PDK-45R Series
6 to 40 GHz / 4-Way / Ultra-Wideband / Uniform Phase & Ampli. Bal. / High Isol & Low Loss / K-Conn
Model Number Freq. Isolation, Range, dB, GHz Min. 14 14 Insertion Phase Amplitude Max.VSWR Loss, Bal., Balance, @ @ dB, Max. Max. dB, Max. Input Output 2.9 2.5 10° 10° 1.0 1.0 2.0:1 2.0:1 2.0:1 2.0:1 CW Input with VSWRout 1.2:1 ∞ 30 W 30 W 1W 1W Weight Nom., oz. (g) 2.5 (70) 2.5 (70)
PDK-45R-23G 6.0 - 40.0 PDK-45R-29G 18.0 - 40.0
Package Outline
Impedance: 50 Ω nom. Operating Temperature: -- 55° to +85°C
General Notes:
1. The PDK-45R series of 4-way In-Phase Power Dividers/Combiners covers multi-octave frequency bands from 6 to 40 GHz. All use an original wideband stripline circuit design providing high isolation and low VSWR over broad operating bands. 2. Each is encased in a miniature machined housing that provides an effective RF shield. 3. Connectors are K-type to provide an excellent interface match beyond 40 GHz. 4. These units are generally available from stock for fast delivery.
1. Tolerance on 3 place decimals ±.020(.51) except as noted. 2. Dimensions in inches over millimeters. 29Apr96
F rf t e if r to c n a tM ERRI AC /41 Faifel Pl,W estCal el,NJ,07006 / 973o ur h r n o ma in o t c M ri d . dw l 5751300 /FAX 973- 0531 575-