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    Surface Mount Thick Film Resistor, Aec-Q200 Erj Series, 430 Ohm, 500 Mw, - 1%, 400 V Rohs Compliant:...

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ERJP06F4300V 数据手册
2020 Fixed Resistors Products Catalog g 2020.3 *XLGHOLQHVDQGSUHFDXWLRQVUHJDUGLQJWKH WHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQDQGXVHRIRXUSURGXFWV GHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJ ‫ٹ‬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‫ٹ‬7KHTXDOLW\DQGSHUIRUPDQFHRIRXUSURGXFWVDVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJRQO\DSSO\ WRRXUSURGXFWVZKHQXVHGLQLVRODWLRQ7KHUHIRUHSOHDVHHQVXUH\RXHYDOXDWHDQGYHULI\ RXUSURGXFWVXQGHUWKHVSHFLILFFLUFXPVWDQFHVLQZKLFKRXUSURGXFWVDUHDVVHPEOHGLQ\RXU RZQSURGXFWVDQGLQZKLFKRXUSURGXFWVZLOODFWXDOO\EHXVHG ‫ٹ‬,I\RXXVHRXUSURGXFWVLQHTXLSPHQWWKDWUHTXLUHVDKLJKGHJUHHRIUHOLDELOLW\UHJDUGOHVV RIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDW\RXVHWXSSURWHFWLRQFLUFXLWVDQGUHGXQGDQF\ FLUFXLWVLQRUGHUWRHQVXUHVDIHW\RI\RXUHTXLSPHQW ‫ٹ‬7KHSURGXFWVDQGSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJDUHVXEMHFWWR FKDQJHIRULPSURYHPHQWZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH7KHUHIRUHSOHDVHEHVXUHWRUHTXHVWDQG FRQILUPWKHODWHVWSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVZKLFKH[SODLQWKHVSHFLILFDWLRQVRIRXUSURGXFWVLQ GHWDLOEHIRUH\RXILQDOL]HWKHGHVLJQRI\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQVSXUFKDVHRUXVHRXUSURGXFWV ‫ٹ‬7KHWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJSURYLGHVH[DPSOHVRIRXUSURGXFWV  W\SLFDORSHUDWLRQVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQFLUFXLWV:HGRQRWJXDUDQWHHWKHQRQLQIULQJHPHQWRI WKLUGSDUW\ VLQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ULJKWVDQGZHGRQRWJUDQWDQ\OLFHQVHULJKWRULQWHUHVW LQRXULQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ ‫ٹ‬,IDQ\RIRXUSURGXFWVSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVDQGRUWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVRQOLQH FDWDORJLVWREHH[SRUWHGRUSURYLGHGWRQRQUHVLGHQWVWKHODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQVRIWKH H[SRUWLQJFRXQWU\HVSHFLDOO\ZLWKUHJDUGWRVHFXULW\DQGH[SRUWFRQWUROVKDOOEHREVHUYHG 5HJDUGLQJWKH&HUWLILFDWHRI&RPSOLDQFHZLWK WKH(85R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQV! ‫ٹ‬7KHVZLWFKRYHUGDWHIRUFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH5R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQVYDULHV GHSHQGLQJRQWKHSDUWQXPEHURUVHULHVRIRXUSURGXFWV ‫ٹ‬:KHQ\RXXVHWKHLQYHQWRU\RIRXUSURGXFWVIRUZKLFKLWLVXQFOHDUZKHWKHUWKRVHSURGXFWV DUHFRPSOLDQWZLWKWKH5R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQSOHDVHVHOHFW6DOHV,QTXLU\LQWKH ZHEVLWHLQTXLU\IRUPDQGFRQWDFWXV :HGRQRWWDNHDQ\UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHXVHRIRXUSURGXFWVRXWVLGHWKHVFRSHRIWKH VSHFLILFDWLRQVGHVFULSWLRQVJXLGHOLQHVDQGSUHFDXWLRQVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJ $SU Fixed Resistors (Surface Mount Resistors) CONTENTS Classification Product Item Part No. Page 1 Safety Precautions (Common precautions for Fixed Resistors / Common precautions for Surface Mount Resistors) Thick Film Chip Resistors General Purpose Chip Resistors Precision Thick Film Chip Resistors High Precision Current Sensing Small&High Power Anti-Sulfurated Resistor Network/Array Common specifications ERJ XG, 1G, 2G, 3G, 6G, 8G, 14, 12, 12Z, 1T 4 ERJ XG, 1G, 1R, 2R, 3R, 6R, 3E, 6E, 8E, ERJ 14, 12, 1T 7 Thin Film Chip Resistors, High Stability and Reliability Type ERA 2V, 3V, 3K, 6V, 6K 11 Metal Film (Thin Film) Chip Resistors, High Reliability Type ERA 1A, 2A, 3A, 6A, 8A 14 High Precision Thick Film Chip Resistors ERJ PB3, PB6 17 Thick Film Chip Resistors / Low Resistance Type ERJ ERJ ERJ ERJ ERJ 19 Current Sensing Resistors, Metal Plate Type ERJ MS4S, MS4H, MB1S 25 High Power Chip Resistors / Wide Terminal Type ERJ A1, B1, B2, B3 29 Low TCR High Power Chip Resistors / Wide Terminal Type ERJ D1, D2 33 Anti-Surge Thick Film Chip Resistors ERJ PA2, P03, PA3, P06, P08, P14 36 Anti-Pulse Thick Film Chip Resistors ERJ T06, T08, T14 40 Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors ERJ ERJ ERJ ERJ 43 Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors / Precision Type ERJ U2R, U3R, U6R 47 Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors / Anti-Surge Type ERJ UP3, UP6, UP8 49 Anti-Sulfurated Thick Film Chip Resistors / Wide Terminal Type ERJ C1 52 Chip Resistor Array EXB 14V, 18V, 24V, 28V, N8V, 2HV, 34V, V4V, 38V, V8V, S8V 55 Anti-Sulfurated Chip Resistor Array EXB U14, U18, U24, U28, U2H, U34, U38 59 Chip Resistor Networks EXB D, E, A, Q 62 Chip Attenuator EXB 14AT, 24AT 66 2LW, 3LW, 6LW, 2BW,3BW,6BW,8BW,6CW,8CW 2B, 3B, 6D, 6B, 8B, 14B, 3R, 6R, 8R, 14R, 12R, 12Z, 1TR, L03, L06, L08, L14, L12, L1D, L1W S02, S03, S06, S08, S14, S12, S1D, S1T, U0X, U01, U02, U03, U06, U08, U14, U12, U1D, ERJ U1T, U6S, U6Q Packaging Methods (Taping) 68 Recommended Land Pattern 73 Recommended Soldering Conditions 76 Standard for Resistance Value and Resistance Tolerance 77 02  Feb. 2020 Fixed Resistors Safety Precautions (Common precautions for Fixed Resistors) • When using our products, no matter what sort of equipment they might be used for, be sure to make a written agreement on the specifications with us in advance. The design and specifications in this catalog are subject to change without prior notice. • Do not use the products beyond the specifications described in this catalog. • This catalog explains the quality and performance of the products as individual components. Before use, check and evaluate their operations when installed in your products under the actual conditions for use. • Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other significant damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. ✽ Systems equipped with a protection circuit and a protection device. ✽ Systems equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault. ✽ Systems equipped with an arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch. (1) Precautions for use • These products are designed and manufactured for general and standard use in general elec tron ic equipment. (e.g. AV equipment, home electric appliances, office equipment, information and communication equipment) For applications in which special quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or cause threat of personal injury (such as for aircraft and aerospace equipment, traffic and transport equipment, combustion equipment, medical equipment, accident prevention and anti-theft devices, and safety equipment), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product specifications which conform to such applications. • These products are not intended for use in the following special conditions. Before using the products, carefully check the effects on their quality and performance, and determine whether or not they can be used. 1. In liquid, such as water, oil, chemicals, or organic solvent. 2. In direct sunlight, outdoors, or in dust. 3. In salty air or air with a high concentration of corrosive gas, such as Cl2,H2S,NH3,SO2,or NOX . 4. Electric Static Discharge (ESD) Environment. These components are sensitive to static electricity and can be damaged under static shock (ESD).    Please take measures to avoid any of these environments. Smaller components are more sensitive to ESD environment. 5. Electromagnetic and Radioactive Environment. Avoid any environment where strong electromagnetic waves and radiation exist. 6. In an environment where these products cause dew condensation. 7. Sealing or coating of these products or a printed circuit board on which these products are mounted, with resin or other materials. • These products generate Joule heat when energized. Carefully position these products so that their heat will not affect the other components. • Carefully position these products so that their temperatures will not exceed the category temperature range due to the effects of neighboring heat-generating components. Do not mount or place heat-generating components or inflammables, such as vinyl-coated wires, near these products. • Note that non-cleaning solder, halogen-based highly active flux, or water-soluble flux may deteriorate the performance or reliability of the products. • Carefully select a flux cleaning agent for use after soldering. An unsuitable agent may deteriorate the performance or reliability. In particular, when using water or a water-soluble cleaning agent, be careful not to leave water residues. Otherwise, the insulation performance may be deteriorated. • Do not apply flux to these products after soldering. The activity of flux may be a cause of failures in these products. • Refer to the recommended soldering conditions and set the soldering condition. High peak temperature or long heating time may impair the performance or the reliability of these products. • Recommended soldering condition is for the guideline for ensuring the basic characteristics of the products, not for the stable soldering conditions. Conditions for proper soldering should be set up according to individual conditions. 01. Oct. 2019 1 Fixed Resistors • Do not reuse any products after removal from mounting boards. • Do not drop these products. If these products are dropped, do not use them. Such products may have received mechanical or electrical damage. • If any doubt or concern to the safety on these products arise, make sure to inform us immediately and conduct technical examinations at your side. (2) Precautions for storage The performance of these products, including the solderability, is guaranteed for a year from the date of arrival at your company, provided that they remain packed as they were when delivered and stored at a temperature of 5 °C to 35 °C and a relative humidity of 45 % to 85 %. Even within the above guarantee periods, do not store these products in the following conditions. Otherwise, their electrical performance and/or solderability may be deteriorated, and the packaging materials (e.g. taping materials) may be deformed or deteriorated, resulting in mounting failures. 1. In salty air or in air with a high concentration of corrosive gas, such as Cl2,H2S,NH3,SO2,or NOX . 2. In direct sunlight. (3) AEC-Q200 Compliant The products are tested based on all or part of the test conditions and methods defined in AEC-Q200. Please consult with Panasonic for the details of the product specification and specific evaluation test results, etc., and please review and approve Panasonic's product specification before ordering. <Package markings> Package markings include the product number, quantity, and country of origin. In principle, the country of origin should be indicated in English. 2 01. Oct. 2019 Surface Mount Resistors Safety Precautions (Common precautions for Surface Mount Resistors) The following are precautions for individual products. Please also refer to the common precautions for Fixed Resistors in this catalog. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Take measures against mechanical stress during and after mounting of Surface Mount Resistors (hereafter called the resistors) so as not to damage their electrodes and protective coatings. Be careful not to misplace the resistors on the land patterns. Otherwise, solder bridging may occur. Keep the rated power and ambient temperature within the specified derating curve. Some circuit boards, wiring patterns, temperatures of heat generated by adjacent components, or ambient temper a tures can become factors in the rise of the temperature of the resistors, regardless of the level of power applied. Therefore, check the conditions before use and op timize them so as not to damage the boards and peripheral components. Make sure to contact us before using the resistors under special conditions. If a transient load (heavy load in a short time) like a pulse is expected to be applied, check and evaluate the operations of the resistors when installed in your products before use. Never exceed the rated power. Otherwise, the performance and/or reliability of the resistors may be impaired. Transient voltage If there is a possibility that the transient phenomenon (significantly high voltage applied in a short time) may occur or that a high voltage pulse may be applied, make sure to evaluate and check the characteristics of resistors mounted on your product rather than only depending on the calculated power limit or steady-state conditions. If the resistors are to be used in high frequency circuits, carefully check the operation before use. Such circuits change the electrical characteristics of the resistors. Before using halogen-based or other high-activity flux, check the possible effects of the flux residues on the performance and reliability of the resistors. When soldering with a soldering iron, never touch the resistors'bodies with the tip of the soldering iron. When using a soldering iron with a high temperature tip, finish soldering as quickly as possible (within three seconds at 350 °C max.). Mounting of the resistors with excessive or insufficient wetting amount of solder may affect the connection reliability or the performance of the resistors. Carefully check the effects and apply a proper amount of solder for use. When the resistors' protective coatings are chipped, flawed, or removed, the characteristics of the resistors may be impaired. Take special care not to apply mechanical shock during automatic mounting or cause damage during handling of the boards with the resistors mounted. Do not apply shock to the resistors or pinch them with a hard tool (e.g. pliers and tweezers). Otherwise, the resistors' protective coatings and bodies may be chipped, affecting their performance. Avoid excessive bending of printed circuit boards in order to protect the resistors from abnormal stress. Do not immerse the resistors in solvent for a long time. Before using solvent, carefully check the effects of immersion. Do not apply excessive tension to the terminals. 01. Oct. 2019 3 Thick Film Chip Resistors Thick Film Chip Resistors Series: ERJ XG, 1G, 2G, 3G, 6G, 8G, 14, 12, 12Z, 1T  Features ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Small size and lightweight High reliability…Metal glaze thick film resistive element and three layers of electrodes Compatible with placement machines … Taping packaging available Suitable for both reflow and flow soldering Reference Standard … IEC 60115-8,JIS C 5201-8,JEITA RC-2134C AEC-Q200 compliant (except ERJXG) RoHS compliant ■ As for Packaging Methods, Land Pattern, Soldering Conditions and Safety Precautions, Please see Data Files Explanation of Part Numbers 1T ERJS02 ~ ERJS1Tシリーズ ● Series ERJXGN, 1GN, 2GE, 3GE, 6GE, 8GE, 14, 12, 12Z, 1T,±5 % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E R J 3 G E Y J 1 0 Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors Size, Power Rating Code inch Power Rating XGN 01005 0.031 W 1GN 0201 0.05 W 2GE 0402 0.1 W 3GE 0603 0.1 W 6GE 0805 0.125 W 8GE 1206 0.25 W 14 1210 0.5 W 12 1812 0.75 W 12Z 2010 0.75 W 1T 2512 Marking Code Marking Value Y Marking on black side *Nil No marking 11 Resistance Value Code Tolerance The first two digits are significant figures of resistance and the third one denotes number of zeros following. Jumper is expressed by R00. (Ex.) 222: 2.2 kΩ     4R7: 4.7 Ω ±5 % 0 Jumper 1W *Series XGN, 1GN and 2GE do not have value markings on the black side. Please omit the letter "Y" from the part number for these series of parts. The other part number factors will move up respectively. V 2 Resistance Tolerance J 12 Packaging Methods Code Packaging Y Pressed Carrier Taping W8P2, 20,000 pcs U Part No. W4P1, 40,000 pcs C Pressed Carrier Taping ERJ1GN 2 mm pitch, 15,000 pcs X Punched Carrier Taping 2 mm pitch, 10,000 pcs Y Punched Carrier Taping 2 mm pitch, 20,000 pcs V Punched Carrier Taping ERJ6GE 4 mm pitch, 5,000 pcs ERJ2GE ERJ3GE ERJ8GE ERJ14 Embossed Carrier Taping U ERJ12 4 mm pitch, 5,000 pcs ERJ12Z Embossed Carrier Taping 4 mm pitch, 4,000 pcs Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 4 ERJXGN Embossed Carrier Taping ERJ1T 02  Mar. 2020 Thick Film Chip Resistors Ratings 【For Resistor】 Part No. (inch size) ERJXG (01005) ERJ1G (0201) ERJ2G (0402) ERJ3G (0603) ERJ6G (0805) ERJ8G (1206) ERJ14 (1210) ERJ12 (1812) ERJ12Z (2010) ERJ1T (2512) Limiting Element Power Rating at 70 °C (W) (1) Maximum Overload (2) (3) Voltage (V) Voltage (V) 15 0.031 Resistance Range (Ω) Resistance Tolerance (%) 30 ±5 1 to 1 M Category Temperature Range (℃) AECQ200 Grade -55 to +125 - T.C.R. (×10-6/K) (E24) R 95% coverage 245 °C, 3 s No damage No damage MIL-STD-202 method 215, 2.1a, 2.1d ±0.5 % 0.03 % –65 °C, 24 h ±0.5 % 0.10 % MIL-STD-202 method 210 (260 °C, 10 s) ±0.5 % 0.10 % MIL-STD-202 method 106 ±0.5 % 0.10 % MIL-STD-202 method 213-A ±0.5 % 0.05 % 10 to 2000 (Hz) ±1 % 0.30 % 70 °C,Rated Power,2000 h ±1 % 0.30 % 170 °C, 2000 h ±0.5 % 0.05 % 140 °C, 2000 h < 5 nH < 2 nH Inductance Temperature Rise ● ERJMS4HF5M0U 80 80 Temperature Rise (°C) Temperature Rise (°C) 100 90 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 ● ERJMB1SF3M0U 3 0 1 Power(W) ① ② Base material : FR-4 (t 1.6 mm) 2 Power(W) Resistor ① ② Soldering PWB Copper Thickness : 70 µm, Two layer Sense terminal-Layout Land Sense terminal Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 28 01  Mar. 2020 High Power Chip Resistors / Wide Terminal Type High Power Chip Resistors / Wide Terminal Type Series: ERJ A1, B1, B2, B3 Features ● ● ● ● High solder-joint reliability by wide terminal construction Excellent heat dissipation characteristics by wide terminal construction AEC-Q200 compliant RoHS compliant Recommended Applications ● Automotive electronic circuits including ECUs (Electrical control unit), anti-lock breaking systems and air-bag systems. ● Current sensing for power supply circuits in a variety of equipment. ■ As for Packaging Methods, Land Pattern, Soldering Conditions and Safety Precautions, Please see Data Files Explanation of Part Numbers 1T ERJS02 ~ ERJS1Tシリーズ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 E R J A 1 A J 1 0 2 U Product Code Thick Film Chip Resistors Size, Power Rating Code A1 B1 Resistance Value Region Resistance Tolerance inch Power Rating A  10 Ω≤R Code 1225 B  0.22 Ω≤R
1. 物料型号:文档列出了多种型号的电阻,包括ERJPA3、ERJP06、ERJP08、ERJP14等,以及它们的不同特性和应用。

2. 器件简介:介绍了电阻的类型,例如厚膜芯片电阻器,以及它们的一些基本特性,如尺寸、重量和构造。

3. 引脚分配:文档中没有明确提到引脚分配,但是提供了电阻的尺寸和端头配置信息。

4. 参数特性:详细列出了电阻的各种参数,包括额定功率、电阻公差、温度系数、最大过载电压等。

5. 功能详解:描述了电阻的功能特性,如抗硫化、抗脉冲、高可靠性等,并提供了一些特定条件下的性能曲线。

6. 应用信息:虽然文档没有直接提到具体的应用案例,但从电阻的特性可以推断它们适用于需要高可靠性和特定环境要求的电子设备。

7. 封装信息:提供了不同型号电阻的封装尺寸,包括长、宽、厚等。

ERJP06F4300V 价格&库存

