LTC2656 Octal 16-/12-Bit Rail-to-Rail DACs with 10ppm/°C Max Reference FEATURES
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The LTC®2656 is a family of octal 16-/12-bit rail-to-rail DACs with a precision integrated reference. The DACs have built-in high performance, rail-to-rail, output buffers and are guaranteed monotonic.The LTC2656-L has a full-scale output of 2.5V with the integrated 10ppm/°C reference and operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply. The LTC2656-H has a full-scale output of 4.096V with the integrated reference and operates from a 4.5V to 5.5V supply. Each DAC can also operate with an external reference, which sets the DAC full-scale output to two times the external reference voltage. These DACs communicate via a SPI/MICROWIRE™ compatible 4-wire serial interface which operates at clock rates up to 50MHz. The LTC2656 incorporates a power-on reset circuit that is controlled by the PORSEL pin. If PORSEL is tied to GND the DACs reset to zero-scale. If PORSEL is tied to VCC, the DACs reset to mid-scale.
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Precision 10ppm/°C Max Reference Maximum INL Error: ±4LSB at 16 Bits Guaranteed Monotonic over Temperature Selectable Internal or External Reference 2.7V to 5.5V Supply Range (LTC2656-L) Integrated Reference Buffers Ultralow Crosstalk Between DACs(