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    8104 - Gigabit Ethernet Controller - LSI Computer Systems

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8104 数据手册
TECHNICAL MANUAL 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller November 2001 ® This document contains proprietary information of LSI Logic Corporation. The information contained herein is not to be used by or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of an officer of LSI Logic Corporation. Document DB14-000123-04, Fourth Edition (November 2001) This document describes revision/release 1 of the LSI Logic Corporation 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller and will remain the official reference source for all revisions/releases of this product until rescinded by an update. LSI Logic Corporation reserves the right to make changes to any products herein at any time without notice. LSI Logic does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by LSI Logic; nor does the purchase or use of a product from LSI Logic convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual property rights of LSI Logic or third parties. Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Portions TRADEMARK ACKNOWLEDGMENT The LSI Logic logo design is a registered trademark of LSI Logic Corporation. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective companies. IF To receive product literature, visit us at http://www.lsilogic.com. For a current list of our distributors, sales offices, and design resource centers, view our web page located at http://www.lsilogic.com/contacts/na_salesoffices.html ii Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Preface This book is the primary reference and technical manual for the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. It contains a complete functional description and includes complete physical and electrical specifications for the 8101/8104. The 8104 is functionally the same as the 8101, except that the 8104 is in a 208-pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) package and the 8101 is in a 208-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) package Audience This document assumes that you have some familiarity with application specific integrated circuits and related support devices. The people who benefit from this book are: • • Engineers and managers who are evaluating the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller for possible use in a system Engineers who are designing the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller into a system Organization This document has the following chapters: • Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller, its basic features and benifits. This chapter also describes the differences between the 8101 and 8104. Chapter 2, Functional Description, provides a high level description of the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. • 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. iii • Chapter 3, Signal Descriptions, provides a description of the signals used and generated by the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. Chapter 4, Registers, provides a description of the register addresses and definitions. Chapter 5, Application Information, provides application considerations. Chapter 6, Specifications, describes the specifications of the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. • • • Abbreviations Used in This Manual 100BASE-FX 100BASE-TX 10BASE-T 4B5B BGA CLK CRC CRS CSMA CWRD DA ECL EOF ESD FCS FDX FEF FLP FX HDX HIZ I/G IETF IPG IREF L/T LSB 100 Mbit/s Fiber Optic Ethernet 100 Mbit/s Twisted-Pair Ethernet 10 Mbit/s Twisted-Pair Ethernet 4-Bit 5-Bit Ball Grid Array Clock Cyclic Redundancy Check Carrier Sense Carrier Sense Multiple Access Codeword Destination Address Emitter-Coupled Logic End of Frame End of Stream Delimiter Frame Check Sequence Full-Duplex Far End Fault Fast Link Pulse Fiber Half-Duplex High Impedance Individual/Group Internet Engineering Task Force Interpacket Gap Reference Current Length and Type Least Significant Bit iv Preface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. MIB MLT3 MSB mV NLP NRZI NRZ OP PCB pF PRE R/LH R/LHI R/LL R/LLI R/LT R/LTI R/WSC RFC RJ-45 RMON SA SFD SNMP SOI Split-32 SSD STP TP µH µP UTP Management Information Base Multilevel Transmission (3 levels) Most Significant Bit millivolt Normal Link Pulse Nonreturn to Zero Inverted Nonreturn to Zero Opcode Printed Circuit Board picofarad Preamble Read Latched High Read Latched High with Interrupt Read Latched Low Read Latched Low with Interrupt Read Latched Transition Read Latched Transition with Interrupt Read/Write Self Clearing Request for Comments Registered Jack-45 Remote Monitoring Start Address or Station Address Start of Frame Delimiter Simple Network Management Protocol Start of Idle Independent 32-bit input and output busses; one for transmit and one for receive Start of Stream Delimiter Shielded Twisted Pair Twisted Pair microHenry microprocessor Unshielded Twisted Pair Conventions Used in This Manual The first time a word or phrase is defined in this manual, it is italicized. Preface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. v The word assert means to drive a signal true or active. The word deassert means to drive a signal false or inactive. Signals that are active LOW end in an “n.” Hexadecimal numbers are indicated by the prefix “0x” —for example, 0x32CF. Binary numbers are indicated by the prefix “0b” —for example, 0b0011.0010.1100.1111. vi Preface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Contents CChapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Features Functional Description 2.1 Overview 2.2 Transmit Data Path 2.3 Receive Data Path 2.4 Register Structure 2.5 Ethernet Frame Format 2.5.1 Preamble and SFD 2.5.2 Destination Address 2.5.3 Source Address 2.5.4 Length/Type Field 2.5.5 Data 2.5.6 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) 2.5.7 Interpacket Gap (IPG) 2.6 System Interface 2.6.1 Data Format and Bit Order 2.6.2 Transmit Timing 2.6.3 Receive Timing 2.6.4 Bus Width 2.6.5 System Interface Disable 2.7 Transmit MAC 2.7.1 Preamble and SFD Generation 2.7.2 AutoPad 2.7.3 CRC Generation 2.7.4 Interpacket Gap 2.7.5 MAC Control Frame Generation 1-1 1-2 Chapter 2 2-2 2-2 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-11 2-14 2-14 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-15 2-16 2-17 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. vii 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 Receive MAC 2.8.1 Preamble and SFD Stripping 2.8.2 CRC Stripping 2.8.3 Unicast Address Filter 2.8.4 Multicast Address Filter 2.8.5 Broadcast Address Filter 2.8.6 Reject or Accept All Packets 2.8.7 Frame Validity Checks 2.8.8 Maximum Packet Size 2.8.9 MAC Control Frame Check Transmit FIFO 2.9.1 AutoSend 2.9.2 Watermarks 2.9.3 TX Underflow 2.9.4 TX Overflow 2.9.5 Link Down FIFO Flush Receive FIFO 2.10.1 Watermarks 2.10.2 RX Overflow 2.10.3 RX Underflow 8B10B PCS 2.11.1 8B10B Encoder 2.11.2 8B10B Decoder 2.11.3 Start of Packet 2.11.4 End Of Packet 2.11.5 Idle 2.11.6 Receive Word Synchronization 2.11.7 AutoNegotiation 10-Bit PHY Interface 2.12.1 Data Format and Bit Order 2.12.2 Transmit 2.12.3 Receive 2.12.4 Lock To Reference 2.12.5 PHY Loopback 2.12.6 Signal Detect 2.12.7 TBC Disable Packet Discard 2.13.1 Transmit Discards 2-17 2-17 2-17 2-18 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-20 2-21 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-23 2-24 2-24 2-24 2-25 2-25 2-25 2-26 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-30 2-31 2-31 2-31 2-32 2-32 2-32 2-33 2-33 2-33 2-34 2-34 2-34 viii Contents Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 Chapter 3 2.13.2 Receive Discards 2.13.3 Discard Output Indication 2.13.4 AutoClear Mode 2.13.5 AutoAbort Mode Receive Status Word 2.14.1 Format 2.14.2 Append Options 2.14.3 Status Word for Discarded Packets 2.14.4 Status Word for RXABORT Packets AutoNegotiation 2.15.1 Next Page 2.15.2 Negotiation Status 2.15.3 AutoNegotiation Restart 2.15.4 AutoNegotiation Enable 2.15.5 Link Indication Flow Control MAC Control Frames 2.17.1 Automatic Pause Frame Generation 2.17.2 Transmitter Pause Disable 2.17.3 Pass Through to FIFO 2.17.4 Reserved Multicast Address Disable 2.17.5 MAC Control Frame AutoSend Reset Counters 2.19.1 Counter Half Full 2.19.2 Counter Reset On Read 2.19.3 Counter Rollover 2.19.4 Counter Maximum Packet Size 2.19.5 Counter Reset Loopback Test Modes 2-35 2-36 2-36 2-36 2-37 2-37 2-38 2-38 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-41 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-42 2-43 2-44 2-44 2-46 2-46 2-46 2-47 2-57 2-57 2-58 2-58 2-58 2-59 2-59 Signal Descriptions 3.1 System Interface Signals 3.2 10-Bit PHY Interface Signals 3.3 Register Interface Signals 3.4 Micellaneous Signals 3-3 3-7 3-8 3-9 Contents Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. ix 3.5 Chapter 4 Power Supply Signals 3-10 Registers 4.1 Register 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 Register 4.3 Register 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 4.3.10 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 4.3.14 4.3.15 4.3.16 4.3.17 4.3.18 4.3.19 4.3.20 4.3.21 4.3.22 4.3.23 4.3.24 4.3.25 Interface Bit Types Interrupt Register Structure Addresses Definitions Register 0–MAC Address 1 Register 1–MAC Address 2 Register 2–MAC Address 3 Register 3–MAC Address Filter 1 Register 4–MAC Address Filter 2 Register 5–MAC Address Filter 3 Register 6–MAC Address Filter 4 Register 7–Configuration 1 Register 8–Configuration 2 Register 9–Configuration 3 Register 10–Configuration 4 Register 11–Status 1 Register 14–Status Mask 1 Register 17–Transmit FIFO Threshold Register 18–Receive FIFO Threshold Register 19–Flow Control 1 Register 20–Flow Control 2 Register 21–AutoNegotiation Base Page Transmit Register 22–AutoNegotiation Base Page Receive Register 23–AutoNegotiation Next Page Transmit Register 24–AutoNegotiation Next Page Receive Register 32–Device ID Register 112–115–Counter Half Full 1−4 Registers 120–123–Counter Half Full Mask 1−4 Registers 128−233–Counter 1−53 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-11 4-11 4-12 4-12 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-14 4-15 4-17 4-19 4-22 4-23 4-25 4-26 4-27 4-28 4-29 4-30 4-31 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 4-36 4-37 x Contents Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Chapter 5 Application Information 5.1 Typical Ethernet Port 5.2 10-Bit PHY Interface 5.2.1 External Physical Layer Devices 5.2.2 Printed Circuit Board Layout 5.3 System Interface 5.3.1 Watermarks 5.3.2 PCB Layout 5.4 Reset 5.5 Loopback 5.6 AutoNegotiation 5.6.1 AutoNegotiation at Power Up 5.6.2 Negotiating with a Non-AutoNegotiation Capable Device 5.7 Management Counters 5.8 TX Packet and Octet Counters 5.9 Power Supply Decoupling Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 6.2 DC Electrical Characteristics 6.3 AC Electrical Characteristics 6.4 8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings 6.5 Package Mechanical Dimensions Customer Feedback 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-3 5-3 5-3 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-9 5-16 5-16 Chapter 6 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-17 6-21 Contents Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. xi xii Contents Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figures 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 8101/8104 Block Diagram Ethernet MAC Frame Format Frame Formats and Bit Ordering Little Endian vs. Big Endian Format RXSOF/RXEOF Position AutoNegotiation Data Format Autogenerated Pause Frame Format 8101/8104 Interface Diagram Gigabit Ethernet Switch Port Using the 8101/8104 Decoupling Recommendations Input Clock Timing Transmit System Interface Timing Receive System Interface Timing Receive System Interface RXABORT Timing Receive System Interface RXOEn Timing System Interface RXDC/TXDC Timing Transmit 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Receive 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Register Interface Timing (Excluding Counter Read Cycle) Register Interface Timing, Counter Read Cycle (of the Same Counter) Register Interface Timing, Counter Read Cycle (Between Different Counters) 8101 208-Pin PQFP Pinout 8104 208-Pin BGA Pinout 208-Pin PQFP Mechanical Drawing 208 mini-BGA (HG) Mechanical Drawing 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-9 2-13 2-39 2-45 3-2 5-2 5-17 6-4 6-6 6-8 6-9 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-14 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-19 6-21 6-22 xiii Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. xiv Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Tables 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Length/Type Field Definition Byte Enable Pin vs. Valid Byte Position TXRC Bit and TXCRCn Pin Logic Transmit IPG Selection Multicast Address Filter Map Receive Maximum Packet Size Selection 8B10B Coding Table 10B Defined Ordered Sets Transmit Discard Conditions Receive Discard Conditions Receive Status Word Definition AutoNegotiation Status Bits Reset Description Counter Definition Counter Maximum Packet Size Selection Register Bit Type Definition Register Addresses Register Default Values Compatible SerDes Devices Reset Procedure SerDes Loopback Procedure AutoNegotiation Power Up Procedure MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for RMON Statistics Group MIB (RFC 1757) MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for SNMP Interface Group MIB (RFC 1213 and 1573) MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for Ethernet-Like Group MIB (RFC 1643) MIB Objects vs. Counter Location For Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z, Clause 30) DC Electrical Characteristics Input Clock Timing Characteristics Transmit System Interface Timing Characteristics Receive System Interface Timing Characteristics System Interface RXDC/TXDC Timing Characteristics Transmit 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Characteristics 2-8 2-10 2-16 2-16 2-19 2-21 2-27 2-28 2-34 2-35 2-37 2-41 2-47 2-49 2-58 4-3 4-4 4-10 5-3 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-10 5-11 5-13 5-14 6-2 6-4 6-5 6-7 6-10 6-11 xv Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Receive 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Characteristics Register Interface Timing Characteristics 8101 208-Pin PQFP Pin List (Alphabetical Listing) 8104 208-Pin BGA Pin List (Alphabetical Listing) 6-12 6-13 6-18 6-21 xvi Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter contains a brief introduction to the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. It consists of the following sections: • • Section 1.1, “Overview” Section 1.2, “Features” 1.1 Overview The 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller is a complete media access controller (MAC sublayer) with integrated coding logic for fiber and short haul copper media (8 bit/10 bit Physical Coding Sublayer) (8B10B PCS) for 1000 Mbits/s Gigabit Ethernet systems. The 8104 is functionally the same as the 8101 except that the 8104 is in a 208-pin Ball Grid Array (BGA) package and the 8101 is in a 208-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) package The Controller consists of a 32-bit system interface, receive/transmit First In, First Out (FIFO) buffers, a full-duplex Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC), an 8 bit/10 bit PCS, a 10-bit Physical Layer Device (PHY) interface, and a 16-bit register interface. The controller also contains all the necessary circuitry to implement the IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Algorithm. Flow control messages can be sent automatically without host intervention. The controller contains 53 counters which satisfy the management objectives of the Remote Monitoring (RMON) Statistics Group MIB, (RFC 1757), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Interfaces Group (RFC 1213 and 1573), Ethernet-Like Group MIB (RFC 1643), and Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z Clause 30). The controller also contains 136 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 1-1 internal 16-bit registers that can be accessed through the register interface. These registers contain configuration inputs, status outputs, and management counter results. The 8101/8104 is ideal as an Ethernet controller for Gigabit Ethernet switch ports, uplinks, backbones, and adapter cards. 1.2 Features The 8101/8104 provides the following features. • • • • • • • • Pin-compatible upgrade of 8100 Combined Ethernet MAC and 8B10B PCS 1000 Mbits/s data rate 64-bit, 66 MHz external bus interface (4 Gbits/s bandwidth) 10-bit interface to external SerDes chip 16-bit interface to internal registers and management counters Full RMON, SNMP, and Ethernet management counter support Independent receive and transmit FIFOs with programmable watermarks – – 16 Kbytes receive FIFO size 4 Kbytes transmit FIFO size • • • • • • • • • • AutoNegotiation algorithm on chip Full duplex only Flow control per IEEE 802.3x Automatic CRC generation and checking Automatic packet error discarding Programmable transmit start threshold Interrupt capability Support for fiber and short haul copper media 3.3 V power supply, 5 V tolerant inputs IEEE 802.3 and 802.3z specification compliant 1-2 Introduction Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Chapter 2 Functional Description This chapter provides a high level description of the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller and consists of the following sections: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Section 2.1, “Overview” Section 2.2, “Transmit Data Path” Section 2.3, “Receive Data Path” Section 2.4, “Register Structure” Section 2.5, “Ethernet Frame Format” Section 2.6, “System Interface” Section 2.7, “Transmit MAC” Section 2.8, “Receive MAC” Section 2.9, “Transmit FIFO” Section 2.10, “Receive FIFO” Section 2.11, “8B10B PCS” Section 2.12, “10-Bit PHY Interface” Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” Section 2.14, “Receive Status Word” Section 2.15, “AutoNegotiation” Section 2.16, “Flow Control” Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames” Section 2.18, “Reset” Section 2.19, “Counters” Section 2.20, “Loopback” Section 2.21, “Test Modes” 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-1 2.1 Overview The 8101/8104 is a complete Media Access Controller (MAC) sublayer with integrated coding logic for fiber and short haul copper media (8B10B PCS sublayer) for 1000 Mbits/s Gigabit Ethernet systems. The controller has seven main sections: • • • • • • • System interface FIFOs MAC 8B10B PCS 10-bit PHY interface Register interface. Management counters A block diagram is shown in Figure 2.1. The controller has a transmit data path and a receive data path. The transmit data path goes in the system interface and out the 10-bit PHY interface, as shown in the top half of Figure 2.1. The receive data path goes in the 10-bit PHY interface and out the system interface, as shown in the bottom half of Figure 2.1. 2.2 Transmit Data Path Data is input to the system from an external bus. The data is then sent to the transmit FIFO. The transmit FIFO provides temporary storage of the data until it is sent to the MAC transmit section. The transmit MAC formats the data into an Ethernet packet according to IEEE 802.3 specification as shown in Figure 2.2. The transmit MAC also generates MAC control frames and includes logic for AutoNegotiation. The Ethernet frame packet is then sent to the 8B10B PCS. The 8B10B PCS encodes the data and adds appropriate framing delimiters to create 10-bit symbols as specified in IEEE 802.3 and shown in Figure 2.3. The 10-bit symbols are then sent to the 10-bit PHY interface for transmission to an external PHY device. 2-2 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 2.1 RESETn SCLK TXENn TXD[31:0] TXBE[3:0] TXSOF TXEOF TXWM1n TXWM2n TXDC CLR_TXDC TXCRCn FCNTRL RXENn RXD[31:0] RXBE[3:0] RXSOF RXEOF RXWM1 RXWM2 RXDC CLR_RXDC RXABORT RXOEn 8101/8104 Block Diagram TCLK MAC 8B10B PCS 2-3 Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Transmit FIFO CRC Generator Packet Generator 8B10B Encoder Transmit TX[9:0] TBC Functional Description MAC Control Frame Gen. System Interface Transmit Receive Transmit Receive 10-Bit PHY Interface EWRAP LCK_REFn MAC Control Frame Check Address Filter Receive FIFO CRC Check Link Configuration EN_CDET Receive Sync. REGCLK REGCSn REGD[15:0] REGAD[7:0] REGRDn REGWRn REGINT Packet Decompose Register Interface & Registers Management Counters 8B10B Decoder RX[0:9] Receive RBC[1:0] LINKn SD Figure 2.2 Ethernet MAC Frame Format a. Frame Format 7 Bytes 1 Byte Preamble Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD) Destination Address (DA) Source Address (SA) Length/Type (L/T) Data Frame Check Sequence (FCS) 6 Bytes See Below 6 Bytes 2 Bytes 46–1500 Bytes 4 Bytes Bytes Within Frame Transmitted Top to Bottom A0 LSB A7 MSB Bits Within Frame Transmitted Left to Right b. Address Field Format A0 A47 Bits in Registers 0–2 I/G U/L 40-Bit Address 1 = Multicast or Broadcast 0 = Unicast 1 = Broadcast 0 = Multicast 2-4 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 2.3 Frame Formats and Bit Ordering System Interface MAC 10-Bit PHY Interface [5] PRE SFD 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101011 DA [0:7] DA [8:15] DA [16:23] DA [24:31] DA [32:39] DA [40:47] SA [0:7] SA [8:15] SA [16:23] SA [24:31] SA [32:39] SA [40:47] LT [0:7] LT [8:15] DATA[0:7] DATA[8:15] DATA[16:23] DATA[24:31] DA TXD[0] RXD[0] SOF [3] TXD[31] RXD[31] DA[16:23] SA[0:7] SA[32:39] DATA[0:7] DA[24:31] SA[8:15] SA[40:47] DATA[7:15] /I2/ /I2/ /S/ D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.6 [7] DA[0:7] DA[8:15] DA[32:39] DA[40:47] SA[16:23] SA[24:31] LT[0:7] LT[8:16] DATA[16:23] DATA[24:31] SA L/T FCS[31:24] FCS[23:16] FCS[7:0] INVALID STATUS WORD [1] MSB EOF [2] FCS[15:8] LSB DATA [6] FCS FCS[31:24] FCS[23:16] FCS[15:8] FCS[7:0] /T/ /R/ /R/ /I1/ or /I2/ /I2/ /I2/ Notes: [1] Status word on receive only is programmable [2] EOF position is programmable [3] Little endian format (default) [4] Second /R/ added only if transmit packet ends on odd number of bytes [5] XMT preamble appended Receive preamble stripped [6] XMT CRC not appended Receive CRC not stripped [7] < > Means 10B encoded [8] /I1/ or /I2/, depends on running disparity [4] [8] PCS 8B ABCDEFGH LSB Bytes Transmitted MSB abcdefghij TX[0] RX[0] PCS 10B TX[9] 10-Bit RX[9] PHY Interface Bits Transmitted Transmit Data Path Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-5 2.3 Receive Data Path The 10-bit PHY interface receives incoming encoded data from an external PHY device. The incoming encoded data must be encoded in the 10-bit PHY format specified in IEEE 802.3z, as shown in Figure 2.3. The incoming encoded data is then sent to the receive 8B10B PCS block, which strips off the framing delimiters, decodes the data, and converts the encoded data into an Ethernet packet according to the IEEE 802.3 specifications, as shown in Figure 2.2. The Ethernet packet data is then sent to the receive MAC section. The receive MAC section disassembles the packet, checks the validity of the packet against certain error criteria and address filters, and checks for MAC control frames. The receive MAC then sends valid packets to the receive FIFO. The receive FIFO provides temporary storage of data until it is demanded by the system interface. The system interface outputs the data to an external bus. 2.4 Register Structure The controller has 136 internal 16-bit registers. 22 registers are available for setting configuration inputs and reading status outputs. The remaining 114 registers are associated with the management counters. The register interface is a separate internal register bidirectional 16 bit data bus to set configuration inputs, read status outputs, and access management counters. The location of all registers is described in the Register Addressing Table in Section 4.2, “Register Addresses”. The description of each bit for each register is described in Section 4.3.1 through Section 4.3.25. 2.5 Ethernet Frame Format Information in an Ethernet network is transmitted and received in packets or frames. The basic function of the controller is to process Ethernet frames. An Ethernet frame is defined in IEEE 802.3 and consists of a preamble, start of frame delimiter (SFD), destination address (DA), 2-6 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. source address (SA), length/type field (L/T), data, frame check sequence (FCS), and interpacket gap (IPG). The format for the Ethernet frame is shown in Figure 2.2. An Ethernet frame is specified by IEEE 802.3 to have a minimum length of 64 bytes and a maximum length of 1518 bytes, exclusive of the preamble and SFD. Packets that are less than 64 bytes or greater than 1518 bytes are referred to as undersize and oversize packets, respectively. 2.5.1 Preamble and SFD The preamble and SFD is a combined 64-bit field consisting of 62 alternating ones and zeros followed by a 0b11 end of preamble indicator. The first 56-bits of ones and zeros are considered to be the preamble, and the last 8 bits (0b10101011) are considered to be the SFD. 2.5.2 Destination Address The destination address is a 48-bit field containing the address of the station(s) to which the frame is directed. The format of the address field is the same as defined in IEEE 802.3 and shown in Figure 2.2 b. The destination address can be either a unicast address to a specific station, a multicast address to a group of stations, or a broadcast address to all stations. The first and second bits determine whether an address is unicast, multicast or broadcast, and the remaining 46 bits are the actual address bits, as shown in Figure 2.2 b. 2.5.3 Source Address The source address is a 48-bit field containing the specific station address from which the frame originated. The format of the address field is the same as defined in IEEE 802.3 and shown in Figure 2.2 b. 2.5.4 Length/Type Field The 16-bit length/type field takes on the meaning of either packet length or packet type, depending on its numeric value, as described in Table 2.1. Ethernet Frame Format Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-7 Table 2.1 Length/Type Field Value (Decimal) 0−1500 1501−1517 ≥ 1518 Length/Type Field Definition Length or Type Length Neither Type Definition Total number of bytes in data field minus any padding Undefined Frame type 2.5.5 Data The data is a 46–1500 byte field containing the actual data to be transmitted between two stations. If the actual data is less than 46 bytes, extra zeros are added to increase the data field to the 46 byte minimum size. Adding these extra zeros is referred to as padding. 2.5.6 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) The FCS is a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value computed on the entire frame, exclusive of preamble and SFD. The FCS algorithm is defined in IEEE 802.3. The FCS is appended to the end of the frame and determines frame validity. 2.5.7 Interpacket Gap (IPG) The IPG is the time interval between packets. The minimum IPG value is 96 bits, where 1 bit = 1 ns for Gigabit Ethernet. There is no maximum IPG limit. 2.6 System Interface The system interface is a 64-bit wide data interface consisting of separate 32-bit data busses for transmit and receive. 2.6.1 Data Format and Bit Order The format of the data word on TXD[31:0] and RXD[31:0] and its relationship to the MAC frame format and 10-bit PHY interface format is 2-8 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. shown in Figure 2.3. Note that the controller can be programmed to append an additional 32-bit status word to the end of the receive packet. Refer to Section 2.14, “Receive Status Word,” for more details on this status word. To program the byte ordering of the TXD and RXD data bits, set the endian bit in “Register 10–Configuration 4‚" Section 4.3.11. The byte order shown in Figure 2.4 is with the little endian format mode (default). If the controller is placed in big endian format, the byte order shown in Figure 2.4 is reversed, DA[0:7] occurs on pins RXD[24:31], DA[24:31] occurs on pins RXD[0:7]and so on. The endian bit affects all bytes in the frame including the receive status word (if appended). The difference between little endian and big endian format is illustrated in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4 Little Endian vs. Big Endian Format TXD[8] . . . TXD[15] RXD[8] . . . RXD[15] Little Endian (Default) TXD[0] . . . TXD[7] RXD[0] . . . RXD[7] TXD[24] . . . TXD[31] RXD[2]4 . . . RXD[31] TXD[8] . . . TXD[15] RXD[8] . . . RXD[15] TXD[16] . . . RXD[16] . . . TXD[16] . . . TXD[23] RXD[16] . . . RXD[23] TXD[0] . . . TXD[7] RXD[0] . . . RXD[7] Preamble DA0 . .. . . DA7 DA8 . . . . DA15 DA16 . . . DA23 DA24 . . . DA31 DA32 . . . DA39 DA40 . . . DA47 Source Address Big Endian TXD[24] . . . TXD[31] RXD[24] . . . RXD[31] TXD[8] . . . TXD[15] RXD[8] . . . RXD[15] TXD[24] . . . TXD[31] RXD[24] . . . RXD[31] TXD[15] . . . RXD[15]] . . . TXD[16]. . . TXD[23] RXD[16] . . . RXD[23] TXD[0] . . . TXD[7] RXD[0] . . . RXD[7] TXD[16] . . . TXD[23] RXD[16] . . . RXD[23] 2.6.2 Transmit Timing The transmit portion of the system interface consists of 45 signals: 32 transmit data input bits (TXD[31:0]), one transmit enable (TXENn), four transmit byte enable inputs (TXBE[3:0]), two transmit start of frame and end of frame inputs (TXSOF and TXEOF), two transmit FIFO watermark outputs (TXWM1n and TXWM2n), one transmit discard output (TXDC), one transmit discard clear input (CLR_TXDC), one transmit CRC enable input (TXCRCn), and one flow control enable input (FCNTRL). All receive and transmit data is clocked in and out on the rising edge of the system clock, SCLK. SCLK must operate between 33–66 MHz. The SCLK input needs to be continuously input to the controller at 33–66 MHz. When TXENn is deasserted, the transmit interface is not selected and subsequently, the controller accepts no input data from the System Interface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-9 transmit system interface inputs. When TXENn is asserted, a data word on the TXD[31:0] input is clocked into the transmit FIFO on each rising edge of the SCLK clock input. Multiple packets may be clocked in on one TXENn assertion. The TXD[31:0] input data is a 32-bit wide packet data whose format and relationship to the MAC packet and 10-bit PHY data is described in Figure 2.3. The TXBE[3:0] pins determine which bytes of the 32-bit TXD[31:0] data word contain valid data. TXBE[3:0] are clocked in on the rising edge of SCLK along with each TXD[31:0] data word. The correspondence between the byte enable inputs and the valid bytes of each data word on TXD[31:0] is defined in Table 2.2. Any logic combination of TXBE[3:0] inputs is allowed, with the one exception that TXBE[3:0] must not be 0b0000 on the SCLK cycle when TXSOF or TXEOF is asserted. Table 2.2 Byte Enable Pin vs. Valid Byte Position Valid Bytes on TXD[31:0]/RXD[31:0] Pins TXD[31:24]/RXD[31:24] TXD[23:16]/RXD[23:16] TXD[15:8]/RXD[15:8] TXD[7:0]/RXD[7:0] TXBE[3:0]/RXBE[3:0] Byte Enable Pins TXBE[3]/RXBE[3] Asserted TXBE[2]/RXBE[2] Asserted TXBE[1]/RXBE[1] Asserted TXBE[0]/RXBE[0] Asserted The TXSOF and TXEOF signals indicate to the controller which data words start and end the Ethernet data packet, respectively. These signals are input on the same SCLK rising edge as the first and last word of the data packet. The TXWM1n and TXWM2n signals indicate when the transmit FIFO has exceeded the programmable watermark thresholds. The controller asserts the watermarks on the rising edge of SCLK, depending on the fullness of the transmit FIFO. Refer to Section 2.9, “Transmit FIFO,” for more details on these watermarks. 2-10 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. TXDC is a transmit packet discard output. TXDC is asserted every time the transmission of the packet being input on the system interface was halted and the packet discarded due to some error. This signal is latched HIGH. It is cleared when the clearing signal, CLR_TXDC, is asserted or cleared automatically if the controller is placed in the AutoClear mode. See Section 2.13, “Packet Discard,” for more details on discards and TXDC. TXCRCn is an input that can enable the internal generation and appending of the 4-byte CRC value onto the end of the data packet. TXCRCn is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK and has to be asserted at the beginning of the packet, coincident with TXSOF, to remove or add the CRC to that packet. Setting the transmit CRC enable bit (TXCRC) in the Configuration 1 register also enables CRC generation. Refer to Section 2.7.3, “CRC Generation” for more details on CRC generation and the interaction between TXCRCn and the TXCRC bit. FCNTRL is an input that causes the automatic generation and transmission of a MAC control pause frame. FCNTRL is input on the rising edge of SCLK. See Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames,” for more details about this feature. 2.6.3 Receive Timing The receive portion of the system interface consists of 45 signals: • • • • • • • • • 32 receive output data bits (RXD[31:0]) One receive enable input (RXENn) Four receive byte enable outputs (RXBE[3:0]) One receive start of frame and one end of frame outputs (RXSOF and RXEOF) Two receive FIFO watermark outputs (RXWM1 and RXWM2) One receive discard output (RXDC) One receive discard clear input (CLR_RXDC) One receive packet abort input (RXABORT) One receive output enable (RXOEn) All receive and transmit data is clocked in and out with the system clock, SCLK, which must operate between 33–66 MHz. System Interface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-11 The SCLK input must continuously operate at 33–66 MHz. When RXENn is deasserted, the receive interface is not selected and, subsequently, no data from the receive FIFO can be output over the system interface. If the receive watermarks RXWM1 and RXWM2 are asserted while RXENn is deasserted, the next data word from the receive FIFO appears on the RXD[31:0] outputs until RXENn is asserted. When RXENn is asserted, a data word from the receive FIFO is clocked out onto the RXD[31:0] outputs after each rising edge of the SCLK input. After the entire packet has been clocked out, no more data is clocked out on RXD[31:0] until RXENn is deasserted and reasserted, which allows extra dribble SCLK clock cycles to occur after the end of the packet. RXD[31:0] output data is a 32-bit wide packet data whose format and relationship to the MAC packet and 10-bit PHY data is described in Figure 2.3. The RXBE[3:0] signals determine which bytes of the 32-bit RXD[31:0] data word contain valid data. RXBE[3:0] are clocked out on the rising edge of SCLK along with each RXD[31:0] data word. Note that RXBE[3:0] = 0b1111 for all words of the packet except the last word, which may end on any one of the 4-byte boundaries of the 32-bit data word. The correspondence between the byte enable inputs and the valid data bytes of each data word on RXD[31:0] is defined in Table 2.2. The RXSOF and RXEOF signals indicate which words start and end the Ethernet data packet, respectively. These signals are generally clocked out on the same SCLK rising edge as the first and last word of the data packet, respectively. However, their exact position relative to the data packet is dependent on the programming of the PEOF bit and STSWRD[1:0] bits in Register 7, “Configuration 1”. The exact RXSOF and RXEOF position for combinations of these two bits is shown in Figure 2.5. More details about the definition of these bits can be found in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8, and more details about the status word can be found in Section 2.14, “Receive Status Word,”. 2-12 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 2.5 RXSOF/RXEOF Position RX FIFO Data 00X First Data Word SOF RXSOF/RXEOF Position Bits 7.2 – 7.0 (STSWRD [1:0], PEOF) 010 SOF 011 SOF 100 SOF 101 SOF R e s e r v e d 11X Packet Data Last Data Word Status Word Discard Status Word EOF [1] [1] EOF EOF [1] [1] EOF SOF, EOF EOF SOF, EOF Note: [1] Status words do not exist with this bit combination The RXWM1 and RXWM2 signals indicate when the receive FIFO has exceeded the programmable watermark thresholds. The watermarks are asserted or deasserted on the rising edge of SCLK, depending on the fullness of the receive FIFO. Refer to Section 2.10, “Receive FIFO,” for more details on these watermarks. RXDC is asserted every time a received packet being output over the system interface is halted and the packet discarded due to some error. This signal is latched HIGH and can be cleared by either asserting the clearing signal, CLR_RXDC, or cleared automatically if the controller is placed in the AutoClear mode. See Section 2.13, “Packet Discard,” section for more details on discards and RXDC. The RXABORT input, when asserted, discards the current packet being output on the system interface. When RXABORT is asserted, a packet is discarded and the remaining contents of that packet in the receive FIFO are flushed. The process of flushing a receive packet from the receive FIFO with the RXABORT pin requires extra SCLK cycles equal to (packet length in bytes)/8 + 6. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard,” for more information about discarded packets. Clearing the discard RXABORT enable bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to ignore the RXABORT signal. Setting the System Interface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-13 RXABORT definition bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, also programs the controller to discard either the data packet and its status word or just the data packet exclusive of the status word. The RXOEn signal, when asserted, places certain receive outputs in the high-impedance state. RXOEn affects the RXD[31:0], RXBE[3:0], RXSOF, and RXEOF output pins. 2.6.4 Bus Width Setting the BUSSIZE bit in “Register 10–Configuration 4‚" Section 4.3.11, changes the receive word width from 32-bits to 16-bits. When the bus width is configured to 16-bits, the receive system interface data outputs appear on RXD[15:0] and the data words are now 16-bits wide instead of 32-bits wide. Note: The transmit word width can be adjusted by appropriately setting the transmit byte enable inputs, TXBE[3:0], as described in Table 2.2. 2.6.5 System Interface Disable To disable the system interface, set the SINTF_DIS bit in “Register 9– Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10. When the system interface is disabled, the controller: • Places all system interface outputs in the high-impedance state (TXWMn[1:2], TXDC, RXD[31:0], RXBE[3:0], RXSOF, RXEOF, RXWM1/2, RXDC) Ignores all inputs (SCLK, TXENn, TXD[31:0], TXBE[3:0], TXSOF, TXEOF, CLR_TXDC, FCNTRL, TXCRCn, RXENn, RXOEn, CLR_RXDC, RXABORT) Transmits /C/ (see Table 2.8) ordered sets with the remote fault bits RF[1:0] = 0b10 over the 10-bit PHY interface outputs • • 2-14 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.7 Transmit MAC To generate an Ethernet MAC frame from the transmit FIFO, the transmit MAC section: • • • • Generates preamble and SFD Pads undersize packets with zeros to meet minimum packet size requirements Calculates and appends a CRC value to the packet Maintains a minimum interpacket gap Each of the above four operations can be individually disabled and altered if desired. The transmit MAC then sends the fully formed Ethernet packet to the 8B10B PCS block for encoding. The transmit MAC section also generates MAC control frames. 2.7.1 Preamble and SFD Generation The transmit MAC normally appends the preamble and SFD to the packet. To program the controller to not append the preamble and SFD to the transmit packet, clear the TXPRMBL bit in “Register 7– Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8. 2.7.2 AutoPad The transmit MAC normally AutoPads packets. AutoPadding is the process of automatically adding enough zeroes in packets with data fields less than 46 bytes to make the data field exactly 46 bytes in length which meets the 46-byte minimum data field requirement of IEEE 802.3. To program the controller to not AutoPad, clear the APAD bit in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8. 2.7.3 CRC Generation The transmit MAC normally appends the CRC value to the packet. To program the controller to not append the CRC value to the end of the packet from the transmit FIFO, assert the TXCRCn pin or clear the TXCRC bit in Register 7 “Configuration 1”, as described in Table 2.3 and as described in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8. Transmit MAC Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-15 Table 2.3 TXCRC Bit1 1 1 0 0 TXRC Bit and TXCRCn Pin Logic TXCRCn2 Pin 1 0 1 0 CRC Appended to End of Packet? Yes Yes No Yes 1. 1 = Append, 0 = No append 2. 1 = No append, 0 = Append 2.7.4 Interpacket Gap If packets from the transmit FIFO arrive at the transmit MAC sooner than the minimum IPG time the transmit MAC adds enough time between packets to equal the minimum IPG value. The default IPG time is set to 96 bits (1 bit = 1 ns).To program other values, set the transmit IPG select bits IPG[2:0] in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8, as summarized in Table 2.4. Table 2.4 IPG[2:0] Bits 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000 Transmit IPG Selection IPG Value (ns) 96 112 80 64 192 384 768 32 2 × IEEE minimum specification 4 × IEEE minimum specification 8 × IEEE minimum specification Comments IEEE minimum specification 2-16 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.7.5 MAC Control Frame Generation The transmit MAC can automatically generate and transmit MAC control pause frames, which are used for flow control. This function is described in more detail in Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames”. 2.8 Receive MAC The receive MAC section performs the following operations to disassemble Ethernet packets received from the receive 8B10B PCS section: • • • • • Strips off the preamble and SFD Strips off the CRC Checks the destination address against the address filters to determine packet validity Checks frame validity against the discard conditions Checks the length/type field for MAC control frames Each of the above operations can be individually disabled and altered, if desired. The receive MAC then sends valid packets to the receive FIFO for storage. 2.8.1 Preamble and SFD Stripping The transmit MAC normally strips the preamble and SFD from the receive packet. To program the controller to not strip the preamble and SFD set the RXPRMBL bit in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8. When this bit is set, the preamble and SFD are left in the receive packet and are stored in the receive FIFO as a part of the packet. 2.8.2 CRC Stripping The receive MAC normally strips the FCS from the receive packet. To program the controller to not strip the FCS field, set the RXCRC bit in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8. When this bit is set the last four bytes of the packet containing the CRC value are left in the receive packet and are stored in the receive FIFO as part of the packet. Receive MAC Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-17 2.8.3 Unicast Address Filter Comparing the destination address of the receive packet against the 48-bit value stored in the three MAC Address registers (registers 0, 1 and 2) filters unicast packets. When the destination address of a unicast packet matches the value stored in these registers the unicast packet is deemed valid and passed to the receive FIFO; otherwise, the packet is rejected. The correspondence between the bits in the MAC Address registers and the incoming bits in the destination address of the receive packet is defined in the MAC Address register definitions. To program the controller to always reject unicast packets, set the REJUCST bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9. When this bit is set all unicast packets are rejected regardless of their address. Unicast packet address filtering functions do not affect the reception of MAC control frames. Other bits described in Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames,” control the reception of MAC control frames. 2.8.4 Multicast Address Filter The multicast address filter function computes the CRC on the incoming Destination Address and produces a 6-bit number that is compared against the 64 values stored in the MAC Address Filter 1−4 registers (Registers 3, 4, 5, and 6). When the multicast packet destination address passes the address filter, the packet is deemed valid and passed to the receive FIFO; otherwise, the packet is rejected. The multicast address filter requires 64 address filter bits to be written into the Address Filter 1−4 registers. The multicast address filtering algorithm is as follows: 1. Compute a separate 32-bit CRC on the destination address field using the same IEEE 802.3 defined method that computes the transmit CRC. 2. Use bits [0:2] of the destination address FCS to select one of the bytes in the 64-bit address filter, as shown in Table 2.5. 3. Use bits [3:5] of the destination address FCS to select one of the bits within the byte selected in (2), as shown in Table 2.5. 2-18 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 4. If the bit selected in (3) is a "one" the destination address passes the filter; otherwise, the address fails the filter and the packet is rejected and discarded. Note: If all 64 bits of the address filter are programmed to all ones, the address filter passes all multicast addresses. Multicast Address Filter Map Address Filter Byte2 F0[7:0] F1[7:0] F2[7:0] F3[7:0] F4[7:0] F5[7:0] F6[7:0] F7[7:0] FCS Bits [3:5]1 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Address Filter Bit3 Fx[0] Fx[1] Fx[2] Fx[3] Fx[4] Fx[5] Fx[6] Fx[7] Table 2.5 FCS Bits [0:2]1 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 1. Bits 0−5 are the six least-significant bits of the CRC. 2. F[7:0] are bytes in Address Filter 1−4 Registers. 3. Fx[7:0] are bits within each byte in Address Filter 1−4 Registers. Setting the REJMCST bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to reject all multicast packets regardless of their address. When this bit is set all multicast packets are rejected regardless of their address. Multicast packet address filtering functions do not affect the reception of MAC control frames. Other bits described in Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames,” control the reception of MAC control frames. 2.8.5 Broadcast Address Filter The controller does not do any filtering on broadcast packets. To program the controller to reject all broadcast packets, set the REJBCST bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9. When this bit is set all broadcast packets are rejected regardless of their address. Receive MAC Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-19 Broadcast address filtering functions do not affect the reception of MAC control frames. Other bits described in Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames,” control the reception of MAC control frames. 2.8.6 Reject or Accept All Packets Setting the ACPTAL or REJALL bits in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to accept or reject all packets regardless of type or whether the packet passes the address filter. These bits do not affect the reception of MAC control frames. Other bits described in Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames,” control the reception of MAC control frames. 2.8.7 Frame Validity Checks The receive MAC checks the following to determine the validity of each receive packet: • • • Valid FCS Oversize packet Undersize packet Computing the CRC value on the incoming receive packet according to IEEE 802.3 specifications and comparing it against the actual CRC value in the FCS field of the received packet determines the validity of the FCS. If the values are not the same, the frame is determined to be invalid and the packet is discarded. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Clearing the DIS_CRC error bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller not to discard a packet with a bad FCS. Oversize packets are packets whose length is greater than the maximum packet size. If a received packet is an oversize packet, then the packet is determined to be invalid and is discarded. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Clearing the DIS_OSIZE bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller not to discard an oversize packet and allow packets of unlimited length. 2-20 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Undersize packets are packets whose length is less than the minimum packet size. Minimum packet size is defined to be 64 bytes, exclusive of preamble and SFD. If a received packet is an undersize packet, the frame is determined to be invalid and is discarded. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Clearing the DIS_USIZE bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller not to discard an undersize packet. 2.8.8 Maximum Packet Size The maximum packet size used for receive MAC frame validity checking is programmed to be one of four values, 1518, 1522, 1535 or unlimited bytes. Setting the RMXPKT[1:0] receive MAC maximum packet size select bits in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, and the DIS_OSIZE bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, as shown in Table 2.6. programs the controller to discard packets that exceed the maximum packet size selected. This selection is also described in the register descriptions for those registers. The bits shown in Table 2.6 affect the receive MAC section only; the maximum packet size for the management counters is described in Section 2.19, “Counters”. Table 2.6 Receive Maximum Packet Size Selection Register 9 RMXPKT [1:0] Bits xx1 0b10 0b01 0b00 Maximum Packet Size (Bytes) unlimited 1535 1522 1518 Register 8 DIS_OSIZE Bit 0b0 0b1 0b1 0b1 1. xx = Don’t Care 2.8.9 MAC Control Frame Check The length/type field is checked to detect whether the packet is a valid MAC control frame. Refer to Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames” for more details on MAC control frames. Receive MAC Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-21 2.9 Transmit FIFO The transmit FIFO acts as a temporary buffer between the system interface and transmit MAC section. The transmit FIFO size is 4 Kbytes. Data is clocked into the transmit FIFO with the 33−66 MHz system interface clock, SCLK. Data is automatically clocked out of the transmit FIFO with the 125 MHz 8B10B PCS clock whenever a full packet has been loaded into the FIFO (an EOF is written into the FIFO on the system interface), or the FIFO data exceeds the transmit FIFO AutoSend threshold. There are two programmable watermark outputs, TXWM1n and TXWM2n, which aid in managing the data flow into the transmit FIFO. 2.9.1 AutoSend The AutoSend feature causes a packet in the transmit FIFO to be automatically transmitted when data in the transmit FIFO exceeds a certain threshold. The transmit AutoSend threshold is programmable over the lower 2 Kbytes of the transmit FIFO. The AutoSend threshold can be programmed with the six TASND[5:0] bits that reside in the Transmit FIFO Threshold register. Whenever the data in the FIFO exceeds this threshold, the packet is automatically transmitted to the 8B10B PCS section and out the 10-bit PHY interface. A packet is also automatically transmitted if an EOF is written into the transmit FIFO for that packet, regardless of the AutoSend threshold setting. All of the bit settings for the transmit AutoSend threshold are evenly distributed over the lower half of the transmit FIFO range, except for the 0b000000 setting. The 0b000000 setting automatically starts transmission when the transmit FIFO is full, thus facilitating the transmission of oversize packets. Refer to “Register 17–Transmit FIFO Threshold‚" Section 4.3.14, description for more details on the AutoSend (TASND[5:0]) bit settings. 2.9.2 Watermarks There are two transmit watermarks for the transmit FIFO which are output on the TXWM1n and TXWM2n pins. These watermarks are asserted when the transmit FIFO data exceeds the thresholds associated with the watermarks. 2-22 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. The transmit watermark thresholds for TXWM1n and TXWM2n can be programmed over the entire 4 Kbyte FIFO range. Each of the watermark thresholds is independently programmed with five bits that reside in the Transmit FIFO Threshold register. Whenever the data in the FIFO exceeds the threshold of either watermark, the respective watermark pin on TXWM1n or TXWM2n is asserted LOW. The watermark signals stay asserted until the data in the FIFO goes below the respective thresholds. 2.9.3 TX Underflow The transmit FIFO underflow condition occurs when the TX FIFO is empty but the MAC is still requesting data to complete the transmission of a packet. If the transmit FIFO underflows: • • • Packet transmission to the 8B10B PCS is halted A /V/ code (see Table 2.8) is appended to the end of the partially transmitted packet Any new data for the partially transmitted packet is discarded Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. 2.9.4 TX Overflow The transmit FIFO overflow condition occurs when the TX FIFO is full but additional data is still being written into it from the system interface. If the transmit FIFO overflows: • • The input to the TX FIFO is blocked and does not accept any more data from the system interface until the TX FIFO space is freed up The data already stored in the TX FIFO for the partially loaded last packet is transmitted with a /V/ code (see Table 2.8) appended to the end of the packet to indicate an error Any new data for the partially loaded last packet is discarded • Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Transmit FIFO Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-23 2.9.5 Link Down FIFO Flush When the link is down (also referred to as link fail) and defined by either receiver has lost sync or AutoNegotiation process has not yet completed, the transmitter at the 10-bit PHY interface is occupied with sending either idle or AutoNegotiation codes (/I/ or /C/ see Table 2.8). As a result, data cannot exit the transmit FIFO to the transmit MAC section. If data continues to be input to the transmit FIFO from the system interface while the controller is in the link fail mode the transmit FIFO may overflow. Enabling the link down FIFO flush feature causes the data exiting the transmit FIFO to be automatically discarded when the controller is in the link fail mode, thus preventing any possible overflow of the transmit FIFO. Setting the Link Down FIFO Flush Enable bit (LNKDN) in “Register 10–Configuration 4‚" Section 4.3.11, enables the link down FIFO flush mode. 2.10 Receive FIFO The receive FIFO acts as a temporary buffer between the receive MAC section and system interface. The receive FIFO size is 16 Kbytes. Data is clocked into the receive FIFO with the 125 MHz 8B10B PCS clock. Data is clocked out of the receive FIFO with the 33−66 MHz system interface clock, SCLK. There are two programmable watermark outputs, RXWM1 and RXWM2, which aid in managing the data flow out of the receive FIFO. 2.10.1 Watermarks There are two watermarks for the receive FIFO. which are output on the RXWM1 and RXWM2 pins. These watermarks are asserted when the receive FIFO data exceeds the thresholds associated with the watermarks. The receive watermark thresholds for RXWM1 and RXWM2 can be programmed over the entire 16 Kbyte receive FIFO range. Each of the watermark thresholds is independently programmed with eight bits that reside in the Receive FIFO Threshold register. Whenever the data in the FIFO exceeds the threshold of either watermark, the respective watermark pin on either RXWM1 or RXWM2 is asserted HIGH. RXWM2 is also asserted if a complete packet is loaded into the receive FIFO from 2-24 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. the 8B10B PCS section. The watermarks stay asserted until the data in the FIFO goes below the respective thresholds, and RXWM2 also stays asserted until all end of packets (EOF) have been read out of the receive FIFO. After the EOFs have been read out of the receive FIFO, the watermarks cannot go active again until RXENn is deasserted. 2.10.2 RX Overflow The receive FIFO overflow condition occurs when the receive RX FIFO is full and additional data is still being written into it from the MAC. If the receive FIFO overflows: • • • The input to the RX FIFO is blocked and does not accept any more data from the 8B10B PCS until RX FIFO space is freed up The data already stored in the RX FIFO for the partially loaded last packet is normally discarded Any new data for the partially loaded last packet is also normally discarded Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Clearing the DIS_OVF bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to not discard a packet corrupted by overflow. 2.10.3 RX Underflow The receive FIFO underflow condition occurs when the system interface is attempting to read data out of the RX FIFO when it is empty. If the RX FIFO underflows, any data read out of the RX FIFO while the underflow condition persists is invalid, and any new data for the partially loaded last packet is stored in the RX FIFO and is not discarded. 2.11 8B10B PCS The 8B10B PCS has a transmit section and a receive section. The transmit 8B10B PCS section accepts Ethernet formatted packet data from the transmit MAC and: • • Encodes the data with the 8B10B encoder Adds the start of packet delimiter 8B10B PCS Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-25 • • • Adds the end of packet delimiter Adds the idle code stream Formats the packet according to the 10B PHY format defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3 The 8B10B encoded data stream is then sent to the transmit 10-bit PHY interface for transmission. The transmit 8B10B PCS section also generates the AutoNegotiation code stream when the controller is in the AutoNegotiation process. The receive 8B10B PCS section takes the 8B10B encoded packet data from the incoming 10-bit PHY interface and: • • • • • • Acquires and maintains word synchronization Strips off the start of packet delimiter Strips off the end of packet delimiter Strips off the idle code stream Decodes the data with the 8B10B decoder Converts the packet to the Ethernet packet format shown in Figure 2.2 The Ethernet packet is then sent to the receive MAC for processing. The receive 8B10B PCS section also decodes the AutoNegotiation code stream when the controller is in the AutoNegotiation process. 2.11.1 8B10B Encoder The 8B10B encoder converts each data byte of a packet into a unique 10-bit word as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Table 2.7 (in abbreviated form). 2-26 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 2.7 8B10B Coding Table 8B Bytes 10B Codes CurrentRD− abcdei fghj 100111 0100 011101 0100 101101 0100 110001 1011 . . . 001110 1110 101110 0001 011110 0001 101011 0001 CurrentRD+ abcdei fghj 011000 1011 100010 1011 010010 1011 110001 0100 . . . 001110 0001 010001 1110 100001 1110 010100 1110 Data Byte Name D0.0 D1.0 D2.0 D3.0 . . . D28.7 D29.7 D30.7 D31.7 Bits HGFEDCBA 000 00000 000 00001 000 00010 000 00011 . . . 111 11100 111 11101 111 11110 111 11111 The encoder also converts the start of packet delimiter, end of packet delimiter, idle code streams, and AutoNegotiation code streams into unique 10B code words. These unique 10B code words are referred to as ordered sets. Table 2.8 describes the ordered sets defined and used by IEEE 802.3z. The 8B10B encoder also keeps the running disparity of the outgoing 10B word as close as possible to zero. Running disparity is the difference between the number of ones and zeros transmitted on the outgoing bit stream. The algorithm for calculating running disparity is defined in 802.3z. After each 10B word is transmitted, the running disparity is recalculated. If the current running disparity is negative, the next 10B word is chosen from the "Current RD−" column in Table 2.7 (in abbreviated form). If the current running disparity is positive, the next 10B word is chosen from the "Current RD+" column in Table 2.7. 8B10B PCS Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-27 2.11.2 8B10B Decoder The 8B10B decoder performs the reverse process of the 8B10B encoder. The 8B10B decoder converts each 10-bit word back into an 8-bit byte using the code conversion tables defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Table 2.7 (in abbreviated form) and Table 2.8. The 8B10B decoder also checks the running disparity of the incoming 10B word to insure that it is correct. A PCS codeword error results if the 8B10B decoder detects any of the following: • • • A 10B word that is not valid (does not appear in Table 2.7) An ordered set that is not valid (does not appear in Table 2.8) An error in the running disparity Packets with PCS codeword errors are normally discarded. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more details on discards. Clearing the DIS_CWRD bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to not discard a packet with PCS codeword errors. Table 2.8 10B Code Symbol /C1/ 10B Defined Ordered Sets Begin RD + or End RD flip2 Description Link Configuration 1 10B Codes /K28.5/1 /D21.5/ config_word1 config_word2 /K28.5/1 /D2.2/ config_word1 config_word2 Alternating /C1/ & /C2/ /K28.5/ /D5.6/ /K28.5/ /D16.2/ /I1/ or /I2/ /C2/ Link Configuration 2 + or − same2 /C/ /I1/ /I2/ /I/ Link Configuration Idle 1 Idle 2 Idle – + – – – – – – 2-28 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 2.8 10B Code Symbol /S/ /T/ /R/ /V/ 10B Defined Ordered Sets (Cont.) Begin RD + or − + or − + or − + or − End RD same same same same Description Start of packet delimiter (SPD) End of packet delimiter (EPD) Error (void) 10B Codes /K27.7/ /K29.7/ /K23.7/ /K30.7/ 1. config_word 1/2 contain the 16-Bit AutoNegotiation data word. See the AutoNegotiation section for details. 2. RD determined on the /K/ and /D/ characters only, not the config_word. 2.11.3 Start of Packet A unique start of packet delimiter (SPD) indicates the start of a packet. The SPD consists of a single /S/ code inserted at the beginning of the packet in place of the first preamble octet, as defined in the IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3. The /S/ code is defined in Table 2.8. The transmit 8B10B PCS section inserts an /S/ code at the beginning of each transmit packet in place of the first 10B word of the preamble. The receive 8B10B PCS section constantly monitors the incoming 10B bitstream. If an /S/ code is detected, the start of packet indication is given to the receive MAC, and a preamble octet is substituted in place of the /S/ code at the beginning of the packet. If the 8B10B PCS receiver detects the transition from the idle pattern (/I/ code stream) to nonidle pattern without an intervening /S/ code, the packet is assumed to have a bad SPD. Packets with a bad SPD are normally discarded as codeword errors. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more information about discards. Clearing the DIS_CWRD bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to not discard packets with PCS codeword errors. 8B10B PCS Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-29 2.11.4 End Of Packet The End of Packet Delimiter, referred to as EPD indicates the end of a packet. The EPD consists of two codes, /T/ and /R/, inserted at the end of the packet, as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Table 2.8, and also shown in Figure 2.3. To maintain synchronization on the proper word boundaries, an outgoing packet must also have an even number of 10-bit words transmitted. If the packet has an odd number of 10-bit words transmitted after the /T/R/ codes, an extra /R/ code is inserted after the /T/R/ (now a /T/R/R/) to meet the even word requirement, as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3. The transmit 8B10B PCS section appends either the /T/R/ or /T/R/R/ codes to the end of each transmit packet. The receive 8B10B PCS section constantly monitors the incoming 10B bitstream. If the /T/R/ codes are detected, the end of packet indication is given to the receive MAC, and the /T/R/ or /T/R/R/ codes are stripped from the end of the packet. If the 8B10B PCS receiver detects the transition from the nonidle pattern to an idle pattern (/I/ code stream) without intervening /T/R/ codes, the packet is assumed to have a bad EPD. Packets with a bad EPD are discarded if the controller is so programmed. Refer to Section 2.13, “Packet Discard” for more details on discards. Clearing the DIS_CWRD bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, programs the controller to not discard packets with PCS errors. 2.11.5 Idle The interpacket gap time is filled with a continuous stream of codes referred to as the idle pattern. The idle pattern consists of a continuous stream of /I2/ codes, as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3. The running disparity during idle is defined to be negative. So, if the running disparity after the last /R/ code of a packet is positive, a single /I1/ code must be transmitted as the first idle code to make the running disparity negative. All subsequent idle codes must be /I2/, as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3. The /I1/ and /I2/ codes are defined in Table 2.8. The transmit 8B10B PCS section inserts a continuous stream of /I1/I2/I2/I2/…or /I2/I2/I2/I2/…codes between packets. 2-30 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. The receive 8B10B PCS section constantly monitors the incoming 10B bitstream. If an /I2/ or /I1/ code is detected, an end of packet indication is given to the receive MAC and the /I1/ and /I2/ codes are stripped from the packet. 2.11.6 Receive Word Synchronization In order to correctly decode the incoming encoded data, the 8B10B PCS receiver must identify the word boundaries of the incoming data stream. The process of detecting these word boundaries is referred to as word synchronization. The receiver uses a state machine compatible with the algorithm defined in IEEE 802.3z to acquire and maintain word synchronization. The comma code is used to acquire and maintain receive word synchronization, as specified by IEEE 802.3z. The comma code consists of a unique 7-bit pattern that only appears in the defined ordered sets shown in Table 2.8, and the comma code does not appear in the normal data words or across data word boundaries. When the 8B10B PCS receiver has lost word synchronization, the EN_CDET pin is asserted to signal the external PHY device. Reading the RSYNC bit in “Register 11–Status 1‚" Section 4.3.12, also determines word synchronization. 2.11.7 AutoNegotiation The AutoNegiotation algorithm uses the /C/ ordered sets, as defined in Table 2.8, to configure the link for correct operation. Refer to Section 2.15, “AutoNegotiation” for more details on this process. 2.12 10-Bit PHY Interface The 10-bit PHY interface is a standardized interface between the 8B10B PCS section and an external physical layer device. The 10-bit PHY interface meets all the requirements outlined in IEEE 802.3z. The controller can directly connect, without any external logic, to any physical layer device that also complies with the IEEE 802.3z 10-bit interface specifications. The 10-bit PHY interface frame format is defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.3. 10-Bit PHY Interface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-31 The 10-bit PHY interface consists of 26 signals as follows: • • • • • • • Ten bit transmit data output bits (TX[9:0]) Transmit clock output (TBC) Ten bit receive data input bits (RX[9:0]) Two receive clock inputs (RBC0 and RBC1) Comma detect enable output (EN_CDET) Loopback output (EWRAP) Receiver lock output (LCK_REFn) 2.12.1 Data Format and Bit Order The format and bit order of the data word on TX[9:0] and RX[9:0] and its relationship to the MAC frame and the system interface data words is shown in Figure 2.3. Note that Figure 2.3 assumes the controller is in Little Endian format (default). If the controller is in Big Endian format, the byte order of the system interface data word is reversed. See Section 2.6, “System Interface” for more details. 2.12.2 Transmit On the transmit side, the TBC output clock is generated from the TCLK input clock and runs continuously at 125 MHz. Data on TX[9:0] is clocked out of the controller on the rising edge of the TBC clock output. 2.12.3 Receive On the receive side, RX[9:0] data is clocked in on rising edges of the RBC[1:0] input clocks. RBC1 and RBC0 are required to be at a frequency of 62.5 MHz and be 180° out of phase. The data on RX[9:0] is clocked in at an effective 125 MHz using alternate rising edges of the RBC[1:0] clocks to latch in the data on RX[9:0]. The incoming data on RX[9:0] is also required to be word aligned to the RBC1 clock, (the words that contain comma codes must be clocked in with the RBC1 clock, as specified in IEEE 802.3z). 2-32 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. The comma detect output, EN_CDET, is asserted when the receiver in the 8B10B PCS section has lost word synchronization.Setting the CDET bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, also asserts EN_CDET. The EN_CDET output can be used to enable the bit synchronization process in an external physical layer device. The controller does not have a pin designated for the standardized comma detect input, COM_DET, because the receive 8B10B PCS section has all the necessary logic to acquire word synchronization from the contents of the receive data stream alone. 2.12.4 Lock To Reference Setting the LCKREFn bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, exclusively controls the LCK_REFn output. This output is typically used to enable the PLL locking process in an external physical layer device. 2.12.5 PHY Loopback Setting the EWRAP bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, exclusively controls the EWRAP output. This output is typically used to enable a loopback function in an external physical layer device. When the EWRAP pin is asserted, the signal detect input pin, SD, from an external physical layer device may be in an unknown state. To counteract this, the SD_EN bit in Register 9 “Configuration 3” should also be cleared when the EWRAP assert bit is set. 2.12.6 Signal Detect There is an additional signal detect input pin, SD, which indicates to the controller that the receive data detected on RXD[9:0] contains valid data. If SD is asserted, the input data is assumed valid and the receive 8B10B PCS section is unaffected. If SD is deasserted, the data is assumed to be invalid and the receive 8B10B PCS section is forced into the loss of sync state. Although SD is not part of the IEEE-defined 10-bit PHY interface, it is typically sourced from an external physical layer device. The controller powers up with the SD pin disabled (SD has no affect on the receive word synchronization state machine). To enable the SD pin, the SD_EN bit must be set in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10. 10-Bit PHY Interface Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-33 There is also a SD status bit in “Register 11–Status 1‚" Section 4.3.12, which reflects the state of the SD input pin. If the SD pin is HIGH the SD bit is forced to 1; if the SD pin is LOW the SD bit is also forced to 0. 2.12.7 TBC Disable The transmit side of the 10-bit PHY interface can be disabled if the TBC_DIS bit is set in “Register 10–Configuration 4‚" Section 4.3.11. When this bit is set, the TBC and TX[9:0] outputs are placed in a high-impedance state. 2.13 Packet Discard The controller can be programmed to discard receive and transmit packets when certain error conditions are detected. The detection of these error conditions can occur in the MAC, FIFO, or 8B10B PCS sections. 2.13.1 Transmit Discards Transmit packets are automatically discarded if certain error conditions are detected. These error conditions are described in Table 2.9. When a discard error is detected for a transmit packet, any remaining data for that packet being input from the system interface is ignored, a /V/ code is appended to the end of the packet to indicate an error to a remote station, and TXDC is asserted if the packet was being input from the system interface when the discard occurred. Table 2.9 Transmit Discard Conditions Description TX FIFO empty. Packet transmission to 8B10B PCS halted. Partially transmitted packet is terminated with a /V/ code, followed by normal /I/ codes. TX FIFO full. No more data accepted from the system interface. Partially transmitted packet is terminated with a /V/ code, followed by normal /I/ codes. Discard Condition Transmit FIFO Underflow Transmit FIFO Overflow 2-34 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.13.2 Receive Discards Receive packets can be discarded if the error conditions listed in Table 2.10 are detected. The discard behavior is dependent on whether or not the packet is being output on the system interface when the discard condition is detected. If the packet containing the error is not being output on the system interface when the discard condition is detected (an internal discard) the packet is discarded, (all data from the packet containing the error is flushed from the receive FIFO). If the packet containing the error is being output on the system interface when the discard condition is detected (an external discard) the RXDC pin is asserted to indicate the error condition. Asserting the RXABORT pin or setting the AUTORXAB bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, automatically discards the packet. For both internal and external discarded packets, the appended status word is updated to reflect the discard error condition. Table 2.10 Receive Discard Conditions Description Receive FIFO full. No more data accepted from the 8B10B PCS. Receive packet has a CRC error. Receive packet is less than 64 bytes, exclusive of preamble and SFD. Receive packet is greater than maximum packet size, exclusive of preamble and SFD. Receive packet contains at least one word with an 8B10BPCS coding error. Discard Condition Receive FIFO overflow CRC error Undersize packet Oversize packet PCS codeword error RXABORT pin asserted RXABORT pin was asserted while the receive packet was read out on the system interface. The process of flushing a receive packet with RXABORT pin requires extra SCLK cycles equal to: (packet length in bytes)/8 + 6. Each of the receive discard conditions can be individually removed as a discard condition by appropriately clearing the appropriate discard bit in “Register 8–Configuration 2‚" Section 4.3.9, associated with the corresponding condition. When these bits are cleared, a packet that is afflicted with the error condition indicated by that bit is not discarded. Packet Discard Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-35 The controller can be programmed to send status words for discarded packets to the receive FIFO. See Section 2.14, “Receive Status Word” for more details on status word configuration. Note: Receive FIFO underflow is not listed as a discard condition in Table 2.10, (packets are not discarded when corrupted by receive FIFO underflow). However, receive FIFO underflow does cause the assertion of RXDC. 2.13.3 Discard Output Indication When a discard condition is detected on a packet being received or transmitted over the system interface, the TXDC and RXDC output pins are asserted to indicate that the discard error was detected. TXDC and RXDC are normally latched HIGH when a discard takes place. Asserting CLR_TXDC and CLR_RXDC clearing pins, clears the TXDC and RXDC outputs. 2.13.4 AutoClear Mode Programming the controller to be in the AutoClear mode automatically self clears the TXDC and RXDC pins. To program the controller for the AutoClear mode, set the AUTOCLR bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10. When the controller is in the AutoClear mode, TXDC and RXDC are automatically cleared three SCLK cycles after the next end of packet occurs. 2.13.5 AutoAbort Mode When the AutoAbort mode is enabled the controller can also automatically abort the current packet on the system interface in the receive FIFO when a discard condition is detected and RXDC is asserted. Set the AUTORXAB bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, to enable the AutoAbort mode. 2-36 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.14 Receive Status Word A 32-bit status word can be appended to the end of each good receive data packet and stored in the receive FIFO. This status word contains a byte count and error information for the receive data packet. 2.14.1 Format The format for the status word is shown in Table 2.11. The upper sixteen bits contain the actual byte count for the packet and the lower sixteen bits contain the status information related to the packet. Note that the endian select bit affects the byte order of the status word in the same way that it affects the normal data byte order on the system interface. The byte count value in the status word (upper sixteen bits) is the total number of actual bytes in the received packet minus the preamble, SFD, and CRC bytes. The byte count is independent of whether the receive MAC has stripped the preamble or CRC. If the packet overflows the receive FIFO, the byte count stops counting at the moment that the receive FIFO overflow has been detected and the remaining bytes on the incoming packet are not counted. Table 2.11 RXD31 Receive Status Word Definition RXD16 BC[15:0] RXD15 RESERVED MPKT CWRD OSIZE USIZE OVFL RXD0 CRC Symbol BC[15:0] – MPKT Name Byte count – Multiple packet reject Codeword error Definition Contains actual byte count of the receive packet Reserved 1 = RX FIFO full and multiple consecutive packets were discarded. Status word indicates error condition for first packet of discarded group. 1 = Receive packet has PCS coding error Position on RXD[31:0]1 RXD[31:16] RXD[15:6] RXD5 CWRD RXD4 Receive Status Word Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-37 Symbol OSIZE USIZE OVFL CRC Name Oversize packet Definition Position on RXD[31:0]1 1 = Receive packet is greater than maximum size RXD3 RXD2 RXD1 RXD0 Undersize packet 1 = Receive packet is less than minimum size Receive FIFO overflow CRC error 1 = Receive FIFO is full and has received additional data 1 = Receive packet has a CRC error 1. This byte order is for little endian format. Big endian format reverses this byte order. 2.14.2 Append Options The status word is normally appended to the end of all good receive packets. However, the controller can also be programmed to store a status word in the receive FIFO for discarded packets as well as append a status word to the end of good (nondiscarded) packets. The controller can also be programmed to not append any status word at all. Setting the STSWRD [1:0] bits in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8, select the appropriate status word option. 2.14.3 Status Word for Discarded Packets When the controller is programmed to add a status word for discarded packets, only the status word is stored in the receive FIFO for each discarded packet. The status word for a discarded packet contains an indication of the error that caused the discard. If the receive FIFO is full and more than one consecutive packet was discarded, then one more status word is stored in the receive FIFO for the next consecutive group of discarded packets. A bit is set in the status word indicating that multiple status words or multiple packets have been discarded. When a status word has the multiple discard bit set, the other status bits reflect the status of the second discarded packet only. 2.14.4 Status Word for RXABORT Packets When the RXABORT pin is asserted, both the packet data and its associated status word are normally flushed from the receive FIFO. Setting the RXAB_DEF bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, programs the controller to allow the RXABORT pin to discard the packet only and leave the status word for the discarded packet in the receive FIFO. 2-38 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2.15 AutoNegotiation The AutoNegotiation algorithm is a negotiation sequence between two stations over the 10-bit PHY interface that establishes a good link between two stations, and configures both stations for the same mode of operation. The AutoNegotiation algorithm in the controller meets all specifications defined in IEEE 802.3z. AutoNegotiation uses a stream of /C/ ordered sets to pass an AutoNegotiation data word to and from a remote station. The /C/ ordered set stream consists of an alternating sequence of /C1/ and /C2/ ordered sets. The /C1/ and /C2/ ordered sets contain two unique 10B code words plus a 16-bit AutoNegotiation data word, as defined in IEEE 802.3z and shown in Figure 2.6. Figure 2.6 C2 K28.5 C1 D21.5 K28.5 C2 D2.2 C1 ABCDEFGH abcdefghij TX[0] RX[0] TX[9] RX[9] PCS 8B Codes PCS 10B Codes TX PHY. INT. RX PHY. INT. From Registers 21 – 22 From Registers 21 – 22 AutoNegotiation Data Format Note: < > Means 10B Encoded AutoNegotiation Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-39 Any of the following conditions iniatiate the AutoNegotiation algorithm: • • • • Controller reset AutoNegotiation restart bit set /C/ ordered sets received from remote end Controller reacquires receive word synchronization After a negotiation has been initiated the controller uses the contents of “Register 21–AutoNegotiation Base Page Transmit‚" Section 4.3.18, to advise a remote device of its capabilities. The remote device does the same, and the capabilities read back from the remote device are stored in the AutoNegotiation Base Page Receive register. The controller's capabilities can then be externally compared to the capabilities received from the remote device, and the device can then be configured for a compatible mode of operation. The controller also has next page capability. For a complete description of the AutoNegotiation algorithm in the controller, refer to IEEE 802.3z specification, clause 37. If the 8B10B PCS receiver has lost word synchronization, the controller needs to acquire synchronization before AutoNegotiation words can be successfully received. While it is in the loss of synchronization state, the transmitter outputs /C/ ordered sets with the remote fault bits set to RF[1:0] = 0b01 to indicate the link failure condition to the remote end. After the 8B10B PCS receiver has acquired word synchronization, the negotiation process is ready to begin. 2.15.1 Next Page The controller also has the next page capability defined in IEEE 802.3z. The next page feature allows the transfer of additional 16-bit data words between stations during a negotiation sequence in addition to the original base page message information. These additional 16-bit data words are referred to as next pages and can contain any arbitrary data. If a next page is to be transmitted, the NP bit must be set in “Register 21–AutoNegotiation Base Page Transmit‚" Section 4.3.18, to indicate this to the remote station. Conversely, if a remote station wants to send a next page to the controller, it sets the NP bit in the base page, which is stored in “Register 22–AutoNegotiation Base Page Receive‚" Section 4.3.19. The next pages to be transmitted to the remote station have to be written into “Register 23–AutoNegotiation Next Page 2-40 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Transmit‚" Section 4.3.20, in order to be transmitted. The next pages received from the remote station are stored in “Register 24– AutoNegotiation Next Page Receive‚" Section 4.3.21. Both stations must have the next page functionality for a successful next page transfer. Next page operation is complicated; refer to IEEE 802.3z for a full description of how this feature works and to Chapter 4, Registers for a description of the associated registers. There are status bits related to next page operation. See Section 2.15.2, “Negotiation Status” for details. 2.15.2 Negotiation Status There are bits in “Register 11–Status 1‚" Section 4.3.12, that indicate the status of AutoNegotiation. These bits are summarized in Table 2.12 and are described in more detail in the Status 1 register description. Some of the bits related to AutoNegotiation can be programmed to cause an interrupt, as described in the Status 1 register description. Table 2.12 Register 11 Bit No. 11 7 6 5 4 3 AutoNegotiation Status Bits Bit Name LINK AN_NP AN_TX_NP AN_RX_NP AN_RX_BP AN_RMTRST What Bit Indicates Link is up, autoNegotiation has completed One TX and one RX next page has been exchanged One next page has been transmitted One next page has been received Base page has been received AutoNegotiation was restarted by remote station 2.15.3 AutoNegotiation Restart Setting the ANRST bit in “Register 7–Configuration 1‚" Section 4.3.8, restarts the AutoNegotiation algorithm. The ANRST bit clears itself automatically after the AutoNegotiation process starts transmitting /C/ ordered sets. AutoNegotiation Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-41 2.15.4 AutoNegotiation Enable Setting the AN_EN bit in “Register 9–Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, enables the AutoNegotiation algorithm. When AutoNegotiation is disabled the transmitter will output /I/ ordered sets. 2.15.5 Link Indication The successful completion of the AutoNegotiation process (and by definition the receiver has also acquired word synchronization) is indicated by asserting the LINKn pin LOW, and setting the LINK bit in “Register 11–Status 1‚" Section 4.3.12. The LINK output pin can drive an LED from VCC or GND as well as drive another digital input. 2.16 Flow Control Flow control causes a remote station to temporarily halt sending packets in order to prevent packet loss in a congested system. The controller uses MAC control frames for flow control, according to IEEE 802.3x specifications. Refer to Section 2.17, “MAC Control Frames” for more details on the MAC control frame flow control scheme. 2.17 MAC Control Frames MAC control frames are packets that pass signaling information between stations and are specified in IEEE 802.3, Clause 31. MAC control frames are used primarily for flow control. MAC control frames are differentiated from other packets because they have the unique value of 0x8808 in the length/type field. MAC control frames have the same format as normal Ethernet packets, except the data field, consists of an opcode field and a parameter field. The opcode field contains an opcode command and the parameter field contains a value associated with the opcode command. The only opcode command defined to date by IEEE 802.3x is the pause opcode; the parameter field for the pause opcode defines the pause time. MAC control frames with the pause opcode, referred to as pause frames, are only allowed to have a destination address equal to a specific reserved multicast address or the address of the receive station itself. The value of the reserved multicast address is 0x0180C2000001. 2-42 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. The controller normally treats MAC control frames according to the IEEE 802.3, clause 31 algorithm. When the receive MAC detects a MAC control frame with a pause opcode and the destination address equals the reserved multicast address or address stored in the MAC Address 1–3 registers, then the transmitter is paused for a time equal to the number of pause times specified in the parameter field. Each unit of pause time equals 512 bits (512 ns for Gigabit Ethernet). If a pause frame is received while another packet is being transmitted, the transmission is completed for the current packet being transmitted, and then the transmitter is paused. If there are other packets in the transmit FIFO their transmission is delayed until the pause timer has expired. MAC control frames are not normally passed into the receive FIFO; they are terminated in the receive MAC. The controller has also incorporated some additional features to facilitate MAC control frame operation. These features are described in the following sections. 2.17.1 Automatic Pause Frame Generation Pause frames can be automatically generated when either the FCNTRL pin is asserted or the receive FIFO data exceeds the MAC control AutoSend threshold. These automatically generated pause frames, referred to as autogenerated pause frames, are internally generated and transmitted over the 10-bit PHY interface. The reception of a receive pause frame does not affect the transmission of autogenerated pause frames. Receive pause frames only inhibit the transmission of regular packets from the transmit FIFO. If a packet transmission is in progress when an autogenerated pause frame is to be transmitted, the controller waits until the transmission of that packet has completed and then transmits the autogenerated pause frame before any other subsequent packets in the TX FIFO are transmitted. When the first autogenerated pause frame begins transmission, an internal timer starts whose value is equal to the pause_time value in the pause frame (and obtained from “Register 20– Flow Control 2‚" Section 4.3.17). If the FCNTRL pin is still asserted or the MAC control frame AutoSend threshold is still exceeded when the internal pause timer expires, another autogenerated pause frame is transmitted. This process continues as long as FCNTRL remains asserted or the MAC control frame AutoSend threshold is exceeded. MAC Control Frames Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-43 When FCNTRL is deasserted and the MAC control AutoSend threshold is not exceeded, one last autogenerated pause frame of pause_time = 0 is transmitted. To compensate for latency, the internal pause timer internally shortens itself by 32 units from the value programmed in “Register 20–Flow Control 2‚" Section 4.3.17. Clearing the MCENDPS bit in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16 programs the controller to eliminate the last autogenerated pause frame with a pause_time = 0. The structure of the autogenerated pause frame is described in Figure 2.7. Note: The source address and pause_time parameter fields are programmable through internal registers as shown in Figure 2.7. The FCNTRL pin and the MAC control AutoSend threshold can be individually disabled, (they can be programmed to no longer initiate the transmission of autogenerated pause frames). The FCNTRL pin is enabled by default. Setting the FCNTRL_DIS bit in “Register 9– Configuration 3‚" Section 4.3.10, disables the FCNTRL pin. The MAC control AutoSend is disabled by default. Appropriately setting the MAC control MCASND[3:0] bits in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16, enables the MAC control AutoSend. 2.17.2 Transmitter Pause Disable Receive pause frames normally pause the transmitter. Clearing the MCNTRL bit in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16, programs the controller to not pause the transmitter. When the MCNTRL bit is 0 received pause frames do not affect the transmitter. 2.17.3 Pass Through to FIFO Receive pause frames are normally discarded and not passed to the receive FIFO. Appropriately setting the MCPASS[1:0] bits in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16, allows the receive pause frames to be passed to the receive FIFO. These bits allow either all MAC control frames, nonpause frames only, or pause frames only to be passed to the receive FIFO. 2-44 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 2.7 Autogenerated Pause Frame Format MAC 10-Bit PHY Interface PRE SFD DA 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101010 10101011 10000000 00000001 01000011 00000000 00000000 10000000 A[0:7]REG2 A[8:15]REG2 A[16:23]REG1 A[24:31]REG1 A[32:39]REG0 A[40:47]REG0 00010001 00010000 00000000 10000000 P[8:15]REG20 P[0:7]REG20 00000000 /I2/ /I2/ /S/ D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.2 D21.6 D1.0 D0.4 D2.6 D0.0 D0.0 D1.0 [1] D8.4 D8.0 D0.0 D1.0 D0.0 SA L/T OP PARAM DATA PAD (42 Bytes) 00000000 FCS FCS[31:24] FCS[23:16] FCS[15:8] FCS[7:0] D0.0 /T/ /R/ /I1/ or /I2/ /I2/ /I2/ PCS 8B LSB MSB ABCDEFGH [2] Bytes Transmitted Notes: [1] [2] < > Means 10B encoded /I1/ or /I2/, depends on running disparity Bits Transmitted abcdefghij TX[0] RX[0] TX[9] RX[9] PCS 10B 10-Bit PHY Interface MAC Control Frames Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-45 2.17.4 Reserved Multicast Address Disable Receive pause frames are normally rejected as invalid if they do not have the reserved multicast address in the destination address field. Setting the MCFLTR bit in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16, programs the controller to accept receive pause frames regardless of the contents in the destination address field. When this bit is cleared, any value in the destination address field is accepted as a valid address. 2.17.5 MAC Control Frame AutoSend The level of data in the receive FIFO also triggers the transmission of autogenerated pause frames. This feature is referred to as MAC control frame AutoSend. Appropriately setting the MCASEND[3:0] bits in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16, enable the AutoSend feature. When MAC control frame AutoSend is enabled, autogenerated pause frames are transmitted when the receive FIFO data exceeds a programmable threshold level called the MAC control AutoSend threshold. The MAC control AutoSend threshold can be set with the four MACSEND bits in “Register 19–Flow Control 1‚" Section 4.3.16. The automatic pause frame generation mechanism is described in more detail in Section 2.17.1, “Automatic Pause Frame Generation”. 2.18 Reset The controller has four resets which are described in Table 2.13. The controller should be ready for normal operation 1 µs after the reset sequence has been completed for that bit. 2-46 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 2.13 Name Controller Reset Reset Description Initiated By RESETn pin asserted LOW RST bit = 1 in Register 7 (Configuration i) Reset Action Reset datapath Flush transmit FIFO Flush receive FIFO Reset bits to default values Reset counters to 0 Transmit Reset TXRST bit = 1 in Register 7 (Configuration 1) Reset transmit data path Flush transmit FIFO Reset TX counters to 0 Receive Reset RXRST bit = 1 in Register 7 (Configuration 1) Reset receive data separate path Flush receive FIFO Reset RX counters to 0 AutoNegotiation Restart Counter Reset ANRST bit = 1 in Register 7 (Configuration 1) CTRRST bit = 1 in Register 7 (Configuration 1) Starts AutoNegotiation sequence Reset counters to 0 2.19 Counters The controller has a set of 53 management counters. Each counter tabulates the number of times a specific event occurs. A complete list of all counters along with their definitions is shown in Table 2.14. and described in Chapter 4, Registers.These counters provide the necessary statistics to completely support the following specifications: • • • • RMON Statistics Group (IETF RFC1757) SNMP Interfaces Group (IETF RFC1213 and 1573) Ethernet-Like MIB (IETF RFC1643) Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z, clause 30) Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-47 All counters are 32 bits wide. To obtain each 32-bit counter result, perform a read operation over the register interface. The address locations for each counter are shown in both Table 2.14 and Table 4.2. For the two 16-bit register locations associated with each 32-bit counter, the register with the lower value address always contains the least significant 16 bits of the counter result. Thus, C0 of the lower value address register is the counter LSB; C15 of the higher value address register is the counter MSB. When a counter read operation is initiated, the 32-bit counter result to be accessed is transferred to two internal 16-bit holding registers. These holding registers freeze and store the counter result for the duration of the read operation, while allowing the internal counter to continue to increment if needed. When a counter is read, the count can, under program control, be automatically reset to zero or remain unchanged. Counters can be programmed to either stop counting when they reach their maximum count or roll over. Burst reading is only supported for the low and high value address of the same counter. To read the value of multiple counters, either REGCSn or REGRDn must be deasserted then reasserted. Each counter has an associated status bit that is set when the counter becomes half full. These status bits can be individually programmed to cause an interrupt. The counter set in Table 2.14 includes the packet and octet statistics for the transmit and receive sides. The RMON specification literally states that packet and octet counters should only tabulate received information. This is sometimes interpreted to mean both transmitted and received information because Ethernet was originally a shared media protocol. As such, packet and octet counters for both transmit and receive are available in the controller, and the transmit and receive packet and octet counts can be summed together if desired. The exact correspondence of the actual MIB objects from the IETF and IEEE specifications to the actual controller counters locations is described in Chapter 5, Application Information. 2-48 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 2.14 Counter Definition Counter Description Register Address REGAD[7:0] (Low/High) Counter Number Counter Name (MIB Object Name) RX/TX Definition Size (Bits) RMON Statistics Group MIB (RFC 1757) Packets with receive FIFO overflow error. Bytes, exclusive of preamble, in good or bad packets. Bytes in packets with bad SFD are excluded.1 0b10000000 0b10000001 1 etherStatsDropEvents RX 32 2 etherStatsOctets RX 32 0b10000010 0b10000011 0b10000100 0b10000101 0b10000110 0b10000111 0b10001000 0b10001001 3 etherStatsPkts RX All packets, good or bad.1 32 4 etherStatsBroadcastPkts RX Broadcast packets, good only.1 32 5 etherStatsMulticastPkts RX Multicast packets, good only.1 Packets of legal-length with CRC error or alignment error. There are no alignment errors in 8B10B Gigabit Ethernet, so this counter will only count CRC errors for legal length packets. Packets of length < 64 bytes with no other errors. Packets of length > Max_Packet_Length with no other errors. Packets of length < 64 bytes with CRC error or alignment error. There are no alignment errors in 8B10B Gigabit Ethernet, so this counter will only count CRC errors with length < 64. Packets of length > Max_Packet_Length with CRC error or alignment error. 32 6 etherStatsCRCAlignErrors RX 32 0b10001010 0b10001011 0b10001100 0b10001101 0b10001110 0b10001111 7 etherStatsUndersizePkts RX 32 8 etherStatsOversizePkts RX 32 9 etherStatsFragments RX 32 0b10010000 0b10010001 10 etherStatsJabber RX There is no jabber function in Gigabit Ethernet, so this counter is undefined. 32 0b10010010 0b10010011 Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-49 Table 2.14 Counter Definition (Cont.) Counter Description Register Address REGAD[7:0] (Low/High) Counter Number Counter Name (MIB Object Name) RX/TX Definition CRS asserted and one or more collsions occurred. Size (Bits) 11 etherStatsCollisions TX/ RX Since controller is Full Duplex only, this counter is undefined. Packets of length = 64 bytes, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 65–127 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 128–255 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 256–511 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 512–1023 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 1024 and Max_Packet_Length, inclusive, or bad.1 Bytes, exclusive of preamble, in good or bad packets.1 32 0b10010100 0b10010101 0b10010110 0b10010111 0b10011000 0b10011001 0b10011010 0b10011011 0b10011100 0b10011101 0b10011110 0b10011111 0b10100000 0b10100001 0b10100010 0b10100011 0b10100100 0b10100101 0b10100110 0b10100111 0b10101000 0b10101001 0b10101010 0b10101011 0b10101100 0b10101101 0b10101110 0b10101111 0b10110000 0b10110001 12 etherStatsPkts64Octets RX 32 13 etherStatsPkts65to127Octets RX 32 14 etherStatsPkts128to255Octets RX 32 15 etherStatsPkts256to511Octets RX 32 16 etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets RX 32 17 etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets RX 32 18 etherStatsOctets_TX TX 32 19 etherStatsPkts_TX TX All packets, good or bad.1 32 20 etherStatsBroadcastPkts_TX TX Broadcast packets, good only.1 32 21 etherStatsMulticastPkts_TX TX Multicast packets, good only.1 Packets of length = 64 bytes, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 65–127 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 128–255, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 256–511 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 32 22 etherStatsPkts64Octets_TX TX 32 23 etherStatsPkts65to127Octets_TX TX 32 24 etherStatsPkts128to255Octets_TX TX 32 25 etherStatsPkts256to511Octets_TX TX 32 2-50 Functional Description Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 2.14 Counter Definition (Cont.) Counter Description Register Address REGAD[7:0] (Low/High) 0b10110010 0b10110011 Counter Number Counter Name (MIB Object Name) RX/TX Definition Packets of length between 512–1023 bytes, inclusive, good or bad.1 Packets of length between 1023 and Max_Packet _Length, inclusive, good or bad.1 Size (Bits) 26 etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets_TX TX 32 27 etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets_ TX TX 32 0b10110100 0b10110101 SNMP Interfaces Group MIB (RFC 1213 & 1573) Bytes, including preamble, in good or bad packets. 0b10110110 0b10110111 0b10111000 0b10111001 28 ifInOctets RX 32 ifInUcastPkts RX Unicast packets, good only. Multicast packets, good only. Equivalent to "etherStatsMulticastPkts" Broadcast packets, good only. Equivalent to "etherStatsBroadcastPkts" Broadcast and multicast packets, good only. Equivalent to "etherStatsBroadcastPkts + etherStatsMulticastPkts" Packets with receive FIFO overflow error. Equivalent to "etherStatsDropEvents" All packets, bad only. Equivalent to "etherStatsCRCAlignError + etherStatsUndersizePkts + etherStatsOversizePkts" Bytes, including preamble, in good or bad packets. ifInMulticastPkts RX Use Ctr. #5 ifInBroadcastPkts RX Use Ctr. #4 ifInNUcastPkts RX Use Ctr. #4 and 5 ifInDiscards RX Use Ctr. #1 29 ifInErrors RX 32 Use Ctr. #6 and 7 and 8 0b10111010 0b10111011 0b10111100 0b10111101 0b10111110 0b10111111 30 ifOutOctets TX 32 31 ifOutUcastPkts TX Unicast packets, good and bad. 32 32 ifOutMulticastPkts TX Multicast packets, good and bad. 32 Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 2-51 Table 2.14 Counter Definition (Cont.) Counter Description Register Address REGAD[7:0] (Low/High) 0b11000000 0b11000001 Counter Number Counter Name (MIB Object Name) RX/TX Definition Size (Bits) ifOutBroadcastPkts TX Broadcast packets, good and bad. Broadcast and multicast packets, good and bad. Equivalent to "ifOutMulticastPkts + ifOutBroadcastPkts" Packets with transmit FIFO underflow error. All Packets, bad only, exclusive of legal-length errors. 33 ifOutNUcastPkts TX 32 Use Ctr. #32 and 33 0b11000010 0b11000011 0b11000100 0b11000101 34 ifOutDiscards TX 32 35 ifOutErrors TX 32 Ethernet-Like Group MIB (RFC 1643) Packets with alignment error only. There are no alignment errors in 8B10B Gigabit Ethernet, so this counter is undefined. Packets with CRC error only. Equivalent to "etherStatsCRCAlignErrors" Packets successfully transmitted after one and only one collision (ie: attempt value = 2). 38 dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames TX Since controller is Full Duplex only, this counter is undefined. Packets successfully transmitted after more than one collision (ie: 2 50 µs Read LINK bit in register 11 twice. If 0, then done. If 1, repeat #5–7 (up to seven times). Clear AN_EN bit in Register 9 Clear ANRST bit in Register 7 Wait > 100 µs Read LINK bit in Register 11 twice. If 0, go to first step. If 1, done. Resets the device. Sets up the capabilities for AutoNegotiation. Sets up the device for the desired operation. Restarts AutoNegotiation. Wait for AutoNegotiation to complete. Determine if AutoNegotiation done and link pass. If link pass, device ready for operation. If link fail, retry again seven more times. If no link pass after seven times, disable ANEG and try manual link pass. Disable AutoNegotiation. Clears all internal AutoNegotiation circuitry. Wait for manual link pass. If manual link pass, then device ready for operation. If link fail, then redo procedure until link pass is achieved. 8 9 10 11 5-8 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5.6.2 Negotiating with a Non-AutoNegotiation Capable Device When the controller has AutoNegotiation enabled and the remote device to which it is connected has the AutoNegotiation disabled (or does not have AutoNegotiation capability at all), the controller stays in the link fail state and continually restarts AutoNegotiation because it cannot complete a negotiation sequence successfully. Conversely, the remote device goes to the link pass state because it sees the AutoNegotiation words transmitted to it as valid idle symbols. For proper operation between two devices, the controller and the remote device must both be either set with AutoNegotiation enabled or set with AutoNegotiation disabled. 5.7 Management Counters The controller management counters provide the necessary statistics to completely support the following IETF and IEEE specifications: • • • • IETF RFC 1757: IETF RFC 1213 and 1573 IETF RFC 1643: IEEE 802.3/Cl. 30: RMON Statistics Group SNMP Interfaces Group Ethernet-Like MIB Ethernet MIB A complete list of the counters along with their definitions was already defined in Table 2.14. A map of the actual MIB objects from the IETF and IEEE specifications to the specific controller counters is shown below in Table 5.5–Table 5.8. Management Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5-9 Table 5.5 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for RMON Statistics Group MIB (RFC 1757) Counter Location Register Address (Low/High) 0b10000000 0b10000001 0b10000010 0b10000011 0b10000100 0b10000101 0b10000110 0b10000111 0b10001000 0b10001001 0b10001010 0b10001011 0b10001100 0b10001101 0b10001110 0b10001111 0b10010000 0b10010001 0b10010010 0b10010011 0b10010100 0b10010101 0b10010110 0b10010111 0b10011000 0b10011001 0b10011010 0b10011011 MIB Objects etherStatsDropEvents etherStatsOctets etherStatsPkts etherStatsBroadcastPkts etherStatsMulticastPkts etherStatsCRCAlignErrors etherStatsUndersizePkts etherStatsOversizePkts etherStatsFragments etherStatsJabber etherStatsCollisions etherStatsPkts64Octets etherStatsPkts65to127Octets etherStatsPkts128to255Octets Counter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5-10 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 5.5 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for RMON Statistics Group MIB (RFC 1757) (Cont.) Counter Location Register Address (Low/High) 0b10011100 0b10011101 0b10011110 0b10011111 0b10100000 0b10100001 MIB Objects etherStatsPkts256to511Octets etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets Counter 15 16 17 Table 5.6 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for SNMP Interface Group MIB (RFC 1213 and 1573) Counter Location Counter # 28 29 5 4 5 and 4 Register Address (Low/High) 0b10110110 0b10110111 0b10111000 0b10111001 0b10001000 0b10001001 0b10000110 0b10000111 0b10001000 0b10001001 and 0b10000110 0b10000111 0b10000000 0b10000001 MIB Objects ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInMulticastPkts ifInBroadcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards 1 Management Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5-11 Table 5.6 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for SNMP Interface Group MIB (RFC 1213 and 1573) (Cont.) Counter Location Counter # 6 and 7 and 8 Register Address (Low/High) 0b10001010 0b10001011 and 0b10001100 0b10001101 and 0b10001110 0b10001111 0b10111010 0b10111011 0b10111100 0b10111101 0b10111110 0b10111111 0b11000000 0b11000001 0b10111110 0b10111111 and 0b11000000 0b11000001 0b11000010 0b11000011 0b11000100 0b11000101 MIB Objects ifInErrors ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutMulticastPkts ifOutBroadcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts 30 31 32 33 32 and 33 ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors 34 35 5-12 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 5.7 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location for Ethernet-Like Group MIB (RFC 1643) Counter Location Counter # 36 6 38 39 40 41 42 43 34 44 8 1 Register Address (Low/High) 0b11000110 0b11000111 0b10001010 0b10001011 0b11001010 0b11001011 0b11001100 0b11001101 0b11001110 0b11001111 0b11010000 0b11010001 0b11010010 0b11010011 0b11010100 0b11010101 0b11000010 0b11000011 0b11010110 0b11010111 0b10001110 0b10001111 0b10000000 0b10000001 MIB Objects dot3StatsAlignmentErrors dot3StatsFCSErrors dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames dot3StatsSQETestErrors dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions dot3StatsLateCollisions dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors dot3StatsFrameTooLongs dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors Management Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5-13 Table 5.8 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location For Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z, Clause 30) Counter Location Counter # 19 through 35 Register Address (Low/High) 0b10100100 0b10100101 through 0b11000100 0b11000101 0b11001010 0b11001011 0b11001100 0b11001101 0b10111000 0b10111001 and 0b10000110 0b10000111 and 0b10001000 0b10001001 0b10001010 0b10001011 0b11000110 0b11000111 0b11011000 0b11011001 0b11010000 0b11010001 0b11010010 0b11010011 0b11010100 0b11010101 0b11000010 0b11000011 0b11010110 0b11010111 MIB Objects aFramesTransmittedOK aSingleCollisionFrames aMultipleCollisionFrames aFramesReceivedOK 38 39 29 and 4 and 5 aFrameCheckSequenceErrors aAlignmentErrors aOctetsTransmittedOK aFramesWithDeferredXmissions aLateCollisions aFrameAbortedDueToXSCollisions aFrameAbortedDueToIntMACXmitError aCarrierSenseErrors 6 36 45 41 42 43 34 44 5-14 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 5.8 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location For Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z, Clause 30) (Cont.) Counter Location Counter # 46 1 21 20 47 5 4 48 49 8 40 50 52 53 Register Address (Low/High) 0b11011010 0b11011011 0b10000000 0b10000001 0b10101000 0b10101001 0b10100110 0b10100111 0b11011100 0b11011101 0b10001000 0b10001001 0b10000110 0b10000111 0b11011110 0b11011111 0b11100000 0b11100001 0b10001110 0b10001111 0b11001110 0b11001111 0b11100010 0b11100011 0b11100110 0b11100111 0b11101000 0b11101001 MIB Objects aOctetsReceivedOK aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvrError aMulticastFrameXmittedOK aBroadcastFramesXmittedOK aFramesWithExcessiveDefferal aMulticastFramesReceivedOK aBroadcastFramesReceivedOK aInRangeLengthErrors aOutOfRangeLengthField aFrameTooLongErrors aSQETestErrors aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier aMACControlFramesTransmitted aMACControlFramesReceived Management Counters Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5-15 Table 5.8 MIB Objects vs. Counter Location For Ethernet MIB (IEEE 802.3z, Clause 30) (Cont.) Counter Location Counter # 51 52 53 Register Address (Low/High) 0b11100100 0b11100101 0b11100110 0b11100111 0b11101000 0b11101001 MIB Objects aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived aPauseMACCtrlFramesTransmitted aPauseMACCtrlFramesReceived 5.8 TX Packet and Octet Counters The controller counter set includes packet and octet counters for the transmit and receive packets. The RMON specifications state that packet and octet counters should only tabulate received information. This is sometimes interpreted to mean both transmitted and received information, because Ethernet was originally a shared media protocol. As such, the tables above only point to receive packet and octet counters, but the transmit packet and octet counters are also available in counters 17 through 26 and can be summed with the receive packet and octet counts if desired. 5.9 Power Supply Decoupling There are 23 VCCs (VCC[22:0]) and 31 GNDs (GND[30:0]) on the controller. All GNDs should also be connected to a large ground plane. If the GNDs vary in potential by even a small amount, noise and latch up can result. The GNDs should be kept to within 50 mV of each other. Some of the VCC pins on the controller go to the internal core logic, and the remaining VCCs go to the I/O buffers. The core and I/O VCCs should be isolated from each other to minimize jitter on the 10-bit PHY interface. It is recommended that all of the I/O VCCs be directly connected to a large VCC plane. It is also recommended that the core VCCs (pins 70, 5-16 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 97, 135, 147, and193 of the 8101 or pins B6, D13, G14, N13, and R7 of the 8104) be isolated from the I/O VCCs with a 2-ohm resistor between the VCC plane and the device core VCC pins, as shown in Figure 5.2. Figure 5.2 Decoupling Recommendations 3.3 V VCC Plane Ferrite Bead 2Ω Ferrite Bead Analog Digital VCC VCC [4] SerDes GND VCC [1] [5] Other Devices GND [1] I/O VCC [3] Core VCC [1] [2] [2] 8101/8104 Controller GND GND Plane Notes: [1] It is recommended that a 0.1/0.001 µF pair of capacitors for every four VCCs less than 0.5 inches from the device VCC/GND pins, evenly distributed around all four sides of the devices. [2] Same as Note [1] except every two VCCs. [3] Core VCC pins are 70, 97, 135, 147, and 193 of the 8101 or pins B6, D13, G14, N13, and R7 of the 8104. All remaining VCC pins are I/O VCCs. [4] These are generic recommendations for SerDes. Follow any recommendations fromthe specific SerDes manufacturer. [5] This is a generic recommendation for other digital devices. Follow any recommendations from the spevific device manufacturers. The 2 ohm resistor will reduce the amount of noise coupling from the I/O VCCs to the core VCCs. A resistor is recommended over a ferrite bead because the inductance of a ferrite bead can induce noise spikes at the device pins. Decoupling capacitors should then be placed between the device VCC pins and GND plane, as shown in Figure 5.2 and described as follows. The external SerDes device that is typically connected to the 10-bit PHY interface can also be very sensitive to noise from the VCC plane. Recommendations from the manufacturer of the SerDes device used should be followed. Generically, it has been found from practice that the SerDes should be isolated from all devices on the PCB with a ferrite bead between the VCC plane and all of the SerDes VCC pins, as shown in Figure 5.2. In addition, it has been found from practice that the analog Power Supply Decoupling Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 5-17 and digital VCC pins on the SerDes device should be isolated from each other with a ferrite bead placed between the analog SerDes VCC pins and the digital SerDes VCC pins, as shown in Figure 5.2. Decoupling capacitors should then be placed between the SerDes device VCC pins and GND plane, as shown in Figure 5.2 and described as follows. For the controller and other digital devices there should be a pair of 0.1 µf and 0.001 µf decoupling capacitors connected between VCC and GND for every four sets of VCC/GND pins placed as close as possible to the device pins, preferably within 0.5" and evenly distributed around all four sides of the devices. For the external SerDes device, there should be a pair of 0.1/0.001 µf capacitors for every two sets of VCC/GND pins. The 0.1 µf and 0.001 µf capacitors reduce the LOW and HIGH frequency noise, respectively, on the VCC at the device. The PCB layout and power supply decoupling discussed above should provide sufficient decoupling to achieve the following when measured at the device: • • • The resultant AC noise voltage measured across each VCC/GND set should be less than 100 mVpp. All VCCs should be within 50 mVpp of each other. All GNDs should be within 50 mVpp of each other. 5-18 Application Information Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Chapter 6 Specifications This Chapter describes the specifications of the 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller and consists of the following Sections: • • • • • • Section 6.1, “Absolute Maximum Ratings” Section 6.2, “DC Electrical Characteristics” Section 6.3, “AC Electrical Characteristics” Section 6.4, “8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings” Section Figure 6.13, “8104 208-Pin BGA Pinout” Section 6.5, “Package Mechanical Dimensions” 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Absolute maximum ratings are limits, which when exceeded may cause permanent damage to the device or affect device reliability. All voltages are specified with respect to GND, unless otherwise specified. VCC supply voltage All inputs and outputs Package power dissipation Storage temperature Temperature under bias Lead temperature (soldering, 10 sec) Body temperature (soldering, 30 sec) −0.3 V to 4.0 V −0.3 V to 5.5 V 2.2 Watt @ 70 °C −65 to +150 °C −10 to +85 °C 260 °C 220 °C 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-1 6.2 DC Electrical Characteristics Table 6.1 lists and describes the DC electrical characteristics of the 8101/8104. Unless otherwise noted, all test conditions are as follows: • • • • Table 6.1 TA = 0 to +70 °C VCC = 3.3 V ± 5% SCLK = 66 MHz ± 0.01% TCLK = 125 MHz ± 0.01% DC Electrical Characteristics Limit Symbol VIL VIH IIL IIH VOL Parameter Input LOW voltage Input HIGH voltage Input LOW current Input HIGH current Output LOW voltage Min – 2 – – GND GND Typ – – – – – – – – – – Max 0.8 5.5 −1 1 0.4 1 VCC VCC 5 300 Unit Volt Volt µA µA Volt Volt Volt Volt pF mA Conditions VIN = GND VIN = VCC IOL = −4 mA All except LINKn IOL = −20 mA LINKn IOL = 4 mA All except LINKn IOL = 20 mA LINKn VOH Output HIGH voltage 2.4 VCC − 1.0 CIN ICC Input capacitance VCC supply current – – No output load 6-2 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6.3 AC Electrical Characteristics The following tables list and describe the the AC electrical characteristics of the 8101/8104. Unless otherwise noted, all test conditions are as follows: • • • • • • TA = 0 to +70 °C VCC = 3.3 V ± 5% SCLK = 66 MHz ± 0.01% TCLK = 125 MHz ± 0.01% Input conditions: All Inputs: tr, tf ≤ 4 ns, 0.8 V to 2.0 V Output loading TBC, TX[0:9]: 10 pF LINK: 50 pF All other digital outputs: 30 pF • Measurement points: Data active to 3-state: 200 mV change Data 3-state to active: 200 mV change All inputs and outputs: 1.5 Volts AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-3 Table 6.2 Input Clock Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 Parameter SCLK cycle time SCLK duty cycle TCLK period TCLK HIGH time TCLK LOW time TCLK to TBC delay REGCLK cycle time REGCLK duty cycle Min 1/33 40 7.9992 3.6 3.6 0 1/5 40 Typ Max 1/66 60 Unit 1 MHz % ns ns ns ns 1 MHz % Conditions 8 8.0008 4.4 4.4 8 1/40 60 Note: Figure 6.1 Refer to Figure 6.1 for timing diagram. Input Clock Timing t1 SCLK t2 t3 TCLK t6 TBC t7 REGCLK t8 t8 t4 t5 t2 System Interface 10-Bit PHY Interface Register Interface 6-4 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 6.3 Transmit System Interface Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol t11 t12 Parameter TXENn setup time TXENn hold time Min 5 0 1 SCLK cycle Typ Max Unit ns ns Conditions t13 TXENn deassert time TXD, TXBE, TXSOFn, TXEOF, and TXCRC setup time TXD, TXBE, TXSOFn, TXEOF, and TXCRC hold time TXWMn delay time TXWMn rise/fall time ns t14 t15 5 0 ns ns t16 t17 0 8 4 ns ns Note: Refer to Figure 6.2 for timing diagram. AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-5 Figure 6.2 SCLK Transmit System Interface Timing 6-6 Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. t16 TXWMn[2:1] t11 TX_ENn t15 t14 TXD[31:0] t15 t14 TXBE[3:0] t14 TXSOF t15 t16 t12 [1] Specifications t13 t14 TXEOF t14 TXCRCn t15 t15 Note: [1] Back-to-back packet transmission allowed without TXENn deassertion. Table 6.4 Receive System Interface Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol t31 t32 Parameter RXENn setup time RXENn hold time Min 5 1 3 SCLK cycles Typ Max Unit ns ns Conditions t33 RXENn deassert time RXD, RXBE, RXSOF, RXEOF, and RXWM delay time RXD, RXBE, RXSOF, RXEOF, and RXWM rise/fall time RXABORT setup time RXABORT hold time ns t34 0 8 ns t35 t41 t42 4 5 0 1 SCLK cycles + 8 ns ns ns ns t43 RXABORT assert to RXWM deassert delay RXOEn deassert to data High-Z delay RXOEn assert to data active delay 0 ns t46 0 15 ns t47 0 15 ns Note: Refer to Figure 6.3–Figure 6.5 for timing diagrams. AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-7 Figure 6.3 SCLK Receive System Interface Timing 6-8 Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. t34 RXWM1 t34 t34 RXWM2 t31 RX_ENn t33 t34 RXD[31:0] First Word Last Word Status Word First Word Specifications t32 t34 RXBE[3:0] 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 00011111 1111 1111 1111 1111 t34 RXSOF t34 t34 RXEOF t34 Figure 6.4 SCLK Receive System Interface RXABORT Timing t43 RXWM[2:1] RX_ENn t41 RXABORT t42 RXD[31:0] First Word Aborted Packet Status Word RXBE[3:0] 1111 1111 11 11 1111 1111 1111 RXSOF RXEOF Figure 6.5 RXOEn Receive System Interface RXOEn Timing t46 RXD[31:0] RXBE[3:0] RXSOF RXEOF High-Z t47 AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-9 Table 6.5 System Interface RXDC/TXDC Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol Parameter t51 t52 TXDC/RXDC assert delay time TXDC/RXDC deassert delay time Min 0 0 Typ Max 8 2 SCLK cycle + 8 ns 3 SCLK cycle + 8 ns Unit ns ns Conditions AutoClear mode off 0 ns AutoClear mode on t53 t54 CLR_TXDC/RXDC setup time CLR_TXDC/RXDC hold time TXDC/RXDC rise and fall time 5 0 4 ns ns ns Note: Figure 6.6 SCLK Refer to Figure 6.6 for timing diagram. System Interface RXDC/TXDC Timing TXENn RXENn t51 TXDC RXDC t53 CLR_TXDC CLR_RXDC t54 Autoclear Mode Off t52 TXEOF Autoclear Mode Off RXEOF 6-10 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 6.6 Transmit 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol t61 t62 t63 Parameter TBC period TBC HIGH time TBC LOW time TX[0:9] data valid before TBC rising edge TX[0:9] data valid after TBC rising edge TBC, TX[0:9] rise and fall time Min 7.992 3.2 3.2 Typ 8 Max 8.008 4.8 4.8 Unit ns ns ns Conditions t64 2.0 ns Assumes TBC duty cycle = 40−60% Assumes TBC duty cycle = 40–60% t65 1.0 ns t66 0.7 2.4 ns Note: Figure 6.7 Refer to Figure 6.7 for timing diagram. Transmit 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing t61 t66 t66 TBC t64 TX[0:9] t65 t62 t63 t66 AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-11 Table 6.7 Receive 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol Parameter t71 t Min 62.4937 6.4 6.4 Typ 62.5 Max 62.5063 9.6 128 9.6 128 8.5 Unit MHz ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Conditions RBC frequency RBC HIGH time 72 During synchronization t 73 RBC LOW time 6.4 6.4 During synchronization t 74 RBC skew RX[0:9] setup time RX[0:9] hold time RBC, RX[0:9] rise and fall time 7.5 2.5 1.5 0.7 t75 t76 t77 2.4 ns Note: Figure 6.8 Refer to Figure 6.8 for timing diagram. Receive 10-Bit PHY Interface Timing t71 t77 t77 RBC1 t72 t74 RBC0 t76 t75 RX[0:9] t75 t76 t72 t73 t77 t73 t71 t77 t77 6-12 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 6.8 Register Interface Timing Characteristics Limit Symbol t81 Parameter REGCSn, REGWRn, REGRDn, REGA, REGD setup time REGCSn, REGWRn, REGRDn, REGA, REGD hold time REGCLK to REGD active delay Min 10 Typ Max Unit ns Conditions t82 1 ns t83 10 ns Read cycle. All registers except Counter Registers 1–53 Read cycle. Counter Registers 1–53, first 16 bits of counter result Read cycle. Counter Registers 1–53, second 16 bits of counter result 6 REGCLK cycles + 10 ns 3 REGCLK cycles + 10 ns t84 t85 t86 t87 REGCLK to REGD 3-state delay REGCLK to REGINT assert delay REGCLK to REGINT deassert delay Deassertion time between reads 0 0 0 4 REGCLK 10 20 20 ns ns ns ns ns Note: Refer to Figure 6.9 and Figure 6.10 for timing diagrams. AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-13 Figure 6.9 Register Interface Timing (Excluding Counter Read Cycle) t7 REGCLK t82 t81 REGCSn t82 t81 REGWRn t82 t81 REGRDn t81 REGA{7:0] t82 t81 REGD[15:0] High-Z Data In High-Z t8 t8 t82 t83 Data Out t84 High-Z t85 REGINT Write Cycle REGD[15:0] Is Input t86 Read Cycle REGD[15:0] is Output 6-14 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 6.10 Register Interface Timing, Counter Read Cycle (of the Same Counter) 1 REGCLK t81 REGCSn t82 2 6 1 3 REGWRn t81 REGRDn t81 REGAD[15:0] t84 REGD[15:0] High-Z 1st Counter Address t82 t84 2nd Counter Address t83 t84 Not Valid 1st 16 Bits of Counter Result t83 Not Valid t84 2nd 16 Bits of Counter Result High-Z AC Electrical Characteristics Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-15 Figure 6.11 Register Interface Timing, Counter Read Cycle (Between Different Counters) t87 REGCLK t81 REGCSn t82 t81 t82 REGWRn t81 REGRDn t81 REGAD[15:0] Counter Address A t82 t81 t82 t82 t81 Counter Address B t82 t84 REGD[15:0] High-Z 16 Bits of Not Valid Counter Results t84 Hi-Z t84 Not Valid 16 Bits of Counter Results t84 High-Z t83 Note: No burst reading, t83 6-16 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6.4 8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings Figure 6.12 shows the pinout and Table 6.9 lists the pins for the 8101 and Figure 6.13 shows the pinout and Table 6.10 lists the pins for the 8104. 8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-17 Figure 6.12 8101 208-Pin PQFP Pinout VCC RXEOF RXSOF RXBE3 RXBE2 RXBE1 RXBE0 GND RXD0 RXD1 RXD2 RXD3 GND RXD4 RXD5 VCC VCC RXD6 RXD7 GND RXD8 RXD9 RXD10 RXD11 GND RXD12 RXD13 VCC RXD14 RXD15 GND RXD16 RXD17 RXD18 RXD19 GND RXD20 RXD21 VCC RXD22 RXD23 GND RXD24 RXD25 RXD26 RXD27 GND RXD28 RXD29 VCC RXD30 RXD31 RXENn RXOEn GND VCC VCC VCC RESERVED VCC VCC TAP VCC TEST SD GND RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 GND RX5 RX6 RX7 RX8 RX9 RBC0 GND RBC1 LCK_REFn VCC EN_CDET TBC GND EWRAP TX9 GND TX8 TX7 GND TX6 TX5 GND TX4 VCC TX3 GND TX2 TX1 GND TX0 GND TCLK 208 207 206 205 204 203 202 201 200 199 198 197 196 195 194 193 192 191 190 189 188 187 186 185 184 183 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 6-18 VCC LINKn REGA0 REGA1 REGA2 REGA3 GND REGA4 REGA5 REGA6 REGA7 REGINT REGWRn REGRDn GND REGCLK REGD15 VCC REGD14 REGD13 REGD12 GND REGD11 REGD10 REGD9 REGD8 GND REGD7 VCC REGD6 REGD5 REGD4 GND REGD3 REGD2 REGD1 REGD0 GND GND REGCSn RESERVED RESETn FCNTRL TXD31 VCC TXD30 TXD29 TXD28 TXD27 TXD26 TXD25 TXD24 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 8101 208 PQFP Top View 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 RXWM1 RXWM2 RXDC CLR_RXDC RXABORT VCC GND SCLK VCC VCC TXENn TXSOF TXEOF GND TXBE0 TXBE1 TXBE2 TXBE3 GND TXWM1n TXWM2n VCC TXDC CLR_TXDC TXCRCn TXD0 TXD1 TXD2 TXD3 TXD4 TXD5 TXD6 TXD7 GND TXD8 TXD9 TXD10 TXD11 TXD12 TXD13 TXD14 VCC TXD15 TXD16 GND TXD17 TXD18 TXD19 TXD20 TXD21 TXD22 TXD23 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Table 6.9 Signal CLR_RXDC CLR_TXDC EN_CDET EWRAP FCNTRL GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND LCK_REFn LINKn RBC0 RBC1 REGA0 REGA1 8101 208-Pin PQFP Pin List (Alphabetical Listing) Pin Signal 153 133 31 34 95 3 14 20 27 33 36 39 42 46 49 51 59 67 74 79 85 90 91 112 123 138 143 150 162 167 173 178 184 189 196 201 29 54 26 28 55 56 REGA2 REGA3 REGA4 REGA5 REGA6 REGA7 REGCLK REGCSn REGD0 REGD1 REGD2 REGD3 REGD4 REGD5 REGD6 REGD7 REGD8 REGD9 REGD10 REGD11 REGD12 REGD13 REGD14 REGD15 REGINT REGRDn REGWRn RESERVED RESERVED RESETn RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 RX5 RX6 RX7 RX8 RX9 RXABORT RXBE0 Pin 57 58 60 61 62 63 68 92 89 88 87 86 84 83 82 80 78 77 76 75 73 72 71 69 64 66 65 7 93 94 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 152 202 Signal RXBE1 RXBE2 RXBE3 RXD0 RXD1 RXD2 RXD3 RXD4 RXD5 RXD6 RXD7 RXD8 RXD9 RXD10 RXD11 RXD12 RXD13 RXD14 RXD15 RXD16 RXD17 RXD18 RXD19 RXD20 RXD21 RXD22 RXD23 RXD24 RXD25 RXD26 RXD27 RXD28 RXD29 RXD30 RXD31 RXDC RXENn RXEOF RXOEn RXSOF RXWM1 RXWM2 Pin 203 204 205 200 199 198 197 195 194 191 190 188 187 186 185 183 182 180 179 177 176 175 174 172 171 169 168 166 165 164 163 161 160 158 157 154 1 207 2 206 156 155 Signal SCLK SD TAP TBC TCLK TEST TX0 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TXBE0 TXBE1 TXBE2 TXBE3 TXCRCn TXD0 TXD1 TXD2 TXD3 TXD4 TXD5 TXD6 TXD7 TXD8 TXD9 TXD10 TXD11 TXD12 TXD13 TXD14 TXD15 TXD16 TXD17 TXD18 TXD19 TXD20 Pin Signal 149 13 10 32 52 12 50 48 47 45 43 41 40 38 37 35 142 141 140 139 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 114 113 111 110 109 108 TXD21 TXD22 TXD23 TXD24 TXD25 TXD26 TXD27 TXD28 TXD29 TXD30 TXD31 TXDC TXENn TXEOF TXSOF TXWM1n TXWM2n VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC Pin 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 96 134 146 144 145 137 136 4 5 6 8 9 11 30 44 53 70 81 97 115 135 147 148 151 159 170 181 193 192 208 8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-19 Figure 6.13 8104 208-Pin BGA Pinout A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 6-20 RXD0 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 A1 A2 A3 VCC RXEOF RXBE3 RXD4 VCC RXD7 RXD11 RXD16 RXD20 RXD21 RXD23 RXD27 RXD29 RXD30 B16 RXD31 B1 B2 B3 RXOEn C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 RXENn RXSOF RXBE2 RXD2 VCC RXD8 RXD10 RXD15 RXD19 VCC RXD25 RXD28 VCC RXWM1 RXWM2 C16 C1 C2 C3 GND D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 VCC VCC RXBE1 RXD3 VCC RXD6 RXD12 RXD14 RXD18 RXD22 RXD26 GND RXABORT CLR_RXDC D15 D16 TXDC D1 D2 D3 VCC E4 E13 E14 VCC RESERVED RXBE0 RXD1 RXD5 RXD9 RXD13 VCC RXD17 VCC RXD24 VCC VCC E15 SLCK E16 VCC E1 E2 E3 VCC F4 F13 TAP VCC TEST GND F14 TXEOF F15 TXSOF F16 TXENn F1 F2 F3 SD G4 G7 G8 G9 G10 G13 RX0 RX1 RX2 TXBE3 G14 TXBE2 G15 TXBE0 G16 TXBE1 Specifications RX5 H4 H7 H8 H9 H10 G1 G2 G3 RX4 RX3 RX6 GND GND GND GND H13 TXDC H14 VCC TXWM2n H15 TXWM1n H16 H1 H2 H3 RX8 J4 J7 J8 J9 J10 RX7 RX9 RBC0 GND GND GND GND J13 TXD1 J14 TXD0 TXCRCn J15 CLR_TXDC J16 J1 J2 J3 RBC1 K4 K7 K8 K9 K10 LCK_REFn VCC VCC GND GND GND GND K13 TXD2 K14 TXD3 K15 TXD5 K16 TXD4 K1 K2 K3 TBC L4 EN_CDET EWRAP TX9 GND GND GND GND L13 TXD6 L14 TXD7 L15 GND L16 TXD8 L1 L2 L3 TX7 M4 TX8 GND TX6 M13 TXD9 TXD10 M14 M15 TXD11 M16 TXD12 M1 M2 M3 GND N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 TX5 TX4 VCC N10 N11 N12 N13 TXD13 N14 TXD14 N15 TXD15 N16 VCC N1 N2 N3 TX3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 TX2 GND GND REGWRn REGD15 REGD12 REGD8 REGD7 REGD5 P10 REGD1 P11 RESERVED P12 P13 VCC P14 TXD17 P15 TXD18 P16 TXD16 Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. REGA5 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 P1 P2 P3 TX1 TCLK REGA3 REGINT REGCLK REGD13 REGD9 R9 REGD6 REGD4 R10 REGD0 R11 RESETn R12 R13 TXD30 R14 TXD19 R15 TXD22 R16 TXD20 R1 R2 R3 TX0 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 VCC REGA2 REGA4 REGA6 REGRDn VCC REGD11 T9 VCC REGD2 T10 T11 GND T12 TXD31 T13 TXD28 T14 TXD27 T15 TXD23 T16 TXD21 T1 T2 T3 LINKn REGA0 REGA1 GND REGA7 GND REGD14 REGD10 VCC REGD3 REGCSn FCNTRL TXD29 TXD26 TXD25 TXD24 Table 6.10 Signal CLR_RXDC CLR_TXDC EN_CDET EWRAP FCNTRL GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND LCK_REFn LINKn RBC0 RBC1 REGA0 REGA1 REGA2 REGA3 REGA4 REGA5 8104 208-Pin BGA Pin List (Alphabetical Listing) Pin Signal C15 H16 K02 K03 T12 C01 C13 E13 G07 G08 G09 G10 H07 H08 H09 H10 J07 J08 J09 J10 K07 K08 K09 K10 K15 L03 M01 N03 N04 R11 T04 T06 J02 T01 H04 J01 T02 T03 R03 P03 R04 P04 REGA6 REGA7 REGCLK REGCSn REGD0 REGD1 REGD2 REGD3 REGD4 REGD5 REGD6 REGD7 REGD8 REGD9 REGD10 REGD11 REGD12 REGD13 REGD14 REGD15 REGINT REGRDn REGWRn RESERVED RESERVED RESETn RX0 RX1 RX2 RX3 RX4 RX5 RX6 RX7 RX8 RX9 RXABORT RXBE0 RXBE1 RXBE2 RXBE3 RXD0 Pin R05 T05 P06 T11 P11 N11 R10 T10 P10 N10 P09 N09 N08 P08 T08 R08 N07 P07 T07 N06 P05 R06 N05 D03 N12 P12 F02 F03 F04 G02 G01 G03 G04 H02 H01 H03 C14 D04 C04 B04 A03 A04 Signal RXD1 RXD2 RXD3 RXD4 RXD5 RXD6 RXD7 RXD8 RXD9 RXD10 RXD11 RXD12 RXD13 RXD14 RXD15 RXD16 RXD17 RXD18 RXD19 RXD20 RXD21 RXD22 RXD23 RXD24 RXD25 RXD26 RXD27 RXD28 RXD29 RXD30 RXD31 RXDC RXENn RXEOF RXOEn RXSOF RXWM1 RXWM2 SCLK SD TAP TBC Pin D05 B05 C05 A05 D06 C07 A07 B07 D07 B08 A08 C08 D08 C09 B09 A09 D10 C10 B10 A10 A11 C11 A12 D12 B12 C12 A13 B13 A14 A15 A16 C16 B02 A02 B01 B03 B15 B16 D15 F01 E02 K01 Signal TCLK TEST TX0 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TXBE0 TXBE1 TXBE2 TXBE3 TXCRCn TXD0 TXD1 TXD2 TXD3 TXD4 TXD5 TXD6 TXD7 TXD8 TXD9 TXD10 TXD11 TXD12 TXD13 TXD14 TXD15 TXD16 TXD17 TXD18 TXD19 TXD20 TXD21 TXD22 TXD23 TXD24 Pin Signal P02 E04 R01 P01 N02 N01 M03 M02 L04 L01 L02 K04 F15 F16 F14 F13 H15 H14 H13 J13 J14 J16 J15 K13 K14 K16 L13 L14 L15 L16 M13 M14 M15 N16 N14 N15 P14 P16 R16 P15 R15 T16 TXD25 TXD26 TXD27 TXD28 TXD29 TXD30 TXD31 TXDC TXENn TXEOF TXSOF TXWM1n TXWM2n VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC Pin T15 T14 R14 R13 T13 P13 R12 G13 E16 E14 E15 G16 G15 A01 A06 B06 B11 B14 C02 C03 C06 D01 D02 D09 D11 D13 D14 D16 E01 E03 G14 J03 J04 M04 M16 N13 R02 R07 R09 T09 8101/8104 Pinouts and Pin Listings Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-21 6.5 Package Mechanical Dimensions The 8101 Gigabit Ethernet Controller is available in the 208-pin Plastic Quad Flat Pack (PQFP) as shown in Figure 6.14. and the 8104 Ball Grid Array Package as shown in Figure 6.15. Figure 6.14 208-Pin PQFP Mechanical Drawing 30. 60 ± 0.30 28. 00 ± 0.20 0.15 ± 0. 0 – 0. 05 1 30. 60 ± 0.30 28. 00 ± 0.20 0.10 MAX #208 See Detail A #1 0. 20 ± 0.10 1. 25 0. 50 4.10 Max. 0. 25 min. 3.40 ± 0. 20 Detail A 1. All Dimensions are in (millimeters) 0. 50 ± 0. 20 0 − 8˚ Note: This drawing may not be the latest version. 6-22 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Figure 6.15 208 mini-BGA (HG) Mechanical Drawing Important: This drawing may not be the latest version. For board layout and manufacturing, obtain the most recent engineering drawings from your LSI Logic marketing representative by requesting the outline drawing for package code HG. Package Mechanical Dimensions Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. 6-23 6-24 Specifications Copyright © 2000–2001 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved. Customer Feedback We would appreciate your feedback on this document. Please copy the following page, add your comments, and fax it to us at the number shown. If appropriate, please also fax copies of any marked-up pages from this document. Impor tant: Please include your name, phone number, fax number, and company address so that we may contact you directly for clarification or additional information. Thank you for your help in improving the quality of our documents. Reader’s Comments Fax your comments to: LSI Logic Corporation Technical Publications M/S E-198 Fax: 408.433.4333 Please tell us how you rate this document: 8101/8104 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. Place a check mark in the appropriate blank for each category. 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