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    直插铝电解电容 AEC_D10X11MM_TM

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UHE2A470MPD1CV 数据手册
ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Miniature Sized, Low Impedance, High Reliability UHE Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-23C Low impedance and high reliability withstanding 4000 hours to 10000 hours. Compliant to the RoHS directive (2011/65/EU). Values marked with an in the dimension table are scheduled to be discontinued and are not recommended for new designs. UHE UHD Long Life Specifications Performance Characteristics ltem Category Temperature Range –40 to +105˚C Rated Voltage Range 6.3 to 100V Rated Capacitance Range 0.47 to 18000µF Capacitance Tolerance ± 20% at 120Hz, 20˚C Leakage Current After 2 minutes' application of rated voltage at 20°C, leakage current is not more than 0.01CV or 3 (µA), whichever is greater. Rated voltage (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 120Hz tan δ (MAX.) 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.08 20˚C 120Hz Tangent of loss angle (tan δ) For capacitance of more than 1000µF, add 0.02 for every increase of 1000µF. 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 Z–25˚C / Z+20˚C 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Z–40˚C / Z+20˚C 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 Rated voltage (V) Stability at Low Temperature Impedance ratio ZT / Z20 (MAX.) The following specifications shall be met when the capacitors are restored to 20˚C after D.C. bias plus rated ripple current is applied at 105˚C , the peak voltage shall not exceed the rated voltage. φD < = 6.3 φD = 8 , 10 6.3 to 10WV 4000 hours 6000 hours 8000 hours 16 to 100WV 5000 hours 7000 hours 10000 hours Case size Rated voltage (V) Endurance φD > = 12.5 Capacitance change Within ± 25% of the initial capacitance value tan δ 200% or less than the initial specified value Leakage current Less than or equal to the initial specified value Printed with white color letter on black sleeve. Marking Radial Lead Type Type numbering system (Example : 10V 1000µF) φd 1 Sleeve (P.E.T.) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 U HE 1 A 1 0 2 M PD P±0.5 φD+0.5 MAX. Size code Configuration Capacitance tolerance ( ±20%) L+ Rated capacitance (1000µF) 15MIN MAX. 4MIN Rated voltage (10V) Pressurerelief vent (φ6.3up) Series name (mm) (L < 20) 1.5 (L 20) 2.0 φD 5 6.3 8 10 12.5 16 18 P 2.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 7.5 φd 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 Type Configuration φD In case L > 25 for the φ12.5 dia. unit, lead dia. φd = 0.8mm • Please refer to page 20 about the end seal configuration. Frequency coefficient of rated ripple current Frequency 50Hz 120Hz 300Hz 1kHz 10kHz or more 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.90 1.00 39 to 330 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.95 1.00 390 to 1000 0.65 0.75 0.90 0.98 1.00 1200 to 18000 0.75 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.00 Cap. (µF) 0.47 to 33 Pb-free leadwire Pb-free PET sleeve 5 DD 6.3 8 · 10 12.5 to 18 ED PD HD Please refer to page 20, 21, 22 about the formed or taped product spec. Please refer to page 4 for the minimum order quantity. Dimension table in next page. 215 CAT.8100F ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Standard Ratings V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) Code 100 101 150 151 220 221 330 331 470 471 680 681 6.3 (0J) Case size φD × L (mm) 5 × 11 6.3 × 11 8 × 11.5 10 (1A) Rated ripple Impedance (Ω) MAX. (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz 0.58 0.22 0.13 2.3 0.87 0.52 640 10 × 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 1000 102 8 × 15 0.087 0.35 840 8 × 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 × 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 × 20 0.046 0.18 1400 122 152 5 × 11 0.58 2.3 210 6.3 × 11 0.22 0.87 340 8 × 11.5 0.13 0.52 640 8 × 15 0.087 0.35 840 10 × 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 8 × 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 × 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 × 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 × 25 0.042 0.17 1650 12.5 × 15 0.049 0.16 1450 340 821 1500 1800 182 12.5 × 15 0.049 0.16 1450 2200 222 10 × 25 0.042 0.17 1650 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 × 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 × 15 0.042 0.12 1940 18 × 15 0.043 0.11 2210 10 × 31.5 2700 332 3900 392 4700 5600 6800 8200 10000 12000 10 × 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 16 × 15 0.042 0.12 1940 12.5 × 20 0.035 0.12 1900 12.5 × 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 × 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 × 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 18 × 15 0.043 0.11 2210 16 × 20 0.027 0.078 2530 12.5 × 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 12.5 × 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 12.5 × 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 12.5 × 40 0.017 0.056 3350 0.060 2930 0.027 0.078 2530 16 × 25 0.021 16 × 20 18 × 20 0.026 0.067 2860 16 × 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 × 25 0.019 0.049 3140 16 × 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 272 3300 472 562 682 822 Rated ripple (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz Impedance (Ω) MAX. 210 820 1200 Case size φD × L (mm) 12.5 × 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 × 25 0.021 0.060 2930 18 × 20 0.026 0.067 2860 16 × 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 × 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 16 × 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 16 × 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 × 25 0.019 0.049 3140 18 × 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 16 × 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 × 40 0.012 0.032 4280 18 × 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 103 123 15000 153 18 × 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 18000 183 18 × 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 216 CAT.8100F ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Standard Ratings V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) Code 47 470 56 560 100 101 120 121 220 221 330 331 470 680 820 1000 1200 1500 1800 2200 2700 3300 3900 4700 5600 16 (1C) Case size φD × L (mm) 5 × 11 6.3 × 11 8 × 11.5 25 (1E) Rated ripple Impedance (Ω) MAX. (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz 0.58 0.22 0.13 2.3 0.87 0.52 Case size φD × L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz Impedance (Ω) MAX. 5 × 11 0.58 2.3 210 6.3 × 11 0.22 0.87 340 8 × 11.5 0.13 0.52 640 8 × 15 0.087 0.35 840 10 × 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 210 340 640 8 × 15 0.087 0.35 840 8 × 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 × 12.5 0.080 0.32 865 10 × 16 0.06 0.24 1210 8 × 20 0.069 0.27 1050 10 × 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 × 16 0.060 0.24 1210 12.5 × 15 0.049 0.16 1450 10 × 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 × 20 0.046 0.18 1400 10 × 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 × 20 0.035 0.12 1900 12.5 × 15 0.049 0.16 1450 16 × 15 0.042 0.12 1940 18 × 15 0.043 0.11 2210 12.5 × 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 × 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 16 × 20 0.027 0.078 2530 471 681 821 102 122 152 10 × 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 × 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 × 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 × 15 0.042 0.12 1940 182 12.5 × 25 0.027 0.089 2230 12.5 × 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 18 × 15 0.043 0.11 2210 18 × 20 0.026 0.067 2860 12.5 × 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 12.5 × 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 × 20 0.027 0.078 2530 16 × 25 0.021 0.060 2930 16 × 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 12.5 × 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 18 × 25 0.019 0.049 3140 16 × 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 222 272 332 392 12.5 × 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 × 25 0.021 0.060 2930 16 × 20 0.026 0.067 2860 18 × 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 16 × 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 16 × 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 × 25 0.019 0.049 3140 18 × 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 16 × 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 18 × 40 0.012 0.032 4280 18 × 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 472 562 6800 682 16 × 40 0.013 0.038 4080 8200 822 18 × 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 10000 103 18 × 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 217 CAT.8100F ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Standard Ratings V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) Code 35 (1V) Case size φD × L (mm) 50 (1H) Rated ripple Impedance (Ω) MAX. (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz Case size φD × L (mm) Rated ripple (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz Impedance (Ω) MAX. 0.47 R47 5 × 11 5.5 22 17 1 010 5 × 11 4 16 30 2.2 2R2 5 × 11 2.5 10 43 3.3 3R3 5 × 11 2.2 8.8 4.7 4R7 5 × 11 1.9 7.6 10 100 5 × 11 1.5 6 100 22 220 5 × 11 0.70 2.8 180 33 330 5 × 11 0.58 2.3 210 6.3 × 11 0.30 1.2 295 47 470 6.3 × 11 0.22 0.87 250 6.3 × 11 0.30 1.2 295 56 560 6.3 × 11 0.30 1.2 295 100 101 8 × 11.5 0.17 0.68 555 120 121 8 × 15 0.12 0.48 730 150 151 10 × 12.5 0.12 0.48 760 180 181 8 × 20 0.091 0.36 910 220 221 10 × 16 0.084 0.34 1050 270 271 330 331 6.3 × 11 8 × 11.5 8 × 11.5 560 680 820 471 561 681 1200 340 0.13 0.52 640 0.13 0.52 640 8 × 15 0.087 0.35 840 0.080 0.32 865 10 × 20 0.060 0.24 1220 8 × 20 0.069 0.27 1050 12.5 × 15 0.061 0.20 1260 10 × 16 0.060 0.24 1210 10 × 25 0.055 0.22 1440 10 × 20 0.060 0.24 1220 10 × 31.5 0.043 0.17 1690 12.5 × 20 0.045 0.15 1660 16 × 15 0.055 0.17 1690 12.5 × 25 0.034 0.11 1950 18 × 15 0.054 0.15 1930 12.5 × 31.5 0.030 0.10 2310 12.5 × 35.5 0.025 0.083 2510 16 × 20 0.034 0.10 2210 2230 12.5 × 40 0.021 0.069 2920 16 × 25 0.025 0.075 2555 0.046 0.18 1400 12.5 × 15 0.049 0.16 1450 10 × 25 0.042 0.17 1650 10 × 31.5 0.031 0.12 1910 12.5 × 20 0.035 0.12 1900 16 × 15 0.042 0.12 1940 821 12.5 × 25 1000 0.87 102 122 1500 152 1800 182 2200 222 2700 272 3300 332 3900 392 88 10 × 12.5 10 × 20 470 0.22 53 0.027 0.089 18 × 15 0.043 0.11 2210 18 × 20 0.036 0.097 2490 12.5 × 31.5 0.024 0.078 2650 16 × 31.5 0.022 0.066 3010 16 × 20 0.027 0.078 2530 18 × 25 0.026 0.070 2740 16 × 35.5 0.019 0.057 3150 16 × 40 0.016 0.048 3710 18 × 31.5 0.021 0.057 3635 18 × 35.5 0.017 0.046 3680 18 × 40 0.014 0.038 3800 12.5 × 35.5 0.020 0.065 2880 12.5 × 40 0.017 0.056 3350 16 × 25 0.021 0.060 2930 18 × 20 0.026 0.067 2860 16 × 31.5 0.017 0.050 3450 18 × 25 0.019 0.049 3140 16 × 35.5 0.015 0.044 3610 18 × 31.5 0.015 0.040 4170 16 × 40 0.013 0.038 4080 18 × 35.5 0.014 0.038 4220 18 × 40 0.012 0.032 4280 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 218 CAT.8100F ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UHE Standard Ratings V (Code) Item Cap.(µF) Code 6.8 6R8 15 150 27 270 33 330 39 390 47 470 56 560 68 680 82 820 100 120 5 × 11 6.3 × 11 180 181 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 9.3 62 Rated ripple (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz Impedance (Ω) MAX. 5 × 11 2.3 9.3 62 6.3 × 11 1.2 5.0 126 8 × 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 1.2 5.0 126 8 × 15 0.45 2.1 335 8 × 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 10 × 12.5 0.43 1.8 325 8 × 11.5 0.63 2.8 260 8 × 20 0.33 1.6 408 10 × 16 0.31 1.5 400 8 × 15 0.45 2.1 335 10 × 20 0.21 0.94 518 10 × 12.5 0.43 1.8 325 12.5 × 15 0.23 1.1 527 10 × 25 0.20 0.84 595 12.5 × 20 0.20 0.84 740 8 × 20 0.33 1.6 408 10 × 16 0.31 1.5 400 221 10 × 20 0.21 0.94 518 12.5 × 15 0.23 1.1 527 10 × 25 10 × 31.5 330 2.3 Case size φD × L (mm) 0.15 0.71 740 12.5 × 20 0.16 0.64 765 16 × 15 0.14 0.66 895 12.5 × 25 0.12 0.45 875 10 × 31.5 121 151 270 100 (2A) Rated ripple Impedance (Ω) MAX. (mArms) 20˚C / 100kHz –10˚C / 100kHz 105˚C / 100kHz 101 150 220 63 (1J) Case size φD × L (mm) 271 331 391 0.20 0.84 0.71 740 12.5 × 20 0.16 0.64 765 16 × 15 0.14 0.66 895 12.5 × 25 0.12 0.45 875 0.12 0.50 0.12 0.50 1030 0.10 0.42 1010 16 × 20 0.091 0.38 1130 12.5 × 35.5 0.083 0.35 1140 16 × 25 0.073 0.27 1350 12.5 × 40 0.071 0.30 1280 18 × 20 0.080 0.30 1300 595 0.15 18 × 15 18 × 15 12.5 × 31.5 16 × 31.5 0.054 0.20 1650 18 × 25 0.057 0.21 1560 1030 12.5 × 31.5 0.10 0.42 1010 16 × 35.5 0.045 0.17 1900 16 × 20 0.091 0.38 1130 18 × 31.5 0.047 0.17 1720 12.5 × 35.5 0.083 0.35 1140 16 × 40 0.040 0.15 2130 16 × 25 0.073 0.27 1350 12.5 × 40 0.071 0.30 1280 18 × 35.5 0.040 0.15 1890 18 × 20 0.080 0.30 1300 16 × 31.5 0.054 0.20 1650 18 × 40 0.036 0.13 2470 18 × 25 0.057 0.21 1560 16 × 35.5 0.045 0.17 1900 18 × 31.5 0.047 0.17 1720 16 × 40 0.040 0.15 2130 18 × 35.5 0.040 0.15 1890 18 × 40 0.036 0.13 2470 471 561 681 821 102 122 152 : In this case, 6 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. : In this case, 3 will be put at 12th digit of type numbering system. 219 CAT.8100F


引脚分配:文档中提到径向引线类型的电容器,给出了类型编号系统示例(例如:10V 1000μF),并描述了电容器的尺寸代码和配置。

参数特性:文档提供了详细的性能特性,包括工作温度范围(-40至+105°C)、额定电压范围(6.3至100V)、额定电容范围(0.47至18000μF)、电容公差(在120Hz, 20°C时为±20%)、漏电流(在20°C下,额定电压施加2分钟后,漏电流不超过0.01CV或3μA,取较大者)等。

功能详解:文档中解释了电容器的损耗角正切值(tan δ)、低温稳定性、阻抗比、耐久性等参数,并给出了在105°C下施加直流偏置和额定纹波电流后的电容变化、损耗角正切值和漏电流的规格。


UHE2A470MPD1CV 价格&库存


    •  国内价格
    • 5+1.01250
    • 50+0.81033
    • 150+0.70924
