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Software Development Tools REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM Overview emphasis in the design of OSEKturbo OS was to Freescale OSEKturbo OS is the leading meet demanding performance requirements, while OSEK/VDX™ Real Time Operating System maintaining the outstanding reputation for stability (RTOS) implementation available on the market and quality (SEI CMM level 52) established in today in terms of quality and performance. more than five years of automotive ECU OSEKturbo fully conforms to the latest development. The result is that Freescale OSEK/VDX Operating System standard1. The OSEKturbo is one of most widely used RTOS is fully configurable and statically defined OSEK/VDX OS implementations on the market within the CodeWarrior™ IDE environment. Only today. Although the OSEK/VDX specification was those functions that are required are included created by the automotive industry, the providing the user with a truly scaleable RTOS. specification does not limit its use to automotive OSEKturbo OS is available for a wide range of 8-, 16- and 32-bit embedded microprocessors. The applications and it is increasingly being used in a wide range of embedded applications ranging Benefits By adopting Freescale OSEKturbo and CodeWarrior Development Studio, embedded developers can: > Reduce software integration time and the associated costs from industrial control to telecom products. > Re-use software modules among different application designs Freescale OSEK tool support Freescale’s 8- to 32-bit microcontrollers reducing Freescale offers a Builder tool for easy configuration the number of tools that need to be re-learned for of OSEKturbo applications. The Freescale OSEK new projects on different architectures. OSEK > Reduce maintenance costs through the use of a high-level language and common platform Builder is a graphical Windows™ based application System Generator (SysGen) is fully integrated in the that enables the developer to easily configure a build process and for the configuration of project runtime system. The tool allows the developer to settings. OSEK Builder can also be called as OSEK optimize the software to meet the specific configuration editor. CodeWarrior Development application needs. A complete system description is Studio supports full OSEK OS kernel awareness generated in OSEK Implementation Language (OIL) during debugging. CodeWarrior Development Studio format, allowing full portability of the application can also provide simulation support for development configuration. The developer may also choose to without hardware. generate OS libraries from Builder. > Ensure a high-quality, stable software environment for their applications > Ensure a highly efficient OS with extremely small memory footprint and outstanding performance > Ensure an optimized, highly integrated and broadly supported development tool chain In addition Freescale has established strong Freescale also offers an OSEK plug-in to allow partnerships with industry leaders providing OSEKturbo applications are written kernel-aware debugging in CodeWarrior deeper integration with a wide variety of partner in C language using the OSEK Development Studio, enabling the developers to use tools including Model Based Simulation, Code Application Programming Interface the CodeWarrior IDE for the whole application Generation, Schedulability Analysis, popular CAN- (API) enabling portability and re- development. It brings many advantages such as based communications software and tools, and use of software. simplified project setup through the use of support for many 3rd Party OSEK kernel aware stationaries and samples. CodeWarrior tools support debuggers (emulators) and compilers. 1 OSEK/VDX Consortium (Offene Systeme und deren Schnittstellen für die Elektronik im Kraftfahrzeug/Vehicle Distributed eXecutive) – for more information and for details on specification see: www.osek-vdx.org. 2 OSEKturbo Software development team has been assessed at Capability Maturity Model (CMM) level 5 by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) - for more information see: www.sei.cmu.edu/sei-home.html. OSEK Real Time Operating System OSEKturbo Performance Information Context switch timings: • Measurements done with Timer capture (MPC555: TB, time base register; HCS12DP256: TCNT, timer count register) First instruction in called task executed • • Tasks activated consecutively, ISR that activates tasks as well 19 tasks, 3 ISRs, STANDARD status Ready to call first instruction in previous task ActivateTask is called Call Terminate Task TASK 2 TASK 1 CONTEXT SWITCH BETWEEN TASKS OSEKturbo Performance Information TERMINATE TASK TIME MPC555 40MHz; BCC1 HCS12DP256 8MHz; BCC1 Context switch between tasks (ActiveTask) 1.7µs 12.5µs Terminate task with return to background task 0.9µs 6.6µs Context switch from ISR (ActiveTask) 2.1µs 14.9µs Freescale OSEKturbo OS Products OSEKturbo releases exist for all OS (BCC1, ECC1, BCC2, ECC2) and COM (CCCA and Typical Memory Requirements: MPC555 HCS12DP256 2304 bytes 776 bytes OS data 108 bytes 60 bytes OS code 2196 bytes 716 bytes Total OS RAM 466 bytes 90 bytes Total OS ROM > OSEKturbo highly optimized for speed and memory on each target power modes, interrupt handler and Floating Point registers > ORTI (OSEK Runtime Interface) for kernel aware debugging > Full internal OSEK communication for inter process communication > Enhanced OSEK Builder for OIL configuration > Task management for activation and termination of tasks > Multiple scheduling policies > Interrupt management > Event control for task synchronization > Error handling > Freescale MPC5xx > Resource management based on OSEK priority ceiling protocol Benchmark configuration: > BCC1 with one task per priority > Freescale MPC5200 > Counter management > Pre-emptive Scheduling > Freescale DSP56800E > Efficient alarm management > No multiple activations > Freescale S12X > Optimal stack methods > 10 basic tasks + 1 initialization task > Stack monitoring > 10 alarms with task activations > Freescale MAC7100 > Fast links for accessing system data structures > 1 16-bit (1 ms) Technical Enhancements > Timescale feature that enables cyclic task activations based on efficient alarms > Automatic exclusion of unused system services > No messages, no resources CCCB) conformance classes. Supported Processors (check with your local Freescale sales office for latest list) > Freescale 68HC08 > Freescale 68HC(S)12 > Freescale MPC55xx > Specific hardware features such as memory bank switching and use of low > 1 ISR (in addition to system timer) > Standard status, debug level zero > No hooks Learn More: For more information about Freescale products, please visit www.freescale.com/codewarrior FREESCALE and the FREESCALE logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CODEWARRIOR and the CODEWARRIOR logo are trademarks of Metrowerks Corp. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005. © Metrowerks Corp. 2005. Metrowerks is a Freescale company. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 950-00048 REV B
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