PLB & PLM Series
10 to 500 MHz / 0 to 180 Coverage / 10% Bandwidth / Voltage Controlled / SMA or BNC
SMA Model Number BNC Model Number Center Freq, fo, Range, MHz 10 to 500 Phase Shift @ fo 180° Linearity @ fo 5% Percent AM 5% Insertion Loss, dB, Max. 2 FØ VSWR Weight Max. oz (g) 1.5:1 3.4 (95)
PLM-3B-***B PLB-3B-***B
For complete Model Number replace *** with desired center frequency, fo in MHz.
Package Outline
Bandwidth: Modulation Rate: Impedance: Input Power: Control Voltage for full range: Response Time: (50 Ω source): Phase Stability, typical: Operating Temperature: 10% of fo 1% of fo nom. 50 Ω nom. -- 10 dBm max. 0 to +15 V max. 50 µs max. 0.2° per °C -- 55° to +85°C
Typical Characteristics
NOTES: 1. Tolerance on 3 place decimals ±.020(.51) except as noted. 2. Dimensions in inches over mm.
General Notes: 1. The PLB & PLM series use a control voltage of 0 to +15V to vary relative phase across a 180° range. 2. Each phase shifter element employs quadrature hybrids with matched pairs of varactor tuned LC networks acting as sliding short circuits on the outputs. The electrical length of this short circuit controls the delay in the reflected signal appearing at the isolated port of each quadrature hybrid. 3. These units are suitable for high reliability and space applications.
F rf t e if r to c n a tM ERRI AC /41 Faifel Pl,W estCal el,NJ,07006 / 973o ur h r n o ma in o t c M ri d . dw l 5751300 /FAX 973- 0531 575-