ALU and Barrel Shifter
Supersedes April 1993 version, DS3763 - 1.1 DS3763 - 2.1 November 1998
The PDSP1601 is a high performance 16-bit arithmetic logic unit with an independent on-chip 16-bit barrel shifter. The PDSP1601 supports Multicycle multiprecision operation. This allows a single device to operate at 10MHz for 16-bit-bit-fields, 5MHz for 32-bit fields and 2.5MHz for 64-bit fields. The PDSP1601 can also be cascaded to produce wider words at the 10MHz rate using the Carry Out and Carry In pins. The Barrel Shifter is capable of extension, for example the PDSP1601 can used to select a 16-bit field from a 32-bit input in 100ns.
Fig.1 Pin connections
GC pin 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Function VCC RS2 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 GND C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 OE BFP GC pin 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Function VCC CO RA0 RA1 RA2 CI IA0 IA1 IA2 IA3 IA4 MSB MSS B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 GC pin 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Function B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 CEB CLK GND MSA0 MSA1 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 GC pin 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Function A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 CEA MSC IS0 IS1 IS2 IS3 SV0 SV1 SV2 SV3 SVOE RS0 RS1
s s s s s s s s s s s s s
Rev Date NOTE
16-bit, 32 instruction 10MHz ALU 16-bit, 10MHz Logical, Arithmetic or Barrel Shifter Independent ALU and Shifter Operation 4 x 16-bit On Chip Scratchpad Registers Multiprecision Operation; e.g. 200ns 64-bit Accumulate Three Port Structure with Three Internal Feedback Paths Elimates I/O Bottlenecks 300mW Maximum Power Dissipation 100-pin Ceramic Quad Flatpack Digital Signal Processing Array Processing Graphics Database Addressing High Speed Arithmetic Processors
MAR 1993 NOV 1998
Polyimide is used as an inter-layer dielectric and glassivation.
ORDERING INFORMATION PDSP1601/MC/GC1R (Ceramic QFP Package MIL STD 883 Class B Screening)
Symbol MSB MSS B15 - B0 CEB CLK Pin No. (GG100 Package) 16 17 18 - 25 30 - 37 38 39 Description ALU B-input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. Shifter Input multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. B Port data Input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. B15 is the MSB. Clock enable, B Port input register. When low the clock to this register is enabled. Common clock to all internal registered elements. change on the rising edge of CLK. All registers are loaded, and outputs
MSA0 - MSA1 41 - 42 A15 - A0 CEA MSC IS0 - IS3 SV0 - SV3 43 - 50 55 - 62 63 64 65 - 68 69 - 72
ALU A-input multiplexer select control.1 This input are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. A Port data Input. Data presented to this port is latched into the input register on the rising edge of CLK. B15 is the MSB. Clock enable, A Port input register. When low the clock to this register is enabled. C-Port multiplexer select control.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter, IS3 = MSB.1 This input is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. Shift Value I/O Port. This port is used as an input when shift values are supplied form external sources, and as an output when Normalise operations are invoked. The I/O functions are determined by the IS0 - IS3 instruction inputs, and by the SVOE control. The shift value is latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. SV Output enable. When high the SV port can only operate as an input. When low the SV port can act as an input or as an output, according to the IS0 - IS3 instruction. This pin should be tied high or low, depending upon the application. Instruction inputs to Barrel Shifter registers.1 These input are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. C Port data output. Data output on this port is selected by the C output multiplexer. C15 is the MSB Output enable. The C Port outputs are in high impedance condition when this control is high Block Floating Point Flag from ALU, active high. Carry out from MSB of ALU Instruction inputs to ALU registsers.1 These inputs are latched interally on the rising edge of CLK. Carry in to LSB of ALU Instruction inputs to ALU.1 IA4 = MSB. These inputs are latched internally on the rising edge of CLK. +5V supply: Both Vcc pins must be connected. 0V supply: Both GND pins must be connected.
RS0, RS1 RS2 C0 - C15 OE BFP CO RA0 - RA2 CI IA0 - IA3 IA4 Vcc GND
74 - 75 81 82 - 98 99 100 6 7-9 10 11 - 14 80, 5 90 & 40
NOTES 1. All instructions are executed in the cycle commencing with the rising edge of the CLK which latches the inputs.
MSA0-1 2
IA0-4 CI
SVOE RAD-2 3 3
Fig.2 PDSP1601 block diagram
The PDSP1601 contains four main blocks: the ALU, the Barrel Shifter and the two Register Files. The ALU The ALU supports 32 instructions as detailed in Table 1. The inputs to the ALU are selected by the A and B MUXs. Data will fall through from the selected register through the A or B input MUXs and the ALU to the ALU output register file in 100ns. The ALU instructions are latched, such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device. The ALU accepts a carry in from the CI input and supplies a carry out to the CO output. Additionally, at the end of each cycle, the carry out from the ALU is loaded into an internal 1 bit register, so that it is available as an input to the ALU on the next cycle. In the manner, Multicycle, multiprecisiion operations are supported. (See MULTICYCLE CASCADE OPERATIONS). BFP Flag The ALU has a user programmable BFP flag. This flag may be programmed to become active at any one of four conditions. Two of these conditions are intended to support Block Floating Point operations, in that they provide flags indicating that the ALU result is within a factor of two or four of overflowing the 16 bit number range. For multiprecision operations the flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16 bit byte is being processed. In this manner the BFP flag may be used over any extended word width. The remaining two conditions detect either an overflow condition or a zero result. For the overflow condition to be active the ALU result must have overflowed into the 16th (sign) bit, (this flag is only valid whilst the most significant 16 bit byte is being processed). The zero condition is active if the result from the ALU is equal to zero. For multiprecision operations the zero flag must be active for all of the 16 bit bytes of an extended word. The BFP flag is programmed by executing on of the four SBFXX instructions (see Table 1). During the execution of any of these four instructions, the output of the ALU is forced to zero. Multicycle/Cascade Operation The ALU arithmetic instructions contain two or three options for each arithemtic operation. The ALU is designed to operate with two's complement arithmetic, requiring a one to be added to the LSB for all subtract operations. The instructions set includes instructions that will force a one into the LSB, e.g. MIAX1, AMBX1, BMAX1 (see Table 1). These instructions are used for the least significant 16 bits of any subtract operation. The user has an option of cascading multiple devices, or multicycling a single device to extend the arithmetic precision. Should the user cascade multiple devices, then the cascaded arithmetic instructions using the external CI input should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bits, e.g. MIACI, APBCI, BMACI (see Table 1). Should the user multicycle a single device, then the Multicycle Arithmetic instructions, using the internally registered CO bit should be employed for all but the least significant 16 bits, e.g. MIACO, APBCO, AMBCO, BMACO (see Table 1).
Table 1 ALU instructions
1a. ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTIONS Inst 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F IA4-IA0 Mnemonic 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 CLRXX MIAX1 MIACI MIACO A2SGN A2RAL A2RAR A2RSX APBCI APBCO AMBX1 AMBCI AMBCO BMAX1 BMACI BMACO Operation RESET MINUS A MINUS A MINUS A A/2 A/2 A/2 A/2 A PLUS B A PLUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B A MINUS B B MINUS A B MINUS A B MINUS A Function CLEAR ALL REGISTERS NA Plus 1 NA Plus CI NA Plus CO A/2 Sign Extend A/2 with Ral LSB A/2 with RAR LSB A/2 with RSX LSB A Plus B Plus CI A Plus B Plus CO A Plus NB Plus 1 A Plus NB Plus CI A Plus NB Plus CO NA Plus B Plus 1 NA Plus B Plus CI NA Plus B Plus CO Mode --------LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE MSBYTE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE MULTICYCLE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE LSBYTE CASCADE MULTICYCLE
1b. LOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS Inst 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IA4-AI0 Mnemonic 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100 10101 10110 10111 ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNA Operation A AND B A AND NB NA AND B A OR B NA OR B A XOR B PASS A INVERT A Function A. B A. NB NA. B A+B NA + B A XOR B A NA
1c. CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS Inst 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F IA4-AI0 Mnemonic 11000 11001 11010 11011 11100 11101 11110 11111 SBFOV SBFU1 SBFU2 SBFZE OPONE OPBYT OPNIB OPALT Operation Set BFP Flag to OVR, Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 1 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to UND 2 Force ALU output to zero Set BFP Flag to ZERO Force ALU output to zero Output 0001 Hex Output 00FF Hex Output 000F Hex Output 5555 Hex
MNEMONICS = A input to ALU = B input to ALU = External Carry in to ALU = Internally Registered Carry out from ALU = ALU Register (Left) = ALU Register (Right) = Shifter Register (Left or Right)
CLRXX MIAXX A2XXX APBXX AMBXX BMAXX ANX-Y ORX-Y XORXY PASXX SBFXX OPXXX Clear All Registers to zero Minus A, XX = Carry in to LSB A Divided by 2, XXX = Source of MSB A Plus B, XX = Carry in to LSB A Minus B, XX = Carry in to LSB B Minus A, XX = Carry in to LSB AND X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2 OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2 Exclusive OR X = Operand 1, Y = Operand 2 Pass XX = Operand Set BFP Flag XX = Function Output Constant XXX
Divide by Two The ALU has four (A2SGN, A2RAL, A2RAR, A2RSX) instructions used for right shifting (dividing by two) extended precision words. These words, (up to 64 bits) may be stored in the two on-chip register files. When the least significant 16 bit word is shifted, the vacant MSB must be filled with the LSB from the next most significant 16 bit byte. This is achieved via the A2RAL, A2RAR or A2RSX instructions which indicate the source of the new MSB (see SLU INSTRUCTION SET). When the most significant 16 bit byte is right shifted, the MSB must be filled with a duplicate of the original MSB so as to maintain the correct sign (Sign Extension). This operation is achieved via the A2SGN instruction (see Table 1). Constants The ALU has four instructions (OPONE, OPBYT, OPNIB, OPALT) that force a constant value onto the ALU output. These values are primarily intended to be used as masks, or the seeds for mask generation, for example, the OPONE instruction will set a single bit in the least significant position. This bit may be rotated any where in the 16 bit field by the Barrel Shifter, allowing the AND function of the ALU to perform bit-pick operations on input data. CLR The ALU instruction CLRXX is used as a Master Reset for the entire device. This instruction has the effect of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clearing ALU and Barrel Shifter register files to zero. Clearing A and B port input registers to zero. Clearing the R1 and R2 shift control registers to zero. Clearing the internally registered CO bit to zero. Programming the BFP flag to detect overflow conditions. Inst 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F IS3-IS0 Mnemonic 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 LSRSV LSLSV BSRSV BSLSV LSRR1 LSRR2 LSLR1 LSLR2 LR1SV LR2SV ASRSV ASRR1 ASRR1 NRMXX NRMR1 NRMR2 The Barrel Shifter The Barrel Shifter supports 16 instructions as detailed in Table 2. The input to the Barrel Shifter is selected by the S MUX. Data will fall through from the selected register, through the S MUX and the Barrel Shifter to the shifter output register file in 100ns. The Barrel Shifter instructions are latched, such that the instructions will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction into the device. The Barrel Shifter is capable of Logical Arithmetic or Barrel Shifts in either direction. A. B. C. Logical shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with zeros. Arithmetic shifts discard bits that exit the 16 bit field and fill spaces with duplicates of the original MSB. Barrel Shifts rotate the 16 bit fields such that bits tha exit the 16 bit field to the left or right reappear in the vacant spaces on the right or left.
The amount of shift applied is encoded onto the 4 bit Barrel Shifter input as illustrated in Table 3. The type of shift and the amount are determined by the shift control block. The shift control block (see Fig.3) accepts and decodes the four bit ISO3 instruction. The shift control block contains a priority encoder and two, user programmable 4 bit registers R1 and R2. There are four possible sources of shift value that can be passed onto the Barrel Shifter, there are: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Priority Encoder The SV input The R1 register The R2 register Operation I/O I I I I X X X X I I I X X O O O
Logical Shift Right by SV Logical Shift Left by SV Barrel Shift Right by SV Barrel Shift Left by SV Logical Shift Right by R1 Logical Shift Left by R1 Logical Shift Right by R2 Logical Shift Left by R2 Load Register 1 From SV Load Register 2 From SV Arithmetic Shift Right by SV Arithmetic Shift Right by R1 Arithmetic Shift Right by R2 Normalise Output PE Normalise Output PE, Load R1 Normalise Output PE, Load R2
Table 2 Barrel shifter instructions MNEMONICS
= Shift Value = Register 1 = Register 2 = Priority Encoder Output => SV Port operates as an Input => SV Port operates as an Output => SV Port in a High Impedance State
LSXYY BSXYY ASXYY LXXYY NRMYY Logical Shift, X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value Barrel Shift, X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value Arithmetic Shift, X = Direction YY = Source of Shift Value Load XX = Target YY = Source Normalise by PE, Output PE value on SV Port, Load YY Reg
SV3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SV2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 SV1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 SV0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Shift No shift 1 place 2 places 3 places 4 places 5 places 6 places 7 places 8 places 9 places 10 places 11 places 12 places 13 places 14 places 15 places (1) Priority encode the 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter and place the 4 bit value in either of the R1 or R2 registers and output the value on the SV port (if enabled by SVOE). (2) Shift the 16 bit input by the amount indicated by the Priority Encoder such that the output from the Barrel Shifter is a normalised value. SV Input If the SV port is selected as the source of the shift value, then the input to the Barrel Shifter is shifted by the value stored in the internal SV register.
SVOE The SV port acts as an input or an output depending upon the IS0-3 instruction. If the user does not wish to use the normalise instructions, then the SV port mat be forced to be input only by typing SVOE control high. In this mode the SV port may be considered an extension of the instruction inputs. R1 and R2 Registers The R1 and R2 registers may be loaded from the Priority Encoder (NRMR1 and NRMR2) or from the SV input (LR1SV, LR2SV). Whilst the latter two instructions are executing, the Barrel Shifter will pass its input to the output unshifted.
Table 3 Barrel shifter codes
Priority Encoder If the priority encoder is selected as the source of the shift value (instructions:- NRMXX, NRMR1, MRMRZ), then within one 200ns cycle or two 100ns cycles, the shift circuitry will:
4 SV
Fig.3 Shift control block
The Register Files There are two on-chip register files (ALU and Shifter), each containing two 16 bit registers and each supporting 8 instructions (see Table 4). The instructions fo the ALU register file and the Barrel Shifter Register file are the same. The Inputs to the register files come from either the ALU or the Barrel Shifter, and are loaded into the Register files on the rising edge of CLK. The register file instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of the CLK latches the instruction into the device. The register file instructions (see Table 4) allow input data to be loaded into either, neither or both of the registers. Data is loaded at the end of the cycle in which the instruction is executing. The register file instructions allow the output to be sourced from either of the two registers, the selected output will be valid during the cycle in which the instruction is executing.
ALU REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS Inst 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RA2-RA0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPS Operation Load Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Register, Output Left Reg No load Operation, Output Right Reg No load Operation, Output Left Reg No load Operation, Pass ALU Result
SHIFTER REGISTER INSTRUCTIONS Inst 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RA2-RA0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Mnemonic LLRRR LRRLR LLRLR LRRRR LBRLR NOPRR NOPLR NOPPS Operation Load Left Reg Output Right Reg Load Right Reg Output Left Reg Load Left Register, Output Left Reg Load Right Register, Output Right Reg Load Both Register, Output Left Reg No load Operation, Output Right Reg No load Operation, Output Left Reg No load Operation, Pass Barrel Shifter Result
Table 4 ALU and shift register instructions mnemonics
LXXYY Load XX = Target, YY = Source of Output LBOXX Load Both Registers, XX = Source of Output NOPXX No Load Operation, XX = Source of Output
Multiplexers There are four user selectable on-chip multiplexers (AMUX, B-MUX, S-MUX and C-MUX). These four multiplexers support instructions as tabulated in Table 5. The MUX instructions are latched such that the instruction will not start executing until the rising edge of CLK latches the instruction onto the device.
MSA2 0 1 0 1
Table 5
ALU Arithmetic Instructions Mnemonic CLRXX Op Code Function On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle in which this instruction is executing, the A Port, B Port, ALU, Barrel Shifter, and Shift Control Registers will be loaded with zeros. The internal registered CO will also be set to zero, and the BFP flag will be set to activate on overflow conditions. The A input to the ALU is inverted and a one is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CI input is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is inverted and the CO output from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled by duplicating the original MSB (Sign Extension). The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU left register. The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the ALU right register. The A input to the ALU is right shifted one bit position. The LSB is discarded, and the vacant MSB is filled with the LSB from the B input to the ALU. The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and a one is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB. The A input to the ALU is added to the inverted B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB. The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and a one is added to the LSB. The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CI input is added to the LSB. The inverted A input to the ALU is added to the B input, and the CO out from the ALU on the previous cycle is added to the LSB.
ALU Logical Instructions Mnemonic ANXAB ANANB ANNAB ORXAB ORNAB XORAB PASXA PASNA Op Code Function The A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input. The A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the inverse of the B input. The inverse of the A input to the ALU is logically 'ANDed' with the B input. The A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input. The inverse A input to the ALU is logically 'ORed' with the B input. The A input to the ALU is logically Exclusive-ORed with the B input. The A input to the ALU is passed to the output. The inverse of the A input to the ALU is passed to the output.
ALU Control Instructions Mnemonic SBFOV Op Code Function The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes an overflow of the 16 bit number range. This flag is logically the exclusive-or of the carry into and out of the MSB of the ALU. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation has overflowed into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of two of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of two of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation comes within a factor of four of causing an overflow of the 16 bit number range. For the most significant Byte this flag indicates that the result of an arithmetic two's complement operation is within a factor of four of overflowing into the sign bit. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. The BFP flag is programmed to activate when an ALU operation causes a result of zero. The output of the ALU is forced to zero for the duration of this instruction. During the execution of this instruction the BFP flag will become active. The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000000001, the MSB on the left. The ALU will output the binary value 0000000011111111, the MSB on the left. The ALU will output the binary value 0000000000001111, the MSB on the left. The ALU will output the binary value 0101010101010101, the MSB on the left.
Barrel Shifter Instructions Mnemonic LSRSV Op Code Function The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The MSBs are discarded, and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the right, reappear in the vacant MSBs on the left. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is rotated to the left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The MSBs that exit the 16 bit field to the left, reappear in the vacant LSBs on the right. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the R1 register. The MSBs are discarded, and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the R2 register. The MSBs are discarded, and the vacant LSBs are filled with zeros.
Mnemonic LR1SV Op Code Function On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle in which this instruction is executing, the R1 register will be loaded with the data present on the SV port. The input to the Barrel Shifter will be passed onto the output unshifted. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle in which this instruction is executing, the R2 register will be loaded with the data present on the SV port. The input to the Barrel Shifter will be passed onto the output unshifted. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number present in the SV register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with duplicates of the original MSB. (Sign Extension). The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R1 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with duplicates of the original MSB. (Sign Extension). The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is right shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number resident within the R2 register. The LSBs are discarded, and the vacant MSBs are filled with duplicates of the original MSB. (Sign Extension). The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number output from the Priority Encoder. This value is also output on the SV port (provided SVOE is low). The effect of this operation is to left shift the input by the necessary amount (max 15 places) to result in the MSB and the next most significant bit being different. This has the effect of eliminating unnecessary Sign Bits, and hence Normalising the input data. The MSBs shifted out to the left are discarded, and the vacant LSBs on the right are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number output from the Priority Encoder. This value is also loaded into the R1 register at the end of the cycle, and is output on the SV port (provided SVOE is low). The effect of this operation is to left shift the input by the necessary amount (max 15 places) to result in the MSB and the next most significant bit being different. This has the effect of eliminating unnecessary Sign Bits, and hence Normalising the input data. The MSBs shifted out to the left are discarded, and the vacant LSBs on the right are filled with zeros. The 16 bit input to the Barrel Shifter is left shifted by the number of places indicated by the magnitude of the four bit number output from the Priority Encoder. This value is also loaded into the R2 register at the end of the cycle, and is output on the SV port (provided SVOE is low). The effect of this operation is to left shift the input by the necessary amount (max 15 places) to result in the MSB and the next most significant bit being different. This has the effect of eliminating unnecessary Sign Bits, and hence Normalising the input data. The MSBs shifted out to the left are discarded, and the vacant LSBs on the right are filled with zeros.
Barrel Shifterl or ALU Register Instructions Mnemonic LLRRR Op Code Function After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Right register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle, the data on the register inputs will be loaded into the Left Register. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Left register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle, the data on the register inputs will be loaded into the Right Register. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Left register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle, the data on the register inputs will be loaded into the Left Register. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Right register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle, the data on the register inputs will be loaded into the Right Register. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Left register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle, the data on the register inputs will be loaded into both Left and Right Registers. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Right register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle no load operation will occur, the register contents will remain unchanged. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the contents of the Left register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle no load operation will occur, the register contents will remain unchanged. After the rising edge of CLK at the beginning of the cycle in which this instruction is executed, the input to the register will appear on the output. On the rising edge of CLK at the end of the cycle no load operation will occur, the register contents will remain unchanged.
Select a 16 bit field from each word in a block of 32 bit words with a 10MHz throughput. The 16 bit field indicated is to be selected from each 32 bit word. (2) The LS byte is logically right shifted, n-places, the LSBs being discarded and the MSBs being filled with zeros. This shifted data is loaded into the shifter register file left register. During this cycle the previous contents of this register are passed through the ALU to the ALU register file left register.
MS Byte MS Bit
LS Byte
16 bits
The 32 bit words are fed into the B port of the PDSP1601 in two cycles, MS byte first. The PDSP1601 shift control is initiated by programming the R1 and R2 registers with n and 16-n respectively. The shift operation is implemented in three steps:(1) The MS byte is logically left shifted (16-n) places, the MSBs being discarded and the LSB spaces being filled with zeros. This shifted data is loaded into the shifter register file left register.
(3) While the MS byte of the next 32 bit word is shifted in the Barrel Shifter, the two previous results, resident within the left registers of the ALU and Shifter Register files are 'ORed' by the ALU, the result being the desired 16 bit field is loaded into the ALU register file right register ready to be output on the next cycle. The instructions from initialisation are given in Table 6.
CLK 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/
CEB 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
MSS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MSC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SV X n (16-n) X X X X X
Comment Clear Load R1 with n Load R2 with (16-n) Shift 1st MS byte Shift 1st LS byte OR 1st bytes and shift 2nd MS byte Shift 2nd LS byte and output first result Shift 3rd LS byte
Repeat instruction pair 5/ and 6/ until all 16 bit fields have been selected.
Table 6
Supply voltage Vcc -0.5V to 7.0V -0.9V to Vcc + 0.9V Input voltage VIN Output voltage VOUT -0.9V to Vcc + 0.9V Clamp diode current per pin IK (see note 2) ±18mA Static discharge voltage (HMB) 500V Storage temperature TS -65°C to +150°C Ambient temperature with power applied Tamb Military -40°C to +125°C Package power dissipation PTOT GC 1000mW
NOTES 1. Exceeding these ratings may cause permanent damage. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied. 2. Maximum dissipation or 1 second should not be exceeded, only one output to be tested at any one time.
GC 12
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated)
TAMB (Military) = -55°C to +125°C, VCC = 5.0V±10%, Ground = 0V
Static Characteristics
Characteristic Symbol Min. * * * * Output high voltage Output low voltage Input high voltage Input low voltage VOH VOL VIH VIL VIH VIL IIL ICC IOZ ISC CIN 2.4 0.4 2.5 0.8 Vdd -1 -10 -50 12 5 0.5 +10 60 +50 80 Value Typ. Units Max. V V V V V V µA mA µA mA pF Sub group 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 Conditions
IOH = 8mA IOL = -8mA CLOCK, OE CLOCK, OE GND < VIN < VCC Tamb = -40°C to +85°C GND < VOUT < VCC VCC = Max
* * * † †
Input leakage current Vcc current Output leakage current Output S/C current Input capacitance
Switching Characteristics
Value Characteristics PDSP1601 Min. † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † † * † † CLK rising edge to C-PORT CLK rising edge to CO CLK rising edge to BFP Setup CEA or CEB to CLK rising edge Hold CEA or CEB to CLK rising edge Setup A or B port inputs to CLK rising edge Hold A or B port inputs to CLK rising edge Setup MSA0-1, MSB, MSS, MSC, RA2-0, RS0-2, IA0-4, IS0-3, to CLK rising edge Hold RS0-2, IA0-4 to CLK rising edge Hold IS0-3 to CLK rising edge Hold MSA0-1, MSB, MSS, MSC, RA0-2 to CLK rising edge Setup SV to CLK rising edge Hold SV to CLK rising edge CLK rising edge to SV OE C-PORT Z OE C-PORT Z OE C-PORT Z OE C-PORT Z Clock period (ALU & Barrel Shifter, serial mode) Clock period (ALU & Barrel Shifter, parallel mode) Clock high time Clock low time 5 5 5 30 40 0 40 0 3 0 40 5 3 100 40 40 40 40 Max. 40 100 100 0 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns sn Units Sub group Conditions
2 x LSTTL + 20pF 1 x LSTTL + 5pF 1 x LSTTL + 5pF
Input mode Input mode 20pF load, SV O P mode 2 x LSTTL + 20pF 2 x LSTTL + 20pF 2 x LSTTL + 20pF 2 x LSTTL + 20pF 9, 10, 11
200 100 40 40
All parameter marked * are tested during production. Parameters marked † are guaranteed by design and characterisation
Part No: Package Type:
PDSP1601 MC ALU and Barrel Shifter GC100
Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Volt. N/C N/C N/C N/C V1 N/C 0V 0V 0V V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V
Pin No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Volt. N/C N/C N/C N/C V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 0V 0V V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1
Pin No. 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
Volt. N/C N/C N/C N/C 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V V1 V1 V1 V1 0V 0V V1 180K V1 180K 0V 180K 0V 180K V1 V1 0V
Pin No. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Volt. N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 0V N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C 0V N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C N/C V1 N/C
VDD max = +5.0V = V1 N/C = not connected
Fig.4 Life Test/Burn-in connections NOTE: PDA is 5% and based on groups 1 and 7
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M Mitel (design) and ST-BUS are registered trademarks of MITEL Corporation Mitel Semiconductor is an ISO 9001 Registered Company Copyright 1999 MITEL Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in CANADA TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - NOT FOR RESALE