LM3909 LED Flasher Oscillator
February 1995
LM3909 LED Flasher Oscillator
General Description
The LM3909 is a monolithic oscillator specifically designed to flash Light Emitting Diodes By using the timing capacitor for voltage boost it delivers pulses of 2 or more volts to the LED while operating on a supply of 1 5V or less The circuit is inherently self-starting and requires addition of only a battery and capacitor to function as an LED flasher Packaged in an 8-lead plastic mini-DIP the LM3909 will operate over the extended consumer temperature range of b 25 C to a 70 C It has been optimized for low power drain and operation from weak batteries so that continuous operation life exceeds that expected from battery rating Application is made simple by inclusion of internal timing resistors and an internal LED current limit resistor As shown in the first two application circuits the timing resistors supplied are optimized for nominal flashing rates and minimum power drain at 1 5V and 3V Timing capacitors will generally be of the electrolytic type and a small 3V rated part will be suitable for any LED flasher using a supply up to 6V However when picking flash rates it should be remembered that some electrolytics have very broad capacitance tolerances for example b20% to a 100%
Operation over one year from one C size flashlight cell Bright high current LED pulse Minimum external parts Low cost Low voltage operation from just over 1V to 5V Low current drain averages under 0 5 mA during battery life Powerful as an oscillator directly drives an 8X speaker Wide temperature range
Finding flashlights in the dark or locating boat mooring floats Sales and advertising gimmicks Emergency locators for instance on fire extinguishers Toys and novelties Electronic applications such as trigger and sawtooth generators Siren for toy fire engine (combined oscillator speaker driver) Warning indicators powered by 1 4V to 200V
Schematic Diagram
Typical 1 5V Flasher
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
TL H 7969 – 2
Top View Order Number LM3909N See NS Package Number N08E
TL H 7969 – 1
C1995 National Semiconductor Corporation
TL H 7969
RRD-B30M115 Printed in U S A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military Aerospace specified devices are required please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office Distributors for availability and specifications Power Dissipation V a Voltage 500 mW 6 4V Operating Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec )
b 25 C to a 70 C
260 C
Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Supply Voltage Operating Current Flash Frequency High Flash Frequency Compatible LED Forward Drop Peak LED Current Pulse Width 300 mF 5% Capacitor 0 30 mF 5% Capacitor 1 mA Forward Current 350 mF Capacitor 350 mF Capacitors at Amplitude 1 35 45 60 0 65 Conditions (Applications Note 3) (In Oscillation) Min 1 15 0 55 10 11 21 Typ Max 60 0 75 13 Units V mA Hz kHz V mA ms
Typical Applications (See applications notes on following page)
Triac Trigger
Provides 40 mA 10 ms pulses at about 8 kHz Triac gate may be pulse transformer isolated if desired
TL H 7969 – 3
Typical Applications (Continued)(See applications notes below)
Warning Flasher High Voltage Powered Va 6V 15V 100V Typical Operating Conditions Nominal Flash Hz 2 2 17 CT 400 mF 180 mF 180 mF RS 1k 3 9k 43k 1W RFB 1 5k 1k 1k V a RANGE 5V – 25V 13V – 50V 85V – 200V
TL H 7969 – 4
1 5V Flasher
TL H 7969 – 6
Estimated Battery Life (Continuous 1 5V Flasher Operation)
TL H 7969 – 5
Note Nominal flash rate 1 Hz
Size Cell Standard AA C D 3 months 7 months 1 3 years
Type Alkaline 6 months 15 months 2 6 years
Note Estimates are made from our tests and manufacturers data Conditions are fresh batteries and room temperature Clad or ‘‘leak-proof’’ batteries are recommended for any application of five months or more Nickel Cadmium cells are not recommended APPLICATIONS NOTES Note 1 All capacitors shown are electrolytic unless marked otherwise Note 2 Flash rates and frequencies assume a g 5% capacitor tolerance Electrolytics may vary b 20% to a 100% of their stated value Note 3 Unless noted measurements above are made with a 1 4V supply a 25 C ambient temperature and an LED with a forward drop of 1 5V to 1 7V at 1 mA forward current Note 4 Occasionally a flasher circuit will fail to oscillate due to an LED defect that may be missed because it only reduces light output 10% or so Such LEDs can be identified by a large increase in conduction between 0 9V and 1 2V
Typical Applications (Continued) (See applications notes on previous page)
3V Flasher Minimum Power at 1 5V
TL H 7969 – 8 TL H 7969–7
Note Nominal flash rate 1 1 Hz Average IDRAIN e 0 32 mA
Note Nominal flash rate 1 Hz Average IDRAIN e 0 77 mA
Fast Blinker
TL H 7969 – 11
Note Winking LED inside locates light in total darkness
TL H 7969–9
Note Nominal flash rate 2 6 Hz Average IDRAIN e 1 2 mA
Typical Applications (Continued) (See applications notes above)
Flashlight Finder
TL H 7969 – 10
Note LM3909 capacitor and LED are installed in a white translucent cap on the flashlight’s back end Only one contact strip (in addition to the case connection) is needed for flasher power Drawing current through the bulb simplifies wiring and causes negligible loss since bulb resistance cold is typically less than 2X
4 Parallel LEDs
High Efficiency Parallel Circuit
TL H 7969 – 12
TL H 7969 – 13
Note Nominal flash rate 1 3 Hz Average IDRAIN e 2 mA
Note Nominal flash rate 1 5 Hz Average IDRAIN e 1 5 mA
Typical Applications (Continued) (See applications notes above)
1 kHz Square Wave
TL H 7969 – 15
Note Output voltage through a 10k load to ground
TL H 7969 – 14
‘‘Buzz Box’’ Continuity and Coil Checker
Variable Flasher
TL H 7969 – 17
Note Flash rate 0 Hz–20 Hz
TL H 7969 – 16
Note Differences between shorts coils and a few ohms of resistance can be heard
Typical Applications (Continued) (See applications notes above)
LED Booster Incandescent Bulb Flasher
TL H 7969 – 18
Note High efficiency 4 mA drain Continuous appearing light obtained by supplying short high current pulses (2 kHz) to LEDs with higher than battery voltage available
TL H 7969 – 19
Note Flash rate 1 5 Hz
Emergency Lantern Flasher
TL H 7969 – 20
Note Nominal flash rate 1 5 Hz
LM3909 LED Flasher Oscillator
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters)
Molded Dual-In-Line Package (N) Order Number LM3909N NS Package Number N08E
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