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LS7339 数据手册
UL ® LSI/CSI LS7339-7340 (631) 271-0400 FAX (631) 271-0405 January 2003 LSI Computer Systems, Inc. 1235 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, NY 11747 A3800 AUTO SHUT-OFF AC POWER SWITCH WITH PROGRAMMABLE TIMER FEATURES: • Phase-Lock Loop Synchronization allows use in Wall Switch Applications. • PLL accuracy delivers Pure AC Power. • Timer programmable with external R-C. • ON input switches AC Power On and starts Timer. • OFF input switches AC Power Off. • 50/60Hz Line Frequency. • +12V to +18V Operation (VSS - VDD). • LS7339, LS7340 (DIP); LS7339-S, LS7340-S - See Figure 1 APPLICATIONS: • AUTO SHUT-OFF TIMER for appliances such as coffee pots, curling irons, hair curlers, electric blankets, hand dryers. • TIMED-ON WALL SWITCH for incandescent lighting and heat lamps. DESCRIPTION: The LS7339 and LS7340 are MOS integrated circuits designed to turn a triac On and Off in a Power Switch for AC loads. Activation of the ON input will always turn the triac On and start a Timer. The triac remains On for the duration of the Timer which is controlled by an external R-C connected to the OSCILLATOR input. Activation of the OFF input will always turn the triac Off. The two ICs differ only in the width of the TRIG pulse used to trigger the triac. (See I/O Description, Pin 4.) In a typical application (Figure 5), the output of the LS7339 drives the gate of a triac in series with the load. Because the LS7339 is accurately synchronized to the line frequency with a phase-lock loop, the power delivered by the triac to the load is pure AC, allowing use with inductive loads such as motors and transformers. There are two states through which the LS7339 can be stepped. The states and their corresponding operating modes, phase angles, and delivered power levels are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 (See Figures 2 and 3) OPERATING MODE PHASE ANGLE, ø % LOAD POWER (1) STATE 0 OFF No Output 0 STATE 1 Timed-On 159˚ 99 PIN ASSIGNMENT - TOP VIEW ON 1 8 SYNC LSI LS7339/7340 OFF 2 7 CAP V DD (-V) 3 6 OSC TRIG 4 5 V SS ( +V) FIGURE 1 If left in STATE 1, after a time-out period determined by the frequency set at the OSC input (See I/O Description, Pin 6), the circuit automatically steps to STATE 0. If the ON input transitions to logic 0 before completion of the time-out period in STATE 1, the Timer is restarted, beginning a new time-out INPUT/OUTPUT DESCRIPTION: ON (Pin 1) - See NOTE 1 A logic 0 applied to this input for a minimum of three SYNC cycles, TS1 (50ms for 60Hz, 60ms for 50Hz), turns TRIG On and starts a Timer. Upon completion of the Time-out, TD1, TRIG turns Off. While the Time-out is in progress a new transition to logic 0 at this input for a minimum of three SYNC Cycles, TS1, restarts the Timer. This input is designed for Touch or Switch control. (See Figure 5.) OFF (Pin 2) - See NOTE 2 A logic 0 applied to this input for a minimum of three SYNC cycles, TS1, turns TRIG Off. This input is designed for Switch control only. (See Figure 5.) VDD (Pin 3) Supply voltage negative terminal. TRIG (Pin 4) TRIG is a negative going pulse occurring once every half cycle of the SYNC input. Pulse width is 1ms (LS7339) or 33µs (LS7340). The LS7339 wide pulse width may be required for inductive loads. The LS7340 narrow pulse width allows use of a smaller value of C2 power supply capacitor. (See Figure 5.) VSS (Pin 5) Supply voltage positive terminal. OSC (Pin 6) An R-C network connected to this input controls the frequency of oscillation which determines the Time-out, TD1, in State 1. TD1 is approximately 255RC. The Oscillator is active only in State 1. Chip to chip Oscillation Tolerance is ±10% for fixed value of RC. Tie Pin 6 to VSS if a Time-out is not desired. (See Figure 5.) (1) The percentage of full power delivered to a resistive load by the triac switch. OPERATING DESCRIPTION: Upon power up, internal power-on-reset starts the LS7339 in STATE 0. When the ON input transitions to logic 0, the circuit steps to STATE 1. When the OFF input transitions to logic 0, the circuit steps to STATE 0. When implemented as shown in the application example (Figure 5), this is accomplished by the momentary switching of the appropriate input to VDD through S1. STATE 1 is a quasi-stable state. 7339-012703-1 CAP (Pin 7) The CAP input is for external component connection for the PLL filter capacitor. (See Figure 5.) SYNC (Pin 8) The AC Line Frequency (50/60Hz) is applied to this input. The Phase-Lock Loop synchronizes all internal timings to the AC signal at the SYNC input. (See Figure 5.) NOTE 1: ON will function as described if OFF is at logic 1. If OFF is held at logic 0, the transitions at ON will not cause the output to turn On. NOTE 2: OFF will function as described if ON is at logic 1. If ON is held at logic 0, the transitions at OFF will not cause the the output to turn Off. SYNC ø TRIG Tw Tw FIGURE 2. OUTPUT CONDUCTION ANGLE, Ø FIGURE 3. OUTPUT PHASE ANGLE Ø VS ON AND OFF ON TS1 OFF TS1 TS1 TD1 TS1 TD1 159˚/STATE 1
1. 物料型号: - LS7339和LS7340是MOS集成电路,用于控制交流负载中的双向可控硅开关。

2. 器件简介: - LS7339和LS7340设计用于在电源开关中控制双向可控硅的开关。ON输入激活时,双向可控硅将被打开并启动计时器。双向可控硅保持开启状态直到由外部R-C控制的计时器时间结束。OFF输入激活时,双向可控硅将被关闭。

3. 引脚分配: - ON (Pin 1):逻辑0输入,用于启动计时器并打开TRIG。 - OFF (Pin 2):逻辑0输入,用于关闭TRIG。 - VDD (Pin 3):供电电压负极。 - TRIG (Pin 4):负向脉冲,用于触发双向可控硅。 - VSS (Pin 5):供电电压正极。 - OSC (Pin 6):R-C网络连接点,控制振荡频率,从而确定计时器时间。 - CAP (Pin 7):外部组件连接点,用于PLL滤波电容。 - SYNC (Pin 8):交流线路频率输入,用于同步内部时序。

4. 参数特性: - 相位锁定环同步,适用于墙壁开关应用。 - PLL精度提供纯净的交流电源。 - 外部R-C可编程计时器。 - 50/60Hz线路频率。 - +12V至+18V操作电压范围。

5. 功能详解: - 上电后,LS7339从状态0开始。ON输入逻辑0转换时,电路进入状态1并启动计时器。OFF输入逻辑0转换时,电路返回状态0。状态1是一个准稳定状态,如果在状态1中,经过由OSC输入频率设定的时间后,电路自动返回状态0。

6. 应用信息: - 用于自动关闭定时器的电器,如咖啡壶、卷发棒、电热毯、手干燥器。 - 用于白炽灯和热灯的时间控制墙壁开关。

7. 封装信息: - LS7339和LS7340提供DIP封装,LS7339-S和LS7340-S为表贴封装。
LS7339 价格&库存

