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ERTJ1VS104JA 数据手册
2020 Thermal Management Solutions Products Catalog g 2019.12 *XLGHOLQHVDQGSUHFDXWLRQVUHJDUGLQJWKH WHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQDQGXVHRIRXUSURGXFWV GHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJ ‫ٹ‬,I\RXZDQWWRXVHRXUSURGXFWVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVUHTXLULQJ VSHFLDOTXDOLWLHVRUUHOLDELOLW\RUIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUHWKHIDLOXUHRUPDOIXQFWLRQRIWKH SURGXFWVPD\GLUHFWO\MHRSDUGL]HKXPDQOLIHRUSRWHQWLDOO\FDXVHSHUVRQDOLQMXU\  HJDLUFUDIWDQGDHURVSDFHHTXLSPHQWWUDIILFDQGWUDQVSRUWDWLRQHTXLSPHQWFRPEXVWLRQ HTXLSPHQWPHGLFDOHTXLSPHQWDFFLGHQWSUHYHQWLRQDQWLFULPHHTXLSPHQWDQGRUVDIHW\ HTXLSPHQW LWLVQHFHVVDU\WRYHULI\ZKHWKHUWKHVSHFLILFDWLRQVRIRXUSURGXFWVILWWRVXFK DSSOLFDWLRQV3OHDVHHQVXUHWKDW\RXZLOODVNDQGFKHFNZLWKRXULQTXLU\GHVNDVWRZKHWKHU WKHVSHFLILFDWLRQVRIRXUSURGXFWVILWWRVXFKDSSOLFDWLRQVXVHEHIRUH\RXXVHRXUSURGXFWV ‫ٹ‬7KHTXDOLW\DQGSHUIRUPDQFHRIRXUSURGXFWVDVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJRQO\DSSO\ WRRXUSURGXFWVZKHQXVHGLQLVRODWLRQ7KHUHIRUHSOHDVHHQVXUH\RXHYDOXDWHDQGYHULI\ RXUSURGXFWVXQGHUWKHVSHFLILFFLUFXPVWDQFHVLQZKLFKRXUSURGXFWVDUHDVVHPEOHGLQ\RXU RZQSURGXFWVDQGLQZKLFKRXUSURGXFWVZLOODFWXDOO\EHXVHG ‫ٹ‬,I\RXXVHRXUSURGXFWVLQHTXLSPHQWWKDWUHTXLUHVDKLJKGHJUHHRIUHOLDELOLW\UHJDUGOHVV RIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWKDW\RXVHWXSSURWHFWLRQFLUFXLWVDQGUHGXQGDQF\ FLUFXLWVLQRUGHUWRHQVXUHVDIHW\RI\RXUHTXLSPHQW ‫ٹ‬7KHSURGXFWVDQGSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJDUHVXEMHFWWR FKDQJHIRULPSURYHPHQWZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFH7KHUHIRUHSOHDVHEHVXUHWRUHTXHVWDQG FRQILUPWKHODWHVWSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVZKLFKH[SODLQWKHVSHFLILFDWLRQVRIRXUSURGXFWVLQ GHWDLOEHIRUH\RXILQDOL]HWKHGHVLJQRI\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQVSXUFKDVHRUXVHRXUSURGXFWV ‫ٹ‬7KHWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJSURYLGHVH[DPSOHVRIRXUSURGXFWV  W\SLFDORSHUDWLRQVDQGDSSOLFDWLRQFLUFXLWV:HGRQRWJXDUDQWHHWKHQRQLQIULQJHPHQWRI WKLUGSDUW\ VLQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ULJKWVDQGZHGRQRWJUDQWDQ\OLFHQVHULJKWRULQWHUHVW LQRXULQWHOOHFWXDOSURSHUW\ ‫ٹ‬,IDQ\RIRXUSURGXFWVSURGXFWVSHFLILFDWLRQVDQGRUWHFKQLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQLQWKLVRQOLQH FDWDORJLVWREHH[SRUWHGRUSURYLGHGWRQRQUHVLGHQWVWKHODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQVRIWKH H[SRUWLQJFRXQWU\HVSHFLDOO\ZLWKUHJDUGWRVHFXULW\DQGH[SRUWFRQWUROVKDOOEHREVHUYHG 5HJDUGLQJWKH&HUWLILFDWHRI&RPSOLDQFHZLWK WKH(85R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQV! ‫ٹ‬7KHVZLWFKRYHUGDWHIRUFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH5R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQVYDULHV GHSHQGLQJRQWKHSDUWQXPEHURUVHULHVRIRXUSURGXFWV ‫ٹ‬:KHQ\RXXVHWKHLQYHQWRU\RIRXUSURGXFWVIRUZKLFKLWLVXQFOHDUZKHWKHUWKRVHSURGXFWV DUHFRPSOLDQWZLWKWKH5R+6'LUHFWLYH5($&+5HJXODWLRQSOHDVHVHOHFW6DOHV,QTXLU\LQWKH ZHEVLWHLQTXLU\IRUPDQGFRQWDFWXV :HGRQRWWDNHDQ\UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKHXVHRIRXUSURGXFWVRXWVLGHWKHVFRSHRIWKH VSHFLILFDWLRQVGHVFULSWLRQVJXLGHOLQHVDQGSUHFDXWLRQVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVRQOLQHFDWDORJ $SU Thermal Management Solutions CONTENTS Product Item Part Number The NTC Thermistors Multilayer NTC Thermistors Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) “PGS” Graphite Sheets SSM(Semi-Sealing Material) “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance ERT JZ ERT J0 ERT J1 Handling Precautions ERT J0 M ERT J1 M Handling Precautions EYG S EYG A EYG E Page 1 2 10 18 23 31 Minimum order 37 Handling Precautions 39 EYG Y 41 Handling Precautions 43 EYG T 45 Handling Precautions 48 EYG S 50 Handling Precautions 54 01  Nov. 2019 NTC Thermistors The NTC Thermistors NTC Thermistors is a negative temperature coefficient resistor that significantly reduces its resistance value as the heat/ ambient temperature rises. Thermistors is sintered in high-temperature (1200 °C to 1500 °C), and manufactured in various shapes. It’s comprised of 2 to 4 kinds of metal oxides: iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese and copper. Features Recommended Applications ● ● Temperature Coefficient of Resistance is negative, and it’s extremely large (–2.8 to –5.1 [%/°C]). ● Various shapes, especially co mpact size components are available. ● Selection of resistance vale is comparatively free, it’s available from several tens Ω to several hundred kΩ. For temperature measurement or temperature detection : Thermometer, temperature controller ● For temperature compensation : Transistor, transistor circuit, quarts oscillation circuit, and measuring instruments Physical Characteristics of NTC Thermistors Thermistor is a resistor sensitive to temperature that is utilizing the characteristic of metal oxide semiconductor having large temperature coefficient. And its temperature dependency of resistance value is indicated by the following equation : R=R0 exp [ ( B 1 T 1 T0 )] Fig. 1 1000 100 .....................................(1) 10 RT/R25 T0 : Standard Temperature 298.15 K(25 °C) R0 : Resistance at T0 [K] B : Thermistor Constant [K] Temperature coefficient (a) in general meaning is indicated as follows : 1 2000 3000 400 0 500 0 60 00 0.1 B .................................................................... (2) 2 T 0.01 Since the change by temperature is considerably large, a is not appropriate as a constant. Therefore, B value (constant) is generally used as a coefficient of thermistors. 0.001 a= B=1000 –40 –20 0 20 40 60 T (˚C) 80 100 120 140 Major Characteristics of NTC Thermistors The relation between resistance and temperature of a thermistor is linear as shown in Fig. 2. The resistance value is shown in vertical direction in a logarithmic scale and reciprocal of absolute temperature (adding 273.15 to centigrade) is shown in horizontal direction. The B value (constant) determines the gradient of these straight lines. The B value (constant) is calculated by using following equation. knR1 – knR2 1 1 T1 T2 700 =4 0 B 25/5 100000 10000 ....................................................... (3) R1: Resistance at T1 K R2: Resistance at T2 K When you calculate this equation, you’ll find that B value is not exactly constant. The resistance is expressed by the following equation : R = AT–C exp D/T ............................................................. (4) In (4), C is a small positive or negative constant and quite negligible except for use in precision temperature-measuring device, therefore, the B value can be considered as constant number. In Fig. 1, the relation between the resistance ratio RT/R25 (R25 : Resistance at 25 °C, RT : Resistance at T °C) and B Value is shown with T °C, in the horizontal direction. 500 44005 = 00= /55 □ BB2255/ 0 □ □ 104 4 25 EV EP473 0 0= J 0 5 T RTJ 5/ 2 R B E E □ 5 03 343 R1 5= E 0 25/8 J B T 0 A 5 0 ER 3□ =4 G10 /50 5 E 2 0 B J □ ERT 02 T1 E TJ0 ER 00 =28 B 25/50 □ 1 A10 J0E ERT 1000000 R (Ω) B= Fig. 2 10000000 1000 100 10 1 2.4 125 2.9 85 3.4 1 (×10 –3K–1) T 50 25 T (˚C) 3.9 0 –20 4.4 –40 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 02 May. 2015 1 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Multilayer NTC Thermistors Series: ERTJ Features ● Surface Mount Device (0201, 0402, 0603) ● Highly reliable multilayer / monolithic structure ● Wide temperature operating range (–40 to 125 ● Environmentally-friendly lead-free ● RoHS compliant °C) Recommended Applications ● Mobile Phone · Temperature compensation for crystal oscillator · Temperature compensation for semiconductor devices ● Personal Computer and Peripheral Device · Temperature detection for CPU and memory device · Temperature compensation for ink-viscosity (Inkjet Printer) ● Battery Pack (secondary battery) · Temperature detection of battery cells ● Liquid Crystal Display · Temperature compensation of display contrast · Temperature compensation of display backlighting (CCFL) Explanation of Part Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E R T J 0 E G 1 0 3 J A Common Code Product Code Type Code ERT NTC J Chip Type (SMD) Thermistors Multilayer Type Size Code Z “0201” 0 “0402” 1 “0603” Packaging Style Code E V “0201”, “0402” Pressed Carrier Taping Punched Carrier Taping (Pitch : 2 mm) “0603” Punched Carrier Taping (Pitch : 4 mm) B Value Class Code 2701 to 2800 A 3301 to 3400 G 3801 to 3900 M 4001 to 4100 P 4201 to 4300 R 4301 to 4400 S 4401 to 4500 T 4601 to 4700 V Nominal Resistance R25 (Ω) The first two digits are significant figures of resistance and the third one denotes the number of zeros following them. (Example) Resistance Tolerance Code G ±1% Narrow Tolerance ±2% Type H J ±3% Standard ±5% Type F Special Specification Construction 3 4 5 1 No. Name A Semiconductive Ceramics B Internal electrode C 2 D E Terminal electrode Substrate electrode Intermediate electrode External electrode Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 2 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Ratings Size code (EIA) Operating Temperature Range Rated Maximum Power Dissipation✽1 ✽2 Dissipation Factor Z(0201) 0(0402) –40 to 125 °C 66 mW Approximately 2 mW/°C 33 mW Approximately 1 mW/°C 1(0603) 100 mW Approximately 3 mW/°C ✽1 Rated Maximum Power Dissipation : The maximum power that can be continuously applied at the rated ambient temperature. · The maximum value of power, and rated power is same under the condition of ambient temperature 25 °C or less. If the temperature exceeds 25 °C, rated power depends on the decreased power dissipation curve. · Please see “Operating Power” for details. ✽2 Dissipation factor : The constant amount power required to raise the temperature of the Thermistor 1 °C through self heat generation under stable temperatures. · Dissipation factor is the reference value when mounted on a glass epoxy board (1.6 mmT). Part Number List of Narrow Tolerance Type (Resistance Tolerance : ±2 %, ±1 %) ● 0201(EIA) Part Number ERTJZEG103□A ERTJZEP473□ ERTJZEP683□ ERTJZER683□ ERTJZER104□ ERTJZET104□ ERTJZEV104□ □ : Resistance Tolerance Code Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 10 kΩ 47 kΩ 68 kΩ 68 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ Resistance Tolerance Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 10 kΩ 33 kΩ 47 kΩ 68 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 220 kΩ Resistance Tolerance Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 10 kΩ 100 kΩ Resistance Tolerance ±1 %(F) or ±2 %(G) ±1 %(F) or ±2 %(G) B Value at 25/50(K) (3380 K) 4050 K±1 % 4050 K±1 % 4250 K±1 % 4250 K±1 % 4500 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % B Value at 25/85(K) 3435 K±1% (4100 K) (4100 K) (4300 K) (4300 K) (4550 K) (4750 K) B Value at 25/50(K) (3380 K) 4050 K±1 % 4050 K±1 % 4050 K±1 % 4250 K±1 % 4330 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % B Value at 25/85(K) 3435 K±1 % (4100 K) (4100 K) (4100 K) (4300 K) (4390 K) (4750 K) (4750 K) B Value at 25/50(K) (3380 K) (4330 K) B Value at 25/85(K) 3435 K±1 % 4390 K±1 % ● 0402(EIA) Part Number ERTJ0EG103□A ERTJ0EP333□ ERTJ0EP473□ ERTJ0EP683□ ERTJ0ER104□ ERTJ0ES104□ ERTJ0EV104□ ERTJ0EV224□ □ : Resistance Tolerance Code ±1 %(F) or ±2 %(G) ● 0603(EIA) Part Number ERTJ1VG103□A ERTJ1VS104□A □ : Resistance Tolerance Code Part Number List of Standard Type (Resistance Tolerance : ±5 %, ±3 %) ● 0201(EIA) Part Number ERTJZET202□ ERTJZET302□ ERTJZET472□ ERTJZEG103□A ERTJZEP473□ ERTJZEP683□ ERTJZER683□ ERTJZER104□ ERTJZET104□ ERTJZEV104□ ERTJZET154□ ERTJZET224□ Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 2.0 kΩ 3.0 kΩ 4.7 kΩ 10 kΩ 47 kΩ 68 kΩ 68 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 150 kΩ 220 kΩ Resistance Tolerance ±3 %(H) or ±5 %(J) B Value at 25/50(K) 4500 K±2 % 4500 K±2 % 4500 K±2 % (3380 K) 4050 K±2 % 4050 K±2 % 4250 K±2 % 4250 K±2 % 4500 K±2 % 4700 K±2 % 4500 K±2 % 4500 K±2 % B Value at 25/85(K) (4450 K) (4450 K) (4450 K) 3435 K±1 % (4100 K) (4100 K) (4300 K) (4300 K) (4550 K) (4750 K) (4750 K) (4750 K) □ : Resistance Tolerance Code Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 3 Multilayer NTC Thermistors ● 0402(EIA) Part Number ERTJ0EA220□ Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 22 Ω Resistance Tolerance B Value at 25/50(K) 2750 K±3 % B Value at 25/85(K) (2700 K) ERTJ0EA330□ 33 Ω 2750 K±3 % (2700 K) ERTJ0EA400□ 40 Ω 2750 K±3 % (2700 K) ERTJ0EA470□ 47 Ω 2750 K±3 % (2700 K) ERTJ0EA680□ 68 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ0EA101□ 100 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ0EA151□ 150 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ0ET102□ 1.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ET152□ 1.5 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ET202□ 2.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ET222□ 2.2 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ET302□ 3.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ER332□ 3.3 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0ET332□ 3.3 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ET472□ 4.7 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ0ER472□ 4.7 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0ER682□ 6.8 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0EG103□A 10 kΩ (3380 K) 3435 K±1 % ERTJ0EM103□ 10 kΩ 3900 K±2 % (3970 K) 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0ER103□ 10 kΩ ERTJ0ER153□ 15 kΩ ±3 %(H) or ±5 %(J) ERTJ0ER223□ 22 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0EP333□ 33 kΩ 4050 K±2 % (4100 K) ERTJ0ER333□ 33 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0ET333□ 33 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4580 K) ERTJ0EP473□ 47 kΩ 4050 K±2 % (4100 K) ERTJ0ET473□ 47 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4550 K) ERTJ0EV473□ 47 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0EP683□ 68 kΩ 4050 K±2 % (4100 K) ERTJ0ER683□ 68 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0EV683□ 68 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0EP104□ 100 kΩ 4050 K±2 % (4100 K) ERTJ0ER104□ 100 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ0ES104□ 100 kΩ 4330 K±2 % (4390 K) ERTJ0ET104□ 100 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4580 K) ERTJ0EV104□ 100 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0ET154□ 150 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4580 K) ERTJ0EV154□ 150 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0EV224□ 220 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0EV334□ 330 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ0EV474□ 470 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) □ : Resistance Tolerance Code Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 4 Multilayer NTC Thermistors ● 0603(EIA) Part Number ERTJ1VA220□ Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 22 Ω Resistance Tolerance B Value at 25/50(K) 2750 K±3 % B Value at 25/85(K) (2700 K) ERTJ1VA330□ 33 Ω 2750 K±3 % (2700 K) ERTJ1VA400□ 40 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ1VA470□ 47 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ1VA680□ 68 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ1VA101□ 100 Ω 2800 K±3 % (2750 K) ERTJ1VT102□ 1.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VT152□ 1.5 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VT202□ 2.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VT222□ 2.2 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VT302□ 3.0 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VT332□ 3.3 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) ERTJ1VR332□ 3.3 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VR472□ 4.7 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VT472□ 4.7 kΩ ERTJ1VR682□ 6.8 kΩ ERTJ1VG103□A 10 kΩ ±3 %(H) or ±5 %(J) 4500 K±2 % (4450 K) 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) (3380 K) 3435 K±1% ERTJ1VR103□ 10 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VR153□ 15 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VR223□ 22 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VR333□ 33 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VP473□ 47 kΩ 4100 K±2 % (4150 K) ERTJ1VR473□ 47 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VV473□ 47 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ1VR683□ 68 kΩ 4250 K±2 % (4300 K) ERTJ1VV683□ 68 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ1VS104□A 100 kΩ (4330 K) 4390 K±1% ERTJ1VV104□ 100 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ1VV154□ 150 kΩ 4700 K±2 % (4750 K) ERTJ1VT224□ 220 kΩ 4500 K±2 % (4580 K) □ : Resistance Tolerance Code Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 5 Multilayer NTC Thermistors ● Temperature and Resistance value (the resistance value at 25 °C is set to 1)/ Reference values ERTJ□□A~ B25/50 2750 K 2800 K B25/85 (2700 K) (2750 K) ERTJ□□G~ ERTJ□□M~ ERTJ□□P~ ERTJ□□R~ ERTJ0ES~ ERTJ1VS~ ERTJ□□T~ ERTJ□□T~ ERTJ□□V~ (3375 K) 3435 K 3900 K 4050 K 4250 K 4330 K (3970 K) (4100 K) (4300 K) (4390 K) (4330 K) 4390 K 4500 K 4500 K 4700 K (4450 K) (4580 K) (4750 K) ✽1 T(°C) ✽2 -40 13.05 13.28 20.52 32.11 33.10 43.10 45.67 45.53 63.30 47.07 59.76 -35 10.21 10.40 15.48 23.29 24.03 30.45 32.08 31.99 42.92 33.31 41.10 -30 8.061 8.214 -25 6.427 6.547 11.79 9.069 17.08 17.63 21.76 22.80 22.74 29.50 23.80 28.61 12.65 13.06 15.73 16.39 16.35 20.53 17.16 20.14 -20 5.168 5.261 7.037 9.465 9.761 11.48 11.91 11.89 14.46 12.49 14.33 -15 4.191 4.261 5.507 7.147 7.362 8.466 8.743 8.727 -10 3.424 3.476 4.344 5.444 5.599 6.300 6.479 6.469 7.407 6.772 7.482 -5 2.819 2.856 3.453 4.181 4.291 4.730 4.845 4.839 5.388 5.046 5.481 0 2.336 2.362 2.764 3.237 3.312 3.582 3.654 3.650 3.966 3.789 4.050 5 1.948 1.966 2.227 2.524 2.574 2.734 2.778 2.776 2.953 2.864 3.015 10 1.635 1.646 1.806 1.981 2.013 2.102 2.128 2.126 2.221 2.179 2.262 15 1.380 1.386 1.474 1.567 1.584 1.629 1.642 1.641 1.687 1.669 1.710 20 1.171 1.174 1.211 1.247 1.255 1.272 1.277 1.276 1.293 1.287 1.303 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 0.8585 0.8565 0.8309 0.8072 0.8016 0.7921 0.7888 0.7890 0.7799 0.7823 0.7734 35 0.7407 0.7372 0.6941 0.6556 0.6461 0.6315 0.6263 0.6266 0.6131 0.6158 0.6023 40 0.6422 0.6376 0.5828 0.5356 0.5235 0.5067 0.5004 0.5007 0.4856 0.4876 0.4721 45 0.5595 0.5541 0.4916 0.4401 0.4266 0.4090 0.4022 0.4025 0.3874 0.3884 0.3723 50 0.4899 0.4836 0.4165 0.3635 0.3496 0.3319 0.3251 0.3254 0.3111 0.3111 0.2954 55 0.4309 0.4238 0.3543 0.3018 0.2881 0.2709 0.2642 0.2645 0.2513 0.2504 0.2356 60 0.3806 0.3730 0.3027 0.2518 0.2386 0.2222 0.2158 0.2161 0.2042 0.2026 0.1889 65 0.3376 0.3295 0.2595 0.2111 0.1985 0.1832 0.1772 0.1774 0.1670 0.1648 0.1523 70 0.3008 0.2922 0.2233 0.1777 0.1659 0.1518 0.1463 0.1465 0.1377 0.1348 0.1236 75 0.2691 0.2600 0.1929 0.1504 0.1393 0.1264 0.1213 0.1215 0.1144 0.1108 0.1009 80 0.2417 0.2322 0.1672 0.1278 0.1174 0.1057 0.1011 0.1013 0.09560 0.09162 0.08284 85 0.2180 0.2081 0.1451 0.1090 0.09937 0.08873 0.08469 0.08486 0.08033 0.07609 0.06834 90 0.1974 0.1871 0.1261 0.09310 0.08442 0.07468 0.07122 0.07138 0.06782 0.06345 0.05662 10.30 9.159 10.31 95 0.1793 0.1688 0.1097 0.07980 0.07200 0.06307 0.06014 0.06028 0.05753 0.05314 0.04712 100 0.1636 0.1528 0.09563 0.06871 0.06166 0.05353 0.05099 0.05112 0.04903 0.04472 0.03939 105 0.1498 0.1387 0.08357 0.05947 0.05306 0.04568 0.04340 0.04351 0.04198 0.03784 0.03308 110 0.1377 0.1263 0.07317 0.05170 0.04587 0.03918 0.03708 0.03718 0.03609 0.03218 0.02791 115 0.1270 0.1153 0.06421 0.04512 0.03979 0.03374 0.03179 0.03188 0.03117 0.02748 0.02364 120 0.1175 0.1056 0.05650 0.03951 0.03460 0.02916 0.02734 0.02742 0.02702 0.02352 0.02009 125 0.1091 0.09695 0.04986 0.03470 0.03013 0.02527 0.02359 0.02367 0.02351 0.02017 0.01712 ✽1 Apply to products with a B25/50 constant of 4500 K and a resistance value of 25 °C less than 10 kΩ. ✽2 Applied only to ERTJ0ET104□. ✽2 Apply to products with a B25/50 constant of 4500 K and a resistance value of 25 °C of 10 kΩ or more. ✽2 Applied only to ERTJ0ET104□. B25/50= kn (R25/R50) 1/298.15–1/323.15 B25/85= kn (R25/R85) 1/298.15–1/358.15 R25=Resistance at 25.0±0.1 °C R50=Resistance at 50.0±0.1 °C R85=Resistance at 85.0±0.1 °C Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 6 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Specification and Test Method Item Specification Rated Zero-power Within the specified tolerance. Resistance (R25) Test Method The value is measured at a power that the influence of self-heat generation can be negligible (0.1mW or less), at the rated ambient temperature of 25.0±0.1°C. B Value The Zero-power resistances; R1 and R2, shall be measured respectively at T1 (deg.C) and T2 (deg.C). The B value is calculated by the following equation. Shown in each Individual Specification. ✽ Individual Specification shall specify B25/50 or B25/85. BT1/T2= T1 25.0 ±0.1 °C 25.0 ±0.1 °C B25/50 B25/85 Adhesion kn (R1)–kn (R2) 1/(T1+273.15)–1/(T2+273.15) T2 50.0 ±0.1 °C 85.0 ±0.1 °C The terminal electrode shall be free from peeling Applied force : or signs of peeling. Size 0201 :2N Size 0402, 0603 : 5 N Duration : 10 s Size : 0201, 0402 1.0 0.3/Size:0201 0.5/Size:0402 0.5R Test Sample Board 1.0 Size : 0603 Test Sample Bending distance : 1 mm Bending speed : 1 mm/s 20 Bending distance Bending Strength There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. R25 change : within ±5 % Unit : mm R340 45±2 45±2 Unit : mm Resistance to Soldering Heat Solderability There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. Nallow Tol. type Standard type R25 change : within ±2 % within ±3 % B Value change : within ±1 % within ±2 % Soldering bath method Solder temperature : 270 ±5 °C Dipping period : 4.0 ±1 s Preheat condition : More than 95 % of the soldered area of both terminal electrodes shall be covered with fresh solder. Soldering bath method Solder temperature : 230 ±5 °C Dipping period : 4 ±1 s Solder : Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Step 1 2 Temp (°C) 80 to 100 150 to 200 Period (s) 120 to 180 120 to 180 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 7 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Specification and Test Method Item Temperature Cycling Specification Test Method Nallow Tol. type Standard type Conditions of one cycle R25 change : within ±2 % within ±3 % Step 1 : –40 °C, 30±3 min B Value change : within ±1 % within ±2 % Step 2 : Room temp., 3 min max. Step 3 : 125 °C, 30±3 min. Step 4 : Room temp., 3 min max. Number of cycles: 100 cycles Humidity R25 change : B Value change : Biased Humidity Low Temperature Exposure Nallow Tol. type Standard type Temperature : 85 ±2 °C within ±2 % within ±3 % Relative humidity : 85 ±5 % within ±1 % within ±2 % Test period : 1000 +48/0 h R25 change : B Value change : Nallow Tol. type Standard type Temperature : 85 ±2 °C within ±2 % within ±3 % Relative humidity : 85 ±5 % within ±1 % within ±2 % Applied power : 10 mW(D.C.) Test period : 500 +48/0 h R25 change : B Value change : Nallow Tol. type Standard type Specimens are soldered on the testing board within ±2 % within ±3 % shown in Fig.2. within ±1 % within ±2 % Temperature : –40 ±3 °C Test period : 1000 +48/0 h High Temperature Nallow Tol. type Standard type Specimens are soldered on the testing board Exposure R25 change : within ±2 % within ±3 % shown in Fig.2. B Value change : within ±1 % within ±2 % Temperature : 125 ±3 °C Test period : 1000 +48/0 h Typical Application ● Temperature Detection Writing current control of HDD Vcc GMR Head R R L Rth NTC AD converter CPU ● Temperature Interface ● Temperature Compensation (Pseudo-linearization) Contrast level control of LCD Compensation (RF circuit) Temperature compensation of TCXO Vcc PMIC ADC R Rth NTC R LCD NTC R Rth Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 8 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Dimensions in mm (not to scale) L (Unit : mm) W Size Code (EIA) L W T L1, L2 Z(0201) 0.60±0.03 0.30±0.03 0.30±0.03 0.15±0.05 0(0402) 1.0±0.1 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.05 0.25±0.15 1(0603) 1.60±0.15 0.8±0.1 0.8±0.1 0.3±0.2 T L2 L1 Packaging Methods Size Code Thickness (mm) Z(0201) 0(0402) 1(0603) ● Pitch ● Reel Packing Quantities 0.3 0.5 0.8 Kind of Taping Pressed Carrier Taping 2 2 4 Punched Carrier Taping W1 E 15,000 10,000 4,000 C D 2 mm (Pressed Carrier Taping) : Size 0201 Feeding hole fD0 W2 Chip pocket A E t Dim. (mm) B K0 Chip component A B W P 1 P2 F E P2 P0 fD 0 t ±0.03 ±0.03 ±0.2 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.1 ● Pitch Feeding hole fD0 C D E 13.0±0.5 21.0±0.8 2.0±0.5 W1 9.0 W2 +1.0 0 11.4±1.0 Part and Taped End Leader part 0 max. ±0.03 Top cover tape 2 mm (Punched Carrier Taping) : Size 0402 100 min. Vacant position 400 min. Chip pocket E t1 60.0 +1.0 0 ● Leader K0 Dim. 0.36 0.66 8.0 3.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 4.0 1.5+0.1 0.55 0.36 (mm) 180 fB 0 –3 Tape running direction P0 P1 fA Symbol F W A Symbol for Taping Pitch Quantity (mm) (pcs./reel) B ● Standard Taped end B F W A t2 Chip component A Symbol B W P1 P2 F E P0 P1 P2 P0 fD 0 t1 Dim. 0.62 1.12 8.0 3.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 4.0 1.5+0.1 0.7 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.2 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.1 ● Pitch 0 1.0 max. max. Minimum Quantity / Packing Unit Part Number Minimum Quantity Packing Quantity Carton / Packing Unit in Carton L×W×H (mm) (Size) 4 mm (Punched Carrier Taping) : Size 0603 Feeding hole fD0 t1 Chip pocket B F W A t2 Symbol A Dim. 1.0 (mm) P1 Chip component ±0.1 B W F E P2 P1 Tape running direction P0 P2 P0 fD 0 t1 1.8 8.0 3.50 1.75 4.0 2.00 4.0 1.5+0.1 1.1 ±0.1 ±0.2 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.1 ±0.05 ±0.1 0 (Unit : mm) t2 E (mm) 160 min. Vacant position Tape running direction ERTJZ (0201) 15,000 300,000 250×200×200 ERTJ0 (0402) 10,000 200,000 250×200×200 ERTJ1 (0603) 4,000 80,000 250×200×200 Part No., quantity and country of origin are designated on outer packages in English. t2 1.4 max. max. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Dec. 2017 9 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Multilayer NTC Thermistors Series: ERTJ Handling Precautions [Precautions] ・ Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this product catalog. ・ This product catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. Safety Precautions Multilayer NTC Thermistors for General Applications (hereafter referred to as “Thermistors”) are intended to be used in general-purpose applications as measures against Temperature detection and Temperature compensation in consumer electronics (audio/visual, home, office, information & communication) equipment. When subjected to severe electrical, environmental, and/or mechanical stress beyond the specifications, as noted in the Ratings and Specified Conditions section, the Thermistors’ performance may be degraded, or become failure mode, such as short circuit mode and open-circuit mode. If you use under the condition of short-circuit, heat generation of Thermistors will occur by running large current due to application of voltage. There are possibilities of smoke emission, substrate burn-out, and, in the worst case, fire. For products which require high safety levels, please carefully consider how a single malfunction can affect your product. In order to ensure the safety in the case of a single malfunction, please design products with fail-safe, such as setting up protecting circuits, etc. We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ● For the following applications and conditions, please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product specifications which conform to such applications. ・ When your application may have difficulty complying with the safety or handling precautions specified below. ・ High-quality and high-reliability required devices that have possibility of causing hazardous conditions, such as death or injury (regardless of directly or indirectly), due to failure or malfunction of the product. ① Aircraft and Aerospace Equipment (artificial satellite, rocket, etc.) ② Submarine Equipment (submarine repeating equipment, etc.) ③ Transportation Equipment (motor vehicles, airplanes, trains, ship, traffic signal controllers, etc.) ④ Power Generation Control Equipment (atomic power, hydroelectric power, thermal power plant control system, etc.) ⑤ Medical Equipment (life-support equipment, pacemakers, dialysis controllers, etc.) ⑥ Information Processing Equipment (large scale computer systems, etc.) ⑦ Electric Heating Appliances, Combustion devices (gas fan heaters, oil fan heaters, etc.) ⑧ Rotary Motion Equipment ⑨ Security Systems ⑩ And any similar types of equipment Strict Observance 1. Confirmation of Rated Performance The Thermistors shall be operated within the specified rating/performance. Applications exceeding the specifications may cause deteriorated performance and/or breakdown, resulting in degradation and/or smoking or ignition of products. The following are strictly observed. (1) The Thermistors shall not be operated beyond the specified operating temperature range. (2) The Thermistors shall not be operated in excess of the specified maximum power dissipation. 2. The Thermistors shall not be mounted near flammables. 01. Oct. 2019 10 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Operating Conditions and Circuit Design 1. Circuit Design 【Dissipation factor】 ・The constant amount power required to raise the  temperature of the Thermistor 1 °C through self  heat generation under stable temperatures.  Dissipation factor (mW/°C) = Power consumption  of Thermistor / Temperature rise of element. Maximum power dissipation 【Maximum power dissipation】 ・The Maximum power that can be continuously applied under static air at a certain ambient temperature. The Maximum power dissipation under an ambient temperature of 25 ℃ or less is the same with the rated maximum power dissipation, and Maximum power dissipation beyond 25 ℃ depends on the Decreased power dissipation curve below. / Rated maximum power dissipation (%) 1.1 Operating Temperature and Storage Temperature When operating a components-mounted circuit, please be sure to observe the “Operating Temperature Range”, written in delivery specifications. Storage temperature of PCB after mounting Thermistors, which is not operated, should be within the specified “Storage Temperature Range” in the delivery specifications. Please remember not to use the product under the condition that exceeds the specified maximum temperature. 1.2 Operating Power The electricity applied to between terminals of Thermistors should be under the specified maximum power dissipation. There are possibilities of breakage and burn-out due to excessive self-heating of Thermistors, if the power exceeds maximum power dissipation when operating. Please consider installing protection circuit for your circuit to improve the safety, in case of abnormal voltage application and so on. Thermistors’ performance of temperature detection would be deteriorated if self-heating occurs, even when you use it under the maximum power dissipation. Please consider the maximum power dissipation and dissipation factor. Decreased power dissipation curve 100 50 25 75 125 Ambient temperature (°C) 1.3 Environmental Restrictions The Thermistors does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. ① Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. ② Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. ③ Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2,H2S,NH3,SO2,and NOx. ④ Use in environment with large static electricity or strong electromagnetic waves or strong radial ray. ⑤ Where the product is close to a heating component, or where an inflammable such as a polyvinyl chloride wire is arranged close to the product. ⑥ Where this product is sealed or coated with resin etc. ⑦ Where solvent, water, or water-soluble detergent is used in flux cleaning after soldering. (Pay particular attention to water-soluble flux.) ⑧ Use in such a place where the product is wetted due to dew condensation. ⑨ Use the product in a contaminated state. Ex.) Do not handle the product such as sticking sebum directly by touching the product after mounting printed circuit board. ⑩ Under severe conditions of vibration or impact beyond the specified conditions found in the Specifications. 1.4 Measurement of Resistance The resistance of the Thermistors varies depending on ambient temperatures and self-heating. To measure the resistance value when examining circuit configuration and conducting receiving inspection and so on, the following points should be taken into consideration: ① Measurement temp : 25±0.1 °C Measurement in liquid (silicon oil, etc.) is recommended for a stable measurement temperature. ② Power : 0.10 mW max. 4 terminal measurement with a constant-current power supply is recommended. 11 01. Oct. 2019 Multilayer NTC Thermistors 2. Design of Printed Circuit Board 2.1 Selection of Printed Circuit Boards There is a possibility of performance deterioration by heat shock (temperature cycles), which causes cracks, from alumina substrate. Please confirm that the substrate you use does not deteriorate the Thermistors’ quality. 2.2 Design of Land Pattern (1) Recommended land dimensions are shown below. Use the proper amount of solder in order to prevent cracking. Using too much solder places excessive stress on the Thermistors.. Recommended Land Dimensions(Ex.) Land SMD Solder resist Size Code/EIA Unit (mm) Component dimensions a b c L W T Z(0201) 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.2 to 0.3 0.25 to 0.30 0.2 to 0.3 0(0402) 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.4 to 0.5 0.4 to 0.5 0.4 to 0.5 1(0603) 1.6 0.8 0.8 0.8 to 1.0 0.6 to 0.8 0.6 to 0.8 (2) The land size shall be designed to have equal space, on both right and left side. If the amount of solder on both sides is not equal, the component may be cracked by stress since the side with a larger amount of solder solidifies later during cooling. Recommended Amount of Solder (a) Excessive amount 2.3 Utilization of Solder Resist (1) Solder resist shall be utilized to equalize the amounts of solder on both sides. (2) Solder resist shall be used to divide the pattern for the following cases; ・ Components are arranged closely. ・ The Thermistor is mounted near a component with lead wires. ・ The Thermistor is placed near a chassis. Refer to the table below. (b) Proper amount (c) Insufficient amount Prohibited Applications and Recommended Applications Prohibited applications Item Mixed mounting with a component with lead wires The lead wire of a Component With lead wires Chassis Arrangement near chassis Solder(ground solder) Improved applications by pattern division Solder resist Solder resist Electrode pattern Retro-fitting of component with lead wires A lead wire of Retrofitted component Solderingiron iron Portion to be Lateral arrangement Solder resist Excessively soldered Solder resist Land 2.4 Component Layout To prevent the crack of Thermistors, try to place it place it on the position that could not easily be affected by the bending stress of substrate while mounting procedures or procedures afterwards. Placement of the Thermistors near heating elements also requires the great care to be taken in order to avoid stresses from rapid heating and cooling. 12 01. Oct. 2019 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Prohibited layout (1) To minimize mechanical stress caused by the warp or bending of a PC board, please follow the recommended Thermistors’ layout below. Recommended layout Layout the Varistors sideways against the stressing direction. (2) The following layout is for your reference since   mechanical stress near the dividing/breaking position of a PC board varies depending on the mounting position of the Thermistors. E Perforation D C Magnitude of stress A>B=C>D>E A Slit B (3) The magnitude of mechanical stress applied to the Thermistors when dividing the circuit board in descending order is as follows: push back < slit < V-groove < perforation. Also take into account the layout of the Thermistors and the dividing/breaking method. (4) When the Thermistors are placed near heating elements such as heater, etc., cracks from thermal stresses may occur under following situation: ・ Soldering the Thermistors directly to heating elements. ・ Sharing the land with heating elements. If planning to conduct above-mentioned mounting and/or placement, please contact us in advance. 2.5 Mounting Density and Spaces Intervals between components should not be too narrow to prevent the influence from solder bridges and solder balls. The space between components should be carefully determined. Precautions for Assembly 1. Storage (1) The Thermistors shall be stored between 5 to 40 °C and 20 to 70 % RH, not under severe conditions of high temperature and humidity. (2) If stored in a place where humidity, dust, or corrosive gasses (hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, hydrogen chloride and ammonia, etc.) are contained, the solderability of terminals electrodes will be deteriorated. In addition, storage in a place where the heat or direct sunlight exposure occurs will causes or direct sunlight exposure occurs will causes mounting problems due to deformation of tapes and reels and components and taping/reels sticking together. (3) Do not store components longer than 6 months. Check the solderability of products that have been stored for more than 6 months before use. 2. Chip Mounting Consideration (1) When mounting the Thermistors/components on a PC board, the Thermistor bodies shall be free from excessive impact loads such as mechanical impact or stress due to the positioning, pushing force and displacement of vacuum nozzles during mounting. (2) Maintenance and inspection of the Chip Mounter must be performed regularly. (3) If the bottom dead center of the vacuum nozzle is too low, the Thermistor will crack from excessive force during mounting. The following precautions and recommendations are for your reference in use. (a) Set and adjust the bottom dead center of the vacuum nozzles to the upper surface of the PC board after correcting the warp of the PC board. (b) Set the pushing force of the vacuum nozzle during mounting to 1 to 3 N in static load. (c) For double surface mounting, apply a supporting pin on the rear surface of the PC board to suppress the bending of the PC board in order to minimize the impact of the vacuum nozzles. Typical examples are shown in the table below. (d) Adjust the vacuum nozzles so that their bottom dead center during mounting is not too low. 01. Oct. 2019 13 Multilayer NTC Thermistors Item Prohibited mounting Single surface mounting Double surface mounting Recommended mounting The supporting pin Crack does not necessarily have to be positioned Separation of Crack solder Supporting pin Supporting pin (4) The closing dimensions of the positioning chucks shall be controlled. Maintenance and replacement of positioning chucks shall be performed regularly to prevent chipping or cracking of the Thermistors caused by mechanical impact during positioning due to worn positioning chucks. (5) Maximum stroke of the nozzle shall be adjusted so that the maximum bending of PC board does not exceed 0.5 mm at 90 mm span. The PC board shall be supported by an adequate number of supporting pins. 3. Selection of Soldering Flux Soldering flux may seriously affect the performance of the Thermistors. The following shall be confirmed before use. (1) The soldering flux should have a halogen based content of 0.1 wt% (converted to chlorine) or below. Do not use soldering flux with strong acid. (2) When applying water-soluble soldering flux, wash the Thermistors sufficiently because the soldering flux residue on the surface of PC boards may deteriorate the insulation resistance on the Thermistors’ surface. 4. Soldering 4.1 Reflow Soldering The reflow soldering temperature conditions are composed of temperature curves of Preheating, Temp. rise, Heating, Peak and Gradual cooling. Large temperature difference inside the Thermistors caused by rapid heat application to the Thermistors may lead to excessive thermal stresses, contributing to the thermal cracks. The Preheating temperature requires controlling with great care so that tombstone phenomenon may be prevented. 260 220 ④Peak △T Temperature (˚C) Recommended profile of Reflow Soldering (Ex.) ②Temp. Item ③Gradual cooling 180 140 ①Preheating ③Heating Time 60 ot 120 s ① Preheating ② Temp. rise ③ Heating ④ Peak ⑤ Gradual cooling Temperature 140 to 180 ℃ Preheating temp to Peak temp. 220 ℃ min. 260 ℃ max. Peak temp. to 140 ℃ Period or Speed 60 to 120 s 2 to 5 ℃ / s 60 s max. 10 s max. 1 to 4 ℃ / s 60 s max. △T : Allowable temperature difference △T≦ 150 °C The rapid cooling (forced cooling) during Gradual cooling part should be avoided, because this may cause defects such as the thermal cracks, etc. When the Thermistors are immersed into a cleaning solvent, make sure that the surface temperatures of the devices do not exceed 100 °C. Performing reflow soldering twice under the conditions shown in the figure above [Recommended profile of Flow soldering (Ex.)] will not cause any problems. However, pay attention to the possible warp and bending of the PC board. Recommended soldering condition is for the guideline for ensuring the basic characteristics of the components, not for the stable soldering conditions. Conditions for proper soldering should be set up according to individual conditions. The temperature of this product at the time of mounting changes depending on mounting conditions, therefore, please confirm that Product surface becomes the specified temperature when mounting it on the end product. 01. Oct. 2019 14 Multilayer NTC Thermistors 4.2 Hand Soldering Hand soldering typically causes significant temperature change, which may induce excessive thermal stresses inside the Thermitors, resulting in the thermal cracks, etc. In order to prevent any defects, the following should be observed. · The temperature of the soldering tips should be controlled with special care. · The direct contact of soldering tips with the Thermistors and/or terminal electrodes should be avoided. · Dismounted Thermistors shall not be reused. (1) Condition 1 (with preheating) (a) Soldering : Use thread solder (φ 1.0 mm or below) which contains flux with low chlorine, developed for precision electronic equipment. (b) Preheating : Conduct sufficient pre-heating, and make sure that the temperature difference between solder and Thermitors’ surface is 150 °C or less. (c) Temperature of Iron tip: 300 °C max. (The required amount of solder shall be melted in advance on the soldering tip.) (d) Gradual cooling : After soldering, the Thermitors shall be cooled gradually at room temperature. Recommended profile of Hand soldering (Ex.) △T Gradual cooling Preheating 60 ot 120 s 3 s max. △T : Allowable temperature difference △T ≦ 150 °C (2) Condition 2 (without preheating) Hand soldering can be performed without preheating, by following the conditions below: (a) Soldering iron tip shall never directly touch the ceramic and terminal electrodes of the Thermitors. (b) The lands are sufficiently preheated with a soldering iron tip before sliding the soldering iron tip to the terminal electrodes of the Thermitors for soldering. Conditions of Hand soldering without preheating Item Temperature of Iron tip Wattage Shape of Iron tip Soldering time with a soldering iron Condition 270 ℃ max. 20 W max. Ф 3 mm max. 3 s max. 5. Post Soldering Cleaning 5.1 Cleaning solvent Soldering flux residue may remain on the PC board if cleaned with an inappropriate solvent. This may deteriorate the electrical characteristics and reliability of the Thermistors. 5.2 Cleaning conditions Inappropriate cleaning conditions such as insufficient cleaning or excessive cleaning may impair the electrical characteristics and reliability of the Thermitors. (1) Insufficient cleaning can lead to : (a) The halogen substance found in the residue of the soldering flux may cause the metal of terminal electrodes to corrode. (b) The halogen substance found in the residue of the soldering flux on the surface of the Thermitors may change resistance values. (c) Water-soluble soldering flux may have more remarkable tendencies of (a) and (b) above compared to those of rosin soldering flux. (2) Excessive cleaning can lead to : (a) When using ultrasonic cleaner, make sure that the output is not too large, so that the substrate will not resonate. The resonation causes the cracks in Thermitors and/or solders, and deteriorates the strength of the terminal electrodes. Please follow these conditions for Ultrasonic cleaning: Ultrasonic wave output : 20 W/L max. Ultrasonic wave frequency : 40 kHz max. Ultrasonic wave cleaning time : 5 min. max. 01. Oct. 2019 15 Multilayer NTC Thermistors 5.3 Contamination of Cleaning solvent Cleaning with contaminated cleaning solvent may cause the same results as that of insufficient cleaning due to the high density of liberated halogen. 6. Inspection Process The pressure from measuring terminal pins might bend the PCB when implementing circuit inspection after mounting Thermitors on PCB, and as a result, cracking may occur. (1) Mounted PC boards shall be supported by an adequate number of supporting pins on the back with bend settings of 90 mm span 0.5 mm max. (2) Confirm that the measuring pins have the right tip shape, are equal in height, have the right pressure and are set in the correct positions. The following figures are for your reference to avoid bending the PC board. Item Prohibited mounting Recommended mounting Check pin Check pin Bending of PC board Supporting pin Separated, Crack 7.Protective Coating Make sure characteristics and reliability when using the resin coating or resin embedding for the purpose of improvement of humidity resistance or gas resistance, or fixing of parts because failures of a thermistors such as 1) ,2) and 3) may be occurred. (1) The solvent which contained in the resin permeate into the Thermitors, and it may deteriorate the characteristic. (2) When hardening the resin, chemical reaction heat (curing heat generation) happen and it may occurs the infection to the Thermistors. (3) The lead wire might be cut down and the soldering crack might be happen by expansion or contraction of resin hardening. 8. Dividing/Breaking of PC Boards (1) Please be careful not to stress the substrate with bending/twisting when dividing, after mounting components including Thermistors. Abnormal and excessive mechanical stress such as bending or torsion shown below can cause cracking in the Thermistors. Bending Torsion (2) Dividing/Breaking of the PC boards shall be done carefully at moderate speed by using a jig or apparatus to prevent the Thermistors on the boards from mechanical damage. (3) Examples of PCB dividing/breaking jigs: The outline of PC board breaking jig is shown below. When PC board are broken or divided, loading points should be close to the jig to minimize the extent of the bending. Also, planes with no parts mounted on should be used as plane of loading, in order to prevent tensile stress induced by the bending, which may cause cracks of the Thermistors or other parts mounted on the PC boards. Outline of Jig PC board Prohibited mounting V-groove Loading Recommended mounting Loading direction V-groove point PC board PC board splitting jig component V-groove PC board Loading direction component Loading point 01. Oct. 2019 16 Multilayer NTC Thermistors 10. Mechanical Impact (1) The Thermistors shall be free from any excessive mechanical impact. The Thermistor body is made of ceramics and may be damaged or cracked if dropped. Never use a Thermistor which has been dropped; their quality may already be impaired, and in that case, failure rate will increase. (2) When handling PC boards with Thermistors mounted on them, do not allow the Thermistors to collide with another PC board. When mounted PC boards are handled or stored in a stacked state, the corner of a PC board might strike Thermistors, and the impact of the strike may cause damage or cracking and can deteriorate the withstand voltage and insulation resistance of the Thermistors. Crack Mounted PCB Crack Floor 11. Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. Precautions for discarding As to the disposal of the Thermistors, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. Other The Thermistors precautions described above are typical. For special mounting conditions, please contact us. The technical information in this catalog provides example of our products’ typical operations and application circuit. Applicable laws and regulations , others 1. This product not been manufactured with any ozone depleting chemical controlled under the Montreal Protocol. 2. This product comply with RoHS(Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substance in electrical and electronic equipment) (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU). 3. All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substance. 4. If you need the notice by letter of “A preliminary judgement on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade Control”, be sure to let us know. 5. These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN (United nations) numbers or UN classification. 6. The technical information in this catalog provides example of our products’ typical operations and application circuit. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party’s intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, Right or interest in our intellectual property. 01. Oct. 2019 17 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) ERTJ-M Series: Features ● Surface Mount Device (0402, 0603) ● Highly reliable multilayer / monolithic structure ● Wide temperature operating range (–40 to 150 ● Environmentally-friendly lead-free ● AEC-Q200 qualified ● RoHS compliant °C) Recommended Applications ● For ● For ● For ● For ● For ● For car audio system ECUs electric pumps and compressors LED lights batteries temperature detection of various circuits Explanation of Part Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E R T J 0 E G 1 0 3 F M Common Code Product Code Type Code ERT NTC J Chip Type (SMD) Thermistors Multilayer Type Size Code 0 “0402” 1 “0603” Packaging Style Code E V “0402” Pressed Carrier Taping Punched Carrier Taping (Pitch : 2 mm) “0603” Punched Carrier Taping (Pitch : 4 mm) B Value Class Code 2701 to 2800 A 3301 to 3400 G 3801 to 3900 M 4001 to 4100 P 4201 to 4300 R 4301 to 4400 S 4401 to 4500 T 4601 to 4700 V Nominal Resistance R25 (Ω) The first two digits are significant figures of resistance and the third one denotes the number of zeros following them. (Example) Resistance Tolerance Code G ±1% Narrow Tolerance ±2% Type H J ±3% Standard ±5% Type F M Automotive component Construction 3 4 5 1 No. Name A Semiconductive Ceramics B Internal electrode C 2 D E Terminal electrode Substrate electrode Intermediate electrode External electrode Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 18 Jan. 2018 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Ratings Size code (EIA) Operating Temperature Range Rated Maximum Power Dissipation✽1 Dissipation Factor✽2 0(0402) 1(0603) –40 to 150 °C 66 mW Approximately 2 mW/°C 100 mW Approximately 3 mW/°C ✽1 Rated Maximum Power Dissipation : The maximum power that can be continuously applied at the rated ambient temperature. · The maximum value of power, and rated power is same under the condition of ambient temperature 25 °C or less. If the temperature exceeds 25 °C, rated power depends on the decreased power dissipation curve. · Please see “Operating Power” for details. ✽2 Dissipation factor : The constant amount power required to raise the temperature of the Thermistor 1 °C through self heat generation under stable temperatures. · Dissipation factor is the reference value when mounted on a glass epoxy board (1.6 mmT). Part Number List ● 0402(EIA) ● 0603(EIA) Part Number ERTJ0EG202GM ERTJ0EG202HM ERTJ0EG202JM ERTJ0EG103□M ERTJ0EP473□M ERTJ0ER104□M ERTJ0ET104□M ERTJ0EV104□M ERTJ0EV474□M Nominal Resistance at 25 °C 2 kΩ±2 % 2 kΩ±3 % 2 kΩ±5 % 10 kΩ 47 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 100 kΩ 470 kΩ B Value at 25/50(K) (3380 K) (3380 K) (3380 K) 3380 K±1 % 4050 K±1 % 4250 K±1 % 4485 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % B Value at 25/85(K) 3410 K±0.5 % 3410 K±0.5 % 3410 K±0.5 % 3435 K±1 % (4100 K) (4300 K) (4550 K) (4750 K) (4750 K) Nominal Resistance at 25 °C ERTJ1VK102□M 1 kΩ ERTJ1VG103□M 10 kΩ ERTJ1VP473□M 47 kΩ ERTJ1VR104□M 100 kΩ ERTJ1VV104□M 100 kΩ ERTJ1VT224□M 220 kΩ Part Number B Value at 25/50(K) 3650 K±1 % 3380 K±1 % 4100 K±1 % 4200 K±1 % 4700 K±1 % 4485 K±1 % B Value at 25/85(K) (3690 K) 3435 K±1 % (4150 K) (4250 K) (4750 K) (4550 K) □ : Resistance Tolerance Code (F : ±1%, G : ±2%, H : ±3%, J : ±5%) □ : Resistance Tolerance Code (F : ±1%, G : ±2%, H : ±3%, J : ±5%) ● Temperature B25/50 B25/85 T(°C) -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 B25/50= and Resistance value (the resistance value at 25 °C is set to 1)/ Reference values ERTJ□□G to (3380 K) 3435 K ERTJ1VK to 3650 K (3690 K) ERTJ0EP to 4050 K (4100 K) ERTJ1VP to 4100 K (4150 K) ERTJ0ER to 4250 K (4300 K) ERTJ1VR to 4200 K (4250 K) 20.52 15.48 11.79 9.069 7.037 5.507 4.344 3.453 2.764 2.227 1.806 1.474 1.211 1 0.8309 0.6941 0.5828 0.4916 0.4165 0.3543 0.3027 0.2595 0.2233 0.1929 0.1672 0.1451 0.1261 0.1097 0.09563 0.08357 0.07317 0.06421 0.05650 0.04986 0.04413 0.03916 0.03483 0.03105 0.02774 25.77 19.10 14.29 10.79 8.221 6.312 4.883 3.808 2.993 2.372 1.892 1.520 1.229 1 0.8185 0.6738 0.5576 0.4639 0.3879 0.3258 0.2749 0.2330 0.1984 0.1696 0.1456 0.1255 0.1087 0.09440 0.08229 0.07195 0.06311 0.05552 0.04899 0.04336 0.03849 0.03426 0.03058 0.02736 0.02454 33.10 24.03 17.63 13.06 9.761 7.362 5.599 4.291 3.312 2.574 2.013 1.584 1.255 1 0.8016 0.6461 0.5235 0.4266 0.3496 0.2881 0.2386 0.1985 0.1659 0.1393 0.1174 0.09937 0.08442 0.07200 0.06166 0.05306 0.04587 0.03979 0.03460 0.03013 0.02629 0.02298 0.02013 0.01767 0.01553 34.56 24.99 18.26 13.48 10.04 7.546 5.720 4.369 3.362 2.604 2.030 1.593 1.258 1 0.7994 0.6426 0.5194 0.4222 0.3451 0.2837 0.2344 0.1946 0.1623 0.1359 0.1143 0.09658 0.08189 0.06969 0.05957 0.05117 0.04415 0.03823 0.03319 0.02886 0.02513 0.02193 0.01918 0.01680 0.01476 42.40 29.96 21.42 15.50 11.33 8.370 6.244 4.699 3.565 2.725 2.098 1.627 1.271 1 0.7923 0.6318 0.5069 0.4090 0.3320 0.2709 0.2222 0.1831 0.1516 0.1261 0.1054 0.08843 0.07457 0.06316 0.05371 0.04585 0.03929 0.03378 0.02913 0.02519 0.02184 0.01898 0.01654 0.01445 0.01265 40.49 28.81 20.72 15.07 11.06 8.198 6.129 4.622 3.515 2.694 2.080 1.618 1.267 1 0.7944 0.6350 0.5108 0.4132 0.3363 0.2752 0.2263 0.1871 0.1554 0.1297 0.1087 0.09153 0.07738 0.06567 0.05596 0.04786 0.04108 0.03539 0.03059 0.02652 0.02307 0.02013 0.01762 0.01546 0.01361 kn (R25/R50) 1/298.15–1/323.15 B25/85= ERTJ□□T to ERTJ□□V to 4485 K 4700 K (4550 K) (4750 K) 46.47 32.92 23.55 17.00 12.38 9.091 6.729 5.019 3.772 2.854 2.173 1.666 1.286 1 0.7829 0.6168 0.4888 0.3896 0.3123 0.2516 0.2037 0.1658 0.1357 0.1117 0.09236 0.07675 0.06404 0.05366 0.04518 0.03825 0.03255 0.02781 0.02382 0.02043 0.01755 0.01511 0.01304 0.01127 0.00976 59.76 41.10 28.61 20.14 14.33 10.31 7.482 5.481 4.050 3.015 2.262 1.710 1.303 1 0.7734 0.6023 0.4721 0.3723 0.2954 0.2356 0.1889 0.1523 0.1236 0.1009 0.08284 0.06834 0.05662 0.04712 0.03939 0.03308 0.02791 0.02364 0.02009 0.01712 0.01464 0.01256 0.01080 0.00931 0.00806 R25=Resistance at 25.0±0.1 °C R50=Resistance at 50.0±0.1 °C R85=Resistance at 85.0±0.1 °C kn (R25/R85) 1/298.15–1/358.15 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 19 Jan. 2018 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Specification and Test Method Item Specification Rated Zero-power Within the specified tolerance. Resistance (R25) Test Method The value is measured at a power that the influence of self-heat generation can be negligible (0.1mW or less), at the rated ambient temperature of 25.0±0.1°C. B Value The Zero-power resistances; R1 and R2, shall be measured respectively at T1 (deg.C) and T2 (deg.C). The B value is calculated by the following equation. Shown in each Individual Specification. ✽ Individual Specification shall specify B25/50 or B25/85. BT1/T2= T1 25.0 ±0.1 °C 25.0 ±0.1 °C B25/50 B25/85 Adhesion kn (R1)–kn (R2) 1/(T1+273.15)–1/(T2+273.15) T2 50.0 ±0.1 °C 85.0 ±0.1 °C The terminal electrode shall be free from peeling Applied force : or signs of peeling. Size 0402, 0603 : 5 N Duration : 10 s Size : 0402 1.0 0.5 0.5R Test Sample Board 1.0 Size : 0603 Test Sample Bending distance : 2 mm Bending speed : 1 mm/s 20 R340 45±2 Bending distance Bending Strength There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. R25 change : within ±5 % Unit : mm 45±2 Unit : mm Resistance to Vibration There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. R25 change : B Value change : Resistance to Impact within ±2 % within ±1 % There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Solder samples on a testing substrate, then apply vibration to them. Acceleration :5G Vibrational frequency : 10 to 2000 Hz Sweep time : 20 minutes 12 cycles in three directions, which are perpendicular to each other Solder samples on a testing substrate, then apply impacts to them. Pulse waveform : Semisinusoidal wave, 11 ms Impact acceleration : 50 G Impact direction : X-X', Y-Y', Z-Z' In 6 directions, three times each Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 20 Jan. 2018 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Specification and Test Method Item Resistance to Soldering Heat Specification There shall be no cracks and other mechanical damage. R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Test Method Soldering bath method Solder temperature : 260 ±5 °C, 270 ±5 °C Dipping period : 3.0 ±0.5 s, 10.0 ±0.5 s Preheat condition : Step 1 2 Temp (°C) 80 to 100 150 to 200 Period (s) 120 to 180 120 to 180 Solderability More than 95 % of the soldered area of both terminal electrodes shall be covered with fresh solder. Soldering bath method Solder temperature : 230 ±5 °C Dipping period : 4 ±1 s Solder : Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Temperature Cycling R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Conditions of one cycle Step 1 : –55±3 °C, 30±3 min. Step 2 : Room temp., 3 min. max. Step 3 : 125±5 °C, 30±3 min. Step 4 : Room temp., 3 min. max. Number of cycles: 2000 cycles Humidity R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Temperature : 85 ±2 °C Relative humidity : 85 ±5 % Test period : 2000 +48/0 h Biased Humidity R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Temperature : 85 ±2 °C Relative humidity : 85 ±5 % Applied power : 10 mW(D.C.) Test period : 2000 +48/0 h Low Temperature Exposure R25 change : B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Temperature Test period : –40 ±3 °C : 2000 +48/0 h High Temperature R25 change : Exposure 1 B Value change : within ±2 % within ±1 % Temperature Test period : 125 ±3 °C : 2000 +48/0 h High Temperature R25 change : Exposure 2 B Value change : within ±3 % within ±2 % Temperature Test period : 150 ±3 °C : 1000 +48/0 h Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 21 Jan. 2018 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Dimensions in mm (not to scale) L W (Unit : mm) Size Code (EIA) L W T L1, L2 0 (0402) 1.0±0.1 0.50±0.05 0.50±0.05 0.25±0.15 1 (0603) 1.60±0.15 0.8±0.1 0.8±0.1 0.3±0.2 T L2 L1 Packaging Methods ● Standard Size Code ● Reel Packing Quantities Thickness (mm) 0.5 1 (0603) 0.8 Pitch Quantity (mm) (pcs./reel) Kind of Taping Punched Carrier Taping 2 10,000 4 4,000 W1 E C B 0 (0402) for Taping D ● Pitch W2 2 mm (Punched Carrier Taping) : Size 0402 A Feeding hole fD0 t1 Chip pocket E Symbol (mm) fB fA 180 0 –3 60.0 +1.0 0 C D E 13.0±0.5 21.0±0.8 2.0±0.5 W1 9.0 +1.0 0 W2 11.4±1.0 B F W A Dim. t2 Chip component A Symbol B W P1 P2 F E P0 P1 P2 P0 fD 0 t1 Dim. 0.62 1.12 8.0 3.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 4.0 1.5+0.1 0.7 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.2 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.05 ±0.05 ±0.1 ● Pitch 0 Part and Taped End Leader part t2 Top cover tape 1.0 max. max. 100 min. Vacant position 400 min. 4 mm (Punched Carrier Taping) : Size 0603 Feeding hole fD0 t1 Chip pocket Taped end E (mm) ● Leader Tape running direction B F W A t2 Symbol 160 min. Vacant position (Unit : mm) ERTJ0 (0402) Minimum Quantity/ Packing Unit 10,000 Packing Quantity in Carton 200,000 Carton L×W×H (mm) 250×200×200 ERTJ1 (0603) 4,000 80,000 250×200×200 A Dim. 1.0 (mm) P1 Chip component ±0.1 B 1.8 ±0.1 W F E P2 Tape running direction P0 P1 P2 P0 fD 0 t1 t2 8.0 3.50 1.75 4.0 2.00 4.0 1.5+0.1 1.1 1.4 ±0.2 ±0.05 ±0.10 ±0.1 ±0.05 ±0.1 0 max. max. Minimum Quantity / Packing Unit Part Number (Size) Part No., quantity and country of origin are designated on outer packages in English. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 04 22 Jan. 2018 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Series: ERTJ Handling Precautions [Precautions] ・ Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this product catalog. ・ This product catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. Safety Precautions Multilayer NTC Thermistors for Automotive Grade (hereafter referred to as “Thermistors”) are intended to be used in general-purpose applications as measures against Temperature detection and Temperature compensation in automotive Grade equipment. When subjected to severe electrical, environmental, and/or mechanical stress beyond the specifications, as noted in the Ratings and Specified Conditions section, the Thermistors’ performance may be degraded, or become failure mode, such as short circuit mode and open-circuit mode. If you use under the condition of short-circuit, heat generation of Thermistors will occur by running large current due to application of voltage. There are possibilities of smoke emission, substrate burn-out, and, in the worst case, fire. For products which require high safety levels, please carefully consider how a single malfunction can affect your product. In order to ensure the safety in the case of a single malfunction, please design products with fail-safe, such as setting up protecting circuits, etc. We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ● For the following applications and conditions, please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product specifications which conform to such applications. ・ When your application may have difficulty complying with the safety or handling precautions specified below. ・ High-quality and high-reliability required devices that have possibility of causing hazardous conditions, such as death or injury (regardless of directly or indirectly), due to failure or malfunction of the product. ① Aircraft and Aerospace Equipment (artificial satellite, rocket, etc.) ② Submarine Equipment (submarine repeating equipment, etc.) ③ Transportation Equipment (airplanes, trains, ship, traffic signal controllers, etc.) ④ Power Generation Control Equipment (atomic power, hydroelectric power, thermal power plant control system, etc.) ⑤ Medical Equipment (life-support equipment, pacemakers, dialysis controllers, etc.) ⑥ Information Processing Equipment (large scale computer systems, etc.) ⑦ Electric Heating Appliances, Combustion devices (gas fan heaters, oil fan heaters, etc.) ⑧ Rotary Motion Equipment ⑨ Security Systems ⑩ And any similar types of equipment Strict Observance 1. Confirmation of Rated Performance The Thermistors shall be operated within the specified rating/performance. Applications exceeding the specifications may cause deteriorated performance and/or breakdown, resulting in degradation and/or smoking or ignition of products. The following are strictly observed. (1) The Thermistors shall not be operated beyond the specified operating temperature range. (2) The Thermistors shall not be operated in excess of the specified maximum power dissipation. 2. The Thermistors shall not be mounted near flammables. 01. Oct. 2019 23 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Operating Conditions and Circuit Design 1. Circuit Design 【Dissipation factor】 ・The constant amount power required to raise the  temperature of the Thermistor 1 °C through self  heat generation under stable temperatures.  Dissipation factor (mW/°C) = Power consumption  of Thermistor / Temperature rise of element. Maximum power dissipation 【Maximum power dissipation】 ・The Maximum power that can be continuously applied under static air at a certain ambient temperature. The Maximum power dissipation under an ambient temperature of 25 ℃ or less is the same with the rated maximum power dissipation, and Maximum power dissipation beyond 25 ℃ depends on the Decreased power dissipation curve below. / Rated maximum power dissipation (%) 1.1 Operating Temperature and Storage Temperature When operating a components-mounted circuit, please be sure to observe the “Operating Temperature Range”, written in delivery specifications. Storage temperature of PCB after mounting Thermistors, which is not operated, should be within the specified “Storage Temperature Range” in the delivery specifications. Please remember not to use the product under the condition that exceeds the specified maximum temperature. 1.2 Operating Power The electricity applied to between terminals of Thermistors should be under the specified maximum power dissipation. There are possibilities of breakage and burn-out due to excessive self-heating of Thermistors, if the power exceeds maximum power dissipation when operating. Please consider installing protection circuit for your circuit to improve the safety, in case of abnormal voltage application and so on. Thermistors’ performance of temperature detection would be deteriorated if self-heating occurs, even when you use it under the maximum power dissipation. Please consider the maximum power dissipation and dissipation factor. Decreased power dissipation curve 100 50 25 75 125 Ambient temperature (°C) 1.3 Environmental Restrictions The Thermistors does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. ① Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. ② Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. ③ Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2,H2S,NH3,SO2,and NOx. ④ Use in environment with large static electricity or strong electromagnetic waves or strong radial ray. ⑤ Where the product is close to a heating component, or where an inflammable such as a polyvinyl chloride wire is arranged close to the product. ⑥ Where this product is sealed or coated with resin etc. ⑦ Where solvent, water, or water-soluble detergent is used in flux cleaning after soldering. (Pay particular attention to water-soluble flux.) ⑧ Use in such a place where the product is wetted due to dew condensation. ⑨ Use the product in a contaminated state. Ex.) Do not handle the product such as sticking sebum directly by touching the product after mounting printed circuit board. ⑩ Under severe conditions of vibration or impact beyond the specified conditions found in the Specifications. 1.4 Measurement of Resistance The resistance of the Thermistors varies depending on ambient temperatures and self-heating. To measure the resistance value when examining circuit configuration and conducting receiving inspection and so on, the following points should be taken into consideration: ① Measurement temp : 25±0.1 °C Measurement in liquid (silicon oil, etc.) is recommended for a stable measurement temperature. ② Power : 0.10 mW max. 4 terminal measurement with a constant-current power supply is recommended. 24 01. Oct. 2019 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) 2. Design of Printed Circuit Board 2.1 Selection of Printed Circuit Boards There is a possibility of performance deterioration by heat shock (temperature cycles), which causes cracks, from alumina substrate. Please confirm that the substrate you use does not deteriorate the Thermistors’ quality. 2.2 Design of Land Pattern (1) Recommended land dimensions are shown below. Use the proper amount of solder in order to prevent cracking. Using too much solder places excessive stress on the Thermistors.. Recommended Land Dimensions(Ex.) Land SMD Solder resist Size Code/EIA Unit (mm) Component dimensions L W T 0(0402) 1.0 0.5 0.5 1(0603) 1.6 0.8 0.8 a b c 0.4 to 0.5 0.4 to 0.5 0.4 to 0.5 0.8 to 1.0 0.6 to 0.8 0.6 to 0.8 (2) The land size shall be designed to have equal space, on both right and left side. If the amount of solder on both sides is not equal, the component may be cracked by stress since the side with a larger amount of solder solidifies later during cooling. Recommended Amount of Solder (a) Excessive amount 2.3 Utilization of Solder Resist (1) Solder resist shall be utilized to equalize the amounts of solder on both sides. (2) Solder resist shall be used to divide the pattern for the following cases; ・ Components are arranged closely. ・ The Thermistor is mounted near a component with lead wires. ・ The Thermistor is placed near a chassis. Refer to the table below. (b) Proper amount (c) Insufficient amount Prohibited Applications and Recommended Applications Prohibited applications Item Mixed mounting with a component with lead wires The lead wire of a Component With lead wires Chassis Arrangement near chassis Solder(ground solder) Improved applications by pattern division Solder resist Solder resist Electrode pattern Retro-fitting of component with lead wires A lead wire of Retrofitted component Solderingiron iron Portion to be Lateral arrangement Solder resist Excessively soldered Solder resist Land 2.4 Component Layout To prevent the crack of Thermistors, try to place it place it on the position that could not easily be affected by the bending stress of substrate while mounting procedures or procedures afterwards. Placement of the Thermistors near heating elements also requires the great care to be taken in order to avoid stresses from rapid heating and cooling. 25 01. Oct. 2019 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Prohibited layout (1) To minimize mechanical stress caused by the warp or bending of a PC board, please follow the recommended Thermistors’ layout below. Recommended layout Layout the Varistors sideways against the stressing direction. (2) The following layout is for your reference since   mechanical stress near the dividing/breaking position of a PC board varies depending on the mounting position of the Thermistors. E Perforation D C Magnitude of stress A>B=C>D>E A Slit B (3) The magnitude of mechanical stress applied to the Thermistors when dividing the circuit board in descending order is as follows: push back < slit < V-groove < perforation. Also take into account the layout of the Thermistors and the dividing/breaking method. (4) When the Thermistors are placed near heating elements such as heater, etc., cracks from thermal stresses may occur under following situation: ・ Soldering the Thermistors directly to heating elements. ・ Sharing the land with heating elements. If planning to conduct above-mentioned mounting and/or placement, please contact us in advance. 2.5 Mounting Density and Spaces Intervals between components should not be too narrow to prevent the influence from solder bridges and solder balls. The space between components should be carefully determined. Precautions for Assembly 1. Storage (1) The Thermistors shall be stored between 5 to 40 °C and 20 to 70 % RH, not under severe conditions of high temperature and humidity. (2) If stored in a place where humidity, dust, or corrosive gasses (hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous acid, hydrogen chloride and ammonia, etc.) are contained, the solderability of terminals electrodes will be deteriorated. In addition, storage in a place where the heat or direct sunlight exposure occurs will causes or direct sunlight exposure occurs will causes mounting problems due to deformation of tapes and reels and components and taping/reels sticking together. (3) Do not store components longer than 6 months. Check the solderability of products that have been stored for more than 6 months before use. 2. Chip Mounting Consideration (1) When mounting the Thermistors/components on a PC board, the Thermistor bodies shall be free from excessive impact loads such as mechanical impact or stress due to the positioning, pushing force and displacement of vacuum nozzles during mounting. (2) Maintenance and inspection of the Chip Mounter must be performed regularly. (3) If the bottom dead center of the vacuum nozzle is too low, the Thermistor will crack from excessive force during mounting. The following precautions and recommendations are for your reference in use. (a) Set and adjust the bottom dead center of the vacuum nozzles to the upper surface of the PC board after correcting the warp of the PC board. (b) Set the pushing force of the vacuum nozzle during mounting to 1 to 3 N in static load. (c) For double surface mounting, apply a supporting pin on the rear surface of the PC board to suppress the bending of the PC board in order to minimize the impact of the vacuum nozzles. Typical examples are shown in the table below. (d) Adjust the vacuum nozzles so that their bottom dead center during mounting is not too low. 01. Oct. 2019 26 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) Item Prohibited mounting Single surface mounting Double surface mounting Recommended mounting The supporting pin Crack does not necessarily have to be positioned Separation of Crack solder Supporting pin Supporting pin (4) The closing dimensions of the positioning chucks shall be controlled. Maintenance and replacement of positioning chucks shall be performed regularly to prevent chipping or cracking of the Thermistors caused by mechanical impact during positioning due to worn positioning chucks. (5) Maximum stroke of the nozzle shall be adjusted so that the maximum bending of PC board does not exceed 0.5 mm at 90 mm span. The PC board shall be supported by an adequate number of supporting pins. 3. Selection of Soldering Flux Soldering flux may seriously affect the performance of the Thermistors. The following shall be confirmed before use. (1) The soldering flux should have a halogen based content of 0.1 wt% (converted to chlorine) or below. Do not use soldering flux with strong acid. (2) When applying water-soluble soldering flux, wash the Thermistors sufficiently because the soldering flux residue on the surface of PC boards may deteriorate the insulation resistance on the Thermistors’ surface. 4. Soldering 4.1 Reflow Soldering The reflow soldering temperature conditions are composed of temperature curves of Preheating, Temp. rise, Heating, Peak and Gradual cooling. Large temperature difference inside the Thermistors caused by rapid heat application to the Thermistors may lead to excessive thermal stresses, contributing to the thermal cracks. The Preheating temperature requires controlling with great care so that tombstone phenomenon may be prevented. 260 220 ④Peak △T Temperature (˚C) Recommended profile of Reflow Soldering (Ex.) ②Temp. Item ③Gradual cooling 180 140 ①Preheating ③Heating Time 60 ot 120 s ① Preheating ② Temp. rise ③ Heating ④ Peak ⑤ Gradual cooling Temperature 140 to 180 ℃ Preheating temp to Peak temp. 220 ℃ min. 260 ℃ max. Peak temp. to 140 ℃ Period or Speed 60 to 120 s 2 to 5 ℃ / s 60 s max. 10 s max. 1 to 4 ℃ / s 60 s max. △T : Allowable temperature difference △T≦ 150 °C The rapid cooling (forced cooling) during Gradual cooling part should be avoided, because this may cause defects such as the thermal cracks, etc. When the Thermistors are immersed into a cleaning solvent, make sure that the surface temperatures of the devices do not exceed 100 °C. Performing reflow soldering twice under the conditions shown in the figure above [Recommended profile of Flow soldering (Ex.)] will not cause any problems. However, pay attention to the possible warp and bending of the PC board. Recommended soldering condition is for the guideline for ensuring the basic characteristics of the components, not for the stable soldering conditions. Conditions for proper soldering should be set up according to individual conditions. The temperature of this product at the time of mounting changes depending on mounting conditions, therefore, please confirm that Product surface becomes the specified temperature when mounting it on the end product. 01. Oct. 2019 27 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) 4.2 Hand Soldering Hand soldering typically causes significant temperature change, which may induce excessive thermal stresses inside the Thermitors, resulting in the thermal cracks, etc. In order to prevent any defects, the following should be observed. · The temperature of the soldering tips should be controlled with special care. · The direct contact of soldering tips with the Thermistors and/or terminal electrodes should be avoided. · Dismounted Thermistors shall not be reused. (1) Condition 1 (with preheating) (a) Soldering : Use thread solder (φ 1.0 mm or below) which contains flux with low chlorine, developed for precision electronic equipment. (b) Preheating : Conduct sufficient pre-heating, and make sure that the temperature difference between solder and Thermitors’ surface is 150 °C or less. (c) Temperature of Iron tip: 300 °C max. (The required amount of solder shall be melted in advance on the soldering tip.) (d) Gradual cooling : After soldering, the Thermitors shall be cooled gradually at room temperature. Recommended profile of Hand soldering (Ex.) △T Gradual cooling Preheating 60 ot 120 s 3 s max. △T : Allowable temperature difference △T ≦ 150 °C (2) Condition 2 (without preheating) Hand soldering can be performed without preheating, by following the conditions below: (a) Soldering iron tip shall never directly touch the ceramic and terminal electrodes of the Thermitors. (b) The lands are sufficiently preheated with a soldering iron tip before sliding the soldering iron tip to the terminal electrodes of the Thermitors for soldering. Conditions of Hand soldering without preheating Item Temperature of Iron tip Wattage Shape of Iron tip Soldering time with a soldering iron Condition 270 ℃ max. 20 W max. Ф 3 mm max. 3 s max. 5. Post Soldering Cleaning 5.1 Cleaning solvent Soldering flux residue may remain on the PC board if cleaned with an inappropriate solvent. This may deteriorate the electrical characteristics and reliability of the Thermistors. 5.2 Cleaning conditions Inappropriate cleaning conditions such as insufficient cleaning or excessive cleaning may impair the electrical characteristics and reliability of the Thermitors. (1) Insufficient cleaning can lead to : (a) The halogen substance found in the residue of the soldering flux may cause the metal of terminal electrodes to corrode. (b) The halogen substance found in the residue of the soldering flux on the surface of the Thermitors may change resistance values. (c) Water-soluble soldering flux may have more remarkable tendencies of (a) and (b) above compared to those of rosin soldering flux. (2) Excessive cleaning can lead to : (a) When using ultrasonic cleaner, make sure that the output is not too large, so that the substrate will not resonate. The resonation causes the cracks in Thermitors and/or solders, and deteriorates the strength of the terminal electrodes. Please follow these conditions for Ultrasonic cleaning: Ultrasonic wave output : 20 W/L max. Ultrasonic wave frequency : 40 kHz max. Ultrasonic wave cleaning time : 5 min. max. 01. Oct. 2019 28 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) 5.3 Contamination of Cleaning solvent Cleaning with contaminated cleaning solvent may cause the same results as that of insufficient cleaning due to the high density of liberated halogen. 6. Inspection Process The pressure from measuring terminal pins might bend the PCB when implementing circuit inspection after mounting Thermitors on PCB, and as a result, cracking may occur. (1) Mounted PC boards shall be supported by an adequate number of supporting pins on the back with bend settings of 90 mm span 0.5 mm max. (2) Confirm that the measuring pins have the right tip shape, are equal in height, have the right pressure and are set in the correct positions. The following figures are for your reference to avoid bending the PC board. Item Prohibited mounting Recommended mounting Check pin Check pin Bending of PC board Supporting pin Separated, Crack 7.Protective Coating Make sure characteristics and reliability when using the resin coating or resin embedding for the purpose of improvement of humidity resistance or gas resistance, or fixing of parts because failures of a thermistors such as 1) ,2) and 3) may be occurred. (1) The solvent which contained in the resin permeate into the Thermitors, and it may deteriorate the characteristic. (2) When hardening the resin, chemical reaction heat (curing heat generation) happen and it may occurs the infection to the Thermistors. (3) The lead wire might be cut down and the soldering crack might be happen by expansion or contraction of resin hardening. 8. Dividing/Breaking of PC Boards (1) Please be careful not to stress the substrate with bending/twisting when dividing, after mounting components including Thermistors. Abnormal and excessive mechanical stress such as bending or torsion shown below can cause cracking in the Thermistors. Bending Torsion (2) Dividing/Breaking of the PC boards shall be done carefully at moderate speed by using a jig or apparatus to prevent the Thermistors on the boards from mechanical damage. (3) Examples of PCB dividing/breaking jigs: The outline of PC board breaking jig is shown below. When PC board are broken or divided, loading points should be close to the jig to minimize the extent of the bending. Also, planes with no parts mounted on should be used as plane of loading, in order to prevent tensile stress induced by the bending, which may cause cracks of the Thermistors or other parts mounted on the PC boards.     Outline of Jig Prohibited mounting Recommended mounting PC board V-groove Loading Loading direction V-groove point PC board PC board splitting jig component V-groove PC board Loading direction component Loading point 01. Oct. 2019 29 Multilayer NTC Thermistors (Automotive Grade) 10. Mechanical Impact (1) The Thermistors shall be free from any excessive mechanical impact. The Thermistor body is made of ceramics and may be damaged or cracked if dropped. Never use a Thermistor which has been dropped; their quality may already be impaired, and in that case, failure rate will increase. (2) When handling PC boards with Thermistors mounted on them, do not allow the Thermistors to collide with another PC board. When mounted PC boards are handled or stored in a stacked state, the corner of a PC board might strike Thermistors, and the impact of the strike may cause damage or cracking and can deteriorate the withstand voltage and insulation resistance of the Thermistors. Crack Mounted PCB Crack Floor 11. Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. Precautions for discarding As to the disposal of the Thermistors, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. Other The Thermistors precautions described above are typical. For special mounting conditions, please contact us. The technical information in this catalog provides example of our products’ typical operations and application circuit. Applicable laws and regulations , others 1. This product not been manufactured with any ozone depleting chemical controlled under the Montreal Protocol. 2. This product comply with RoHS(Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substance in electrical and electronic equipment) (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and 2015/863/EU). 3. All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc. of Chemical Substance. 4. If you need the notice by letter of “A preliminary judgement on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade Control”, be sure to let us know. 5. These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN (United nations) numbers or UN classification. 6. The technical information in this catalog provides example of our products’ typical operations and application circuit. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party’s intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, Right or interest in our intellectual property. AEC-Q200 Compliant The products are tested based on all or part of the test conditions and methods defined in AEC-Q200. Please consult with Panasonic for the details of the product specification and specific evaluation test results, etc., and please review and approve Panasonic's product specification before ordering. 01. Oct. 2019 30 “PGS” Graphite Sheets “PGS” Graphite Sheets Type: EYG “PGS (Pyrolytic Graphite Sheet)” is a ther mal interface which is very thin, synthetically made, has high thermal conductivity, and is made from a higly oriented graphite polymer film. It is ideal for providing thermal management/heat-sinking in limited spaces or to provide supplemental heat-sinking in addition to conventional means. This material is flexible and can be cut into customizable shapes. SSM(Semi-Sealing Material) is the product which is compounding PGS Graphite sheet and High thermal conductive Elastomer resin. It has a function to absorb heat by resin and release the heat by utilizing high thermal conductivity of PGS Graphite sheet. It also enables taking better attachment to the component which has different height on theelectronic board, reducing stress to the electronic board. Features ●Excellent thermal conductivity : 700 to 1950 W/(m·K) (2 to 5 times as high as copper, 3 to 8 time as high as aluminum) ●Lightweight: Specifi c gravity : 0.85 to 2.13 g/cm3 (1/4 to 1/10 of copper, 1/1.3 to 1/3 of aluminum in density) ●Flexible and easy to be cut or trimmed. (withstands repeated bending) ●Low thermal resistance ●Low heat resistance with fl exible Graphite sheet (SSM) ●Low repulsion and easy to keep the product's shape after attaching (SSM) ●Siloxane Free (SSM) ●High dielectric voltage : 17 kVac/mm (SSM) ●RoHS compliant Recommended applications ●Smart phones, Mobile phones, DSC, DVC, Tablet PCs, PCs and peripherals, LED Devices ●Semiconductor manufacturing equipment (Sputtering, Dry etching, Steppers) ●Optical communications equipment Explanation of Part Numbers 1T ERJS02 ~ ERJS1Tシリーズ ● PGS only (EYGS✽✽✽✽✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E Y G S 0 9 1 2 1 0 Product Code PGS Graphite Sheet Style S PGS単体 PGS thickness✽ Dimension 0912 90 mm × 115 mm 10 1218 115 mm × 180 mm 07 100 μm 70 μm 1823 180 mm × 230 mm 05 50 μm 04 40 μm 03 25 μm ✽PGS thickness of 17 μm, 10 μm does not than those above. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 31 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Explanation of Part Numbers ● Taping (EYGA✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E Y G A 0 9 1 2 0 7 P A Style Product Code A PGS Dimension✽✽ Taping Graphite Sheet PGS thickness 0912 90 mm × 115 mm 07 70 μm 1218 115 mm × 180 mm 05 50 μm 04 40 μm 03 25 μm 02 17 μm 01 10 μm Suffix A Lamination type ✽ Please refer to PA Composition PM example. M DM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E Y G A 0 9 1 2 0 4 D F Product Code Style A PGS Dimension✽✽ Taping Graphite Sheet PGS thickness 0912 90 mm × 115 mm 04 40 μm 1218 115 mm × 180 mm 03 25 μm 02 17 μm 01 10 μm Suffix Lamination type ✽ Please refer to Composition DF example. F ✽✽ Please contact us for other dimensions other than those above. ● Thermally conductive elastomer processing (EYGE✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E Y G E 0 9 1 2 Product Code PGS Style E Graphite Sheet Dimension✽✽ 0912 Elastomer 90 mm × 115 mm 9 X 10 11 12 B 6 D SSM PGS thickness type B 70 μm C 50 μm 5 G 40 μm 6 D 25 μm E 17 μm F 10 μm processing Elastomer thickness Tape thickness Q PET tape 0.5 mm D PET tape 10 μm 1.0 mm P PET tape 30 μm 7 1.5 mm M Acrylic adhesive tape 10 μm 8 2.0 mm A Acrylic adhesive tape 30 μm 9 3.0 mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E Y G E 0 9 1 2 X G 5 F Product Code PGS Graphite Sheet Style E Elastomer Dimension✽✽ 0912 90 mm × 115 mm SSM PGS thickness type G 40 μm processing Elastomer thickness D 25 μm 5 0.5 mm E 17 μm 6 1.0 mm F 10 μm 7 1.5 mm 8 2.0 mm 9 3.0 mm 8 μm Tape thickness F Acrylic adhesive tape 6 μm ✽✽ Please contact us for other dimensions other than those above. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 32 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Characteristics of PGS Graphite Sheets 100 μm 70 μm 50 μm 40 μm 0.10±0.03 mm 0.07±0.015 mm 0.050±0 .015 mm 0.040±0 .012 mm a-b plane 700 W/(m·K) 1000 W/(m·K) 1300 W/(m·K) 1350 W/(m·K) Electrical conductivity 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm 10000 S/cm Extensional strength 20.0 MPa 20.0 MPa 20.0 MPa 25.0 MPa Thickness 0.85 g/cm3 Density Thermal conductivity Expansion a-b plane coefficient c axis 9.3×10 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 9.3×10 -7 1.80 g/cm3 9.3×10-7 1/K 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 400 °C 3.2×10-5 1/K 25 μm 17 μm 10 μm 0.025±0 .010 mm 0.017±0 .005 mm 0.010±0 .002 mm 1600 W/(m·K) 1850 W/(m·K) 1950 W/(m·K) 20000 S/cm 20000 S/cm 20000 S/cm 1.90 g/cm3 Thermal conductivity -7 1.70 g/cm3 10000 cycles Density a-b plane Electrical conductivity Extensional strength Expansion a-b plane coefficient c axis Heat resistance✽ Bending(angle 180,R5) ✽ 9.3×10 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K Heat resistance✽ Bending(angle 180,R5) Thickness -7 1.21 g/cm3 2.10 g/cm3 30.0 MPa 2.13 g/cm3 40.0 MPa 9.3×10-7 1/K 40.0 MPa 9.3×10-7 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 9.3×10-7 1/K 3.2×10-5 1/K 400 °C 3.2×10-5 1/K 10000 cycles Withstand temperature refers to PGS only. (Lamination material such as PET tape etc. is not included) ✽✽ Values are for reference, not guaranteed. Characteristics of SSM (Elastomer) Thickness 1 mm 2 mm Specifi c heat 1.88 g/cm3 Density Thermal conductivity Thermal resistance 100 kPa 200 kPa 300 kPa 100 kPa Compressibility 1.6 W/(m·K)✽✽ 2 14.82 (C·cm2)/W 7.53 (C·cm )/W 6.71 (C·cm2)/W 13.17 (C·cm2)/W 2 2 5.90 (C·cm )/W 4.93 % 19.48 (C·cm2)/W 16.01 (C·cm2)/W 10.73 (C·cm )/W 4.05 % 11.38 (C·cm2)/W 4.43 % 200 kPa 9.58 % 8.66 % 14.04 % 300 kPa 18.41 % 22.13 % 40.49 % 14 Resistivity > 10×10 Ω∙cm > 17 kVac/mm Dielectric voltage Hardness (Type E) Adhesive force 3 mm 1.4 J/(g∙C) 39 SUS 39 mN/cm Aluminum 31 mN/cm Glass 38 mN/cm ✽ Characteristics refer to Elastomer resin only. ✽✽ Values are for reference, not guaranteed. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 33 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Comparison of thermal conductivity (a-b plane) Diamond PGS 10 μm 1950 W/(m·K) 1850 W/(m·K) PGS 17 μm PGS 25 μm 1600 W/(m·K) PGS 40 μm 1350 W/(m·K) PGS 50 μm 1300 W/(m·K) PGS 70 μm 1000 W/(m·K) PGS 100 μm 700 W/(m·K) Pure copper Aluminum Magnesium alloy Stainless steel Heat-conductive sheet 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Coefficient of thermal conductivity (W/(m・k)) Layered structure of PGS C axis 3.354 to 3.356×10-8cm a-b plane C : 99.9 % above Electric fi eld shield performance 140 130 120 a-b plane (KEC method) Effect of shield (dB)=–20 log (Vs/V0) Effect of shield (dB) 110 100 90 Effect of electric field shield 80 70 60 50 40 Effect of magnetic field shield 30 20 10 0 10 1000 100 10000 Frequency (MHz) Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 34 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Lamination type/Composition example ● Standard series (PGS 100, 70, 50, 40, 25, 17, 10 µm) Type Front face Rear face PGS Only Adhesive Type S type A - A type A - M type A - F type - - - - PGS Graphite Sheet Insulative adhesive tape 30 μm Insulative adhesive tape 10 μm Insulative adhesive tape 6 μm PGS Graphite Sheet PGS Graphite Sheet PGS Graphite Sheet Structure Acrylic Adhesive Acrylic Adhesive Acrylic Adhesive tape 30 μm Separating paper tape 10 μm Separating paper tape 6 μm ◎High Thermal Conductivity ◎With insulation material High Flexibility Features ◎Low Thermal Resistance ◎Available up to 400 °C ◎Conductive Material on one side ◎With insulation material on one side ◎With strong adhesive tape for putting chassis ◎Withstanding Voltage:2 kV Separating paper ◎With insulation material on one side ◎Low thermal resistance comparison with A-A type ◎Low thermal resistance comparison with A-A type ◎Withstanding Voltage:1 kV 400 °C 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C Standard size 115 × 180 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm 90 × 115 mm Maximum size 180 × 230 mm (25 μm ~) 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm 115 × 180 mm EYGS121810 – – – 100 μm – – – EYGS121807 EYGA091207A EYGA091207M – Withstand temperature 100 μm 70 μm 50 μm 40 μm 25 μm 17 μm 10 μm Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness Part No. Thickness 70 μm 100 μm 80 μm – EYGS121805 EYGA091205A EYGA091205M – 50 μm 80 μm 60 μm – EYGS121804 EYGA091204A EYGA091204M EYGA091204F 40 μm 70 μm 50 μm 46 μm EYGS121803 EYGA091203A EYGA091203M EYGA091203F 25 μm 55 μm 35 μm 31 μm – EYGA091202A EYGA091202M EYGA091202F – 47 μm 27 μm 23 μm – EYGA091201A EYGA091201M EYGA091201F – 40 μm 20 μm 16 μm ✽ Please contact us for other lamination type product. ✽✽ Withstanding Voltages are for reference, not guaranteed. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 35 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Lamination type/Composition example ● Standard series (PGS 100, 70, 50, 40, 25, 17, 10 µm) Type Front face Rear face Laminated type (Insulation & Adhesive) A - PM type A - DM type A - PA type A - DF type Polyester tape standard type 30 μm Polyester tape standard type 30 μm Polyester tape standard type10 μm Polyester tape standard type 10 μm Insulative adhesive tape 30 μm Insulative adhesive tape 10 μm Insulative adhesive tape 10 μm Insulative adhesive tape 6 μm PGS Graphite Sheet Polyester(PET) PGS Graphite Sheet tape 30 μm Polyester(PET) tape 30 μm PGS Polyester(PET) Graphite Sheet tape 10 μm PGS Graphite Sheet Acrylic Adhesive tape 10 μm Acrylic Adhesive tape 6 μm Polyester(PET) tape 10 μm Structure Acrylic Adhesive tape 30 μm Acrylic Adhesive tape 10 μm Separating paper Features Withstand temperature Standard size Maximum size Part No. 100 μm Thickness Part No. 70 μm Thickness Part No. 50 μm Thickness Part No. 40 μm Thickness Part No. 25 μm Thickness Part No. 17 μm Thickness Part No. 10 μm Thickness Separating paper Separating paper Separating paper ◎With insulation material ◎With insulation material ◎With insulation material ◎With insulation material on one side ◎Withstanding Voltage PET tape:4 kV Adhesive Tape :2 kV on one side ◎Withstanding Voltage PET tape:4 kV Adhesive Tape :1 kV on one side ◎Withstanding Voltage PET tape:1 kV Adhesive Tape :1 kV on one side ◎Withstanding Voltage PET tape:1 kV 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 115 × 180 mm – 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 115 × 180 mm – 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 115 × 180 mm 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 115 × 180 mm – – – – – – EYGA091207PA EYGA091207PM EYGA091207DM – 130 μm 110 μm 90 μm – EYGA091205PA EYGA091205PM EYGA091205DM – 110 μm 90 μm 70 μm – EYGA091204PA EYGA091204PM EYGA091204DM EYGA091204DF 100 μm 80 μm 60 μm 56 μm EYGA091203PA EYGA091203PM EYGA091203DM EYGA091203DF 85 μm 65 μm 45 μm 41 μm EYGA091202PA EYGA091202PM EYGA091202DM EYGA091202DF 77 μm 57 μm 37 μm 33 μm EYGA091201PA EYGA091201PM EYGA091201DM EYGA091201DF 70 μm 50 μm 30 μm 26 μm ✽ Please contact us for other lamination type product. ✽✽ Withstanding Voltages are for reference, not guaranteed. ● Standard series (SSM) Type Elastomer thickness E-6 type 1.0 mm PGS Graphite Sheet Polyester(PET) tape 10 μm E-8 type 2.0 mm PGS Graphite Sheet Polyester(PET) tape 10 μm E-9 type 3.0 mm PGS Graphite Sheet Polyester(PET) tape 10 μm Structure Acrylic Adhesive tape Features Withstand temperature Standard size Part No. 70 μm Thickness Part No. 25 μm Thickness Elastomer 1.0 mm Acrylic Adhesive tape Elastomer 2.0 mm Acrylic Adhesive tape Elastomer 3.0 mm ◎Soft and low thermal resistance (Elastomer) ◎Soft and low thermal resistance (Elastomer) ◎Soft and low thermal resistance (Elastomer) ◎Low repulsion ◎Low repulsion ◎Low repulsion ◎Withstanding Voltage:1.7 kV ◎Withstanding Voltage:1.7 kV ◎Withstanding Voltage:1.7 kV 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 100 °C 90 × 115 mm 100 °C 90 × 115 mm EYGE0912XB6D EYGE0912XB8D 1.09 mm 2.09 mm EYGE0912XB9D 3.09 mm EYGE0912XD6D EYGE0912XD8D EYGE0912XD9D 1.05 mm 2.05 mm 3.05 mm Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 36 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Minimum order Item Type S type 100 μm S type 70 μm PGS Graphite Sheet Only S type 50 μm S type 40 μm S type 25 μm PGS 70, 25, 17 μm Adhesive Type [Standard series] PGS 70, 25, 17 μm Laminated Type (Insulation & Adhesive) [Standard series] Part No. Size Minimum order EYGS091210 90×115 mm 20 EYGS121810 115×180 mm 10 EYGS182310 180×230 mm 10 EYGS091207 90×115 mm 20 EYGS121807 115×180 mm 10 EYGS182307 180×230 mm 10 EYGS091205 90×115 mm 20 EYGS121805 115×180 mm 10 EYGS182305 180×230 mm 10 EYGS091204 90×115 mm 20 EYGS121804 115×180 mm 10 EYGS182304 180×230 mm 10 EYGS091203 90×115 mm 20 EYGS121803 115×180 mm 10 EYGS182303 180×230 mm 10 A ー A type 70 μm EYGA091207A 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121807A 115×180 mm 10 A ー A type 25 μm EYGA091203A 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121803A 115×180 mm 10 A ー A type 17 μm EYGA091202A 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121802A 115×180 mm 10 A ー M type 70 μm EYGA091207M 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121807M 115×180 mm 10 A ー M type 25 μm EYGA091203M 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121803M 115×180 mm 10 A ー M type 17 μm EYGA091202M 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121802M 115×180 mm 10 A ー PA type 70 μm EYGA091207PA 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121807PA 115×180 mm 10 A ー PA type 25 μm EYGA091203PA 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121803PA 115×180 mm 10 A ー PA type 17 μm EYGA091202PA 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121802PA 115×180 mm 10 A ー PM type 70 μm EYGA091207PM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121807PM 115×180 mm 10 A ー PM type 25 μm EYGA091203PM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121803PM 115×180 mm 10 A ー PM type 17 μm EYGA091202PM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121802PM 115×180 mm 10 A ー DM type 70 μm EYGA091207DM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121807DM 115×180 mm 10 A ー DM type 25 μm EYGA091203DM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121803DM 115×180 mm 10 A ー DM type 17 μm EYGA091202DM 90×115 mm 20 EYGA121802DM 115×180 mm 10 (1) Only S type supports 180×230 mm size. (PGS thickness of 17 μm, 10μm does not support as single item) (2) PGS of 10 μm, 40 μm, 50 μm type is also possible to be made as lamination type. (3) The above-listed part number is sample part number for testing. (4) Please contact us about your request of custom part number which will be arranged separately. (5) Please contact us if quantity is below Minimum Order Quantity. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 37 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Minimum order Item SSM Elastomer 3.0, 2.0, 1.0 mm PGS 70, 25 μm Type Part No. Size Minimum order E ー 9 type Elastomer 3.0 mm, PGS 70 μm EYGE0912XB9D 90×115 mm 5 E ー 9 type Elastomer 3.0 mm, PGS 25 μm EYGE0912XD9D 90×115 mm 5 E ー 8 type Elastomer 2.0 mm, PGS 70 μm EYGE0912XD9D 90×115 mm 5 E ー 8 type Elastomer 2.0 mm, PGS 25 μm EYGE0912XD8D 90×115 mm 5 E ー 6 type Elastomer 1.0 mm, PGS 70 μm EYGE0912XB6D 90×115 mm 5 E ー 6 type Elastomer 1.0 mm, PGS 25 μm EYGE0912XD6D 90×115 mm 5 (1) Only S type supports 180×230 mm size. (PGS thickness of 17 μm, 10μm does not support as single item) (2) PGS of 10 μm, 40 μm, 50 μm type is also possible to be made as lamination type. (3) The above-listed part number is sample part number for testing. (4) Please contact us about your request of custom part number which will be arranged separately. (5) Please contact us if quantity is below Minimum Order Quantity. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 38 01  Nov. 2019 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Precautions on the whole ■Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this catalog. ■This catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. ■This product was designed and manufactured for standard applications such as general electronics devices, office equipment, information and communications equipment, measuring instruments, household appliances and audio-video equipment. For applications in which special quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or cause threat of personal injury (such as for aircraft and aerospace equipment, traffic and transport equipment, combustion equipment, medical equipment, accident prevention and anti-theft devices, and safety equipment), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product catalog which conform to such applications. Safety and Design considerations ■We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ■Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other signification damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/ gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. ・The system is equipped with a protection circuit and protection device. ・The system is equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault. ・The system is equipped with an arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch. ■When a dogma shall be occurred about safety for this product, be sure to inform us rapidly, operate your technical examination. ■The temperature of this product at the time of use changes depending on mounting conditions and usage conditions, therefore, please confirm that the temperature of this product is the specified temperature after mounting it. ■This product does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. 1) Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. 2) Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. 3) Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. 4) Use the product in a contaminated state. 5) Use in acid. 6) Use outside the range defined by the operating temperature range. 7) Use under reduced pressure or vacuum. 39 2019/10/1 “PGS” Graphite Sheets Precaution of installation ■Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. ■Do not drop this product on the floor. If this product is dropped, it can be damaged mechanically. Avoid using the dropped product. ■This product is soft, do not rub or touch it with rough materials to avoid scratching it. ■Lines or folds in this product may affect thermal conductivity. ■Never touch a this product during use because it may be extremely hot. ■Use protective materials when handling and/or applying this product, do not use items with sharp edges as they might tear or puncture this product. ■Do not handle with bare hands as there is a concern about performance degradation. Precaution on storage conditions ■Storage period is less than one year after our shipping inspection is completed. Please use within the period. ■If the product is stored in the following environments and conditions, the performance may be badly affected, avoid the storage in the following environments. (1) Storage in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. (2) Storage in places exposed to ultraviolet light. *Recommended storage in the dark. (3) Store at a temperature outside the storage temperature range specified by this catalog. ■In the case of a product configuration that assumes bonding, please use after checking the adhesiveness of the product when the storage period is over. Precaution specific to this product ■This product has conductivity. If required, This product should be provided insulation. ■This product can not guarantee the insulation because there is a concern for powder falling off of conductive materials. ■Thermal conductivity is dependent on the way it is used. Test the adaptability of the product to your application before use. Applicable laws and regulations, others ■No ODCs or other ozone-depleting substances which are subject to regulation under the Montreal Protocol are used in our manufacturing processes, including in the manufacture of this product. ■This product complies with the RoHS Directive (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and (EU)2015/863). ■All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufactures etc. of Chemical substances. ■If you need the notice by letter of "A preliminary judgment on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade control", be sure to let us know. ■These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN(United Nations) numbers or UN classification. ■As to the disposal of the module, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. ■The technical information in this catalog provides examples of our products typical operations and application circuits. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party's intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, right, or interest in our intellectual property. 2019/10/1 40 “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet Type: EYGY “NASBIS” is a heat insulating sheet, which is composed of silica aerogel and fiber sheet, created through impregnation process. Pore size of silica aerogel is 10 to 60nm, which means it has smaller space than the mean free path of the air, 68nm. Air molecules do not collide against each other inside the pores, and thus the component shows excellecnt heat insulation performace. Furthermore, combining NASBIS and PGS Graphite Sheet enables controlling the direction of heat. Composite type provides greater heat insulating performance. Features ● ● ● ● Low thermal conductivity : 0.020 W/m · K typ. Created thin-film sheet ; Thickness : 100 μm to 1000 μm Various proposals are available when combined with PGS Graphite sheet RoHS compliant Recommended applications ● Smartphone, Wearable equipment, Digital Still Camera, Notebook PCs, Tablet PCs Explanation of Part Numbers 1T ERJS02 ~ ERJS1Tシリーズ ● NASBIS Pouch Type (EYGY✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 E Y G Y 0 9 1 2 Q N Product Code NASBIS Dimension 0912 90 mm × 115 mm Type Thickness of PGS Q Normal type N PGS free type PET tape Thickness of NASBIS 3 1000 μm 4 500 μm 6 100 μm 11 6 12 P PET + Adhesive P PET(30 μm)+Adhesive(10 μm) ✽ Please consult the other configurations separately. NASBIS Adhesive tape Separator Characteristics of NASBIS Thickness Thermal conductivity (W/(m·K)) Operating temperature limit (°C) Size / Laminate pouch (mm) Heatproof temperature (°C) 100 μm 500 μm 1000 μm 0.018 to 0.026 0.018 to 0.026 0.018 to 0.026 −20 to 100 −20 to 100 −20 to 100 90 × 115 100 90 × 115 100 90 × 115 100 Typical values, not guaranteed. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 41 01  Nov. 2019 “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet Appearance of silica aerogel and its nanostructure Pore diameter 10 to 60 nm Diameter of silica about 10 nm Composition example ● NASBIS Pouch Type Type Y - P type PET 30 μm Structure NASBIS✽ Adhesive 10 μm Heatproof temperature 100 μm✽ 500 μm✽ 1000 μm✽ 100 °C Part No. EYGY0912QN6P Thickness (μm) 140 EYGY0912QN4P Part No. Thickness (μm) Part No. Thickness (μm) 540 EYGY0912QN3P 1040 ✽ Above listed Part No. are examples for evaluation and selection, not for mass production. Customized service available for mass production spec. ■ Minimum order 10 pcs Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 42 01  Nov. 2019 “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet Precautions on the whole ■Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this catalog. ■This catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. ■This product was designed and manufactured for standard applications such as general electronics devices, office equipment, information and communications equipment, measuring instruments, household appliances and audio-video equipment. For applications in which special quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or cause threat of personal injury (such as for aircraft and aerospace equipment, traffic and transport equipment, combustion equipment, medical equipment, accident prevention and anti-theft devices, and safety equipment), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product catalog which conform to such applications. Safety and Design considerations ■We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ■Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other signification damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/ gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. ・The system is equipped with a protection circuit and protection device. ・The system is equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault. ・The system is equipped with an arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch. ■When a dogma shall be occurred about safety for this product, be sure to inform us rapidly, operate your technical examination. ■The temperature of this product at the time of use changes depending on mounting conditions and usage conditions, therefore, please confirm that the temperature of this product is the specified temperature after mounting it. ■This product does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. 1) Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. 2) Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. 3) Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. 4) Use the product in a contaminated state. 5) Use in the point being adhered to organic solvent (thinner, alcohol, xylene etc.) or chemical substances (oils, acids, alkali etc.), or being possible to contact with their. And use under their gas atmosphere. 6) Use in an environment in contact with silicone resin. 7) Use with ultrasonic and high frequency wave applied. 8) Use under reduced pressure or vacuum. Precaution of installation ■Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. ■Do not drop this product on the floor. If this product is dropped, it can be damaged mechanically. Avoid using the dropped product. ■Do not touch this product with bare hands. ■This product is soft, do not rub or touch it with rough and sharp-edged materials to avoid scratching it. ■Lines or folds in this product may affect thermal insulation. ■Never touch a this product during use because it may be extremely hot. 43 2019/10/1 “NASBIS” Insulating Sheet ■Use protective materials when handling and/or applying this product, do not use items with sharp edges as they might tear or puncture this product. ■The NASBIS shall not be modified and done additional work such as cutting, drilling, nailing, eyelets, screwing, pinning, riveting, polishing, embossing, water cleaning, solvent cleaning, ozone cleaning, plasma exposure, ultraviolet irradiation, plating, painting, printing, deposition, etching, sputtering, heat treatment, surface treatment. ■The NASBIS shall not be reused, repaired and recycled. Precaution on storage conditions ■Storage period is less than one year after our shipping inspection is completed. Please use within the period. ■If the product is stored in the following environments and conditions, the performance may be badly affected, avoid the storage in the following environments. (1) Storage in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. (2) Storage in places exposed to ultraviolet light. *Recommended storage in the dark. (3) Store at a temperature outside the storage temperature range specified by this catalog. (4) Storage under a load. ■In the case of a product configuration that assumes bonding, please use after checking the adhesiveness of the product when the storage period is over. Precaution specific to this product ■NASBIS sheet may release silica powder (electric non-conduct). ■The adhesion between laminate film and NASBIS is very weak, so some parts may be un-bonded depending on the handling. ■The performance of thermal insulation is dependent on the way it is used. Test the adaptability of NASBIS to your application before use. ■The dimension of NASBIS sheet will change when the humidity changes. If you need a precise size we suggest that the NASBIS sheet should be controlled at a certain stored condition and period, and measured at the same conditions. ex) The dimensions of NASBIS are assured when stored and measured at 23±2 ℃、50±20 %RH. ■The appearance is conducted based on internal standard. When suspicion arises, contact promptly us. Applicable laws and regulations, others ■No ODCs or other ozone-depleting substances which are subject to regulation under the Montreal Protocol are used in our manufacturing processes, including in the manufacture of this product. ■This product complies with the RoHS Directive (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and (EU)2015/863). ■All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufactures etc. of Chemical substances. ■If you need the notice by letter of "A preliminary judgment on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade control", be sure to let us know. ■These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN(United Nations) numbers or UN classification. ■As to the disposal of the module, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. ■The technical information in this catalog provides examples of our products typical operations and application circuits. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party's intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, right, or interest in our intellectual property. 2019/10/1 44 “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction Type: EYGT Graphite-PAD is a thermal interface material (TIM) that compatibly obtained excellent thermal conductivity in thickness direction (Z-axis direction) and high flexibility (deformable with a low load). The properties are greater than that of existing TIMs. The product is created by filling PGS Graphite Sheet into silicon resin. Features ● High thermal conductivity : 13 W/m ∙ K compressibility : 50 % (t=2 mm, Pressure 300 kPa) ● Thermal resistance: fit into uneven parts and provide excellent thermal resistance with a low load ● High reliability : correspond to −40 to 150 °C and maintains long-term reliability ● Thickness range : 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 mm ● RoHS compliant ● Excellent Recommended applications Cooling of heat generating components, such as electronic devices, semiconductor memory device, etc. ● General-purpose inverter, medical equipment, and DSC ● Car-mounted camera, motor control unit, automotive lighting (LED), car navigation, luminous source of laser HUD ● Base station, IGBT module Explanation of Part Numbers ● Graphite-PAD (EYGT✽✽✽✽✽✽✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E Y G T 3 5 3 5 A 2 0 A Product Code Graphite-PAD 3535 7070 Dimension 35 mm × 35 mm 70 mm × 70 mm A Type Material code Thickness of PAD 30 3.0 mm 25 2.5 mm 20 2.0 mm 15 1.5 mm 10 1.0 mm 05 0.5 mm Ex. code ✽ Please confirm other condition separately. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 02 45 Oct. 2017 “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction Typical characteristics Test equipment/method Condition 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Thermal resistance (K·cm2/W) TIM Tester 100 kPa 0.96 1.34 1.56 1.93 2.10 2.36 Compressibility (%) Thermal conductivity of Graphite-PAD with a unit (W/m·K) (including contact resistance) Thermal conductivity of the Graphite-PAD (W/m·K) Hardness TIM Tester 100 kPa (50 °C) 5.78 10.29 17.46 17.8 17.6 17.9 TIM Tester 100 kPa 5.08 7.02 8.60 9.66 10.10 (ASTM D5470) 50 kPa (ASTM D2240) TYPE E Items Data Thickness (mm) 7.80 13 25 Adhesive Adhesive on both faces Volume resistivity (Ω·cm) 4×105 (ASTM D257) Operating temperature range (°C) −40 to 150 Σ (D4-D10) Siloxane < 70 ppm Structure Embossed separator Graphite-PAD Separator Silicone resin Filler Thermal resistance and Compressibility Thickness 2.0 mm Thickness 3.0 mm Thickness 0.5 mm Thickness 1.0 mm Thickness 1.5 mm 3.0 70 2.5 60 Compressibility (%) Thermal resistance (K∙cm2/W) Thickness 0.5 mm Thickness 1.0 mm Thickness 1.5 mm 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 Pressure (kPa) Thickness 2.0 mm Thickness 3.0 mm 50 40 30 20 10 0 400 0 100 200 300 Pressure (kPa) 400 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 02 46 Oct. 2017 “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction Composition example Embossed separator Graphite-PAD Structure Separator Operating temperature range −40 °C to 150 °C 35 × 35 mm 70 × 70 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A05A EYGT7070A05A Thickness 0.5 mm 0.5 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A10A EYGT7070A10A Thickness 1.0 mm 1.0 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A15A EYGT7070A15A Standard dimension 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm 2.0 mm 2.5 mm 3.0 mm Thickness 1.5 mm 1.5 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A20A EYGT7070A20A Thickness 2.0 mm 2.0 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A25A EYGT7070A25A Thickness 2.5 mm 2.5 mm Standard Part No. EYGT3535A30A EYGT7070A30A Thickness 3.0 mm 3.0 mm ✽ Part numbers listed above are all standard samples for your consideration. ✽✽ Contact us for custom-made samples. We can make samples in various forms and/or dimensions other than standard samples. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 02 47 Oct. 2017 “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction Precautions on the whole ■Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this catalog. ■This catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. ■This product was designed and manufactured for standard applications such as general electronics devices, office equipment, information and communications equipment, measuring instruments, household appliances and audio-video equipment. For applications in which special quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or cause threat of personal injury (such as for aircraft and aerospace equipment, traffic and transport equipment, combustion equipment, medical equipment, accident prevention and anti-theft devices, and safety equipment), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product catalog which conform to such applications. Safety and Design considerations ■We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ■Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other signification damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/ gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. ・The system is equipped with a protection circuit and protection device. ・The system is equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault. ・The system is equipped with an arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch. ■When a dogma shall be occurred about safety for this product, be sure to inform us rapidly, operate your technical examination. ■The temperature of this product at the time of use changes depending on mounting conditions and usage conditions, therefore, please confirm that the temperature of this product is the specified temperature after mounting it. ■This product does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. 1) Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. 2) Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. 3) Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. 4) Use the product in a contaminated state. 5) Use in acid. 6) Use outside the range defined by the operating temperature range. 7) Use under reduced pressure or vacuum. 48 2019/10/1 “Graphite-PAD” high thermal conductivity in z-direction Precaution of installation ■Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. ■Do not drop this product on the floor. If this product is dropped, it can be damaged mechanically. Avoid using the dropped product. ■This product is soft, do not rub or touch it with rough materials to avoid scratching it. ■Lines or folds in this product may affect thermal conductivity. ■Never touch a this product during use because it may be extremely hot. ■Use protective materials when handling and/or applying this product, do not use items with sharp edges as they might tear or puncture this product. ■Do not handle with bare hands as there is a concern about performance degradation. Precaution on storage conditions ■Storage period is less than one year after our shipping inspection is completed. Please use within the period. ■If the product is stored in the following environments and conditions, the performance may be badly affected, avoid the storage in the following environments. (1) Storage in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. (2) Storage in places exposed to ultraviolet light. *Recommended storage in the dark. (3) Store at a temperature outside the storage temperature range specified by this catalog. ■In the case of a product configuration that assumes bonding, please use after checking the adhesiveness of the product when the storage period is over. Precaution specific to this product ■This product has conductivity. If required, This product should be provided insulation. ■This product can not guarantee the insulation because there is a concern for powder falling off of conductive materials. ■Thermal conductivity is dependent on the way it is used. Test the adaptability of the product to your application before use. Applicable laws and regulations, others ■No ODCs or other ozone-depleting substances which are subject to regulation under the Montreal Protocol are used in our manufacturing processes, including in the manufacture of this product. ■This product complies with the RoHS Directive (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and (EU)2015/863). ■All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufactures etc. of Chemical substances. ■If you need the notice by letter of "A preliminary judgment on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade control", be sure to let us know. ■These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN(United Nations) numbers or UN classification. ■As to the disposal of the module, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. ■The technical information in this catalog provides examples of our products typical operations and application circuits. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party's intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, right, or interest in our intellectual property. 2019/10/1 49 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance “GraphiteTIM(Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance Type: EYGS GraphiteTIM(Compressible Type) is a graphite sheet that is dedicated for use as a thermal interface material. The GraphiteTIM(Compressible Type) has very high compressibility compared to standard PGS, which enables reducing the thermal resistance by following gap, warpage, and distortion of targets/substrates. Excellent heat resistance and reliability of the GraphiteTIM help obtaining longer service life and higher performance of various components, such as power modules. The GraphiteTIM(Compressible Type) is cost-saving, because it may allow you to reduce your existing processes. Unlike grease, there is no necessity for printing process , since it is a sheet-type product. There are no problems that are found in grease and phase change materials in the GraphiteTIM, which makes it excellent TIM. Features ● Thermal resistance : 0.2K∙cm2/W (600 kPa) To draw a good thermal resistance from sheet, pressure the GraphiteTIM. A close adherence would make the product fit into the uneven part and enhance the performance. ● Thermal conductivity : X-Y direction 400W/m∙K, Z direction (28W/m∙K) ● Compressibility : 40 % (600k Pa) ● High and long term reliability : operating temperature range –55 to 400 °C ● RoHs compliant After pressure Recommended applications For cooling/heat transfer of electronic devices that generates heat, such as power modules. ● Inverters and converters ● Car-mounted camera, motor control unit, automotive LED, luminous source of laser HUD, medical equipment ● Base station, Server Install in IGBT module IGBT module GraphiteTIM Heatsink Explanation of Part Numbers ● GraphiteTIM(EYGS✽✽✽✽ZL✽✽) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E Y G S 0 9 1 8 Z L X 2 Suffix Product Code PGS Graphite sheet S Style PGS only 0909 0918 1818 Dimension 90 mm × 90 mm 90 mm × 180 mm 180 mm × 180 mm Thickness of GraphiteTIM ZL 200 μm ✽ Please contact us for custom-made products. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Sep. 2018 50 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance Typical characteristics Items Test method Condition Data Thermal resistance (K·cm2/W) TIM Tester 600 kPa Compressibility (%) TIM Tester 600 kPa 40 X-Y 400 (300 to 600) Z (28) Thickness (µm) 200 Thermal conductivity (W/m·K) Laser PIT Flame resistance UL-94V 0.2 V-0 Operating temperature range (°C) −55 to 400 Typical values, not guaranteed. Thermal resistance and compressibility 60 1.8 50 1.6 Compressibility (%) Thermal resistance (K∙cm2/W) 2.0 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 40 30 20 10 0.2 0 0 100 200 300 400 Pressure (kPa) 500 0 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 Pressure (kPa) 600 700 Lamination type/Composition example ● GraphiteTIM(Compressible Type) standard form Sheet only Type S Type Process for IGBT mounting − b Front a Structure Side Operating Temperature Range Thickness: c Standard Part No. c −55 to 400 °C 200 μm 90 × 90 mm EYGS0909ZLX2 90 ×180 mm EYGS0918ZLX2 180 ×180 mm EYGS1818ZLX2 ✽ Part numbers listed above are all standard samples for your consideration. ✽✽ Contact us for custom-made samples. We can make samples in various forms and/or dimensions other than standard samples. Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Sep. 2018 51 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance ● PGS in IGBT forms Sheet only S Type Lamination Type Process for IGBT mounting b e a d Front Structure ✽ This shape is an example, please contact us for detailed shape of each part no. Side c Operating Temperature Range Thickness: c No. Standard Part No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 EYGS1431ZLAA EYGS0925ZLWA EYGS1419ZLWB EYGS0917ZLWC EYGS1316ZLAC EYGS1216ZLWD EYGS1116ZLMA EYGS1315ZLGA EYGS1314ZLWE EYGS1014ZLAD EYGS0714ZLAE EYGS0714ZLAF EYGS1113ZLMB EYGS1313ZLGB EYGS0713ZLAG EYGS0813ZLMD EYGS1212ZLGC EYGS0912ZLGD EYGS0612ZLWF EYGS0512ZLGE EYGS0811ZLGH EYGS0811ZLWG EYGS0611ZLWH EYGS0411ZLWJ EYGS0610ZLAH EYGS0410ZLAJ EYGS1010ZLME −55 to 400 °C 200 µm a : Lateral size (mm) 140 85 136 85 125 120 108.8 129.5 126 97.8 70 69 106 128 66 71 120 88 60 53 80 78 60 43 59.4 43 98 b : Longitudinal Hole Hole size diameter number (mm) (0mm) 308 12 6 246 14 6 186 8 7.5 168 10 6 163 8 6.1 160 8 6 158 8 6 150 8 7 136 6 7.5 138 4 6.8 138 4 5.7 136 4 7.2 132 4 5.7 128 4 6.7 126 4 5.7 123 2 4.7 120 4 5.7 120 4 5.7 120 4 5.7 118 2 5.7 113 4 5.7 108 4 6.7 106 4 6.7 105.5 2 5.7 104.4 4 6.7 102.8 2 5.7 6.7 98 4 d : Lateral hole pitch (mm) 126 73 124 73 110 110 92.75 118.5 114 86 57 57 95 110 50 Center 110 78 50 Center 70 62 48 Center 48 Center 87 e : Longitudinal hole pitch (mm) 290 234 171 156 150 150 144 137.5 124 127 128 124 121 110 116 116 110 110 110 106 103 93 93 93 93 93 87 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Sep. 2018 52 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance No. Standard Part No. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 EYGS0409ZLGJ EYGS0509ZLGK EYGS0309ZLMF EYGS0409ZLMG EYGS0309ZLAK EYGS0509ZLMH EYGS0508ZLMJ EYGS0608ZLMK EYGS0607ZLGL EYGS0507ZLML EYGS0407ZLAL EYGS0506ZLMM EYGS0404ZLMP EYGS1018ZLSA EYGS1516ZLSB EYGS1116ZLSC EYGS0715ZLSD EYGS0613ZLSE EYGS0612ZLSF EYGS0612ZLSG EYGS1012ZLSH EYGS0410ZLSJ EYGS0609ZLSK EYGS0606ZLSL EYGS0305ZLSM EYGS0204ZLSN EYGS0303ZLSP EYGS0911ZLDA EYGS1014ZLDB a : Lateral size (mm) 44 46 32 41 29.5 51 46.2 55 58 45.3 40 48 36 104.5 148 112 67 61 63.3 61.5 104.5 43 61.5 58 27 24 29 92 98 b : Longitudinal Hole Hole size diameter number (mm) (0mm) 93 2 6.7 92 2 6.7 92 2 6.7 88 2 5.7 89.5 2 6.6 86 2 4.7 83 2 4.7 78 2 4.5 69.7 4 5.7 66 2 4.7 65.5 1 7.7 55 1 4.5 38 1 4.5 182.5 8 7 158 8 5 158 8 5 153 4 5.6 127.5 4 5.6 124 4 5.6 124 4 5.6 121 4 6.7 103 2 5.7 91 4 5.6 61.5 2 5.6 51 1 4.6 36.5 1 4.6 32 1 4.5 109 4 6 138 4 6.7 d : Lateral hole pitch (mm) Center Center Center Center Center – – Center 50 – Center Center Center 93 137 101 57 50 50 50 93 Center 50 44 Center Center Center 78 86 e : Longitudinal hole pitch (mm) 80 80 80 80 80 80 77 40 62 60 Center Center Center 171 150 150 143 116 110 110 109.5 93 77 50 Center Center Center 93 127 Design and specifications are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifications before purchase and/or use. Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately. 05 Sep. 2018 53 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance Precautions on the whole ■Do not use the products beyond the descriptions in this catalog. ■This catalog guarantees the quality of the products as individual components. Before you use the products, please make sure to check and evaluate the products in the circumstance where they are installed in your product. ■This product was designed and manufactured for standard applications such as general electronics devices, office equipment, information and communications equipment, measuring instruments, household appliances and audio-video equipment. For applications in which special quality and reliability are required, or if the failure or malfunction of the products may directly jeopardize life or cause threat of personal injury (such as for aircraft and aerospace equipment, traffic and transport equipment, combustion equipment, medical equipment, accident prevention and anti-theft devices, and safety equipment), please be sure to consult with our sales representative in advance and to exchange product catalog which conform to such applications. Safety and Design considerations ■We are trying to improve the quality and the reliability, but the durability differs depending on the use environment and the use conditions. On use, be sure to confirm the actual product under the actual use conditions. ■Install the following systems for a failsafe design to ensure safety if these products are to be used in equipment where a defect in these products may cause the loss of human life or other signification damage, such as damage to vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), traffic lights, medical equipment, aerospace equipment, electric heating appliances, combustion/ gas equipment, rotating equipment, and disaster/crime prevention equipment. ・The system is equipped with a protection circuit and protection device. ・The system is equipped with a redundant circuit or other system to prevent an unsafe status in the event of a single fault. ・The system is equipped with an arresting the spread of fire or preventing glitch. ■When a dogma shall be occurred about safety for this product, be sure to inform us rapidly, operate your technical examination. ■The temperature of this product at the time of use changes depending on mounting conditions and usage conditions, therefore, please confirm that the temperature of this product is the specified temperature after mounting it. ■This product does not take the use under the following special environments into consideration. Accordingly, the use in the following special environments, and such environmental conditions may affect the performance of the product; prior to use, verify the performance, reliability, etc. thoroughly. 1) Use in liquids such as water, oil, chemical, and organic solvent. 2) Use under direct sunlight, in outdoor or in dusty atmospheres. 3) Use in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. 4) Use the product in a contaminated state. 5) Use in acid. 6) Use outside the range defined by the operating temperature range. 7) Use under reduced pressure or vacuum. 54 2019/10/1 “GraphiteTIM (Compressible Type)” PGS with low thermal resistance Precaution of installation ■Do not reuse this product after removal from the mounting board. ■Do not drop this product on the floor. If this product is dropped, it can be damaged mechanically. Avoid using the dropped product. ■This product is soft, do not rub or touch it with rough materials to avoid scratching it. ■Lines or folds in this product may affect thermal conductivity. ■Never touch a this product during use because it may be extremely hot. ■Use protective materials when handling and/or applying this product, do not use items with sharp edges as they might tear or puncture this product. ■Do not handle with bare hands as there is a concern about performance degradation. Precaution on storage conditions ■Storage period is less than one year after our shipping inspection is completed. Please use within the period. ■If the product is stored in the following environments and conditions, the performance may be badly affected, avoid the storage in the following environments. (1) Storage in places full of corrosive gases such as sea breeze, Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NOX. (2) Storage in places exposed to ultraviolet light. *Recommended storage in the dark. (3) Store at a temperature outside the storage temperature range specified by this catalog. ■In the case of a product configuration that assumes bonding, please use after checking the adhesiveness of the product when the storage period is over. Precaution specific to this product ■This product has conductivity. If required, This product should be provided insulation. ■This product can not guarantee the insulation because there is a concern for powder falling off of conductive materials. ■Thermal conductivity is dependent on the way it is used. Test the adaptability of the product to your application before use. Applicable laws and regulations, others ■No ODCs or other ozone-depleting substances which are subject to regulation under the Montreal Protocol are used in our manufacturing processes, including in the manufacture of this product. ■This product complies with the RoHS Directive (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (DIRECTIVE 2011/65/EU and (EU)2015/863). ■All the materials used in this part are registered material under the Law Concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufactures etc. of Chemical substances. ■If you need the notice by letter of "A preliminary judgment on the Laws of Japan foreign exchange and Foreign Trade control", be sure to let us know. ■These products are not dangerous goods on the transportation as identified by UN(United Nations) numbers or UN classification. ■As to the disposal of the module, check the method of disposal in each country or region where the modules are incorporated in your products to be used. ■The technical information in this catalog provides examples of our products typical operations and application circuits. We do not guarantee the non-infringement of third party's intellectual property rights and we do not grant any license, right, or interest in our intellectual property. 2019/10/1 55 CAUTION AND WARNING 1. The electronic components contained in this catalog are designed and produced for use in home electric appliances, office equipment, information equipment,communications equipment, and other general purpose electronic devices. Before use of any of these components for equipment that requires a high degree of safety, such as medical instruments, aerospace equipment, disaster-prevention equipment, security equipment, vehicles (automobile, train, vessel), please be sure to contact our sales representative corporation. 2. When applying one of these components for equipment requiring a high degree of safety, no matter what sort of application it might be, be sure to install a protective circuit or redundancy arrangement to enhance the safety of your equipment. In addition, please carry out the safety test on your own responsibility. 3. When using our products, no matter what sort of equipment they might be used for, be sure to make a written agreement on the specifications with us in advance. 4. Technical information contained in this catalog is intended to convey examples of typical performances and or applications and is not intended to make any warranty with respect to the intellectual property rights or any other related rights of our company or any third parties nor grant any license under such rights. 5. In order to export products in this catalog, the exporter may be subject to the export license requirement under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan. 6. No ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) under the Montreal Protocol are used in the manufacturing processes of Automotive & Industrial Systems Company, Panasonic Corporation. Please contact Factory Device Solutions Business Division Industrial Solutions Company The information in this catalog is valid as of Dicember 2019.
ERTJ1VS104JA 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+0.95810
  • 100+0.69070
  • 1000+0.48690
  • 2000+0.38570
  • 4000+0.29700


    •  国内价格
    • 5+0.50730
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    • 500+0.33640
    • 2500+0.30900


      •  国内价格
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      • 4000+0.32886
