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    6800 - 8-BIT MICROPROCESSING UNIT (MPU) - Motorola, Inc

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6800 数据手册
MCWOO I i 8-BIT MICROPROCESSING UNIT (MPU) I The MC6800 is a monolithic 8-bit microprocessor forming the central control function for Motorola’s M68~ family. Compatible with TTL, the MC6B~, as with all M6800 system parts, requires only one + 5.O-volt power supply, and no external TTL devices for bus interface. The MC6800 is capable of addressing 64K bytes of memory with its 16-bit address lines. The 8-bit data bus is bidirectional as well as threestate, making direct memory addressing and multiprocessing applications realizable. q 8-Bit Parallel Processing q Bidirectional Data Bus – Variable Length Indexed, . . 16-Bit Address Bus – WK Bytes of Addressing Seven Addressing Modes – Direct, Relative, Immediate, Extended, Implied and Accumulator q 72 Instructions ,>: ,,*!. “)!.IC,[ . Vectored Restart .}. ‘.*$ ,,2:+.( ~ ‘~”‘%1 *F. . Maskable Interrupt Vector ~ ..!’. . Separate Non-Maskable Interrupt – Internal Registers Saved i#’’::$$ , +, ~. ,{). ~, ,)i .Y,:>, .,,,!,. -,,,.... Stack .... *: ,.. ‘is . Six Internal Registers – Two Accumulators, Index Regist~#?Y’:Y’ Program Counter, Stack Pointer and Condition Code Re~@te~ q Direct Memory Addressing (D MA) and Multiple P~@$esso’r .:;.!,.,,>s,-. Capability ,“ ., . .+ ,., ‘ -->, *V,1’.- ,,:+~.., \>>>., **. q Simplified Clocking Characteristics ‘~:?iii ...*”,+< * ,,:+,.., ‘.~;:),t.{t,. . Clock Rates as High as 2.0 MHz ,~> *:;.> q Simple Bus Interface Without TTL ,$~~~~i$~’ q Variable Length Stack q Halt and Single Instruction uu. - SUFFIX CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 715 PIN ASSIGNMENT Vss[ HALT[ 10 2 ~ JRESET 39 ]TSC 38 ]N. C. 37 Executlo*k$~~$bility ,.*. .\ ~ ~$$~ ‘;:$*Y*:,F . .., .it~ ,.,.$,.>. ‘i,\,.*> & ‘~~$ ,{, ..,. ,:&f*, ~ ,>$ $$:$ .~~ ~: ... ~+~,‘ \*:,.: ,*.. .+~’ \,\.\\ Where K is a constant pertaining to the parti~$~$~~~it. K can be determined from equation 3 by measuring PD (at equilibrium) for a known TA. Using this value of K the va~~~~:Qft,@Dand TJ can be obtained \\*‘:*,..,, value of TA, ,>f:?>,{,,,>i, ,t .~\ ~“,’.,,\ ,,,..,,., 5,0 Vdc, +5%, Vss = O, TA= TL to TH unless otherwise noted) Svmkl Logic 41,42 Logic ~1 ,42 Logic @l, #2 D&D7 AO-A15, Rlw DO-D7 VMA BA VSS+2.4 VSS+2.4 VSS+2.41 VSS–0,3 VSS–0,3 — – – 1,0 VSS+O.8 VSS+O.4 2.5 v “ .&i,t. ~~ \t$.? “a?+$,}.,,’~ ~.,t...t, Input Low Voltage ~w”$&~$,$# .,. , ‘.,:..,.,.: ~:~, Y “~:.. d *“:*’:*L ‘$$:fi+s:~ t“t tr, tf ~ td Rise and Fall Time (Measured between VSS +0.4 and VCC– O.6) Delay Time or Clock Separation (Figure 1) (Measured at VOV=VSS+O.6 V@tr=tf=l~ ns) (Measured at VOV= VSS + 1.0 V@tr=tf S35 ns} 1, ,,,, ,,fj:$’,i~ ,’;? ,..~’ %$*t& , ,, >+1,: –$; y< “$, ~ —.$:~, ?\:i..\*.’, $ ns td+ + ‘d+ . ,, ,,,. b,’’” < vl~c* ,, . ..>.,,,. .~t~ 4:. - . $~~+’ C=30 pF ,,.., .. > Peripheral Read Access ~fi&~f: tacc = tut – (tAD +~~~$~. Data Setup Tim$,:( ~~~?: Input Data H@me Output D~@ ‘~l,#Time Addressf&,&,Jime Ena~~i~@Time Data ~lav (Address, R/~, for DBE Input VMA) ‘ *T, ,+1 Symbol MC~ Min – — 605 lm 10 10 30 450 – 2m – – o – Iw – Typ – — – – – 25 50 – – – – – – – – – Max 270 2W — – – – – – 225 – Im 29 40 270 – 25 Min – – m 60 10 10 30 280 – 140 – – 0 – 120 – MC8BAO0 Typ – – – – – 25 a – – – – – – – – – Max 1BO 165 — – – – – – 2W – 100 165 40 270 – 25 Min – – 2W 40 10 10 m 220 – 110 – – 0 – 75 – MC6BBO0 Typ – – – – – 25 50 – – – – – – – – – Max 150 135 — – – – – – 160 – 100 135 m 220 – 25 Unit tA D ns tacc tDSR tH tH tA H tEH tDDW tpcs tpcr, tpcf tBA tTSE tTSD tDBE tDBEr, tDBEf ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Time (Write) Processor Controls Processor Control Setup Time Processor Control Rise and Fall Time 8US Available DelaV Hi-Z Enable Hi-Z DelaV Data Bus Enable Down Time During @l Up Time Data Bus Enable Rise and Fall Times ns — m M070ROLA Semiconductor 3 Products Inc. 1 FIGURE 2 – READ DATA FROM MEMORY OR PERIPHERALS Start of / @l Cycle + ‘VIHC ~ 0.4 v 7 0.4 v Data Not Valid ~ Start of Cvcle ‘):., Data From MPU 2.4 V [ 0.4 v I ktDDw+ k\\\\\\Y Data Not Valid NOTES: 1. Voltage levels shown are VLSO.4, 2. Measurement — VH> 2.4 V, unless otherwise specified noted points shown are 0.8 V and 2.0 V, unless otherwise MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 4 Produck Inc. FIGURE 4 – TYPICAL DATA BUS OUTPUT DELAY versus CAPACITIVE LOADING (TDDw) 600 ‘lo FIGURE 5 – TYPICAL READ/WRITE, VMA, AND ADDRESS OUTPUT DELAY versus CAPACITIVE LOADING (TAD) 600 ‘lo 500 I OH =-205A max @ 2.4 V lo H=-145*max@2.4V L=l.6mAmax@0.4v L=l.6mAmax@0.4V 500 - Vcc = 5.0v 1A= 25°C ~ = u z F > ~ : 400 z u z / / 200 100 / CL includes stray capacitance 0’ 0 100 200 CL, LOAO 300 CAPACITANCE -VCC=5.OV TA = 25°C -$ ,:, 400 300 ~ / ‘ / ~ ~ ~ u 0 300 200 100 CL includes stray capacitance 600 o 0 100 400 (pF) 500 2og~+~~ ,i$oo 400 500 600 MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 5 Products Inc. I FIGURE 7– =PANDED BLOCK DIAGRAM A15 A14 A13 A12 All A1O A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 Al AO Clock, @l Clock, @2 RESET Non-Maskable Interrupt HALT Interrupt Three-State Request Control 37 40 6 a 2 4 39 3 Instruction Decode and Control Data Bus Enable Bus Available Valid Memory Read/Wtite, Address Rl~ 36+ 34+ 1 Instruction Register ‘*” ..l.t\,, !* .— .— MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 6 Products Inc. .— MPU SIGNAL DESCRIPTION Proper operation of the MPU requires that certain control Read (high) or Wrile (low) state, The normal standby state of and timing signals be provided to accomplish tions and that other signal lines be monitored the state of the processor. (o1, 42) specific functo determine this signal is Read (high). Three-State Control going high will turn Read/Write to the off (high impedance) state. Also, when the processor is halted, it will be in the off state. This output 90 pF. is capable of drivina one standard TTL Ioa&?iqnd ~+,r+i~ .:} Clocks Phase One and Phase Two are used for a two-phase non-overlapping the VCC voltage level. Figure 1 shows the microprocessor – Two pins clock that runs at clocks. The high level is specified at VIHC and the low level is specified at VILC. The allowable clock frequency is specified by f (frequency). The minimum @l and @2 high level pulse widths are specified by PW~H (pulse access time for specified. Clock voltage of VOV of clock width high time). To guarantee the required the peripherals, the clock up time, tut, is separation, td, is measured at a maximum (overlap voltage), This allows for a multitude at the system frequency rate. RESET – The RESET input is used to rese~&}N~&~rt the M PU from a power down condition resulti~~,jf~% a power failure or initial start-up of the processor,+:~@l%~i&el sensitive at any time input can also be used to reinitialize t,$~~~~~ne .)’ k%}?* after start-up. :t:;l,\ \ If a high level is detected in th~ Inpw; this will signal the MPU to begin the reset seqe~$~. During the reset sequence, the contents of th,~?%f$wb locations (FFFE, FFFF) in memory will be loade@{~~&,Jtie Program Counter to point to the routine, beginning of..,$~b.:wet routine. During the reset ~.\J ~t.~,,~y.. the interrupt ~s~ bit is set and must be cleared variations Address Bus (AOA15) – Sixteen are three-state pins are used for the adbus drivers capable of dress bus. The outputs driving one standard TTL load and 90 pF. When the output is turned off, it is essentially an open circuit. This permits the MPU to be used in DMA applications. Putting TSC in its high state forces the Address Data Bus (DO-D7) It is bidirectional, – bus to go into the three-state mode. Eight pins are used for the data bus. data to and from the memory transferring and peripheral devices. It also has three-state output buffer$ capable of driving one standard TTL load and 130 pF. D,a~$, Bus is placed in the three-state DBE is Io#t\,t w~$. ,{’.y...:>.:> ,,:!:.?.. .+,. ‘ ‘$,. ? ‘+:+” – This level sensitive i~[~t~$sthe mode when under program c~~ol, before the M PU can be interrupted by (assuming minimum of8 clock a IRQ. While ‘K%Jk’’low cycles have ~Jcc~$r8d) the MPU output signals will be in the followinqj$&MVMA= low, BA= low, Data Bus= high impeda~~e,>~~~= high (read state), and the Address Bus will con$&8 the ‘reset address FFFE. Figure 8 illustrates a power ?}4 &“~q@~nce using the RESET control line. After the power ~i. ~,P@ reaches 4.75 V, a minimum of eight clock cycles are ?$:jlj$~qtiired for the processor to stabilize in preparation for ‘~trestarting. During these eight cycles, VMA will be in an in.lp~ determinate state so any devices that are enabled by VMA which could accept a false write during this time (such as battery-backed low after eight with the system RAM) must be disabled until VMA is forced cycles. RESET can go high asynchronously clock is shown any time after in Figure the eighth cycle. rise and Data Bus Enable (DBE) three-state control signal for the M PU data ~$~l:~yd will enable the bus drivers when in the high st~:&$$@j9 Input is TTL compatible; however in normal op~,atib~~$twould be driven by the phase two clock. Durin&@n~~,K~ read cycle, the data bus drivers will be disabled,’~~t~nal ly. When it is desired that another device contr$PtR~&ata bus, such as in Direct Memory Access (DMA)j+~k~@~ions, DBE should be .>.:,:,.,, . , ~t~ ,x held low. If additional data setup+p[+ho~d~?me is required on an MPU write, the DB E down ,~,~~ @n be decreased, as shown in Figure 3 (DBE#@2\R:~~e~inimum down time for DBE is tDB E as shown, ~~~.s}~ting D B E with setup or hold t~,$@# be increased. \\\$. ;>L:.,.?J , ~ Bus Ay~i$~l~.(bA) – The respect to E, data RESET timing 8. The maximum fall transition times are specified by tpcr and tpcf. If RESET is high at tpcs (processor control setup time), as shown in Figure 8, in any given cycle then the restart sequence will begin on the next cycle as shown. The RESET control line may also be used to reinitialize the MPU system at any time during its operation. This is accomplished by pulsing RESET low for the duration of a minimum of three complete 42 cycles. The RESET pulse can be completely asynchronous with the MPU system clock and will be recognized during 42 if setup time tpcs Request is met. (~Q) – This level sensitive input re- Interrupt signal will nor- Bus Available mally ~%~ ~}$’low state; when activated, it will go to the ..,*.’:* Y high.?ata~:+indicating that the microprocessor has stopped * “’“’*’l+ and @,@tfhe address bus is available. This will occur if the HALT~ne is in the low state or the processor is in the WAIT state as a result of the execution of a WAIT instruction. At such time, all three-state output drivers will go to their off state and other outputs to their normally inactive level. The processor is removed from the WAIT state by the occurrence of a maskable (mask bit I = O) or nonmaskable interrupt, This output is capable of driving one standard TTL load and 30 pF. If TSC is in the high state, Bus Available will be low, Read/Write the peripherals (R/~) – This TTL compatible devices wether output the MPU signals is in a quests that an interrupt sequence be generated within the machine. The processor will wait until it completes the current instruction that is being executed before it recognizes the request. At that time, if the interrupt mask bit in the Condition Code Register is not set, the machine will begin an interrupt sequence. The Index Register, Program Counter, Accumulators, and Condition Code Register are stored away on the stack. Next, the MPU will respond to the interrupt request by setting the interrupt mask bit high so that no further interrupts may occur. At the end of the cycle, a 16-bit address will be loaded that points is located in memory locations to a vectoring address which FFF8 and FFF9. An address and memory loaded at these locations causes the MPU to branch to an interrupt routine in memory. Interrupt timing is shown in Figure 9. MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 7 Products Inc. time PW@H without destroying data within the M PU. TSC then can be used in a short Direct Memory Access (DMA) application. Figure 12 shows the effect of TSC on the MPU. TSC must have its transitions at tTSE (three-state enable) while holding +1 high and +2 low as shown, The Address Bus and Rl~ line will reach the high-impedance state at tTSD (three-state Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) and Wait for Interrupt delay), with VMA being forced low. In this exampl$~%the Data Bus is also in the high-impedance state while,,~;~@&(WAI) – The MCWCO is capable of handling two types of interrupts: maskable (~) as described earlier, and noning held low since DBE= 42. At this point in ti@e~,$,’)~MA maskable (~) which is an edge sensitive input. IRQ is transfer could occur on cycles #3 and #4. -+$~SC is maskable by the interrupt mask in the condition code register returned low, the MPU Address and R/~lfl&/&Mrn to the while ~ is not maskable. The handling of these interrupts bus. Because it is too late in cycle #5 to,,~cp~,~emory, this cycle is dead and used for synchroni$~~w.i$~rogram execuby the M PU is the same except that each has its own vector ..>;. .*’ .!~:l tion resumes in cycle #6. address. The behavior of the MPU when interrupted is .’~\k:\, .:~:.3, ~.:~’ shown in Figure 9 which details the MPU response to an in‘1~$ ~ Valid Memory Address (VM&,~~$ This output indicates to terruDt while the MPU is executina the control ~roaram. The peripheral devices that the~@&.@~a~?d ddress on the address a interrupt shown could be either ~Q or ~ and ca~ be asynbus. In normal operation~ .,,+$s: Register (IX), Accumulators (ACCX), and the Condition ..?XL?* >’.~~’. Code Register (CCR) are pushed onto the stack, HALT - ~h”~$’~%is level sensitive input is in the low state, The Interrupt Mask bit is set to prevent further interrupts. all activik~~o?~~e machine will be halted. This input is level -.:), The M PU has three 16-bit registers and thra-$,8~*@ registers available for use by the programmer (FJ$’@?~d@. *.Y -I:,.,~~> ,$ Program Counter – The program count~$&~?:’&t&o byte (16 bits) register that points to the curre~~,”w~$m address. ,+$, ‘~,i Stack Pointer – The stack pon~*i~%,;&o byte register that contains the address of the ne&,,a$ilable location in an external push-down/pop-up st$~~$~fs stack is normally a random access Read/Write,,,%b*~.#’’that may have any location (address) that is conV@ieJ~t. In those applications that require storage of inf@~atidB’ In the stack when power is lost, the stack muskl~~~~volatile. ,.,,, $:.,,, ~?, .. ., FIGURE14 – PROGRAMMING MODEL OF THE MICROPROCESSINGUNIT Accumulator A Accumulator B Index Register Pc 15 0 Program Counter Index RWis~~~~~$%e index register is a two byte register that is used x~i$~$?data or a sixteen bit memory address for the lnde&& &&e of memory addressing. ;8 ,.:,. * :$.,,, {.. .. . ....\..:+L.\:!!i, SP 7 llt m Stack Pointer The MPU contains two 8-bit accwuktprs that are used to hold operands and results from a~~{~~metic logic unit (ALU). ... Aq~$#~ators – code register indicates the results of an Arithmetic Logic Unit operation: Negative (N), Zero (Z), Overflow (V), Carry from bit 7 (C), and half carry from bit 3 (H). These bits of the Condition Code Register are used as testable conditions for the conditional branch instructions. Bit 4 is the interrupt mask bit (l). The unused bits of the Condition Code Register (b6 and b7) are ones. Condition Code Register – The condition w o Condition Registar INZVC Carrv Code (From Bit 7) II - Overflow zero Carrv (From Bit 3) r ;:::t —. Half @ MOTOROLA Semiconductor 12 Products Inc. MPU INSTRUCTION The MC~ instructions are described in detail in the MWW Programming Manual. This Section will provide a brief introduction and discuss their use in developing MC~ control programs. The MC66W has a set of 72 different executable source instructions. Included are binary and decimal arithmetic, logical, shift, rotate, load, store, conditional or unconditional branch, interrupt and stack manipulation instructions. Each of the 72 executable instructions of the source language assembles into 1 to 3 bytes of machine code. The number of bytes depends on the particular instruction and on the addressing mode. (The addressing modes which are available for use with the various executive instructions are discussed later, ) The coding of the first (or only) byte corresponding to an executable instruction is sufficient to identify the instruction and the addressing mode. The hexadecimal equivalents of the binary codes, which result from the translation of the 72 instructions in all valid modes of addressing, are shown in Table 1. There are 197 valid machine codes, 59 of the 256 possible codes being unassigned. SET When an instruction translates into two or three bytes of code, the second byte, or the second and third bytes contain(s) an operand, an address, or information from which an address is obtained during execution. Microprocessor instructions are often divided into three general classifications: (1) memory reference, so called because they operate on specific memory locations; (2) operating instructions that function without needing a memory reference; (3) 1/0 instructions for transferring data between the microprocessor and peripheral devices. $+cl+ In many instances, the M Cm performs the sarn”$*ation on both its internal accumulators and ~#r@rnal memory locations. In addition, the MC%:,~@terface adapters (PIA and ACIA) allow the MPU t~$~~~k~peripheral devices exactly like other memory loca@~$.3@#nce, no 1/0 instructions as such are required. Beca&Wq@these features, ‘$,? ~ other classifications are more sui~@fl~&~~b~ introducing the MC66WS instruction set: (1) ,$cc’%hlator and memory operations; (2) Program cont~~t~perations; (3) Condition ~ i~~~ Code Register operations, ,,,~~~~, % ~~-~ ,.,,\., ,,, , ,\ OPERATf ON (All register labels refer to contents) BOOLEAN/ARITHMETIC EXTNO OPERATIONS Add Add Acmltrs Add wlfh Carry And Blt Tesl Clear MNEMONIC ADDA ADOB ABA AOCA AOCB ANDA ANOB BITA BITE CLR CLRA CLRB CMPA CMPB CBA COM COMA COMB 1P-= .B21 F21 F21 Compare Compare Acmltrs Complement, 1’s 121 1321 i321 lo2f io21 1921 Complement, (Negate) 2’s NEG NEGA NEGB A OAA OEC oECA OECB IA21 ,A21 Dec!mal Adi.st, Decrement ExcI”si”e OR Increment EORA EORB INC INCA INCB 1C21 iC21 Load Acmltr Or, Inclusive Push Oata Pull Oata Rotate Left LOAA LDAB O RAA ORAB PSHA ?SHB PU LA PU LB ROL ROLA ROLB ROR RORA RORB !6 j6 $8 58 a7 57 44 54 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 A B} A’-M B-M A– B– 10 2 1 M-A M-B o-~ b7 bO 0 C !9 j9 2 2 A+ M-A B+M+B 1 1 A+ MSp, SP-f-SP B-, Msp, SP–l+SP SP+I-SP, SP+I+SP, M A c B }L-’’’’””J M A B lk-’’’’”[dc b7 — bO b7 bO MSP-A MSP-B 1 I 1 1 .— Rotate R,ght Shift Left, Ar!thmet!c ASL ASLA ASLB Sh[ft Right, Arfthmet!c ASR ASRA ASRB LSR LSRA LSRB Sh!f! Right, Logic Store Acmltr. Subtract Subtracf Acmltrs. A– B-A A–M– C-A BM– C-B A-B B-A M–00 A–00 B–DO 16 17 $0 50 2 2 2 2 I 1 1 1 — CON OtTION CODE SYMBOL5 CON OITION COOE REGISTER NOTES: otherwise] (Bit Set if testis H I N Arithmetic MSP & M + o 00 Minus; location pointed to be Stack Pointer: Boolean ANO: contents Of memow Boolean Inclusive OR; Boolean Exclusive OR; Complement of M; Transfer Into; Bit = Zero; Byte = Zero; z v c R s Hal f.carrv from bit 3; Interrupt mask Negative (tign bit) Zero (byte) Ovetilow, 2’s complement Carv from bit 7 Rewt Always Set Alwav$ Test and set if true, cleared otherwise Not Affected 4 5 6 (Bit V) (Bit V) (Bit V) true and cleared 1 2 3 V) (Bit (Bit C) (Bit C) Test: Result = 1000OOOO7 Test: Result = 000000007 Test: Oecimal value of most significant if previously set.] BCO Character greater than nine? 10000000 prior to execution? 01111111 prior to execution? ( Not cleared Test: Operand= Test: Operand= t q Test: Set equal to result of N@C after shift has occurred -. Note – Accumulator addresbng mode instructions are included in tho column for IMPLIEO addressing MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 14 Products Inc. PROGRAM CONTROL OPERATIONS Program Control operation can be subdivided into two categories: (1) Index Register/ Stack Pointer instructions; (2) Jump and Branch operations. Index Register/ Stack Pointer Operations The instructions for direct operation on the MPU’S Index Register and Stack Pointer are summarized in Table 3. Decrement (DEX, DES), increment (INX, INS), load (LDX, LDS), and store (STX, STS) instructions are provided for both. The Compare instruction, CPX, can be used to compare the Index Register to a 16-bit value and update the Condition Code Register accordingly. The TSX instruction causes the Index Register to be loaded with the address of the last data byte put onto the “stack. ” The TXS instruction loads the Stack Pointer with a value equal to one less than the current contents of the Index Register. This causes the next byte to be pulled from the “stack” to come from the location indicated by the index Register. The utility of these two instructions can be clarified by describing the “stack” concept relative to the M@W system. The “stack” can be thought of as a sequential list of data stored in the MPU’S read/write memory. The Stack Pointer contains a 16-bit memory address that is used to access the list from one end on a last-in-first-out (LIFO) basis in contrast to the random access mode used by the MPU’S other addressing modes. The MC~ instruction set and interrupt structure allow extensive use of the stack concept for efficient handling of data movement, subroutines and interrupts. The instructi~.os can be used to establish one or more “stacks” anywhg~~~< read/write memory. Stack length is limited only Zero Branch If Higher Branch If < Zero Branch If Lower Or Same Branch If < Zero Branch If Minus Branch If Not Equal Zero Branch If Overflow Branch If Ovefilow Branch If Plus Branch To Subroutine Jump Jump To Subroutine No Operation Return From Interrupt Return From Subroutine Softwre Interrupt Clear Set MNEMONIC BRA BCC B CS BEO BGE BGT BHI BLE B LS B LT BMI BNE BVC BVS BPL BSR JMP JSR NOP RTI RTS hl — G G 24 25 27 2C 2E 22 2F 23 20 2B 26 28 29 2A 80 Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 T — #G — — T 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 z 2 2 2 — i— — # —— CONO. COOE REG. L BRANCH TEST T 10 Vc 6E AO 3 9 3 3 I I I I Swl WAI and ita Businthet Wait for Interrupt% IAI puts Address Bus, RN, ~ Code —~ ‘n Register if wait m from Stack. set, — low — I ..? Special Op$@tic @ — ~ (All) Load Condition when interrupt to (See a (Bit 1) Set occurs. exit the previously state. is required Non-MaSk,:~e’’%?errUPt .* ~+. ‘~ Execution of the Jump Instruction, JMP, and Branch Always, BRA, affects program flow as shown in Figure 17. When the MPU encounters the Jump (Indexed) instruction, it adds the offset to the value in the Index Register and %, the result as the address of the next instruction to~b~;~x~$ ecuted. In the extended addressing mode, the add[e~~~?he next instruction ‘+~’$.. used as the end of a subroutine ~y : tions immediately Always to be executed is fetched from ,$~$~*~~cafollowing the JM P instructl~~~}K~WBranch struction (BRA) instruction is similar to the J~~?~#~&nded) inexcept that the relative addre&Sin&. fiode applies and the branch is limited to the rang~Wtkm$125 or + 127 bytes of the branch instruction ~4,i.,..\. ‘ i~$~}%%.~~e opcode for the .‘.., ?,,$< BRA instruction requires one les$by~ than J M P (extended) but takes one more cycle to @? The effect on program fl~~ f$r the Jump (JSR) and Branch to Sw#rQu{*$ to Subroutine (BSR) is shown in Figures 18 through 20. Note t~%:$@Program Counter is properly incremented to be$:~~~:n~ at the correct return address before it is stac~&i,;~~#~ration of the Branch to Subroutine and Jump to a~w~’tine (extended) instruction is similar except for th@~~n~&>The BS R instruction requires less opcode than J $$&R{%Q~#es versus 3 bytes) and also executes one cy - to return to the main program as indicated in Figure 21, The effect of executing the Software Interrupt, SWI, and the Wait for Interrupt, WAI, and their relationship to the hardware interrupts is shown in Figure 22. SW! causes the M PU contents to be stacked and then fetches the starting address of the interrupt routine from the memory locations that respond to the addresses FFFA and FFFB. Note that as in the case of the subroutine instructions, the Program Counter is incremented to point at the correct return address before being stacked. The Return from Interrupt instruction, RTI, (Figure 22) is used at the end of an interrupt routine to restore control to the main program. The SWI instruction is useful for inserting break points in the control program, that is, it can be used to stop operation and put the MPU registers in memory where they can be examined. The WAI instruction is used to decrease the time required to service a hardware interrupt; it stacks the MPU contents and then waits for the interrupt to occur, effectively removing the stacking time from a hardware interrupt sequence, FIGURE 17 – PROGRAM FLOW FOR JUMP AND BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS [X+K ~ (a) Jump m [ ,,-, MOTOROLA Semiconductor 17 (n+2)*Klxl q = Signed 7-bit value K (b) Branch Products Inc. I FIGURE 18 – PROGRAM FLOW FOR BSR SP~m–2 m—1 m a (n +2)H m+l n “+1 ] tK = Offset* I n+l n+ 2 I Next Main l“str. I n+2 * K = Signed 7-Bit value (a) Before Execution -. FIGURE 19 – PROGRAM FLOW FOR JSR (~TENDEm,\ \ ,\~.,, ‘%, ,~i)::~’ FIGURE 20 – PROGRAM FLOW FOR JSR (lNDWED) r m—l sP—m m—1 m 7E 7A B — (n+2)H (n+2)L 7E 7A m+l m+l PC_n JSR=AD “ JSR = AD n+l K = Of fset” Next a Main l“str. “+1 “+2 K = Offset Next Main l“str. “1 n+ 2 I SL=Sub,. JS R I “+2 g Addr, I qK = 8-Bit U“sig”ed Value PC+ X.+K 1st S.br, Instr. 1 r (a) Before Ex%utton ““s= (S formed from SH and SL) (a) Before Execution “Contents of Index 1 Register (b) Afrer Execuxion 1 (b) After Execution MOTOROLA Semiconductor 18 Products Inc. FIGURE 21 – PROGRAM FLOW FOR RTS SP-m–2 m—1 m H SH SL m—2 (n+3)H m—1 m+l n n+l n+l = Subr. Addr. nt2 = Subr. Addr. n+2 nt3 I B Last Subr. R TS Instr. FLOW FOR RTI m—7 CCR m—6 m—5 ACCB m—4 m—3 ACCA x~ m—2 XL PCH 4 m—1 sp~ m 7E PCL Pc— “+1 I Next Main I“str. I s“ Pc — a Last Inter. RTI (a) Before J I nstr. I Last S“br. Instr. I s“ Execution (b) After Execution MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 19 Products Inc. I FIGURE ~ – PROGRAM FLOW FOR INTERRUPTS .Software lnterruDt Main Program’ Wait For Interrupt Main Program Hardware Interrupt or NonMaskable Interrupt (NMI) Main Program n:=. :1= n- 7“ Stack MPU Register Contents Sp + m—7 m—6 m—5 m—4 m—3 m—2 m—1 m WI FFF8 FFF9 FFFC FFFD FFFE FFFF Interrupt Memorv Assignment FFF8 FFF9 FFFA FFFB I IRQ IRQ I Ms LS MS First Instr. Addr. Formed e BvFetching 2. Eytes From Per, Mere, Assign. Swl Swl # d Q Set Interrupt Mask (CCR 4) LS Load Interrupt Vector Into Program Counter f NOTE: MS= Most Significant Address Bvte; LS = Least S~nificant Address Byte; I A I nterruot Proaram ,. > 1 1 lstlnterruutlnstr. 1 Products Inc. MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 20 FIGURE 24 – CONDITIONAL BMI BPL : : N=l N=@ ; ; BRANCH INSTRUCTIONS BEQ BNE : : Z=l Z=4 ; ; for testing are regarded relative magnitude when the values being tested as unsigned binary numbers, that is, the values BVC BVS : : V=$ V=l ; ; BCC BCS : : C=$ C=l ; ; are in the range 00 (lowest) to FF (highest). BCC following a comparison (CMP) will cause a branch if the (unsigned) value in the accumulator is higher than or the same as the value of the operand. Conversely, BCS will cause a branch if ; ; BHI BLS : : c+ z=@ ; ; BLT BGE : : N@V=l N@ V=@ C+z=l BLE BGT : : Z+(N@V)=l Z+(N@V)=@ ; the accumulator value is lower than the operand. The fifth complementary pair, Branch On Higher (Qi&~~~,nd Branch On Lower or Same (BLS) are, in a se~~~/~@~plements to BCC and BCS. BHI tests for both C ~n@~~O; if used following a CMP, it will cause a branc~,?k~~pWalue in the accumulator is higher than the oper&~~%50nversely, BLS will cause a branch if the unsignq~’~~a~’”value in the of accumulator is lower than or the saW:~$J&b operand. The remaining two pairs are u~~l ~ ‘testing results of The conditional branch instructions, Figure 24, consists seven pairs of complementary instructions. They are used to test the results of the preceding operation and either continue with the next instruction in sequence (test fails) or cause a branch to another point in the program (test succeeds). Four of the pairs are used for simple Z, V, and C: 1. Branch on Minus tests of status bits N, operations in which the values at% re&~Yded as signed two’s complement numbers. This $%&&}{rom the unsigned binary case in the following sen:~+~~.{~nsigned, the orientation is higher or lower; in si~w’~,wo’s complement, the comparison is between @$~~g~&~ smaller values is between – 1~,.,and + 127. where the range of (B MI) and Branch On Plus (BPL) tests Branch On L@$~$anZero (BLT) and Branch On Greater Than Or Eq~#k.~~~’~~G E) test the status bits for N @V= 1 and N e V{~$ ‘*N cause. a branch following operations in which two positive values were added or in which the result was zero. The last pair, Branch On Less Than Or Equal Zero (BLE) and Branch On Greater Than Zero (BGT) test the status bits for Z@ (N+V) = 1 and Z@ (N +V) =0, respectively. The action of BLE is identical to that for BLT except that a branch will also occur if the result of the previous result was zero, Conversely, BGT is similar to BGE except that no branch will occur following a zero result. the sign bit, N, to determine if the previous result was negative or positive, respectively. 2. Branch On Equal (BEQ) and Branch On Not Equal (BNE) are used to test the zero status whether or not the result of the previous to zero. These two instructions pare (CMP) instruction to test bit, Z, to determine operation was equal are useful following a Comfor equality between an ac- cumulator and the operand. They are also used following the Bit Test (BIT) to determine whether or not the same bit pos~~ >.t;.’: ,Y). ~ ....,.,, tions are set in an accumulator and the operand. 3. Branch On Overflow Clear (BVC) and Branc@$~ns Overflow Set ( BVS) tests the state of the V bit to ~&~*e if the previous operation caused an arithmetic Q@r,@~ Set 4. Branch On Carry Clear (BCC) and Branch @~b$rY ( BCS) tests the state of the C bit to determ~~$$~~~previous operation caused a carry to occur. BCC ~~,~~~b are useful ‘:? .,*.J?,’ -~>, ,,,1.,. .,.y ~ ‘ i$,:,i ;;* .. . .?“s$.~$$:’ ,, l~~k,J.F ‘$?.,, The within during Condition ~~~~Register (CCR) the MPU~~~kl$*useful in controlling system d;%tlon. The bits are defined CONDITION CODE REGISTER OPERATIONS is a 6-bit register to precede any SEI instruction with as NOP. These precautions are not processors indicating manufacture later. Systems which require an interrupt under program control should use a rather than CLI-SEI. an odd opcode necessary for in November – such MC~ 1977 or program flow in Figure 25. to the user with The instr~~lia~% shown in Table 5 are available for dire~#~@@@ulation of the CCR. A C~,$A/ instruction sequence operated earl~:~~$~~ processors, was $~d (Least Significant properly, window to be opened CLI-NOP-SEI sequence only if the preceding instruction Bit= 1), Similarly it was advisable MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 21 Products Inc. L m E = BOOLEAN OPERATION HI q q q q q CO ND. COOE REG. —. NZVC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O+c 00m* R**** R 0+1 O+v l+C .mm R. Ore** s 1+1 l-v q S. **O q *Q. s. A+CCR CCR+A q q \* w q q The M P&%~&$ates on 8-bit binary numbers via the..~t~~~?{~us. A given number (byte) presented to it may rePresent eithe&~{~~@:or an instruction to be executed, depending on w@.@/~,~s encountered in the control program. The Mm ha$~~tinique instructions, however, it recognizes and takes actloh on 197 of the 256 possibilities that can occur using an 8-bit word length. This larger number of instructions results from the fact that many of the executive instructions have more than one addressing mode. These addressing modes refer to the manner in which the program causes the MPU to obtain its instructions and data. The programmer must have a method for addressing the MPU’S internal registers and all of the external memory locations. Selection of the desired addressing mode is made by the user as the source statements are written. Translation into appropriate opcode then depends on the method used. If manual translation is used, the addressing mode is inherent in the opcode. For example, the immediate, Direct, Indexed, and Extended modes may all be used with the ADD instruction. The proper mode is determined by selecting (hexadecimal notation) 8B, 9B, AB, or BB, respectively. The source statement format includes adequate information for the selection if an assembler program is used to generate the opcode. For instance, the Immediate mode is selected by the Assembler whenever it encounters the “#” symbol in the operand field. Similarly, an “X” in the operand field causes the Indexed mode to be selected. Only the Relative mode applies to the branch instructions, therefore, the mnemonic instruction itself is enough to determine addressing mode. for the Assembler MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 22 Products Inc. ~ For the instructions that use both Direct and Extended modes, the Assembler selects the Direct mode if the operand vaiue is in the range O-255 and Extended otherwise. There are a number of instructions for which the Extended mode is valid but the Direct is not. For these instructions, the Assembler automatically selects the Extended mode even if the operand summarized Inherent is in the O-255 range. The addressing in Figure 26. “Accumulator Addressing” modes are “operands” but the space between may be omitted. This is commonly them and the operator done, resulting in apof parent four character mnemonics for those instructions. The addition instruction, ADD, provides an example dual addressing Operator ADDA or ADDB in the operand field: Comment Operand MEM12 ADD CONTENTS OF MEM12 TO j&~$:k . t;.., ~ ,,?~ ~,~~1~$~ ..:$ MEM12 ADD CONTENTS OF MEM12 %Q #&C~ i.;~:, ,,,~ ,;i,\.JtJ$+t’$ also ad- (Includes Mode) The successive fields in a statement are normally separated by one or more spaces. An exception to this rule occurs for instructions that use dual addressing in the operand field and for instructions that must distinguish retween the two accumulators. In these cases, A and B are The example used earlier for the test instru~&~~?ST, applies to the accumulators and uses th,$~~~~ohulator dressing mode” to designate which o$,,x’v-accumulators \,*\ ~$.;: is being tested: .~#>, . any place in memory. Direct addressing, since only one address byte is required, provides a faster method of processing data and generates fewer bytes of control code. In most applications, the direct addressing range, memory locations O-255, are reserved for RAM. They are used for data buffering and temporary storage of system variables, the area in which faster addressing is of most value. Cycle-by-cycle Addressing. operation is shown in Table 9 for Extended — define$:$ym O bols or numerical values. Except for the instru~ti~~’WX, LDX, and LDS, the operand may be any valu~,i~:~e,;~nge to 255. Since Compare Index Register (C&,~Q$.~~&’d Index Register (LDX), and Load Stack Pointer (~$~;.$e~uire 16-bit values, the immediate mode for these~%re~+ ~tistructions require two-byte operands. In th~:T~,Yate addressing FIGURE Z MPu INDEX MPU – ACCUMULATOR ADDRESSING Pc 4 INSTR GENERAL PROGRAM MEMORY PC = 5000 z @ RAM PROG RAM MEMORY INX a RAM F m M Pu ACCB m RAM pROGRAM MEMORY PC = 5001 FLOW B Pc INSTR t I w GENERAL a PROGRAM MEMORY INC B EXAMPLE -. FLOW EXAMPLE MOrOROLA @ Semiconductor 24 Producfs Inc. the unconditional jump (JMP), jump to subroutine (JSR), and return from subroutine (RTS) are used. In Figure 32, when the MPU encounters the opcode for BEQ (Branch if result of last instruction was zero), it tests the Zero bit in the Condition Code Register. If that bit is “O,” indicating a non-zero result, the MPU continues execution with the next instruction (in location WIO in Figure 32). If the previous result was zero, the branch condition is satisfied and the MPU adds the offset, 15 in this case, to PC+ 2 and branches to location W25 for the next instruction. The branch instructions allow the programmer to efficientIy direct the MPU to one point or another in the contro$.:~rogram depending on the outcome of test results. ~W~%e control program is normally in read-only memory #ti~$@not be changed, the relative address used in execu@~~@t&ranch instructions is a constant numerical valuq~’~~~@-by-cycle operation is shown in Table 10 for relatig& a~Q@ssing. .}:\A ,#‘ ~, .!-, ,, \ -!l!,., s. ,,i, Indexed Addressing Mode – ~~~~d~xed addressing, the numerical address is variable qnd d~ends on the current (PC+2)– 127SD S(PC+2)+127 contents of the Index Register@~~$ource statement such as )r .+:Y> ,.‘.~’\\..!‘‘\,. .-,~. ~, *.\:)fJ~ PC–125,, , ~j$ ., . 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 4 2 3 4 o , ‘ 0 1 1 1 Q 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Op Code Addrass + 1 Stack Pointer Stack Pointer –1 1 1 1 1 ., ,{,: .-~ \\, .+ ~ .:! @*” ~} ‘\~\ \\t\*.’ .3..,,, ,. ~:’,$.,j$:t $“ ,... “’i:.* . Y ~~.$,, TSX ‘-? -$:. ;*-{., .~ J .~.ikb ,.*T. “‘,?.. ‘ $~” ... “J~ 4 :.$ .. . . ‘k~:+.},t~$ *$,f..:%” ‘ \**,, ,.~.’~kq~,,.’ *Y., ..,, TX$~~~W ““ y;. PUL Op Code Address Op Code Address + 1 Stack Pointer Stack Pointer +1 Data (Note 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data from Stack Op Code Address Op Code Address+ Stack Pointer New Index Register Op Code Address OP Code Address+ Index Register New Stack Pointer OP Code Address OP Code Address+ Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer +1 +2 Data (Note Data (Note RTS 1 2 5 3 4 5 1 1 Address of Next Order Byte) Address of Next Order Byte) Instruction Instruction M070ROLA @ Semiconductor 25 Products Inc. TABLE 6– INHERENT MOOE CYCLE-BY-CYCLE OPERATION R lx Line 1 1 (CONTINUED) Data Bus Op Code Op Code of Next Return Return Instruction I WA I Address Mode and Instructions Cycles CVcle # 1 2 3 4 VMA Line 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Address Bus Op Code Address Op Code Address + 1 Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer Stack Pointer –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 – 6 (Note 3) 9 5 6 7 8 9 o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Address (Low Order Byte) Address (High Order Byte) ‘Q,,x, t:f,s.,. * : ;:~;$$ Index Register (Low Order By&G].;;.;” ~ “..*.,> !~{$ Index Register (High Ord:[O &#}$ RTI 1 2 3 4 Op Code Address Op Code Address+ Stack Pointer Stack Pointer + 1 Stack Pointer + 2 Stack Pointer + 3 Stack Pointer + 4 Stack Pointer + 5 ,>;: ,,,.?, , :*. ‘\.*: , ,,,.y;,:,~, ,,. Stack Pointer + 7 ~;? ~...k. ,$ ~!’>i, ,;i) .+ \ ..,, ... \ .. Op Code Addresq&+,t~S ,, Op Code Address ~{~ Stack Pointer + 6 Stack Poi$ter ,> ~,*r~+m ., Irrelevant ~ata ~@te 2) lrreleva$$k~~a (Note 1 ) ...*;,*,\, ‘..,.> ,~< ~.+,>+ CoRW~&~ti Cond. Code Register from S*.@” ,,s. of Accumulator B from Stack A from Stack Contents 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 .\i?... ~ ..3:,*., 5 6 7 8 9 1,4 :#&q$ %ts .3**: ‘%ntents of Accumulator ‘f$ac ~y~e~ Register from Stack (High Order Index Register from Stack ( Low Order Byte) Next Instruction Address from Stack (High Order Byte) 1 1 1 Next Instruction Address from Stack (Low Order Byte) .Op Code Irrelevant Return Return Data (Note 1) 10 SwI 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 1 Address (Low Order BVte) Address (High Order Byte) Register (Low Order Byte) (High Order Byte) A B 12 Sta*~hter {!,j$ ‘:;t*,# Pointer J ,.::,, ,:~< /.. , .,:>, ,,{’!~$$ ;$tack Pointer 8 ,:,,i:\$\ i?, %~i> $1 ‘ Stack Pointer $:TO ;6:r$o Stack Pointer Index Index Register Contents Contents Contents Irrelevant of Accumulator of Accumulator of Cond. Code Register Data (Note 1) (High Order (Low Order Note 1. Note 2. Note 3. Vector Address FFFA (Hex) 1 .>’+):$W,$ 1 ,~ $.} :;,* :, ,$, .J$,* .,..> 12 . “’” “? ‘;’ 1 Vector Address FFFB (Hex) 1 ....% :.$ , :.+;l+ ,.:y ? t$.~ ~’ .QA:.$~ If device wh.?~~ls,@dressed during this cycle uses VMA, then the Data Bus will go to the Dependi,n,~ 4Q b~ capacitance, data from the previous cycle may be retained on the Data Data is,@W~@ bv the MPU, Whil@?~$~,~PU is waiting for the interrupt, Bus Available lo~@~ess BUS, RM, and Data Bus are all in the high will go high indicating Address of Subroutine Byte) Address of Subroutine Byte) high impedance Bus. three-state condition. the following states of the control lines: VMA is ,.,.!;.,...:,+ ....,y. .:’>” ~’~i>,, ,; ]*;i~.?J> .l,*! ,: ‘,$. impedanca State. th$w.~ory location specified by the contents of the Index Re@ter (recall that the label “X” is reserved to designate the Index Register). Since there are instructions for manipulating X during program execution (LDX, INX, DEC, etc.), the indexed addressing mode provides a dynamic “on the fly” way to modify program activity. The operand field can also contain a numetical value that will be automatically added to X during execution. (Indexed) This foropcode in mat is illustrated in Figure 33. When the MPU encounters the LDAB location 5006, it looks in the next memory location for the value to be added to X (5 in the example) and calculates the required address by adding 5 to the present Index Register value of 4~. In the operand format, the offset may be represented by a label or a numerical value in the range O-255 as in the example. In the earlier example, STAA X, the operand is equivalent to O, X, that is, the O may be omitted when the desired address is equal to X. Table 11 shows the cycle-by-cycle operation for the Indexed Mode of Addressing, MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 26 Products Inc. FIGURE = MPU – IMMEDIATE ADDRESSING MPU ACCA m RAM MODE FIGURE 30 – MPU DIRECT ADDRESSING MODE MPU ACCA m % RAM m m RAM G RAM ADOR DATA * PROGRAM MEMORY PROGRAM MEMORY I II PROGRAM MEMORY Pc INSTR DATA GENERAL FLOW ‘C=’oo’w ‘C’* EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 1 ADC ADD AND BIT CMP CPX LDS LDX Address Mode and 1 nstructions Cycles Cycle # VMA Line Addrass Bus ,1?,’ ?!i; .\.!),, Data Bus .f’’’*,.., EOR LDA ORA SBC SUB 1 2 2 1 1 Op Code Address Op Code Address+ ~\ .es”’$% ‘“ 1 ‘~+?.,.. ..~~ . .., Op Code Address Op Code Address+ Address of Operand 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 o +1 0 Data BUS WIII go to ?ne nigh Op Code Address of Operand Operand Op Code Address of Operand Operand Operand Op Code Destination irrelevant Address Data (Note 1} Data (High Order Byte) Data (Low Order Byte) Data EOR LDA ORA SBC SUB ,, Op Code Address Op Code Address + 1 Address of Operand 4 1 1 1 Operand Address + 1 Op Code Address Op Code Address + 1 3 4 STS STX 5 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 Destination Destination Address Address Data from Accumulator Op Code Address of Operand Irrelevant Data (Note 1) Op Code Address OP Code Address+ Address of Operand Address of Operand Address of Operand Register Oata (High Order Byte) Register Data (Low Ordar BVte) ,., impeaance tnree-s~aIe Note 1. If device which is address during this cvcle uses VMA, Depending on bus capacitance, then the ,.. . conolrlon. data from the previous cycle may be retained on the Data Bus. B MOTOROLA Semiconductor 27 Products Inc. I FIGURE 31 – EXTENDED ADDRESSING MPU MPu MODE R RAM RAM I ADOR DATA ADDR = 300 PROGRAM Pc w M %MEMORY INSTR ADDR ADDR AODR > 256 PROGRAM MEMORY I PC = 5006 LDA 300 B “ 5009 @ EXAMPLE GENERAL FLOW TABLE 9 – EXTENDED MODE CYCLE-BY-CYCLE Address Mode and Instructions STS STX Cycle = VMA Line Cycles 1 2 6 3 4 5 6 OP Code Address Address Irrelevant Operand Operand Op Code Address Address of Subroutine of Subroutine of Next Address Address Oata Data (High Order Byte) BVte) of Operand of Operand Data Data Data (Note (High (Low (High (Low 1) Order Order Byte) Byte) Order Order Byte) Byte) JSR 1 2 3 4 9 5 6 7 8 9 ( LOW Order 3 Op Code OP Code OP Code Address Address Address +1 +2 L 0 0 Return Return 1 3P Code Instruction (Low (High (Note (Note Order Order 1) 1) (Low Order Bvte) Bvte) BVte) --- 1 1 1 1 1 Irrelevant Irrelevant Address Op Code Jump of Subroutine II Address Address (High Order Bvte) Bvte) Jump ( LOW Order w OP Code Address Address +2 of Operand Address OP Code Op Code Op Code Operand Operand ASL ASR CLR COM DEC INC LSR NEG ROL ROR TST Op Op 6 Code Code of Operand Address Address Address Destination Destination Address Address Address of Operand of Operand of Operand +1 +2 +1 +2 Address Address +1 Op Code Address Address Address ~te 1. It device Depending Note 2. For TST, which IS addressed during data data this from does cvcle the not uses VMA, previous change, then cycle the mav Data Bus will on bus capacitance, VMA = O and Operand ba retatned on the 1 Op Code Address Address Operand Op Code of Operand of Operand Data (High (Low Order Order BVte) Bvte) I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Address Address Operand Operand Op Code Destination Destination Irrelevant Data from of Operand of Operand Data Data (High (LOW (High (LOW Order Order Order Order BVte) Bvte) BVte) BVte) Address Address Oata (Note (High ( Low 1) Order Order Bvte) Bvte) o 1 II Accumulator OP Code Address Address Current Irrelevant New of Operand of Operand Operand Data (High (Low Data (Note Data 1) (Note 2) Order Order Bvte) Bvte) I 1 1 1 o Operand .. go to the Data high Bus. impedance three-state condition, MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 28 Products Inc. FIGURE 32 – RELATIVE ADDRESSING MPU RAM 1 PrOaram MeGory i Pc Instr. Offset 5008 (PC + 2) Next Instr. Pc 5010 Pc a s MODE MPU ~AM Program Memorv BEQ 15 Next Instr. t MPu ADDR = INOX + OFFSET ..3 1,’ . ... ..,. -~ OFFSET< 255 ,,. .,.y# ... ?k,\*a\. .. . TABLE 10 – RELATIVE MODE CYCLE-BY-CYCLE cycle + VMA Line Address Bus OPERATION RIG Line Data Bus ..,$~~ .+.. ,>? Address Mod.@x,.,.j:, ‘ and I nstruc,$~~ “r’’’*’f Cycles ‘: .>,.$’{,, {t i.>~:+,, ,. 1 \*>: .+ BCC BH#~’B~b’ BCS ,@&~@>>@~ L BE Q $~@\$~.,, ,,+y:>, B:# ,$. \“~b:.. , ,>{: Op Code Address’~~%?.?#~ ~ ~;,\ ~., Index Register , ‘.: Index ReQ&er Pyus Offset ,...,,,,, Index ~{gf$~~{ Plus Offset I nde~l.%~,~ter PI us Offset .- ‘.~$+t t#d,* R*gister Plus Offset .;$:,>~:,! . ?n. S,pt:+f “ yt{\, ? ‘&p Code Address Op Code Address+ Index Register Index Register Plus Offset Index Register Plus Offset Index Register Plus Offset Index Resister Plus Offset + 1 Op Code Address Op Code Address+ Index Register Stack Pointer Stack Pointer –1 1 (w/o Carry) 1 (w/o Carry) ? 3 4 5 6 7 Irrelevant Current Irrelevant Data (Note Data New Operand (Note 2) ;TS 3TX T 2 3$$ ‘q; ;@p 6 7 T 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 — 1 1 1 1 Op Code Offset Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Operand Operand Op Code Offset Irrelevant Return Return Data (Note 1 ) Data (Note Data (Note Data (Note 1) 1) 1) 1 0 0 1 1 1 Data ( High Order Byte) Data ( Low Order Byte) Stack Pointer – 2 Index Register Index Register Plus Offset (w/o Carry) 0 0 1 1 1 Address ( Low Order Byte) Address (High Order Byte) Data (Note Data (Note Oata (Note 1) 1) 1) condition. Irrelevant Irrelevant Irrelevant Note 1. Note 2. If device which is addressed during this cycle uses VMA, then the Data Bus will go to the high impedance Oepending on bus capacitance, data from the previous cycle may be retained on the Oata Bus. For TST, VMA = O and Operand data does not change. three-state — @ MOTOROLA Semiconductor 30 Products Inc. PACKAGE DIMENSIONS CASE 711-W (PLASTIC) Motorola reserves the right to make changes to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any Iiabilityarising out of the application or usa of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. MOTOROLA @ Semiconductor 31 Products Inc. I — M070ROLA @ *,1,,,-, PR,m,, ,. “,. Semiconductor 3501 ED BLUESTEIN BLVD 1.,,,,0 LI,,m Products Inc. AUSTIN, TEXAS 78721 q A SUBSIDIARY OF MOTOROLA lNC ,,,,7,12 — ,-84 .20206 1s,000 —-. — ——.——— —. —-. —. ———- .. .. . .
### 物料型号 - 型号:MC6800 - 制造商:MOTOROLA

### 器件简介 MC6800是一款单片8位微处理器,构成Motorola M68家族的中央控制功能。与TTL兼容,MC6800(以及所有M6800系统部件)只需要一个+5.0伏电源,不需要外部TTL设备进行总线接口。

### 引脚分配 - Vss[10]:地 - HALT[2]:暂停 - @1[3]:数据总线1 - KQ[4]:数据总线2 - VMA[5]:虚拟内存地址 - m[6]:数据总线3 - BA[7]:总线可用 - Vccc[8]:电源 - AC[9]:载波检测 - A1[10]至A15[16]:地址总线 - A8[17]至A9[18]:地址总线 - A10[19]:地址总线 - Al[20]:地址总线 - JRESET[39]:复位 - TSC[38]:时钟 - N.C.[37]:未使用 - 342[36]:数据总线4 - DBE[35]:数据总线使能 - N.C.[34]:未使用 - R/W[33]:读/写控制 - DO[32]至D7[25]:数据总线 - A15[24]至A14[23]:地址总线 - A13[22]至A12[21]:地址总线 - A11[20]:地址总线 - Vss:地

### 参数特性 - 封装类型:陶瓷、塑料 - 频率:1.0 MHz、1.5 MHz、2.0 MHz - 温度范围:0°C至70°C、-40°C至85°C - 订单号:MC6800L、MC6800CL、MC68A00L、MC68A00CL、MC68B00L等

### 功能详解 MC6800具有16位地址线,可寻址64K字节内存。8位数据线是双向的,并且是三态的,实现直接内存寻址和多处理器应用。

### 应用信息 MC6800适用于需要中央处理功能的系统,如工业控制、消费电子等。


    •  国内价格
    • 1+0.32494
    • 10+0.31291
    • 100+0.28402
    • 500+0.26958


    •  国内价格
    • 1+1.0848
    • 10+1.017
    • 50+0.9153
    • 150+0.8475
    • 300+0.80004
    • 500+0.7797


    •  国内价格
    • 5+0.6466
    • 20+0.5896
    • 100+0.5326
    • 500+0.4756
    • 1000+0.449
    • 2000+0.43


      •  国内价格
      • 1+0.5895
      • 100+0.5502
      • 300+0.5109
      • 500+0.4716
      • 2000+0.45195
      • 5000+0.44016


      •  国内价格
      • 1+1.595
      • 30+1.54
      • 100+1.43
      • 500+1.32
      • 1000+1.265


      •  国内价格
      • 1+3.276
      • 10+3.024
      • 30+2.9736
      • 100+2.8224


      •  国内价格
      • 1+2.01825


        •  国内价格
        • 1+1.04762
        • 10+0.96703
        • 30+0.95091
        • 100+0.90256


        •  国内价格
        • 1+0.73
        • 10+0.655
        • 50+0.595
        • 150+0.555
        • 300+0.53


        •  国内价格
        • 1+1.6675
        • 30+1.61
        • 100+1.495
        • 500+1.38
        • 1000+1.3225
