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    009-5762-025 - Digital Meters Loop and Line Powered - Magnetrol International, Inc.

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009-5762-025 数据手册
Digital Meters Loop and Line Powered DESCRIPTION A selection of digital meters is available as additional indication for any of Magnetrol’s electronic transmitters. These meters are manufactured by a leading meter supplier and are a valuable accessory to the local indication already standard on many of our transmitters, or as indication on a blind transmitter. FEATURES • Choice of two- and four-wire models • 1⁄8" DIN, NEMA 4X and explosion proof enclosures • Panel and pipe mounting kits available • FM, CSA, UL and CENELEC approvals available • Only one volt drop across loop-powered models • 31⁄2, 4 or 6 digit display • Line-powered models available with the following options: • Totalizer • On-board power supplies • Up to four relays • Pump alternation • Programmable root functions for flumes and weirs • 11-point calibration • Square root extraction • E3 Modulevel® Displacer Transmitters • Echotel® Models 300, 301, 344, 345 and 355 Non-Contact Ultrasonic Level Transmitters • Kotron® Models 82CE, 801, 804 and 805 RF Capacitance Level Transmitters FOR USE WITH • Eclipse® Guided Wave Radar Transmitter • Thermatel® Models TA1 and TA2 Thermal Mass Flow Transmitters DIGITAL Line/Loop Display Enclosure Material Enclosure Rating Power METER FEATURES 009-5768-6XX Loop 3.5 digits, 1" Glass Filled Polycarbonate NEMA 4X 24 VDC 009-5768-7XX Loop 3.5 digits, 1" Cast Aluminum Explosion Proof 24 VDC 009-5762-0XX* Line 6 digits, 0.60" Plastic 1 ⁄8" DIN NEMA 4X Panel 85-265 VAC, 12 or 24 VDC -40° to +149° F (-40° to +65° C) Yes None Panel 50 - 100 Ω 700 Ω Yes, 2 009-5776-5XX Line 4 digits, 0.56" Plastic 1 ⁄8" DIN NEMA 4X Panel 85-265 VAC/90-265 VDC 12-36 VDC +32° to +149° F (0° to +65° C) None None Panel 50 Ω N/A N/A Operating Temp. Range UL/CUL Approvals FM/CSA Approvals Mounting Maximum Input Loop Resistance Isolated 24 VDC P.S. Max. Loop Resistance Isolated 24 VDC P.S. 009-5765-5XX* Line 6 digits, 1" Glass Filled Polycarbonate NEMA 4X 115/230 VAC, 24 VDC -4° to +149° F (-20° to +65° C) None None Wall 100 Ω 1200 Ω Yes, 2 -40° to +185° F -40° to +176° F (-40° to +85° C) (-40° to +80° C) None None Class I, II, III, Div 1 Cl. I Div 1, Gps C,D Gps A,B,C,D,E,F,G Cl. II Div 1,Gps E,F,G Type 4X Cl. III Wall Wall 50 Ω N/A N/A 50 Ω N/A N/A * Models 009-5765-5XX and 009-5762-0XX include the following features: totalizer, 2 or 4 SPDT relays with adjustable deadband rated for 2 amps at 250 VAC, alternate rate/total display, pump alternation, 4-20 mA retransmit, 11-point calibration, programmable root functions for weirs & flumes, square root extraction, priority batch programming, lock-out and fail-safe. DIMENSIONAL 6.00" DRAWINGS 3 . 7 0" Relays Option Connector 5 . 5 0" 6 72468 6. 7 0" 4 . 8 0" 1.76" (45 mm) 2.45" (62 mm) 4.17" (106 mm) (2) 1/2 " conduit entries 0.59" (15 mm) 4.77" (121 mm) 5.05" (128 mm) 6" (152 mm) Clearance 3.61" (92 mm) 009-5765-5XX 4.68" (119 mm) 4 . 7 2" Wall Mounting Holes Beneath Cover Screws 2.56" . 79 " 009-5762-0XX 3 . 1 5" 2. 3 6" 5.5 1 " 1 / 2" con d uit entr y END VIEW 1.76" TOP VIEW Removable Connectors 009-5768-6XX 6.25" 5. 1 2" 2.50" 2.45" 6. 38 " 3.61" 6.25" 5. 1 2" 4" 5. 1 2" 1 .5" 3 /4 " NPT conduit entry 0.59" Mounting Bracket 3.1" Mounting Screw 4.68" 009-5776-5XX 3/8" 009-5768-7XX 2 DIGITAL METER MODEL NUMBER METER TYPE 620 655 686 687 765 Line powered 1⁄8 DIN Line powered NEMA 4X Loop powered NEMA 4X Loop powered XP Line powered 1⁄8 DIN 24 VDC only 24 VDC only SUPPLY VOLTAGE 0 2 115/230 VAC 24 VDC 620, 655 & 765 only 655, 686, 687, 692, 765 Model 009-5776-52X is suitable for 12-36 VDC supply voltage Model 009-5762-00X is suitable for 85-265 VAC supply voltage Model 009-5762-02X is suitable for 12 or 24 VDC supply voltage Model 009-5776-50X is suitable for 85-265 VAC or 90-265 VDC supply voltage OUTPUT/OPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Indication only 2 relays 4-20 mA retransmit 2 relays and 4-20 mA retransmit 4 relays 4 relays and 4-20 mA retransmit 620 & 655 only 620 & 655 only 620 & 655 only 620 & 655 only 620 & 655 only MOUNTING KITS 0 0 9 5 7 036-3817-001 Panel mounting kit for Model 655 2" pipe mounting kit for Model 655 Panel mounting kit for Model 686 2" pipe mounting kit for Models 686 & 687 036-3817-002 036-3817-003 036-3817-004 MODEL Magnetrol Model 009-5762-021 009-5762-022 009-5762-023 009-5762-024 009-5762-025 009-5762-026 009-5762-001 009-5762-002 009-5762-003 009-5762-004 009-5762-005 NUMBER Precision Digital Model PD6200-7R0 PD6200-7R2 PD6200-7R3 PD6200-7R5 PD6200-7R4 PD6200-7R7 PD6200-6R0 PD6200-6R2 PD6200-6R3 PD6200-6R5 PD6200-6R4 CROSS-REFERENCE Magnetrol Model 009-5762-006 009-5765-501 009-5765-502 009-5765-503 009-5765-504 009-5765-505 009-5765-506 009-5765-521 009-5765-522 009-5765-523 009-5765-524 Precision Digital Model PD6200-6R7 PD655-N PD655-44 PD655-45 PD655-46 PD655-47 PD655-48 PD655-2-N PD655-2-44 PD655-2-45 PD655-2-46 Magnetrol Model 009-5765-525 009-5765-526 009-5768-621 009-5768-721 009-5776-501 009-5776-521 036-3817-001 036-3817-002 036-3817-003 036-3817-004 Precision Digital Model PD655-2-47 PD655-2-48 PD686 PD687-EX PD765-6RO PD765-6RO-1 PDA6554 PDA6545 PDA6844 PDA6845 3 QUALITY The quality assurance system in place at Magnetrol guarantees the highest level of quality throughout the company. Magnetrol is committed to providing full customer satisfaction both in quality products and quality service. Magnetrol’s corporate quality assurance system is registered to ISO 9001 affirming its commitment to known international quality standards providing the strongest assurance of product/service quality available. WARRANTY All Magnetrol electronic level and flow controls are warranted free of defects in materials or workmanship for one full year from the date of original factory shipment. If returned within the warranty period; and, upon factory inspection of the control, the cause of the claim is determined to be covered under the warranty; then, Magnetrol will repair or replace the control at no cost to the purchaser (or owner) other than transportation. Magnetrol shall not be liable for misapplication, labor claims, direct or consequential damage or expense arising from the installation or use of equipment. There are no other warranties expressed or implied, except special written warranties covering some Magnetrol products. Important Note: The digital meters described in this bulletin are manufactured by Precision Digital and marketed and sold on a non-exclusive basis by Magnetrol International. Standard Precision Digital terms relative to warranty, shipment and ISO 9001 registration apply. 5300 Belmont Road • Downers Grove, Illinois 60515-4499 • 630-969-4000 • Fax 630-969-9489 • www.magnetrol.com 145 Jardin Drive, Units 1 & 2 • Concord, Ontario Canada L4K 1X7 • 905-738-9600 • Fax 905-738-1306 Heikensstraat 6 • B 9240 Zele, Belgium • 052 45.11.11 • Fax 052 45.09.93 Regent Business Ctr., Jubilee Rd. • Burgess Hill, Sussex RH15 9TL U.K. • 01444-871313 • Fax 01444-871317 Copyright © 2009 Magnetrol International, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Performance specifications are effective with date of issue and are subject to change without notice. Magnetrol & Magnetrol logotype, Eclipse, and Modulevel are registered trademarks of Magnetrol International. BULLETIN: 41-104.2 EFFECTIVE: June 2009 SUPERSEDES: May 2003
009-5762-025 价格&库存

