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    IC VREF SHUNT ADJ 2.2% TO92-3

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NJM431L2 数据手册
NJM431 ADJUSTABLE PRECISION SHUNT REGULATOR ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJM431 is a 3 terminal adjustable shunt regulator. The output voltage may be set to any value between VREF (about 2.5V) and 36V by two resistors. Output circuitry shows a sharp turn-on characteristics. Applications include shunt regulators, series regulators for small power and isolation regulators with photo couplers. ■ FEATURES • Operating Voltage (VKA = VREF to 36V) • Fast Tum-On Respability • Cathode Current (1mA to 100mA) • Low Dynamic Output Impedance (0.2Ωtyp.) • Load Regulation typically (0.1%) • Package Outline DIP8, DMP8. TO-92. SOT-89 • Bipolar Technology ■ PACKAGE OUTLINE NJM431M NJM431D 1. REF 2. ANODE 3. CATHODE NJM431L(TO-92) NJM431U(SOT-89) ■ PIN CONFIGURATION NJM431U NJM431L ■ EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT Ver.2003-07-18 -1- NJM431 ■ BLOCK DIAGRAM ■ ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C) PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNIT Cathode Voltage (note) VKA 37 V Continuous Cathode Current IKA -100 to 150 mA Reference Input Current IREF -0.05 to 10 mA (DIP8) (DMP8) (TO92) (SOT89) 700 300 500 350 mW mW mW mW Power Dissipation PD Operating Temperature Topr -40 to +85 ºC Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 to +125 ºC (note) Unless specified, all voltage value are with respect to the anode terminal. ■ RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Cathode Voltage VKA VREF - 36 V Cathode Current IK 1 - 100 mA ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25ºC) PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT Reference Voltage VREF VKA = VREF, IK = 10mA (note 1) 2440 2495 2550 mV Reference Voltage Change (Full Oper. Temp. Range) VREF (dev) VKA = VREF, IK = 10mA (note 1) Ta = -20ºC to +85 ºC - 8 17 mV Reference Voltage Change vs. Cathode Voltage Change ∆VREF ∆VKA = 10V - VREF - -1.4 -2.7 mV/V ∆VKA = 36V - 10V - -1 -2 mV/V Reference Input Current Reference Input Current Change (Full Oper. Temp. Range) IK = 10mA (note 2) ∆VKA IREF IK = 10mA, R1 = 10kΩ, R2 = ∞ (note 2) - 2 4 µA IREF (dev) IK = 10mA, R1 = 10kΩ, R2 = ∞ (note 2) Ta = -20ºC to +85 ºC - 0..4 1.2 µA Minimum Input Current IMIN VKA = VREF (note 1) - 0.4 1.0 mA Cathode Current (Off Cond.) IOFF VKA = 36V, VREF = 0 (note 3) - 0.1 1.0 µA Dynamic Impedance |ZKA| VKA = VREF, IK = 1mA to 100mA, f ≤ 1kHz (note 1) - 0.2 0.5 Ω (note 1) TEST CIRCUIT (Fig. 1) (note 2) TEST CIRCUIT (Fig. 2) (note 3) TEST CIRCUIT (Fig. 3) -2- Ver.2003-07-18 NJM431 ■ TEST CIRCUITS 1. VKA = VREF VO = VKA = VREF (Fig. 1) ■ TYPICAL APPLICATION (1) Shunt Regulator 2. VKA > VREF 3. IOFF VO = VKA = VREF· 1 + R1  + IREF·R1  R2  (Fig. 2) (Fig. 3) (2) Series Regulator (3) Output Control of a Three-Terminal fixed Regulator (4) Constant Current Source ■ POWER DISSIPATION VS. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ver.2003-07-18 -3- NJM431 ■TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Reference Voltage Reference Voltage Reference Input Current VREF(dev) No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 (Ta = -20 to 25°C) +5mV 0mV 0mV -2mV -5mV (Ta = 25 to 85°C) +1mV 0mV -6mV -9mV -12mV (Ta = 25°C) 2525mV 2501mV 2481mV 2468mV 2456mV Reference Voltage IREF(dev) No.1 -0.38µA No.2 -0.27µA No.3 -0.21µA Safety Operating Boundary Condition Note) Oscillation might occure while operating within the range of safety curve. So that, it is necessary to make ample margins by taking considerations of fluctuation of the device. -4- Dynaminc Impedance [CAUTION] The specifications on this databook are only given for information , without any guarantee as regards either mistakes or omissions. The application circuits in this databook are described only to show representative usages of the product and not intended for the guarantee or permission of any right including the industrial rights. Ver.2003-07-18
NJM431L2 价格&库存

