Audio MM1407
Monolithic IC MM1407
This audio IC was developed for notebook PCs and allows major reduction of amp circuit board area. (To conform to PC98, includes built-in speaker drive amp, headphone amp, line amp. stereo/monaural switching, DC voltage control electronic volume, watchdog, logic control function.)
(1) Speaker amp: Stereo BTL output 0.7W (when VCC = 5.0V, RL = 8Ω) (2) Electronic volume control (-60 ~ +20dB). THD = 0.5% (when POUT = 300mW, RL = 8Ω) THD1 = 0.5% (when VOUT = 100mVrms, RL = 16Ω) THD2 = 0.1% (when VOUT = 1VmVrms, RL = 10kΩ) (4) Line amp: Mixes 4 inputs ( 2ch signals and outputs on 3 outputs ( 2ch. Stereo/monaural switching possible on one line. THD = 0.1% (when VOUT = 1Vrms, RL = 10kΩ) (5) Microphone amp: Switch pin selects 1 of 4 inputs (6) Logic control: Speaker, headphone and line amp (including microphone amp and mix amp) logic controllable. Current consumption 300µA during power save mode.
(1) Notebook PC audio control
Audio MM1407
Block Diagram
Audio signal control section (Except where otherwise indicated amp gain is 0dB.)
Audio MM1407
HP signal control section
SP signal control section
Digtal signal control section
Audio MM1407
Pin Description
60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 61 40 62 39 63 38 64 37 65 36 66 35 67 34 33 68 32 69 31 70 30 71 29 72 28 73 27 74 26 75 25 76 24 77 23 78 22 79 21 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 QFP-80B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Vref-IN Aux E (L) Aux D (L) Aux C (L) Aux B (L) Aux A (L) Aux Mix (L) Line in B (L) Line in A (L) Line Mix (L) AGND1 Line Mix (R) Line in A (R) Line in B (R) Aux Mix (R) Aux A (R) Aux B (R) Aux C (R) Aux D (R) Aux E (R)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
IS IN A (R) IS IN B (R) IS IN C (R) IS IN D (R) IS SEL Line out (R) Pre out A (R) Pre out B (R) Mono SEL Cap WAKEUP AMPSD SD HP-IN DGND VD Vref (P)-IN SP IN (R) IS IN E (R) HP IN (R)
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
HP IN (L) IS IN E (L) SP IN (L) HP VOL Mic-sel 0 Mic-sel 1 Mic-1 Mic-2 Mic-4 Mic-3 Mic out AGND2 Pre out B (L) Pre out A (L) Line out (L) AVCC IS IN D (L) IS IN C (L) IS IN B (L) IS IN A (L)
Audio MM1407
Pin Description
Pin No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Pin name Vref-IN Aux E (L) Aux D (L) Aux C (L) Aux B (L) Aux A (L) Aux Mix (L) Line In B (L) Line In A (L) Line Mix (L) AGND1 Line Mix (R) Line In A (R) Line In B (R) Aux Mix (R) Aux A (R) Aux B (R) Aux C (R) Aux D (R) Aux E (R) IS IN A (R) IS IN B (R) IS IN C (R) IS IN D (R) IS Sel. Line Out (R) Pre Out A (R) Input/Output Power supply (reference) Input Input Input Input Input Output Input Input Output GND Output Input Input Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Section Function Audio signal control Applies audio signal control reference potential. Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control 1 of 5 Aux Mix (L) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (L) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (L) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (L) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (L) (add amp) inputs. Signal with Aux A ~ E (L) input added is output. 1 of 2 Line In (L) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 2 Line In (L) (add amp) inputs. Signal with Aux A ~ B (L) input added is output. Audio signal control ground pin. (except for Mic amp) Signal with Aux A ~ B (L) input added is output. 1 of 2 Line In (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 2 Line In (R) (add amp) inputs. Signal with Aux A ~ E (R) input added is output. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 of 5 Aux Mix (R) (add amp) inputs. 1 pin of 4 amp inputs that output to Line Out (R), Pre Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). 1 pin of 4 amp inputs that output to Line Out (R), Pre Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). 1 pin of 4 amp inputs that output to Line Out (R), Pre Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). 1 pin of 4 amp inputs that output to Pre Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). This pin selects either of two inputs IS IN A (R) or IS IN B (R). (See Figure A) A signal that has IS IN A (R) or B (R) or IS IN C (R) added is output. A signal that has IS IN A (R) or B (R) or IS IN C (R) or IS IN D (R) added is output. During Mono Sel. R Stereo selection, a signal that has IS IN A (R) or B (R) or IS IN C (R) or IS IN D (R) added is output. During Mono Sel. R Mono selection, a signal that is a mixture of a signal with (R) input added and then lowered 9dB and a signal that with (L) input added and lowered 9dB. This pin switches Pre Out B (L), (R) Stereo and Mono output. (See Figure A) This pin sets clock monitoring time for the watchdog timer circuit. Clock monitoring time is determined by the capacitor time constant connected to this pin. (See Figure C) 1 of 4 logic circuit inputs. (See Figure D) 1 of 4 logic circuit inputs. (See Figure D) 1 of 4 logic circuit inputs. (See Figure D)
Input (SW) Audio signal control Output Output Audio signal control Audio signal control
Pre Out B (R)
Audio signal control
Mono Sel.
Input (SW) Audio signal control
30 31 32 33
Input (logic) Digital signal control
WAKEUP Input (logic) Digital signal control AMPSD Input (logic) Digital signal control SD Input (logic) Digital signal control
Audio MM1407
Pin No. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Input/Output Input (logic) GND Power supply Power supply Vref- (P) IN (reference) SP IN (R) IS IN E (R) HP IN (R) HP (R) VCC1 PGND1 SP (R) + VP1 VP2 SP (R) PGND2 GND1 GND2 PGND3 SP (L) + VP3 VP4 SP (L) PGND4 VCC2 HP (L) IS IN E Vol. SP Vol. HP IN (L) IS IN E (L) SP IN (L) HP Vol. Mic-Sel.0 Mic-Sel.1 Mic-1 Mic-2 Mic-4 Mic-3 Mic-Out Input Input Input Output
Pin name HP-IN DGND VD
Section Function Digital signal control 1 of 4 logic circuit inputs. (See Figure D) Digital signal control Digital signal control ground pin. Digital signal control Digital signal control Vcc pin. ( 1)
SP, HP signal control Applies SP, HP signal control section reference potential. SP signal control SP signal control HP signal control HP signal control 1 of 2 SP amp (R-ch) inputs. Use music source, etc. input. 1 of 2 SP amp (R-ch) inputs. Use beep alarm sound, etc. input. HP amp (R-ch) input. HP amp (R-ch) output. SP, HP amp input stage, EVR circuit, DC bias circuit VCC pin. ( 2) * SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) ground pin. SP amp (R-ch) BTL output (+) pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) VCC pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) VCC pin. SP amp (R-ch) BTL output (-) pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) ground pin. SP, HP amp input stage, EVR circuit, DC bias circuit ground pin. ( 3) * SP, HP amp input stage, EVR circuit, DC bias circuit ground pin. ( 3) * SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) ground pin. SP amp (L-ch) BTL output (+) pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) VCC pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) VCC pin. SP amp (L-ch) BTL output (-) pin. SP, HP amp output stage (power amp) ground pin. SP, HP amp input stage, EVR circuit, DC bias circuit Vcc pin. ( 2) * HP amp (R-ch) output pin. SP amp IS IN E input electronic volume pin. ( 4) * SP amp SP IN input electronic volume pin. ( 5) * HP amp (L-ch) input. 1 of 2 SP amp (L-ch) inputs. Use beep alarm sound, etc. input. 1 of 2 SP amp (L-ch) inputs. Use music source, etc. input. HP amp electronic volume pin. ( 6) * Selects 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs in combination with MicSel. 1 pin. (See Figure E) Selects 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs in combination with MicSel. 0 pin. (See Figure E) 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs. 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs. 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs. 1 of 4 Mic amp inputs. 1 of 4 Mic 1 ~ 4 inputs is output depending on combination of Mic Sel. 0 and Mic Sel. 1 pins.
Power supply SP, HP signal control GND Output Power supply Power supply Output GND GND GND GND Output Power supply Power supply Output GND SP, HP signal control SP signal control SP, HP signal control SP, HP signal control SP signal control SP, HP signal control SP, HP signal control SP, HP signal control SP, HP signal control SP signal control SP, HP signal control SP, HP signal control SP signal control SP, HP signal control
Power supply SP, HP signal control Output Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Input Output HP signal control SP signal control SP signal control HP signal control SP signal control SP signal control HP signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control Audio signal control
Audio MM1407
Pin No. 72
Pin name AGND2
Pre Out B (L)
74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Pre Out A (L) Pre Out (L) AVCC IS IN D (L) IS IN C (L) IS IN B (L) IS IN A (L)
Input/Output Section Function GND Audio signal control Mic amp ground pin. During Mono Sel. R Stereo selection, a signal that has IS IN A (L) or B (L) or IS IN C (L) or IS IN D (L) added is output. During Output Audio signal control Mono Sel. R Mono selection, a signal that is a mixture of a signal with (L) input added and then lowered 9dB and a signal that with (R) input added and lowered 9dB. (See Figure B) A signal that has IS IN A (R) or B (R) or IS IN C (R) or Output Audio signal control IS IN D (R) added is output. A signal that has IS IN A (R) or B (R) or IS IN C (R) Output Audio signal control added is output. Audio signal control Audio signal control VCC pin. 1 of 4 amp inputs that is output to Pre Out A (R) or Pre Input Audio signal control Out B (R), (L). 1 of 4 amp inputs that is output to Line Out (R) or Pre Input Audio signal control Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). 1 of 4 amp inputs that is output to Line Out (R) or Pre Input Audio signal control Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L). 1 of 4 amp inputs that is output to Line Out (R) or Pre Input Audio signal control Out A (R), Pre Out B (R), (L).
*1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6
VD power supply and VP power supply must have the same potential. In order to avoid the effects of SP, HP amp interference between L and R, and interference between SP and HP amps on separation characteristics, the wiring connected to this pin should have the same impedance as other Vcc lines (especially lines with large current). (This is not a problem when Vcc1 and Vcc2 lines are bundled.) In order to avoid the effects of SP, HP amp interference between L and R, and interference between SP and HP amps on separation characteristics, the wiring connected to this pin should have the same impedance as other ground lines (especially lines with large current). (This is not a problem when GND1 and GND2 lines are bundled.) The maximum voltage that can be impressed on IS IN E Vol. pin is 2.0V. The maximum voltage that can be impressed on SP Vol. pin is 2.0V. The maximum voltage that can be impressed on HP Vol. pin is 2.0V.
Audio MM1407
IS Sel. Pin and Mono Sel. (L) Pin Selection
Selects either IS IN A (R) or IS IN B (L). IS SEL. H A LB Selects either Pre Out B (L), (R) Stereo/Mono. Mono Sel. (L) H Stereo L Mono
Figure B. Mono Sel. (L) Pin Pre Out B (L) (R) Signal Route during Mono Selection
The signal route when Mono Sel. (L) pin mono is selected is: point 1 L-ch signal is lowered 9dB and this signal is added at point 3 to point 2 R-ch signal lowered 9dB. This level is output to Pre Out B (L), (R).
Audio MM1407
Mono Sel. (L) Pin Pre Out B (L) (R) Signal Route during Stereo Selection
During Mono Sel. 1 pin stereo selection, the signal at point 1 is output to Pre Out B (L) and the signal at point 2 is output to Pre Out B (R).
Mic-Sel. 0, Mic-Sel. 1 pin selection
1 of 4 Mic 1~4 inputs is selected by Mic-Sel. 0 and Mic-Sel. 1. Mic-Sel. 0 L L H H Mic-Sel. 1 L H L H
Mic 1 Mic 2 Mic 3 Mic 4
Audio MM1407
Figure C. Watchdog Timer
Watchdog Timer Circuit Block Diagram
Basically, the watchdog timer monitors the level (3) of the current it impresses on the external capacitor. The charging time is determined by C1 and I2 in the block diagram, and control is done by input signal (1). When the first "H" trigger (input signal) chargers the external capacitor and level (3) goes over (4) "H" threshold value, output is first inverted (L H). While the input signal is being continuously impressed, the timer repeats charging current impress/stop to the external capacitor, but if input signal (1) is not impressed within the set time (clock monitoring time), charging to the external capacitors is stopped and the capacitor starts discharge operation. Then level (3) falls below "L" threshold value and output (5) is again inverted (H L). 1. WAKEUP pin input signal cycle limit Use at 1/Ta or higher, 100Hz or lower. T1: clock monitoring time (The time from WAKEUP signal input stop until logic truth table WAKEUP switches to low.) 2. WAKEUP pin input signal amplitude limit Use at 1.5V or higher, 5V or lower. 3. External capacitor time constant (sets clock monitoring time) Determined by T1 = 1.638 C µF R [Ω]. (E.g.: If C = 1µF, for T1 . . 1S, R = 620kΩ, for T1 . . 2S, R = 1.2MΩ) = =
Audio MM1407
Logic Truth Table
· WAKEUP "H" indicates the state where a pulse is impressed continuously, and "L" means that pulse impression is stopped and level is low. (See Figure C) · The EN in CHIP-EN means that the audio signal control section in the block diagram is ON, and DIS means that it is OFF. · The EN in #SP-EN means that the SP signal control section in the block diagram is ON, and DIS means that it is OFF. · The EN in #HP-EN means that the HP signal control section in the block diagram is ON, and DIS means that it is OFF. · SW ON and OFF: ON means that SP IN and IS IN E in the SP signal control section in the block diagram are both operating, and OFF means that IS IN E only is operating.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Item Storage temperature Operating temperature
(Ta = 25°C ) Signal TSTG TOPR VCCmax.1 VCCmax.2 VCCmax.3 VINmax.1 VINmax.2 VINmax.3 Pd Rating -40~+125 -20~+75 7 7 7 -0.3~AVCC+0.3 -0.3~VP+0.3 -0.3~VD+0.3 680mW (alone) 1.6W (mounted on board) Unit °C °C V V V V V V W
Power supply voltage (AVCC) Power supply voltage (VP) Power supply voltage (VD) Input pin voltage (AVCC) Input pin voltage (VP) Input pin voltage (VD) Allowable loss
When used at over °C. *(Mounting conditions:25, there is a 14mW reduction for every 1mounting density 30%.) 40 40 1.6mm. Glass epoxy, board
Audio MM1407
Recommended Operating Conditions
Item Operating temperature Operating voltage (AVCC) Operating voltage (VP) Operating voltage (VD)
(Ta = 25°C)
Signal TOPR VCCop1 VCCop2 VCCop3
Rating -20~+75 4.5~5.5 4.5~5.5 4.5~5.5
Unit °C V V V
Electrical Characteristics
(Except where otherwise indicated, Ta = 25°C, AVCC = VP = VD = 5V) Unit mA mA mA µA
Item Signal Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Consumption Current Audio signal control ICC1 For HP AMP, SP AMP OFF 8 12 HP AMP operating ICC2 For Audio ON, SP AMP OFF 18 27 SP AMP operating ICC3 For Audio ON, HP AMP OFF, no load 38 57 During power save ICC4 300 500 Audio signal control Hereafter RL = 10k, fIN = 1kHz Line Out (L, R) , Aux Mix (L, R) , Line Mix (L, R) Maximum output voltage Vmax.1 1 1.1 Mic Out THD = 1% Line Out (L, R) , Aux Mix (L, R) , Line Mix (L, R) 0.1 Distortion rate THD1 Mic Out VOUT = 1Vrms Gain 1 Gv1 Line Out (L, R) , Aux Mix (L, R) , Line Mix (L, R) 0 Gain 2 Gv2 Mic Out 12 Input impedance RIN 47 Impedance may change during power save, but it will not go below 47k Ω. Signal coupling on input pins may be observed. 100 Output impedance ROUT Separation CS 60 Output offset 1 VOFF1 (VOUT) - (Vref-VIN) 1 8 Output offset 2 (MIC AMP) VOFF2 1 8 R-Rejection SVRR fr=100Hz 70 85 Output noise voltage Vno 20Hz ~ 20kHz, A curve 30 100 Phase Relationships Line in to Line Mix Inverted Aux A ~ E to Aux Mix Inverted Mic A ~ D to Mic Out Inverted IS IN A ~ D to Line Out Non-inverted IS IN A ~ D to Pre Out Non-inverted IS IN A ~ D to Pre Out phase relationships does not change for Mono Select R Mono or Stereo
Vrms % dB dB kΩ
Ω dB mV mV dB µVrms
Audio MM1407
Item Signal Measurement conditions Headphone AMP Hereafter RL = 16Ω, fIN = 1kHz PreOutA (L, R) HP IN (L, R) , Maximum output voltage 1 Vmax.hp1 RL = 10kΩ, THD = 1% PreOutA (L, R) HP IN (L, R) , Maximum output voltage 2 Vmax.hp2 RL = 16Ω, THD = 1% PreOutA (L, R) HP IN (L, R) Distortion rate 1 THDhp1 EVR = 0dB VOUT = 1Vrms, RL = 10kΩ PreOutA (L, R) HP IN (L, R) Distortion rate 2 THDhp2 EVR = 0dB, VOUT = 100mVrms, RL = 16Ω Gain 1 Ghp1 EVR; for max. (Vvol1 = 1.25V) Gain 2 Ghp2 EVR; (Vvol1 = 1.0V) Gain 3 Ghp3 EVR; (Vvol1 = 0.85V) Gain 4 Ghp4 EVR; (Vvol1 = 0.75V) EVR; VIN = 0dBV for MIN (Vvol = 0.6V) Gain 5 Ghp5 Mute when Vvol = 0.6V or below Output level EVR setting; gain 1 temperature characteristic Between-channel CBhp1 EVR setting; gain 1 ~ 2 gain difference 1 Between-channel CBhp2 EVR setting; gain 3 ~ 4 gain difference 2 EVR = 0dB, fr = 100Hz, R-Rejection SVRRhp VRIPPLE = -20dBV Output noise voltage Vnohp EVR = 0dB, 20Hz~20kHz, A curve Separation CShp EVR = 0dB, fr = 1kHz Speaker AMP Hereafter RL = 8Ω, BTL connected, fIN = 1kHz PreOutB (L, R) SP IN (L, R) , Maximum output power Pmax.sp THD = 10%, EVR = 20dB PreOutB (L, R) SP IN (L, R) , EVR = 20dB Distortion rate THDsp POUT = 300mW Gain 1 Gsp1 EVR; for max. (Vvol = 1.25V) Gain 2 Gsp2 EVR; (Vvol1 = 1.0V) Gain 3 Gsp3 EVR; (Vvol1 = 0.85V) Gain 4 Gsp4 EVR; (Vvol1 = 0.75V) EVR; VIN = 0dBV for MIN (Vvol = 0.6V) Gain 5 Gsp5 Mute when Vvol = 0.6V or below Output level EVR setting; gain 1 temperature characteristic Between-channel CBsp1 EVR setting; gain 1 ~ 2 gain difference 1 Between-channel CBsp2 EVR setting; gain 3 ~ 4 gain difference 2 R-Rejection SVRRsp EVR = 20dBV, fr = 100Hz, VRIPPLE = -20dBV Output offset VOFFsp IS IN E VOL = min. SP VOL = 20dB IS IN E VOL = SP VOL = 20dB, Output noise voltage Vnosp 20Hz~20kHz, A curve Separation CSsp EVR = 20dB, fr = 1kHz
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
1 350
Vrms mVrms
0.25 1
% % dB dB dB dB
0 -20 -40 -60 -80 +3000 ±1 ±3 50 65 175 50 65
dB ppm/°C dB dB dB µVrms dB
0.7 1 20 0 -20 -40 -60 +3000 ±1 ±3 38 45 0 3
W % dB dB dB dB dB ppm/°C dB dB dB mV µVrms dB
150 560
Audio MM1407
Measuring Circuit
Audio MM1407
Vmax1, THD1, Gv1, Gv2
Audio MM1407
Voff1, Voff2, SVRR, Vno
Audio MM1407
Audio MM1407
Vmaxhp1, Vmaxhp2, THDhp1, THDhp2, Ghp1~5, CBhp1~2
Audio MM1407
SVRRhp, Vnohp
Audio MM1407
Audio MM1407
Pmaxsp, THDsp, Gsp1~5, CBsp1~2
Audio MM1407
SVRRsp, Vnosp
Audio MM1407
Audio MM1407
Measuring Circuit
THD Aux-A (L)
10 1
AuxMix (L)
10 1
THD (%)
0.1 0.01
THD (%)
0.1 0.01
0.001 0.01
0.001 0.01
VOUT (Vrms)
VOUT (Vrms)
Audio MM1407
Line in A (L)
10 1
LineMix (L)
10 1
LineOUT (L)
THD (%)
0.1 0.01
0.1 0.01
0.001 0.01
0.001 0.01
VOUT (Vrms)
VOUT (Vrms)
THD IS IN A (L) Per Out A (L) HP IN (L) HP (L) RL=16Ω
100 10
THD IS IN A (L) Per Out A (L) HP IN (L) HP (L) RL=10kΩ
THD (%)
1 0.1 0.01 0.01 EVR=0dB
THD (%)
0.1 EVR=0dB
0.01 0.01
VOUT (Vrms)
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
-20 -40 -60 -80
-100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Vvo1 (V)
Noise (µVrms)
Gain (dB)
HP Vol. (V)
40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
EVR-NOISE SP AMP (IS IN E Vol. = 1.25V, SP Vol. Variable)
190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Noise (µVrms)
Gain (dB)
Vvo1 (V)
SP Vol. (V)