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    628 - RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH - Mallory performance club

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628 数据手册
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ® WINDOW RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH PART NO. 628 Parts Included in this kit: 1 1 1 2 RPM Activated Switch Part No. 628 “U” shaped crimp-on wire terminal #6 x 1⁄4" sheet metal screw #8 x 1⁄2" sheet metal screws CONTENTS General Information............................................................ ...1 Mounting Procedure........................................................... ...2 Wiring Procedure...................................................................2 RPM and Cylinder Setting Procedure....................................3 Wiring Diagrams for the RPM Activated Switch Connecting to a HYFIRE® IV.................................................5 Connecting to a HYFIRE® VII.......................................... .....6 Connecting to relays with a HYFIRE® VII.............................7 Connecting to a Timing Retard............................................8 Connecting to a Timing Control...........................................8 Connecting to a Light...........................................................8 Connecting to an Electric (Shifter) Solenoid.................. .....9 Connecting to a Nitrous System........................................10 Connecting to a Nitrous System and Timing Retard.........10 Shifnoid Wiring............................................................... ...11 GENERAL INFORMATION The Mallory 628 Window RPM Switch is an RPM switch that is triggered from the tach terminal available on most aftermarket performance ignitions. It will not only activate at a particular RPM, but can also be set to de-activate at a second, higher, RPM. It can be used on 4, 6 (even-fire only), and 8 cylinder engines. NOTE: The Mallory 628 CANNOT be triggered from points or electronic distributor. It must be triggered from a tach output terminal. The 628 features two independent sets of switch contacts that switch other devices on or off when the selected RPM is reached. These contacts draw a maximum current of 5 amps. To switch more than 5 amps, you must use the RPM Activated Switch output to drive a high current relay, such as a horn or headlight (see illustrations). NOTE: The switch contacts are NOT connected electrically. This allows you to turn one circuit on and another off at the same RPM. MOUNTING PROCEDURE Step 1 Disconnect the battery (–) cable to cut power to the system. Step 2 Mount the unit in an area away from hot engine components or extreme heat, such as exhaust manifolds, and away from moving parts, such as fans, belts, and linkages. Step 3 Mount the unit using supplied #8 x 1⁄2" sheet metal screws. WIRING PROCEDURE Step 1 Connect the BLACK WIRE to engine or chassis ground. You can use the supplied “U” shaped terminal and #6 x 1⁄4" sheet metal screws to make this connection. If you are connecting the RPM Activated Switch to an aftermarket ignition system such as a Mallory HYFIRE®, use the same grounding location that the ignition uses. See Figures 4-9, pages 7-12. Step 2 Connect the RED WIRE to a 12-volt power supply, such as the ignition switch. You can use the same wire that provides power for your ignition as long as a ballast resistor is not wired in series with it. NOTE: Do NOT connect the RED WIRE to the coil (+) terminal. Connect it to the wire coming directly from the ignition switch. If your vehicle is equipped with loom resistance wire, you must provide an alternate power connection to the red wire. Step 3 The GREEN WIRE must be connected to the ignition system tach output. • When using a Mallory ignition system, connect the GREEN WIRE to the TACH terminal. See Figures 2, 3 and 4. • When using an aftermarket ignition with a TACH output, connect the GREEN WIRE to the TACH terminal. Check manufacture’s ignition instructions to find this location. • Other aftermarket ignitions - Connect the GREEN WIRE to the tachometer lead terminal. Check manufacturer’s ignition instructions to find this location. Step 4 To connect a device that you want to switch ON at the RPM setting you’ve selected, such as a shift light, connect one ORANGE WIRE to the device and the other ORANGE WIRE to a 12-volt power supply. Connect the remaining wire from the device to a ground. See Figure 5, page 8. Step 5 To connect a device that you want to switch OFF at the RPM setting you’ve selected, such as a nitrous solenoid, connect one PURPLE WIRE to the device and the other PURPLE WIRE to a 12-volt power supply. Connect the remaining wire from the device to a ground. See Figure 6, page 9. Step 6 Secure all wires to prevent contact with extreme heat, sharp objects, or moving devices, such as fans, belts, and linkages. Step 7 Recheck all wires and connections to ensure that they are correct before applying power. Step 8 Reconnect the battery (–) terminal cable. Start engine and check operation of the RPM Activated Switch. 2 RPM AND CYLINDER SETTING PRODEDURE The Mallory Window RPM switch has two RPM settings: a lower RPM to activate the switch, and a higher RPM to de-activate the switch. For example, suppose you have a nitrous system installed. You might want the nitrous to only come on above a certain RPM, but to protect the engine, you want to shut it off at an RPM just above your shift point. Step 1 Remove the four screws that hold the top cover in place, and remove the cover. Step 2 If you want 4 or 6 cylinder operation, click the 4 or 6 cylinder switch on the left side to the "ON" position. For 8 cylinder operation, both switches should be off. Step 3 Set the lower and upper RPM values by selecting an RPM value in the thousands (left-hand switch) and an RPM value in the hundreds (right-hand switch). Note that on the switch for the RPM value in the thousands A=10,000; B=11,000 and C=12,000. NOTE: For proper operation, the upper RPM switch should be set at least 200 RPM higher than the lower RPM switch. The RPM range is 1000 to 12,700 RPM for the low side, and 12,900 RPM for the high side. If you do not want to use the high-side deactivation feature, set the high-side switches to 12,900 (C9). Step 4 Replace the top cover and re-attach the screws. FIGURE 1 HIGH RPM B CD EF 01 23 901 23 78 1000's B CD EF 100's 901 23 78 01 23 LOW RPM 456 7 89A 4 CYL 6 CYL ON ON 456 3 45 6 45 6 7 89A 4 ® RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH WITH HYFIRE® IV FIGURE 2 WINDOW RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH PART NO. 628 CONNECT THESE ORANGE WIRES TO A DEVICE TO BE TURNED ON AT A SELECTED RPM RED CONNECT THESE PURPLE WIRES TO A DEVICE TO BE TURNED OFF AT A SELECTED RPM TO 12 VOLT SOURCE DO NOT CONNECT TO COIL + BLACK GREEN TO ENGINE BLOCK OR CHASSIS GROUND TO TACH CONNECT THIS HARNESS ACCORDING TO THE HYFIRE® INSTRUCTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE HYFIRE®, DISTRIBUTOR AND COIL BEING USED ® HYFIRE® IV IGNITION SYSTEM TO BATTERY + TERMINAL USED FOR MAGNETIC PICKUP DISTRIBUTOR OR CRANK TRIGGER TO ENGINE BLOCK OR CHASSIS GROUND RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH WITH HYFIRE® VII TO TACH CONNECT IGNITION COIL AND DISTRIBUTOR/TRIGGER WIRES ACCORDING TO THE ® HYFIRE VII INSTRUCTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE DISTRIBUTOR/TRIGGER BEING USED FIGURE 3 GREEN 075 DO NOT CONNECT TO COIL + CONNECT THIS WIRE TO A SWITCHED 12 VOLT SOURCE. SWITCH MUST BE CAPABLE OF SWITCHING ALL OF THE CURRENT FROM THE IGNITION AND DEVICE(S). RED ® DO NOT CONNECT TO COIL + TERMINAL WINDOW RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH PART NO. 628 THE IGNITION MAY DRAW UP TO 1/2 AMP. MINIMUM OF 18 GA WIRE SHOULD BE USED. ORANGE CONNECT THESE ORANGE WIRES TO A DEVICE TO BE TURNED ON AT A SELECTED RPM. PURPLE CONNECT THESE PURPLE WIRES TO A DEVICE TO BE TURNED OFF AT A SELECTED RPM. BLACK TO ENGINE BLOCK OR CHASSIS GROUND NOTE: RELAYS ARE REQUIRED IF THE DEVICE BEINGSWITCHED DRAWS MORE THAN 5 AMPS. 5 6 TO TACH CONNECT IGNITION COIL AND DISTRIBUTOR/TRIGGER WIRES ACCORDING TO THE ® HYFIRE VII INSTRUCTIONS APPLICABLE TO THE DISTRIBUTOR/TRIGGER BEING USED GREEN RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH AND RELAYS WITH HYFIRE® VII FIGURE 4 075 DO NOT CONNECT TO COIL + DO NOT CONNECT TO COIL + TERMINAL RED CONNECT THESE WIRES TO A SWITCHED 12 VOLT SOURCE. SWITCH MUST BE CAPABLE OF SWITCHING ALL OF THE CURRENT FROM THE IGNITION AND DEVICE(S). ® THE IGNITION MAY DRAW UP TO 1/2 AMP. MINIMUM OF 18 GA WIRE SHOULD BE USED. WINDOW RPM ACTIVATED SWITCH PART NO. 628 STANDARD STANDARD CONNECT THIS WIRE TO THE DEVICE TO BE TURNED ON AT A SELECTED RPM. CONNECT THE OTHER WIRE FROM THE DEVICE TO THE GROUND. CONNECT THIS WIRE TO THE DEVICE TO BE TURNED ON AT A SELECTED RPM. CONNECT THE OTHER WIRE FROM THE DEVICE TO THE GROUND. ORANGE BLACK NOTE: RELAYS ARE REQUIRED IF THE DEVICE BEINGSWITCHED DRAWS MORE THAN 5 AMPS. T HES RELAYS ARE SHOWN AS EXAMPLES ONLY. OTHER RELAYS MAY BE USED SUCH AS BLUE STREAK PART NO. RY-48. TO ENGINE BLOCK OR CHASSIS GROUND PURPLE TO ENGINE BLOCK OR CHASSIS GROUND TIMING RETARD “ON”AT RPM SETTING PART NO. 628 FIGURE 5 HIGH SPEED RETARD PART NO. 618-1 TO 12V SOURCE ORANGE WIRES (NORMALLY OPEN CLOSES/“ON” AT THE RPM SETTING) ORANGE 18AWG WIRE PURPLE WIRES (NOT USED) RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 PART NO. 628 TIMING CONTROL “ON”AT RPM SETTING REMOTE TIMING CONTROL IGNITION SYSTEM PART NO. 631 TO 12V SOURCE ORANGE WIRES (NORMALLY OPEN CLOSES/“ON” AT THE RPM SETTING) PURPLE WIRES (NOT USED) RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 ORANGE 18AWG WIRE (#21) PART NO. 628 LIGHT “ON”AT RPM SETTING ORANGE WIRES: ORANGE WIRES TO 12V SOURCE OR PURPLE WIRES (NOT USED) TO 12V SOURCE RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE ORANGE WIRES NOTE: TO TURN LIGHTS “OFF” AT RPM SETTING - EXCHANGE THE ORANGE WIRES AND THE PURPLE WIRES. 7 ELECTRIC (SHIFTER) SOLENOID FIGURE 6 PART NO. 628 USE ORANGE WIRES TO TURN “ON” AT LOW RPM SETTING. MANUAL SHIFTING: TURN SWITCH “OFF” TOGGLE SWITCH PART NO. 26074 TO 12V SOURCE USE PURPLE WIRES TO TURN “OFF” AT LOW RPM SETTING. ORANGE OR PURPLE WIRES RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 PART NO. 628 MANUAL SHIFTING: TURN SWITCH “OFF” TOGGLE SWITCH PART NO. 26074 TO 12V SOURCE ORANGE OR PURPLE WIRES USE ORANGE WIRES TO TURN “ON” AT LOW RPM SETTING. RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 USE PURPLE WIRES TO TURN “OFF” AT LOW RPM SETTING. PART NO. 628 HR - 106 135 MANUAL SHIFTING: TURN SWITCH “OFF” TOGGLE SWITCH TO 12V SOURCE ORANGE OR PURPLE WIRES RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 USE ORANGE WIRES TO TURN “ON” AT LOW RPM SETTING. USE PURPLE WIRES TO TURN “OFF” AT LOW RPM SETTING. 8 NITROUS SYSTEM “ON” AT RPM SETTING PART NO. 628 HR - 106 FIGURE 7 ORANGE WIRES PURPLE WIRES (NOT USED) RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 5-12 TO 12V SOURCE: “ON” ONLY WITH THE NITROUS ARMING SYSTEM GAS SOLENOID NITROUS SOLENOID NOTE: THE NITROUS SYSTEM WILL TURN “OFF” AT UPPER RPM SETTING. NITROUS SYSTEM AND TIMING RETARD “ON” AT RPM SETTING HIGH SPEED RETARD FIGURE 8 PART NO. 618-1 PART NO. 628 HR - 106 ORANGE 18AWG WIRE ORANGE WIRES TO 12V SOURCE: “ON” ONLY WITH THE NITROUS ARMING SYSTEM PURPLE WIRES (NOT USED) RED, GREEN AND BLACK WIRES: SEE PAGES 4-11 GAS SOLENOID NITROUS SOLENOID NOTE: THE NITROUS SYSTEM WILL TURN “OFF” AT UPPER RPM SETTING. 9 SHIFNOID WIRING FOR A B & M RATCHET SHIFTER W/SN5070 SOLENOID FIGURE 9 PART NO. 628 ORANGE WIRES RED WIRE 12V IGN. SWITCH GREEN WIRE TACH TERMINAL BLACK WIRE GROUND PURPLE WIRES NOT USED TO 12V TO STARTER SWITCH TO 12V 87 87A 86 (NOT USED) 85 COMMON NORMALLY OPEN NORMALLY CLOSED SHIFNOID INTERFACE RELAY NEUTRAL SAFETY 30 OPTIONAL SWITCH B&M PRO RATCHET SHIFTER 10 11 MALLORY IS A DIVISION OF THE MR. GASKET PERFORMANCE GROUP 550 MALLORY WAY, CARSON CITY, NV 89701 (775) 882-6600 FAX (775) 887-4326 www.mrgasket.com FORM #1471 (REV. A) 7/99 MADE IN U.S.A. PRINTED IN U.S.A.


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