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    OKI-T3-W40 - Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters - Murata Power Solutions Inc.

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OKI-T3-W40 数据手册
www.murata-ps.com OKI-T/3-W40 Series Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters PRODUCT OVERVIEW The OKI-T/3 series are miniature non-isolated Point-of-Load (POL) DC/DC power converters for embedded applications. The module is fully compatible with Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA) industry-standard specifications (www.dosapower.com). Applications include powering CPU’s, industrial 24V transducers and POS terminals. The wide input range is 16 to 40 Volts DC. The maximum output current is 3 Amps. Based on fixed-frequency synchronous buck converter switching topology, the high power conversion efficient Point of Load (POL) module features programmable output voltage and On/Off control. These converters also include under voltage lock out (UVLO), output short circuit protection, overcurrent and over temperature protections. These units are designed to meet all standard UL/EN/IEC 60950-1 safety certifications and RoHS-6 hazardous substance compliance. PRELIMINARY Typical unit Typical unit FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Non-isolated SMT POL DC/DC power module 16-40Vdc input voltage range Programmable output voltage from 0.7525-5.5Vdc 3 Amp output current models Drives 1000 μF ceramic capacitive loads High power conversion efficiency 86% at 5 Vout Outstanding thermal derating performance Over temperature and over current protection On/Off control UL/EN/IEC 60950-1 safety (pending) Industry-standard (DOSA) surface-mount package RoHS-6 hazardous substance compliance Contents Description, Connection Diagram, Photograph Ordering Guide, Model Numbering, Product Labeling Mechanical Specifications, Input/Output Pinout Detailed Electrical Specifications Output Voltage Adjustment, Soldering Guidelines Application Notes Performance Data and Oscillograms Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Connection Diagram +Vin F1 +Vout On/Off Control Controller External DC Power Source Trim Open = On Closed = Off ( Positive On/Off) Common Figure 1. OKI-T/3 Note: Murata Power Solutions strongly recommends an external input fuse, F1. See specifications. Reference and Error Amplifier Common   For full details go to www.murata-ps.com/rohs www.murata-ps.com 05 Nov 2009 email: sales@murata-ps.com MDC_OKI-T/3-W40 Series.A01_D8 Page 1 of 12 OKI-T/3-W40 Series Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters Performance Specifications and Ordering Guide ORDERING GUIDE Output VOUT (Volts) ➅ 0.7525-5.5 0.7525-5.5 Input IIN, IIN, no load full load (mA) ➄ (Amps) 40 0.71 Package, C72 Efficiency Min. 86.5% Root Model ➁ OKI-T/3-W40N-C OKI-T/3-W40P-C R/N (mVp-p) ➃ Regulation (Max.) IOUT (Amps Power VIN Nom. Range max) (Watts) Max. Line Load (Volts) (Volts) ➅ 3 3 15 15 20 20 ±0.2% ±0.2% ±0.25% ±0.25% 24 24 16-40 16-40 Typ. 88% Case C72 ➀ 0.47 x 0.82 x 0.34 (11.9 x 20.8 x 8.5) 0.47 x 0.82 x 0.34 (11.9 x 20.8 x 8.5) Pinout P78 P78 40 0.71 86.5% 88% ➀ Dimensions are in inches (mm). ➁ These are partial model numbers. Please refer to the part number structure for complete ordering part numbers. ➂ All specifications are at nominal line voltage, Vout=nominal (5V for W40 models) and full load, +25 ˚C. unless otherwise noted. Output capacitors are 1 μF ceramic and 10 μF electrolytic in parallel. Input cap is 22 μF. See detailed specifications. I/O caps are necessary for our test equipment and may not be needed for your application. ➃ Ripple/Noise is shown at Vout = 1V. ➄ No load input current is shown at Vout = 0.75V. ➅ For Vout = 1V, Vin ≤ 32V. For Vout = 0.75V, Vin ≤ 24V. PART NUMBER STRUCTURE OK Okami Non-isolated PoL I - T / 3 - W40 N - C RoHS Hazardous Substance Compliance C = RoHS-6 (does not claim EU RoHS exemption 7b–lead in solder) On/Off Polarity P = Positive Polarity N = Negative Polarity Surface Mount Trimmable Output Voltage Range 0.7525-5.5V Input Voltage Range 16-40V Maximum Rated Output Current in Amps Note: Some model number combinations may not be available. Contact Murata Power Solutions for availability. Product Label Because of the small size of these products, the product label contains a character-reduced code to indicate the model number and manufacturing date code. Not all items on the label are always used. Please note that the label differs from the product photograph on page 1. Here is the layout of the label: Model Number OKI-T/3-W40N-C OKI-T/3-W40P-C Product Code I00103 I01103 The manufacturing date code is four characters: Mfg. date code XXXXXX YMDX Rev. Product code Revision level Figure 2. Label Artwork Layout First character – Last digit of manufacturing year, example 2009 Second character – Month code (1 through 9 and O through D) Third character – Day code (1 through 9 = 1 to 9, 10 = O and 11 through 31 = A through Z) Fourth character – Manufacturing information The label contains three rows of information: First row – Murata Power Solutions logo Second row – Model number product code (see table) Third row – Manufacturing date code and revision level www.murata-ps.com 05 Nov 2009 email: sales@murata-ps.com MDC_OKI-T/3-W40 Series.A01_D8 Page 2 of 12 OKI-T/3-W40 Series Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TOP VIEW PIN #1 THIS CORNER (FARSIDE) 11.9 .47 ISOMETRIC VIEW 10.7 .42 REF 5.6 .22 REF PIN #1 NOZZLE PICKUP POINT 20.8 .82 INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS OKI-T/3 (P78) SIDE VIEW 8.5 .34 END VIEW Pin 1 2 3 4 5 Function On/Off Control* +VIN Ground (Common) Trim +VOUT MTG PLANE 1.59 .063 *The Remote On/Off can be provided with either positive (P suffix) or negative (N suffix) polarity 1.60 .063 TYP 2.29 .090 TYP BOTTOM VIEW 4 53 1.53 .060 Dimensions are in inches (mm shown for ref. only). Third Angle Projection 8.63 .340 1.78 .070 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) Angles ± 1˚ Components are shown for reference only. 1 2 .690 4.57 .180 8.63 .340 12.69 .500 17.52 .690 .47 REF .500 .340 .180 .060 REF 0.25 .010 .070 REF 2 3 4 1 5 .340 MATERIAL: SMT PINS: COPPER ALLOY FINISH: (ALL PINS) GOLD (5u"MIN) OVER NICKEL (50u" MIN) .120 MIN .135 MAX .82 REF .095 MIN .110 MAX RECOMMENDED PAD LAYOUT Figure 2. OKI-T/3 Mechanical Outline www.murata-ps.com 05 Nov 2009 email: sales@murata-ps.com MDC_OKI-T/3-W40 Series.A01_D8 Page 3 of 12 OKI-T/3-W40 Series Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters Performance and Functional Specifications See Note 1 Input Environmental Input Voltage Range Isolation Start-Up Voltage Undervoltage Shutdown (see Note 15) Overvoltage Shutdown Reflected (Back) Ripple Current (Note 2) Internal Input Filter Type Recommended External Fuse Reverse Polarity Protection Input Current: Full Load Conditions Inrush Transient Shutdown Mode (Off, UV, OT) Output in Short Circuit Low Line (Vin=Vmin) Remote On/Off Control (Note 5) Negative Logic (“N” model suffix) Current Positive Logic (“P” model suffix) See Ordering Guide and Note 7. Not isolated 15 V 14 V min., 15.5V max. None 20 mA pk-pk Capacitive 1.2A fast blow N/A. See fuse information. See Ordering Guide 0.4 A2Sec. 5 mA 60 mA 1.03A. ON = -0.3V to +1.2V OFF = (Vin -2.5V) to 40V or open 1 mA max. ON = Open pin (internally pulled up) or = (Vin -2.5V) to 40V or open OFF = -0.3V to +1.2V 1 mA max. Calculated MTBF Telecordia method (4a) Calculated MTBF MIL-HDBK-217N2 method (4b) Operating Temperature Range (Ambient) See derating curves Operating PC Board Temperature Storage Temperature Range Thermal Protection/Shutdown Relative Humidity TBD TBD -40 to +85 ˚C. with derating (Note 9) -40 to +100 ˚Celsius max., no derating (12) -55 to +125 deg. C. +130 ˚Celsius to 85%/+85 ˚C., non-condensing Physical Outline Dimensions Weight Safety Restriction of Hazardous Substances MSL Rating See Mechanical Specifications 0.072 ounces (2.04 grams) Designed to meet UL/cUL 60950-1, CSAC22.2 No. 60950-1, IEC/EN 60950-1 RoHS-6 (does not claim EU RoHS exemption 7b–lead in solder) 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings Current Output Output Power Minimum Loading Accuracy (50% load, untrimmed) Voltage Output Range (Note 13) Overvoltage Protection (Note 16) Temperature Coefficient Ripple/Noise (20 MHz bandwidth) Line/Load Regulation Efficiency Maximum Capacitive Loading (Note 14) Cap-ESR=0.001 to 0.01 Ohms Cap-ESR >0.01 Ohms Current Limit Inception (Note 6) (98% of Vout setting, after warm up) Short Circuit Mode Short Circuit Current Output Protection Method Short Circuit Duration Prebias Startup 15W max. No minimum load ±2 % of Vnominal See Ordering Guide None ±0.02% per °C of Vout range See Ordering Guide and note 8 See Ordering Guide and note 10 See Ordering Guide 1,000 μF 3,000 μF (min. cap. load 0 μF) 5.5 Amps 0.0 A Hiccup autorecovery upon overload removal. (Note 17) Continuous, no damage (output shorted to ground) Converter will start up if the external output voltage is less than Vnominal. (1) Input Voltage (Continuous or transient) On/Off Control Input Reverse Polarity Protection Output Current (Note 7) 0 V.to +40 Volts max. 0 V. min. to +Vin max. See Fuse section Current-limited. Devices can withstand a sustained short circuit without damage. The outputs are not intended to accept appreciable reverse current. Storage Temperature -55 to +125 ˚C. Lead Temperature See soldering specifications Absolute maximums are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to greater than any of any of these conditions may adversely affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the Performance/Functional Specifications Table is not implied nor recommended. Specification Notes: Specifications are typical at +25 °C, Vin=nominal (+24V.), Vout=nominal (+5V), full load, external caps and natural convection unless otherwise indicated. Extended tests at full power must supply substantial forced airflow. All models are tested and specified with external 1 μF paralleled with 10μF ceramic/tantalum output capacitors and a 22 μF external input capacitor. All capacitors are low ESR types. These capacitors are necessary to accommodate our test equipment and may not be required to achieve specified performance in your applications. However, Murata Power Solutions recommends installation of these capacitors. All models are stable and regulate within spec under no-load conditions. (2) (3) Input Back Ripple Current is tested and specified over a 5 Hz to 20 MHz bandwidth. Input filtering is Cin=2 x 100 μF tantalum, Cbus=1000 μF electrolytic, Lbus=1 μH. Note that Maximum Power Derating curves indicate an average current at nominal input voltage. At higher temperatures and/or lower airflow, the DC/DC converter will tolerate brief full current outputs if the total RMS current over time does not exceed the Derating curve. Dynamic Characteristics (4a) Mean Time Before Failure is calculated using the Telcordia (Belcore) SR-332 Method 1, Case 3, ground fixed conditions, Tpcboard=+25 ˚C, full output load, natural air convection. (4b) Mean Time Before Failure is calculated using the MIL-HDBK-217N2 method, ground benign, +25ºC., full output load, natural convection. Dynamic Load Response 125μSec max. to within ±2% of final value (50-100 load step, di/dt=2.5A/μSec, 5 Vout, Cout = 1&10µF ceramic) Start-Up Time (Vin on or On/Off to Vout regulated) Switching Frequency 8 mSec for Vout=nominal (Vin On) 6 mSec for Vout=nominal (Remote On/Off) 300 KHz www.murata-ps.com 05 Nov 2009 email: sales@murata-ps.com MDC_OKI-T/3-W40 Series.A01_D8 Page 4 of 12 OKI-T/3-W40 Series Adjustable Output 3-Amp DOSA-SMT DC/DC Converters Specification Notes, Cont.: (5) The On/Off Control Input should use either a switch or an open collector/open drain transistor referenced to -Input Common. A logic gate may also be used by applying appropriate external voltages which do not exceed +Vin. Short circuit shutdown begins when the output voltage degrades approximately 2% from the selected setting. For Vout = 1V, Vin must not exceed 32V. For Vout = 0.75V, Vin must not exceed 24V. Output noise may be further reduced by adding an external filter. At zero output current, the output may contain low frequency components which exceed the ripple specification. The output may be operated indefinitely with no load. All models are fully operational and meet published specifications, including “cold start” at –40˚ C. Soldering Guidelines Murata Power Solutions recommends the specifications below when installing these converters. These specifications vary depending on the solder type. Exceeding these specifications may cause damage to the product. Your production environment may differ therefore please thoroughly review these guidelines with your process engineers. (6) (7) (8) (9) Reflow Solder Operations for surface-mount products (SMT) (10) Regulation specifications describe the deviation as the line input voltage or output load current is varied from a nominal midpoint value to either extreme. (11) Other input or output voltage ranges will be reviewed under scheduled quantity special order. (12) Maximum PC board temperature is measured with the sensor in the center of the converter. (13) Do not exceed maximum power specifications when adjusting the output trim. (14) The maximum output capacitive loads depend on the the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) of the external output capacitor and, to a lesser extent, the distance and series impedance to the load. Larger caps will reduce output noise but may change the transient response. Newer ceramic caps with very low ESR may require lower capacitor values to avoid instability. Thoroughly test your capacitors in the application. Please refer to the Output Capacitive Load Application Note. (15) Do not allow the input voltage to degrade lower than the input undervoltage shutdown voltage at all times. Otherwise, you risk having the converter turn off. The undervoltage shutdown is not latching and will attempt to recover when the input is brought back into normal operating range. (16) The outputs are not intended to sink appreciable reverse current. (17) “Hiccup” overcurrent operation repeatedly attempts to restart the converter with a brief, full-current output. If the overcurrent condition still exists, the restart current will be removed and then tried again. This short current pulse prevents overheating and damaging the converter. Once the fault is removed, the converter immediately recovers normal operation. For Sn/Ag/Cu based solders: Preheat Temperature Time over Liquidus Maximum Peak Temperature Cooling Rate For Sn/Pb based solders: Preheat Temperature Time over Liquidus Maximum Peak Temperature Cooling Rate Less than 1 ºC. per second 60 to 75 seconds 235 ºC. Less than 3 ºC. per second Less than 1 ºC. per second 45 to 75 seconds 260 ºC. Less than 3 ºC. per second Recommended Lead-free Solder Reflow Profile 250 Peak Temp. 235-260° C Temperature (°C) Output Voltage Adustment The output voltage may be adjusted over a limited range by connecting an external trim resistor (Rtrim) between the Trim pin and Ground. The Rtrim resistor must be a 1/10 Watt precision metal film type, ±1% accuracy or better with low temperature coefficient, ±100 ppm/oC. or better. Mount the resistor close to the converter with very short leads or use a surface mount trim resistor. In the tables below, the calculated resistance is given. Do not exceed the specified limits of the output voltage or the converter’s maximum power rating when applying these resistors. Also, avoid high noise at the Trim input. However, to prevent instability, you should never connect any capacitors to Trim. 200 150 Soaking Zone 120 sec max 100
OKI-T3-W40 价格&库存

