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MOD5270BXCE 数据手册
e t B u r n e r Networking in 1 Day! Mod5270 10/100 Processor Module Features • Complete solution for embedded applications • Start writing you application code immediately, instead of integrating development tools or building custom hardware. The Mod5270 processor module is a low cost, high performance single board computer solution to network-enable both existing and new product designs with 10/100BaseT Ethernet. Based on the Freescale ColdFire 5270 32-bit processors with integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC, it has plenty of horsepower for the most demanding applications (rated at 96 MIPS with 100 MHz clock). Network-Enable Existing Applications: Add a module to an existing application to network enable the device through serial ports, GPIO pins, address/data bus, I2C or QSPI. • Use as a high-performance single board computer or as a network interface processor. Network-Enable New Applications • Network development kit available with RTOS, TCP/IP, Web Server, C/C++ Compiler, IDE, Graphical Debugger, configuration and deployment tools. Customize to Suit Any Application • Module includes 3 UARTs, QSPI, I2C, 8 timers, Watchdog timer, Address bus, Data bus, GPIO, Interrupts and more. • Powerful 95MHz 32-bit Freescale ColdFire 5270 processor with integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC. • 2MB SDRAM, 512KB Flash memory, 64k fast SRAM on processor, 8k cache. Add a module to an application-specific motherboard, and you have a powerful processing platform that can function as the control processor for the product, or as a low cost network interface processor. TheNetBurner Network Development kit enables you to quickly and easily create custom applications. NetBurner has a solid reputation for development platforms to facilitate rapid product development, and the Mod5270 kit is no exception. The kit includes the hardware platform, TCP/IP Stack, uC/OS Real-time operating system, Web Server, GNU C/C++ compiler and linker, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), GDB graphical debugger, end-user device configuration, flash update utilities, and much more. Real 32-Bit Performance Traditionally, companies using 8 and 16-bit platforms find it nearly impossible to run resource-intensive applications on fast Ethernet connections. The NetBurner Mod5270 features a full 32-bit architecture, at a price point less than many 8 or 16bit devices. The Mod5270 high-performance processing platform provides the horsepower to handle both 10/100 Ethernet connections and resource-demanding applications with ease and flexibility. Mod5270 Signal Description and Pinout Conn J1 Pin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Primary Function GPIO Port GND GND VCC3V R/*W PCS1 *CS1 PCS2 *CS2 PCS3 *CS3 *OE *BS2 *BS3 *TIP D16 PBUSCTL6 *TA D18 D17 D20 D19 D22 D21 D24 D23 D26 D25 D28 D27 D30 D29 *RSTI D31 *RSTO CLKOUT-95MHz A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 VCC3V GND GND Processor Pin No B10 C9 A9 H11 Conn J2 Pin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Primary Function GND VCC3V U0_RXD U0_TXD NO CONNECT D14 D13 D15 D11 D12 D10 D9 D8 GND D0 D1 D4 D2 D5 D6 U1_RXD U1_TXD D3 D7 QSPI_CLK DT3_OUT QSPI_DIN QSPI_DOUT *U0_CTS QSPI_CS0 DT0_IN *U1_RTS *U1_CTS DT1_OUT DT3_IN DT0_OUT DT1_IN *U0_RTS I2C_SDA QSPI_CS1 U2_RXD I2C_SCL IRQ1 U2_TXD IRQ3 GND IRQ5 IRQ7 GND VCC3V Alternate Function GPIO Port Processor Pin No U0_TXD PUARTL0 PUARTL1 F2 F1 PDATAH6 PDATAH5 PDATAH7 PDATAH3 PDATAH4 PDATAH2 PDATAH1 PDATAH0 N1 M2 M1 P2 N2 L3 M3 N3 PDATAL0 PDATAL1 PDATAL4 PDATAL2 PDATAL5 PDATAL6 PUARTL4 PUARTL5 PDATAL3 PDATAL7 PQSPI2 PTIMER6 PQSPI1 PQSPI0 PUARTL3 PQSPI3 PTIMER1 PUARTL6 PUARTL7 PTIMER2 PTIMER7 PTIMER0 PTIMER3 PUARTL2 PFEC12C1 PQSPI4 PUARTH0 PFECI2C0 PIRQ1 PUARTH1 PIRQ3 P5 N5 P4 M5 N4 M4 D8 D9 L5 P3 C5 G14 B5 A5 F3 A6 E4 C8 B8 M6 H14 F4 L6 G3 J12 B7 A7 J11 L8 A8 N8 PIRQ5 PIRQ7 L7 N7 I2C_SCL *U2_RTS I2C_SDA *DREQ0 *U2_RTS *U2_CTS *DACK1 *U2_CTS *DACK0 DT1_OUT/*DREQ1 SD_CKE Notes: - The TIP signal is the logical AND of /CS1, /CS2 and /CS3. TIP can used to control an external data bus buffer for the data bus signals. An example circuit design can be found on the Module Development Board schematic. An external data bus buffer is recommended for any designs that use data bus signals D16 - D31 - Each UART can be clocked from an internal or external source. For external clocks, each UARTn,can be clocked by the corresponding DTn_IN input pin. Specifications Processor 32-bit Freescale ColdFire 5270 with integrated 10/100 Ethernet MAC LEDs • 10/100 Ethernet Speed • Link/Activity Network Interface 10/100BaseT with RJ-45 connector Physical Characteristics Dimensions: 2.0” x 2.6” Mounting Holes: 2 x 0.125” dia Network Protocols Supported Complete protocol support included. See NNDK-MOD5270-KIT datasheet for details. Includes: • ARP • BOOTP • DHCP • FTP • HTTP • ICMP • IGMP • IP • NTP • SMTP • POP3 • PPP • TCP • DNS • UDP Software Development • NetBurner Network Development Kit includes: RTOS, TCP/IP Stack, Web Server, C/C++ Compiler, Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Graphical Debugger, configuration and deployment tools. Contact Information Connectors Two standard dual row 50-pin 0.1” headers Power Requirements 500mA @ 3.3V Environmental Operating Temperature: 0 - 70°C Ordering Information MODULES Freescale p/n: MOD5270 (single piece) Freescale p/n: MOD5270BX (quantities greater than 100) NetBurner p/n: MOD5270-100 (any quantity) DEVELOPMENT KITS Freescale p/n: M5270PROMO (binary release) NetBurner p/n: NNDK-MOD5270-KIT (source code release) NetBurner, Inc. 5405 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121 http://www.netburner.com 858.558.0293 phone 858-558-8549 fax sales@netburner.com © 2005 NetBurner, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure all information is correct, but NetBurner, Inc. is not responsible for inadvertant errors. Freescale(tm) and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. (c) Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005
MOD5270BXCE 价格&库存

