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    LT1612ES8 - Synchronous, Step-Down 800kHz PWM DC/DC Converter - Linear Technology

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LT1612ES8 数据手册
LT1612 Synchronous, Step-Down 800kHz PWM DC/DC Converter FEATURES s s s s s s s s DESCRIPTIO Operates from Input Voltage As Low As 2V Internal 0.7A Synchronous Switches Uses Ceramic Input and Output Capacitors 620mV Reference Voltage 800kHz Fixed Frequency Switching Programmable Burst Mode Operation Low Quiescent Current: 160µA 8-Lead MSOP or SO Package APPLICATIO S s s s s The LT®1612 is an 800kHz, synchronous step-down DC/ DC converter that operates from an input voltage as low as 2V. Internal 0.45Ω switches deliver output currents up to 500mA, and the 800kHz switching frequency allows the use of small, low value ceramic input and output capacitors. Input voltage ranges from 5.5V down to 2V and output voltage can be set as low as the 620mV reference. The device features Burst ModeTM operation, keeping efficiency high at light loads. Burst Mode operation can be defeated by pulling the MODE pin high, enabling constant switching throughout the load range for low noise. No-load quiescent current is 160µA and shutdown current is less than 1µA. The device is available in 8-lead SO and MSOP packages. , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. Burst Mode is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. Portable Devices Lithium-Ion Step-Down Converters 5V to 3.3V Conversion 2-Cell Alkaline Step-Down Converters TYPICAL APPLICATION 0.1µF VIN 2V VIN SHDN LT1612 C1 10µF MODE VC 33.2k 330pF FB GND R2 232k 1% R1 215k 1% C2 68µF 3.15V BOOST SW 100pF L1 10µH VOUT 1.2V 500mA Efficiency for LT1612 vs Linear Regulator VOUT = 1.2V 90 80 VIN = 2V VIN = 3V VIN = 2V (LINEAR) EFFICIENCY (%) 70 60 50 40 VIN = 3V (LINEAR) 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 500 1612 • F01b C1: TAIYO-YUDEN JMK325BJ106MN C2: PANASONIC EEFCDOF680R L1: SUMIDA CD43-100 1612 F01a 30 Figure 1. 2V to 1.2V Converter U sn1612 1612fs U U 1 LT1612 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Supply Voltage (VIN) ............................................... 5.5V SW Pin Voltage ....................................................... 5.5V FB Pin Voltage ............................................... VIN + 0.3V VC Pin Voltage ........................................................... 2V SHDN Pin Voltage ................................................... 5.5V MODE Pin Voltage .................................................. 5.5V PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION ORDER PART NUMBER TOP VIEW VC FB VIN GND 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 SHDN MODE BOOST SW LT1612EMS8 MS8 PART MARKING LTMS MS8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 200°C/ W Consult factory for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER IQ Quiescent Current The q denotes specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are TA = 25°C, VIN = VSHDN = 3V CONDITIONS MODE = 5V MODE = 0V, Not Switching SHDN = 0V q q q q VFB FB Voltage FB Line Regulation FB Pin Bias Current (Note 3) q q gm Error Amplifier Transconductance Min Input Voltage Max Input Voltage 2 fOSC Oscillator Frequency q fOSC Line Regulation Maximum Duty Cycle q Shutdown Threshold Minimum Voltage for Active Maximum Voltage for Shutdown 2 U U W WW U W (Note 1) BOOST Pin Voltage ....................................... VIN + 5.5V Junction Temperature ........................................... 125°C Operating Temperature Range (Note 2) ... –40°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range ................. – 65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec).................. 300°C TOP VIEW VC 1 FB 2 VIN 3 GND 4 8 7 6 5 SHDN MODE BOOST SW ORDER PART NUMBER LT1612ES8 S8 PART MARKING 1612 S8 PACKAGE 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 120°C/ W MIN TYP 1 160 MAX 2 220 1 0.635 0.635 0.15 50 UNITS mA µA µA V V %/V nA µmhos V V kHz kHz %/ V % % 0.605 0.60 0.62 0.62 0.02 7 250 5.5 700 550 85 80 2 0.2 800 1 90 900 1100 q q V V sn1612 1612fs LT1612 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER SHDN Pin Current BOOST Pin Current Switch Current Limit (Note 4) The q denotes specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are TA = 25°C, VIN = VSHDN = 3V CONDITIONS SHDN = 2V SHDN = 5V BOOST = VIN + 2V Duty Cycle = 0% MODE = OV MODE = 5V Burst Mode Operation Current Limit Switch Voltage Drop Rectifier Voltage Drop SW Pin Leakage MODE = 0V ISW = 500mA IRECT = 500mA VSW = 5V, VSHDN = 0V q q q MIN TYP 10 30 4 MAX 15 45 900 900 UNITS µA µA mA mA mA mA 600 550 710 650 180 200 300 280 400 1 mV mV µA Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life of a device may be impaired. Note 2: The LT1612E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications from 0°C to 70°C. Specifications over the –40°C to 85°C operating temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation with statistical process controls. Note 3: Bias current flows out of the FB pin. Note 4: Duty cycle affects current limit due to slope compensation. TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS FB Voltage vs Temperature 0.64 QUIESCENT CURRENT (µA) 0.63 FB PIN CURRENT (nA) FB VOLTAGE (V) 0.62 0.61 0.60 0.59 – 50 –25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) UW 75 1612 • G01 Quiescent Current vs Temperature 190 MODE = 0V 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 0 –2 –4 –6 –8 –10 –12 –14 –16 –18 FB Pin Bias Current 100 – 50 –25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 75 100 –20 – 50 – 25 25 50 0 TEMPERATURE (°C) 75 100 1612 • G02 1612 • G03 sn1612 1612fs 3 LT1612 TYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICS SHDN Pin Bias Current 80 70 SHDN PIN CURRENT (µA) SWITCH CURRENT (mA) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 4 3 SHDN PIN VOLTAGE (V) 2 5 1612 • G04 MODE = 5V 600 500 400 300 200 –50 OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY (kHz) 75 100 Maximum Duty Cycle vs Temperature 94 90 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 RECTIFIER VOLTAGE DROP (mV) 86 82 78 74 70 –50 SWITCH VOLTAGE DROP (mV) MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE (%) –25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 4 UW 75 1612 • G07 Switch Current Limit vs Temperature 800 MODE = 0V 700 900 800 700 600 500 1000 Oscillator Frequency vs Temperature –25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 400 –50 –25 0 25 50 TEMPERATURE (°C) 75 100 1612 • G05 1612 • G06 Switch Voltage Drop 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Rectifier Voltage Drop 100 0 100 500 200 300 400 SWITCH CURRENT (mA) 600 0 100 500 200 300 400 RECTIFIER CURRENT (mA) 600 1612 • G08 1612 • G09 sn1612 1612fs LT1612 PIN FUNCTIONS VC (Pin 1): Compensation Pin. This is the current sink/ source output of the error amplifier. By connecting an RC network from this pin to ground, frequency response can be tuned for a wide range of circuit configurations. The voltage at this pin also sets the current limit, and if grounded, the switch will remain in the OFF state. FB (Pin 2): Feedback Pin. This pin is the negative input to the error amplifier. Connect the resistor divider tap to this point which sets VOUT according to: VOUT = 0.62V (1 + R1/R2) VIN (Pin 3): Supply Pin. Bypass capacitor C1 must be right next to this pin. GND (Pin 4): Ground Pin. Connect directly to local ground plane. SW (Pin 5): Switch Pin. Connect inductor and boost capacitor here. Minimize trace area at this pin to keep EMI down. BOOST (Pin 6): This is the supply pin for the switch driver and must be above VIN by 1.5V for proper switch operation. Connect the boost capacitor to this pin. MODE (Pin 7): Burst Mode Operation Disable Pin. For continuous switching operation (low noise), pull this pin above 2V. For Burst Mode operation which gives better light load efficiency, tie to ground. Output ripple voltage in Burst Mode operation is typically 30mVP-P. See applications section for more information about this function. SHDN (Pin 8): Shutdown Pin. Pull this pin low for shutdown mode. Tie to a voltage between 2V and 5.5V for normal operation. BLOCK DIAGRA VIN 3 VC 1 FB 2 A1 0.62V SWITCH SWITCH DRIVER 5 SW MODE 7 0.7V SHDN 8 SHUTDOWN W U + – U U RSENSE 0.08Ω BOOST DIODE 6 BOOST + V/I A2 – SLOPE COMPENSATION – A3 + FLIP-FLOP R ENABLE S Q RECTIFIER DRIVE RECTIFIER OSCILLATOR 4 GND 1612 BD sn1612 1612fs 5 LT1612 OPERATIO The LT1612 employs fixed frequency, current mode control. This type of control uses two feedback loops. The main control loop sets output voltage and operates as follows: A load step causes VOUT and the FB voltage to be perturbed slightly. The error amplifier responds to this change in FB by driving the VC pin either higher or lower. Because switch current is proportional to the VC pin voltage, this change causes the switch current to be adjusted until VOUT is once again satisfied. Loop compensation is taken care of by an RC network from the VC pin to ground. Inside this main loop is another that sets current limit on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This loop utilizes current comparator A2 to control peak current. The oscillator runs at 800kHz and issues a set pulse to the flip-flop at the beginning of each cycle, turning the switch on. With the switch now in the ON state the SW pin is effectively connected to VIN. Current ramps up in the inductor linearly at a rate of (VIN – VOUT)/L. Switch current is set by the VC pin voltage and when the voltage across RSENSE trips the current comparator, a reset pulse will be generated and the switch will be turned off. Since the inductor is now loaded up with current, the SW pin will fly low and trigger the rectifier to turn on. Current will flow through the rectifier decreasing at a rate of VOUT/L until the oscillator issues a new set pulse, causing the cycle to repeat. If the load is light and VC decreases below A3’s trip point, the device will enter the Burst Mode operation region (the MODE pin must be at ground or floating). In this state the oscillator and all other circuitry except the reference and comparator A3 are switched on and off at low frequency. This mode of operation increases efficiency at light loads but introduces low frequency voltage ripple at the output. For continuous switching and no low frequency output voltage ripple, pull the MODE pin high. This will disable comparator A3 which forces the oscillator to run continuously. 6 U Layout Hints The LT1612 switches current at high speed, mandating careful attention to layout for proper performance. You will not get advertised performance with careless layout. Figure 2 shows recommended component placement for a buck (step-down) converter. Follow this closely in your PC layout. Note the direct path of the switching loops. Input capacitor C1 must be placed close (< 5mm) to the IC package. As little as 10mm of wire or PC trace from CIN to VIN will cause problems such as inability to regulate or oscillation. The ground terminal of input capacitor C1 should tie close to Pin 4 of the LT1612. Doing this reduces dI/dt in the ground copper which keeps high frequency spikes to a minimum. The DC/DC converter ground should tie to the PC board ground plane at one place only, to avoid introducing dI/dt in the ground plane. R1 R2 RC CC 1 2 3 VIN C1 4 LT1612 8 7 6 5 C3 SHDN MODE C2 L1 MULTIPLE VIAs 1612 F02 GND VOUT Figure 2. Recommended Component Placement. Traces Carrying High Current are Direct. Trace Area at FB Pin and VC Pin Is Kept Low. Lead Length to Battery Should Be Kept Short sn1612 1612fs LT1612 OPERATIO Burst Mode Operation Defeat To maintain high efficiency at light loads, the LT1612 will automatically shift into Burst Mode operation (MODE = 0V or floating). In this mode of operation the oscillator and switch drive circuitry is alternately turned on and off, reducing quiescent current to 160µA. This reduces power VOUT 20mV/DIV AC COUPLED IL 200mA/DIV Figure 3. Output Voltage Ripple is 20mVP-P for the Circuit of Figure 1 U consumption but also adds low frequency voltage ripple to the output. Figure 3 shows switching waveforms for a 5V to 3.3V converter running in Burst Mode operation. Output voltage ripple is approximately 20mVP-P. If the MODE pin is pulled high, Burst Mode operation will be inhibited and the oscillator runs continuously with no low frequency ripple at the output. See Figures 4 and 5. VOUT 200mV/DIV AC COUPLED IL 200mA/DIV ILOAD 10mA TO 310mA 5µs/DIV 1612 F03 0.1ms/DIV 1612 F04 Figure 4. Transient Response for the Circuit of Figure 1 with the MODE Pin Tied to Ground or Floating VOUT 200mV/DIV AC COUPLED IL 200mA/DIV ILOAD 10mA TO 300mA 0.1ms/DIV 1612 F05 Figure 5. With the MODE Pin Tied High, Low Frequency Output Voltage Ripple Is No Longer Present sn1612 1612fs 7 LT1612 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Single Li-Ion to 2V Converter 0.1µF VIN 2.7V TO 4.2V VIN SHDN LT1612 MODE VC 10µF CERAMIC 30.1k 680pF FB GND 453k 1% 1M 1% 22µF CERAMIC BOOST SW 20pF L1 10µH VOUT 2V 500mA EFFICIENCY (%) C1: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ106MN C2: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ226MN L1: SUMIDA CD43-100 Transient Response VOUT 50mV/DIV IL 200mA/DIV IL 100mA/DIV LOAD STEP 125mA TO 300mA VIN = 4V VOUT = 2V MODE = HIGH 100µs/DIV 8 U Li-Ion to 2V Converter Efficiency 85 80 VIN = 2.8V 75 VIN = 4.2V 70 65 VIN = 3.5V 60 55 1612 TA02 50 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 1612 TA04 Burst Mode Operation VOUT 20mV/DIV 1612 TA03 MODE = LOW 5µs/DIV 1612 TA05 Inrush Current at Start-Up VOUT 2V/DIV INRUSH CURRENT 200mA/DIV VSHDN 5V/DIV 0.2ms/DIV 1612 TA06 sn1612 1612fs LT1612 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS 5V to 2.5V Converter 0.1µF VIN 5V VIN SHDN LT1612 MODE VC C1 10µF CERAMIC 30.1k 332k 680pF C1: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ106MN C2: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ226MN L1: SUMIDA CD43-100 FB GND 1M C2 22µF CERAMIC BOOST SW 20pF L1 10µH VOUT 2.5V 500mA EFFICIENCY (%) 2V to 0.9V Converter 0.1µF VIN 2V VIN SHDN LT1612 C1 10µF MODE VC 33.2k 330pF C1: TAIYO-YUDEN JMK325BJ106MN C2: PANASONIC EEFCDOF680R L1: SUMIDA CD43-100 FB GND R2 232k R1 105k C2 68µF 3.15V BOOST SW 100pF L1 10µH VOUT 0.9V 500mA EFFICIENCY (%) U 5V to 2.5V Converter Efficiency 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 1 1612 TA07 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 1612 TA08 Efficiency for LT1612 vs Linear Regulator. VOUT = 0.9V. 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 1612 TA10 VIN = 2V VIN = 3V VIN = 2V (LINEAR) VIN = 3V (LINEAR) 1612 TA09 sn1612 1612fs 9 LT1612 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION 0.007 (0.18) 0.021 ± 0.006 (0.53 ± 0.015) * DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDE ** DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDE 10 U Dimension in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. MS8 Package 8-Lead Plastic MSOP (LTC DWG # 05-08-1660) 0.118 ± 0.004* (3.00 ± 0.102) 8 76 5 0.193 ± 0.006 (4.90 ± 0.15) 0.118 ± 0.004** (3.00 ± 0.102) 1 0.043 (1.10) MAX 0° – 6° TYP SEATING PLANE 23 4 0.034 (0.86) REF 0.009 – 0.015 (0.22 – 0.38) 0.0256 (0.65) BSC 0.005 ± 0.002 (0.13 ± 0.05) MSOP (MS8) 1100 sn1612 1612fs LT1612 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION U Dimension in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. S8 Package 8-Lead Plastic Small Outline (Narrow 0.150) (LTC DWG # 05-08-1610) 0.189 – 0.197* (4.801 – 5.004) 8 7 6 5 0.228 – 0.244 (5.791 – 6.197) 0.150 – 0.157** (3.810 – 3.988) SO8 1298 1 0.010 – 0.020 × 45° (0.254 – 0.508) 0.008 – 0.010 (0.203 – 0.254) 0°– 8° TYP 2 3 4 0.053 – 0.069 (1.346 – 1.752) 0.004 – 0.010 (0.101 – 0.254) 0.014 – 0.019 (0.355 – 0.483) TYP *DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDE **DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH. INTERLEAD FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010" (0.254mm) PER SIDE 0.016 – 0.050 (0.406 – 1.270) 0.050 (1.270) BSC sn1612 1612fs Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representation that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 11 LT1612 TYPICAL APPLICATIO C3 0.1µF VIN 5V VIN SHDN LT1612 C1 10µF MODE VC R3 33.2k C4 680pF FB GND R2 232k 1% BOOST SW 5V to 3.3V Converter 85 L1 10µH 20pF EFFICIENCY (%) C1: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ106MN C2: TAIYO-YUDEN LMK325BJ226MN L1: SUMIDA CD43-100 RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER LTC 1474 LT1616 LTC1701 LTC1707 LTC1772 LTC1877/LTC1878 LTC3404 ® DESCRIPTION Low IQ Step-Down Switching Regulator 600mA, 1.4MHz Step-Down Regulator in SOT-23 SOT-23 Step-Down Switching Regulator Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Switching Regulator Constant Frequency Step-Down Controller in SOT-23 High Efficiency, Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Regulator 1.4MHz High Efficiency Monolithic Synchronous Step-Down Reg 12 Linear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 (408)432-1900 q FAX: (408) 434-0507 q www.linear-tech.com U Efficiency 80 VOUT 3.3V 500mA VIN = 5V VOUT = 3.3V 75 70 65 60 R1 1M 1% C2 22µF 55 50 1612 TA01a 1 10 100 LOAD CURRENT (mA) 1000 1612 TA01b COMMENTS 10µA IQ, VIN from 3V to 18V, MSOP Package up to 300mA VIN from 3.6V to 25V, SOT-23 Package 500mA in SOT-23 Package, 1MHz Switching Frequency 500mA, VIN from 2.65V to 8.5V High Current, High Efficiency: Up to 94% 10µA IQ, 2.65≤ VIN ≤ 10V, MSOP Package up to 600mA 10µA IQ, High Efficiency: up to 95%, MSOP Package sn1612 1612fs LT/TP 1100 4K • PRINTED IN USA © LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1999
1. 物料型号: - LT1612EMS8(MS8封装) - LT1612ES8(S8封装)

2. 器件简介: - LT1612是一款800kHz的同步降压DC/DC转换器,输入电压可低至2V。内部0.45Ω开关可提供高达500mA的输出电流,800kHz的开关频率允许使用小尺寸、低值的陶瓷输入和输出电容。输入电压范围从5.5V至2V,输出电压可设置低至620mV的参考电压。该器件具有Burst Mode™操作,可在轻负载时保持高效率。通过拉高$MODE$脚可禁用Burst Mode操作,实现全负载范围内的恒定开关,降低噪声。

3. 引脚分配: - $V_C$(Pin 1):补偿引脚,用于设置电流限制和调节频率响应。 - FB(Pin 2):反馈引脚,用于设置输出电压$V_{OUT}$。 - $VIN$(Pin 3):供电引脚,需靠近放置旁路电容C1。 - GND(Pin 4):地引脚,直接连接至局部地平面。 - SW(Pin 5):开关引脚,连接电感器和升压电容器,最小化迹线面积以降低EMI。 - BOOST(Pin 6):升压供电引脚,必须高于$VIN$ 1.5V以保证正常开关操作。 - MODE(Pin 7):Burst Mode操作禁用引脚,拉高至2V以上可实现连续开关操作。 - SHDN(Pin 8):关闭引脚,拉低进入关闭模式,正常操作时连接至2V至5.5V电压。

4. 参数特性: - 工作输入电压:2V至5.5V - 输出电压可低至620mV - 固定800kHz开关频率 - 可编程Burst Mode操作 - 低静态电流:160µA - 8引脚MSOP或SO封装

5. 功能详解: - LT1612采用固定频率、电流模式控制,包含两个反馈回路,主控制回路设置输出电压,内部回路设置周期性电流限制。 - 在轻负载时,如果$V_C$下降至A3的触发点以下,设备将进入Burst Mode操作区域,提高轻负载效率,但引入低频电压纹波。若将MODE引脚拉高,可禁用Burst Mode,实现无低频纹波输出。

6. 应用信息: - 便携设备 - 锂电池降压转换器 - 5V至3.3V转换 - 2节碱性电池降压转换器

7. 封装信息: - MS8封装:8引脚塑料MSOP - S8封装:8引脚塑料小外形(窄0.150)
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