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MLX90360KDC-ACD-000-TU 数据手册
MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC Features and Benefits Triaxis Hall Technology On Chip Signal Processing for Robust Absolute Position Sensing Simple Magnetic Design Programmable Measurement Range Programmable Linear Transfer Characteristic (Multi-points or Piece-Wise-Linear) Selectable Analog (Ratiometric) or PWM Output 12 bit Resolution - 10 bit Thermal Accuracy 48 bit ID Number option Single Die – SOIC-8 Package RoHS Compliant Dual Die (Full Redundant) – TSSOP-16 Package RoHS Compliant Applications Absolute Rotary Position Sensor Pedal Position Sensor Throttle Position Sensor Ride Height Position Sensor Absolute Linear Position Sensor Steering Wheel Position Sensor Float-Level Sensor Non-Contacting Potentiometer Ordering Code Product Code MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 MLX90360 Temperature Code L L L L K K E E K K E E L L Legend: Temperature Code: Package Code GO GO DC DC GO GO GO GO DC DC DC DC DC DC Option Code ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-000 ACD-200 ACD-200 Packing Form: L for Temperature Range -40°C to 150°C, K for Temperature Range -40°C to 125°C, E for Temperature Range -40°C to 85°C. DC for SOIC-8, GO for TSSOP-16 AAA-xxx: Die version xxx-000: Standard version xxx-200: (pre-programmed analog) RE for Reel, TU for Tube Ordering example: MLX90360LGO-ACD-000-TU Package Code: Option Code: MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 1 of 35 Packing Form Code RE TU RE TU RE TU RE TU RE TU RE TU RE TU Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 1. Functional Diagram Figure 1 - MLX 90360 Block Diagram MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 2 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 2. Description The MLX90360 is a monolithic sensor IC sensitive to the flux density applied orthogonally and parallel to the IC surface. The MLX90360 is sensitive to the three components of the flux density applied to the IC (i.e. BX, BY and BZ). This allows the MLX90360 with the correct magnetic circuit to decode the absolute position of any moving magnet (e.g. rotary position from 0 to 360 Degrees or linear displacement, stroke - Figure 2). It enables the design of novel generation of non-contacting position sensors that are frequently required for both automotive and industrial applications. MLX90360 reports a programmable ratiometric analog output signal compatible with any resistive potentiometer or programmable linear Hall sensor. Through programming, the MLX90360 provides also a digital PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output characteristic. Figure 2 - Typical application of MLX90360 – Linear MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 3 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC TABLE of CONTENTS FEATURES AND BENEFITS ....................................................................................................................... 1 APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 2 2. DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 3. GLOSSARY OF TERMS − ABBREVIATIONS − ACRONYMS ............................................................ 6 4. PINOUT .................................................................................................................................................. 6 5. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ....................................................................................................... 7 6. DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................................... 7 7. MLX90360 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................... 9 8. MLX90360 ISOLATION SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................... 11 9. MLX90360 TIMING SPECIFICATION ................................................................................................. 11 10. MLX90360 ACCURACY SPECIFICATION ......................................................................................... 12 11. MLX90360 MAGNETIC SPECIFICATION .......................................................................................... 13 12. MLX90360 CPU & MEMORY SPECIFICATION ................................................................................. 13 13. MLX90360 END-USER PROGRAMMABLE ITEMS ........................................................................... 14 14. DESCRIPTION OF END-USER PROGRAMMABLE ITEMS .............................................................. 15 14.1. OUTPUT MODE .......................................................................................................................................... 15 14.1.1. Analog Output Mode ............................................................................................................................ 15 14.1.2. PWM Output Mode............................................................................................................................... 15 14.2. OUTPUT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC....................................................................................................... 16 14.2.1. Enable scaling Parameter (only for LNR type 4 pts) ........................................................................... 16 14.2.2. CLOCKWISE Parameter ...................................................................................................................... 16 14.2.3. Discontinuity Point (or Zero Degree Point) ......................................................................................... 17 14.2.4. 4-Pts LNR Parameters.......................................................................................................................... 17 14.2.5. 17-Pts LNR Parameters........................................................................................................................ 18 14.2.6. CLAMPING Parameters ...................................................................................................................... 19 14.3. IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................................ 19 14.4. SENSOR FRONT-END ................................................................................................................................. 19 14.4.1. HIGHSPEED Parameter ...................................................................................................................... 19 14.4.2. MAPXYZ ............................................................................................................................................... 20 14.4.3. k parameter .......................................................................................................................................... 20 14.4.4. GAINMIN and GAINMAX Parameters ................................................................................................ 20 14.5. FILTER ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 14.5.1. Hysteresis Filter ................................................................................................................................... 21 14.5.2. FIR Filters ............................................................................................................................................ 21 14.6. PROGRAMMABLE DIAGNOSTIC SETTINGS ................................................................................................. 22 14.6.1. Fixed-level diagnostic reporting .......................................................................................................... 22 14.6.2. PWM Diagnostic reporting .................................................................................................................. 23 14.6.3. HAMHOLE Parameter ......................................................................................................................... 24 14.7. LOCK......................................................................................................................................................... 24 14.8. EEPROM ENDURANCE ............................................................................................................................. 25 15. MLX90360 SELF DIAGNOSTIC .......................................................................................................... 26 16. RECOMMENDED APPLICATION DIAGRAMS .................................................................................. 28 16.1. MLX90360 Rev. 009 WIRING WITH THE MLX90360 IN SOIC-8 PACKAGE ................................................................................ 28 Page 4 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 16.2. WIRING WITH THE MLX90360 IN TSSOP-16 PACKAGE ........................................................................... 28 17. STANDARD INFORMATION REGARDING MANUFACTURABILITY OF MELEXIS PRODUCTS WITH DIFFERENT SOLDERING PROCESSES ........................................................................................ 29 18. ESD PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 29 19. PACKAGE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 30 19.1. 19.2. 19.3. 19.4. 19.5. 19.6. SOIC8 - PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ............................................................................................................... 30 SOIC8 - PINOUT AND MARKING ............................................................................................................... 30 SOIC8 - SENSITIVE SPOT POSITIONING ..................................................................................................... 31 TSSOP16 - PACKAGE DIMENSIONS .......................................................................................................... 32 TSSOP16 - PINOUT AND MARKING .......................................................................................................... 33 TSSOP16 - SENSITIVE SPOT POSITIONING ................................................................................................ 33 20. DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................................... 35 MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 5 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 3. Glossary of Terms − Abbreviations − Acronyms Gauss (G), Tesla (T): Units for the magnetic flux density − 1 mT = 10 G TC: Temperature Coefficient (in ppm/Deg.C.) NC: Not Connected PWM: Pulse Width Modulation %DC: Duty Cycle of the output signal i.e. TON /(TON + TOFF) ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter LSB: Least Significant Bit MSB: Most Significant Bit DNL: Differential Non-Linearity INL: Integral Non-Linearity RISC: Reduced Instruction Set Computer ASP: Analog Signal Processing DSP: Digital Signal Processing CoRDiC: Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer (i.e. iterative rectangular-to-polar transform) EMC: Electro-Magnetic Compatibility ALS: Analog Low Speed AHS: Analog High Speed DLS: Digital Low Speed DHS: Digital High Speed 4. Pinout For optimal EMC behavior, it is recommended to connect the unused pins ( Ground (see section 16). MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 6 of 35 and ) to the Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 5. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter ! "# $ & % "# ' ' ) )% Value % % "# + () − * "+ , " - + * "+ , " "# . + & % "# & % − 1 . " ) # 0/*) "# 3"# / )( 4 5 / " " &" # $ )! /0 ) * "+ , &" # $ 0 − /0 ) * "+ , − 2. … + °. − 2. … + °. ± Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. maximum rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Exposure to absolute 6. Description As described on the block diagram the three vector components of the magnetic flux density (BX, BY and BZ) applied to the IC are sensed through the sensor front-end. The respective Hall signals (VX, VY and VZ) are generated at the Hall plates and amplified. The analog signal processing is based on a fully differential analog chain featuring the classic offset cancellation technique (Hall plate 2-Phases spinning and chopper-stabilized amplifier). The conditioned analog signals are converted through an ADC (15 bits) and provided to a DSP block for further processing. The DSP stage is based on a 16 bit RISC micro-controller whose primary function is the extraction of the position from two (out of three) raw signals (after so-called front-end compensation steps) through the following function: α = ∠(V1 , k ⋅ V2 ) where alfa is the magnetic angle 1 > > ) / ) ) *! , " 4" / Page 9 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC '" )% ? + )"# )( "(+ )"# . "/ 6 % " &6 ; += @ " &6 A " &6 A ? ' ? + ' - , ' - , ? ' ? + ' - ? ' ? + ' - , ? ' ? + ' - )( 6 % ' - , 1 > += 7)-B += 7)-B @ " &6 ≥ += > @ " &6 ≥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ev. 009 Page 12 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 11. MLX90360 Magnetic Specification DC Operating Parameters at VDD = 5V (unless otherwise specified) and for TA as specified by the Temperature suffix (E or K or L). Parameter Symbol 3"# )( 4 5 )! ?L$ ?M 3"# )( 4 5 )! ?B 3"# )( 4) / / " . 88)() Typ Max RS ?L K ?M T Units / RS ?L K ?M K ?EH 1 T / ") 3. 3"# 12. Min / / 3. ") Test Conditions 1 ./ 1 1 - /H2. MLX90360 CPU & Memory Specification The DSP is based on a 16 bit RISC Parameter Symbol ./ CPU provides 2.5 Mips while running at 10 MHz. Test Conditions Min Typ Max Units & 3 +? &03 ? ::'& 3 ? 0* % / $ 9 3. " " " ) # !) ) # " ) ( " 8 9 ) ")! 1 ? , / $ 9 8 /" ( )#9 ! # " " () 8 9 )# " - - ) " ) $ )# " - - 88 ") U 14 9) ) 9 /"# )( #") ) + 9 # " 3"# . ( " ( 1 " ) ?5 " ?! " E1 9) ) 9 % " %" )" ) 1 G) 9) $ 9 " " %" )" ) ) ! )(" ! Q > % 9 "% "# %" 8 9 3. #") 8 9" 1 12 13 MLX90360 Rev. 009 Page 13 of 35 Datasheet Dec/13 MLX90360  Triaxis Position Sensor IC 13. MLX90360 End-User Programmable Items Parameter / 0 0 0 7 30'LMB .603'
MLX90360KDC-ACD-000-TU 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+36.753031+4.44905
  • 5+32.949865+3.98866
  • 10+31.5350110+3.81739
  • 25+29.8400825+3.61222
  • 80+27.9526580+3.38374
  • 160+26.95377160+3.26282
  • 560+25.35393560+3.06916
  • 1040+24.651161040+2.98409
