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MLX90329LDC-DBA-000-RE 数据手册
MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 2. Application Examples 1. Features and Benefits       Sensor interface IC for use in harsh automotive environments High EMC robustness Possibilities to achieve outstanding overall sensor performances SENT output with option for pressure, calibrated on chip or external NTC temperature information Outstanding accuracy for factory calibrated NTC within ±1°C Piezoresistive automotive pressure sensors interface Sensors based on Wheatstone bridge resistors  3. Ordering information Product Code Temperature Code Package Code Option Code Packing Form Code MLX90329 L DC DBA-000 RE Legend: Temperature Code: Package Code: Option Code: Packing Form: Ordering example: L (-40°C to 150°C) DC = SOIC-8 Plastic Small Outline, 150 mil DBA-000 RE = Reel MLX90329LDC-DBA-000-RE 4. Functional Diagram DSP 6/7 VDDA Piezoresistive sensing element Sensor bias Off chip temperature sensor current output Divided bridge current IV conversion Gain & Offset Temperature Compensation Overvoltage & reverse voltage protection Voltage regulator POR On chip temperature sensor SENT driver Pressure Linearization Vbrg Vext PGA InP OPA InN NTC N T C Vsupply M U X Vana Programmable Filter ADC Temperature conditioning 16 bits Slew rate control SENT Output Rom SE1, SE2, VEXT EEPROM NTC interface and linearization Test Oscillator Ram Test Gnd Figure 1: Functional block diagram REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 1 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 5. General Description The MLX90329 covers the most typical resistive type of Wheatstone bridge applications for use in an automotive environment. It is a mixed signal sensor interface IC that converts small changes in resistors, configured in a full Wheatstone bridge on a sensing element, to large output voltage variations. The signal conditioning includes gain adjustment, offset control as well as temperature compensation in order to accommodate variations of the different resistive sensing elements. Compensation values are stored in EEPROM and can be reprogrammed with a Melexis tool including the necessary software. The MLX90329 is programmed with a single wire serial interface through the output pin. The user can specify SENT fast channel configuration, slow channel messages and enable several diagnostic settings. By intercepting these various fault modes, the MLX90329 is able to inform about the reliability of its output signal. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 2 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Contents 1. Features and Benefits........................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Application Examples ........................................................................................................................................... 1 3. Ordering information ........................................................................................................................................... 1 4. Functional Diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 1 5. General Description.............................................................................................................................................. 2 6. Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................................. 4 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................................................. 4 8. Pin Definitions and Descriptions ........................................................................................................................... 4 9. General Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 5 10. Filters ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 10.1. PFLT ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 10.2. SSF ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 11. Analog Front End ................................................................................................................................................ 9 12. ADC .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 13. Digital ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 14. NTC Temperature Linearization ........................................................................................................................ 12 15. SENT Configuration .......................................................................................................................................... 15 15.1. Fast Channel Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 15 15.2. Slow Channel Configuration .................................................................................................................... 16 16. Wrong Connections Overview .......................................................................................................................... 20 17. Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................................... 21 17.1. Input Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................... 21 17.2. Diagnostic Sources................................................................................................................................... 21 17.3. Fast and Slow Channel Diagnostics .......................................................................................................... 22 18. Timings ............................................................................................................................................................. 26 19. Unique features................................................................................................................................................ 27 20. Application Information.................................................................................................................................... 28 21. Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes..... 29 22. ESD Precautions ............................................................................................................................................... 29 23. Package Information ........................................................................................................................................ 30 24. Contact............................................................................................................................................................. 31 25. Disclaimer......................................................................................................................................................... 31 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 3 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 6. Glossary of Terms POR: Power-on Reset ADC: Analog to Digital Converter DSP: Digital Signal Processor EMC: Electro Magnetic Compatibility SENT: Single Edge Nibble Transmission OV: Over Voltage UV: Under Voltage FC: SENT Fast Channel FC1: SENT Fast Channel 1 FC2: SENT Fast Channel 2 7. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply Voltage (overvoltage) Value Units 18 V Reverse Voltage Protection -14 V Positive output voltage 18 V Reverse output voltage -0.5 V Operating Temperature Range -40 to 150 °C Storage Temperature Range -40 to 150 °C Programming Temperature Range -40 to 125 °C Table 1: Absolute maximum ratings Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 8. Pin Definitions and Descriptions Pin number SOIC8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description Vbrg: bridge supply voltage InP: positive bridge output Test: pin used for testing purposes only InN: negative bridge output Out: SENT output Vsupply: IC supply NTC: NTC input Gnd: Ground Table 2: Pin out definitions and descriptions REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 4 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Package side Top Line number 1 Description Product number Top 2 Lot number Top 3 Sublot number (optional) Bottom 1 Year and calendar week (yyww) Table 3: Package marking definition 9. General Electrical Specifications DC Operating Parameters TA = -40°C to 150°C Parameter Nominal supply voltage Nominal supply current Symbol Vdd Idd Decoupling capacitor on supply Supply series resistor Remarks Min 4.5 Sensing element current consumption, SENT interface current and NTC current excluded Typ(1) 5 8 100 Not mandatory but recommended for optimal EMC performance Pure capacitive load Capacitive load on output Analog POR hysteresis Digital POR level (rising) Digital POR hysteresis Analog regulator Nominal bridge supply voltage Power up time Pull-up to Vdd at receiver Vdd_com Ohm nF 10 6.2 2.2 1.1nF + 220Ω + 1.1nF 55 7.8 kOhm V 3.9 V 500 2.7 200 +9% +9% mV V mV V V 1.1 msec 3 SENT frames 2 100 2.05 10 -9% -9% VDDA Vbrg nF 10 3.1 Pressure response time(2) 1 Threshold to enter communication mode Units V mA 0 CRC load circuit (C close to device + Series R + C close to connector) Resistive load on output Supply programming entry level Analog POR level (rising) Max 5.5 10 Time from reaching minimum allowed supply voltage of 4.5V till the first falling edge of the first SENT frame Filter setting PFLT = 0 and SSF = 1. Tick time = 3us and Pause Pulse enabled. For other configurations refer to Table 5 in chapter 10. 3.5 2.3 3.5 3 Typical values are defined at T A = +25°C and V DD = 5V. Number of SENT frames between pressure step and settled output (last frame containing stable pressure data) REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 5 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Parameter Symbol Wheastone Bridge sensitivity range at 25°C(3) Wheastone Bridge resistance range InP InN digital diagnostic levels Pressure sensor signal chain accuracy Wheastone Bridge(4) offset range External Wheatstone Bridge Temperature accuracy Input voltage range on NTC pin ADC resolution NTC Temperature Output noise NTC Temperature Range Temperature response time Remarks Min 2 Typ(1) Max 55 2 Diagnostic thresholds of 25% of VDDA (low) and 75% of VDDA (high) kOhm -16384 16384 lsb 0.2 %FSO -20 20 mV/V -3 +3 °C 0 3.5 V Initial errors compensated by calibration of the pressure sensor at minimum two temperatures. Only drift over life remaining in error budget. Worst case for maximum gain setting. For typical Wheatstone bridges. Application specific. Units mV/V 16 1 -55 200 100 Bits LSB pkpk °C msec Table 4: Electrical specifications 10. Filters There are two filters available to filter the pressure signal. The first filter is a Small Signal Filter which can be disabled or enabled. The second filter is a first order low pass filter for the pressure signal which has a programmable depth. An overview of the noise levels using different filter and gain combinations can be found in Table 6. 10.1. PFLT PFLT is a programmable first order low pass filter. The depth of this filter can be selected. This filter can be configured to select the optimal trade-off between response time and output noise. 3 A maximum performance can be obtained with this sensor sensitivity range. A programmable gain with 5 bits from a gain of 9 to 237 is used in the analog front end circuitry to adapt the sensor range to the on chip ADC input range. Half of the ADC input range (= 1.75V) is foreseen to be used during the sensor calibration at the first temperature. The rest of the ADC input range is left for the compensation of the s ensor temperature effects. A coarse offset compensation is available to calibrate large sensor offsets. A more detailed overview of the gains in the analog frontend can be found in Table 7. 4 Please contact Melexis for assistance in evaluating the match between the sensing element and the MLX90329 interface if needed. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 6 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces The low pass filter is implemented according to the following formula: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The PFLT parameter in the formula is set in EEPROM and can have a value between 0 and 9. An overview of typical response times when applying a step on the input using different PFLT filter settings can be found in Table 5. The number of SENT frames indicated in the table includes the last frame which contains stable pressure data. Filter setting 0 disables the PFLT. PFLT setting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Response time in SENT frames(5) 3 3 5 8 13 24 45 88 176 350 Table 5: Filter settings with corresponding typical response times 10.2. SSF The SSF (Small Signal Filter) is a digital filter which is designed not to have an impact on the response time of a fast changing pressure signal like a pressure step. When a large signal change at the input is present, the filter is bypassed and not filtering the signal. For small signal changes, which are in most cases noise, the filter is used and filtering the pressure signal. The Small Signal Filter can be enabled or disabled in EEPROM. It is advised not to use the SSF in combination with the PFLT enabled. 5 Tick time is set to 3us and Pause Pulse is enabled. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 7 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Analog front end gain (CG) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Digital gain (G0) 10000 10000 10000 10000 17000 17000 17000 17000 30000 30000 30000 30000 10000 10000 10000 10000 17000 17000 17000 17000 30000 30000 30000 30000 10000 10000 10000 10000 17000 17000 17000 17000 30000 30000 30000 30000 PFLT setting SSF 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 0 1 4 9 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Noise (LSB pk-pk) 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 4 3 2 0 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 0 4 4 2 0 3 3 2 1 4 4 2 1 7 7 4 1 Table 6: Filter settings and gain combinations with corresponding pressure noise values REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 8 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 11. Analog Front End The analog front end of the MLX90329 consists of a chopping stage and 3 amplification stages as can be seen in Figure 2. There are also several input diagnostics integrated into this front end to be able to detect a broken InP or InN connection or an input which is out of range. This diagnostic information is transferred to the microcontroller to handle further action for example flagging a diagnostic message. G = 4.5 to 10.5 3 bits G = 1.25 or 3.5 CSOF: 1/3 to 2/3 of VDDA G = 1.6, 3.2 or 6.4 InP Input Diag nostics InN OPA Chopping 1us/phase Stage 1: Instrumentation amplifier OPA Stage 2: Differential amplifier Stage 3: Integrator Figure 2: Analog front end block diagram The first stage is an instrumentation amplifier of which the gain can be programmed using 3 bits to cover a gain range between 4.5 and 10.6. Transfer equation: OUTP1 – OUTN1 = Gst1*(InP – InN) in phase 1 OUTP1 – OUTN1 = Gst1*(InN – InP) in phase 2 The second stage is a fully differential amplifier. The gain of the amplifier can be calibrated using 1 bit. Transfer equation: OUTP2 – OUTN2 = -Gst2*(OUTP1 – OUTN1) – Gst2*(CSOF1 – CSOF2) in phase 1 OUTP2 – OUTN2 = -Gst2*(OUTN1 – OUTP1) – Gst2*(CSOF2 – CSOF1) in phase 2 The CSOF1 and CSOF2 signals are generated by the coarse offset DAC with the following transfer functions: VDDA  2 1  VDDA CO[6 : 0] CO7   1 *    * * 2 2 127  3 3 VDDA 1  VDDA CO[6 : 0] CO7  2 CSOF 2    1 *    * * 2 2 127  3 3 CSOF1  CO[6:0] fixes the DAC output. CO7 is used for the polarity. The third stage is an integrator which is controlled using 2 bits to set a gain between 1.6 and 6.4 Transfer equation at the outputs of the amplifier: OUTP3 – OUTN3 = -N*(C1/C2)*(OUTP2 – OUTN2) OUTP3_common_mode and OUTN3_common_mode = VCM = VDDA/2 In this equation N represents the number of integration cycles which is a fixed value of N = 40. C2 is a fixed feedback capacitor of approximately 5pF. C1 can have 3 different values: 0.2pF, 0.4pF or 0.8pF. Transfer equation after the ADC: Pressure_ADC = ((OUTN3 – OUTP3)*216/VDDA) + 32768 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 9 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces An overview of all possible values for Gst1, Gst2 and Gst3 can be found in Table 7 below. The input stage is designed to work with an input common-mode voltage range between 42%Vbrg and 58%Vbrg. Gain setting Gst1 Gst2 Gst3 Total gain FS Differential Input Signal [-] [V/V] [V/V] [V/V] [V/V] [mV] 4.49 5.06 5.8 6.52 7.43 8.37 9.35 10.6 4.49 5.06 5.8 6.52 7.43 8.37 9.35 10.6 4.49 5.06 5.8 6.52 7.43 8.37 9.35 10.6 4.49 5.06 5.8 6.52 7.43 8.37 9.35 10.6 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -1.25 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 -3.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 -9.0 -10.1 -11.6 -13.0 -14.9 -16.7 -18.7 -21.2 -25.1 -28.3 -32.5 -36.5 -41.6 -46.9 -52.4 -59.4 -50.3 -56.7 -65.0 -73.0 -83.2 -93.7 -104.7 -118.7 -100.6 -113.3 -129.9 -146.0 -166.4 -187.5 -209.4 -237.4 ± 195 ± 173 ± 151 ± 134 ± 118 ± 105 ± 94 ± 83 ± 70 ± 62 ± 54 ± 48 ± 42 ± 37 ± 33 ± 29 ± 35 ± 31 ± 27 ± 24 ± 21 ± 19 ± 17 ± 15 ± 17 ± 15 ± 13 ± 12 ± 11 ±9 ±8 ±7 Table 7: Gain and input signal range of the analog front end REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 10 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 12. ADC The 16 bit differential ADC has a range from –VDDA/2 to +VDDA/2. There are 7 different ADC channels. Channel 0 is not used. Table 8 below describes all the channels. ADC Signal Remarks SIN[2:0] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P Tint Vsup InP/InN Vdig Tntc Text Nothing connected Pressure Internal Temperature External Supply Multiplexing between Positive/Negative Sensor Output Digital Regulator NTC Output External Temperature Table 8: ADC channels The different channels are converted in a constantly repeating sequence at a rate of 50µsec for each individual conversion. The order is shown in Figure 3 below. P Tint P Text P Tntc P Vsup P Tint P Text P Tntc P InP/InM P Tint P ... Figure 3: ADC sequence 13. Digital The digital is built around a 16-bit microcontroller. It contains besides the processor also ROM, RAM and EEPROM and a set of user and system IO registers. Temperature compensation of the pressure signal and pressure linearization is handled by the microcontroller. For the pressure compensation there are EEPROM parameters allocated to be able to cover a large variety of calibration approaches. Both for gain and offset of the pressure signal, there is a separate temperature dependency programmable ranging from a temperature independence to a first order, second order and finally a third order compensation. This is reflected in EEPROM parameters for the offset (O0, O1, O2 and O3) and for the gain (G0, G1, G2 and G3). If required, the linearity of the pressure signal can also be compensated without a temperature dependency or with a first order temperature dependency through EEPROM parameters L0 and L1. For the temperature compensation of the pressure signal both the internal on-chip PTAT temperature as the temperature measured using the sensor bridge resistance can be used. The selection between both can be set in EEPROM using the ‘Tpress_Select’ parameter. Tpress_Select = 0 corresponds to sensing element temperature reference and Tpress_Select = 1 is on-chip PTAT temperature. When using the sensing element bridge resistance REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 11 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces temperature measurement, a selection of a 2K, 4K, 8K or a 32K bridge resistance can be done using EEPROM parameter ‘BRIDGE_SEL’(6), see Table 9. Resistance selection BRIDGE_SEL 0 1 2 3 2K 4K 8K 32K Table 9: Bridge resistance selection for temperature reference Linearization of the NTC temperature is also covered partially by the microcontroller. More information in this topic can be found in chapter 14. 14. NTC Temperature Linearization The linearization of the NTC temperature signal is split up in several stages. A schematic overview of these steps can be seen in Figure 4. VDDA 3 or 4 points MLX calibration @ 3 temp Rs Vdiv ADC_raw[15:0] VDDA/2 ADC Calibration & Compensation Rntc ADC_comp[15:0] LUT ADC_ROM => Tntc Figure 4: Block diagram NTC linearization The complete system can be divided into 5 separate stages. 1. A resistor divider with internal resistor Rs is used to linearize Rntc into a voltage. 2. A fully differential amplifier with unity gain is used to drive the ADC. 3. The 16-bit ADC is being used to convert the analog resistor divider output voltage into a digital signal called ADC_raw. 4. With the help of calibration data saved in EEPROM the microcontroller will perform a first compensation on ADC_raw converting in to ADC_comp. This new value is targeted to be as close as possible to the value ADC_ROM. 5. Finally a look up table (LUT) will be used to convert the ADC_ROM values into the Tntc value which is the desired linearized NTC temperature. 6 It is not mandatory to have a bridge resistance identical to the resistance selection setting. In this case it is advised to select the setting closest to the actual value. In case support is needed please contact Melexis. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 12 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces The default NTC characteristic which is calibrated can be found in Table 10. When using an NTC which does not match the coefficients described above, it is advised to contact Melexis. The EEPROM coefficients which are used for the conversion from ADC_raw to ADC_comp are N0 to N3, N0_Diff_Low to N3_Diff_Low, N0_Diff_High to N3_Diff_High and TEMP1 to TEMP3. T (°C) RT/R25 R (Ω) -55 53.68 268400 -50 39.112 195560 -45 28.817 144085 -40 21.459 107295 -35 16.142 80710 -30 12.259 61295 -25 9.3959 46979.5 -20 7.2644 36322 -15 5.6633 28316.5 -10 4.4503 22251.5 -5 3.5236 17618 0 2.8102 14051 5 2.2567 11283.5 10 1.8243 9121.5 15 1.4841 7420.5 20 1.2147 6073.5 25 1 5000 30 0.82785 4139.25 35 0.689 3445 40 0.57639 2881.95 45 0.48457 2422.85 50 0.40931 2046.55 55 0.34731 1736.55 60 0.29599 1479.95 65 0.25332 1266.6 70 0.21768 1088.4 T (°C) 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 RT/R25 0.18779 0.16261 0.14131 0.12324 0.10783 0.094663 0.083361 0.073638 0.06524 0.057964 0.05164 0.046128 0.041309 0.037085 0.033373 0.030102 0.027213 0.024654 0.022384 0.020364 0.018564 0.016955 0.015515 0.014223 0.013063 0.012017 R (Ω) 938.95 813.05 706.55 616.2 539.15 473.315 416.805 368.19 326.2 289.82 258.2 230.64 206.545 185.425 166.865 150.51 136.065 123.27 111.92 101.82 92.82 84.775 77.575 71.115 65.315 60.085 Table 10: Default NTC characteristic The overall accuracy of the default NTC can be found in Table 11. The default temperature characteristic of the NTC and the internal temperature signal can be found in the graph of Figure 6. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 13 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces NTC Accuracy Parameter Symbol Center NTC temperature accuracy εTc Extended NTC temperature accuracy εTe Remarks Min Overall accuracy using the default NTC as described in Table 10. See Figure 5: NTC temperature accuracy. Typ Max Unit -1 1 °C -2 2 °C Table 11: NTC accuracy Temperature Accuracy (°C) εTe εTc -40 35 100 150 170 Temperature (°C) εTc εTe Figure 5: NTC temperature accuracy SENT Output in LSB 4088 1 Temperature in °C -73.025 437.85 Figure 6: NTC and internal temperature transfer function REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 14 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 15. SENT Configuration The SENT output is designed to be compliant with the SAE J2716 rev. Apr 2016 SENT standard. The tick time is configurable in EEPROM using parameter TICK_DIV. The available tick time settings are 3us, 4us, 6us, 10us, 12us and 16us. A pause pulse can also be enabled to have a fixed frame length of 282 ticks. This can be done using parameter PAUSE. 15.1. Fast Channel Configuration On the fast channel, 8 different options are available to configure channel 1 and channel 2. An overview of these different options and how to configure them can be found in Table 12. 1 2 FC_CFG setting 0 1 Pressure (3x 4 bit) Pressure (3x 4 bit) 3 2 Pressure (3x 4 bit) 4 3 Pressure (3x 4 bit) Internal temperature (3x 4 bit) 5 6 7 4 5 6 Pressure only (3x 4 bit) Pressure only (4x 3 bit) Data indicated by pointer 1 (3x 4 bit) / / Data indicated by pointer 2 (3x 4 bit) 8 7 Pressure (3x 4 bit) 0 (3x 4 bit) # Fast Channel 1 Fast Channel 2 Inverse of Pressure (3x 4 bit) Rolling counter (2x 4 bit) and inverse of MSN of Pressure (1x 4 bit) Medium temperature (3x 4 bit) Remark Media temperature can either be NTC or sensing element temperature. (Tmedium_Select) Internal temperature can either be PTAT or sensing element temperature (Tinternal_Select) In this mode no diagnostics are available. FC configuration only used by Melexis. Table 12: Fast channel configuration options The selection of the fast channel output mode can be done by changing the parameter ‘FC_CFG’ in the EEPROM. In case Medium temperature is selected to be available on fast channel 2, the type of media should be defined in EEPROM using parameter ‘Tmedium_Select’. When selecting 0, linearized NTC temperature will be available. Selecting 1 enables sensing element temperature. Sensing element temperature needs to be calibrated after connecting the sensing element to the MLX90329 and is not calibrated by Melexis(7). For Internal temperature, also two options are available defined in EEPROM parameter ‘Tinternal_Select’ where 0 corresponds to on chip factory calibrated PTAT temperature and 1 corresponds to sensing element temperature. The same comment regarding the calibration of the sensing element temperature calibration as made above applies here. 7 Contact Melexis for assistance if required. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 15 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 15.2. Slow Channel Configuration The Slow Serial Channel is implemented according to the Enhanced Serial Message Format using 12 bit data and 8 bit message ID as described in the reference SENT protocol standard SAE J2716 rev. Apr 2016. An overview of the different slow channel messages which are available in the MLX90329 can be found in Table 13. From this table 16 messages can be configured completely in EEPROM. The 12 bit data content of these messages can be configured freely. The ID of programmable message PR0, PR1, PR2 and PR3 is copied from EEPROM (2x 4 bit). The ID of PR5 is 1 bit higher than of PR4. The same is valid for the other pairs: PR6-7, PR8-9, …, PR14-15. This programmable ID is indicated in Table 13 as 0xYZ. All programmable messages can also be enabled and disabled, but not all independently of each other:  PR0, PR1, PR2 and PR3 can be each independently enabled or disabled  PR4 and PR5 are together enabled or disabled  PR6 and PR7 are together enabled or disabled  PR8, PR9, PR10 and PR11 are together enabled or disabled  PR12, PR13, PR14 and PR15 are together enabled or disabled # 0 1 2 3 4 Type RAM EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM RAM ID 0x01 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 Description Diagnostic codes Sensor Type Configuration code Manufacturer Code SENT revision 5 RAM 0x07 6 RAM 0x08 7 EEPROM 0xYZ Fast channel 1 Characteristic X1 Fast channel 1 Characteristic X2 Fully Programmable message 0 8 RAM 0x23 9 RAM 0x09 10 RAM 11 ROM Internal Temperature Fast channel 1 Characteristic Y1 0x0A Fast channel 1 Characteristic Y2 0x0B Fast channel 2 Characteristic X1 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Data Error_flags (See chapter 0 Diagnostics) Configurable 0 to 15 Configurable 0 to 4095 Configurable 0 to 4095 Selectable by bit in EEPROM Data = 3 or 4 Fast channel 1 Characteristic Configuration Enable / disable shared with MID08 Fast channel 1 Characteristic Configuration Enable / disable shared with MID07 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit According to default linear temperature transfer characteristic in SAE J2716 standard Fast channel 1 Characteristic Configuration Enable / disable shared with MID0A Fast channel 1 Characteristic Configuration Enable / disable shared with MID09 If FC2 is pressure (FC_CFG = 0): ID0B = ID07 If FC2is temperature (FC_CFG = 2 or 3): Default temperature Characteristic X1: Fixed value: 233 Enable / disable shared with MID0C / 0D / 0E Rep Y N N N N N N N Y N N N Page 16 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Type # 12 ROM ID 0x0C 13 ROM 0x0D Fast channel 2 Characteristic Y1 14 ROM 0x0E 15 EEPROM 0x29 Description Fast channel 2 Characteristic X2 Fast channel 2 Characteristic Y2 Sensor ID #1 16 EEPROM 0xYZ Fully Programmable message 1 17 EEPROM 0x2A Sensor ID #2 18 EEPROM 0x2B Sensor ID #3 19 EEPROM 0x2C Sensor ID #4 20 EEPROM 0xYZ Fully Programmable message 2 21 EEPROM 0xYZ 22 EEPROM 0xYZ Fully Programmable message 3 Programmable message 4 23 EEPROM 0xYZ Programmable message 5 24 EEPROM 0xYZ Programmable message 6 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Data If FC2 is pressure (FC_CFG = 0): ID0C = ID08 If FC2is temperature (FC_CFG = 2 or 3): Default temperature Characteristic X2: Fixed value: 423 Enable / disable shared with MID0B / 0D / 0E If FC2 is pressure (FC_CFG = 0): ID0D = ID09 If FC2is temperature (FC_CFG = 2 or 3): Default temperature Characteristic Y1: Fixed value: 264 Enable / disable shared with MID0B / 0C / 0E If FC2 is pressure (FC_CFG = 0): ID0E = ID0A If FC2is temperature (FC_CFG = 2 or 3): Default temperature Characteristic Y2: Fixed value: 1784 Enable / disable shared with MID0B / 0C / 0D Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with MID2A / 2B / 2C Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with MID29 / 2B / 2C Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with MID29 / 2A / 2C Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with MID29 / 2A / 2B Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with programmable message 5 Message ID = ID programmable message 4 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with programmable message 4 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit Enable / disable shared with programmable message 7 Rep N N N N N N N N N N N N N Page 17 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Type # ID 25 EEPROM 0xYZ 26 EEPROM 0xYZ 27 EEPROM 0xYZ 28 EEPROM 0xYZ 29 EEPROM 0xYZ 30 EEPROM 0xYZ 31 EEPROM 0xYZ 32 EEPROM 0xYZ 33 EEPROM 0xYZ Description Programmable message 7 Programmable message 8 Programmable message 9 Programmable message 10 Programmable message 11 Programmable message 12 Programmable message 13 Programmable message 14 Programmable message 15 34 RAM 0x10 Medium Temperature 35 RAM 0xE1 Device start-up check Data Message ID = ID programmable message 6 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit Rep N Enable / disable shared with programmable message 6 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 9 / 10 / 11 Message ID = ID programmable message 8 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 8 / 10 / 11 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 8 / 9 / 11 Message ID = ID programmable message 10 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 8 / 9 / 10 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 13 / 14 / 15 Message ID = ID programmable message 12 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 12 / 14 / 15 Programmable ID: 8 bit Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 12 / 13 / 15 Message ID = ID programmable message 14 + 1 Programmable Data: 12 bit N Enable / disable shared with programmable messages 12 / 13 / 14 According to default linear temperature transfer characteristic in SAE J2716 standard Start-up self-check result data Y N Table 13: Slow channel messages REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 18 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Messages which have a “Y” in the column Rep of Table 13 can be selected to have a higher occurrence in the slow channel message sequence. Their repetition rate can be configured as indicated in Table 14. The repeatable messages MID01h, MID10h and MID23h can be configured individually to have their own repetition rate. The repetition factor setting can be done in respectively “SENT_REP_FACT_ID_01”, “SENT_REP_FACT_ID_10” and “SENT_REP_FACT_ID_23”. Repetition Factor Setting 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Real Repetition Factor Message repetition disabled Message repeat every 2 messages Message repeat every 3 messages Message repeat every 4 messages Message repeat every 5 messages Message repeat every 6 messages Message repeat every 7 messages Message repeat every 8 messages Message repeat every 9 messages Message repeat every 10 messages Message repeat every 12 messages Message repeat every 16 messages Message repeat every 20 messages Message repeat every 24 messages Message repeat every 28 messages Message repeat every 30 messages Table 14: Repetition rate settings Once a message is configured to be repeatable, it will automatically have the highest priority. Therefore it will appear first in the slow message sequences. The priority order between MID01, MID10 and MID23 can also be configured using EEPROM parameter “SC_R_O”:  SC_R_O = 0: Priority order: ID01h > ID10h > ID23h  SC_R_O = 1: Priority order: ID10h > ID23h > ID01h REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 19 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 16. Wrong Connections Overview Table 15 provides an overview of the behavior of the MLX90329 when different combinations of connections to GND, VDD and OUT are made. GND VDD SENT out Effect on output 0V 5V Normal operation Disconnected 5V No communication Normal operation 0V Disconnected No communication Normal operation 0V 5V SAE Standard Load Circuit SAE Standard Load Circuit SAE Standard Load Circuit Disconnected Action after wrong connection Normal operation No communication Normal operation 0V 5V 0V Normal operation 0V 5V 5V 0V 5V 18V 0V 0V 0V 18V No communication Normal operation 5V 5V No communication Normal operation 5V 0V SAE Standard Load Circuit SAE Standard Load Circuit SAE Standard Load Circuit SAE Standard Load Circuit 0V – No communication 5V – No communication 18V – No communication No communication No communication Normal operation Normal operation Normal operation Normal operation Table 15: Wrong connections overview REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 20 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 17. Diagnostics 17.1. Input Diagnostics An overview of the different input diagnostics conditions and their corresponding fast channel mapping and diagnostic bit information in slow channel can be found in Table 16. Condition Vbrg disconnected GND (sensor) disconnected InP disconnected InN disconnected Vbrg shorted to GND InP shorted to GND InN shorted to GND InP shorted to Vbrg InN shorted to Vbrg Fast Channel Code 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 Error(8) ERROR_SPSN ERROR_SPSN ERROR_PRESS_BROKEN_W ERROR_PRESS_BROKEN_W ERROR_SPSN ERROR_SPSN ERROR_SPSN ERROR_SPSN ERROR_SPSN Table 16: Input diagnostics 17.2. Diagnostic Sources The MLX90329 product has several internal checks which monitor the status of device. These checks or diagnostic sources can be enabled or disabled based on the sensor module requirements. An overview of the different diagnostic sources, their enable/disable parameter and the explanation of their functionality can be found below in table Table 17. Bit 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 Parameter ERR_EN_TINT ERR_EN_IO ERR_EN_SPSN ERR_EN_PV ERR_EN_PP ERR_EN_BW ERR_EN_TMED ERR_EN_VSUPH ERR_EN_VSUPL ERR_EN_TCHIP Error condition The Internal temperature could not be measured/calculated RAM configuration error SP or SN pin voltage out of range The pressure value could not be measured/calculated Pressure parameter error A broken wire is detected in the pressure sensor path The Medium temperature could not be measured/calculated The supply voltage is too high The supply voltage is too low The chip temperature out of range Table 17: Diagnostic sources 8 See tables 17 to 19 for more information on the errors REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 21 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 17.3. Fast and Slow Channel Diagnostics There are two values reserved to show an error diagnostic mode in the fast channel. These values are 4090 and 4091. According to the type of diagnostic flag, one of the values will be transmitted if enabled. Internal errors like for example PRESS_BROKEN_W or PRESS_PAR use 4090 to indicate an error condition on the fast channel. Errors conditions which can be linked to external influences can be configured to either transmit 4090 or 4091. These errors are VSUP_HIGH, VSUP_LOW and T_CHIP. For both VSUP_HIGH and VSUP_LOW fast channel overwriting using an error message can even be disabled. This allows you to still decode properly the pressure or optionally temperature information in case of an over voltage or under voltage condition. The OV or UV condition can still be monitored using the status bits for FC1 and FC2 and the slow channel diagnostic message MID01. An overview of the fast channel error configuration can be found in Table 18. The EEPROM parameters V_ERR, FCE_VSUP and FCE_TCHIP handle this configuration. Fast Channel ERR_VSUP No change 4091 4090 Parameter V_ERR FCE_VSUP 0 Not applicable 1 0 1 1 Fast Channel ERR_TCH 4091 4090 Parameter FCE_TCHIP 0 1 Table 18: Fast channel error configuration The diagnostic slow channel message (MID 1) can be enabled or disabled independent of the other slow channel messages and it has an adjustable repetition factor (2, 4, .., 30). More information on the different diagnostics shown in SENT, their fast channel, slow channel and status bit mapping can be found in the tables below. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 22 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces ERROR_ENABLE parameter FC_CFG = 0 FC_CFG = 1 FC_CFG = 2 FC_CFG = 3 ERROR FC1 FC2 St[0] St[1] FC1 FC2 St[0] St[1] FC1 FC2 St[0] St[1] FC1 FC2 St[0] St[1] 0 0 P Tmed 0 0 P Tint 0 0 N.A. no error P ~P 0 0 P cnt & ~MSN(P) - not calibrated 4095 4095 1 1 4095 nc 1 nc 4095 4095 1 1 4095 4095 1 1 DIAG_INT initialization error 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 4090 1 1 4090 4090 1 1 ERR_EN_TINT T_INT nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 ERR_EN_IO RAM_IO_CFG 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 4090 1 1 4090 4090 1 1 ERR_EN_SPSN SPSN 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_PV PRESS 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_PP PRESS_PAR 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_BW PRESS_BROKEN_W 4090 4090 1 1 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_TMED T_MED nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc nc nc nc ERR_EN_TCHIP T_CHIP ERR_TCHIP ERR_TCHIP 1 1 ERR_TCHIP nc 1 nc ERR_TCHIP ERR_TCHIP 1 1 ERR_TCHIP ERR_TCHIP 1 1 ERR_EN_VSUPH VSUP_HIGH ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 ERR_VSUP nc 1 nc ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 ERR_EN_VSUPL VSUP_LOW ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 ERR_VSUP nc 1 nc ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 ERR_VSUP ERR_VSUP 1 1 DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 4088 nc 1 nc 4088 nc 1 nc 4088 nc 1 nc 4088 nc 1 nc DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = < Y1 nc nc nc < Y1 nc nc nc < Y1 nc nc nc < Y1 nc nc nc DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = >Y2 nc nc nc >Y2 nc nc nc >Y2 nc nc nc >Y2 nc nc nc DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = nc 4088 nc 1 nc 4088 nc 1 DIAG_T2 T @ FC2 = nc =2266 nc 1 Table 19: Diagnostics in fast channel configuration 0 - 3 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 23 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces ERROR_ENABLE parameter FC_CFG = 4 FC_CFG = 5 FC_CFG = 6 FC1 St[0] FC1 St[0] FC1 FC2 FC_CFG = 7 ERROR St[0] St[1] FC1 St[0] St[1] N.A. no error P (3x 4b) 0 P (4x 3b) 0 [fc0_ptr] [fc1_ptr] 0 0 P 0 0 0 - not calibrated 4095 1 4095 1 nc nc nc nc 4095 nc 1 nc DIAG_INT initialization error 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_TINT T_INT nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc ERR_EN_IO RAM_IO_CFG 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_SPSN SPSN 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_PV PRESS 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_PP PRESS_PAR 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_BW PRESS_BROKEN_W 4090 1 4090 1 nc nc nc nc 4090 nc 1 nc ERR_EN_TMED T_MED nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc nc ERR_EN_TCHIP T_CHIP ERR_TCHIP 1 ERR_TCHIP 1 nc nc nc nc ERR_TCHIP nc 1 nc ERR_EN_VSUPH VSUP_HIGH ERR_VSUP 1 ERR_VSUP 1 nc nc nc nc ERR_VSUP nc 1 nc ERR_EN_VSUPL VSUP_LOW ERR_VSUP 1 ERR_VSUP 1 nc nc nc nc ERR_VSUP nc 1 nc DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 1 1 1 1 nc nc 1 nc 1 nc 1 nc DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 4088 1 4088 1 nc nc 1 nc 4088 nc 1 nc DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = < Y1 nc < Y1 nc nc nc nc nc < Y1 nc nc nc DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = >Y2 nc >Y2 nc nc nc nc nc >Y2 nc nc nc DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = nc nc nc nc DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = nc nc nc nc DIAG_T2 T @ FC2 = nc nc nc nc DIAG_T2 T @ FC2 = nc nc nc nc Table 20: Diagnostics in fast channel configuration 4 - 7 REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 FC2 Page 24 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces ERROR_ENABLE parameter ERROR N.A. no error - not calibrated DIAG_INT initialization error ERR_EN_TINT T_INT A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 10 ERR_EN_IO RAM_IO_CFG A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 9 ERR_EN_SPSN SPSN A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 8 ERR_EN_PV PRESS A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 7 ERR_EN_PP PRESS_PAR A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 6 ERR_EN_BW PRESS_BROKEN_W A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 5 ERR_EN_TMED T_MED A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 4 ERR_EN_TCHIP T_CHIP A05h if DIAG_INT=1, else set bit 11 & 0 ERR_EN_VSUPH VSUP_HIGH ERR_EN_VSUPL VSUP_LOW DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 002h if DIAG_PCL = 0 / 812h if DIAG_PCL = 1 DIAG_P1 P @ FC1 = 001h if DIAG_PCL = 0 / 811h if DIAG_PCL = 1 DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = 002h DIAG_P2 P @ FC1 = 001h DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = 005h DIAG_T1 T @ FC2 = 004h DIAG_T2 T @ FC2 = 805h (Remark: value 186 matches with -50 degC) DIAG_T2 T @ FC2 = 804h (Remark: value 2266 matches with +210 degC) Slow channel diagnostic 000h nc = no change 003h (only once when reinit passes after reset) (Remark: in contrary to the other errors, DIAG_INT is used here to enable/disable the complete check and not only the customized slow channel error reporting) 021h / 901h if DIAG_VSUP = 0 / 1, but set bit 11 & 2 if also other errors are reported in the fast channel and if DIAG_INT=0 (if DIAG_INT=1 and other errors, then A05h) 020h / 900h if DIAG_VSUP = 0 / 1, but set bit 11 & 1 if also other errors are reported in the fast channel and if DIAG_INT=0 (if DIAG_INT=1 and other errors, then A05h) Table 21: Diagnostics in slow channel REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 25 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces Multiple diagnostic errors can be flagged in the range 8xxh – FFFh in case parameter DIAG_INT is set to 0. The level of the over and under voltage diagnostics can be configured according to the ranges described in Table 22. Parameter Under voltage detection threshold range Overvoltage detection threshold range Over-/Under-voltage detection accuracy Min Max Units 3.25 5.74 V 4.25 6.74 V 200 mV Comment Optional and Programmable with 8 bits in parameter VSUP_LOW Optional and Programmable with 8 bits in parameter VSUP_HIGH Table 22: MLX90818 under and overvoltage detection 18. Timings Parameter SENT frame period Symbol tframe Start-up time (to first falling edge) Start-up time (up to first data received) tsu1 tsu2 Comment Shortest message (without pause pulse) and longest message (pause pulse enabled). Example in µs calculated using a 3µs tick time. Based on default settings. Min 154 462 Typ 0.7 1 Max 282 846(9) 1.1 Unit ticks µs ms 1.946(9) ms First SENT frame contains valid pressure data. Calculation based on 3µs tick time. Table 23: Start-up timings tsu2 tsu1 OUT tframe Data Data Data VDD Figure 7: Start-up timings 9 Using nominal tick time, excluding tick time variations. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 26 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 19. Unique features Thanks to its state of the art mixed signal chain, the MLX90329 offers the possibility to calibrate several types of resistive Wheatstone bridge technologies allowing the MLX90329 users to reach an outstanding overall sensor accuracy. The MLX90329 is robust for harsh automotive environments like large temperature range, overvoltage conditions and external EMC disturbances. The MLX90329 allows the compensation of sensor nonlinear variations over temperature as well as compensates for the sensor pressure signal non linearity. Several parameters can be programmed through the application pins in the MLX90329 to set clamping levels or filter settings to choose for the best trade-off between signal chain noise and speed. The MLX90329 can also diagnose several error conditions like sensor connections errors. The sensor bias Vbrg which is supplying the external pressure sensor is generated using a regulator. The target sensor supply is 6/7VDDA or typically 3V. The current through the bridge resistance is mirrored and divided so that it can be fed to an IV convertor. This IV converted signal is a measure for the external temperature so that it can be used for the calibration of the pressure sensor. MLX90329 can interface an external NTC and provide the linearized temperature information together with the pressure signal on the SENT output. This NTC is factory calibrated by Melexis. DSP 6/7 VDDA Piezoresistive sensing element Sensor bias Off chip temperature sensor current output Divided bridge current IV conversion Gain & Offset Temperature Compensation Overvoltage & reverse voltage protection Voltage regulator POR On chip temperature sensor SENT driver Pressure Linearization Vbrg Vext PGA InP OPA M U X Vana Programmable Filter ADC Temperature conditioning 16 bits Slew rate control SENT Output Rom InN NTC Vsupply SE1, SE2, VEXT EEPROM NTC interface and linearization N T C Test Oscillator Ram Test Gnd Figure 8: MLX90329 Block Diagram REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 27 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 20. Application Information The MLX90329 only needs 2 capacitors in the application. A 100nF decoupling capacitor connected between the supply line and the ground a 2.2nF load between the SENT output pin and the ground. Optionally an NTC can be connected to pin 7. It is recommended to place a 10nF capacitor in parallel with the NTC to improve EMC performance. In case no NTC is used, pin 7 has to be connected to GND. MLX90329 has built in EMC protection for the sensor supply and sensing element input pins. Therefore it is advised not to place any external capacitors between the sensing element and the interface. Capacitors on the sensor supply or the inputs can even disturb the normal operation of the interface. These recommendations for external components are however only providing a basic protection. Depending on the module design and the EMC requirements different configurations can be needed. Piezoresistive sensing element 100nF 2.2nF MLX90329 GND VDD OUT N T C 10nF NTC optional If not used, connect pin 7 to GND Figure 9: MLX90329 basic application schematic REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 28 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 21. Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes Our products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity level according to following test methods: Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices)   IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices (classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2) EIA/JEDEC JESD22-A113 Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing (reflow profiles according to table 2) Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)   EN60749-20 Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and soldering heat EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Iron Soldering THD’s (Through Hole Devices)  EN60749-15 Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices Solderability SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)  EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21 Solderability For all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests have to be agreed upon with Melexis. The application of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of adhesive strength between device and board. Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website: http://www.melexis.com/quality.aspx 22. ESD Precautions Electronic semiconductor products are sensitive to Electro Static Discharge (ESD). Always observe Electro Static Discharge control procedures whenever handling semiconductor products. REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 29 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 23. Package Information Figure 10: Package drawing Package dimensions in mm N A A1 min 1.52 0.10 8 max 1.73 0.25 A2 1.37 1.57 D 4.80 4.98 E 3.91 3.99 H 5.80 6.20 L 0.41 1.27 b 0.35 0.49 c 0.19 0.25 e 1.27 BSC h 0.25 0.50  0° 8° Package dimensions in inch N A A1 min .060 .004 8 max .068 .010 A2 .054 .062 D .189 .196 E .150 .157 H .228 .244 L .016 .050 b .014 .019 c .008 .010 e .050 BSC h .010 .020  0° 8° Table 24: Package dimensions in mm and inch REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 30 of 31 MLX90329 Automotive Sensor Interfaces 24. Contact For the latest version of this document, go to our website at www.melexis.com. For additional information, please contact our Direct Sales team and get help for your specific needs: Europe, Africa Telephone: +32 13 67 04 95 Email : sales_europe@melexis.com Americas Telephone: +1 603 223 2362 Email : sales_usa@melexis.com Asia Email : sales_asia@melexis.com 25. Disclaimer The information furnished by Melexis herein (“Information”) is believed to be correct and accurate. Melexis disclaims (i) any and all liability in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data or use of the product(s) as described herein (“Product”) (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation, special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all warranties, express, statutory, implied, or by description, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. No obligation or liability shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services. The Information is provided "as is” and Melexis reserves the right to change the Information at any time and without notice. Therefore, before placing orders and/or prior to designing the Product into a system, users or any third party should obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify that the information being relied upon is current. Users or any third party must further determine the suitability of the Product for its application, including the level of reliability required and determine whether it is fit for a particular purpose. The Information is proprietary and/or confidential information of Melexis and the use thereof or anything described by the Information does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other intellectual property rights. This document as well as the Product(s) may be subject to export control regulations. Please be aware that export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. The Product(s) are intended for use in normal commercial applications. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the Product(s) are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable in applications requiring extended temperature range and/or unusual environmental requirements. High reliability applications, such as medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended by Melexis. The Product(s) may not be used for the following applications subject to export control regulations: the development, production, processing, operation, maintenance, storage, recognition or proliferation of 1) chemical, biological or nuclear weapons, or for the development, production, maintenance or storage of missiles for such weapons: 2) civil firearms, including spare parts or ammunition for such arms; 3) defense related products, or other material for military use or for law enforcement; 4) any applications that, alone or in combination with other goods, substances or organisms could cause serious harm to persons or goods and that can be used as a means of violence in an armed conflict or any similar violent situation. The Products sold by Melexis are subject to the terms and conditions as specified in the Terms of Sale, which can be found at https://www.melexis.com/en/legal/terms-and-conditions. This document supersedes and replaces all prior information regarding the Product(s) and/or previous versions of this document. Melexis NV © - No part of this document may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Melexis. (2016) ISO/TS 16949 and ISO14001 Certified REVISION 002 – 22 DECEMBER 2017 3901090329 Page 31 of 31
MLX90329LDC-DBA-000-RE 价格&库存

