imp004m Breakout
The imp004m breakout board provides the imp004m module with a power supply, GPIO breakout,
an optional 32kHz crystal and required SPI flash.
impCloud Support Options
The imp004m Breakout Board can be purchased in pre‐assembled form. There are two versions,
each compatible with a specific Electric Imp impCloud™:
imp004m Breakout Board for AWS impCloud
imp004m Breakout Board for Azure impCloud
Set Up
To set up an imp004m Breakout Board, please see this page.
Pinout Chart
Click for larger version
Hardware Details
Bluetooth LE
Note Bluetooth LE requires impOS 38 or above.
The imp004m’s WiFi chip is the Cypress Semiconductor CYW43438 communication chip, which also
supports Bluetooth 4.1. The CYW43438 Bluetooth unit is not connected to the imp004m’s MCU, but
the CYW43438’s Bluetooth‐specific pins are brought out to the imp004m pin‐out to make them
accessible to hardware designers who wish to make use of the module’s Bluetooth features in their
products. They are connected to the imp004m Audio Kit as follows:
imp004m GPIO Pin CYW43438 Pin
Drive low
BT_UART_RX Access via hardware.uartFGJH
BT_UART_TX Access via hardware.uartFGJH
Drive high to enable the Bluetooth LE sub‐system
The following code example will enable the Bluetooth LE on the imp004m Audio Kit:
// Set up Bluetooth on the imp004m Audio Kit
// Alias the relevant UART bus, LPO and power-on pins