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PCF7991AT/1081/M:1 数据手册
Discontinuation Notification 201605020DN Issue Date: 01-Jun-2016 Effective Date: 05-Jun-2016 Here's your personalized quality information concerning products Digi-Key purchased from NXP. For detailed information we invite you to view this notification online 2016 Mid-Year Product Discontinuation Notification Discontinuation Information This Discontinuation Notice confirms to your company that NXP Semiconductors (NXP) is now discontinuing the manufacture of a number of its integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors listed in the “Part Type Affectedâ€� list included with this notification. In accordance with NXP product discontinuation policy and JEDEC EIA/JESD48, we are hereby giving notice of these product changes so that Digi-Key can adjust their product purchasing records, or make any final lifetime purchases of the discontinued products that can still be supplied by NXP. While this Discontinuation Notice contains a number of NXP discontinued end-of-life Product Types, the Part Types Affected (PTA) list represents a small percentage of NXP overall semi-conductors product portfolio. Some of these discontinued products have had little to no recent sales history or they are at the end-of-life (EOL) stage. The PTA list may also cover a number of versions or selections of the same basic Product Type. We regret the inconvenience and impact this notice may cause. NXP Semiconductors' sales, marketing and distribution personnel stand ready to assist you in placing Digi-Key's final orders, or in providing product information you require. On behalf of NXP Semiconductors, we appreciate your understanding and assistance in helping us to help you minimize the impact of this product discontinuation on your company. We look forward to NXP Semiconductors' continued support of your company's semiconductor requirements in the years to come. Discontinuation Notification date moved from June to May 2016. Terms and Conditions Last Time Buy Terms and Conditions Carefully review this information and notify your purchasing offices and buyers to place your company's final purchases for available discontinued products with NXP as soon as possible according to the following last time buy terms and conditions. GENERAL: Last time ordering conditions may vary by product. Refer to Parts Types Affected List. The Last Time Buy Date automatically expires when the final available discontinued part type inventory quantity or production unit has been scheduled and/or sold by NXP. 1. DELIVERY DATES: Last time delivery conditions may vary by product. Refer to the DN Parts Affected List. NXP final delivery date(s) may be affected by limited supply conditions. 2. ORDER PLACEMENT: Discontinued product orders placed with NXP are to be clearly identified as a "Last Time Buy" order. Each order must: (a) reference NXP Discontinuation Notice that applies (b) contain your company's requested delivery dates per this notice; (c) be within the minimum order quantity requirements in an existing volume purchase agreement or meet NXP' standard minimum order policy; and (d) otherwise conform to all other applicable conditions in this notice. 3. PRICING: The unit sales price for purchase of the available discontinued products covered by this notice will be as follows: a.) If a current signed volume purchase agreement is on file in NXP contracts-legal department, the unit price will be the effective agreement part type unit price for any unordered product quantities covered by such agreement. For quantities beyond the applicable unordered volume agreement quantity, the unit price will be subject to negotiation. b.) If a valid offer-to-sell standalone quote is still in effect during the last time ordering period, the unit price shall remain as originally quoted by NXP for the offered part type quantities until the quote has expired, or until the quoted quantities have been purchased. c.) Where a volume purchase agreement or a NXP standalone quote is not in effect, the product unit price will be subject to NXP individual price quotation of your company's last time buy requirements. 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & DELIVERY: NXP will acknowledge (“Confirmâ€�) each acceptable discontinued product order in writing or by electronic data interchange ("EDI"), and NXP will use its good faith efforts to meet your company's requested delivery date(s) wherever possible. However, NXP confirmed delivery date(s) are deemed to be approximate because of the special circumstances associated to last time product manufacturing conditions. 5. ORDER ACCEPTANCE/CHANGECONDITIONS: a) NXP will accept last time discontinued products orders from your company as "Firm and Final". As such, these discontinued products orders will not be subject to reschedule, cancellation, or termination by your company without NXP prior written authorization and payment of termination charges for the ordered discontinued products at the full product unit sales price. b) NXP reserves its right to make changes in NXP confirmed scheduled delivery dates, or to terminate any remaining undelivered quantities of your company's last time buy order(s), at any time, due to changes in NXP last time manufacturing capabilities, or for commercially impracticable circumstances, which makes delivery not feasible. 6. QUANTITIES: The following priority supply conditions apply to final buy quantities for available discontinued products. a) FIRST: The quantities in any existing unfilled orders and contracts acknowledged by NXP will be honored, then b) NEXT: The unfilled quantities in any volume agreement(s) or quantities in unexpired standalone quote(s) will be accepted, and c) FINALLY: NXP shall, where possible, reasonably accept additional quantities of discontinued product order quantities that NXP quotes based upon your company's identified requirements. IN THE EVENT OF CONFLICT FOR LIMITED AVAILABILITY DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS, THE QUANTITIES FOR NXP CUSTOMER’S, OR NXP DISTRIBUTOR’S, ORDERS WILL BE DETERMINED BY NXP ON A "FIRST-COME FIRST-SERVE BASIS". THESE DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS ORDER QUANTITIES WILL ALSO BE SUBJECT TO NXP AVAILABLE INVENTORY AND REMAINING MANUFACTURING CAPACITY FOR THE DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS. 7. DISTRIBUTION SALES: If you are a NXP distributor customer, please contact your authorized NXP distributor sales representative for assistance in planning and making any last time purchase(s) of available discontinued products. Such purchases are to be negotiated solely between your company and the distributor. You may also find additional information about NXP discontinued products on our discontinued products Internet web site at: http://www.nxp.com/products/eol/ or Extranet site link 8. LIMITED WARRANTY: All discontinued product orders subject to this notice shall carry (a) NXP standard limited warranty as contained in NXP order acknowledgement or confirmation form, or (b) the applicable warranty set forth in a duly executed formal contract between NXP and your company; provided that: a) NXP will accept all valid discontinued product warranty claims for credit only, unless a replacement order is otherwise agreed to by NXP and the replacement product(s) can still be manufactured or otherwise delivered from NXP remaining product inventory; and b) The applicable warranty period for making any return claims for discontinued products subject to this notice will be no longer than ninety (90) days following final delivery date of the discontinued products; and c) Any return claims must be made under NXP current Return Material Authorization ("RMA") procedures. d) Except for NXP special distributor stock rotation policy returns only, there is no restocking of purchased discontinued product quantities allowed by NXP from its customers or from its distributors. Disclaimer and Additional Provisions Except as provided for elsewhere in this notice, the applicable terms and conditions of sale for NXP discontinued products will be the unmodified standard terms and conditions in NXP order acknowledgement or order confirmation form, incorporated herein in its entirety by this reference. Otherwise, the applicable, the terms and conditions contained in a duly signed contract in force between our companies shall apply. NXP SEMICONDUCTORS ACCEPTS NO LIABILITY FOR EXCESS REPROCUREMENT COSTS, LABOR COSTS, OR LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ASSOCIATED TO NXP DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS, OR ASSOCIATED WITH NXP FINAL MANUFACTURE AND PERFORMANCE AGAINST ANY LAST TIME BUY ORDERS RELATED TO THE DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS COVERED BY THIS NOTICE. Discontinued Product Terminology: Part Types Affected List  Orderable Part Number NXP Part Number which includes part type and packing designator as referenced on the Customer’s order.  Customer Part Number Customer Part Number as referenced in the NXP 3 year order/ship history.  Discontinued Part Number NXP part number as carried by NXP Product Data Management database (Enovia)  Discontinuation Type Short description of the withdrawal status. Products listed as “Full Withdrawalâ€� indicate that all Product Types with similar functionality are being discontinued. Products listed as “Version Withdrawalâ€� indicates that a specific version or package is being discontinued but at least one other Product Type with similar functionality is still available.  Availability Non-Manufacturable: Some Product Types may not be available and are identified as Non-Manufacturable. NXP can no longer produce these products and no supply or inventory exists for various reasons such as “not acceptable product qualityâ€� or “unique manufacturing restrictionsâ€�. NonManufacturable products cannot have a last time buy for commercially impracticable reasons.  Availability Limited: For Limited Availability Product Types, a unique manufacturing or limited inventory or time condition exists. Where Limited Availability coded products are still manufacturable, a limited quantity of the Product Type has been, or will be, produced within NXP remaining capacity to meet our customers, or our distributors, commercially reasonable last time buy orders. Limited Availability products will be scheduled by NXP on a first-come/first-serve basis until the remaining Product Type manufacturing capacity or inventory is depleted. When the inventory for the Limited Availability Product Type is depleted, no additional last time buy order Product Type quantities can be supplied by NXP.  Availability Standard End of Life: Standard End of Life Products Types have no known supply restriction and NXP customers and distributors' last time buy orders can be met according to NXP discontinued product (DOD) policy.  Source Sole Source indicates that the Product Type being discontinued is unique to NXP Semiconductors. Multiple Sources indicates that the Product Type being discontinued could be available through other suppliers.  Discontinued Part Last Time Buy Date Date indicates the last date NXP will accept an order on the discontinued product. NXP allows a six (6) month last order period for multiple-source products and a nine (9) month last order period for sole-source discontinued products or customer specific products. Last Time Buying is not possible for "Non-Manufacturable" discontinued products. "Limited availability" discontinued products are subject to the remaining product inventory, or limited manufacturing conditions set forth in the DN notice. Ordering shall be limited on a first-come/first serve condition until the remaining product capacity or inventory has been sold. All Last Time Buy order periods are measured from the Issue Date of the Discontinuation Notice.  Discontinued Part Last Time Delivery Date Date indicates the last date NXP will ship a discontinued product. Unless a Non-Manufacturable or Limited Availability condition and shorter time period is indicated in the PTA, NXP allows a twelve (12) month delivery time period for discontinued products measured from the Issue Date of the Discontinuation Notice. (For some products, NXP may extend the Last Time Delivery date beyond the standard horizon.)  Discontinued Part 12nc NXP 12nc number represents the NXP master internal manufacturing control identification number for reference to each part type, version of the part type or packaging/conditioning (3 last digits), being discontinued  Discontinued Part Description NXP short Product Type description or a brief Product Type description of the discontinued product supplied by the responsible Product Group.  Package Name: Discontinued Part Number Package Type description  Replacement Part Number Any known NXP replacement product for the discontinued NXP type number is reference only information. NXP replacement part designation is NOT intended as a statement of warranty, or an indication that the listed replacement product meets the same form, fit, function or performance of the discontinued product until such time as NXP customers or distributors qualify such product to their specifications.  Replacement 12nc Any known NXP replacement 12nc for the discontinued NXP type number is reference only information. NXP replacement part designation is NOT intended as a statement of warranty, or an indication that the listed replacement product meets the same form, fit, function or performance of the discontinued product until such time as NXP customers or distributors qualify such product to their specifications.  Remarks Additional information about the discontinued products Contact and Support For all inquiries regarding the ePCN tool application or access issues, please contact NXP "Global Quality Support Team". For all Quality Notification content inquiries, please contact your local NXP Sales Support team. At NXP Semiconductors we are constantly striving to improve our product and processes to ensure they reach the highest possible Quality Standards. Customer Focus, Passion to Win. NXP Quality Management Team. About NXP Semiconductors NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) provides High Performance Mixed Signal and Standard Product solutions that leverage its leading RF, Analog, Power Management, Interface, Security and Digital Processing expertise. These innovations are used in a wide range of automotive, identification, wireless infrastructure, lighting, industrial, mobile, consumer and computing applications. You have received this email because you are a designated contact or subscribed to NXP’s Quallity Notifications. NXP shall not be held liable if this Notification is not correctly distributed within your organization. This message has been automatically distributed. Please do not reply. NXP | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use NXP Semiconductors High Tech Campus, 5656 AG Eindhoven, The Netherlands © 2006-2010 NXP Semiconductors. All rights reserved. Discontinued Orderable Part Number 1PS300/ZLX 2PB1219AR/ZLX 2PD1820AR/ZLX ASL2415SHNY ASL3415SHNY BAT54/LF1R BAT721C/ZLR BAV103/S500,115 BAV99/LF1R BAV99/LF1VL BZX384‐B6V8/ZLX BZX384‐B75/ZLX BZX384‐C15/ZLX BZX384‐C16/ZLX BZX384‐C27/ZLX BZX384‐C2V4/ZLX BZX384‐C3V3/ZLX BZX384‐C5V1/ZLX BZX384‐C5V6/ZLX BZX384‐C6V2/ZLX BZX384‐C7V5/ZLX BZX384‐C8V2/ZLX BZX84‐A13/LF1R BZX84‐A5V6/LF1R BZX84‐A6V8/LF1R BZX84‐A7V5/LF1R BZX84‐B10/LF1R BZX84‐B10/LF1VL BZX84‐B12/LF1R BZX84‐B13/LF1R BZX84‐B13/LF1VL BZX84‐B15/LF1R BZX84‐B15/LF1VL BZX84‐B16/LF1R BZX84‐B24/LF1R BZX84‐B2V7/LF1R BZX84‐B33/LF1R BZX84‐B36/LF1R BZX84‐B39/LF1R BZX84‐B4V3/LF1R BZX84‐B4V7/LF1R BZX84‐B5V1/LF1R BZX84‐B5V1/LF1VL BZX84‐B5V6/LF1R BZX84‐B6V2/LF1R BZX84‐B6V8/LF1R BZX84‐B8V2/LF1R BZX84‐B9V1/LF1R BZX84‐C10/LF1R BZX84‐C10/LF1VL BZX84‐C11/LF1R BZX84‐C11/LF1VL BZX84‐C12/LF1R BZX84‐C12/LF1VL BZX84‐C13/LF1R BZX84‐C13/LF1VL BZX84‐C15/LF1R BZX84‐C15/CH/LF1VL BZX84‐C15/LF1VL BZX84‐C16/LF1R BZX84‐C16/LF1VL BZX84‐C18/LF1R BZX84‐C18/LF1VL Discontinued Part 12NC 934069194115 934069197115 934069199115 935300924518 935300925518 934069368215 934068476215 934064937115 934068464215 934068464235 934068949115 934068669115 934069128115 934068919115 934068956115 934068671115 934068951115 934068952115 934068953115 934068954115 934069127115 934068955115 934069509215 934069512215 934069515215 934069517215 934069514215 934069514235 934069516215 934069389215 934069389235 934069392215 934069392235 934069394215 934069395215 934069396215 934069398215 934069399215 934069401215 934069407215 934069408215 934069409215 934069409235 934069411215 934069412215 934069413215 934069414215 934069415215 934069416215 934069416235 934069417215 934069417235 934069418215 934069418235 934069419215 934069419235 934069441215 934069442235 934069441235 934069444215 934069444235 934069446215 934069446235 Discontinued Part Number 1PS300/ZL 2PB1219AR/ZL 2PD1820AR/ZL ASL2415SHN ASL3415SHN BAT54/LF1 BAT721C/ZL BAV103/S500 BAV99/LF1 BAV99/LF1 BZX384‐B6V8/ZL BZX384‐B75/ZL BZX384‐C15/ZL BZX384‐C16/ZL BZX384‐C27/ZL BZX384‐C2V4/ZL BZX384‐C3V3/ZL BZX384‐C5V1/ZL BZX384‐C5V6/ZL BZX384‐C6V2/ZL BZX384‐C7V5/ZL BZX384‐C8V2/ZL BZX84‐A13/LF1 BZX84‐A5V6/LF1 BZX84‐A6V8/LF1 BZX84‐A7V5/LF1 BZX84‐B10/LF1 BZX84‐B10/LF1 BZX84‐B12/LF1 BZX84‐B13/LF1 BZX84‐B13/LF1 BZX84‐B15/LF1 BZX84‐B15/LF1 BZX84‐B16/LF1 BZX84‐B24/LF1 BZX84‐B2V7/LF1 BZX84‐B33/LF1 BZX84‐B36/LF1 BZX84‐B39/LF1 BZX84‐B4V3/LF1 BZX84‐B4V7/LF1 BZX84‐B5V1/LF1 BZX84‐B5V1/LF1 BZX84‐B5V6/LF1 BZX84‐B6V2/LF1 BZX84‐B6V8/LF1 BZX84‐B8V2/LF1 BZX84‐B9V1/LF1 BZX84‐C10/LF1 BZX84‐C10/LF1 BZX84‐C11/LF1 BZX84‐C11/LF1 BZX84‐C12/LF1 BZX84‐C12/LF1 BZX84‐C13/LF1 BZX84‐C13/LF1 BZX84‐C15/LF1 BZX84‐C15/CH/LF1 BZX84‐C15/LF1 BZX84‐C16/LF1 BZX84‐C16/LF1 BZX84‐C18/LF1 BZX84‐C18/LF1 Discontinued Part Description Switching diode General‐purpose transistor General‐purpose transistor Buck driver Buck driver Schottky diode S.S. SCHOTTKY DIODES Switching diode Switching diode Switching diode ZENER DIODE ZENER DIODE ZENER DIODE 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BL SECURE MOBILE TRANSACTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL POWER MOS BL POWER MOS BL LOGIC BL LOGIC BL SECURE INTERFACES & POWER BL LOGIC BL LOGIC BL LOGIC BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL Car Infot. & Driver Assist. 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BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE MOBILE TRANSACTIONS BL GA DISCRETES BL LOGIC BL LOGIC BL SECURE INTERFACES & POWER BL LOGIC BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE MOBILE TRANSACTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS BL Analog & Sensors BL Analog & Sensors BL SECURE INTERFACES & POWER BL SECURE ID SOLUTIONS
PCF7991AT/1081/M:1 价格&库存

