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    LMC555CMX - CMOS Timer - National Semiconductor

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LMC555 CMOS Timer May 2006 LMC555 CMOS Timer General Description The LMC555 is a CMOS version of the industry standard 555 series general purpose timers. In addition to the standard package (SOIC, MSOP, and MDIP) the LMC555 is also available in a chip sized package (8 Bump micro SMD) using National’s micro SMD package technology. The LMC555 offers the same capability of generating accurate time delays and frequencies as the LM555 but with much lower power dissipation and supply current spikes. When operated as a one-shot, the time delay is precisely controlled by a single external resistor and capacitor. In the stable mode the oscillation frequency and duty cycle are accurately set by two external resistors and one capacitor. The use of National Semiconductor’s LMCMOS™ process extends both the frequency range and low supply capability. Features n n n n n n n n n n Less than 1 mW typical power dissipation at 5V supply 3 MHz astable frequency capability 1.5V supply operating voltage guaranteed Output fully compatible with TTL and CMOS logic at 5V supply Tested to −10 mA, +50 mA output current levels Reduced supply current spikes during output transitions Extremely low reset, trigger, and threshold currents Excellent temperature stability Pin-for-pin compatible with 555 series of timers Available in 8-pin MSOP Package and 8-Bump micro SMD package Pulse Width Modulator 00866915 00866920 Ordering Information Package Temperature Range Industrial −40˚C to +85˚C 8-Pin Small Outline (SO) 8-Pin Mini Small Outline (MSOP) 8-Pin Molded Dip (MDIP) 8-Bump micro SMD 8-Bump micro SMD NOPB LMC555CM LMC555CMX LMC555CMM LMC555CMMX LMC555CN LMC555CBP LMC555CBPX LMC555CTP LMC555CTPX LMC555CM ZC5 LMC555CN F1 F02 Rails 2.5k Units Tape and Reel 1k Units Tape and Reel 3.5k Units Tape and Reel Rails 250 Units Tape and Reel 3k Units Tape and Reel 250 Units Tape and Reel 3k Units Tape and Reel M08A MUA08A N08E BPA08EFB TPA08EFA Package Marking Transport Media NSC Drawing Note: See Mil-datasheet MNLMC555-X for specifications on the military device LMC555J/883. LMCMOS™ is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp. © 2006 National Semiconductor Corporation DS008669 www.national.com LMC555 Connection Diagrams 8-Pin SOIC, MSOP, MDIP 00866901 Top View 8-Bump micro SMD 00866909 Top View (Bump Side Down) www.national.com 2 LMC555 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Notes 2, 3) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/ Distributors for availability and specifications. Supply Voltage, V+ Input Voltages, VTRIG, VRES, VCTRL, VTHRESH Output Voltages, VO, VDIS Output Current IO, IDIS Storage Temperature Range Soldering Information MDIP Soldering (10 seconds) SOIC, MSOP Vapor Phase (60 sec) SOIC, MSOP Infrared (15 sec) 260˚C 215˚C 220˚C 15V −0.3V to VS + 0.3V 15V 100 mA −65˚C to +150˚C Thermal Resistance (θJA) (Note 2) SO, 8-Pin Small Outline MSOP, 8-Pin Mini Small Outline MDIP, 8-Pin Molded Dip 8-Bump micro SMD Maximum Allowable Power Dissipation @25˚C MDIP-8 SO-8 MSOP-8 8 Bump micro SMD 1126 mW 740 mW 555 mW 568 mW 169˚C/W 225˚C/W 111˚C/W 220˚C/W Note: See AN-450 “Surface Mounting Methods and Their Effect on Product Reliability” for other methods of soldering surface mount devices. Operating Ratings(Notes 2, 3) Termperature Range −40˚C to +85˚C Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) Test Circuit, T = 25˚C, all switches open, RESET to VS unless otherwise noted Symbol IS Parameter Supply Current VS = 1.5V VS = 5V VS = 12V VS = 1.5V VS = 5V VS = 12V 0.8 2.9 7.4 Conditions Min Typ 50 100 150 1.0 3.3 8.0 75 150 0.2 0.3 1.0 1.0 4.4 10.5 0.4 3.7 0.4 0.4 1.25 4.7 11.3 0.5 4.0 10 0.7 0.75 10 10 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.3 100 1.25 1.20 1.25 1.0 1.1 0.6 4.3 Max 150 250 400 1.2 3.8 8.6 150 300 0.4 0.6 2.0 Units (Limits) µA VCTRL Control Voltage V VDIS VOL Discharge Saturation Voltage VS = 1.5V, IDIS = 1 mA VS = 5V, IDIS = 10 mA Output Voltage (Low) VS = 1.5V, IO = 1 mA VS = 5V, IO = 8 mA VS = 12V, IO = 50 mA VS = 1.5V, IO = −0.25 mA VS = 5V, IO = −2 mA VS = 12V, IO = −10 mA VS = 1.5V VS = 12V VS = 5V VS = 1.5V (Note 4) VS = 12V VS = 5V VS = 5V VS = 12V SW 2, 4 Closed VS = 1.5V VS = 5V VS = 12V VS = 5V ± 1V mV V VOH Output Voltage (High) Trigger Voltage Trigger Current Reset Voltage Reset Current Threshold Current Discharge Leakage Timing Accuracy V VTRIG ITRIG VRES IRES ITHRESH IDIS t V pA V pA pA nA ms ∆t/∆VS Timing Shift with Supply %/V 3 www.national.com LMC555 Electrical Characteristics (Notes 1, 2) Test Circuit, T = 25˚C, all switches open, RESET to VS unless otherwise noted (Continued) Symbol ∆t/∆T fA fMAX t R , tF tPD Parameter Timing Shift with Temperature Astable Frequency Maximum Frequency Output Rise and Fall Times Trigger Propagation Delay Conditions VS = 5V −40˚C ≤ T ≤ +85˚C SW 1, 3 Closed, VS = 12V Max. Freq. Test Circuit, VS = 5V Max. Freq. Test Circuit VS = 5V, CL = 10 pF VS = 5V, Measure Delay from Trigger to Output 4.0 Min Typ 75 4.8 3.0 15 5.6 Max Units (Limits) ppm/˚C kHz MHz ns 100 ns Note 1: All voltages are measured with respect to the ground pin, unless otherwise specified. Note 2: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits. Electrical Characteristics state DC and AC electrical specifications under particular test conditions which guarantee specific performance limits. This assumes that the device is within the Operating Ratings. Specifications are not guaranteed for parameters where no limit is given, however, the typical value is a good indication of device performance. Note 3: See AN-450 for other methods of soldering surface mount devices, and also AN-1112 for micro SMD considerations. Note 4: If the RESET pin is to be used at temperatures of −20˚C and below VS is required to be 2.0V or greater. Note 5: For device pinout please refer to table 1 Test Circuit (Note 5) Maximum Frequency Test Circuit (Note 5) 00866902 00866903 TABLE 1. Package Pinout Names vs. Pin Function Pin Function GND Trigger Output Reset Control Voltage Threshold Discharge V+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Package Pin numbers 8-Pin SO, MSOP, and MDIP 8-Bump micro SMD A3 B3 C3 C2 C1 B1 A1 A2 www.national.com 4 LMC555 Application Information MONOSTABLE OPERATION In this mode of operation, the timer functions as a one-shot (Figure 1). The external capacitor is initially held discharged by internal circuitry. Upon application of a negative trigger pulse of less than 1/3 VS to the Trigger terminal, the flip-flop is set which both releases the short circuit across the capacitor and drives the output high. negative pulse to the reset terminal. The output will then remain in the low state until a trigger pulse is again applied. When the reset function is not use, it is recommended that it be connected to V+ to avoid any possibility of false triggering. Figure 3 is a nomograph for easy determination of RC values for various time delays. Note: In monstable operation, the trigger should be driven high before the end of timing cycle. 00866904 00866911 FIGURE 1. Monostable (One-Shot) The voltage across the capacitor then increases exponentially for a period of tH = 1.1 RAC, which is also the time that the output stays high, at the end of which time the voltage equals 2/3 VS. The comparator then resets the flip-flop which in turn discharges the capacitor and drives the output to its low state. Figure 2 shows the waveforms generated in this mode of operation. Since the charge and the threshold level of the comparator are both directly proportional to supply voltage, the timing internal is independent of supply. FIGURE 3. Time Delay ASTABLE OPERATION If the circuit is connected as shown in Figure 4 (Trigger and Threshold terminals connected together) it will trigger itself and free run as a multivibrator. The external capacitor charges through RA + RB and discharges through RB. Thus the duty cycle may be precisely set by the ratio of these two resistors. 00866910 VCC = 5V TIME = 0.1 ms/Div. RA = 9.1 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Input 5 V/Div. Middle Trace: Output 5 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 2 V/Div. 00866905 FIGURE 4. Astable (Variable Duty Cycle Oscillator) In this mode of operation, the capacitor charges and discharges between 1/3 VS and 2/3 VS. As in the triggered mode, the charge and discharge times, and therefore the frequency are independent of the supply voltage. Figure 5 shows the waveform generated in this mode of operation. FIGURE 2. Monostable Waveforms Reset overrides Trigger, which can override threshold. Therefore the trigger pulse must be shorter than the desired tH. The minimum pulse width for the Trigger is 20ns, and it is 400ns for the Reset. During the timing cycle when the output is high, the further application of a trigger pulse will not effect the circuit so long as the trigger input is returned high at least 10µs before the end of the timing interval. However the circuit can be reset during this time by the application of a 5 www.national.com LMC555 Application Information (Continued) FREQUENCY DIVIDER The monostable circuit of Figure 1 can be used as a frequency divider by adjusting the length of the timing cycle. Figure 7 shows the waveforms generated in a divide by three circuit. 00866912 VCC = 5V TIME = 20 µs/Div. RA = 3.9 kΩ RB = 9 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Output 5 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor Voltage 1 V/Div. 00866914 VCC = 5V TIME = 20 µs/Div. RA = 9.1 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Input 4 V/Div. Middle Trace: Output 2 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Capacitor 2 V/Div. FIGURE 5. Astable Waveforms The charge time (output high) is given by t1 = 0.693 (RA + RB)C And the discharge time (output low) by: t2 = 0.693 (RB)C Thus the total period is: T = t1 + t2 = 0.693 (RA + RB)C The frequency of oscillation is: FIGURE 7. Frequency Divider Waveforms PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR When the timer is connected in the monostable mode and triggered with a continuous pulse train, the output pulse width can be modulated by a signal applied to the Control Voltage Terminal. Figure 8 shows the circuit, and in Figure 9 are some waveform examples. Figure 6 may be used for quick determination of these RC Values. The duty cycle, as a fraction of total period that the output is low, is: 00866920 FIGURE 8. Pulse Width Modulator 00866913 FIGURE 6. Free Running Frequency www.national.com 6 LMC555 Application Information (Continued) 00866916 VCC = 5V 00866915 Top Trace: Modulation Input 1 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Output Voltage 2 V/Div. TIME = 0.1 ms/Div. RA = 3.9 kΩ RB = 3 kΩ C = 0.01 µF VCC = 5V TIME = 0.2 ms/Div. RA = 9.1 kΩ C = 0.01 µF Top Trace: Modulation 1 V/Div. Bottom Trace: Output Voltage 2 V/Div. FIGURE 11. Pulse Position Modulator Waveforms FIGURE 9. Pulse Width Modulator Waveforms PULSE POSITION MODULATOR This application uses the timer connected for astable operation, as in Figure 10, with a modulating signal again applied to the control voltage terminal. The pulse position varies with the modulating signal, since the threshold voltage and hence the time delay is varied. Figure 11 shows the waveforms generated for a triangle wave modulation signal. 50% DUTY CYCLE OSCILLATOR The frequency of oscillation is f = 1/(1.4 RCC) 00866906 00866921 FIGURE 12. 50% Duty Cycle Oscillator micro SMD Marking Orientation Top View FIGURE 10. Pulse Position Modulator 00866923 Bumps are numbered counter-clockwise 7 www.national.com LMC555 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted Molded Small Outline (SO) Package (M) NS Package Number M08A 8-Pin (0.118” Wide) Molded Mini Small Outline Package NS Package Number MUA08A www.national.com 8 LMC555 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued) Molded Dual-in-line Package (N) NS Package Number N08E 9 www.national.com LMC555 Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued) NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. EPOXY COATING 2. 63Sn/37Pb EUTECTIC BUMP 3. RECOMMEND NON-SOLDER MASK DEFINED LANDING PAD. 4. PIN A1 IS ESTABLISHED BY LOWER LEFT CORNER WITH RESPECT TO TEXT ORIENTATION. REMAINING PINS ARE NUMBERED COUNTERCLOCKWISE. 5. XXX IN DRAWING NUMBER REPRESENTS PACKAGE SIZE VARIATION WHERE X1 IS PACKAGE WIDTH, X2 IS PACKAGE LENGTH AND X3 IS PACKAGE HEIGHT. 6. REFERENCE JEDEC REGISTRATION MO-211, VARIATION BC. 8-Bump micro SMD Package NS Package Number BPA08EFB X1 = 1.387 X2 = 1.412 X3 = 0.850 www.national.com 10 LMC555 CMOS Timer Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued) NOTES: UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 1. EPOXY COATING 2. FOR SOLDER BUMP COMPOSITION, SEE “SOLDER INFORMATION” IN THE PACKAGING SECTION OF THE NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR WEB PAGE (www.national.com). 3. RECOMMEND NON-SOLDER MASK DEFINED LANDING PAD. 4. PIN A1 IS ESTABLISHED BY LOWER LEFT CORNER WITH RESPECT TO TEXT ORIENTATION. 5. XXX IN DRAWING NUMBER REPRESENTS PACKAGE SIZE VARIATION WHERE X1 IS PACKAGE WIDTH, X2 IS PACKAGE LENGTH AND X3 IS PACKAGE HEIGHT. 6. REFERENCE JEDEC REGISTRATION MO-211, VARIATION BC. 8-Bump micro SMD Package NS Package Number TPA08EFA X1 = 1.387 X2 = 1.412 X3 = 0.500 National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. For the most current product information visit us at www.national.com. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCE National Semiconductor follows the provisions of the Product Stewardship Guide for Customers (CSP-9-111C2) and Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification (CSP-9-111S2) for regulatory environmental compliance. Details may be found at: www.national.com/quality/green. Lead free products are RoHS compliant. National Semiconductor Americas Customer Support Center Email: new.feedback@nsc.com Tel: 1-800-272-9959 National Semiconductor Europe Customer Support Center Fax: +49 (0) 180-530 85 86 Email: europe.support@nsc.com Deutsch Tel: +49 (0) 69 9508 6208 English Tel: +44 (0) 870 24 0 2171 Français Tel: +33 (0) 1 41 91 8790 National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support Center Email: ap.support@nsc.com National Semiconductor Japan Customer Support Center Fax: 81-3-5639-7507 Email: jpn.feedback@nsc.com 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. LMC555 CMOS Timer www.national.com Tel: 81-3-5639-7560
### 物料型号 - LMC555

### 器件简介 LMC555是555系列通用定时器的CMOS版本。除了标准封装(SOIC、MSOP和MDIP)外,LMC555还提供芯片尺寸封装(8球微SMD),使用National的微SMD封装技术。LMC555具有与LM555相同的准确生成时间延迟和频率的能力,但功耗和电源电流尖峰要低得多。

### 引脚分配 | 引脚功能 | 8脚SO、MSOP和MDIP封装引脚号 | 8球微SMD封装引脚号 | | --- | --- | --- | | GND | 1 | A3 | | Trigger | 2 | B3 | | Output | 3 | C3 | | Reset | 4 | C2 | | Control Voltage | 5 | C1 | | Threshold | 6 | B1 | | Discharge | 7 | A1 | | V+ | 8 | A2 |

### 参数特性 - 典型功耗小于1mW(5V供电) - 可达到3MHz的稳定频率 - 保证在1.5V供电电压下工作 - 输出与5V供电下的TTL和CMOS逻辑完全兼容 - 在输出转换期间减少电源电流尖峰 - 极低的复位、触发和阈值电流 - 出色的温度稳定性

### 功能详解 - LMC555可以作为单稳态定时器(One-shot)和多谐振荡器使用。在单稳态模式下,时间延迟由一个外部电阻和电容器精确控制。在稳定模式下,振荡频率和占空比由两个外部电阻和一个电容器精确设置。

### 应用信息 - LMC555可以用于产生精确的时间延迟和频率,适用于各种定时和控制应用。例如,它可以用作单稳态定时器、多谐振荡器、脉冲宽度调制器和脉冲位置调制器。

### 封装信息 - 8脚小外型封装(SO) - 8脚迷你小外型封装(MSOP) - 8脚塑封双列直插封装(MDIP) - 8球微SMD封装
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