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    环境光传感器 DFN6 Ambient 2.4~3.6V

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LTR-303ALS-01 数据手册
Optical Sensor Product Data Sheet LTR-303ALS-01 Spec No.: DS86-2013-0004 Effective Date: 07/09/2014 Revision: A LITE-ON DCC RELEASE BNS-OD-FC001/A4 LITE-ON Technology Corp. / Optoelectronics No.90,Chien 1 Road, Chung Ho, New Taipei City 23585, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2222-6181 Fax: 886-2-2221-1948 / 886-2-2221-0660 http://www.liteon.com/opto Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 1. Description 2 The LTR-303ALS-01 is a low voltage I C digital light sensor [ALS] in a low cost miniature chipled lead-free surface mount 2 package. This sensor converts light intensity to a digital output signal capable of direct I C interface. It provides a linear response over a wide dynamic range from 0.01 lux to 64k lux and is well suited to applications under high ambient brightness. There are altogether six gain settings (1X, 2X, 4X, 8X, 48X and 96X) available for user to configure. The sensor supports an interrupt feature that removes the need to poll the sensor for a reading which improves system efficiency. The sensor also supports several features that help to minimize the occurrence of false triggering. This CMOS design and factory-set one time trimming capability ensure minimal sensor-to-sensor variations for ease of manufacturability to the end customers. 2. Features  I C interface (Fast Mode @ 400kbit/s)  Ultra-small 6-pin ChipLED package  2.0mm(L), 2.0mm(B), 0.7mm(H)  Built-in temperature compensation circuit  Low active power consumption with standby mode  Supply voltage range from 2.4V to 3.6V capable of 1.7V logic voltage  Operating temperature range from -  RoHS and Halogen free compliant  Close to human eye spectral response  Immunity to IR / UV Light Source  Automatically rejects 50 / 60 Hz lightings flicker  Full dynamic range from 0.01 lux to 64k lux  16-bit effective resolution 2 1/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 3. Applications  Back-lighting Control in mobile/portable devices  Touch Panel Control in mobile/portable devices 4. Ordering Information Part Number Packaging Type Package Quantity LTR-303ALS-01 Tape and Reel 6-pin chipled package 2500 5. Outline Dimensions 2/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 6. Functional Block Diagram 7. Application Circuit 3/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 I/O Pins Configuration Table Pin I/O Type Symbol Description 1 VDD Power Supply Voltage 2 NC No connection to this pin 3 GND Ground 2 4 I SCL* I C serial clock. This pin is an open drain input. 5 O INT* Level Interrupt Pin. This pin is an open drain output. 6 I/O SDA* I C serial data. This pin is an open drain input / output. 2 * Note: For noisy environment, add 10pF capacitor from signal to GND for additional noise filtering. Recommended Application Circuit Components [1] Component Recommended Value Rp1, Rp2, Rp3 [1] 1 k to 10 k C1 1uF 20%, X7R / X5R Ceramic Selection of pull-up resistors value is dependent on bus capacitance values. For more details, please refer to I 2C Specifications: http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10204.pdf 4/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 8. Ratings and Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C Parameter Symbol Rating Unit 3.8 V Supply Voltage VDD Digital Voltage Range SCL, SDA, INT -0.5 to 3.8 V Digital Output Current SCL, SDA, INT -1 to 20 mA Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 100 C Note: Exceeding these ratings could cause damage to the sensor. All voltages are with respect to ground. Currents are positive into, negative out of the specified terminal. Recommended Operating Conditions Description Symbol Supply Voltage VDD Interface Bus Power Supply Voltage VIO Min. VIH SCL, I2C Bus Input Pin High Voltage Typ. Max. Unit 2.4 3.6 V 1.7 3.6 V 1.2 V VIH SDA VIL SCL, I2C Bus Input Pin Low Voltage 0.6 V 70 C VIL SDA Operating Temperature Tope -30 Electrical & Optical Specifications All specifications are at VDD = 3.0V, Tope = 25C, unless otherwise noted. Parameter Min. Active Supply Current Standby Current Initial Startup Time Wakeup Time from Standby Typ. Max. Unit Condition 220 uA Active Mode, Tope = 25C, VDD=3.6V Integration Time : 100ms Measurement rate : 200ms 5 uA Standby / Sleep Mode ms (Note 1) ms (Note 1) 100 10 5/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Light Sensor Parameter Min. Max. Unit 65535 count 0 6 count Ch0, Lux = 0 0 6 count Ch1, Lux = 0 Full Scale ADC Count Typ. Condition Dark ADC Count Ch0 (see note 2) 3250 6100 count white LED 200 Lux Integration Time : 50ms Measurement Time : 100ms ADC Count (Gain=96) Ch1 @200Lux (see note 2) 1050 1950 count White LED 200 Lux Integration Time : 50ms Measurement Time : 100ms 0.15 0.35 Ratio Ch1/(Ch0 + Ch1) Notes: 1. Startup Sequence Supply VDD to Sensor (Sensor in Standby Mode) Wait at least 100 ms - initial startup time I2C Command (Write) To enable sensor to Active Mode Wait at least 10 ms - wakeup time from standby Sensor is Active and starts measurement 2. LiteOn White LED color temperature 10000K. 6/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Typical Performance Curve All specifications are at VDD = 3.0V, Tope = 25C, unless otherwise noted. Figure 1: Normalized Spectral Response Figure 2 : Viewing angle 7/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Figure 3 : Vdd versus Average Idd Figure 4 : Average Idd versus temperature 8/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Figure 5 : Output count ratio versus temperature Lux Formula Refer to Appendix A for the lux formula 9/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 AC Electrical Characteristics All specifications are at VBus = 1.8V, Tope = 25C, unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Unit SCL clock frequency 1 Bus free time between a STOP and START condition f SCL t BUF 400 kHz 1.3 us Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the first clock pulse is generated t H D; S TA 0.6 us LOW period of the SCL clock 1.3 us HIGH period of the SCL clock t LOW t HIGH 0.6 us Set-up time for a repeated START condition t S U ; S TA 0.6 us Set-up time for STOP condition t S U ; S TO 0.6 us Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals tr 30 300 ns Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals tf 30 300 ns Data hold time t H D; D AT 0.3 0.9 us Data setup time t S U ; D AT 100 Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter t SP 0 ns 50 ns 2 Definition of timing for I C bus 10/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 9. Principles of Operation 2 I C Protocols .I2C Write Protocol (type 1): 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 S Slave address W A Register Address A P 1 8 Slave ID (Write) Slave ID (Write) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 SCL SDA S Slave address A A A A A A A A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W A Register Address A P 2 .I C Write Protocol (type 2): 1 7 1 1 8 1 S Slave address W A Register Address 8 1 1 A Register Command A P Slave ID (Write) Slave ID (Write) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SCL SDA S A A A A A A A A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slave address W A Register Address A A A A A A A A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A Register Command A P 2 .I C Read Protocol: 1 7 1 1 S Slave address R 8 1 1 A Register Command N P Slave ID (Read) Slave ID (Read) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 6 S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SCL SDA S Slave address C C C C C C C C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 R A Register Command N P 11/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 2 .I C Read (Combined format) Protocol: 1 1 8 S Slave address W 1 7 A Register Address 1 1 7 A Sr Slave address Slave ID (Write) 1 1 R A Register Command N P 2 3 4 1 1 Slave ID (Read) Slave ID (Write) 1 8 5 6 Slave ID (Read) 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …… SCL S 6 SDA S S 5 S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 Slave address A A A A A A A A 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 W A Register Address A S 6 S 5 1 2 Sr S 4 S 3 S 2 S 1 S 0 6 7 Slave address 3 4 5 …… R A 8 9 …… C C C C C C C C 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 …… A Register Command N A Acknowledge (0 for an ACK) N Non-Acknowledge(1 for an NACK) S Start condition Sr Repeated Start condition P Stop condition W Write (0 for writing) R Read (1 for read) Slave-to-master P Master-to-Slave 2 I C Slave Address The 7 bits slave address for this sensor is 0x29H. A read/write bit should be appended to the slave address by the master device to properly communicate with the sensor. I2C Slave Address (0x29H) W/R Command Type Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Write 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0x52H Read 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0x53H value 12/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Register Set Addr R/W Register Name Description Reset Value 0x80 R/W ALS_CONTR ALS operation mode control SW reset 0x00 0x85 R/W ALS_MEAS_RATE ALS measurement rate in active mode 0x01 0x86 R PART_ID Part Number ID and Revision ID 0xA0 0x87 R MANUFAC_ID Manufacturer ID 0x05 0x88 R ALS_DATA_CH1_0 ALS measurement CH1 data, lower byte 0x00 0x89 R ALS_DATA_CH1_1 ALS measurement CH1 data, upper byte 0x00 0x8A R ALS_DATA_CH0_0 ALS measurement CH0 data, lower byte 0x00 0x8B R ALS_DATA_CH0_1 ALS measurement CH0 data, upper byte 0x00 0x8C R ALS_STATUS ALS new data status 0x00 0x8F R/W INTERRUPT Interrupt settings 0x08 0x97 R/W ALS_THRES_UP_0 ALS interrupt upper threshold, lower byte 0xFF 0x98 R/W ALS_THRES_UP_1 ALS interrupt upper threshold, upper byte 0xFF 0x99 R/W ALS_THRES_LOW_0 ALS interrupt lower threshold, lower byte 0x00 0x9A R/W ALS_THRES_LOW_1 ALS interrupt lower threshold, upper byte 0x00 0x9E R/W INTERRUPT PERSIST ALS Interrupt persist setting 0x00 Notes: 1) When reading ALS data registers, read sequence should always be from lower address to higher address (E.g. For ALS data, Ch1 data should be read first followed by Ch0 data. Read sequence should be 0x88, 0x89, 0x8A, 0x8B. When 0x8B is read, all four ALS data registers will be populated with new set of data). 2) When setting of INTERRUPT register (addr 0x8F) is necessary, it should be done before the device is in Active mode. 13/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_CONTR Register (0x80) The ALS_CONTR register controls the ALS Gain setting, ALS operation modes and software (SW) reset for the sensor. 2 The ALS sensor can be set to either standby mode or active mode. At either of these modes, the I C circuitry is always active. The default mode after power up is standby mode. During standby mode, there is no ALS measurement performed 2 but I C communication is allowed to enable read/write to all the registers 0x80 ALS_CONTR (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 Reserved Bits Default Type Reserved 7:5 000 -- 4:2 000 1 0 B1 B0 SW Reset ALS Mode Description -- MUST write to 000 (default) 000 Gain 1X  1 lux to 64k lux (default) 001 Gain 2X  0.5 lux to 32k lux 010 Gain 4X  0.25 lux to 16k lux 011 Gain 8X  0.125 lux to 8k lux 100 Reserved 101 Reserved 110 Gain 48X  0.02 lux to 1.3k lux 111 Gain 96X  0.01 lux to 600 lux RW 0 SW reset B2 ALS Gain Field ALS Gain B3 RW Initial start-up procedure is NOT started (default) Initial start-up procedure is started, bit has default 1 value of 0 after start-up ALS mode 0 0 0 Stand-by mode (default) 1 Active mode RW 14/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_MEAS_RATE Register (0x85) The ALS_MEAS_RATE register controls the integration time and timing of the periodic measurement of the ALS in active mode. ALS Measurement Repeat Rate is the interval between ALS_DATA registers update. ALS Integration Time is the measurement time for each ALS cycle. ALS Integration Time must be set to be equal or smaller than the ALS Measurement Repeat Rate. If ALS Integration Time is set to be bigger than ALS Measurement Repeat Rate, it will be automatically reset to be equal to ALS Measurement Repeat Rate by the IC internally. 0x85 ALS_MEAS_RATE (default = 0x03) B7 B6 B5 Reserved Bits Default Type Reserved 7:6 00 -- ALS measurement rate 5:3 2:0 B3 ALS Integration Time Field ALS integration time B4 000 011 B2 B1 B0 ALS Measurement Repeat Rate Description -- -- 000 100ms (default) 001 50ms 010 200ms 011 400ms 100 150ms 101 250ms 110 300ms 111 350ms 000 50ms 001 100ms 010 200ms 011 500ms (default) 100 1000ms RW RW 101 110 2000ms 111 15/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 PART_ID Register (0x86) (Read Only) The PART_ID register defines the part number and revision identification of the sensor. 0x86 PART_ID (default = 0xA0) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 Part Number ID B2 B1 B0 Revision ID Field Bits Default Type Description Part Number ID 7:4 1010 R Part ID 0x0AH Revision ID 3:0 0000 R Revision ID 0x00H MANUFAC_ID Register (0x87) (Read Only) The MANUFAC_ID register defines the manufacturer identification of the sensor. 0x87 MANUFAC_ID (default = 0x05) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Manufacturer ID Field Bits Default Type Manufacturer ID 7:0 00000101 R Description Manufacturer ID (0x05H) 16/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_DATA_CH1 Register (0x88 / 0x89) (Read Only) The ALS_DATA registers should be read as a group, with the lower address read back first (i.e. read 0x88 first, then read 0x89). These two registers should also be read before reading channel-0 data (from registers 0x8A, 0x8B). 2 2 When the I C read operation starts, all four ALS data registers are locked until the I C read operation of register 0x8B is completed. This will ensure that the data in the registers is from the same measurement even if an additional integration cycle ends during the read operation. New measurement data is stored into temporary registers and the ALS_DATA 2 registers are updated as soon as there is no on-going I C read operation. The ALS ADC channel-1 data is expressed as a 16-bit data spread over two registers. The ALS_DATA_CH1_0 and ALS_DATA_CH1_1 registers provide the lower and upper byte respectively. 0x88 ALS_DATA_CH1_0 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B2 B1 B0 ALS Data Ch1 Low 0x89 ALS_DATA_CH1_1 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 ALS Data Ch1 High Field Address Bits Default Type Description ALS Data Ch1 Low 0x88 7:0 00000000 R ALS ADC channel 1 lower byte data ALS Data Ch1 High 0x89 7:0 00000000 R ALS ADC channel 1 upper byte data 17/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_DATA_CH0 Register (0x8A / 0x8B) (Read Only) These two registers should be read after reading channel-1 data (from registers 0x88, 0x89). Lower address register should be read first (i.e. read 0x8A first, then read 0x8B). See ALS_DATA_CH1 register information above. The ALS ADC channel-0 data is expressed as a 16-bit data spread over two registers. The ALS_DATA_CH0_0 and ALS_DATA_CH0_1 registers provide the lower and upper byte respectively. 0x8A ALS_DATA_CH0_0 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B2 B1 B0 ALS Data Ch0 Low 0x8B ALS_DATA_CH0_1 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 ALS Data Ch0 High Field Address Bits Default Type Description ALS Data Ch0 Low 0x8A 7:0 00000000 R ALS ADC channel 0 lower byte data ALS Data Ch0 High 0x8B 7:0 00000000 R ALS ADC channel 0 upper byte data 18/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_ STATUS Register (0x8C) (Read Only) The ALS_STATUS register stores the information about ALS data status. New data means data has not been read yet. When the measurement is completed and data is written to the data register, the data status bit will be set to logic 1. When the data register is read, the data status bit will be set to logic 0. Interrupt status determines if the ALS interrupt criteria are met. It will check if the ALS measurement data is outside of the range defined by the upper and lower threshold limits. 0x8C ALS_STATUS (default = 0x00) B7 B6 ALS Data Valid B5 ALS Gain Field Bits Default Type ALS Data Valid 7 0 R ALS Data Gain Range 6:4 B4 000 3 ALS data status 2 Reserved 1:0 0 B2 ALS Interrupt Status ALS Data Status B1 B0 Reserved Description 0 ALS Data is Valid (default) 1 ALS Data is Invalid 000 ALS measured data in Gain 1X (default) 001 ALS measured data in Gain 2X 010 ALS measured data in Gain 4X 011 ALS measured data in Gain 8X 100 Invalid 101 Invalid 110 ALS measured data in Gain 48X 111 ALS measured data in Gain 96X R 0 ALS interrupt status B3 Interrupt signal INACTIVE (default) R Interrupt signal ACTIVE 0 00 0 OLD data (data already read), (default) 1 NEW data (first time data is being read) -- Don’t care R R 19/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 INTERRUPT Register (0x8F) (Read Only) The INTERRUPT register controls the operation of the interrupt pin and functions. When the Interrupt Mode is set to 00, the INT output pin 2 is inactive / disabled and will not trigger any interrupt. Note that when this register is to be set with values other than its default values, it should be set before device is in Active mode. 0x8F INTERRUPT (default = 0x08) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 Reserved Field Bits Default Type RESERVED 7:3 00001 -- Interrupt Polarity 2 0 RW Interrupt Mode 1 RESERVED 0 0 -- B0 Interrupt Polarity Interrupt Mode Reserved Must write as 00000 Bit B3 is “1” (default) but it has no impact on performance INT pin is considered active when it is a logic 0 (default) 1 INT pin is considered active when it is a logic 1 0 Interrupt pin is INACTIVE / high impedance state (default) 1 ALS measurement can trigger interrupt -- Don’t care RW -- B1 Description 0 0 B2 20/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 ALS_THRES Register (0x97 / 0x98 / 0x99 / 0x9A) The ALS_THRES_UP and ALS_THRES_LOW registers determines the upper and lower limit of the interrupt threshold value respectively. These two values form a range and the interrupt function compares if the measurement value in ALS_DATA registers is inside or outside the range. The interrupt function is active if the measurement data is outside the range defined by the upper and lower limits. The data format for ALS_THRES must be the same as ALS_DATA registers. 0x97 ALS_THRES_UP_0 (default = 0xFF) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B1 B0 B1 B0 B1 B0 ALS Upper Threshold Low 0x98 ALS_THRES_UP_1 (default = 0xFF) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 ALS Upper Threshold High 0x99 ALS_THRES_LOW_0 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 ALS Lower Threshold Low 0x9A ALS_THRES_LOW_1 (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 ALS Lower Threshold High Field Address Bits Default Type Description ALS upper threshold Low 0x97 7:0 11111111 RW ALS upper threshold lower byte data ALS upper threshold High 0x98 7:0 11111111 RW ALS upper threshold upper byte data ALS lower threshold Low 0x99 7:0 00000000 RW ALS lower threshold lower byte data ALS lower threshold High 0x9A 7:0 00000000 RW ALS lower threshold upper byte data 21/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 INTERRUPT PERSIST Register (0x9E) The INTERRUPT PERSIST register controls the N number of times the measurement data is outside the range defined by the upper and lower threshold limits before asserting the INT output pin 2. 0x9E INTERRUPT PERSIST (default = 0x00) B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 RESERVED Field Bits Default Type RESERVED 7:4 0000 -- ALS Persist 3:0 0000 B2 B1 B0 ALS Persist Description Don’t care 0000 Every ALS value out of threshold range (default) 0001 2 consecutive ALS values out of threshold range RW --1111 --16 consecutive ALS values out of threshold range 22/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 10. Device Operation(using Interrupt) Below flow diagram illustrates the LTR-303ALS operation. 23/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 11. Device Operation(without using Interrupt) Below flow diagram illustrates the LTR-303ALS operation without the use of interrupts. 24/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 12. Pseudo Codes Examples Control Registers // The Control Register defines the operating modes and gain settings of the ALS of LTR-303. // Default settings is 0x00 (in Standby mode). Slave_Addr = 0x29 // Enable ALS Register_Addr = 0x80 Command = 0x01 // Slave address of LTR-303 device // ALS_CONTR register // For Gain X1 // For Gain X96, Command = 0x1D WriteByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Command) ALS Measurement Rate // The ALS_MEAS_RATE register controls the ALS integration time and measurement rate. // Default setting of the register is 0x03 (integration time 100ms, repeat rate 500ms) Slave_Addr = 0x29 // Slave address of LTR-303 device // Set ALS Integration Time 200ms, Repeat Rate 200ms Register_Addr = 0x85 // ALS_MEAS_RATE register Command = 0x12 // Int time = 200ms, Meas rate = 200ms // For Int time = 400ms, Meas rate = 500ms, Command = 0x1B WriteByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Command) ALS Data Registers (Read Only) // The ALS Data Registers contain the ADC output data for the respective channel. // These registers should be read as a group, with the lower address being read first. Slave_Addr = 0x29 // Read back ALS_DATA_CH1 Register_Addr = 0x88 ReadByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Data0) Register_Addr = 0x89 ReadByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Data1) // Read back ALS_DATA_CH0 Register_Addr = 0x8A ReadByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Data2) Register_Addr = 0x8B ReadByte(Slave_Addr, Register_Addr, Data3) ALS_CH1_ADC_Data = (Data1 8 // To convert decimal 1000 into two eight bytes register values Data0 = 1000 & 0xFF WriteByte(Slave_Addr, ALS_Upp_Threshold_Reg_0, Data0) WriteByte(Slave_Addr, ALS_Upp_Threshold_Reg_1, Data1) // Lower Threshold Setting (decimal 200) ALS_Low_Threshold_Reg_0 = 0x99 // ALS Lower Threshold Low Byte Register address ALS_Low_Threshold_Reg_1 = 0x9A // ALS Lower Threshold High Byte Register address Data1 = 200 >> 8 // To convert decimal 200 into two eight bytes register values Data0 = 200 & 0xFF WriteByte(Slave_Addr, ALS_Low_Threshold_Reg_0, Data0) WriteByte(Slave_Addr, ALS_Low_Threshold_Reg_1, Data1) WriteByte(Slave_Addr, ALS_Upp_Threshold_Reg_1, Data1) 26/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 13. Recommended Leadfree Reflow Profile MAX 260C T - TEMPERATURE (°C) 255 R3 230 217 200 180 R2 R4 60 sec to 90 sec Above 217 C 150 R5 R1 120 80 25 0 P1 HEAT UP 100 50 150 P2 SOLDER PASTE DRY 200 P3 SOLDER REFLOW 250 P4 COOL DOWN 300 t-TIME (SECONDS) Process Zone Symbol T Maximum T/time or Duration Heat Up P1, R1 25C to 150C 3C/s Solder Paste Dry P2, R2 150C to 200C 100s to 180s P3, R3 200C to 260C 3C/s P3, R4 260C to 200C -6C/s P4, R5 200C to 25C -6C/s Time maintained above liquidus point , 217C > 217C 60s to 90s Peak Temperature 260C - Time within 5C of actual Peak Temperature > 255C 20s Time 25C to Peak Temperature 25C to 260C 8mins Solder Reflow Cool Down It is recommended to perform reflow soldering no more than twice. 27/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 14. Moisture Proof Packaging All LTR-303ALS-01 are shipped in moisture proof package. Once opened, moisture absorption begins. This part is compliant to JEDEC J-STD-033A Level 3. Time from Unsealing to Soldering After removal from the moisture barrier bag, the parts should be stored at the recommended storage conditions and soldered within seven days. When the moisture barrier bag is opened and the parts are exposed to the recommended storage conditions for more than seven days, the parts must be baked before reflow to prevent damage to the parts. Recommended Storage Conditions Storage Temperature 10C to 30C Relative Humidity Below 60% RH Baking Conditions Package Temperature Time In Reels 60C 48 hours In Bulk 100C 4 hours Baking should only be done once. 28/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 15. Recommended Land Pattern and Metal Stencil Aperture Recommended Land Pattern Note: All dimensions are in millimeters 29/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 Recommended Metal Stencil Aperture It is recommended that the metal stencil used for solder paste printing has a thickness (t) of 0.11mm (0.004 inches / 4 mils) or 0.127mm (0.005 inches / 5 mils). The stencil aperture opening is recommended to be 0.72mm x 0.60mm which has the same dimension as the land pattern. This is to ensure adequate printed solder paste volume and yet no shorting. Note: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters 30/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4 Optical Sensor LTR-303ALS-01 16. Package Dimension for Tape and Reel Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches) 2. Empty component pockets sealed with top cover tape 3. 7 inch reel - 2500 pieces per reel 4. In accordance with ANSI/EIA 481-1-A-1994 specifications. 31/31 Part No. : LTR-303ALS-01 BNS-OD-FC002/A4

1. 物料型号:LTR-303ALS-01 2. 器件简介:LTR-303ALS-01是一款由Lite-On公司生产的环境光传感器,用于检测环境光线强度。

3. 引脚分配:该传感器共有5个引脚,包括VCC、GND、INT、OUT和NC。

4. 参数特性:包括工作电压范围、响应时间、检测范围等。

5. 功能详解:LTR-303ALS-01能够根据环境光线强度变化输出相应的模拟信号或数字信号。

6. 应用信息:适用于自动调光、节能照明、智能穿戴等领域。

7. 封装信息:采用SMD封装方式,具体尺寸和形状需参考详细规格书。
LTR-303ALS-01 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.62290


      •  国内价格
      • 1+3.06080
      • 10+2.43710
      • 30+2.17140
      • 100+1.83650
      • 500+1.65170
      • 1000+1.55930


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+5.037801+0.60990
      • 10+3.9183010+0.47440
      • 500+3.51010500+0.42500
      • 1000+3.358501000+0.40660
      • 2500+3.102002500+0.37550
      • 5000+2.950405000+0.35720
      • 10000+2.8804010000+0.34870
      • 25000+2.7988025000+0.33880


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 1+6.528881+0.77408
      • 5+5.733975+0.67984
      • 10+5.4350810+0.64440
      • 25+5.0810825+0.60243
      • 50+4.8377350+0.57358
      • 100+4.61547100+0.54723
      • 500+4.17000500+0.49441
      • 1000+4.004431000+0.47478


      •  国内价格 香港价格
      • 3500+3.739483500+0.44337
      • 7000+3.609877000+0.42800
      • 10500+3.5390710500+0.41960
      • 17500+3.4548517500+0.40962
      • 24500+3.4022324500+0.40338


        •  国内价格 香港价格
        • 3500+3.932103500+0.46620
        • 7000+3.838487000+0.45510


        •  国内价格 香港价格
        • 16+2.9202816+0.34624


          •  国内价格
          • 1+2.86200
          • 10+2.27880
          • 30+2.03040
          • 100+1.71720
          • 500+1.54440
          • 1000+1.45800


          •  国内价格 香港价格
          • 3500+2.956843500+0.35057
          • 7000+2.834117000+0.33602
          • 10500+2.7897210500+0.33076
          • 17500+2.7627417500+0.32756
          • 24500+2.7340124500+0.32416


          •  国内价格
          • 10+3.35730
          • 100+2.51100
          • 500+1.94670
          • 2500+1.41060
          • 12500+1.26960
