i.MX Applications Processors
Freescale Evaluation Kit (EVK)
for the i.MX233 Applications Processor
Price. Performance. Personality
• Develop around a reference power
Freescale delivers the cost-effective i.MX23
management system that maximizes
Freescale’s EVK for the i.MX233 applications
evaluation kit, allowing customers to develop,
the use of the integrated power
processor allows designers to quickly
management unit
prototype and demonstrate the results of their
debug and demonstrate their next great
product without compromising performance.
• Use proven design examples and software
The evaluation kit supports all the features of
drivers to reduce hassles associated with
the size of a 5 x 7 portrait, giving confidence
the device in a small, single-board design and
design-in of key connectivity and power
to project decision makers that the product is
an optional LCD add-on module to enable
management options
that much closer to production. Develop user-
• Simplify product design
interactive software and display your product-
developers a complete development platform
at a low price point
of less than $600. Based on a powerful and
well-proven ARM926EJ-S™ core, the i.MX23
• Enable rapid prototyping to speed up
processor selection process
development efforts in a small, portable design
Freescale Semiconductor Confidential and Proprietary Information. Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are
of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective ow
specific graphical data on a high-quality, touch
screen-enabled 4.3" TFT LCD, provided as an
add-on module to the EVK. With the Freescale
EVK delivers performance without sacrificing
i.MX23 EVK, prototyping and development are
battery life, and for wall-powered devices, will
With the i.MX23 EVK, designers have access
simplified to improve time to market.
help developers design products that meet
to key features needed for an end design. The
today’s demands for energy efficiency. A
Freescale i.MX23 EVK provides designers with
range of connectivity options makes the
the hardware functionality and connectivity
i.MX23 EVK suitable for developing many
required for developing many applications,
different types of user applications. The
such as portable media players, home devices
provided Board Support Package (BSP) for
with user interface panels (home appliances,
Linux® enables rapid prototyping to help
remote controls and security panels),
speed up the processor selection process
streaming internet media devices, eBooks
and quickly deliver a demo into the hands of
and VoIP handsets. With production-ready
the project stakeholders. The i.MX23 EVK is
software components, an optimized OS and
• ETM support (default: not populated)
preconfigured with Linux to support a wide
a system-validated BSP, designers have the
• DC/DC converter components
range of consumer, general embedded and
tools to test and maximize the performance of
industrial applications.
the applications they have developed.
• Li-Ion battery connector
Key Benefits
Software and hardware engineers are provided
with the key resources to test their developed
• Explore multiple connectivity options with
code. They can also download this code
the i.MX233 applications processor: display,
to the target EVK to test and validate their
touchscreen, USB, SDIO and others
software and run and evaluate performance
• Investigate usage of the analog audio
metrics. The ability to have all communication
through the mic input, headphone output
ports working (serial, USB) and to debug over
jack, line-in jack and speaker connector
JTAG and Ethernet is essential for product
development. The EVK also provides boot
select switches, which gives the user the
option to override the default boot setting of
the CPU.
i.MX23 EVK Key Features
• i.MX233 applications processor (169 BGA)
• 2 x 64 MB DDR1
• 2 GB NAND flash
• SPI flash/EEPROM footprints (default: not
Software Development Kit
• 4.3" WQVGA touch screen LCD display
• Optimized and validated for Linux
(add-on module)
• SD/MMC card slot
• USB host/device
• Two application serial ports (default: one
populated, one not populated)
• Ethernet
• Navigation keys
• Mic input, headphone output jack
• Line-in jack
• Speaker connector
• 3-axis accelerometer footprint
(default: not populated)
• Composite TV-out connector footprint
(default: not populated)
• Expansion port for optional peripheral card
(default: not populated)
operating system
• Integrated and validated BSP for the
i.MX23 EVK feature set
production-ready, Freescale-developed
by Freescale processor experts
• Consistent application programming
interface (API) and frameworks across
software packages
packages available through a streamlined,
Web-based licensing and delivery system
• Freescale development tools, test streams
supports power sequencing of the
power to external components such
as memories and battery charging
functionality for Li-Ion batteries
• On-die analog audio (stereo audio
output and speaker amplifier) and A/D
channels reduce system complexity
and speed time to market
• Image processing unit supporting
24-bit VGA with touch screen displays
and documentation
Freescale Alliance Program
technology alliances for building smarter,
better connected solutions. Intended to help
• Reset, interrupt, boot switches
you shorten your design cycle and get your
for a rich user interface
• Wide range of connectivity options,
such as UART, SDIO, USB and I2C
• Boot from SD, SPI or NAND flash
products to market faster, these technology
Ordering information
alliances provide you with access to rich
Part Number
design tools and peripherals as well as
support and training. For more information, visit
Embedded CE 6.0
LCD module (4.3”
WQVGA touch
Learn More:
Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off.
ARM926EJ-S is the trademark of ARM Limited. All other product or service names are the property of their
respective owners. © 2010 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Document Number: IMX23EVKFS REV 2 cc
• Integrated power management
ADC/DAC, mic input, headphone
• Evaluation and production software
• Debug serial port
• Current/power monitoring
fast, power-efficient, proven
device and output rails to supply
• Highly optimized software coded
Tap into a powerful ecosystem of Freescale
• Power source
• CPU complex with Freescale’s
ARM926EJ-S core
• Functional software packages with
• Debug display/LEDs
The i.MX233
Applications Processor
For current information about Freescale
products and documentation, please visit