VHDM® Board-to-Board 8-Row Stacker System Connects High Speed, High Density for Mezzanine Boards Molex’s 8-Row VHDM Stacker system allows for 2.5 Gbps data rates with high densities on mezzanine style board-to-board applications, offering 100 real circuits per inch of connector. The VHDM Stacker system offers the flexibility of a parallel board connection using the same proven wafer design, separable interface and press-fit compliant pins as the standard VHDM connector family, with less than 5% crosstalk. VHDM Stackers are ideal for both single-ended and differential signaling.
2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089”) Pitch VHDM® 8-Row Stacking System 75117 Board-to-Board Connector System
Features and Benefits ■ High speed, high density mezzanine design enables up to 2.5 Gbps bandwidth per signal pair ■ 2.00 by 2.25 mm (0.79 by 0.89”) pitch provides 40 contacts per centimeter ■ Wafer construction permits very accurate location of ground planes relative to the signal contacts for improved impedance control ■ Eye-of-the-needle press-fit receptacles and headers allow tight spacing without solder bridging between contact tails, repair ability and a highly reliable termination to the PCB
Ground planes between signal columns provide: - Tightly controlled impedance for rise times down to 200 picoseconds -Very low cross talk between signals within a column -Extremely low cross talk between signal columns Mates with VHDM open headers permitting utilization of existing standard backplane headers
SPECIFICATIONS Reference Information Packaging: Tube UL File No.: E29179 CSA File No.: 152514 (LR19980) Mates With: 74060 Designed In: Millimeters Electrical Voltage: 250V Current: 1.0A Contact Resistance: 13.5mΩ max. Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 750VAC Insulation Resistance: 500VDC Mechanical Contact Insertion Force: 45N max. per press-fit pin Contact Retention to Housing: 9N min. per press-fit pin Mating Force: 0.40N nominal per pin Unmating Force: 0.15N min. per pin Durability: 200 cycles Physical Housing: Liquid crystal polymer, UL 94V-0 Contact: Copper Alloy Plating: Selective Gold 30µ" min. with Tin/Lead on the tails Operating Temperature: -55 to +105° C
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Telecommunication Equipment Test Systems High End Servers Memory Storage Systems Cellular Base Stations
2.00 by 2.25mm (.079 by .089”) Pitch VHDM® 8-Row Stacking System 75117 Board-to-Board Connector System
Order No. 7 5117-0118 75117-1118 75117-0218 75117-1218 75117-0018 75117-1018 Description VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle VHDM 8-Row Stacker Receptacle Circuits 80 80 200 200 400 400 Number of Wafers 10 10 25 25 50 50 Gold Plating Thickness 0.76µm (30µ") 1.27µm (50µ") 0.76µm (30µ") 1.27µm (50µ") 0.76µm (30µ") 1.27µm (50µ") Stack Heights
18.00mm (.709")
Open Header
Order No. 7 4060-1001 74060-1002 74060-2501 74060-2502 74060-2602 Description VHDM 8-Row Signal Module VHDM 8-Row Signal Module VHDM 8-Row Signal Module VHDM 8-Row Signal Module VHDM 8-Row Signal Module Circuits 80 80 200 200 200 Module Length 20.00mm (.787”) 20.00mm (.787”) 50.00mm (1.969”) 50.00mm (1.969”) 50.00mm (1.969”) Signal Pin Length 4.75mm (.187”) 6.25mm (.246”) 4.75mm (.187”) 6.25mm (.246”) 6.25mm (.246”)
Americas Headquarters Lisle, Illinois 60532 U.S.A. 1-800-78MOLEX amerinfo@molex.com
Far East North Headquarters Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan 81-462-65-2324 feninfo@molex.com
Far East South Headquarters Jurong, Singapore 65-6-268-6868 fesinfo@molex.com
European Headquarters Munich, Germany 49-89-413092-0 eurinfo@molex.com
Corporate Headquarters 2222 Wellington Ct. Lisle, IL 60532 U.S.A. 630-969-4550 Fax:630-969-1352
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Order No. USA-232 Printed in USA/3K/JI/JI/2004.03
2004, Molex