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    离线转换器 反激 拓扑 71kHz 10-SO

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TEA19362T/1J 数据手册
TEA19362T GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 1 Product data sheet General description The TEA19362T is a member of the GreenChip family of controller ICs for switched mode power supplies. It is intended for flyback topologies to be used either standalone or together with smart charging controllers (like the TEA190x series) at the secondary side. It also offers improved compatibility with touch-screens. The built-in green functions provide high efficiency at all power levels. The TEA19362T is compatible with smart charging applications that require fixedfrequency operation. Fixed-frequency operation minimizes Common-Mode Noise (CMN) and optimizes spectral purity towards the (mobile) touch screens. When used with a secondary-side controller IC, like the TEA190x series, it supports Constant Current (CC) mode down to 3 V output voltage. At high power levels, the flyback can operate in Boundary Conduction Mode (BCM) depending on application components. For lowest CMN and highest spectral purity, the TEA19362T can be set to full Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) operation. Switch-on, based on demagnetization sensing, enables steady operation at a constant frequency. In this way, a cleaner CMN spectrum is achieved. At very low power levels, the controller uses burst mode to regulate the output power. A special optocoupler current reduction regulation has been integrated which reduces the average optocurrent in all modes to a minimum level. This reduction ensures high efficiency at low power and excellent no-load power performance. As the switching frequency in this mode equals the nominal frequency (fsw) and the burst repetition rate is regulated to a fixed value, spectral purity is preserved and output ripple is limited. During the non-switching phase of the burst mode, the internal IC supply current is minimized for further efficiency optimization. The TEA19362T includes a wide set of protections that are safe-restart protections. One of these protections is an accurate OverPower Protection (OPP). If the output is shorted, the system stops switching and restarts. The output power is then limited to a lower level. The TEA19362T is manufactured in a high-voltage Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) process. The SOI process combines the advantages of a low-voltage process (accuracy, highspeed protection, functions, and control). However, it also maintains the high-voltage capabilities (high-voltage start-up, low standby power, and brownin/brownout sensing at the input). The TEA19362T enables low-cost, highly efficient and reliable supplies for power requirements up to 75 W using a minimum number of external components. TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 2 Features and benefits 2.1 General features • SMPS controller IC supporting smart-charging applications and multiple-output-voltage applications • Wide output range (5 V to 20 V in CV mode, 3 V to 20 V in CC mode, and 3 V to 6 V in direct charging mode) • Fixed-frequency operation suited for mobile charger applications that require low CMN distortion and high spectral purity • Housed in a small SO10 package • Adaptive dual supply for highest efficiency over the entire output voltage range • Integrated high-voltage start-up • Continuous VCC regulation during start-up and protection via the HV pin, allowing a minimum VCC capacitor value • Reduced optocurrent enabling low no-load power (20 mW at 5 V output) • Fast transient response from 0 to full load • Minimal output voltage ripple in all operating modes • Integrated soft start 2.2 Green features Enables high efficiency operation over a wide power range via: • Low supply current during normal operation (0.6 mA without load) • Low supply current during non-switching state in burst mode (0.25 mA) • Demagnetization switching for minimum switching losses 2.3 Protection features All protections are safe-restart protections. • • • • • • • Mains voltage compensated OverPower Protection (OPP) OverTemperature Protection (OTP) Integrated overpower time-out Integrated restart timer for system fault conditions Continuous mode protection using demagnetization detection Accurate OverVoltage Protection (OVP) General-purpose input for safe restart protection; for use with system OverTemperature Protection (OTP) • Driver maximum on-time protection • Brownin and brownout protection 3 Applications • Battery chargers for smart phones and media tablets • Battery chargers for mobile devices with touchpad display TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 2 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 4 Ordering information Table 1. Ordering information Type number TEA19362T/1 5 Package Name Description Version SO10 plastic small outline package; 10 leads; body width 3.9 mm; body thickness 1.35 mm SOT1437-1 Marking Table 2. Marking codes TEA19362T Product data sheet Type numbert Marking code TEA19362T/1 TEA19362T All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 3 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 6 Block diagram HV AUX 200 nA 4.8 V HVjfet VCCH DRIVER BLANK Iaux Demag Gate StartOPCntr V=f(laux) 35 mV Isense OCP ISENSE lpeak softstart lpeakSoftStart VinMeasure VCC Charge DIGITAL CONTROL 1.25 mA 13 V VCC Discharge A VCC charged via HV current source BrownOut Vcc 55 µs TonMax Vcc>Vccstart Iprotect = on Vprotect>0.5 V VCCL 8.65 V VCC Reset 9.9 V VCC Stop 11 V VCC Low 14.9 V VCC Start StartOPCntr OCP Protection BrownOut r Demag Normal mode s q T = 960 ms and Vcc>Vccreset gate Normal mode Ivcc = 600 µA BurstOn=1 Standby mode Ivcc = 250 µA OSCILLATOR AND TIMING SIGNALS 74 µA Gate StartOPCntr VccDischarge TEMPERATURE PROTECTION OP enable COUNTER VinMeasure DELAY TIMERS 38.4 OPdetection 960 ms Tperiod 192 ms SafeRestart enable COUNTER 5V OntimeCounter OVP+Protect 71 kHz A/D /4 0.5 V AuxOVP loptoLt100u Offset 3V D C f burst fixed frequency mode discontinuous mode CTRL VccStop Ctrl_p 3.5 V r s q BurstMode loptoLt100u set loptoLt100u d rst q clk 145 mV 100 % power B A≥B quasiresonant mode V opp(ISENSE) VoutRegulated Vsense(peak) Ton_ref A A/D GND Ton_count B A 100 µA + 1 µA hys 80 µA REGISTER TonMax Power-down 0.2 V OTP PeriodCounter Nnew=f(Nprev, Tperiod) Restart AUX safe-restart protection mode VCC regulated to Vccstart Ivcc = 250 µA protection VoutRegulated 1.45 V PROTECT BurstMode=1 BurstOn=0 BurstOn gate aaa-023521 Figure 1. TEA19362T block diagram TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 4 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 7 Pinning information 7.1 Pinning VCCH 1 GND 2 VCCL 3 ISENSE DRIVER 10 HV 9 n.c. 8 PROTECT 4 7 CTRL 5 6 AUX IC aaa-020153 Figure 2. TEA19362T pin configuration (SO10) 7.2 Pin description Table 3. Pin description TEA19362T Product data sheet Symbol Pin Description VCCH 1 higher supply voltage GND 2 ground VCCL 3 lower supply voltage ISENSE 4 current sense input DRIVER 5 gate driver output AUX 6 auxiliary winding input for demagnetization timing, overpower correction, and OVP CTRL 7 control input PROTECT 8 general-purpose protection input; pin for power-down mode n.c. 9 high-voltage safety spacer; not connected HV 10 high-voltage start-up; brownin/brownout sensing All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 5 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 8 Functional description 8.1 Supply management The chip is supplied by high-voltage mains via the HV pin during start-up and protection mode. When the system starts switching, the auxiliary windings take over the supply. The IC has two supply pins, the VCCH and VCCL pins. The lower pin (VCCL) supplies the IC directly. The higher supply pin (VCCH) is connected to the VCCL pin via an internal voltage regulator. When used in an application, which supports multiple output voltages, a pair of auxiliary transformer windings can be used to supply the IC efficiently at all output levels. To supply the IC at higher output voltages, the winding with fewer turns can be connected to the VCCL pin. At the lower output voltages, the winding with more turns can supply the IC via the VCCH pin. The voltage capability of these pins is chosen such that applications with an output voltage range from 3 V to 20 V are supported optimally. When the voltage on the VCCL pin drops to below Vintegd(VCCL), the regulator between the VCCH and VCCL pins turns on. All internal reference voltages are derived from a temperature compensated onchip band gap circuit. Internal reference currents are derived from a trimmed and temperature-compensated current reference circuit. 8.2 Start-up and UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) Initially, the capacitor on the VCCL pin is charged from the high-voltage mains using the HV pin. The voltage on the VCCH pin follows (via an internal diode) the voltage on VCCL pin. In this way, the capacitor on the VCCH pin is charged. As long as VCC (the voltage on pin VCCL) is below Vstartup, the IC current consumption is minimized. When VCC reaches the Vstartup level, the control logic activates the internal circuitry. The IC waits for the PROTECT pin to reach Vdet(PROTECT) + Vdet(hys)PROTECT and the mains voltage to increase to above the brownin level. Meanwhile, the internal power-control signal (which depends on the current at the CTRL pin) also increases to its maximum value. When all these conditions are met, the system starts switching with soft start. In a typical application, the auxiliary winding of the transformer takes over the supply. During the start-up period, the VCC pin is continuously regulated to the Vstartup level using the HV charge current. The pin is regulated until the output voltage is at its regulation level, which is detected via the CTRL pin. In this way, the VCC capacitor value can be limited. Due to the limited current capability from the HV pin mains voltage dependent, the voltage on pin VCC can still drop slightly during the start-up period. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 6 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation VCC VCC(start) VCC(stop) gate rectified mains brownin detection active input voltage OK protect OK 1 2 3 4 aaa-020155 Figure 3. Start-up sequence 8.3 Modes of operation The TEA19362T operates primarily in fixed frequency DCM mode. At low powers, it enters burst mode. At high powers, it can operate in Quasi-Resonance (QR) mode (see Figure 4). The auxiliary winding of the flyback transformer provides demagnetization information. C 71 kHz B A f burst mode fixed frequency discontinuous mode quasiresonant mode drain voltage at different points C B A Vopp(ISENSE) Vsense(peak) 145 mV 100 % power aaa-023486 Figure 4. Modes of operation TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 7 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Fixed-frequency DCM mode is the primary mode of operation. It is based on an accurate oscillator, which sets the nominal switching period. When the oscillator time-period has completed and transformer demagnetization is detected at the AUX pin, a new switching cycle is started. When the drain voltage is in the bottom half of its ringing cycle, but not necessarily at the deepest point in the valley, the switch is turned on. It allows a large enough window of opportunity where switch-on is allowed. So, valley hopping due to small variations in input or output is minimized. The switching frequency remains constant as a result. In DCM operation, especially at higher mains, the ringing amplitude of the later valleys is reduced significantly because of damping. So, the penalty of not switching on at the deepest point in the valley is negligible. If dictated by the application design choices, the TEA19362T can operate in QR mode as well. In QR-mode, the efficiency of the converter is highest due to optimum use of the transformer. At low power, the converter enters the burst mode. In burst mode, the switching frequency within each burst is the same as in the DCM fixed frequency mode. The application components can be chosen such that from minimum to maximum power the converter operates at the same frequency, while it remains outside the QR region. Operating at one frequency allows a well-defined CMN spectrum. A clean CMN spectrum is essential for achieving the lowest interference between charger and the cell phone touch screen controller. 8.4 Mains voltage measuring In a typical application, the mains input voltage is measured using the HV pin. The rectified mains voltage is measured every 1 ms by pulling down the HV pin to ground and measuring its current. This current then reflects the input voltage. The system determines if the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level. When the mains exceeds the brownin level, the system is allowed to start switching. If the mains voltage is continuously below the brownout level for at least 30 ms, a brownout is detected and the system immediately stops switching. This period is required to avoid that the system stops switching during a short mains interruption. If the measured mains level exceeds the brownin/brownout threshold, subsequent measuring of the mains input voltage is stopped for 6.7 ms to improve efficiency. In burst mode, this waiting period is increased to 101 ms. 8.5 Auxiliary winding To supply the control IC efficiently, the VCCH and VCCL pins are connected to auxiliary windings via a diode and a capacitor. To detect demagnetization and input and output voltage, one of the auxiliary windings is connected to the AUX pin via a resistive divider (see Figure 19 and Figure 20). Each switching cycle is divided in sections. During each section, the system knows if the voltage or current out of the AUX pin reflects the demagnetization, valley, input voltage, or output voltage (see Figure 5). TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 8 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation drain Vi Vo measurement AUX 0 -0.7 V Vi measurement demagnetization DRIVER aaa-020159 Figure 5. AUX pin used for demagnetization and input and output voltage measurement When the external MOSFET is switched on, the voltage at the auxiliary windings reflects the input voltage. The AUX pin is clamped to −0.7 V. The output current is a measure of the input voltage. This current value is internally used to set the overpower limit on Vsense(ipk). The demagnetization and output voltages are measured as a voltage on the AUX pin. In this way, the input voltage measurement and OVP can be adjusted independently. 8.6 Protections If a protection is triggered, the controller stops switching. To avoid false triggering, some protections have a built-in delay. Table 4. Protections Protection Delay Action VCC regulated AUX open no wait until AUX is connected no brownout 29 ms wait until Vmains > Vbi yes maximum on-time no safe restart yes OTP internal 4.5 μs safe restart yes OTP via the PROTECT pin 2 ms to 4 ms safe restart yes safe restart yes [1] OVP via the AUX pin 4 driver pulses overpower time-out 38.4 ms to 192 ms safe restart yes overpower + UVLO no safe restart yes overcurrent protection blanking time cycle-by-cycle no UVLO no Wait until VVCCL > Vstartup yes [1] When the voltage on the PROTECT pin is below Vdet(PROTECT), the clock of the delay counter is changed from the driver pulse to 1 ms internal pulse. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 9 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation When the system stops switching, the VCCH and VCCL pins are not supplied via the auxiliary winding anymore. Depending on the protection triggered, VVCCL is either regulated to the Vstartup level via the HV pin or dropped down until the UVLO protection triggered (see Table 4). 8.6.1 OverPower Protection (OPP) The overpower protection function is used to realize a maximum output power which is nearly constant over the full input mains. For applications intended to operate fully in DCM mode, a constant overpower protection level can be set by using the flat portion of the OPP curve (see Figure 6). On the other hand, applications designed to operate in QR mode at maximum power require the OPP level to be compensated for mains. They can be set to use the variable part of the OPP curve. The resistors connected to the AUX pin set the IAUX. They determine which part of the OPP curve is used by the application. The overpower compensation circuit measures the input voltage via the AUX pin. The circuit outputs an overpower reference voltage that depends on this input voltage. If the measured voltage at the ISENSE pin exceeds the overpower reference voltage (Vopp(ISENSE)), the DRIVER output is pulled low (the primary stroke is cut short). The overpower timer starts. In this way, the system limits the power to the maximum rated value on a cycle-by-cycle base. If the overpower situation persists continuously for 192 ms, an overpower time-out is triggered. Figure 6 shows the overpower protection curve. (mV) 510 298 VOPP(ISENSE) region optimized for DCM operation region optimized for QR operation 0.3 1.46 # AUX l # (mA) aaa-023506 Figure 6. Overpower protection curve During system start-up, the maximum time-out period is lowered to 38.4 ms. When the output voltage is within its regulation level, the maximum time-out period returns to 192 ms, limiting the output power to a minimum at a shorted output. Shortening the overpower timer ensures that the input power of the system is limited to < 5 W at a shorted output. If the load requires more power than allowed by the OPP limit, the output voltage drops because of the limited output power. As a result, the VCC voltage also drops and UVLO can be triggered. To retain the same response in an overpower situation (whether UVLO is triggered or not), the system enters the overpower protection mode when overpower and UVLO are detected. The system entering the protection mode does not depend on the value of the OP counter. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 10 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 8.6.2 OverVoltage Protection (OVP; pins AUX and VCCL) An accurate output OVP is implemented by measuring the voltage at the AUX pin during the secondary stroke. As the auxiliary winding voltage is a well-defined replica of the output voltage, the external resistor divider ratio RAUX2 / (RAUX1 + RAUX2) can adjust the OVP level. An accurate OVP circuit is also connected to the VCCL pin. It measures if the VCCL pin voltage exceeds the level Vovp(VCCL) at the end of primary stroke. An internal counter of four gate pulses prevents false OVP detection which can occur during ESD or lightning events. 8.6.3 Protection input (PROTECT pin) The PROTECT pin is a general-purpose input pin. It can be used to trigger a safe restart. When the voltage on the PROTECT pin is pulled below Vdet(PROTECT) (0.5 V), the converter is stopped. The PROTECT pin can be used to create an OTP function. To create the OTP function, a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) resistor must be connected to this pin. When the voltage on the PROTECT pin drops to below 0.5 V, overtemperature is detected. The PROTECT current flowing through the external NTC resistor creates the voltage. The PROTECT voltage is clamped to maximum 1.4 V. At room temperature, the resistance value of the NTC resistor is much higher than at high temperatures. Because of the clamp, the current out of the PROTECT pin is 1.4 V divided by the resistance, which is much lower than 74 μA. A filter capacitor can be connected to the PROTECT pin. To avoid false triggering, an internal filter of 2 ms to 4 ms is applied. 8.6.4 OverTemperature Protection (OTP) If the junction temperature exceeds the thermal temperature shutdown limit, an integrated OTP feature ensures that the IC stops switching. OTP is a safe restart protection. A built-in hysteresis ensures that the internal temperature must drop 10 °C degrees before the IC restarts. 8.6.5 Maximum on-time The controller limits the on-time of the external MOSFET to 55 μs. When the on-time is longer, the IC stops switching and enters safe restart mode. 8.6.6 Safe restart If a protection is triggered and the system enters the safe restart mode, the system restarts after a delay time (td(restart)). An internal current source (ICC(dch)) discharges the voltage on pin VCCL. The discharge allows the conditions at a restart to be similar to a normal start-up. Because the system is not switching, the VCCL and VCCH pins are supplied from the mains via the HV pin. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 11 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation After the restart delay time (td(restart)), the control IC measures the mains voltage. If the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level, the control IC activates the PROTECT pin current source and the internal voltage sources connected to the CTRL pin. When the voltages on these pins reach a minimum level, the soft start capacitor on the ISENSE pin is charged and the system starts switching again. The VCC is continuously regulated to the Vstartup level until the output voltage is within the regulation level again. 8.7 Optobias regulation (CTRL pin) In a typical application, the output voltage (or current) is sensed on the secondary side (by a TL431 or a controller such as TEA190x). The feedback signal is passed to the primary side via an optocoupler. The optocoupler sends the current information to the CTRL pin of the TEA19362T (see Figure 19 and Figure 20). The TEA19362T applies a relatively fixed voltage at the CTRL pin (the input impedance of the CTRL pin is Rint(CTRL)). It senses the current through the optocoupler. The TEA19362T compares the current with an internal regulation level IIO(reg)CTRL (80 μA). The difference is integrated with a slow time constant (in ms). It is added to the control signal that sets the output power. If the optocurrent (at CTRL pin) exceeds the regulation level (IIO(reg)CTRL)), the control signal reduces in this way, which leads to an output power decrease and vice versa. The optocurrent (at the CTRL pin) slowly regulates towards the regulation level (IIO(reg)CTRL). The result is a constant optocurrent during stable operation at all output power levels. A/D D/A 80 µA OFFSET 6 kΩ Ctrl_p CTRL aaa-021135 Figure 7. Optobias regulation Figure 7 shows the slow optocurrent regulation loop. In addition to the slow optocurrent regulation loop described above, the CTRL current directly contributes to the internal power control by creating a voltage drop across a 6 kΩ resistor (See Figure 7). It determines the transient behavior of the power regulation loop, which remains similar to ICs, like the TEA1836. The control loop responds to load or line variations through this direct optocurrent contribution, whereas the slow offset loop simply sets the steady state operation point. The advantages of this type of regulation are: TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 12 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation • The optocoupler collector parasitics do not influence the loop. So, more freedom in tuning the loop characteristics is ensured. • Unlike the traditional situation where the optocoupler current becomes much higher at lower output power, it retains the same low value in steady state at all powers. Since the optocurrent is only 80 μA even at low powers, a load step to a very high load can result in a maximum decrease of the optocurrent by this amount only. It limits the possible power increase. To counter this possibility, the offset loop enters a fast regulation mode when a significant optocurrent decrease is detected (to about 20 μA under the regulation level). The fast regulation mode ensures a quick output power increase. 8.8 Burst mode operation When the output power drops to below the minimum level the system can supply while operating at the minimum power setting (i.e. Vsense(peak) is at its minimum), it can no longer reduce the optocurrent level to the regulation level IIO(reg)CTRL (= 80 μA). In this situation, the optocurrent increases to exceed the level of the burst threshold (Ith(burst)CTRL) and the burst mode is entered. Switching is paused and a burst-off period commences. Consequently, the optocurrent decreases. When it drops to below the Ith(burst)CTRL, a new burst of switching cycles is started (see Figure 8 and Figure 9). Figure 8 shows that the switching frequency within a burst remains the same as in the DCM mode.The target burst repetition period is tburst. The requested output power determines the number of pulses at each burst period. At higher output power, the number of switching pulses increases. At low load, it decreases. This burst mode regulation allows low-load operation without compromising on spectral purity, while keeping the output ripple limited. In addition, the optocoupler current is maintained at a very low level during low-load and standby operation. The result is a very low standby power consumption. To ensure good efficiency at very low load, the minimum number of switching cycles is set to 1. When the minimum number of pulses is reached, the burst repetition period cannot be reduced further. As the power decreases, the repetition rate of the single-pulse bursts decreases as well to a very low value. To improve further, the no-load input power and efficiency at low load, the current consumption of the IC is lowered to 250 μA during the non-switching period in the burst mode. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 13 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation P tburst fsw tburst fsw > tburst fsw t aaa-023523 Figure 8. Burst mode operation To achieve a good transient response at an increased output load, the system starts switching immediately when ICTRL increases to exceed Ith(burst). It keeps switching until the optocurrent exceeds the level of Ith(burst)CTRL. On the other hand, to achieve a good transient response at a decreased output load, the system stops switching immediately when the optocurrent exceeds the level of Istop(burst)CTRL at a decreased output load. In both situations, the calculated number of switching pulses by the internal digital circuit is overruled for the present burst cycle. Iload Istop(burst)CTRL ICTRL Ith(burst)CTRL DRIVER < tburst < tburst tburst >> tburst >> tburst aaa-023524 Figure 9. Transient response in burst mode Even though the burst-mode regulates towards a target repetition frequency, the actual repetition rate is lower than the target because of the discrete number of switching cycles. Increasing or decreasing the number of pulses results in a step change in the burst repetition frequency. Before reducing the number of pulses in the next burst, it is ensured that the resulting repetition rate does not exceed the target frequency. Hence, at any moment in burstmode operation, the actual burst repetition rate is within a band under the target frequency. If the number of burst pulses decreases, the effect of adding a pulse increases and the band becomes wider (see Figure 10). TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 14 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation aaa-023525 7 (2) 6 Burst Repetition Frequency 5 (kHz) (1) 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 4 6 8 Npulses 10 Figure 10. Upper and lower limits of burst frequency When the burst on time is 1.5 times longer than the target period (tburst), the system switches to normal mode again. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 15 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 8.9 Soft start-up (ISENSE pin) To prevent audible noise during start-up or a restart condition, an integrated soft start feature is implemented. When the converter starts switching, the primary peak current slowly increases to the regulated level with 15 steps. The soft start time constant is 3.6 ms, set by an internal time. 8.10 Driver (DRIVER pin) The driver circuit to the gate of the power MOSFET has a current sourcing capability of 300 mA and a current sink capability of 750 mA. These capabilities allow a fast turn-on and turn-off of the power MOSFET for efficient operation. The maximum driver output is limited to 10.5 V. The DRIVER output pin can be connected to the gate of a MOSFET directly or via a resistor. TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 16 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 9 Limiting values Table 5. Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit −0.4 +700 V Voltages VIO(HV) input/output voltage on pin HV VVCCH voltage on pin VCCH dual supply voltage −0.4 +120 V VVCCL voltage on pin VCCL dual supply voltage −0.4 +50 V VIO(CTRL) input/output voltage on pin CTRL −0.4 +12 V VI(ISENSE) input voltage on pin ISENSE −0.4 +12 V VIO(PROTECT) input/output voltage on current limited pin PROTECT −0.4 +5 V VIO(AUX) input/output voltage on current limited pin AUX −5 +5 V IIO(AUX) input/output current on pin AUX −1.5 +1 mA IIO(HV) input/output current on pin HV −1 +5 mA IIO(CTRL) input/output current on pin CTRL −3 0 mA IIO(PROTECT) input/output current on pin PROTECT −1 +1 mA - 1 W Currents General TEA19362T Product data sheet Ptot total power dissipation Tamb < 75 °C Tstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C Tj junction temperature −40 +150 °C All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 17 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit - 1000 V - 2000 V - 500 V Min Max Unit 0 380 V ElectroStatic Discharge (ESD) VESD electrostatic discharge class 1 voltage human body model [1] HV and VCCH pins all other pins charged device model [1] [2] [2] According to JEDEC JS-001. According to JEDEC JESD22-C101 and ANSI S5.3.1. 10 Recommended operating conditions Table 6. Recommended operating conditions Symbol Parameter Conditions Voltages VIO(HV) input/output voltage on pin HV VVCCH voltage on pin VCCH dual supply voltage 0 120 V VVCCL voltage on pin VCCL dual supply voltage; continuous - 45 V VIO(CTRL) input/output voltage on pin CTRL 0 5 V VI(ISENSE) input voltage on pin ISENSE 0 5 V VIO(PROTECT) input/output voltage on current limited pin PROTECT 0 2 V VIO(AUX) input/output voltage on current limited pin AUX −5 +5 V IIO(AUX) input/output current on pin AUX −1 +1 mA IIO(HV) input/output current on pin HV 0 2 mA IIO(CTRL) input/output current on pin CTRL −1 0 mA IIO(PROTECT) input/output current on pin PROTECT −1 +1 mA junction temperature −25 +125 °C Currents General Tj TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 18 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 11 Thermal characteristics Table 7. Thermal characteristics Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ Unit Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to ambient JEDEC test board 148 K/W Rth(j-c) thermal resistance from junction to case JEDEC test board 86 K/W 12 Characteristics Table 8. Characteristics Limits are production tested at 25 °C and are guaranteed by statistical characterization in the temperature operating range. VCC = 20 V; all voltages are measured with respect to ground (pin 2); currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit start-up current on pin HV VHV > 10 V 0.8 1.15 1.5 mA VCC > Vstartup; HV not sampling - - 1 μA clamp voltage IHV < 2 mA - - 680 V 13.4 14.9 16.4 V Start-up current source (HV pin) Istartup(HV) Vclamp Supply voltage management (VCCL pin) Vstartup start-up voltage Vintregd(VCCL) internal regulated voltage on pin VCCL via VCCH; ICC = 0.5 mA 12.1 12.5 12.9 V Vrestart restart voltage burst mode 9.9 11 12.1 V Vth(UVLO) undervoltage lockout threshold voltage 9.0 9.9 10.8 V Vrst reset voltage 7.75 8.65 9.55 V ICC(startup) start-up supply current VHV = 0 V - 40 - μA VHV > 10 V −1.45 −1.1 −0.75 mA ICC(oper) operating supply current driver unloaded; excluding optocurrent - 600 - μA ICC(burst) burst mode supply current non-switching; excluding optocurrent - 250 - μA ICC(prot) protection supply current - 250 - μA ICC(dch) discharge supply current safe restart protection; VCC > Vstartup 1.45 1.88 2.25 mA Mains detect (HV pin) tp(HV) pulse duration on pin HV measuring mains voltage 18 20 22 μs fmeas(HV) measurement frequency on pin HV measuring mains voltage 0.93 1.04 1.15 kHz TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 19 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit td(norm)HV normal mode delay time on pin HV measuring mains voltage 6.0 6.7 7.4 ms td(burst)HV burst mode delay time on pin HV measuring mains voltage 90 101 112 ms Ibo(HV) brownout current on pin HV 552 587 622 μA Ibi(HV) brownin current on pin HV 623 663 703 μA Ibo(hys)HV hysteresis of brownout current on pin HV - 76 - μA Iclamp(HV) clamp current on pin HV - - 1.7 mA Vmeas(HV) measurement voltage on pin HV - 2.9 - V td(det)bo brownout detection delay time - 29 - ms during measurement time Peak current control (pin CTRL) VIO(CTRL) input/output voltage on pin CTRL - 2.7 - V Rint(CTRL) internal resistance on pin CTRL - 1.7 - kΩ Iclamp(CTRL) clamp current on pin CTRL −580 −500 −420 μA Burst mode (pin CTRL) Ith(burst)CTRL burst mode threshold current on pin CTRL −125 −110 −95 μA Istop(burst)CTRL burst mode stop current on pin CTRL −230 −200 −170 μA Tburst burst mode period - 155 - μs switching frequency 68 71 74 kHz Oscillator fsw Current sense (pin ISENSE) Vsense(peak) peak sense voltage tPD(sense) sense propagation delay tleb leading edge blanking time output overpower Vopp(ISENSE) mV burst mode 130 145 160 mV from the ISENSE pin reaching Vsense(max) to driver off; VISENSE pulsestepping 100 mV around Vsense(max) - 120 - ns 275 325 375 ns 3.2 3.6 4.0 ms Soft start (pin ISENSE) tstart(soft) TEA19362T Product data sheet soft start time All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 20 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Demagnetization control (pin AUX) Vdet(demag) demagnetization detection voltage 20 40 60 mV Iprot(AUX) protection current on pin AUX - −200 - nA tblank(det)demag demagnetization detection blanking time 1.9 2.3 2.7 μs Vclamp(AUX) clamp voltage on pin AUX 4.4 4.8 5.2 V tsup(xfmr_ring) transformer ringing suppression time 2.0 2.4 2.8 μs 45 55 65 μs IAUX = 1 mA Maximum on-time (pin DRIVER) ton(max) maximum on-time Driver (pin DRIVER) Isource(DRIVER) source current on pin DRIVER VDRIVER = 2 V - −0.3 - A Isink(DRIVER) sink current on pin DRIVER VDRIVER = 2 V - 0.3 - A VDRIVER = 10 V - 0.75 - A 9 10.5 12 V −0.8 −0.7 −0.6 V 1.9 2.3 2.7 μs IAUX = −0.3 mA 460 510 560 mV IAUX = −1.46 mA 265 295 325 mV start-up mode; ICTRL < 100 μA 34.5 38.4 42.3 ms normal mode 172 192 212 ms 860 960 1060 ms VO(DRIVER)max maximum output voltage on pin DRIVER Overpower protection (pin ISENSE and pin AUX) Vclamp(AUX) clamp voltage on pin AUX td(clamp)AUX clamp delay time on pin after falling edge of pin AUX DRIVER Vopp(ISENSE) overpower protection voltage on pin ISENSE td(opp) td(restart) primary stroke; IAUX = −0.3 mA overpower protection delay time counter trigger level restart delay time External protection (pin PROTECT) Vdet(PROTECT) detection voltage on pin PROTECT 0.47 0.50 0.53 V Vdet(hys)PROTECT detection voltage hysteresis on pin PROTECT - 50 - mV IO(PROTECT) output current on pin PROTECT −79 −74 −69 μA Vclamp(PROTECT) clamp voltage on pin PROTECT 1.2 1.4 1.6 V TEA19362T Product data sheet normal mode All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 21 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Overvoltage protection (pin AUX) Vovp(AUX) overvoltage protection voltage on pin AUX 2.88 3.00 3.12 V Vovp(VCCL) overvoltage protection voltage on pin VCCL 46.5 48 49.5 V tdet(ovp) overvoltage protection detection time 2.0 2.4 2.8 μs in the secondary stroke Temperature protection Tpl(IC) IC protection level temperature 130 140 150 °C Tpl(IC)hys hysteresis of IC protection level temperature - 10 - °C 12.1 Typical temperature performance characteristics 12.1.1 Start-up voltage aaa-023936 16 Vstartup (V) 15.5 15 14.5 14 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 11. start-up voltage as a function of temperature TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 22 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 12.1.2 Undervoltage lockout threshold voltage aaa-023965 11 Vth(UVLO) (V) 10.6 10.2 9.8 9.4 9 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 12. Undervoltage lockout threshold voltage as a function of temperature 12.1.3 Detection voltage (pin PROTECT) aaa-023969 520 Vdet(PROTECT) (mV) 510 500 490 480 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 13. Detection voltage (pin PROTECT) as a function of temperature TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 23 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 12.1.4 Switching frequency aaa-023966 100 fsw (kHz) 90 80 70 60 50 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 14. Switching frequency as a function of temperature 12.1.5 Overpower protection voltage (pin ISENSE) aaa-023967 550 Vopp(ISENSE) (mV) 530 510 490 470 450 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 15. Overpower protection voltage (pin ISENSE) as a function of temperature TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 24 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 12.1.6 Overpower protection (at IAUX = 1.46 mA) aaa-023968 320 Vopp (mV) 310 300 290 280 270 260 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 16. Overpower protection voltage (at IAUX = 1.46 mA) as a function of temperature 12.1.7 Output current (pin PROTECT) aaa-023970 -50 IO(PROTECT) (µA) -60 -70 -80 -90 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 17. Output current (pin PROTECT) as a function of temperature TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 25 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 12.1.8 Overvoltage protection voltage (pin AUX) aaa-023971 5 Vovp(AUX) 4 3 2 1 -40 -10 20 50 80 110 T (°C) 140 Figure 18. Overvoltage protection voltage (pin AUX) as a function of temperature 13 Application information Dsec Vout Cout RHV HV DRIVER n.c. ISENSE CTRL GND IC PROTECT RDRIVER RAUX1 AUX Rsense VCCH VCCL S1 RAUX2 DVCCH NTC CVCCH DVCCL CVCCL aaa-023269 Figure 19. TEA19362T application diagram TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 26 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Dsec Vout Cout RHV HV DRIVER n.c. ISENSE CTRL GND PROTECT IC RDRIVER RAUX1 AUX Rsense VCCH VCCL S1 VCC RAUX2 SW VOUT NTC DISCH OPTO DVCCH SGND CVCCH CC1 TEA190x CC2 D+ DVCCL ISNS D- CVCCL aaa-023270 Figure 20. TEA19362T application diagram with TEA190xT TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 27 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 14 Package outline SO10: plastic small outline package; 10 leads; body width 3.9 mm; body thickness 1.35 mm D SOT1437-1 E A c y X HE v A Z 10 6 Q A2 A A1 A3 pin 1 index 1 θ 5 e L w bp (10x) (8x) Lp detail X 0 5 mm scale Dimensions Unit mm A A1 A2 A3 bp c max 1.75 0.25 1.45 0.49 0.25 nom 0.18 1.35 0.25 0.43 0.22 min 0.10 1.25 0.36 0.19 D(1) E(1) 6.3 6.2 6.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 e HE L Lp Q v w 6.20 1.00 0.70 1.27 6.00 1.05 0.70 0.65 0.25 0.25 5.80 0.40 0.60 y Z θ 0.1 0.70 0.56 0.30 8° 4° 0° Note 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm maximum per side are not included. Outline version References IEC JEDEC JEITA sot1437-1_po European projection Issue date 15-02-09 15-03-06 SOT1437-1 Figure 21. Package outline SOT1437-1 (SO10) TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 28 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 15 Abbreviations Table 9. Abbreviations TEA19362T Product data sheet Acronym Description CC Constant Current CV Constant Voltage DCM Discontinuous Conduction Mode EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference ESD ElectroStatic Discharge FR Frequency Reduction MOSFET Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor OCP OverCurrent Protection OPP OverPower Protection OTP OverTemperature Protection OVP OverVoltage Protection QR Quasi-Resonant SMPS Switch-Mode Power Supply SOI Silicon-On_Insulator UVLO UnderVoltage LockOut VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 29 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 16 Revision history Table 10. Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes TEA19362T v.1 20160809 Product data sheet - - TEA19362T Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 30 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation 17 Legal information 17.1 Data sheet status Document status [1][2] [3] Product status Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] [2] [3] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions". The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.nxp.com. 17.2 Definitions Draft — The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NXP Semiconductors and its customer, unless NXP Semiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet. 17.3 Disclaimers Limited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors. In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation - lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors. Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. TEA19362T Product data sheet Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk. Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect. Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at http://www.nxp.com/profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer. No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 31 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Quick reference data — The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding. Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. Non-automotive qualified products — Unless this data sheet expressly states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of nonautomotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors’ warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever TEA19362T Product data sheet customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors’ product specifications. Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions. 17.4 Trademarks Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. GreenChip — is a trademark of NXP Semiconductors N.V. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 32 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Tables Tab. 1. Tab. 2. Tab. 3. Tab. 4. Tab. 5. Ordering information ..........................................3 Marking codes ...................................................3 Pin description ...................................................5 Protections .........................................................9 Limiting values ................................................ 17 Tab. 6. Tab. 7. Tab. 8. Tab. 9. Tab. 10. Recommended operating conditions ............... 18 Thermal characteristics ................................... 19 Characteristics .................................................19 Abbreviations ...................................................29 Revision history ...............................................30 Fig. 14. Switching frequency as a function of temperature ..................................................... 24 Overpower protection voltage (pin ISENSE) as a function of temperature ........................... 24 Overpower protection voltage (at IAUX = 1.46 mA) as a function of temperature ..................................................... 25 Output current (pin PROTECT) as a function of temperature .................................................25 Overvoltage protection voltage (pin AUX) as a function of temperature ................................ 26 TEA19362T application diagram ..................... 26 TEA19362T application diagram with TEA190xT ........................................................27 Package outline SOT1437-1 (SO10) ...............28 Figures Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. Fig. 12. Fig. 13. TEA19362T block diagram ................................4 TEA19362T pin configuration (SO10) ............... 5 Start-up sequence ............................................. 7 Modes of operation ........................................... 7 AUX pin used for demagnetization and input and output voltage measurement ......................9 Overpower protection curve ............................ 10 Optobias regulation ......................................... 12 Burst mode operation ......................................14 Transient response in burst mode ...................14 Upper and lower limits of burst frequency ....... 15 start-up voltage as a function of temperature ... 22 Undervoltage lockout threshold voltage as a function of temperature ................................... 23 Detection voltage (pin PROTECT) as a function of temperature ................................... 23 TEA19362T Product data sheet Fig. 15. Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1 — 9 August 2016 © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. 33 / 34 TEA19362T NXP Semiconductors GreenChip SMPS primary side control IC with fixed frequency operation Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 8.6.5 8.6.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 9 10 11 12 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.1.4 12.1.5 12.1.6 12.1.7 12.1.8 13 14 15 16 17 General description ............................................ 1 Features and benefits .........................................2 General features ................................................ 2 Green features ...................................................2 Protection features .............................................2 Applications .........................................................2 Ordering information .......................................... 3 Marking .................................................................3 Block diagram ..................................................... 4 Pinning information ............................................ 5 Pinning ............................................................... 5 Pin description ................................................... 5 Functional description ........................................6 Supply management ..........................................6 Start-up and UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) .....6 Modes of operation ............................................7 Mains voltage measuring ...................................8 Auxiliary winding ................................................ 8 Protections ......................................................... 9 OverPower Protection (OPP) ...........................10 OverVoltage Protection (OVP; pins AUX and VCCL) .............................................................. 11 Protection input (PROTECT pin) ..................... 11 OverTemperature Protection (OTP) .................11 Maximum on-time ............................................ 11 Safe restart ...................................................... 11 Optobias regulation (CTRL pin) ....................... 12 Burst mode operation ...................................... 13 Soft start-up (ISENSE pin) ...............................16 Driver (DRIVER pin) ........................................ 16 Limiting values .................................................. 17 Recommended operating conditions .............. 18 Thermal characteristics ....................................19 Characteristics .................................................. 19 Typical temperature performance characteristics .................................................. 22 Start-up voltage ............................................... 22 Undervoltage lockout threshold voltage ...........23 Detection voltage (pin PROTECT) ...................23 Switching frequency .........................................24 Overpower protection voltage (pin ISENSE) .... 24 Overpower protection (at IAUX = 1.46 mA) ..... 25 Output current (pin PROTECT) ....................... 25 Overvoltage protection voltage (pin AUX) ........26 Application information .................................... 26 Package outline .................................................28 Abbreviations .................................................... 29 Revision history ................................................ 30 Legal information .............................................. 31 Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'. © NXP Semiconductors N.V. 2016. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@nxp.com Date of release: 9 August 2016 Document identifier: TEA19362T
TEA19362T/1J 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 2500+5.629772500+0.67804
  • 5000+5.499815000+0.66239
  • 7500+5.434747500+0.65456
  • 12500+5.3626212500+0.64587


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+11.479551+1.38258
  • 10+8.3537510+1.00612
  • 25+7.5736025+0.91216
  • 100+6.70932100+0.80806
  • 250+6.29788250+0.75851
  • 500+6.04974500+0.72863
  • 1000+5.845411000+0.70402


    •  国内价格
    • 1+6.98760
    • 10+6.80400
    • 30+6.68520
