is not a function of fS or CEXT. If high sampling rates are needed and power consumption is of secondary importance, a convenient way to get the maximum possible sampling rate is to make REXT = 100kΩ and CEXT = 0. The sampling rate, set by the controller’s active time, will nominally be ≈ 10kHz. To synchronize the Sampling of the LTC1041 to an external frequency source, the OSC pin can be driven by a CMOS gate. A CMOS gate is necessary because the input trip points of the oscillator are close to the supply rails and TTL does not have enough output swing. Externally driven, there will be a delay from the rising edge of the OSC input and the start of the sampling cycle of approximately 5µs. 1041fa 6 LTC1041 U TYPICAL APPLICATIO S Motor Speed Controller V+ 100k 10k 1N4002 MOTOR* TACH V+ 1.1k 2N6387 1 8 2 7 3 LTC1041 4 LT1009 320k 24k 6 5 320pF 20k 500Ω DEADBAND 3k SPEED DEMAND LTC1041 • TA03 *CANNON CKT26-T5-3SAE Battery Charger 89 GE 106B† 74C00 OUT LT1019-5 IN 5V 74C00 + 1N4002 100µF 24V 1A 115VAC 60 Hz UTC D0T20 V+ 12V LEAD ACID 100k 36.5k 40k 2kΩ 1 8 2 7 3 4 2.21k 10k LTC1041 1N4002 74C00 6 5 0.1µF 1N4022 13Ω †SCR FIRES AT ZERO CROSSING. * SET BATTERY VOLTAGE. BATTERY IS MEASURED WITH ZERO CHARGE CURRENT LTC1041 • TA04 1041fa Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 7 LTC1041 U PACKAGE DESCRIPTIO J8 Package 8-Lead CERDIP (Narrow .300 Inch, Hermetic) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1110) CORNER LEADS OPTION (4 PLCS) .300 BSC (7.62 BSC) .008 – .018 (0.203 – 0.457) .023 – .045 (0.584 – 1.143) HALF LEAD OPTION .045 – .068 (1.143 – 1.650) FULL LEAD OPTION 0° – 15° .015 – .060 (0.381 – 1.524) .405 (10.287) MAX .005 (0.127) MIN .200 (5.080) MAX 8 NOTE: LEAD DIMENSIONS APPLY TO SOLDER DIP/PLATE OR TIN PLATE LEADS .014 – .026 (0.360 – 0.660) 5 .025 (0.635) RAD TYP .220 – .310 (5.588 – 7.874) 1 .045 – .065 (1.143 – 1.651) 6 7 2 3 4 J8 0801 .125 3.175 MIN .100 (2.54) BSC OBSOLETE PACKAGE N8 Package 8-Lead PDIP (Narrow .300 Inch) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1510) .300 – .325 (7.620 – 8.255) .008 – .015 (0.203 – 0.381) ( +.035 .325 –.015 +0.889 8.255 –0.381 .400* (10.160) MAX .130 ± .005 (3.302 ± 0.127) .045 – .065 (1.143 – 1.651) .065 (1.651) TYP ) 8 7 6 1 2 3 5 .255 ± .015* (6.477 ± 0.381) .120 (3.048) .020 MIN (0.508) MIN .018 ± .003 .100 (2.54) BSC 4 N8 1002 (0.457 ± 0.076) NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS ARE INCHES MILLIMETERS *THESE DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED .010 INCH (0.254mm) S8 Package 8-Lead Plastic Small Outline (Narrow .150 Inch) (Reference LTC DWG # 05-08-1610) .189 – .197 (4.801 – 5.004) NOTE 3 .010 – .020 × 45° (0.254 – 0.508) .008 – .010 (0.203 – 0.254) 8 .053 – .069 (1.346 – 1.752) .004 – .010 (0.101 – 0.254) 0°– 8° TYP .016 – .050 (0.406 – 1.270) NOTE: 1. DIMENSIONS IN .014 – .019 (0.355 – 0.483) TYP INCHES (MILLIMETERS) 2. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 3. THESE DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED .006" (0.15mm) .050 (1.270) BSC 7 6 .045 ±.005 .050 BSC 5 N N .150 – .157 (3.810 – 3.988) NOTE 3 .228 – .244 (5.791 – 6.197) .245 MIN .160 ±.005 N/2 1 1 2 3 4 .030 ±.005 TYP 2 3 N/2 RECOMMENDED SOLDER PAD LAYOUT SO8 0502 1041fa 8 Linear Technology Corporation LW/TP 1202 1K REV A • PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408) 432-1900 ● FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● www.linear.com  LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1985
LTC1041CS8#PBF 价格&库存

