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    777459-19 - SCC Configuration Guide - National Instruments Corporation

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777459-19 数据手册
SCC Configuration Guide SCC – Portable, Low-Cost Signal Conditioning • Ideal for portable measurement systems • Wide variety of direct signal and sensor connectivity options • Wide range of analog and digital conditioning options • Measurement type selectable on a per-channel basis • Front-end signal conditioning for M Series, E Series, and some B Series multifunction DAQ devices Configure Your SCC System in Six Steps Step 1 – Select Your SCC Modules (Table 1) Analog input, analog output, and digital I/O modules have dedicated slots. You can select up to eight noncascaded modules for analog input and eight modules for digital I/O. You can install feedthrough modules in any slot, but they are especially useful for accessing counter/timers on your M Series, E Series, or B Series multifunction DAQ device. Step 2 – Choose an SCC Carrier (Table 2) SCC carriers are available either with a hinged lid or with configurable connectors using panelettes. Hinged lids provide quick access to the modules. Configurable connectors provide custom signalinterface options. Step 3 – Select Your Panelettes (Table 3) If you have chosen an SCC carrier with configurable connectors, you can also select connector and interface panelettes. Different carriers offer different numbers of panelette slots. Also, some panelettes occupy more than one slot. Step 4 – Determine Your Power Option (Table 4) You can power an SCC system using a +5 VDC, 120/240 VAC, or 7 to 42 VDC external power source. To indicate the power option for your SCC system, select 01, 02, or 03 as the last two digits of the part number of the SC-2345 or SC-2350 carrier. Please note that if you choose power option 01, it is possible to power your SCC system using the internal power source of your DAQ device. For DAQCard and DAQPad devices, the total power required by your SCC modules must be less than 800 mW (490 mW of analog power). For PCI or PXI and M Series or E Series multifunction DAQ devices, the total power required by your SCC modules must be less than 4.55 W (1.74 W for analog modules). Additional power modules are sold separately. To determine the power requirements of the modules in your SCC DAQ system, use the online SCC Advisor at ni.com/advisors. Step 5 – Select Your DAQ Device and Cable (Table 5) Select the DAQ device to control your system. Step 6 – Select Your Accessories Choose from rack/panel-mount kits and stacking kits. You can also select additional power kits separately if your application requires multiple power configurations. SCC Configuration Guide SCC Modules Signal Types Force, Load, Torque, Pressure Frequency-to-Voltage Current (0 to 20 mA) Thermocouples Millivolts/Volts Accelerometer Strain Gages Module SCC-AI0x SCC-AI1x SCC-A10 SCC-LP01 SCC-LP02 SCC-LP03 SCC-LP04 SCC-FV01 SCC-TC01 SCC-TC02 SCC-RTD01 SCC-SG01 SCC-SG02 SCC-SG03 SCC-SG04 SCC-SG11 SCC-SG24 SCC-ACC01 SCC-CI20 SCC-AO10 SCC-CO20 SCC-DI01 SCC-DO01 SCC-RLY011 SCC-CTR01 SCC-FT01 Number of Channels 2 ISO 2 ISO 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 RSE 1 DI 1 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 2 DI 1 DI 2 DI 1 ISO 1 ISO 1 ISO 1 ISO 1 1 ISO 2 SE/1 DI TTL/CMOS                –   –  – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  –  – –  – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –   – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –      – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –       – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –   –  – Description Isolation amplifier Isolation amplifier Attenuator Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Lowpass filter Frequency-to-voltage Thermocouple input Thermocouple input RTD input Strain (1⁄4-bridge, 120 Ω) Strain (1⁄4-bridge, 350 Ω) Strain (1⁄2-bridge ) Strain (full-bridge) Strain shunt calibration Full bridge input (350 Ω) IEPE accelerometer input Current input Isolated voltage output Isolated current output Isolated digital input Isolated digital output SPDT Relay Isolated counter/timer Feedthrough DIO/CTR Gain 0.2 to 200 1.2 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 100 100 25 100 100 100 100 – 100 2 – – – – – – – – Signal Filtering Range ±50 mV 10 kHz to ±42 V ±10 V, ±5 V 4 Hz ±60 V – ±10 V 25 Hz ±10 V 50 Hz ±10 V 150 Hz ±10 V 1 kHz 0 to 100 Hz – ±100 mV 2 Hz ±100 mV 2 Hz ±400 mV 30 Hz ±100 mV 1.6 kHz ±100 mV 1.6 kHz ±100 mV 1.6 kHz ±100 mV 1.6 kHz – – ±100 mV 1.6 kHz ±5 V 19 kHz 0 to 20 mA – ±10 V – 0 to 20 mA – ±24 VDC – 30 VDC – 5 A at 30 VDC – 250 VAC 0 to 48 VDC – – – Isolation    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –     –  – Excitation Sources – – – – – – – – – – 1 current 1 voltage 1 voltage 1 voltage 1 voltage – 1 voltage 1 current – – – – – – – – Excitation Values – – – – – – – – – – 1 mA 2.5 V 2.5 V 2.5 V 2.5 V – 10 V 4 mA – – – – – – – – RTD Page 9 9 11 12 12 12 12 13 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 13 10 14 14 15 15 7 16 1The Output Analog Input switching capability of SCC-RLY01 is not 5 A at 250 VAC throughout – it is 5 A at 250 VAC only if it is used with SCC-68, and it is 5 A at 30 VAC if used with SC-2345. Table 1. SCC Module Selection Guide BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 2 SCC Configuration Guide SC-2345 and SC-2350 Carriers Recommended DAQ Devices Description SCC carrier with a hinged lid SCC carrier with configurable connectors (side 68-pin interface) SCC carrier with configurable connectors (rear 68-pin interface) Number of Panelette Slots – 18 15 Table 2. SCC Carriers Panelettes Product M Series DAQCard-6036E DAQPad-6020E DAQPad-6070E 68-pin PCI/PXI E Series 100-pin PCI/PXI E Series B Series Multifunction I/O Features Multifunction I/O 16-bit, 200 kHz 12-bit, 100 kHz 12-bit, 1 MHz Multifunction I/O Multifunction I/O Multifunction I/O Bus PCI, PXI PCMCIA USB IEEE 1394 PCI, PXI PCI, PXI PCI Cabling To SHC68-68-EP SHC68-68-EP SH68-68-EP SH68-68-EP SH68-68-EP SH1006868 SH68-68-EP Table 5. National Instruments DAQ Devices SCC Advisor Panelette Minithermocouple jack Thermocouple jack BNC SMB Banana jack LEMO (B Series) MIL-C-26482 9-pin D-Sub Momentary switch Toggle switch Rocker switch LED Potentiometer Strain relief Blank Description J or K-type or uncompensated J or K-type or uncompensated BNC connector SMB connector Banana jack 2-pin female 4, 6-pin female 2, 4, or 6-pin female Single (male – female) Dual (male – female) On – off On – off – on On – off – on A red, green, yellow, and orange LED 1 turn, 10 kΩ Small Filler panel Connectors/Units per Panelette 2 2 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 – Slot Width 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 – – Table 3. Panelettes For more assistance in configuring your SCC system, visit the SCC Advisor at ni.com/advisors. Power Options Power Type +5 VDC 120 VAC, 240 VAC 7 to 42 VDC 1AC Power Supplied By DAQCard/DAQPad (800 mW maximum) PCI/PXI (4.55 W maximum) External1 External2 Power Option -01 -02 -03 transformer included. However, you must purchase a separate power cord to match your country’s power requirements. 2External power supply not included. Table 4. SC-2345/SC-2350 Power Options BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 3 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-TC Series Thermocouple Input Specifications SCC-TC Series Typical for 25 °C unless otherwise noted. Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ 1 differential Input signals........................................ Thermocouples of type J, K, T, B, E, N, R, and S, ±100 mV Input signal gain ................................. 100 Maximum input working voltage........ ±12 V of chassis ground Overvoltage protection to DAQ device................................. ±42 Vpk (powered on or off) Nonlinearity......................................... ±0.004% maximum Gain error ............................................ ±0.08% of reading, maximum Input impedance Normal powered on........................ 10 MΩ Powered off or overload................. 10 kΩ Open thermocouple detection current 250 nA maximum Common-mode rejection ratio ............ 110 dB minimum Bandwidth ........................................... 2 Hz, dual-pole RC filter Offset error.......................................... 5 µVrms, referred to input Stability Offset temperature coefficient....... ±0.6 µV/°C maximum Gain temperature coefficient ......... ±0.0005%/°C Cold-junction sensor (thermistor) Output ............................................. 1.91 V (at 0 °C) to 0.58 V (at 55 °C) Accuracy (15 to 35 °C).................... ±0.4 °C maximum Model SCC-TC01 SCC-TC02 Channel 1 1 Description Thermocouple, spade connector Thermocouple, screw terminals Part Number 777459-03 777459-04 The National Instruments SCC-TC01 and SCC-TC02 are single-input modules for conditioning signals from a variety of thermocouple types, including J, K, T, B, E, N, R, and S, and millivolt inputs with a range of ±100 mV. The NI SCC-TC modules include a 2 Hz lowpass filter, an instrumentation amplifier with a gain of 100, and buffered outputs for maximum scanning rates by the multifunction DAQ device. The input circuitry of the SCC-TC modules also includes high-impedance bias resistors for open-thermocouple detection as well as handling both floating and ground-referenced thermocouples. The SCC-TC modules include an onboard thermistor for cold-junction compensation. Two versions of the SCC-TC are available. The SCC-TC01 includes a 2-prong uncompensated thermocouple jack that accepts any miniature or subminiature 2-prong male thermocouple plug. The SCC-TC02 includes a removable screw-terminal plug that features an additional connection for grounding thermocouple shields. Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 60 mW BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 4 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-RTD01 RTD Input Specifications SCC-RTD01 Analog Input Number of input channels .................. 2 differential Input range.......................................... ±400 mVDC (fixed gain of 25 on each channel) Maximum working voltage (signal + common mode) ................ Each input should remain within ±12 V of ground Overvoltage protection ....................... ±42 Vpk/25 VDC (powered on or off) Input impedance ................................. 2 MΩ in parallel with 4.7 nF powered on; 20 kΩ min powered off Filter type ............................................ Lowpass 3-pole Butterworth filter -3 dB cutoff frequency ........................ 30 Hz System noise....................................... 4.5 µVrms (referred to input) Model SCC-RTD01 Channel 2 Description 2, 3, or 4-wire Pt RTD Part Number 777459-18 The National Instruments SCC-RTD01 is a dual-channel module that accepts 2, 3, or 4-wire platinum RTDs. Each channel of the NI SCC-RTD01 has an amplifier with a gain of 25 and a 30 Hz lowpass filter. In addition, the module has a 1 mA excitation source for powering the RTDs. Transfer Characteristics Gain .................................................... Gain error ............................................ Gain-error temperature coefficient..... Offset error.......................................... Offset-error temperature coefficient .. Nonlinearity......................................... Recommended warm-up time............. 25 ±1.2% ±10 ppm/°C ±250 µV RTI ±1.6 µV/°C 10 ppm of full scale 5 minutes (SCC system only) Amplifier Characteristics CMRR .................................................. 110 dB at 60 Hz Output range ....................................... ±10 V Excitation Number of channels............................ Constant-current source ..................... Maximum voltage level without losing regulation............................. Drift .................................................... 1 1 mA 24 V ±127 ppm/°C Environment Operating temperature ....................... 0 to 50 °C Relative humidity ................................ 5 to 90% noncondensing Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 135 mW maximum Digital.................................................. 153 mW maximum BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 5 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules Overvoltage protection ....................... ±28 Vp (powered on or off) Input impedance ................................. 10 MΩ powered on, 10 kΩ powered off or overload Gain error ............................................ ±0.8% of reading maximum Offset error.......................................... ±5 µV Bandwidth ........................................... 1.6 kHz (single-pole RC filter) Excitation voltage ............................... 2.5 V ±0.4% NI SCC-SG Series Strain Gage Input/Excitation Excitation Current Drive SG01, SG02......................................... 42 mA (with 2 120 Ω gages) SG03, SG04......................................... 60 mA (with 2 350 Ω gages) Excitation drift..................................... 13 mV/°C Power Requirements Model SCC-SG01 SCC-SG02 SCC-SG03 SCC-SG04 SCC-SG11 SCC-SG24 Channel 2 2 2 2 2 2 Description 120 Ω, quarter-bridge strain gages 350 Ω, quarter-bridge strain gages Half-bridge strain gages Full-bridge strain gages Shunt calibration Full-bridge strain gages, load cells, pressure sensors, torque sensors Part Number 777459-13 777459-14 777459-15 777459-16 777459-17 777459-37 Analog ................................................. 143 mW Digital.................................................. 210 mW SCC-SG11 Number of channels............................ Control signal...................................... Resistor for each channel ................... Resistor temperature coefficient........ 2 1 DIO channel 301 kΩ ±1%, socketed ±100 ppm/°C The National Instruments SCC-SG Series consists of dual-channel strain gage modules for conditioning quarter, half, and full-bridge strain gages and a calibration module. Each module is designed for a specific type of bridge configuration. Each channel of an NI SCC-SG module (except SCC-SG11) includes an instrumentation amplifier, a 1.6 kHz lowpass filter, and a potentiometer for bridge-offset nulling. Each SCC-SG0x module also includes a single 2.5 V excitation source. The SCC-SG24 has a 10 V excitation source for load cells and pressure sensors. The SCC-SG11 is a dual-channel shunt calibration module for use with the SCC-SG0x and SCC-SG24 modules. Each channel includes two terminals for wiring a switched 301 kΩ, 1 percent, 1⁄4 W resistor across any two points of your bridge. You enable shunt calibration for both channels of a module by writing a logic high to the digital line controlling the SCC-SG11. You disable shunt calibration by writing a logic low to the same digital line. When you install an SCC-SG module in the SC-2345, the carrier routes the strain gage signals to two input channels of the multifunction DAQ device, channels x and x+8, where x is 0 through 7. Power Requirements Digital.................................................. 25 µW SCC-SG24 Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ Input signal range ............................... Output signal range ............................ Gain .................................................... Overvoltage protection ....................... Input impedance ................................. Gain error ............................................ Offset error.......................................... Bandwidth ........................................... Excitation voltage ............................... Excitation current drive....................... Excitation drift..................................... 2 differential ±100 mV ±10 V 100 ±42 VDC powered on and powered off 20 MΩ powered on >60 kΩ powered off or overload ±0.20% of reading max ±50 µV typ, 325 µV max before calibration1 1.6 kHz single-pole buffered RC filter 10 V ±0.05% 60 mA, based on two full-bridge 350 Ω strain gages 10 ppm/°C Specifications SCC-SG0x Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ Input signal range ............................... Output signal range ............................ Gain .................................................... 2 differential ±100 mV ±10 V 100 Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 340 mW Digital.................................................. 930 mW 1By factory default, the nulling resistors are not installed in the SCC-SG24. See the user manual for information on installing the nulling resistors. BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 6 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-CTR01 Counter/Timer Isolation Model SCC-CTR01 Channel 1 Description 0 to 48 V isolated counter/timer Part Number 779474-01 The National Instruments SCC-CTR01 is an isolated general-purpose counter/timer module for the SCC platform. This module performs in a wide variety of counter/timer tasks, including quadrature encoder measurement, edge counting, frequency measurement, pulse-widthmodulation (PWM) generation, and pulse-train generation. With optical isolation, the test system and UUT are protected from transient voltage spikes when the signals are connected to the SCC-CTR01. The SCC-CTR01 also features short-circuit protection that disables the outputs if current limits are reached. Specifications SCC-CTR01 Number of inputs ................................ Number of outputs.............................. Voltage range...................................... Isolation voltage ................................. Maximum input frequency.................. Minimum pulse width......................... 2 (CTR_SRC, CTR_GATE) 1 (CTR_OUT) 0 to 48 VDC 60 VDC 400 kHz 1 µs BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 7 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-ACC01 Accelerometer Input Specifications SCC-ACC01 Analog Input Number of input channels .................. Input range.......................................... Input coupling ..................................... -3 dB cutoff frequency.................... Filter type ............................................ -3 dB cutoff frequency.................... Passband flatness............................... 1 differential ±5 VAC (fixed gain of 2) AC 0.8 Hz Lowpass 3-pole Bessel 19 kHz ±0.3 dB, 10 Hz to 5 kHz ±1 dB, 5 Hz to 10 kHz Model SCC-ACC01 Channel 1 Description Accelerometer input Part Number 777459-19 The National Instruments SCC-ACC01 is a single-channel module that accepts Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric (IEPE) compatible sensors such as accelerometers and microphones. The NI SCC-ACC01 has an amplifier with a gain of two, a 0.8 Hz highpass filter, and a 19 kHz 3-pole Bessel lowpass filter. The maximum input range is ±5 V. In addition, this module has a 4 mA current source to power an accelerometer or microphone. When you install the SCC-ACC01 into the SC-2345, the carrier routes the single output voltage to one input channel of the multifunction DAQ device, channel x, where x is 0 through 7. For example, if installed into the J1 socket of the SC-2345, the output voltage is routed to input channel 0 of the DAQ device. Maximum working voltage (signal + common mode) ................ Each input should remain within ±12 V of ground Overvoltage protection ....................... ±40 VAC + DC (powered on or off) Input impedance ................................. 5 MΩ in series with 0.39 µF (powered on or off) System noise....................................... 130 µVrms (referred to input) Transfer Characteristics Gain .................................................... Gain error ............................................ Gain-error temperature coefficient..... Offset error.......................................... Offset-error temperature coefficient .. Nonlinearity......................................... Recommended warm-up time............. 2 ±1% ±10 ppm/°C ±3 mV (referred to input) ±1.6 µV/°C 10 ppm of full scale 5 minutes Amplifier Characteristics CMRR .................................................. 80 dB at 60 Hz Output range ....................................... ±10 V Excitation Number of channels............................ Constant-current source ..................... Maximum voltage level without losing regulation ............... Drift .................................................... 1 4 mA 24 V ±127 ppm/°C Environment Operating temperature ....................... 0 to 50 °C Relative humidity ................................ 5 to 90% noncondensing Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 89 mW Digital.................................................. 420 mW BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 8 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-AI Series Isolated Analog Input Specifications SCC-AI Series Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ 2 differential, isolation per module Input impedance ................................. 1 MΩ (SCC-AI01, SCC-AI02) 100 MΩ (all others) Safety Isolation Model SCC-AI01 SCC-AI02 SCC-AI03 SCC-AI04 SCC-AI05 SCC-AI06 SCC-AI07 SCC-AI13 SCC-AI14 Channel 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Input Range ±42 V ±20 V ±10 V ±5 V ±1 V ±100 mV ±50 mV ±10 V ±5 V Bandwidth 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 4 Hz 4 Hz Part Number 777459-20 777459-21 777459-22 777459-23 777459-24 777459-25 777459-26 777459-27 777459-28 Working common-mode voltage......... 60 VDC, CAT I1 Gain error ............................................ Adjustable to 0 Offset error.......................................... Adjustable to 0 Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 410 mW Digital ................................................. 610 mW 1Test isolation voltage is 2,350 VAC for 2 s. Input Range ±42 V ±20 V ±10 V ±5 V ±1 V ±100 mV ±50 mV ±10 V ±5 V Output Range ±8.4 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V Gain 0.2 0.5 1 2 10 100 200 1 2 Filter Bandwidth 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz 4 Hz 4 Hz National Instruments SCC-AI Series modules are dual-channel bankisolated analog input modules for reading input voltages from ±50 mV to ±42 V. Each channel of an NI SCC-AI module includes an instrumentation amplifier, a lowpass filter, and a potentiometer for calibration. These modules are installation rated for CAT I, and provide safety working isolation of 60 VDC per module. Module SCC-AI01 SCC-AI02 SCC-AI03 SCC-AI04 SCC-AI05 SCC-AI06 SCC-AI07 SCC-AI13 SCC-AI14 BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 9 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-AO10 Isolated Analog Output Specifications SCC-AO10 Output Characteristics Number of output channels ................ Input range.......................................... Output range ....................................... Current drive ....................................... Gain nonlinearity................................. Propagation delay ............................... Output noise........................................ Bandwidth ........................................... Slew rate............................................. 1 nonreferenced single ended ±10 V ±10 V ±30 mA 0.5% of full-scale output range 10 µs 2.5 mVrms typ; 4 mVrms max >23 kHz 1 V/µs Model SCC-AO10 Channel 1 Description ±10 V isolated voltage output Part Number 777459-50 The National Instruments SCC-AO10 is a single-channel isolated analog voltage output module with an output range of ±10 V. Each channel of the NI SCC-AO10 is referenced to its own isolated ground, allowing up to 60 VDC of common-mode voltage between grounds (channel-to-channel or channel-to-chassis). In addition, the SCC-AO10 increases the output current drive capacity of an M Series, E Series, or B Series multifunction DAQ device to ±30 mA. Because the modules are isolated, you can cascade two SCC-AO10 modules for an output range of ±20 V. There is a maximum of two SCC-AO10 modules per carrier. Note: Use the SCC-AO10 with only multifunction DAQ devices that have analog outputs. Safety Isolation Channel-to-earth (signal + common mode) ................ 60 VDC, CAT I Environment Operating temperature ....................... Relative humidity ................................ Stability Output offset temperature coefficient................................... Gain temperature coefficient ......... 0 to 50 °C 10 to 90% noncondensing 300 µV/°C 300 ppm/°C Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 180 mW Digital.................................................. 1.15 W BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 10 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-A10 Voltage Attenuator Model SCC-A10 Channel 2 Description Attenuator input Part Number 777459-06 The National Instruments SCC-A10 is a dual-channel module that accepts input voltage sources up to 60 VDC. Each channel of the NI SCC-A10 includes a 10:1 attenuation circuit and differential instrumentation amplifier with low-impedance outputs for maximum scanning rates by the multifunction DAQ device. The attenuation circuit includes high-impedance bias resistors, so you can connect floating or ground-referenced inputs to the SCC-A10 without adding external bias resistors. The SCC-A10 also provides overvoltage protection (up to 250 Vrms) for your DAQ system. When you install an SCC-A10 module in the SC-2345, the carrier routes the attenuated input signals to two input channels of the DAQ device, channels x and x+8, where x is 0 through 7. Specifications SCC-A10 Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ Input range.......................................... Output range ....................................... Gain error ............................................ Offset error.......................................... 2 differential ±60 VDC ±6 VDC ±0.14% of reading, maximum ±6.5 mV maximum (referred to input) Input impedance Normal powered on or off.............. 1 MΩ Full power bandwidth ......................... 10 kHz Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 90 mW BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 11 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-LP Series Lowpass Filters Specifications SCC-LP Series Amplifier Characteristics 2 differential ±10 V ±5 V 0.5 ±40 V 10 GΩ in parallel with 10 pF powered on 10 kΩ powered off or overload Gain error ............................................ Adjustable to 0% Offset error (RTI) ................................. 350 µV typical, 1.5 mV maximum Number of input channels .................. Input signal range ............................... Output signal range ............................ Gain .................................................... Overvoltage protection ....................... Input impedance ................................. Model SCC-LP01 SCC-LP02 SCC-LP03 SCC-LP04 Channel 2 2 2 2 Description Lowpass filter (25 Hz) Lowpass filter (50 Hz) Lowpass filter (150 Hz) Lowpass filter (1 kHz) Part Number 777459-07 777459-08 777459-09 777459-10 The National Instruments SCC-LP Series consists of dual-channel lowpass filter modules that accept two ±10 V signals. Each channel has a 4th-order Butterworth filter. The cutoff frequency is specific to the module and applies to both channels of the module. Filter Characteristics Filter type ............................................ 4th-order Butterworth Stop-band attenuation rate ................ 80 dB/decade Cutoff frequency ................................. SCC-LP01 = 25 Hz SCC-LP02 = 50 Hz SCC-LP03 = 150 Hz SCC-LP04 = 1 kHz Passband Ripple Fc = cutoff frequency Passband DC to 1⁄3Fc DC to 1⁄2Fc DC to 2⁄3Fc DC to Fc Typical 0 ± 0.04 dB max 0 ± 0.06 dB max -0.2 ± 0.25 dB max -3 ± 0.3 dB max Maximum 0 ± 0.1 dB max 0 ± 0.2 dB max -0.2 ± 0.4 dB max -3 ± 0.5 dB max System Noise THD at Fc ............................................. threshold .......................... Signal < threshold .......................... Threshold............................................. Hysteresis............................................ 2 referenced single ended 200 mV1 to 10 V DC 0 Hz 1.5 µs ±40 VAC + DC (powered on or off) 400 kΩ 10 MΩ Zero crossing 200 mV 80 ms (0 to +63%) 220 ms at 90%; 360 ms at 99% 5 mV max 10 ppm/°C 100 ppm/°C 0.015% full scale 30 mVpp at 10 Hz 0 to +10 V 5 minutes The National Instruments SCC-CI20 is a dual-channel module that accepts two 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA current loop inputs. Each independent channel of the NI SCC-CI20 includes a precision 249 Ω current conversion resistor that converts a 0 to 20 mA signal into a 0 to 5 V signal. Each channel includes a differential instrumentation amplifier with low-impedance outputs for maximum scanning rates by the multifunction DAQ device, and bias resistors for handling both floating and ground-referenced current sources. The SCC-CI20 also includes two spare 249 Ω resistors. When you install the SCC-CI20 in the SC-2345, the carrier routes the two output voltages to two input channels of the DAQ device, channels x and x+8, where x is 0 through 7. For example, if you install the module in the J1 socket of the SC-2345, the output voltages are routed to input channels 0 and 8 of the DAQ device. Specifications SCC-CI20 Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ Input range.......................................... Output range ....................................... Gain error ............................................ Offset error.......................................... Input resistor....................................... Full power bandwidth ......................... 2 differential 0 to 20 mA 0 to 5 V ±0.1% of reading maximum ±0.6 mV maximum 249 Ω, 0.05%, 0.25 W 10 kHz Transfer Characteristics Rise/fall time ...................................... Step response ..................................... Output offset....................................... Output offset temperature coefficient....................................... Gain error temperature coefficient..... Nonlinearity......................................... Output ripple ....................................... Output range ....................................... Recommended warm-up time............. Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 100 mW Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 100 mW 1Recommended; minimum 100 mV. BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 13 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-CO20 Isolated Current Output NI SCC-DI01 Optically Isolated Digital Input Model SCC-C020 Channel 1 Description Isolated current output Part Number 777459-33 Model SCC-DI01 Channel 1 Description Isolated digital input Part Number 777459-11 The National Instruments SCC-CO20 is a single-channel isolated current output module that can provide up to 20 mA. This module is installation rated for CAT I, and provides a safe working voltage of 60 VDC. Because the modules are isolated, you can connect two NI SCC-CO20 modules in parallel to provide up to 40 mA. The SCC-CO20 plugs into either analog output socket, J17 or J18. The voltage applied to the module from an analog output channel of a multifunction DAQ device sets the current output. Because there are two output channels on DAQ devices, there are a maximum of two SCC-CO20 modules per carrier. Note: Use the SCC-CO20 with only multifunction DAQ devices that have analog outputs. The National Instruments SCC-DI01 is a single-channel, optically isolated digital input module for sensing digital signals up to 30 VDC, including TTL. This digital input module can sense both AC and DC signals and has a status LED for visual verification of the module input status. The NI SCC-DI01 fits in any SC-2345 socket J9 through J16. When you install an SCC-DI01 in one of these sockets, the digital signal is automatically routed to a DIO line of the multifunction DAQ device. For example, socket J9 connects to digital line 0 of the data acquisition device. Because you can configure multifunction DAQ devices for input or output on a line-by-line basis, you can have between one and eight SCC-DI01 modules per carrier. Specifications SCC-DI01 Input Characteristics Number of channels............................ 1 Input range.......................................... 30 VDC or 30 VAC Specifications SCC-CO20 Output Characteristics Number of channels............................ Output referencing.............................. Input range.......................................... Output range ....................................... Voltage compliance............................. 1 Nonreferenced (floating) 0 to 10 V 0 to 20 mA 12.5 V Digital Logic Levels Input current 5 V input ......................................... 1.5 mA 24 V input ....................................... 7.0 mA Isolation............................................... 42 VDC from computer ground Safety Isolation Working common-mode voltage......... 60 VDC, CAT I Power Requirements Digital.................................................. 61 mW Environment Operating temperature ....................... 0 to 50 °C Relative humidity ................................ 10 to 90%, noncondensing Power Requirements Analog ................................................. 175 mW Digital.................................................. 645 mW BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 14 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules SCC-DO01 Optically Isolated Digital Output NI SCC-RLY01 SPDT Relay Model SCC-DO01 Channel 1 Description Isolated digital output Part Number 777459-12 Model SCC-RLY01 Channel 1 Description SPDT relay Part Number 777459-34 The National Instruments SCC-DO01 is a single-channel, optically isolated digital output module for switching external devices. The NI SCC-DO01 optical isolation circuitry handles up to 24 VDC and includes a status LED for visual verification of the module output status. The SCC-DO01 includes an external switch with which you can configure the power-up state of the module either high or low. The SCC-DO01 plugs into any SC-2345 socket between J9 and J16. When you install the module in one of these sockets, the digital signal is controlled by a DIO line of the multifunction DAQ device. For example, socket J9 connects to digital line 0 of the DAQ device. Because you can configure DAQ devices for input or output on a line-by-line basis, you can have from one to eight SCC-DO01 modules per carrier. The National Instruments SCC-RLY01 is a single-channel relay module for switching external devices. It contains one single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) relay capable of switching 5 A at 30 VDC or 250 VAC when used with the SCC-68 and 5 A at 30 VDC or 30 VAC when used with the SC-2345. The NI SCC-RLY01 uses positive logic. A digital high sets the relay, and a digital low resets it. The SCC-RLY01 plugs into any SC-2345 socket between J9 and J16. When inserting an SCC-RLY01, a DIO line of the multifunction DAQ device controls the digital signal. For example, socket J9 connects to digital line 0 of the data acquisition device. Because you can configure the DAQ devices for input or output on a line-by-line basis, you can have from one to eight SCC-RLY01 modules per carrier. Specifications SCC-DO01 Output Characteristics Number of channels............................ 1 Compatibility ....................................... TTL-compatible Supply voltage range .......................... 5 to 24 VDC Specifications SCC-RLY01 Number of channels............................ Nominal switching capacity ............... Contact resistance .............................. Switching time Operate time (NC to NO) ................ Release time (NO to NC) ................ Maximum speed ................................. Contact lifetime .................................. 1The 1 5 A at 250 VAC1, 5 A at 30 VDC 30 mΩ 5 ms (10 ms max) 4 ms (5 ms max) 30 operations/s at rated load 5 x 107 operations at 180 operations/minute (minimum) Digital Logic Levels Configuration 1 Logic Level Low (I01 = 0 mA) High (I01 = 25 mA) Output Voltage Level between Vout and Vcom 0V 22 VDC at Vss = 24 V 3 VDC at Vss = 5 V nominal switching voltage is 250 VAC when using a high-voltage backshell in an NI SCC-68 carrier. Otherwise the module is rated for only 30 VAC. Configuration 2 Logic Level Low (I02 = 25 mA) High (I02 = 0 mA) Output Voltage Level between Vout and Vcom 0.4 V Vss Maximum continuous load current (Io) Configuration 1 ............................... 86 mA Configuration 2 ............................... 120 mA Minimum load resistance (at Vss = 24 V) RLOAD1 .......................................... 196 Ω RLOAD2........................................... 184 Ω Power Requirements Digital.................................................. 69 mW BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 15 Portable, Modular Signal Conditioning Modules NI SCC-FT01 Feedthrough Specifications SCC-PWR Series SCC-PWR01 Input .................................................... +5 VDC ±5% from an external source, or +5 VDC from DAQ device Output.................................................. +5 VDC, 100% efficiency, ±15 VDC, 62% efficiency Model SCC-FT01 Channel 2 SE/1 DI Description Feedthrough Part Number 777459-01 The National Instruments SCC-FT01 is a feedthrough module that offers direct connection to analog input, analog output, digital I/O, and GPCTR channels of the DAQ device. For analog input channels, you can connect to either two single-ended or one differential channel. The NI SCC-FT01 includes a breadboard area for development of custom signal conditioning circuitry. If you install the SCC-FT01 in an analog input socket (J1 through J8, SC-2345 or SC-2350) or analog output socket (J17 or J18, SC-2345 only) then you have direct connection to the corresponding channels of the DAQ device. You can add custom conditioning to the SCC-FT01 for these analog inputs or outputs. In any socket, the SCC-FT01 module has access to 5 and ±15 VDC power. If you use the breadboard area for custom conditioning, you can cascade the SCC-FT01 with other SCC modules for dual-stage conditioning. SCC-PWR02 Input ................................................... 90 to 264 VAC, 1 A maximum Output ................................................ +5 VDC, 1 A, ±15 VDC, ±0.3 A SCC-PWR03 Input .................................................... 7 to 42 VDC Output.................................................. +5 VDC, 75% efficiency, ±15 VDC, 46% efficiency Physical Dimensions SCC modules................................... 8.9 by 2.9 by 1.9 cm (3.5 by 1.2 by 0.7 in.) SC-2345 connector block................ 24.1 by 26.2 by 3.94 cm (9.5 by 10.3 by 1.6 in.) SC-2345 with configurable connectors .................................. 30.7 by 25.4 by 4.3 cm (12.1 by 10 by 1.7 in.) External AC adapter (for SCC-PWR02) ........................ 15.5 by 8.5 by 4.8 cm (6.1 by 3.3 by 1.9 in.) Connectors SC-2345 cable................................. 68-pin male SCSI II SCC input ....................................... Removable screw terminal or minithermocouple connector SCC output ..................................... 20-pin right-angle male connector Certification and Compliance SCC-AIxx.............................................. 300 V, CAT II working voltage SCC-AO10............................................ 300 V, CAT II working voltage European Compliance EMC .................................................... EN 61326 Group I Class A, 10 m, Table 1 Immunity Safety .................................................. EN 61010-1 North American Compliance EMC .................................................... FCC Part 15 Class A using CISPR Australia and New Zealand Compliance EMC .................................................... AS/NZS 2064.1/2 (CISPR-11) For more information about certifications, visit ni.com/certification. BUY ONLINE a t ni.com o r CALL 800 813 3693 (U.S.) 16 NI Services and Support NI has the services and support to meet your needs around the globe and through the application life cycle – from planning and development through deployment and ongoing maintenance. We offer services and service levels to meet customer requirements in research, design, validation, and manufacturing. Visit ni.com/services. Local Sales and Technical Support In offices worldwide, our staff is local to the country, giving you access to engineers who speak your language. NI delivers industry-leading technical support through online knowledge bases, our applications engineers, and access to 14,000 measurement and automation professionals within NI Developer Exchange forums. Find immediate answers to your questions at ni.com/support. We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to your application development environment and higher levels of technical support. Visit ni.com/ssp. Training and Certification NI training is the fastest, most certain route to productivity with our products. NI training can shorten your learning curve, save development time, and reduce maintenance costs over the application life cycle. We schedule instructor-led courses in cities worldwide, or we can hold a course at your facility. We also offer a professional certification program that identifies individuals who have high levels of skill and knowledge on using NI products. Visit ni.com/training. Hardware Services NI Factory Installation Services NI Factory Installation Services (FIS) is the fastest and easiest way to use your PXI or PXI/SCXI combination systems right out of the box. Trained NI technicians install the software and hardware and configure the system to your specifications. NI extends the standard warranty by one year on hardware components (controllers, chassis, modules) purchased with FIS. To use FIS, simply configure your system online with ni.com/pxiadvisor. Professional Services Our NI Professional Services team is composed of NI applications and systems engineers and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner program of more than 600 independent consultants and integrators. Services range from start-up assistance to turnkey system integration. Visit ni.com/alliance. Calibration Services NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for high-accuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration procedures, services to recalibrate your products, and automated calibration software specifically designed for use by metrology laboratories. Visit ni.com/calibration. OEM Support We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you want to use our products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and services for OEM customers, visit ni.com/oem. Repair and Extended Warranty NI provides complete repair services for our products. Express repair and advance replacement services are also available. We offer extended warranties to help you meet project life-cycle requirements. Visit ni.com/services. ni.com • 800 813 3693 National Instruments • info@ni.com *351484A-01* 351484A-01 2007-9240-321-101-D © 2007 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved. DAQCard, DAQPad, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, NI, ni.com, and SCXI are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. A National Instruments Alliance Partner is a business entity independent from NI and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with NI.
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