TC901 Dual Auto-Zeroed Operational Amplifiers
s Second-Generation Monolithic, Chopper-Stabilized Op Amp s No External Capacitors Required s Single-Supply Operation ........... ±15V or 5V to 32V s Supply Current ............................ 450µA at 15V, Typ s Input Offset Voltage ................................... 7µV, Typ s Common-Mode Rejection Ratio ............ 140dB, Typ s Open-Loop Gain ............ 140dB Into 10k Load, Typ s Input Noise ......................... 5µV at 10Hz Bandwidth s Pinout Compatible With ICL7650 s Lowest Parts Count Chopper Op Amp PIN CONFIGURATION (DIP and SOIC)
The TC901 is a monolithic, auto-zeroed operational amplifier. It is a second-generation design of the TC91X CMOS chopper-stabilized op-amps with on-chip capacitors. Elimination of the external capacitors allows the designer to increase reliability, lower cost, and simplify design by lowering parts count. Since the TC901 is an auto-zeroing op amp, input offset voltage is very low. More important, there is almost zero drift with time. This eliminates production line adjustments, as well as periodic calibration. Notable electrical characteristics are low supply current (450µA, typical), single-supply operation (5V to 32V), low input offset voltage (7µV, typical), low noise (