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    67023-102 - HERMETIC , NUMERIC AND HEXADECIMAL DISPLAYS - Micropac Industries

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67023-102 数据手册
67023 4N51, 4N52 4N53, 4N54 HERMETIC , NUMERIC AND HEXADECIMAL DISPLAYS Mii OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION Features: • • • • • • Conforms to MIL-PRF-87157 Three character options Numeric, Hexidecimal or Over range 4 X 7 dot matrix character Memory latch/decoder/driver is TTL compatible Available in Red or Green Categorized for luminous intensity Applications: • • • • • • High reliability systems Instrumentation panels Communication equipment Medical equipment Harsh environments IR blocking filter available DESCRIPTION The 4N51-4N54 series are solid state numeric and hexidecimal displays for use in high reliability applications. The displays feature an on-board decoder/driver and memory (except 4N53). These displays are hermetically sealed and conform to MIL-PRF-87157, the general specification for light emitting diode displays. The character height is 7.4mm (.29”). The green LED version conforms to MIL-D-87157 with exception of color. The 4N51 is a numeric display which decodes positive BCD logic into the numbers “0-9”, a “-” sign, a right-hand decimal point, and a test pattern (all LED’s on). The 4N52 is the same as the 4N51, but the decimal point is located on the left side of the device. The 4N53 is an over range device which displays “+1” and a right-hand decimal point. This display is typically driven using external switching transistors. The 4N54 is a hexidecimal display which decodes positive BCD logic into 16 characters “0-9, A-F”. An input is provided to blank the display (all LED’s off) without losing the contents of the memory. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Storage Temperature..........................................................................................................................................-65°C to +125°C Operating Free-Air Temperature Range. ...........................................................................................................-55°C to +100°C Lead Solder Temperature (1/16” [1.6mm] below seating plane for 10s) ........................................................................... 260°C Supply Voltage, VCC (4N51, 4N52, 4N54) ................................................................................................................. .-0.5V to 7V Voltage Applied to Input Logic, DP and Enable Pins ............................................................................................... . -0.5V to 7V Voltage Applied to Blanking Input (4N54 only)........................................................................................................... -0.5V to 7V Forward Current, Each LED (4N53 only) ............................................................................................................................10mA Reverse Voltage, Each LED (4N53 only)................................................................................................................................. 4V MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2-4 67023 4N51, 4N52, 4N53, 4N54 * HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS 0 .4 0 0 [1 0 .1 6 ] 0 .4 0 0 [1 0 .1 6 ] 0 .0 7 3 [1 .8 4 ] 0 .2 9 0 [7 .3 7 ] 0 .5 3 0 [1 3 .4 6 ] 5° 0 .2 2 0 [5 .5 9 ] 0 .2 9 0 [7 .3 7 ] 0 .5 3 0 [1 3 .4 6 ] 5° 0 .0 7 3 [1 .8 4 ] 0 .2 2 0 [5 .5 9 ] 0 .1 2 0 [3 .0 4 ] 0 .1 9 0 [4 .8 3 ] 0 .1 4 0 [3 .5 6 ] 0 .1 9 0 [4 .8 3 ] 4N51 0.400 [10.16] 4N52 0.400 [10.16] 0.073 [1.84] 0.190 [4.83] 0.530 [13.46] 0.072 [1.84] 5° 0.290 [7.36] 0.190 [4.83] 0.290 [7.37] 0.530 [13.46] 5° 0.083 [2.11] 0.150 [3.81] 0.190 [4.83] 4N53 4N54 REAR VIEW SIDE VIEW END VIEW 5 6 7 8 10° 0.050 [1.27] 0.150 [3.81] X Mii 0.400 [10.16] XXX YYWW LUMINOUS INTENSITY CATEGORY 0.600 [15.24] SEATING PLANE 0.060 [1.52] 0.136 [3.45] .012±.003 [0.3±0.08] TYP PIN 1 KEY 0.110 [2.79] 0.170 [4.32] .020±.003 [0.5±0.08] TYP DATE CODE 4 3 2 1 0.100±.005 [2.5±0.13] TYP SEATING PLANE *JEDEC Registered Data MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2-5 4N51, 4N52, 67023 4N53, 4N54 *ELECTRICAL OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS TA = -55°C to +100°C unless otherwise specified. HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS PARAMETER Supply Current 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N53 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N53 4N54 4N53 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 SYMBOL ICC MIN TYP 112 112 112 560 560 280 560 MAX 170 170 170 935 935 320 935 UNITS mA TEST CONDITIONS VCC = 5.5V Numeral 5 and DP lighted NOTE 1 Power Dissipation PT mW VCC = 5.5V Numeral 5 and DP lighted VCC = 5V, TA = 25°C V CC = 5V, TA = 25°C IF = 10mA, A = 25°C V CC = 5V, A = 25°C IF = 10mA VCC = 4.5V 1,4 Luminous Intensity per LED IV 40 40 45 40 85 85 85 85 1.6 2.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 µcd 2 Forward Voltage per LED Logic Low-Level Input Voltage VF V V VIL 2 2 2 Logic Low-Level Input Voltage VIH V 0.8 0.8 0.8 VCC = 4.5V Enable Low-Voltage; Data Being Entered VEL V V CC = 4.5V Enable High-Voltage; data not being entered 4N51 4N52 4N54 Blanking Low-Voltage display not blanked 4N54 4N54 ALL 4N54 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 ALL ALL 4N53 VEH VBL VBH IBL IBH 2 2 2 0.8 3.5 5x10-8 50 1.0 -1.6 V V V V CC = 4.5V V CC = 4.5V V CC = 4.5V Blanking High-Voltage display blanked Leak Rate Blanking Low-Level Input Current Blanking High-Level Input Current Logic Low-Level Input Current cc/sec mA mA mA V CC = 5.5V, VBL = 0.8V V CC = 5.5V, VBH = 4.5V V CC = 5.5V, VIL = 0.4V IIL IIH IEL IEH λP d VF 655 640 1.6 Logic High-Level Input Current +100 µA V CC = 5.5V, VIH = 2.4V Enable Low-Level Input Current -1.6 mA V CC = 5.5V, VEL = 0.4V Enable High-Level Input Current +130 µA V CC = 5.5V, VEH = 2.4V tA = 25°C tA = 25°C 3 IF = 10mA Wavelength at Peak Emission Dominant Wavelength Forward Voltage per LED nm 2.0 V Weight ALL 1 gm NOTES: 1. All typical values at VCC = 5.0 volts, tA = 25°C. 2. Luminous intensity for a specific temperature may be calculated with the following relationship: IV (tA) = IV (25°C) (.985) [tA - 25°C]. 3. The dominant wavelength , λd is a single wavelength that defines the saturated color of monochromatic light, as derived from the CIE chromaticity 4. diagram. For 4N53 test conditions, IF = 10mA, all diodes lit. *JEDEC Registered Data MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2-6 67023 4N51, 4N52, 4N53, 4N54 HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS *RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS: PARAMETER Supply Voltage 4N51 4N52 4N53 4N54 Operating Temperature Enable Pulse Width ALL 4N51 4N52 4N54 Time data must be held before positive transition of enable line Time data must be held after positive transition of enable line Enable pulse rise time 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 4N51 4N52 4N54 Forward Current 4N53 IF 5 10 m tTLH 200 ns tHOLD 50 ns tSETUP 50 ns tW 100 ns tA VCC SYMBOL MIN 4.5 4.5 NA 4.5 -55 MAX 5.5 5.5 NA 5.5 100 UNITS V V NA V ° C SELECTION GUIDE 67023-001 4N51 Commercial (0° to 70°C) 67023-101 4N51 Screened to TXV level (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-101C 4N51 marked with DSCC P/N JM87157/00101AXX (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-002 4N52 Commercial (0° to 70°C) 67023-102 4N52 Screened to TXV level (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-102C 4N52 marked with DSCC P/N JM87157/00102AXX (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-003 4N53 Commercial (0° to 70°C) 67023-103 4N53 Screened to TXV level (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-103C 4N53 marked with DSCC P/N JM87157/00103AXX (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-004 4N54 Commercial (0° to 70°C) 67023-104 4N54 Screened to TXV level (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-104C 4N54 marked with DSCC P/N JM87157/00104AXX (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. 67023-034 4N54, green commercial (0° to 70°C) 67023-315 4N54, green Mil-Temp (-55° to +100°C) with 100% screening. NOTES: 1. When ordering DSCC part numbers, you may order by the MII part number or the DSCC part number. 2. The first X at the end of M87157/0010XA[X]X designates lead finish. In place of the X use A for hot solder dip or C for gold finish. 3. Second X at the end of the M87157/0010XAX[X] designates luminous intensity code. In place of the X use C thru K to indicate desired intensity level. *JEDEC Registered Data MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2-7 67023 4N51, 4N52, 4N53, 4N54 HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS 4N51, 4N52, 4N54 Logic t SETUP DATA INPUT (LOW LEVEL DATA) 1.5V 1.5V t HOLD BCD DATA (1) TRUTH TABLE X2 X8 DATA INPUT (HIGH LEVEL DATA) 1.5V 1.5V ENABLE INPUT 1.5V 10% 1.5V t LH 90% tW FIGURE 1 Timing Diagram of 4N51, 4N52 and 4N54 Series Logic PIN NO. Vcc ENABLE 7 5 L L L L L L L L H H H H H H H H X4 L L L L H H H H L L L L H H H H L L H H L L H H L L H H L L H H X1 4N51/4N52 4N54 L H L H L H L H L H L H L H L H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (BLANK) (BLANK) ..... (BLANK) (BLANK) V V 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F DP=L DP=H V =L E V =H E V =L B VB =H DECIMAL PT. (2) LOGIC 8 1 INPUT DP (2) 2 3 4 DC1 DC2 DC4 DC8 DP LATCH MEMORY MATRIX DECODER ON OFF LOAD DATA LATCH DATA DISPLAY ON DISPLAY OFF ENABLE (1) BLANKING (3) DP BLANKING (3) CONTROL 4 LED MATRIX DRIVER LED MATRIX GROUND 6 FIGURE 2 Block Diagram of 4N51, 4N52 and 4N54 Series Logic NOTES: 1. H = Logic High: L = Logic Low. With the enable input at logic high changes in BCD input levels or D.P. input have no effect upon display memory, displayed character, or D.P. 2. The decmal point, DP, pertains only to the 4n51 and 4n52 displays. 3. The blanking control, B, pertains only to the 4n54 hexadecimal display. Blanking input has no effect upon memory. 4N53 Over Range Character 7 Vcc PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FUNCTION Plus Numeral One Numeral One NUMERAL ONE MINUS PLUS PLUS TRUTH TABLE FOR TYPICAL DRIVING CIRCUIT CHARACTER dp + 1 DECIMAL POINT DP Open Open Vcc Minus/Plus 580 100 580 150 150 3 2 4 8 1 BLANK 1 H L X X L PIN 2,3 X X H X L 4 X X X H L 8 H H X X L NOTES: L: Line switching transistor in figure 3 cutoff. H: Line transistor in figure 3 satuated X: Don't Care. FIGURE 3 TYPICAL DRIVING CIRCUIT MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2-8 67023 4N51, 4N52, 4N53, 4N54 HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS PART MARKING SYSTEM PREFERRED PART NUMBER SYSTEM Standard Product 4N51 4N52 4N53 4N54 With Tables I, II, III and IV M87157/00101XXX M87157/00102XXX M87157/00103XXX M87157/00104XXX Quality Level A 67023-201 MII PART NUMBERS TXV Tables I, II 67023-101 67023-202 67023-203 67023-204 67023-102 67023-103 67023-104 Commercial Table II, Subgroups I, VII 67023-001 67023-002 67023-003 67023-004 Test Screen 1. Precap Visual 2. High Temperature Storage 3. Temperature Cycling 4. Constant Acceleration 5. Fine Leak 6. Gross Leak TABLE I 100% SCREENING – CLASS A OF MIL-PRF-87157 MIL-PRF-750 Method Conditions 2072 1032 1051 2006 1071 1071 (2) TA = 125°C, Time = 24 hours Condition B, 10 Cycles, 15 Min. Dwell 10,000 G’s at Y1 orientation Condition H Condition C IV, ICC, IBL, IBH, IEL, IEH, IIL, and IIH TA = 25°C Condition B at VCC = 5V and cycle through logic at 1 character per second. TA = 100°C, t = 160 hours Same as Step 7 ∆IV = 20%, ∆ICC = ±10 mA, ∆IIH = ±10 µA and ∆IEH = ±13µA 7. Interim Electrical / Optical Tests 8. Burn-In (1,3) -----1015 9. Final Electrical Test (2) ----------2009 10. Delta Determinations 11. External Visual (1) Test Subgroup 1 DC Electrical Test at 25°C(2) TABLE II GROUP A ELECTRICAL TEST – CLASS A OF MIL-PRF-87157 Parameters IV, ICC, IBL, IBH, IEL, IEH, IIL, and IIH and visual function, TA = 25°C Same as Subgroup 1, except delete IV and visual function. TA = +100°C Same as Subgroup 1, except delete IV and visual function. TA = -55°C Satisfied by Subgroup 1 LTPD 5 Subgroup 2 DC Electrical Tests at High (2) Temperature Subgroup 3 DC Electrical Tests at Low (2) Temperature Subgroup 4, 5 and 6 not tested Subgroup 7 Optical and Functional Tests at 25°C. Subgroup 8 External Visual 7 7 5 7 E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com 2-9 4N51, 4N52, 67023 4N53, 4N54 Test Subgroup 1 Resistance to Solvents (10) Internal Visual and Mechanical (1,2) Subgroup 2 Solderability Subgroup 3 Thermal Shock (Temp. Cycle) (3) Moisture Resistance Fine Leak Gross Leak (4) Electrical / Optical Endpoints Subgroup 4 (5) Operating Life Test (340 hrs.) Electrical / Optical Endpoints Subgroup 5 Non-operating (Storage) Life Test (340 hrs.) (4) Electrical / Optical Endpoints Test Subgroup 1 Physical Dimensions (2, 10) Subgroup 2 Lead Integrity Fine Leak Gross Leak Subgroup 3 Shock Vibration, Variable Frequency Constant Acceleration (7) External Visual (4) Electrical / Optical Endpoints Subgroup 4 Salt Atmosphere (7) External Visual Subgroup 5 (8) Bond Strength Subgroup 6 (9) Operating Life Test (4) Electrical / Optical Endpoints NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. (1,6) (4) HERMETIC, NUMERIC AND HEXIDECIMAL DISPLAYS TABLE III GROUP B, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-PRF-87157 MIL-PRF-750 Method 1022 2075 2026 1051 1021 1071 1071 ------ Conditions Sample Size 4 Devices / 0 Failures 1 Device / 0 Failures TA = 245°C for 5 seconds Condition B1, 15 Min. Dwell Condition H Condition C IV, ICC, IBL, IBH, IEL, IEH, IIL, IIH and visual function. TA = 25°C TA = 100°C, at VCC = 5.0V and cycling through logic at 1 character per second. Same as Subgroup 3 TA = 125°C Same as Subgroup 3 Conditions LTPD = 15 LTPD = 15 1027 -----1032 -----MIL-PRF-750 Method 2066 2004 1071 1071 2016 2056 2006 1010 or 1011 ------ LTPD = 10 LTPD = 10 TABLE IV GROUP C, CLASS A AND B OF MIL-PRF-87157 Sample Size 2 Devices / 0 Failures LTPD = 15 Condition B2 Condition H Condition C 1500G, Time = 0.5 ms, 5 blows in each orientation X1, Y1, Z1 10,000G at Y1 orientation IV, ICC, IBL, IBH, IEL, IEH, IIL, IIH and visual function. TA = 25°C LTPD = 15 LTPD = 15 1041 1010 or 1011 2037 1026 -----Condition A LTPD = 20 (c = 0) LTPD = 10 Same as Subgroup 3 TA = +100°C 1000 HRS Whenever electrical/optical tests are not required as endpoints, electrical rejects may be used. The LTPD applies to the number of leads inspected, except in no case shall less than 3 displays be used to provide the number of leads required. Initial conditioning should be a 15” bend inward one cycle. Limits and conditions are per the electrical/optical characteristics. 5. Burn-in for the over range shall use Condition B at a nominal IF = 8 mA with “+1” illuminated for t=340 hours. 6. Solderability samples shall not be used. 7. Visual requirements shall be as specified in MIL-PRF-883, Methods 1010 or 1011. 8. Displays may be selected prior to seal. 9. If a given inspection lot, undergoing Group B inspection, has been selected to satisfy the Group C inspection requirements, the 340 hour life tests may be continued on test to 1000 hours in order to satisfy the Group C Life Test requirements. In such cases, either the 340 hour endpoint measurements shall be made a basis for Group B lot acceptance or the 1000 hour endpoint measurement shall be used as the basis for both Group B and Group C acceptance. 10. MIL-PRF-883 test method applies. MICROPAC INDUSTRIES, INC. OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS DIVISION • 725 E. Walnut St., Garland, TX 75040 • (972) 272-3571 • Fax (972) 487-6918 www.micropac.com E-MAIL: optosales@micropac.com 2 - 10
67023-102 价格&库存

