Freescale Semiconductor
Advance Information
Document Number: MC10XSD200
Rev. 3.0, 12/2013
Dual 10 mOhm High Side Switch
The 10XSD200 device is part of a 36 V dual high side switch product
family with integrated control, and a high number of protective and
diagnostic functions. It has been designed for industrial applications.
The low RDS(ON) channels ( VPWR /2 and “Off”
when V(HS[x]) < VPWR /2. The channel’s switching state
should not be confused with the device’s internal channel
control state hson[x] (= High Side On). Signal hson[x] defines
the targeted switching state of the channel (On/Off). It is
either controlled by the value of the direct input signal or by
that of the internal/external clock signals combined with the
SPI register settings. The value of hson[x] is given by the
following boolean expression:
hson[x] = [(IN[x] and DIR_dis[x]) or (On bit [x] and
Duty_cycle[x] and PWM_en[x] = 1) or (On bit [x] and
PWM_en[x] = 0)].
In this expression Duty_cycle[x] represents the value of
the duty cycle, set by bits D7…D0 of the PWMR register
(Table 6). The channel’s actual switching state may differ
from the control signal’s state in the following cases:
• short circuits to GND, before automatic turn-Off (t < tFAULT)
• short circuits to VPWR when the channel is set to Off
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
• VPWR < 13 V when OpenLoad in Off state detection is
selected and the load is actually lost
• during the turn-on transition as long as V(HS[x])< VPWR/2
• during the turn-off transition as long as V(HS[x]) > VPWR/2
Entering and Maintaining Normal Mode
A 0-to-1 transition on RSTB, (when both VPWR and VDD
are present) or on any of both direct inputs IN[x] (when only
supplied by VPWR), puts the device in Normal mode. If
desired, the device can be operated in Normal mode without
VDD, but this requires that at least one of both direct inputs be
regularly turned on (Operation and Operating Modes). To
maintain the device in Normal mode (NM), communication
must take place on a regular basis.
For SPI communication, the state of the WDIN bit must be
alternated at least every 310 ms (typ.) (tWDTO), unless the
WD_disable bit is set to 1.
For direct input control, the timing requirements are shown
in Figure 10. A signal called IN_ON[x] is not directly
accessible to the user but is used by the internal logic circuitry
to determine the device state. When no activity is detected on
a direct input pin (IN[x]) for a time longer than tIN = 250 ms
(typ.), timeout is detected and IN_ON[x] goes low. When this
occurs on both channels, Sleep mode is entered (Sleep
Mode), provided reset = RSTB = 0
Table 5. Device Operating Modes
FailFault Comments
All channels are OFF.
The SPI Watchdog is active
when: VDD = 5.0 V,
WD_DIS = 0, RSTB = 1
The channels are controlled by
the IN inputs. (see Fail-safe
The channels are OFF, see
Fault Mode.
x = Don’t care.
It enters Fail-safe mode, when either a timeout on SPI
communication or when VDD is lost, after having been initially
present (if this function was previously enabled by setting:
VDD_FAIL_EN bit = [1]). Setting watchdog disabled
(WD_dis = 1, D4 of the GCR register) avoids entering Failsafe mode after a watchdog timeout. Device behavior upon
fault occurrence is explained in the paragraph on Faults
(Fault Mode).
Figure 10. Relation Between Signals IN(x) and IN_ON[x]
Direct Control Mode
When RSTB = 0 (and also in Fail-safe mode), the
channels are merely controlled by the direct input pins IN[x].
All protective functions (OC, OT, SC, OV, and UV) are
operational including auto-retry. To avoid entering Sleep
mode at frequencies < 4.0 Hz, reset should be set to
RSTB = 1.
Going from Normal to Fail-safe, Fault or Sleep Mode
The device changes from Normal to Fail-safe (Fail-safe
Mode), Sleep mode (Sleep Mode), or Fault mode (Fault
Mode), according to the value of the following signals (see
Table 5).
• wake-up = RSTB or IN_ON[0] or IN_ON[1]
• fail-safe = (VDD Failure and VDD_FAIL_en) or (SPI
watchdog timeout (tWDTO) and WD_DIS = 0)
• fault = OC[0:1] or OT[0:1] or SC[0:1] or UV or (OV and
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
(wake-up = 0)
(wake-up = 1) and
(fail-safe = 1)
and (fault = 0)
(wake-up = 1)
and (fault = 1)
(wake-up = 0)
(fail-safe = 1) and
(wake-up = 1)
and (fault = 1)
(fail-safe = 0) and (wake-up = 1) and (fault = 0)
(fail safe = 1) and
(wake-up = 1) and
(fault = 0)
(wake-up = 0)
(fail-safe = 0) and
(wake-up = 1) and
(fault = 1)
(fail-safe = 0) and (wakeup = 1) and (fault = 0)
(fail-safe = 0) and (wake-up = 1) and (fault = 0)
(fail-safe = 1) and (wake-up = 1) and (fault = 0)
Figure 11. Device Operating Modes
In Sleep mode, the channels and the SPI interface are
turned off to minimize current consumption.
The device enters Sleep mode (wake-up = 0) when both
Direct Input pins IN(x) remain Off longer than tIN sec. (when
reset is active; RSTB = 0). This is expressed as follows:
• VPWR (and VDD) are within the normal range, and
• wake-up = 0 (wake-up = RSTB or IN_ON[0] or
IN_ON[1]), and
• fail-safe = X, and
• fault = X
When employed, VDD must be kept in the normal range.
Sleep mode is the default mode after the first application of
the supply voltage (VPWR), prior to any I/O communication
(RSTB and the internal states IN_ON[0:1] are still at logic [0]).
All SPI register contents remain in their default state during
Sleep mode.
Entering Fail-safe Mode
Fail-safe mode is entered either upon loss of SPI
communication or after loss of optional SPI supply voltage
VDD (VDD Out of Range). The FSOB pin goes low and the
channels are only controlled by the direct inputs (IN[0:1]). All
protective functions remain fully operational. Previously
latched faults are delatched and SPI register contents is reset
(except bits POR & PARALLEL). The SPI registers can not
be accessed. These conditions are also described by the
following expressions:
• VPWR is within the normal voltage range, and
• wake-up = 1, fault = 0, and
• fail-safe = 1 ((VDD Failure and VDD_FAIL_en=1 before)
or (t(SPI)> tWDTO and WD_dis = 0).
The second case corresponds to loss of SPI
communication, which is detailed in the next section.
Watchdog on SPI Communication and Fail-safe Mode
When VDD is present, the SPI watchdog timer is started
upon a rising edge on the RSTB pin. Thereafter, the device
monitors the state of the first bit (WDIN) of all received SPI
words. When the state of this bit is not alternated at least
once within a data stream of duration tWDTO = 310 ms typ.,
the device considers the SPI communication has been lost
and enters Fail-safe mode. This behavior can be disabled by
setting the bit WD_DIS = 1. The value of watchdog timeout is
derived from an internal oscillator.
Returning from Fail-safe to Normal mode
To exit Fail-safe mode and return to normal mode again,
first a SPI data word with its WDIN bit = 1 (D15) must be
received by the device (regardless the register it is contained
in, and regardless of the values of the other bits in this
register). Next, a second data word must be received within
the timeout period (tWDTO = 310 ms typ.), to be able to
change any SPI register contents. Upon entering Normal
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
mode, the FSOB pin returns to logic high and previously set
faults and SPI registers are reset, except bits POR,
PARALLEL and fault bits of latchable faults that had actually
been latched.
The device enters Fault mode when any of the following
faults occurs in Normal or Fail-safe mode:
• Overtemperature fault, (latchable fault)
• Overcurrent fault, (latchable fault)
• Severe short-circuit fault, (latchable fault)
• Output shorted to VPWR in OFF state (default: disabled)
• OpenLoad fault in OFF state (default: disabled)
• OpenLoad fault in ON state (default: disabled)
• External clock failure (default: enabled)
• Overvoltage fault (enabled by default)
• Undervoltage fault, (latchable fault)
The Fault Status pin (FSB) asserts a fault occurrence on
any channel in real time (active low). Additionally, the
assigned fault bit in the STATR_s or FAULTR_s register is
set to one. Conversely to the FSB pin, a fault bit remains set
until the corresponding register is read, even if the fault has
disappeared. These bits can be read via the SO pin. Fault
occurrence also results in a turn-off of the incurred channel,
except for the following faults: OpenLoad (On and Off state),
External Clock Failure and Output(s) shorted to VPWR. Under
and overvoltage occurrences cause simultaneous turn-off of
both channels. Details on the device’s behavior, after the
occurrence of one of the above faults can be found in
Protection and Diagnostic Features.
Fault mode (Operation and Operating Modes) is entered
• VPWR (+VDD) were within the normal voltage range, and
• wake-up = 1, and
• fail-safe = X, and
• fault = 1 (see Going from Normal to Fail-safe, Fault or
Sleep Mode)
Resetting FAULT bits
Registers STATR_s and FAULTR_s contain global and
channel-specific fault information. Reading the register the
fault bit is contained in, clears it, provided a failure cause
disappearance has been detected and the fault wasn’t
Entering Fault Mode from Fail-safe Mode
When a Fault occurs in Fail-safe mode, the device is in
Fault/Fail-safe mode and behaves according to the
description of fault mode. However, SPI registers remain
reset and can not be accessed. Only the Direct inputs control
the channels.
Returning from Fault Mode to Fail-safe Mode
When disappearance of the fault previously produced in
Fail-safe mode has been detected, the device returns to Fail-
safe mode and behaves accordingly. FSB goes high, but the
auto-retry counter is not reset. Latched faults are not
delatched. SPI registers remain reset.
An auto-retry function (see Auto-retry) controls how the
device responds to the so-called latchable faults. Latchable
faults are: overcurrent (OC), severe short-circuit (SC),
overtemperature (OT), and undervoltage (UV). If a latchable
fault occurs, the channel is turned off, the FSB pin goes low,
and the assigned fault bit is set. These bits can not be reset
before the next turn-on event is generated by auto-retry.
Next, the channel is automatically turned on at a
programmable interval, provided auto-retry was enabled and
the channel wasn’t latched.
If the failure disappears prior to the expiration of the
available number of auto-retries, the FSB pin automatically
returns to logic [1], but the fault bit remains set. It can still be
reset by reading out the SPI register in which it is contained.
However, the fault actually gets latched if the failure cause
hasn’t disappeared at the first turn-on event following
expiration of the available amount of auto-retries (see Autoretry). In that case, the channel gets latched and the FSB pin
remains low. The fault bit can only be reset by reading out the
associated SPI register, after having performed a delatch
sequence (Fault Delatching).
Fault Delatching
To delatch a latched channel and be able to turn it on
again, a delatch sequence must execute after the
disappearance of the failure cause. Delatching also allows to
reset the fault bit of latched faults (see Resetting FAULT bits).
To reset the FSB pin, both channels must be delatched.
Delatching is achieved by either alternating the state of the
channels’ fault control signal fc[x] (generating a 1_0_1
sequence), or by resetting the auto-retry counter (provided
retry is enabled). (See Reset of the Auto-retry Counter)
Delatching then actually occurs at the rising edge of the turnon event.
Signal fc[x] is an internal signal used by the device’s
internal logic circuitry to control the diagnostic functions. The
value of fc[x] depends on the state of the variables IN_ON[x],
DIR_dis[x] and ON[x] and is expressed as follows:
fc[x] = ((IN_ON[x] and DIR_dis[x] = 0) or ON[x] = 1)
Alternating the fc[x] signal is achieved differently according
to the way the user controls the device.
• In direct-input controlled mode (DIR_dis_s = 0), the IN[x]
pin must be set low, remain low for at least tIN seconds,
and set high again (be switched On). This might happen
automatically when operating at frequencies, f
fCLOCK(HIGH)), the external clock signal is ignored and a fault
is detected (FSB =0), CLOCK_fail bit is set (OD2 in the
DIAGR register). The state of the ON_s bit in the SPI register
then determines the channel’s switching state. To return to
external clock mode (and reset FSB), the clock-fail bit must
be read and the external clock has to be within the authorized
range again.
Internal Clock & Internal PWM (Clock_int_s bit = 1)
By using a reference time slot (usually available from an
external microcontroller), the period of each of the internal
PWM clocks can be changed or calibrated (see
Programmable PWM module). Calibration of the default
period = 1/fPWM(0) reduces its maximum variation from about
+/-30 percent to +/- 10%. The programming procedure is
activated by sending a dedicated word to the SI-CALR
register (see Table 11). Next, the device sets the new value
of the switching period in 2 steps. First it measures the time
elapsed between the first falling edge on the CSB pin and the
next rising edge on the CSB pin (tCSB). Then it changes the
value of the internal clock period accordingly. The actual
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
value of the channel’s switching period is obtained by
multiplying the internal clock period by 256.
Output short-circuited diagnostics). After setting
PARALLEL=1, contents of SO registers in bank 0 are copied
to the registers of bank 1 only when new information is written
in them. Bits OD3, OD4 and OD5 of both FAULTR_s
registers are always reported independently.
• Direct Input mode:
The IN0 and IN1 pins must be connected externally.
2- Diagnostics in Parallel Mode:
SI command
Internal clock
period of channel s
When the duration of the negative CSB pulse is outside a
predefined time slot (from t CSB(MIN) to t CSB(MAX)), the
calibration event is ignored and the internal clock frequency
remains unchanged. If the value (fPWM(0)) has not been
previously calibrated, it remains at its default level.
Synchronization of both Channels
When internal clock signals are used to drive the PWM
modules, perfect synchronization over a long time can not be
achieved, since both clock signals are independent.
However, when the channels are driven by the external clock,
perfect synchronization can be achieved by simultaneously
setting PWM_en_1=1 and PWM_en_0=1. The best way to
optimize EMC is to use an external clock with a staggered
switch on delay (see Table 7).
The channels can be paralleled to drive higher currents.
Setting the PARALLEL bit in the GCR register to logic [1] is
mandatory in this case. The improved synchronization of
both transistors allows an equal current distribution between
both channels. In parallel mode, both output pins (HS[x])
must be connected, as well as both IN[x] pins, in case of
external control. CONF0 and CONF1 must be set to equal
1- Device Configuration in Parallel mode:
There are two ways to configure the On/Off control: SPI
control and Direct Input Control.
• SPI controlled Parallel mode:
The switching configuration is solely defined by the (SI)
PWMR_0, CONFR_0, OCR_0, and RETRY_0 registers. As
soon as PARALLEL=1, the contents of the corresponding
registers in bank 1 is replaced by that of bank 0, except bits
D6-D8 of the CONFR_1 register (configuration OpenLoad/
The Diagnostics in Parallel mode operate as follows:
• OpenLoad in OFF state and - OpenLoad in ON state:
The OL_ON and OL_OFF bits of both FAULTR registers
independently report failures of the channels according to the
settings of bits D7 and D6 of the CONFR_s register.
• Current sensing:
Refer to the Table 22 for a description of the various
current sensing modes.
Only the Current sense ratio of bank 0 (D5 of the OCR_0
register) is considered. The corresponding bit in the OCR_1
register is copied from that of the OCR_0 register.
• Output shorted to supply:
The OS-bit (OD3) of each of both FAULT registers
independently report this fault, according to the settings of bit
D8 of the CONFR_s reg.
3- Protections in Parallel Mode:
• Overcurrent:
-Only the Configuration of overcurrent thresholds &
blanking windows of channel 0 are considered.
-In case overcurrent (OC) occurs on any channel, both
channels are turned-off. Regardless the order of occurrence
of OC, both OC-bits (OD0) in the FAULT registers are
simultaneously set to logic 1.
• Severe short-circuit:
In case of SC detection on any channel, both channels are
turned-off and the SC bits (OD1) in both FAULT registers are
simultaneously set to logic 1.
• Overtemperature:
In case of OT detection on any channel, both channels are
turned-off and both OT bits in the FAULT registers (OD2) are
simultaneously set to logic 1.
• auto-retry:
Only one 4-bit auto-retry counter specifies the number of
successive turn-on events on paralleled channels
(RETRYR_0). The counter value in register RETRYR_1
(OD4…OD7) is copied from that in RETRYR_0.
To delatch the channels, only channel 0 needs to be
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
Overtemperature Fault (latchable fault)
The channels have individual overtemperature detection.
As soon as a channel’s junction temperature rises above TSD
(175 °C typ.), it is turned OFF, the overtemperature bit
(OT = OD2) is set, and FSB = 0. FSB can only be reset by
turning ON the channel when the junction temperature of
both channels has dropped below the threshold: TJ VPWR(OV)), the
device turns OFF both channels simultaneously, the FSB pin
is asserted low, and the OV fault bit is set to logic [1]. The
channels remain OFF until the supply voltage drops below a
threshold voltage VPWR < VPWR(OV) - VPWR(OVHYS). The OV
bit can then be reset by reading out the STATR register.
The overvoltage protection can be disabled by setting the
OV_dis = 1 in the general configuration (GCR) register. In
this case, the FSB pin neither asserts a fault occurrence, nor
turns the channels off. However, the fault register (OV bit) still
reports an overvoltage occurrence (when VPWR > VPWR(OV))
as a warning. When VPWR > VPWR(OV), the value of the onresistance on both channels (RDS(ON)) still lays within the
ranges specified in Table 3.
Undervoltage Fault (Latchable Fault)
Figure 14. Overcurrent Shutdown in PWM Mode (solid
line) and Non-PWM Mode (dashed line)
The channels are always turned off when the supply
voltage (VPWR) drops below VPWR(UV). FSB drops to logic [0],
and the fault register’s (common) UV bit is set to [1].
When the undervoltage condition then disappears, two
different cases exist:
• If the channel’s internal control signal hson[x] is off, FSB
returns to logic [1], but the UV bit remains set until at least
one output is turned on (warning).
• If the channel’s control signal is on, the channel is only
turned on if a delatch or POR sequence is performed prior
to the turn on request. The UV bit can then only be reset
by reading out the STATR register.
Auto-retry (if enabled) starts as soon as the UV condition
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
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Extended Mode Protection
In extended mode (6.0 V < VPWR < 8.0 V or 36 V < VPWR
< 58 V), the channels are still fault protected, but compliance
with the specified protection levels is not guaranteed. The
register settings however (including previously detected
faults) remain unaltered, provided VDD is within the
authorized range. Below 6.0 V, the channels are only
protected from overtemperature, and this fault is only
reported in the SPI register at the moment VPWR has again
risen above VPWR(UV). To allow the outputs to remain ON
between 36 V and 58 V, overvoltage detection should be
disabled by setting OV_dis = 1 in the GCR reg.).
Faults (overtemperature, overcurrent, severe short-circuit,
over and undervoltage) are reset if:
• VDD < VDD(FAIL) with VPWR in the normal voltage rang
• VDD and VPWR are below the VSUPPLY(POR) voltage
• The corresponding SPI register is read after the
disappearance of the failure cause (and delatching)
the supply voltage measurement diode (zener) and that
injected into the MOSFET’s gate to turn it on.
Figure 15. Supply and Output Voltage Protections
Drain/source Overvoltage protection
Reverse Voltage Protection on VPWR
The device tries to limit the Drain-to-Source voltage by
turning on the channel whenever VDS exceeds VDS(CLAMP).
When a fault occurs (SC, OC, OT, and UV), the device is
rapidly switched Off (in t < tFAULT seconds), regardless the
value of the selected slew rate. This may induce voltage
surges on VPWR and/or the output pin (HS[x]), when
connected to an inductive line/load. Turning on the device
also dissipates the energy stored in the inductive supply line.
This function monitors overvoltage for VPWR > 30 V. Below
VPWR < 30 V, the negative output voltage protection protects
the device from overvoltage by turning on the channel. The
feature remains functional after device ground loss.
The device can withstand reverse supply voltages on
VPWR down to -28 V. Under these conditions, the outputs are
automatically turned ON and the channel’s ON resistance
(RDS(ON)) is similar to that during regular supply voltages. No
additional components are required to protect the VPWR
circuit except series resistors (>8.0 k) between the direct
inputs IN[0:1] and VPWR in case they are connected to VPWR.
The VDD pin needs reverse voltage protection from an
externally connected diode (Figure 21).
Supply Overvoltage Protection
In order to protect the device from excessive voltages on
the supply lines, the voltage between the device’s supply pins
(VPWR and the GND) is monitored. When the VPWR-to-GND
voltage exceeds the threshold VD_GND(CLAMP), the channel is
automatically turned on. The feature is not operational in
cases of ground loss.
Negative Output Voltage Protection
The device tries to limit the undervoltage on the output
pins HS[x] when turning off inductive loads. When the output
voltage drops below VCL, the channel is switched on
automatically. This feature is not guaranteed after a device
ground loss.
The energy dissipation capabilities of the circuit are
defined by the ECL [0:1] parameters. For inductive loads larger
than 20 µH, it is recommended to employ a freewheeling
diode. The three different overvoltage protection circuits are
symbolically represented in Figure 15. The values of the
clamping diodes are those specified in Table 3. Coupling
factor k represents the current ratio between the current in
Load and system Ground Loss
In case of load ground loss, the channel’s state does not
change, but the device detects an OpenLoad fault. In case of
a system GND loss, the channels are turned off.
Device Ground Loss
In the (improbable) case where the device loses all of its
three ground connections (pins 14, 17, and 22), the channels’
state (On/ Off) depends on several factors: the values of the
series resistors connected to the device pins, the voltage of
the direct input signals, the device’s momentary current
consumption (influenced by the SPI settings), and the state
of other high side switches on the board, when there are pins
in common like FSB, FSOB and SYNC. In the following
description, all voltages are referenced to the system
(module) GND.
When series resistors are used, the channel state can be
controlled by entering Fail-safe mode. The channels are
turned off automatically when the voltage applied to the IN[x]
input(s) through the series resistor(s) is not higher than VDD
and be turned on when the IN[x] input(s) are tied to VPWR.
Fail-Safe is entered under the following conditions:
• all unused pins are tied to the overall system GND
connection by resistors > 8.0 k.
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
• any device pin connected to external system
components has a series resistors > 8.0 k (except pins
VPWR, VDD, HS[0], HS[1] and R(CSNS)>2.0 k)
• FSB, FSOB, and SYNC pins are in the logic high state
when they are shared with other devices. This means
none of the other devices are in Fault- or Fail-safe
mode, nor should current sensing be performed on any
one of them when GND is lost
When no series resistors are employed, the channel state
after GND loss is determined by the voltage on pins IN[0:1]
and the voltage shift of the device GND. Device GND shift is
determined by the lowest value of the external voltage
applied to either pin of the following list: CLOCK, FSB,
and CSNS. When the device GND voltage becomes a logic
low (V(GND)< VIL), the SPI port continues to operate and the
device operates normally. When the GND voltage becomes
logic high (V(GND)> VIH), SPI communication is lost and Failsafe mode is entered. When the voltage applied to the IN[0:1]
input is VPWR, the channel is turned on when it is VDD, the
channel is turned off if (VDD - V(GND)) < VIH.
VDD Out of Range
If the external VDD supply voltage is lost (or falls outside
the authorized range: VDD VPWR (POR), after a period VPWR < VPWR (POR)
(and VDD < VDD (POR) before and after)
• VDD > VDD (POR) after a period with VDD < VDD (POR) (VPWR
< VPWR (POR) before and after)
POR is also set at the transition to wake-up (by setting
RSTB =1 or IN[x]=1) when VPWR > VPWR (POR) (before and
after) or VDD >VDD(POR) (before and after). POR is not
performed when VPWR > VPWR (POR) after a period VPWR <
VPWR (POR) (and VDD > VDD (POR) permanently).
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
(fc[x] = 0)
(OpenLoadOFF = 1
or OS = 1
or OV = 1)
(fc[x] = 1 and (OV = 0))
(OpenLoadOFF = 1
or OS = 1
or OV = 1)
(OpenLoadON = 1)
(fc[x]= 0 or OV = 1)
(count = 16)
(Retry = 1)
(fc[x] = 0)
Auto-retry Loop
(after Retry Period and OV = 0 and OT = 0 and UV = 0)
(OV = 1)
(OpenloadOFF = 1
or OS = 1
or OV = 1
or UV = 1
or OT = 1) (fc[x] = 0)
(OpenLoadON = 1)
(Retry = 1)
= > count = count+1
Figure 16. State Machine: Fault Occurrence and Auto-retry
The auto-retry circuitry automatically tries to turn on the
channel on a cyclic basis. Only faults of the latchable type
(overcurrent, severe short-circuit, overtemperature (OT), and
undervoltage (UV)) may activate auto-retry. For UV and OT
faults, auto-retry only starts after disappearance of the failure
cause when auto-retry is enabled. The retry condition is
expressed by:
Retry[x] = OC[x] or SC[x] or OT[x] or UV.
If Auto-retry has been enabled, its mode of operation
depends on the settings of the auto-retry related bits (bits
D0...D3 of the SI-RETRY_s register, see Table 12) and the
available amount of auto-retries (bits OD7...OD4 of the SORETRY_s reg.). More details can be found in Number Of
If Auto-retry is disabled, latchable faults are automatically
latched upon their occurrence (see Protection and Diagnostic
Auto-retry Configuration
To enable the auto-retry function, bit retry_s (D0 of the SI
RETRY_s register) has to be set to the appropriate value.
Auto-retry is enabled for retry_s = 0 when the channel is
configured for lighting applications (CONF=0). It is enabled
for retry_s=1 for DC motor applications (CONF[x] =1).
Table 9. Auto-Retry Activation for Lamps (CONF=0) and
DC Motors (CONF=1)
Retry_s bit
If auto-retry is enabled, an auto-retry sequence starts
when the channel’s fault control signal is set to 1 (fc[x] = 1,
Fault Delatching) and the retry condition applies (Retry[x]=1.
See Auto-retry).
When a failure occurs (fault = 1), the channel are
automatically switched on again after the auto-retry period.
The value of this period (tAUTO) is set through the SPI port bits
(D2 and D3 of the RETRY_s register, see Table 21). When
the failure cause disappears before expiration of the
available amount of auto-retries, the device behaves
normally (FSB = 1), but the fault bit remains set until it is
cleared. This guarantees a maximum device availability
without preventing fault detection.
Number Of Auto-retries
In case the device is configured for an unlimited amount of
auto-retries (Retry-unlimited_s = 1), auto-retry continues as
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
long as the device remains powered. The channel is never
latched off.
In case a limited amount of retries is selected (Retryunlimited_s = 0), auto-retry continues as long as the value of
the 4-bit auto-retry counter does not exceed 15 (bits
OD4...OD7 of the RETRY_s register). After 15 retries, the
Rfull bit of the STATR (OD4 for channel 0, OD5 for channel
1) register is set to a logic high. The amount of available autoretries is then reduced to one. If the fault still hasn’t
disappeared at the next retry, the corresponding channel is
switched off definitively and the fault is latched (FSB = 0).
See Protection and Diagnostic Features and Fault
Any channel can be turned on at any moment during the
auto-retry cycle by performing a delatch sequence. However,
this does not reset the retry counter.
The value of the auto-retry counter can be read back in
Normal mode (SO-RETRY register bits OD7-OD4).
Reset of the Auto-retry Counter
The counter of the amount of retries is reset when:
Fail-safe is entered (Fail-safe Mode)
Sleep mode is left (Sleep Mode)
POR occurs (Supply Voltages Out of Range)
the retry function is set to unlimited (bit Retryunlimited_s = 1 (D1 = 1))
• the retry function is disabled (retry_s bit = D0 of the
RETRY_s register under goes a 1-0 sequence for
CONF = 1 and a 0-1 sequence for CONF = 0).
If the channel is latched at the moment the auto-retry
counter is reset (case 4), the channel is delatched, and
turned on after one retry period (if retry was enabled).
Auto-retry and Overcurrent Duration
During the on-period following each auto-retry, the load
current profile is compared to the length and height of the
selected overcurrent threshold profile, as described in the
section on overcurrent protection. See Overcurrent Fault
(latchable fault).
When the lighting profile is activated, the overcurrent
duration counter is reset at each auto-retry (to allow
sustaining new inrush currents).
For DC motor mode however, it is only reset at the turn-off
event of the first PWM period without any overcurrent (see
Reset of the Duration Counter)
Figure 16 gives a description of the retry state machine
with the various transitions between operating modes.
Diagnostic functions OpenLoad in On state (OLON),
OpenLoad in Off state (OLOFF) and output short-circuited to
VPWR (OS) are operational over the frequency and duty cycle
ranges specified in Table 4 for PWM mode, but the precise
values also depend on the way the device is controlled
(direct/internal PWM), on the current sense ratio and on the
optional activation of the OpenLoad in On state detection. As
an example, in direct input (DIR_DIS_S = 0), Low-Current
mode (CSR1), OLON, OLOFF, and OS detection are
performed for duty cycle values up to: RPWM_400_h = 85%
(instead of 90%) when OpenLoad in On state detection is
enabled (OLON_dis=0).
Output Shorted to VPWR Fault
The device detects short-circuits between the output and
VPWR. The detection is performed during the Off-state. The
output-shorted to VPWR fault-bit (OS_s) is set whenever the
output voltage rises above VOSD(THRES). The fault is reported
in real time on the FSB pin and saved by the OS_s bit.
Occurrence of this fault does not trigger automatic turn-off.
Even if the short-circuit disappears, the OS_s bit is not
cleared until the FAULTR register is read. The function may
be disabled by setting OS_dis_s=1. The function operates
over the duty cycle ranges specified in Diagnostic Features.
This type of event shall be limited to 1000 min. during its
lifetime. In case of permanent output shorted to the power
supply condition, it is needed to turn-on the corresponding
OpenLoad Detection In Off State
OpenLoad in OFF state detection (OL_OFF) is performed
continuously during each OFF state (both for CSR0 and
CSR1). This function is implemented by injecting a small
current into the load (IOLD(OFF)). When the load is
disconnected, the output voltage rises above VOLD(THRES).
OL_OFF is then detected and the OL_OFF bit in the FAULTR
register is set. If disappearance of the open load fault is
detected, the FSB output pin returns to a high immediately,
but the OL_OFF bit in the fault register remains set until it is
cleared by a read out of the FAULTR register. The function
may be disabled by setting OLOFF_dis_s=1. The function
operates over the duty cycle ranges specified in section
Diagnostic Features.
OpenLoad Detection In On State (OL_ON)
OpenLoad in ON state detection (OLON) is performed
continuously during the On state for CSR0 over the ranges
specified in section Diagnostic Features. An OpenLoad in On
state fault is detected when the load current is lower than the
OpenLoad current threshold IOLD(ON). This happens at
IOLD(ON) = 300 mA (typ.) for high-current sense mode
(CSR0), and at 7.0 mA (typ.) for low-current mode. FSB is
asserted low and the OLON bit in the fault register is set to 1,
but the channel remains On. FSB goes high as soon as the
disappearance of the failure cause is detected, but the
OL_ON bit remains set.
In high current mode (CSR0), OpenLoad in On state
detection is done continuously during the On state and the
OLON-bit remains set even if the fault disappears.
In high current mode, the OLON-bit is cleared when the
FAULTR register is read during the Off state, even if the fault
hasn't disappeared. The OLON bit is also cleared when the
Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data
Freescale Semiconductor
FAULTR register is read during the ON state, provided the
failure cause (load disconnected) has disappeared.
In low current mode (CSR1), OL_ON is done periodically
instead of continuously, and only operates when fast slew
rate is selected. When the internal PWM module is used with
an internal or external clock (case 1), the period is 150 ms
(typ.). When the direct inputs are used (case 2), the period is
that of the input signal. The detection instants in both cases
are given by the following:
1. In internal PWM (int./ext. clock), low current mode
(CSR1), OpenLoad in ON state detection is not
performed each switching period, but at a fixed
frequency of about 7.0 Hz (each tOLLED =150 ms typ.).
The function is available for a duty cycle of 100%.
OLON detection is also performed at 7.0 Hz, at the first
turn-off event occurring 150 ms after the previous
OL_ON detection event (before OS and OL_OFF).
2. In direct input, low current mode (CSR1), OL_ON is
performed each switching period (at the turn-off
instant) but the duty cycle is restricted to the values.
Consequently, when the signal on the IN[x] pin has a
duty cycle of 100%, OL_ON is not performed. To solve
this problem, either the internal PWM function must be
activated with a duty cycle of 100%, or the channel’s
direct input must be disabled by setting Dir_dis_s=1
(bit D5 of the CONFR-s register). The OLON-bit is only
reset when the FAULTR register is read after
occurrence of an OL_ON detection event without fault
OpenLoad Detection in Discontinuous Conduction Mode
If small inductive loads (solenoids / DC motors) are driven
at low frequencies, discontinuous conduction mode may
occur. Undesired OpenLoad in On state errors may then be
detected, as the inductor current needs some time to rise
above the OpenLoad detection threshold after turn-on. This
problem can be solved by increasing the switching
frequency, or by disabling the function and activating
OpenLoad in Off state detection instead.
When small DC motors are driven in discontinuous
conduction mode, undesired OpenLoad in Off state detection
may also occur when the load current reaches 0 A during the
Off state. This problem can be solved by increasing the
switching frequency, or by enabling OpenLoad in the Off
state detection only during a limited time, preferably directly
after turn-off (see Diagnostic Features). The signal on the
SYNC pin can be used to identify the turn-off instant.
The scaled values of either of the output currents or the
temperature of the device’s GND pin (#14) can be made
available at the CSNS pin. To monitor the current of a
particular channel or the general device temperature, the
CSNS0_en and CSNS1_en bits (see Table 22) in the general
configuration register (GCR) must be set to the appropriate
values. When overcurrent windows are active, current
sensing is disabled and the SYNCB pin remains high.
Instantaneous and Sampled Current Sensing
The device offers two possibilities for load current sensing:
instantaneous (synchronous) sensing mode and track & hold
mode (see Figure 9). In synchronous mode, the load current
is mirrored through the current sense pin (Output Current
Monitoring (CSNS)) and is therefore synchronous with it.
After turn-off, the current sense pin does not output the
channel current. In track & hold mode however, the current
sense pin continues to mirror the load current as it was just
before turn-off. Synchronous mode is activated by setting the
T_H_en bit to 0, and Track & Hold mode by setting the
T_H_en bit to 1.
Current Sense Ratio Selection
The load current is mirrored through the CSNS pin with a
sense ratio (Figure 17) selected by the CSNS_ratio bit in the
OCR register. To achieve optimal accuracy at low current
levels, the lower current sensing ratio, called CSR1, can be
selected. In that case, the overcurrent threshold levels are
decreased. The best accuracy that can be obtained for both
ratios is shown in Figure 18. The amount of current the CSNS
pin can sink is limited to ICSNS,MAX..The CSNS pin must be
connected to a pull-down resistor (470 < R(CSNS)