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TEA2017AAT/2Y 数据手册
TEA2017AAT/2 Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 1 Product data sheet General description The TEA2017AAT is a digital configurable LLC and PFC combo controller for highefficiency resonant power supplies. It includes the LLC controller and PFC controller functionality. The PFC can be configured to operate in DCM/QR, CCM fixed frequency, or multimode which supports all operation modes to optimize the PFC efficiency. The TEA2017AAT enables building a complete resonant power supply which is easy to design and has a very low component count. The TEA2017AAT comes in a low profile and narrow body-width SO16 package. The TEA2017AAT digital architecture is based on a high-speed configurable hardware state machine ensuring very reliable real-time performance. During the power supply development, many operation and protection settings of the LLC and PFC controller can be adjusted by loading new settings into the device to meet specific application requirements. The configurations can be fully secured to prevent unauthorized copying of the proprietary TEA2017AAT configuration content. In contrast to traditional resonant topologies, the TEA2017AAT shows a very high efficiency at low loads due to the LLC low-power mode. This mode operates in the power region between continuous switching (also called high-power mode) and burst mode. Because the TEA2017AAT regulates the LLC output voltage of the system via the primary capacitor voltage, it has accurate information about the power delivered to the output. This measured output power defines the mode of operation (burst mode, lowpower mode, or high-power mode). The transition levels of the operating modes can be easily programmed into the device. The TEA2017AAT contains all protections like overtemperature protection (OTP), overcurrent protection (OCP), overvoltage protection (OVP), overpower protection (OPP), open-loop protection (OLP), and capacitive mode regulation (CMR). Each of these protections can be configured independently and accurately by programming parameters inside the device. The device contains both a low-voltage and high-voltage silicon technology for highvoltage start-up, integrated drivers, level shifter, protections, and circuitry assuring zerovoltage switching. The TEA2017AAT/TEA2095T combination gives an easy to design, highly efficient, and reliable power supply, providing 90 W to 1000 W, with a minimum of external components. The system provides a very low no-load input power (< 75 mW; total system including the TEA2017AAT/TEA2095T combination) and high efficiency from minimum to maximum load. This power supply meets the efficiency regulations of Energy Star, the Department of Energy, the Eco-design directive of the European Union, the European Code of Conduct, and other guidelines. So, any auxiliary low-power supply can be omitted. TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller To enhance readability, only typical values are given in this document, except in the parametric tables (Section 9, Section 10, and Section 11). If values in the text differ from the values for the same parameter in the parametric tables, the values in these tables are leading. 2 Features and benefits 2.1 Distinctive features • Complete functionality of a PFC and LLC controller in a single small-size SO16 package • Integrated high-voltage start-up • Integrated drivers and high-voltage level shifter (LS) • High-side driver directly supplied from the low-side driver output • Accurate boost voltage regulation • PFC can be configured to operate in: – DCM/QR – DCM/QR/CCM (also called multimode operation) – CCM fixed frequency • Integrated X-capacitor discharge without additional external components • Power good function • PFC jitter for optimized EMI performance • Excellent power factor (PF) and total harmonic distortion (THD), as the PFC current compensates for the input filter current • Several parameters can easily be configured during evaluation with use of the graphical user interface (GUI), like: – Operating frequencies to be outside the audible area at all operating modes – Soft start and soft stop in burst mode, reducing the audible noise – Accurate transition levels between operation modes (high-power mode/low-power mode/burst mode) – Enabling/disabling the lower power mode 2.2 Green features • • • • TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Valley/zero voltage switching for minimum switching losses Extremely high efficiency from low load to high load Compliant with latest energy-saving standards and directives (Energy Star, EuP) Excellent no-load input power (< 75 mW for TEA2017AAT/TEA2095T combination) All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 2 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 2.3 Protection features • Independently configurable levels and timers • Many protections can independently be set to latched, safe restart, or latched after several attempts to restart. • Supply undervoltage protection (UVP) • Overpower protection (OPP) • Internal and external overtemperature protection (OTP) • Capacitive mode regulation (CMR) • Accurate overvoltage protection (OVP) • Overcurrent protection (OCP) • Inrush current protection (ICP) • Brownin/brownout protection • Disable input 3 Applications • • • • • • • • 4 Desktop and all-in-one PCs Gaming power supplies LCD television Notebook adapters and general-purpose adapters Printers Server 5G supplies UHD LED television Ordering information Table 1. Ordering information Type number TEA2017AAT/2 5 Package Name Description Version SO16 plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT109-1 Marking Table 2. Marking codes TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Type number Marking code TEA2017AAT/2 TEA2017AAT All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 3 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 6 Block diagram DRAINPFC DIGITAL CORE AND CONTROL PFCOVP 2.63 V SNSBOOST A/D Valleydet Vprot(ovp)PFC V SNSBOOST 475 V I start-up disable 0.39 V VALLEYDET SUPIC Xcap discharge GATEPFC GATEPFC I o(min)SNSCURPFC Vdet(SNSCURPFC) SNSCURPFC open pin LLC DRIVERS GATEHS IPFC A/D SUPHS LS GATEHS GATELS GATELS demag -10 mV SWITCHING CONTROL OCP -0.3 V Vhs(SNSCAP) D/A caph INTC capl OTP 3V 5V Vls(SNSCAP) Vmains 12 kΩ low-power mode burston IBI/BO brownin/brownout 6 kΩ HB peak/valley CMR 12 kΩ FEEDBACK CONTROL 1 : OPERATION MODE LLCOCP SNSMAINS SNSCAP D/A VALLEY / PEAK DETECT LLC CURRENT SENSE +/- 1 A/D VPOWERGOOD 12 kΩ P HB +/Plowpwr = 1.5 V = 0.1 V SNSCURLLC 0.96 V 1.2 V 2.4 V s q r # BURST CYCLES SNSFB GND aaa-034244 Figure 1. Block diagram TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 4 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 7 Pinning information 7.1 Pinning SNSMAINS 1 16 SNSFB SNSBOOST 2 15 SNSCURLLC (SCL) SNSCURPFC 3 14 SNSCAP (SDA) GND 4 GATEPFC 5 GATELS 6 11 HB HVS 7 10 SUPHS DRAINPFC 8 IC 13 SUPIC 12 HVS 9 GATEHS aaa-039315 Figure 2. TEA2017AAT pin configuration (SOT109-1) 7.2 Pin description Table 3. Pin description TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Symbol Pin Description SNSMAINS 1 sense input for mains voltage and external temperature SNSBOOST 2 sense input for boost voltage; externally connected to resistive-divided boost voltage SNSCURPFC 3 PFC current sense input GND 4 ground GATEPFC 5 PFC MOSFET gate driver output GATELS 6 LLC low-side MOSFET gate driver output and supply for bootstrap capacitor HVS 7 high-voltage spacer. Not to be connected. DRAINPFC 8 internal HV start-up source also used for X- capacitor discharge, valley detection, and PFC OVP detection; connected to (PFC) drain voltage GATEHS 9 LLC high-side MOSFET gate driver output SUPHS 10 high-side driver supply input; externally connected to bootstrap capacitor (CSUPHS) HB 11 low-level reference for high-side driver and input for half-bridge slope detection; externally connected to half-bridge node HB between the LLC MOSFETs HVS 12 high-voltage spacer. Not to be connected. SUPIC 13 input supply voltage and output of internal HV start-up source; externally connected to an auxiliary winding of the LLC via a diode or to an external DC supply SNSCAP 14 LLC capacitor voltage sense input; externally connected to divider across LLC capacitor All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 5 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 3. Pin description...continued TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Symbol Pin Description SNSCURLLC 15 LLC current sense input; externally connected to the resonant current sense resistor SNSFB 16 output voltage regulation feedback sense input; externally connected to an optocoupler. Output for power good function. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 6 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8 Functional description 8.1 Supply voltages The TEA2017AAT includes: • A high-voltage supply pin for start-up (DRAINPFC) • A general supply to be connected to an external auxiliary winding (SUPIC pin) • A floating supply for the high-side driver (SUPHS pin) 8.1.1 Start-up and supply voltage Initially, the capacitor on the SUPIC pin is charged via the DRAINPFC pin. The DRAINPFC pin is connected to the drain voltage of the PFC MOSFET. Internally, a high-voltage current source is located between the DRAINPFC pin and the SUPIC pin (see Figure 3). PFC DRAINPFC Vprot(ovp)PFC OVP_PROT VALLEYDET I = lch(SUPIC) = f(temp) Vstart(SUPIC) SUPIC xcap discharge aaa-038658 Figure 3. HV start-up The maximum current of the internal current source is limited to Ich(SUPIC). To limit the IC dissipation, the charge current is reduced when the current source exceeds its maximum temperature. At start-up, when the SUPIC reaches the Vstart(SUPIC) level, it is continuously regulated to this start level with a hysteresis (Vstart(hys)SUPIC). When the start level is reached, it reads the internal MTP (multi-time programmable memory) and defines the settings. When the settings have been defined, the PFC starts up. When the SNSBOOST reaches the minimum level Vstart(SNSBOOST), the LLC also starts switching (see Figure 4 and Figure 5). When start-up is complete and the LLC controller is operating, the LLC transformer auxiliary winding supplies the SUPIC pin. In this operational state, the HV start-up source is disabled. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 7 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller When the system enters the protection mode, it cannot be supplied via the auxiliary winding. So, the SUPIC pin is regulated to Vstart(SUPIC) via the DRAINPFC pin. During the non-switching period of the burst mode, the SUPIC is regulated to the Vlow(SUPIC) when SUPIC drops to below this level. It regulates the voltage with a hysteresis of Vlow(hys)SUPIC. In this way, the system avoids that the SUPIC undervoltage protection (Vuvp(SUPIC)) is triggered because of a long non-switching period in burst mode. However, the system must be designed such that the internal current source at the DRAINPFC pin is only active at start-up and extreme output voltage overshoots, followed by a long time of non-switching. Continuous use of this current source increases the input power and affects the lifetime of the product. The DRAINPFC pin is also used for valley detection, for X-capacitor discharge, and for providing a second PFC OVP protection. ISNSMAINS Ibi(SNSMAINS) on supic_charge ISUPIC VSUPIC off Ich(SUPIC) Vstart(SUPIC) Vstart(hys)(SUPIC) Vstart(SNSBOOST) SNSBOOST Vout ISNSFB > Ireg(SNSFB) mode of operation No Supply Measure lSNSMAINS PFC startup Readout settings LLC startup Operating aaa-040659 Figure 4. Start-up sequence and normal operation TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 8 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller VSUPIC < Vrst(SUPIC) No supply VSUPIC > Vstart(SUPIC) PFC disabled Readout settings all settings defined LLC disabled Measure lSNSMAINS SUPIC regulated via DRAINPFC VSNSBOOST > Vscp(start) and ISNSMAINS > Ibi PFC start-up VSNSBOOST > Vstart(SNSBOOST) LLC start-up ISNSFB > Ireg(SNSFB) Operating aaa-039098 Figure 5. LLC controller flow diagram When the SUPIC voltage drops to below Vrst(SUPIC), the TEA2017AAT restarts. 8.1.2 High-side driver-floating supply (SUPHS pin) As the voltage range on the SUPIC pin exceeds that of the maximum external MOSFETs gate-source voltage, the external bootstrap capacitor CSUPHS cannot directly be supplied from the SUPIC. To provide an external supply for the high-side driver without the need of additional external components, the GateLS output is designed such that it can drive the low-side MOSFET and supply the high-side MOSFET (see Figure 6). TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 9 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller DSUPHS GATELS ID(SUPHS) SUPHS CSUPHS GATEHS S2 LS HB VHB IC LM GATELS S1 CR VGateHS - VHB SUPIC CSUPIC VGateLS aaa-027835 aaa-026790 a. Curves b. Circuit Figure 6. High-side driver supply The external bootstrap buffer capacitor CSUPHS supplies the high-side driver. The bootstrap capacitor is connected to the low-side driver supply, the GATELS pin, and the half-bridge node (HB) via an external diode (DSUPHS). When GATELS is active high and the HB node is pulled low, CSUPHS is charged. Careful selection of the appropriate diode minimizes the voltage drop between the GATELS and SUPHS pins, especially when large MOSFETs and high switching frequencies are used. A great voltage drop across the diode reduces the gate drive of the high-side MOSFET. 8.2 LLC system regulation The TEA2017AAT regulates the output power by adjusting the voltage across the primary capacitor. Compared to a standard frequency control loop, it has the advantage that the control loop has a constant gain and the IC has information about the output power. So, the operation mode transition levels are derived from the output power. Although the TEA2017AAT uses the primary capacitor voltage as a regulation parameter, all application values, like the resonant inductances, resonant capacitor, and primary MOSFETs remain unchanged compared to a frequency-controlled LLC converter. A secondary TL431 circuitry with an optocoupler connected to the primary SNSFB pin continuously regulates the output voltage. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 10 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.2.1 Output power regulation loop Figure 7 shows the output power regulation loop of Vcap control as used by the TEA2017AAT. Figure 8 shows a corresponding timing diagram. Vboost IC GATEHS LS trafo model D2 Vout Ls Lm Vcap CONTROL VSNSCAP burst GATELS D1 Vhs(SNSCAP) Vls(SNSCAP) Iburst q s qn r ISNSFB Vhs(SNSCAP) SNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) ISNSFB Cr SNSFB 2.5 V aaa-034989 Figure 7. Regulation loop Vcap control Iload Ireg(SNSFB) (80 µA) ISNSFB Vhs(SNSCAP) VSNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) t GATEHS GATELS t1 t2 aaa-031214 Figure 8. Timing diagram of the regulation loop When the divided resonant capacitor voltage (VSNSCAP) exceeds the capacitor voltage high level (Vhs(SNSCAP)), the high-side MOSFET is switched off (see Figure 8 (t1)). After a short delay, the low-side MOSFET is switched on. Because of the resonant current, the resonant capacitor voltage initially increases further but eventually drops. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 11 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller When the divided capacitor voltage (VSNSCAP) drops to below the capacitor voltage low level (Vls(SNSCAP)), the low-side MOSFET is switched off (see Figure 8 (t2)). After a short delay, the high-side MOSFET is switched on. Figure 8 shows that the switching frequency is a result of this switching behavior. In a frequency-controlled system, the frequency is a control parameter and the output power is a result. The TEA2017AAT regulates the power and the frequency is a result. The difference between the high and low capacitor voltage level is a measure of the delivered output power. The value of the primary optocurrent, defined by the secondary TL431 circuitry, determines the difference between the high and low capacitor voltages. Figure 8 also shows the behavior at a transient. If the output load increases, the current pulled out of the SNSFB pin decreases. The result is that the TEA2017AAT increases the high-level capacitor voltage and lowers the low-level capacitor voltage. The output power increases and eventually the output voltage increases to its regulation level. To minimize no-load input power of the system, the primary current into the optocoupler is continuously regulated to Ireg(SNSFB) (see Section 8.4). 8.2.2 Output voltage start-up At start-up, when the system slowly increases the ΔVSNSCAP, it continuously monitors the primary current via the SNSCURLLC pin. When the voltage at this pin exceeds the Vlmtr(ocp) level, increasing the ΔVSNSCAP is on hold until the voltage at the SNSCURLLC pin drops below the Vlmtr(ocp) level again (see Figure 9). The output current is regulated and its voltage shows a nice ramp during start-up. It also avoids that during startup the OCP (overcurrent protection) is triggered. In this way, the LLC converter behaves like a limited current source during start-up. VSNSCAP VSNSCURLLC Vlmtr(ocp) VOUT aaa-026792 Figure 9. LLC start-up behavior TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 12 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.3 Modes of operation Figure 10 shows the control curve between the output power and the voltage difference between the high and low capacitor voltage levels. VSNSCAP VSNSCAP control Vhs(SNSCAP) VSNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) burst mode low-power mode high-power mode Pt(lp) Pout(max) aaa-026793 Figure 10. TEA2017AAT control curve When the output power (Pout) is at its maximum, the low capacitor voltage level (Vls(SNSCAP)) is at its minimum, and the high capacitor voltage (Vhs(SNSCAP)) is at its maximum level. The maximum ΔVSNSCAP (Vhs(SNSCAP) − Vls(SNSCAP)), which is the divided ΔVCr voltage, corresponds to the maximum output power. When the output load decreases, the ΔVSNSCAP voltage decreases. As a result, the output power decreases and the output voltage is regulated. This mode is called highpower mode. Figure 8 shows a timing diagram of the system operating in high-power mode. When the output power drops to below the transition level (Pt(lp)), the system enters the low-power mode. The Pt(lp) level can be initialized via the MTP. To compensate for the non-switching period in low-power mode, also called hold period, ΔVSNSCAP is initially increased at entering the low-power mode (see Section 8.3.2). In low-power mode, the output power is regulated by adapting ΔVSNSCAP, until it reaches a minimum. The system then enters the burst mode (see Section 8.3.3). TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 13 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.3.1 High-power mode In high-power mode, the system operates as described in Section 8.2.1. Figure 11 shows a flow diagram of the high-power mode. System off GATELS = on/GATEHS = off t > ton(min) VSNSCAP < Vls(SNSCAP) lprim < -locp lprim > -lreg(capm) t > ton(max) GATELS = off/GATEHS = off t > tno(min) lprim ≤ 0 End of HB slope t > tno(max) GATELS = off/GATEHS = on t > ton(min) VSNSCAP > Vhs(SNSCAP) lprim > locp lprim < lreg(capm) t > ton(max) GATELS = off/GATEHS = off t > tno(min) lprim ≥ 0 End of HB slope t > tno(max) explanation flow diagram settings exit condition 1 exit condition 2a exit condition 2b exit condition 2c exit condition 2d settings: actions taken when the system is in this state exit condition: exit condition 1 has to be fulfilled and one of the exit conditions 2x aaa-017758 Figure 11. High-power mode flow diagram TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 14 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Initially, GATELS is on and GATEHS is off. The external bootstrap buffer capacitor (CSUPHS) is charged via the GATELS pin and an external diode. The system remains in this state for at least the minimum on-time (ton(min)) of GATELS. Before entering the next state, one of the following conditions must be fulfilled: • • • • The VSNSCAP voltage drops to below the minimum VSNSCAP voltage (Vls(SNSCAP)) The measured current exceeds the OCP level (see Section 8.6.15) The system is close to capacitive mode (see Section 8.6.14) The maximum on-time (ton(max)), a protection that maximizes the time the high-side or low-side MOSFET is kept on, is exceeded. To avoid false detection of the HB peak voltage, the system remains in this state until the minimum non-overlap time (tno(min)) is exceeded. When this time is exceeded and it detects the peak of the HB node and the measured resonant current is negative (or zero), it enters the next state. If the system does not detect a peak at the HB node, it also enters the next state when the maximum non-overlap time (tno(max)) is exceeded under the condition of a negative (or zero) resonant current. Finally, the third and fourth states (see Figure 11) describe the GATEHS and GATEHS to GATELS transition criteria which are the inverse of the first two states. 8.3.2 Low-power mode At low loads, the efficiency of a resonant converter drops as the magnetization and the switching losses become dominant. A low-power mode ensures high efficiency at lower loads because it reduces the magnetization and switching losses. When the output power drops to below the Pt(lp) level, the system enters the low-power mode (see Figure 10 and Figure 12). It continues switching for 3 half-cycles (low-side, high-side, low-side) with an MTP selectable duty cycle. To ensure a constant output power level, it increases the energy per cycle (Vhs(SNSCAP) − Vls(SNSCAP)) at the same time. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 15 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Iload high-power mode low-power mode Vhs(SNSCAP) VSNSCAP VSNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) 3 half-cycles hold period tlp ID1 ID2 aaa-038659 Figure 12. Timing diagram transition high-power mode to low-power mode As the system continuously tracks the primary capacitor voltage, it knows exactly when to enter the "hold" period. It can also continue again at exactly the correct voltage and current levels of the resonant converter. In this way, a "hold" period can be introduced which reduces the magnetization and switching losses without any additional losses. The currents ID1 and ID2 (see Figure 12) are the secondary currents through diodes D1 and D2 (see Figure 7). When in low-power mode the output power is further reduced, the amount of energy per cycle (= ΔVSNSCAP) is reduced and the duty cycle remains the same (see Figure 13). When in low-power mode the system reaches the programmable minimum energy per cycle (= ΔVSNSCAP), it enters burst mode. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 16 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Iload Vhs(SNSCAP) VSNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) ID1 ID2 aaa-017766 Figure 13. Low-power mode: Lowering the energy-per-cycle (ΔVSNCAP) 8.3.3 Burst mode In burst mode, the system alternates between operating in low-power mode and an extended hold state (see Figure 14). Because of this additional extended hold period, the magnetization and switching losses are further reduced. So, the efficiency of the system is increased. Figure 14 shows that all operating frequencies are outside the audible area. The minimum low-power frequency can be set with a parameter. Within a low-power period, the system is switching at the resonant frequency of the converter, which is typically between 50 kHz and 200 kHz. The burst frequency (1/Tburst) can be programmed out side the audible noise area. low-power hold hold low-power hold ISNSFB 100 µA burst-on Isec t lp Tburst aaa-043348 Figure 14. Burst mode TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 17 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Frequency regulation When the primary optocurrent (ISNSFB) drops to below Istart(burst) (100 μA typical), a new burst-on period is started. The end of the burst-on period depends on the calculated number of low-power cycles. The number of low-power cycles within a burst-on period is continuously adjusted so that the total burst period (Tburst) is at least the period defined by the setting (see Figure 15). I load ISNSFB 100 µA burst-on Isec Tburst Vscp(start) off off undervoltage protection mains restart when the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level off on/ [1] off OVP SNSBOOST overvoltage protection boost voltage restart when VSNSBOOST < Vreg(SNSBOOST) off on/ Y [1] off OVP DRAINPFC LLC and PFC are either latched or safe restart [1] protections off off Y Maximum on-time maximum ontime of the PFC MOSFET PFC MOSFET switched off; continue operation - - N OCP overcurrent protection PFC MOSFET switched off; continue operation - - N PFCcoil short - LLC and PFC are off, followed by a safe restart off off Y Iinrush inrush current protection PFC MOSFET switched off; PFC switching postponed off - - - off - - off - off off Y Y PFC protections brownout-mains overvoltage protection DRA INPFC voltage LLC protections UVP SUPHS undervoltage GATEHS = off protection SUPHS pin UVP SNSBOOST undervoltage protection boost OVP SUPIC restart when VSNSBOOST > Vstart(SNSBOOST) output overvoltage LLC and PFC are either [1] protection; latched or safe restart measured via the SUPIC pin Maximum on-time maximum ontime of the LLC MOSFET LLC MOSFET switched off; continue operation - - Y CMR capacitive mode regulation system ensures that mode of operation is inductive - - Y OCP overcurrent protection switch off cycle-by-cycle; After several consecutive cycles, LLC and PFC are either latched or safe restart off off Y off off Y [1] STARTUP MAX TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet maximum start-up LLC and PFC are either [1] time latched or safe restart All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 28 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 4. Protections overview...continued Protection Description Action PFC LLC Protection register OPP overpower protection LLC and PFC are either [1] latched or safe restart off [1] off Y Selectable via a parameter at the MTP. When the system is in a latched or safe restart protection, the SUPIC voltage is regulated to its start level via the DRAINPFC pin. 8.6.1 Undervoltage protection SUPIC When the voltage on the SUPIC pin is below its undervoltage level Vuvp(SUPIC), both the PFC and LLC converter stop switching. The capacitors at the SUPIC pin are recharged via the DRAINPFC pin. When the SUPIC supply voltage exceeds its start level, the system restarts. 8.6.2 MTP fail At start-up, when the SUPIC reaches 12 V, the system reads the parameters from the internal MTP. If reading the MTP failed, a protection is triggered. A mains reset is required before the system starts. During this time, the PFC and LLC remain off. 8.6.3 Internal overtemperature protection (OTP) An accurate internal temperature protection is provided in the circuit. When the junction temperature exceeds the thermal shutdown temperature, the PFC and the LLC stop switching. The response of the internal OTP follows the setting of the external OTP. It can be either latched or safe restart. 8.6.4 Brownin/brownout and external overtemperature protection On the TEA2017AAT, the mains measurement and external temperature measurement are combined at the SNSMAINS pin (see Figure 25). TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 29 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller mains-L mains-N 10/20 MΩ Rsense 10/20 MΩ I o(SNSMAINS) ntc measurement SNSMAINS A/D 5V RNTC 10 nF DIGITAL CONTROL mains resistor value 6 kΩ Vdet(SNSMAINS) 12 kΩ aaa-038666 a. Circuit mains - N mains - L VSNSMAINS ISNSMAINS 0 t1 t2 aaa-030888 b. Timing diagram Figure 25. Mains and external OTP management The TEA2017AAT continuously measures the SNSMAINS voltage via an A/D converter and waits until it detects a peak (t1). This peak value is internally stored and used for the mains compensation. The output of the A/D converter is used for brownout/brownin detection. During an NTC measurement, which is enabled during the peak of the mains, an internal current source of Io(SNSMAINS) is switched on. With the external NTC and diode, the internal current source generates a voltage at the SNSMAINS pin. If this voltage remains below the Vdet(SNSMAINS) level, the external OTP protection is triggered after td(otp). The internal current source is turned on until the SNSMAINS voltage exceeds the Vdet(SNSMAINS) level level or a maximum time of tdet(max)NTC. The external resistor, which is connected between mains_L/mains_N and the SNSMAINS pin, can be either 20 MΩ or 10 MΩ. The amount of mains resistor can either be one (only TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 30 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller connected to the mains-L or mains-N) or two (one connected to the mains-L and the other to the mains-N). However, the selected parameter of the resistor value and number of resistors must correspond to the application. 8.6.5 Short-circuit protection/fast disable The PFC and LLC do not start switching until the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin exceeds Vscp(start). This function acts as short circuit protection for the boost voltage. When the SNSBOOST pin is shorted to ground or the SNSBOOST pull-up resistor is disconnected, this protection inhibits switching. This function can also be used as a fast disable. If this pin is shorted to ground via an external MOSFET, the system either stops switching or enters the protection mode followed by safe restart or latched protection. In this way, an additional external protection can be added. 8.6.6 Brownout mains To prevent the PFC from operating at very low mains input voltages, the PFC stops switching with a soft stop when the measured mains voltage drops to below the brownout level. When the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level, the PFC restarts with a soft start. To avoid that the system is interrupted during a short mains interruption, a delay can be set before the brownout function is active. Typically, only the PFC stops switching and the LLC continues at a brownout. Due to the large PFC bulk capacitor, the LLC can continue for a long period while the mains is already disconnected. So, the option to stop the LLC at a brownout after a given delay can be selected with a parameter. 8.6.7 Overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) To prevent output overvoltage during load steps and mains transients, a PFC output overvoltage protection circuit is built in. When the voltage on the SNSBOOST pin exceeds the Vstop(ovp)PFC level, switching of the power factor correction circuit is inhibited. When the SNSBOOST pin voltage drops to below the regulation level (Vreg(SNSBOOST)) again, the switching of the PFC recommences. When an OVP at the SNSBOOST is detected for a minimum period (can be set using a parameter), the LLC can also be disabled. 8.6.8 Overvoltage protection (DRAINPFC pin) To prevent output overvoltage of the PFC due to a disturbed SNSBOOST pin, an additional PFC output overvoltage protection is available. This overvoltage protection is measured via the DRAINPFC pin. To avoid false triggering, measuring the DRAINPFC is blanked for tleb(OVP)PFC after the PFC MOSFET is switched off. The DRAINPFC overvoltage protection level and the delay before it enters the protection state can be set with parameters. The DRAINPFC overvoltage protection can be a latched, a safe restart, or a latched after safe restart protection. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 31 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.6.9 Overcurrent protection, inrush protection (SNSCURPFC pin) The PFC current is measured via an external sense resistor (RSENSE) connected to the SNSCURPFC pin (see Figure 29). If the voltage drops to below Vocp(PFC), the PFC MOSFET is turned off. It resumes switching at the next cycle, under the condition that the voltage at the SNSCURPFC is above the Vocp(PFC) level. Otherwise, it remains off until this requirement is fulfilled. It avoids that the PFC MOSFET is turned on during an inrush. To ensure that the OCP level is not exceeded due to disturbance caused by a turn-on of the PFC MOSFET, the OCP level is filtered via an internal 1 MHz filter. 8.6.10 PFC coil short protection (SNSCURPFC pin) If the PFC coil is shorted, the overcurrent protection is triggered continuously. To avoid overheating, the system enters the protection state when the OCP is continuously triggered for a selectable number of switching cycles. The PFC and LLC converters stop switching and a restart follows. 8.6.11 Undervoltage protection SUPHS To ensure a minimum drive voltage at the high-side driver output (GATEHS), this driver is turned off when its voltage is below the minimum level (VSUPHS < Vrst(SUPHS)). 8.6.12 Undervoltage protection boost The PFC output voltage is measured via a resistive divider connected to the SNSBOOST pin. The voltage at the SNSBOOST pin must exceed the start level (VSNSBOOST > Vstart(SNSBOOST)) before the LLC converter is allowed to start switching. When the system is operating and the voltage at the SNSBOOST pin drops to below the minimum level (VSNSBOOST < Vuvp(SNSBOOST)), the LLC converter stops switching. When it exceeds the start level, it restarts. 8.6.13 Overvoltage protection When the voltage at the SUPIC pin exceeds the VO(ovp)SUPIC level for td(ovp)SUPIC, the OVP protection is triggered. The voltage at the SUPIC pin is continuously monitored via an internal A/D converter. The OVP protection level and the OVP delay time can be selected with a parameter. The OVP function can also be disabled. 8.6.14 Capacitive mode regulation (CMR) The TEA2017AAT has a capacitive mode regulation (CMR) which ensures that the system is always operating in inductive mode and avoids operation in capacitive mode. At lower input voltage or higher output power and depending on the resonant design, the resonant current can already approach zero before the capacitor voltage reaches the regulation level. When the resonant current has changed polarity before the switches are turned off and the other switch is turned on, hard switching occurs. This event is called capacitive mode. To avoid that the LLC operates in capacitive mode, the system also switches off the highside/low-side switch when the resonant current approaches zero. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 32 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Figure 26 shows the signals that occur when a resonant converter is switching in CMR mode. At t1 (and also at t3), the low-side switch is on while the resonant current approaches zero before VSNSCAP reaches Vls(SNSCAP). At t2, the resonant current is also close to changing polarity while the divided capacitor voltage (VSNSCAP) has not reached the Vhs(SNSCAP) level yet. To avoid a turn-off of the high side switch at a negative current or the low side at a positive current, the system also turns off the high-side/lowside switch when the primary current approaches zero. So at t2, the high-side switch is turned off because the primary current is close to zero. At t3 (and also at t1), the lowside switch is turned off, although VSNSCAP did not reach the regulation level (Vls(SNSCAP)) yet. The primary current is measured via an external sense resistor connected to the SNSCURLLC pin. The capacitive mode protection levels are Vreg(capm) (−100 mV typical and +100 mV typical). These levels can be adjusted with a parameter. In this mode, the amount of output power is reduced and the output voltage decreases. The TEA2017AAT does not enter a so-called "capacitive mode protection", but avoids this mode of operation. GATEHS GATELS HB Vhs(SNSCAP) VSNSCAP Vls(SNSCAP) Iprim Vreg(capm) 0 Vreg(capm) t0 t1 t2 t3 aaa-017772 Figure 26. Near capacitive mode switching TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 33 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.6.15 Overcurrent protection The system measures the LLC primary current continuously via a sense resistor connected to the SNSCURLLC pin. If the measured voltage exceeds the fixed overcurrent level (Vocp(LLC)), the corresponding switch (GATELS/GATEHS) is turned off, but the system continues to switch. In this way, the primary current is limited to the OCP level. The OCP level can be adjusted via the external sense resistor. If the OCP is continuously triggered for an adjustable time, the system enters the OCP protection state. The OCP protection state can also be disabled. However, the primary current is always limited to the OCP level cycle-by-cycle. 8.6.16 Maximum start-up time At start-up, the PFC starts switching. When the PFC output voltage exceeds a minimum level, the LLC starts switching as well. If the output voltage of the LLC is not in regulation within an adjustable time after the PFC has started switching, the maximum start-up time protection is triggered. The maximum start-up time (tstartup(max)) can be set with the parameter “Maximum startup time”. If this protection is triggered, the system is latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart, which follows the setting of the OPP. 8.6.17 Overpower protection For the overpower protection, three levels can be set: • Absolute maximum output power, which is the highest output power level. When the output power exceeds this maximum level, it is limited cycle-by-cycle. If the output power exceeds this maximum, the output voltage decreases. The maximum output power can be set to a percentage of the rated output power. • A first overpower level, which is below the maximum output power level. When the output power exceeds this power level, a timer is started. When this timer exceeds a predefined value, the system enters the protection state. Both PFC and LLC are switched off. This power level can be set to a predefined level below the selected maximum output power. So, if the maximum output power is set to 170 % and this first overpower level is set to −20 %, the timer is started at 150 % of the rated output power. The timer of the first overpower level can also be set. The first overpower level can also be disabled. • A second overpower level, which is typically below the first overpower level. When the output power exceeds this power level, a timer is started. When this timer exceeds a predefined value, the system enters the protection state. PFC and LLC are switched off. This power level can be set to a predefined level below the selected maximum output power. So, if the output power is set to 170 % and this second overpower level is set to −50 %, the timer is started at 120 % of the rated output power. The timer of the second overpower level can be set to a predefined level. The second overpower level can also be disabled. The overpower function can be either latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. Section 8.6.18 describes this function. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 34 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.6.18 Latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart When a protection is selected to be latched, the system stops switching when this protection is triggered. The system only restarts after a fast latch reset (see Section 8.6.19) or when the SUPIC supply voltage drops below the UVP level. When a protection is selected to be safe restart, the system continuously restarts after a predefined safe restart time. This safe restart time is the same for all protection functions. It can be set with a parameter. When selecting “latched after safe restart”, a protection is initially a safe restart protection. If the failure occurs again within a specific time, it latches eventually. latched after saferestart OVP latched protection 65 sec restart counter 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 aaa-038667 Figure 27. Latched after safe restart Figure 27 shows an example of when the OVP is set to latched after safe restart. Initially at an OVP, the system restarts after the safe restart time. An internal counter is then set to ‘1’. If the protection is triggered again, the counter is increased. If the counter reaches the number as set with a parameter, the system latches. If no protection is triggered within 65 seconds, the counter is reset. 8.6.19 Fast latch reset If a protection is triggered, the system enters the protection state. Especially when the protection is latched, this function is inconvenient during production tests. So, when the mains voltage is below the brownout level for a specified time, the system also restarts. This time can be set with a parameter. This function is called fast latch reset. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 35 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.7 Power good function The TEA2017AAT provides a power good function via the SNSFB pin. FEEDBACK CONTROL 1 SUPIC : 1 power level V(SNSFB) 12 kΩ SNSFB POWERGOOD aaa-027838 aaa-038668 a. Primary side b. Secondary side Figure 28. Power good function The primary function of the SNSFB pin is to regulate the output voltage via an optocoupler. So, it measures the current that is drawn from the SNSFB. Via an internal 12 kΩ resistor, it regulates the output power. The output power regulation is independent of the voltage level of the SNSFB pin. So, the voltage level at the SNSFB pin is used to indicate if the system is about to stop operating, a so-called power good signal. The voltage at the SNSFB pin can be used to generate a secondary power good signal using an external MOSFET and an optocoupler. At start-up, the SNSFB voltage is at a high level, pulling down the secondary power good signal. As soon as the system enters the operating state (see Figure 4), the SNSFB goes low. The external power good signal becomes active high. The SNSFB voltage becomes active high, lowering the secondary power good signal when: • • • • The voltage on the SNSBOOST pin drops to below Vdet(SNSBOOST) The OPP counter is close to its end value The converter is about to stop due to an OTP protection When the LLC converter is about to stop due to an OVP on the SNSBOOST when this function is enabled • When the LLC converter is about to stop due to a mains brownout when this function is enabled To avoid any disturbance of the regulation loop, the increase and decrease of the SNSFB voltage is in alignment with a predefined ramp. When the system enters protection mode (OVP, OCP, or UVP), it pulls high the SNSFB pin and stops switching immediately. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 36 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.8 Settings The TEA2017AAT has an internal MTP at which different settings can be programmed. The TEA2017AAT settings can be found in Section 13. Disclaimer: The MTP parameter settings can be changed using the “Ringo” GUI software of NXP Semiconductors. Before the user can change any MTP parameters using the GUI, the terms and conditions in the start-up pop-up screen must be accepted. 8.8.1 General settings Protection register When the TEA2017AAT triggers a protection, it can be read which protection was triggered. Even when the root cause of the protection is solved and the converter continues switching, the information about the protection remains until the software program (Ringo GUI) clears it. Supply start level The SUPIC start level can be selected between 12 V and 19 V. Typically, a level of 19 V is selected. When the TEA2017AAT is externally supplied, for instance via a standby supply, the lower start level of 12 V can be used. After start-up, when the MTP is read and a 12 V start level is selected, charging via the PFCDRAIN is disabled, as the system assumes that it is externally supplied. Read lock Normally, the software tool can read all the programmed settings. This option can be used to verify the correct settings or for failure analyses. However, once in production, enabling the "Read lock" bit protects the parameters. Then it is not possible anymore to read the MTP content. It can however still be reset to the default values and also clear the read lock parameter. Write lock To avoid that the MTP content (accidentally) gets overwritten, a write-lock bit can be set. It can, however, still be reset to the default values and clear the write lock parameter. Reset to the default values When the MTP is reset, it implies that all parameters are set to a default value. The default values normally do not correspond to the original MTP values. They are chosen such that a general application works properly. When the MTP is reset, the MTP can be read and written again. Customer MTP code When in production, the content of the MTP can be hidden when the read lock bit is enabled. To get access to the content of the MTP, a unique customer code can be programmed. This customer code provides information about the MTP content. This customer code can always be read, even when the read lock bit is enabled. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 37 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 8.8.2 PFC settings Soft-start time For the start-up time of the PFC, the following RC time periods can be selected: 13 ms, 25 ms, 51 ms, or 102 ms. Active X-capacitor discharge When the TEA2017AAT detects that the mains is disconnected, the X-capacitor discharge is activated after a delay of td(dch). The following delays can be selected: 100 ms, 200 ms, and 400 ms. This function can also be disabled. Mains measurement impedance To realize a low no-load input power level, the external resistor connected to the SNSMAINS pin for measuring the mains input voltage is typically 20 MΩ. However, some applications request a maximum resistance of 10 MΩ. With this bit, 10 MΩ or 20 MΩ can be selected for the external resistor without affecting the mains voltage-related levels like brownin and brownout. Number of mains resistors To achieve the lowest possible no-load input power, a single mains sense resistor can be used. If continuously measuring the mains voltage is necessary, two mains resistors can be used. For proper functionality, the resistor value and number of resistors in the application are required to correspond to the IC settings. PFC mode of operation When all modes are enabled, the PFC can operate in DCM, QR, or CCM mode. However, the frequency varies between the minimum and maximum frequency. It is also possible to either disable CCM mode or select the fixed frequency mode. For evaluation purposes, the option to disable the PFC is available as well. PFC minimum and maximum frequency The minimum switching frequency of the PFC can be set within a range from 25 kHz to 80 kHz. When the CCM mode of operation is disabled, the PFC always waits until the PFC coil is demagnetized before starting the next cycle. As a result, the switching frequency can drop to below the minimum frequency. The maximum frequency can be set within a range from 75 kHz to 250 kHz. When the PFC operating mode is set to fixed frequency, the frequency can be set between 55 kHz and 200 kHz. Burst mode: Output voltage ripple When the PFC enters burst mode, it stops switching when the SNSBOOST voltage, which reflects the PFC output voltage, reaches its regulation level and the LLC stops switching. When the voltage at the SNSBOOST pin has dropped to a programmed level, the PFC is enabled again. For the difference between these two levels the following values can be selected: 70 mV, 105 mV, 140 mV, 175 mV, 210 mV, 245 mV, and 280 mV. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 38 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller These values typically correspond with a ripple on the PFC output voltage of 10 V, 16 V, 22 V, 28 V, 34 V, 40 V, and 46 V. The PFC burst mode can also be synchronized to the LLC burst mode. It then follows the on and off periods of the LLC. However, it ensures that the SNSBOOST reaches its regulation level. Burst mode: Soft-start/soft-stop time To minimize audible noise of the PFC, a burst mode soft start and soft stop can be independently selected. The selectable values are: normal, short, and long. The additional soft-start and soft-stop can also be disabled. 8.8.3 LLC settings LLC disable Especially for validation purposes, an option is available to disable the LLC. When the LLC is disabled, a restart is required. Start-up Maximum (start-up) frequency The maximum switching frequency of the LLC is limited to a value, which is defined using a parameter. This value also defines the maximum switching frequency during start-up. The maximum frequency can be set to different values ranging from 150 kHz to 800 kHz. LLC soft-start time The LLC soft-start time defines the rate at which the converter lowers its switching frequency. This rate can be selected between 2 and 20 which leads to a start-up time of approximately between 1 ms and 10 ms. However, it depends on the LLC design. A higher speed lowers the start-up time. However, it can cause a high charge current and an overshoot at the output voltage. Maximum primary current during start-up At start-up, the LLC starts switching at the maximum frequency and ramps down the frequency until the ΔVSNSCAP reaches the required level. If during this start-up time the primary current, which reflects the output current, reaches a predefined level, the frequency is temporarily not further reduced until the primary current drops to below the level again. This level is measured via the SNSCURLLC pin. The following values can be selected: 0.5 V, 0.75 V, 1.0 V, or 1.25 V. LLC switching ΔVSNSCAP dump level When the system is in low-power mode, a switching period is followed by a waiting period. The system ensures that it continues at the same stage as where it stopped. To reach the maximum efficiency, the end of the last switching cycle can be fine-tuned. For the ΔVSNSCAP dump level, values between 2.525 V and 2.7 V can be selected in steps of 25 mV. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 39 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Minimum non-overlap time To ensure that the GATEHS is properly turned off before the GATELS is turned on, and vice versa, there is a minimum non-overlap time. For the minimum non-overlap time, the following values can be selected: 100 ns, 230 ns, 350 ns, 500 ns. Maximum non-overlap time When the system does not detect a valley at the HB node after turning off GATEHS, the system turns on the GATELS after the maximum non-overlap time. The same counts when a peak at the HB node is not detected after turning off the GATELS and turning on the GATEHS. For the maximum non-overlap time, the following values can be selected: 0.5 μs, 0.7 μs, 0.9 μs, or 1.1 μs. Maximum on-time When the on-time of the GATELS or GATEHS exceeds the maximum on-time, the switch is turned off, and the LLC converter starts the next cycle. For the maximum on-time, the following values can be selected: 10 μs, 20 μs, 30 μs, or 38 μs. Capacitive mode regulation When the voltage at the SNSCURLLC pin, which reflects the resonant current, drops to below a predefined value, the LLC converter starts the next switching cycle. In this way, the TEA2017AAT avoids that the converter operates in capacitive mode. For the capacitive mode regulation, the following values can be selected: 20 mV to 160 mV in steps of 20 mV. LLC maximum ringing time When the LLC operates in LP mode, it counts the amount of ringings. If a ringing is not detected, it assumes a peak after the timeout. This timeout can be set to 3 μs, 5 μs, 7.5 μs, or 10 μs. The appropriate value depends on the application. It must be chosen just above the maximum ringing period. Feedback Optocoupler current To achieve a low no-load input power, the current through the optocoupler must be set at a low level. However, depending on the selected optocoupler, a higher optocoupler current may be requested. So, the optocoupler current can be set to different values ranging from 80 μA to 1.2 mA. Operation modes HP-LP transition level When the output power drops to below a predefined level, the system switches from the HP to the LP mode. The HP-LP transition level can be set to different values ranging from 10 % to 54 %. HP-LP transition hysteresis When the system operates in LP mode, it switches over to HP mode when the output power exceeds the selected HP-LP transition level plus a hysteresis. For the hysteresis, the following values can be selected: 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, or 40 % of the selected HP-LP transition level. So, if the rated output at 100 % is 100 W, the HP-LP transition level is set at 30 % and the hysteresis is set at 10 %. The eventual hysteresis is 3 W. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 40 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller LP-BM transition level When the output power drops below the LP-BM transition level, the system enters burst mode. The LP-BM transition level can be set to different values ranging from 1 % to 25 %. The actual LP-BM transition level can deviate from the selected value due to delays in the system. The deviation is most noticeable at low LP-BM transition levels. In this case, the LP-BM transition level can be fine-tuned in steps of 1 %. BM-LP transition level When the system operates in burst mode and output power increases to exceed the LPBM transition level plus a hysteresis level, the system enters low-power mode. For the hysteresis, levels in the range from 5 % to 50 % can be selected, which are related to the selected LP-BM transition level. So, if the rated output at 100 % is 100 W, the LPBM transition is set at 10 %, and the hysteresis at 50 %, the system switches from burst mode to low-power mode at a level of 15 W. BM-LP transition level filter When the output power slowly increases, the system ensures a smooth transition when leaving burst mode and entering low-power mode by setting a burst-mode-to-low-powermode transition filter. When the output power exceeds the BM-LP transition level plus hysteresis for 2, 4, 8, or 16 burst cycles, it leaves the burst mode and enters the lowpower mode. At a large transient at the output, the system immediately leaves burst mode. BM repetition frequency When the system operates in burst mode, it is regulated to a fixed frequency. This frequency can be set to different values ranging from 20 Hz to 3.2 kHz. BM E/C (Energy-per-cycle) increase As the TEA2017AAT regulates the output via the primary capacitor voltage, it offers the ability to increase the output power per switching cycle when it enters burst mode. For the increase of output power per switching cycle, also called E/C (Energy-per-cycle), different values can be set ranging from 1 to 4. When, for instance, the E/C is set to 4, the system increases the E/C with a factor of 4 when it enters burst mode. The initial duty cycle is then 25 %. Increasing the E/C in burst mode increases the efficiency of the system, but at the cost of a higher output voltage ripple. BM soft start/soft stop To minimize the audible noise in burst mode, a soft start and a soft stop can be added. The soft start and soft stop can be independently initialized, whereas the number of softstart/soft-stop cycles can be set between 0 and 4. In this way, the soft-start and soft-stop cycle can be optimized depending on the selected transformer. BM minimum cycles As additional soft-start and soft-stop cycles reduces the audible noise, it increases the switching losses. To optimize the number of normal switching cycles in relation to the added soft-start and soft-stop switching cycles, the minimum number of normal switching cycles that can be selected ranges from 1 to 12. Burst end SNSFB current When the system operates in burst mode, it adjusts the number of switching cycles such that burst frequency corresponds to the selected burst frequency. If during these TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 41 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller switching cycles the output load decreases, the output voltage increases as the system has calculated the number of required switching cycles. If the measured optocoupler current at the SNSFB pin exceeds a certain level, the system ends the burst switching cycle. This level can be between a factor of 2.5, 3.75, 5, or 7.5 times the selected optocoupler current level. Burst delay Entering the burst mode can be postponed with a delay from 0.2 s to 4 s. The delay can also be set to 0, implying that when the output power drops to below the burst mode entry level, the system immediately enters burst mode. The burst mode delay can also be set to infinite. The system does not enter burst mode and remains switching. Burst-mode exit delay When the LLC is switching for a time that exceeds the burst-mode exit delay time and the output load exceeds the burst-mode level, the system leaves the burst mode. The burstmode exit delay time (tburst-exit) can be set from 160 μs to 4 ms in 16 steps. Low-power frequency The frequency of the low-power mode can be selected by defining the ringing number at which the next low-power cycle must be started. The selection options are from 1 to 8 in steps of 1. SNSBOOST compensation A ripple at the input voltage of an LLC converter normally results in a ripple in the output voltage. To minimize the ripple at the output voltage, the TEA2017AAT measures the input voltage of the LLC via the SNSBOOST pin and compensates the SNSCAP voltage via a feed-forward compensation. As the required compensation depends on the external components, it can be set at 8 different compensation levels. 8.8.4 Protection settings General protections Fast latch reset delay time When the system does not detect a mains voltage for a programmed period, it assumes that the mains is disconnected and resets all protections. When the mains voltage exceeds the brownin level again, the system restarts. The delay between detecting a brownout (including the brownout delay time) and resetting all protections can be programmed to different values ranging from 0 s to 10 s. Safe restart time When the system is in protection mode and the triggered protection is programmed as safe restart, it restarts after a safe-restart time. This time can be set at different values ranging from 0.5 s to 10 s. Fast disable When the SNSBOOST voltage is pulled below the Vscp(stop) level, the system enters the protection state. The response can be set to on/off, latched, or safe restart. External OTP level The external application temperature is measured via an NTC connected to the SNSMAINS pin. To be able to set the appropriate NTC value and OTP level, the internal TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 42 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller current used to measure the external NTC value can be set between 150 µA and 1050 µA in steps of 150 µA. To avoid false triggering, an internal delay occurs before the system enters protection. This delay can be set to different values between 0.5 s and 8 s. The response of the external OTP can be latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. The external OTP function can also be disabled. Internal OTP level The internal OTP is fixed at 135 °C. When the internal OTP is triggered, it follows the same response as selected for the external OTP, being either latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. PFC general protections Brownin/brownout level For the brownin level, several values can be selected ranging from 67 V (AC) to 185 V (AC). For the hysteresis between the brownin and brownout level, several values can be selected from 2 V (AC) to 17 V (AC). The given values depend on the resistor values in the application and their tolerances. When the mains voltage is below the brownout period for a selectable amount of time, the system enters the brownout state. For this time, several values can be selected ranging from 25 ms to 1.2 s. PFC OCP level The PFC OCP level is fixed to Vocp(PFC). The external sense resistor can select the corresponding current value. PFC maximum on-time The maximum on-time of the PFC equals 1 / minimum frequency. Where the minimum frequency set by the MTP and the possible additional frequency jitter defines the minimum frequency. PFC coil short protection When the PFC continuously triggers the OCP, the system eventually enters the protection state. A counter is increased by 3 every PFC switching cycle where the OCP level is exceeded. It is decreased by 1 every cycle where the level is below the OCP level. When the counter reaches 2500, 5000, or 12500, the system enters the protection state. This function can also be disabled. PFC output OVP The PFC output voltage is measured via the SNSBOOST pin and the DRAINPFC pin. For the OVP at the SNSBOOST pin, the following values can be selected: 2.60 V, 2.63 V, 2.65 V, or 2.70 V. When an OVP is detected at the SNSBOOST pin, the PFC stops switching and continues again when its voltage drops below the regulation level. For the OVP at the DRAINPFC pin, the following values can be selected: 475 V, 500 V, 525 V, or 550 V. To avoid false triggering, a delay can be selected of 100 cycles, 250 cycles, or 1000 switching cycles. During this delay, the output voltage of the PFC is limited to this maximum value. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 43 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller The response of an OVP at the DRAINPFC pin can be latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. This function can also be disabled. Valley detection timeout When the PFC MOSFET is off and the current through the PFC coil becomes zero, the coil is demagnetized. Normally, shortly after the demagnetization, the drain voltage starts to ring and a valley is detected. When the system detects demagnetization but does not detect a valley shortly after, the ringing may be too small to detect a valley. So, when demagnetization is detected, it assumes a valley within a specified time. For this time, the following values can be selected: 2 μs, 3 μs, 5 μs, or 7 μs. PFC minimum off-time To avoid false triggering of the demagnetization and valley detection, a minimum offtime of the PFC driver output can be selected. The available values are 500 ns, 750 ns, 1000 ns, and 1500 ns. LLC general protections Maximum start-up time When the LLC starts switching, it expects that its output voltage reaches the regulation level within a maximum start-up time. For the maximum start-up time, the following values can be selected: 25 ms, 50 ms, 100 ms, and 200 ms. LLC brownout level (SNSBOOST) When the voltage at the SNSBOOST drops below a predefined level, the LLC converter enters the protection state. When the SNSBOOST voltage exceeds the brownin level, the LLC converter starts switching again. For the LLC brownout level at the SNSBOOST, a level in the range from 1.0 V to 2.05 V can be selected. LLC brownin level (SNSBOOST) The LLC brownin level defines the minimum voltage at the SNSBOOST pin before the LLC starts switching. For this level, a value ranging from 1.5 V to 2.4 V can be selected. LLC brownout timer (SNSMAINS) When the mains is disconnected, the PFC stops switching after its brownout delay. Normally, the LLC converter continues switching until the input voltage of the LLC drops to below a minimum (Vuvp(SNSBOOST)) level. Especially at a minimum load at the output, the LLC dropping to the minimum level can take a long time. A timer can be initialized that also disables the LLC converter when a brownout is detected at the mains input. For this time, a value can be selected ranging from 125 ms to 6 s. The option that the LLC converter remains switching until its input voltage drops to below a minimum level can also be selected. LLC maximum input voltage (SNSBOOST) When an OVP is detected on the SNSBOOST pin, the PFC always stops switching. The response of the LLC can be set to either continue operation or stop switching. A delay can be set to either 5 ms, 50 ms, or 1250 ms. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 44 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Power limit The maximum output power of the converter is limited by the controller. The limitation ensures that the applied load is below the maximum rating-selected components. For the maximum output power, several levels between 100 % and 200 % of the rated power can be selected. OPP level 1 When the output power exceeds a first OPP level, a first counter is started. When the output power continuously exceeds this OPP level for a selected period, the system enters protection state. For the OPP level, a level between 0 % and −50 % below the selected power limit can be selected. For the time, a value between 50 ms to 40 s can be selected. The response of this protection can be latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. This OPP level can also be disabled. OPP level 2 When the output power exceeds a second OPP level, a second counter is started. When the output power continuously exceeds this OPP level for a selected period, the system enters protection state. For the OPP level, a level in the range from −10 % to −50 % below the selected power limit can be selected. For the time, a value ranging from 50 ms to 3 s can be selected. The response of this protection follows the selected response of the OPP level 1. This OPP level can also be disabled. OPP duty cycle When the output power exceeds the OPP with a duty cycle of 50 %, the OPP may or may not be triggered. So, the duty cycle at which the OPP is triggered eventually can be set using a parameter to 11 %, 20 %, 33 %, or 50 %. OVP protection In a resonant converter, the voltage at the SUPIC pin reflects the output voltage. When the SUPIC voltage exceeds a defined level, the OVP protection is triggered. The level can be set between 1 V and 16 V above the start level in steps of 1 V. To avoid false triggering, a delay can be set at different values ranging from 10 μs to 800 μs. The response of this protection can be latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. This OVP function can also be disabled. OVP duty cycle To minimize the sensitivity of the OVP function, a duty cycle can be set at which the OVP is eventually triggered. This parameter can be set to 11 %, 20 %, 33 %, or 50 %. If, for example, the OVP delay is set to 800 μs, the duty cycle to 50 %, and the SUPIC voltage exceeds the OVP level for 300 μs and drops to below the OVP level for 500 μs, the OVP is never triggered. OCP protection The current in the resonant tank is measured at the SNSCURLLC pin. When the voltage at this pin exceeds the OCP level, the corresponding switch (GATELS or GATEHS) is turned off and the system starts the next cycle. So, the LLC current is limited cycle-bycycle. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 45 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller If the OCP occurs for a defined number of cycles, the OCP protection is triggered. The number of cycles can be set to different values between 5 and 1000. The response of this protection can be latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart. The OCP protection function can also be disabled. However, the LLC current remains limited cycle-by-cycle. 8.8.5 Power good settings The power good function gives a prewarning to the load that the converter is switched off due to disconnected mains or a triggered protection. Power good time The power good time is the time between the power good signal indicating that the converter is about to be switched off and the time the converter eventually stops switching. This delay can be set to 4 ms, 6 ms, 8 ms, or 10 ms. Power good at OTP The power good signal can give a prewarning when the converter is switched off due to an OTP detection. The OTP can be either an internal or an external OTP. This function can be enabled or disabled. The delay between the transition of the power good signal and the moment that the converter stops switching equals the power good time. Power good at OPP The power good signal can give a prewarning when the converter is switched off due to an OPP detection. The prewarning can be given when the output power exceeds the OPP level1 or OPP level2 for the defined time. This function can be enabled or disabled. The delay between the transition of the power good signal and the moment that the converter stops switching equals the power good time. Power good at mains brownout The power good signal can give a prewarning when the LLC converter is switched off due to a brownout detection at the mains input of the converter. This function can be enabled or disabled. The delay between the transition of the power good signal and the moment that the converter stops switching equals the power good time. Power good at LLC brownout level (SNSBOOST) When the measured voltage at the SNSBOOST pin drops to below the selected LLC brownout level, the LLC converter stops switching. It normally occurs due to a disconnected mains. The power good signal can give a prewarning when the converter is switched off due to this LLC brownout detection. When the voltage at the SNSBOOST drops to below a selectable value, the power good feature is triggered. The level can be selected between 1 V and 2.05 V. Power good at OVP (SNSBOOST) The TEA2017AAT offers a setting option to stop the LLC operation at an SNSBOOST OVP. When the LLC converter is switched off due to an SNSBOOST OVP, the power good signal can give a prewarning. This function can be enabled or disabled. The delay TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 46 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller between the transition of the power good signal and the moment the converter stops switching equals the power good time. Power good ready delay When the output voltage is in regulation after start-up, power good indicates that the output voltage is in regulation. A delay can be set between the time the output voltage reaches the regulation level and the transition of the power good signal. This delay can be set at different values between 0 s and 1 s. Power good transition time The power good function is combined with the feedback network connected at the SNSFB pin. To avoid that a trigger of the power good function disturbs the regulation loop, its transition time must have a predefined value. This time can be set at 0.85 ms, 1.8 ms, 2.6 ms, or 3.5 ms. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 47 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 9 Limiting values Table 5. Limiting values In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Max Unit voltage on pin DRAINPFC during mains surge t < 0.5 s; 10 times at a 0.1 Hz interval −0.4 +685 V SRmax(DRAINPFC) maximum slew rate on pin DRA INPFC −50 +50 V/ns VSUPIC voltage on pin SUPIC −0.4 +36 V VSUPHS voltage on pin SUPHS during mains surge t < 0.5 s; 10 times at a 0.1 Hz interval −0.3 +685 V regarding pin HB − 0.4 +13 V Voltages VDRAINPFC VGATEHS voltage on pin GATEHS VHB − 0.4 VSUPHS + 0.4 V VHB voltage on pin HB during mains surge; t < 0.5 s; 10 times at a 0.1 Hz interval −3 +685 V −13 - V −70 +70 V/ns t < 1 μs TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet SRmax(HB) maximum slew rate on pin HB VGATELS voltage on pin GATELS [1] −0.4 +14 V VGATEPFC voltage on pin GATEPFC [1] −0.4 +14 V VSNSCAP voltage on pin SNSCAP −0.4 +12 V VSNSCURLLC voltage on pin SNSCURLLC −0.4 +12 V VSNSCURPFC voltage on pin SNSCURPFC t < 0.1 s; voltage at external series resistance of 100 Ω, connected to pin SNSCURPFC −18 +12 V DC; maximum −0.4 +12 V All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 48 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 5. Limiting values...continued In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Symbol Parameter VSNSFB Conditions Min Max Unit voltage on pin SNSFB −0.4 +12 V VSNSBOOST voltage on pin SNSBOOST −0.4 +12 V VSNSMAINS voltage on pin SNSMAINS −0.4 +12 V - 0.7 W General Ptot total power dissipation Tamb < 75 °C Tj junction temperature −40 +150 °C Tstg storage temperature −55 +150 °C −100 +100 mA −1000 +1000 V −2000 +2000 V −500 +500 V Latch-up Ilu latch-up current all pins; according to JEDEC; standard 78D Electrostatic discharge VESD electrostatic human body model discharge voltage SUPHS, GATEHS, HB, and DRA INPFC pins other pins charged device model all pins [1] Although the GATE pins are output pins, the maximum voltage of these pins must not exceed the maximum drive output voltage by 20 %. 10 Thermal characteristics Table 6. Thermal characteristics TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Symbol Parameter Conditions Typ Unit Rth(j-a) thermal resistance from junction to ambient In free air; JEDEC test board 107 K/W Rth(j-c) thermal resistance from junction to case In free air; JEDEC test board 60 K/W All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 49 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 11 Characteristics Table 7. Characteristics Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Ioff(DRAINPFC) off-state current on pin DRA INPFC VDRAINPFC = 400 V; VSUPIC = 19 V 2 4 8 μA ΔVI input voltage difference input voltage difference between DRAINPFC and SUPIC pins; IDRAINPFC = 8.5 mA 9 11 13 V Ich(SUPIC) charge current on pin SUPIC VDRAINPFC = 30 V; VSUPIC = 0 V −10.0 −8.5 −7.0 mA DRAINPFC pin SUPIC pin Vstart(SUPIC) start voltage on pin SUPIC 18.2 19.0 19.7 V Vstart(hys)SUPIC start voltage hysteresis on pin SUPIC −0.9 −0.7 −0.5 V Vlow(hys)SUPIC low voltage hysteresis on pin SUPIC 0.5 0.7 0.9 V Vlow(SUPIC) low voltage on pin SUPIC 11.5 12.0 12.5 V Vuvp(SUPIC) undervoltage protection voltage on pin SUPIC 9.6 10.0 10.4 V Δ(vlow-vuvp)SUPIC low voltage to undervoltage protection voltage difference on pin SUPIC 1.7 2.0 2.3 V Vrst(SUPIC) reset voltage on pin SUPIC ICC(SUPIC) supply current on pin SUPIC Vlow − Vuvp 8.6 9.0 9.4 V non-operating mode; Isnsfb = −100 μA; Isnscap = −100 μA [1] 700 890 1100 μA operating mode; fHB = 100 kHz; Isnsfb = −80 μA; Isnscap = −100 μA; driver pins open [1] 6 8 10 mA Output overvoltage protection VO(ovp)SUPIC output overvoltage protection voltage on pin SUPIC 27.9 28.7 29.5 V td(ovp)SUPIC overvoltage protection delay time on pin SUPIC 45 50 55 μs Mains voltage sensing (SNSMAINS pin) Iclamp(max) maximum clamp current VSNSMAINS = 9.5 V 2.5 3.5 4.5 mA II(lim)SNSMAINS limiting input current on pin SNSMAINS SNSMAINS limit-measuring input current 17.2 18.6 20.0 μA TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 50 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Ibi Conditions Min Typ Max Unit brownin current 5.3 5.5 5.7 μA Ibo brownout current 4.6 4.8 5.0 μA Ibo(hys) hysteresis of brownout current Ibi − Ibo 0.66 0.73 0.80 μA td(det)bo brownout detection delay time PFC 45 50 55 ms LLC 225 250 275 ms External overtemperature measurement Io(SNSMAINS) output current on pin SNS MAINS −645 −600 −565 μA tdet(max)NTC NTC maximum detection time 45 50 55 μs Vdet(SNSMAINS) detection voltage on pin SNS MAINS 2.89 3.08 3.27 V td(otp) overtemperature protection delay time 3.6 4.0 4.4 s discharge delay time 180 200 220 ms Io(min)SNSCURPFC minimum output current on pin for open pin protection; SNSCURPFC VSNSCURPFC = 500 mV −0.8 −0.6 −0.4 μA Vdet(SNSCURPFC) detection voltage on pin SNS CURPFC 190 235 280 mV Vdet(demag) demagnetization detection voltage −15 −10 −5 mV Vocp(PFC) PFC overcurrent protection voltage −320 −300 −275 mV td(swoff)driver driver switch-off delay time 300 375 450 ns −50 - - V/μs 9 15 21 V NTC measurement; ISNSMAINS = −600 μA X-capacitor discharge td(dch) SNSCURPFC pin open pin detection level dV/dt ≤ −0.5 V/μs Valley sensing (DRAINPFC pin) ΔVdet(min)/Δt minimum slope detection voltage ΔVdet(min) minimum detection voltage change tto(vrec) valley recognition time-out time 6.3 7.0 7.7 μs PFC minimum off-time 0.45 0.50 0.55 μs 23 25 28 ms ringing frequency = 1 MHz PFC PFC timing toff(PFC)min PFC start-up soft-start time tstart(soft) TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet soft start time All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 51 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit PFC frequency fsw(PFC)min minimum PFC switching frequency 36 40 44 kHz fsw(PFC)max maximum PFC switching frequency 67 75 83 kHz GATEPFC pin Isource(GATEPFC) source current on pin GATEPFC VGATEPFC = 4 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] −0.60 −0.45 −0.30 A Isink(GATEPFC) sink current on pin GATEPFC VGATEPFC = 2 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] 0.45 0.60 0.75 A VGATEPFC = 11 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] 2.0 2.5 3.0 A Vo(max)GATEPFC maximum output voltage on pin GATEPFC VSUPIC = 19 V 11.0 - 14.0 V Ipd(SNSBOOST) pull-down current on pin SNS BOOST at VSNSBOOST = Vscp(stop) 25 50 75 nA Vreg(SNSBOOST) regulation voltage on pin SNS BOOST 2.475 2.500 2.525 V Vstop(ovp)PFC PFC overvoltage protection stop voltage 2.59 2.63 2.67 V Vprot(ovp)PFC PFC overvoltage protection protection voltage via pin DRAINPFC 450 475 500 V tleb(ovp)PFC PFC overvoltage protection leading-edge blanking time via pin DRAINPFC 360 400 440 ns SNSBOOST pin PFC part LLC part Vuvp(SNSBOOST) undervoltage protection voltage on pin SNSBOOST 1.60 1.65 1.70 V Vstart(SNSBOOST) start voltage on pin SNS BOOST 2.23 2.30 2.37 V Vdet(SNSBOOST) detection voltage on pin SNS BOOST Power good detection voltage 1.715 1.750 1.785 V ΔVreg-det voltage difference between regulation and detection pin SNSBOOST; indication of the power good delay 0.72 0.75 0.78 V 0.37 0.39 0.41 V Fast disable function Vscp(stop) TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet stop short-circuit protection voltage All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 52 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Vscp(start) tfltr(scp) Conditions Min Typ Max Unit start short-circuit protection voltage 0.40 0.45 0.50 V short-circuit protection filter time 4 10 15 μs 2.44 2.50 2.56 V SNSCAP pin VAV(regd)SNSCAP regulated average voltage on pin SNSCAP regulated average of Vhs(SNSCAP) and Vls(SNSCAP) Ibias(max)SNSCAP maximum bias current on pin SNSCAP −245 −210 −175 μA Vrange(SNSCAP) voltage range on pin SNSCAP SNSCAP voltage range for the high-side comparator, Vhs(SNSCAP). 2.35 - 4.50 V SNSCAP voltage range for the low-side comparator, Vls(SNSCAP). 0.50 - 2.65 V SNSCAP comparator voltage accuracy −10 - +10 mV Vacc voltage accuracy ΔVth(SNSCAP) threshold voltage difference on Vhs(SNSCAP) − Vls(SNSCAP); pin SNSCAP Pout = 200 %; VSNSBOOST < 1.9 V 3.12 3.27 3.42 V Vhs(SNSCAP) − Vls(SNSCAP); Pout = 100 %; VSNSBOOST = 2.5 V 0.93 1.01 1.09 V delay between exceeding Vcaph/Vcapl and driver off; dV/dt = 0.1 V/μs - - 125 ns td delay time SNSCURLLC pin Vbias(SNSCURLLC) bias voltage on pin SNS CURLLC 2.4 2.5 2.6 V RO(SNSCURLLC) output resistance on pin SNS CURLLC 45 55 65 kΩ Vlmtr(ocp) overcurrent protection voltage limiter soft-start overcurrent limiter 0.66 0.75 0.83 V Vocp(LLC) LLC overcurrent protection voltage positive level VSNSCURLLC − Vbias(SNSCURLLC) 1.35 1.50 1.65 V negative level VSNSCURLLC − Vbias(SNSCURLLC) −1.65 −1.50 −1.35 V positive level VSNSCURLLC − Vbias(SNSCURLLC) 83 100 115 mV negative level VSNSCURLLC − Vbias(SNSCURLLC) −115 −100 −83 mV Vreg(capm) TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet capacitive mode regulation level All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 53 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit Vdet(zero) zero detection voltage detected as ≥ 0 −16 −11 −6 mV detected as ≤ 0 6 11 16 mV SNSFB pin Vlow(SNSFB) low voltage on pin SNSFB indicating iPowerGood = '1'; 0 μA < Iopto < 3.5 mA. 0.43 0.50 0.57 V Vhigh(SNSFB) high voltage on pin SNSFB indicating iPowerGood = '0'; 0 μA < Iopto < 3.5 mA. 3.3 3.5 3.8 V tt transition time PowerGood transition time 1.5 1.8 2.0 ms −90 −80 −70 μA −110 −100 −90 μA Optobias regulator Ireg(SNSFB) regulation current on pin SNSFB Burst mode regulator Istart(burst) burst mode start current LLC burst mode Istop(burst) burst mode stop current −220 −200 −180 μA fburst(max) maximum burst mode frequency 720 800 880 Hz δen(burst) burst mode duty cycle enable enable of PFC burst mode; duty cycle of LLC burst mode; duty cycle = measured LLC burst-on time / set LLC burst period 49 50 51 % Ncy(en)burst burst mode enable number of cycles enable of PFC burst mode; duty cycle of LLC burst mode; duty cycle = measured LLC burst-on time / set LLC burst period 16 16 16 - δdis(burst) burst mode disable duty cycle disable of PFC burst mode; duty cycle of LLC burst mode; duty cycle = measured LLC burst-on time / set LLC burst period 74 75 76 % td(burst)exit burst-mode exit delay time 3.6 4 4.4 ms delay power good after output voltage ready 4.5 5.0 5.5 ms power good delay before protection 3.6 4.0 4.4 ms 1105 1230 1355 ns Burst mode Power good characteristics (pin SNSFB) td delay time LLC timing ton(min)LLC TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet LLC minimum on-time All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 54 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Conditions ton(max)LLC LLC maximum on-time Min Typ Max Unit 18 20 22 μs 90 100 110 ms Overpower protection tstartup(max) maximum start-up time td(opp) overpower protection delay time OPP 1 45 50 55 ms ΔVdet(min)/Δt minimum slope detection voltage positive and negative minimum slope detection level - - 120 V/μs ΔVdet(max)/Δt maximum slope detection voltage positive and negative maximum slope detection level 50 - - V/ns tno(min) minimum non-overlap time 200 230 260 ns tno(max) maximum non-overlap time 0.99 1.10 1.21 μs HB pin GATELS and GATEHS pins Isource(GATELS) source current on pin GATELS VGATELS − VGND = 4 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] −0.55 −0.40 −0.25 A Isink(GATELS) sink current on pin GATELS VGATELS − VGND = 2 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] 0.4 0.5 0.6 A VGATELS − VGND = 11 V; VSUPIC ≥ 13 V [1] 2.0 2.5 3.0 A 8 - - V VO(min)GATELS minimum output voltage on pin VSUPIC ≥ 9.5 V; GATELS on-time ≥ 4 μs I source(GATEHS) source current on pin GATEHS VGATEHS − VHB = 4 V [1] −0.55 −0.40 −0.25 A VGATEHS − VHB = 2 V [1] 0.4 0.5 0.6 A VGATEHS − VHB = 11 V [1] 2.0 2.5 3.0 A minimum output voltage on pin VSUPHS − VHB ≥ 9.5 V GATEHS 9 - - V reset voltage on pin SUPHS 5.5 7.2 8.2 V Isink(GATEHS) VO(min)GATEHS sink current on pin GATEHS SUPHS pin Vrst(SUPHS) +25 °C < T < 125 °C System protection td(restart) restart delay time 0.9 1.0 1.1 s td(flr) fast latch reset delay time 45 50 55 ms VIL LOW-level input voltage 0 - 0.8 V VIH HIGH-level input voltage 1.4 - 5.0 V 6.8 - - mA 2 I C communication Ipd(SNSCAP) TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet pull-down current on pin SNSCAP To ensure proper operation, the external pull-up must always be lower than 6.8 mA. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 [2] © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 55 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 7. Characteristics...continued Tamb = 25 °C; VSUPIC = 19.5 V; all voltages are measured with respect to GND; currents are positive when flowing into the IC; unless otherwise specified. Expected values for different MTP settings (min/typ/max) are provided in the documentation in the Ringo software. Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit 120 135 150 °C Overtemperature protection Totp [1] [2] overtemperature protection trip Covered by correlating measurement As the minimum limit determines the application design, the maximum limit is not relevant. 12 Application information Mains-L Vboost ~ Mains-N GATELS SUPIC SUPHS fast disable SNSBOOST CSUPHS GATEHS S2 D2 Vout (DC) LS HB LM GATELS S1 D1 powergood DRAINPFC GATEPFC RSNSCUR IC fast disable SNSCAP SNSCURPFC CR RSENSE SNSCURLLC SNSMAINS GND SUPIC SUPIC CSUPIC powergood SNSFB aaa-039100 Figure 29.  Application diagram TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 56 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 13 Ringo parameter settings Table 8. Ringo parameter/IC parameter settings Ringo parameter name IC parameter name Value Unit Binary value 1 NXP ID code nxp_id_code 0x02 - 2 2 PFC OCP pfc_ocp OK - 0 3 PFC OVP (DRAINPFC) pfc_ovp_pfcdrain OK - 0 4 PFC OVP (SNSBOOST) pfc_ovp_snsboost OK - 0 5 LLC OPP 1 llc_opp1 OK - 0 6 LLC OPP 2 llc_opp2 OK - 0 7 LLC maximum start-up time llc_max_startup_time OK - 0 8 LLC OCP llc_ocp OK - 0 9 LLC OVP llc_ovp_prot OK - 0 10 External OTP ext_otp OK - 0 11 Internal OTP int_otp OK - 0 12 Fast disable fast_disable OK - 0 13 LLC maximum on-time llc_max_on_time OK - 0 14 LLC maximum Iopto llc_max_iopto OK - 0 15 LLC capacitive mode llc_cap_mode OK - 0 16 MTP read failure mtp_read_fail OK - 0 17 OPP via SUPIC UVP opp_via_supic_uvp OK - 0 18 PFC soft-start time t_start 25 ms 0 19 PFC gain pfc_gain 0.5 - 8 20 PFC current scaler pfc_cur_scaler 1.138 - 4 21 Write lock write_lock write enabled - 0 22 Read lock read_lock read enabled - 0 23 PFC burst mode level pfc_burstmode_lvl 50 % 0 24 PFC burst mode level hysteresis pfc_burstmode_lvl_hyst 25 % 0 25 PFC burst mode SNSBOOST ripple vburst_ripple 70 mV 1 26 PFC minimum off-time tmin_off 500 ns 0 27 Brownin level brownin_lvl 5.5 μA 0 28 Brownin/brownout hysteresis brownin_hys 0.75 μA 0 29 Brownout delay t_brownout 50 ms 0 30 PFC valley detection pfc_valley_disable enabled - 0 31 dV/dt ratio switch-on/maximum ratio_valley_detect 0.5 - 0 32 Mains resistor value rmains 20 MΩ 0 33 Ipfc_peak for Fmin vrsense_fmin 55 - 0 34 Delta Ipfc_peak for Fmax-Fmin vrsense_fmax_fmin 110 - 0 TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 57 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 8. Ringo parameter/IC parameter settings...continued Ringo parameter name IC parameter name Value Unit Binary value 35 Min PFC freq phase value phi_imin 0.18 - 0 36 Max-min PFC freq phase value phi_imin_imax 0.14 - 0 37 PFC minimum switching frequency min_pfc_freq 40 kHz 0 38 PFC maximum switching frequency max_pfc_freq 75 kHz 1 39 PFC mode pfc_mode DCM/QR/CCM - 1 40 PFC jitter frequency modulation freq_jitter_mod disabled - 0 41 PFC jitter frequency amplitude freq_jitter_ampl 15 % 0 42 PFC gamma value pfc_gamma 36 - 36d 43 Mains SNS resistors nr_mains_resistors 1 resistor 0 44 PFC phase factor pfc_phase 0.9375 - 15d 45 LLC soft-start speed llc_tsoftstart 7 X 0 46 SUPIC control near UVP dis_vlow enabled - 0 47 SUPIC start level sup_start 19 V 0 48 LLC converter llc_disable enabled - 0 49 Vdump level vdump 2.55 V 1 50 Capacitive mode regulation level capm_lvl 100 mV 0 51 Maximum on-time llc_max_on 20 μs 0 52 LLC LP mode lpmode_dis enabled - 0 53 OTP/external burst mode select ext_burstmode Ext OTP - 0 54 LLC non-overlap mode llc_non_overlap adaptive - 0 55 Maximum non-overlap time t_no_max 1.1 μs 0 56 Minimum non-overlap time t_no_min 230 ns 0 57 Opto current level iopto 80 μA 0 58 Burst-on end by opto current iopto_bm_end 2.5 X 0 59 SNSBOOST compensation snsb_comp −1.4 - 0 60 HP-LP transition level hp_lp_lev 30 % 0 61 HP-LP hysteresis hp_lp_hys 20 % 0 62 Opto regulation level opto_reg_level standard - 0 63 Opto regulation gain increase opto_reg_gain_incr 96 - 0 64 LP number of peaks lp_nr_peaks 2 - 0 65 LP-BM transition level lp_bm_lev 10 % 0 66 BM-LP hysteresis bm_lp_hys 50 % 7 67 BM LP hysteresis filter bm_lp_filt 4 - 0 68 LP-BM delay time lp_bm_del 0 s 0 69 Zero power slope min_slope 6 mV/μs 0 70 dVcap offset vcap_offset 0 mV 0 TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 58 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 8. Ringo parameter/IC parameter settings...continued Ringo parameter name IC parameter name Value Unit Binary value 71 BM frequency bm_freq 800 Hz 0 72 BM energy-per-cycle increase bm_incr 1 X 0 73 Minimum cycles in burst min_nr_cycl 3 - 0 74 Number of BM soft-start cycles nr_bm_sstart 2 - 2 75 Number of BM soft-stop cycles nr_bm_sstop 2 - 2 76 Burst mode exit delay bm_exit_del 4000 μs 0 77 Allow CCM at demag timeout allow_ccm_demag_to disable - 0 78 PFC current gain pfc_cur_gain 344 - 344d 79 Slope of 4th BM soft-start cycle start_cycle4 2 - 0 80 Slope of 3rd BM soft-start cycle start_cycle3 6 - 0 81 Slope of 2nd BM soft-start cycle start_cycle2 10 - 5 82 Slope of 1st BM soft-start cycle start_cycle1 96 - 0 83 Slope of 4th BM soft-stop cycle stop_cycle4 96 - 0 84 Slope of 3rd BM soft-stop cycle stop_cycle3 24 - 0 85 Slope of 2nd BM soft-stop cycle stop_cycle2 10 - 4 86 Slope of 1st BM soft-stop cycle stop_cycle1 4 - 2 87 External OTP current level eotp_lvl 600 μA 0 88 External OTP delay time t_eotp 4 s 0 89 OTP mode otp_ltch safe restart - 0 90 OTP number of restarts to latch otp_nr_rest 0 - 0 91 Fast disable by SNSBOOST llc_fast_disable latched - 3 92 X-cap discharge delay time t_xcap_disch 200 ms 0 93 Fast latch reset delay time t_flr 50 ms 0 94 Safe restart timer sr_time 1 s 0 95 PFC OVP level (SNSBOOST) ovp_lvl 2.63 V 0 96 PFC OVP (DRAINPFC) ovpprot_lvl 475 V 0 97 OVP-DRAINPFC protection delay t_ovpprot 250 cycles 0 98 OVP-DRAINPFC mode ovp_ltch safe restart - 0 99 OVP-DRAINPFC no. of restarts ovp_nr_rest 0 - 0 100 PFC short-winding delay pfc_shortwinding_delay 5000 - 0 101 PFC maximum ringing time max_tring_pfc 7 μs 3 102 LLC soft-start current limit max_llc_istartup 0.75 V 0 103 Maximum (start-up) frequency max_llc_freq 350 kHz 0 104 Maximum start-up time t_start_max 100 ms 0 105 LLC maximum ringing time max_tring_llc 5 μs 0 106 LLC OCP filter llc_tocp 5 - 0 TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 59 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Table 8. Ringo parameter/IC parameter settings...continued Ringo parameter name IC parameter name Value Unit Binary value 107 LLC OCP mode llc_ocp_ltch safe restart - 0 108 OCP restarts to latch llc_ocp_nr_rest 0 - 0 109 LLC (SUPIC) OVP level llc_ovp 10 V 0 110 LLC (SUPIC) OVP delay llc_tovp 50 μs 0 111 Down-counts/up-count (SUPIC) OVP llc_ovp_nr_dwn 1 - 0 112 (SUPIC) OVP mode llc_ovp_ltch safe restart - 0 113 OVP restarts to latch llc_ovp_nr_rest 0 - 0 114 LLC brownin level (SNSBOOST) snsb_start 2.3 V 6 115 LLC brownout level (SNSBOOST) snsb_stop 1.65 V 3 116 Disable LLC after SNSBOOST OVP dis_ovp_snsb off - 3 117 Disable LLC after mains brownout llc_dis_bo 250 ms 0 118 OPP1 level opp1_lvl −20 % 0 119 OPP1 time delay opp1_time 50 ms 0 120 OPP2 level opp2_lvl −10 % 0 121 OPP2 time delay opp2_time infinite - 0 122 Down-counts/up-count OPP opp_nr_dwn 1 - 0 123 OPP mode opp_ltch safe restart - 0 124 OPP restarts to latch opp_nr_rest 0 - 0 125 LLC power limitation level pow_lim 155 % 0 126 Power good inverted pgood_inv disabled - 0 127 Power good SNSBOOST reset level pgd_lvl 1.75 V 0 128 Power good at mains brownout pgd_bo enabled - 0 129 Power good at OPP pgd_opp enabled - 0 130 Power good at OTP pgd_otp enabled - 0 131 Power good signal at SNSBOOST OVP pgd_ovp_sbo enabled - 0 132 Power good signal edge (SNSFB) pgd_tr 1.8 ms 0 133 Power good delay pgd_del 5 ms 0 134 Power good time to protection pgd_tim 4 ms 0 135 Vendor code mtp_code 0 - 0 136 PFC soft-start time burst mode - short - - 137 PFC soft-stop time burst mode - normal - - TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 60 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 14 Package outline SO16: plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mm SOT109-1 D E A X c y HE v M A Z 16 9 Q A2 A (A 3) A1 pin 1 index θ Lp 1 L 8 e w M bp 0 2.5 detail X 5 mm scale DIMENSIONS (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions) UNIT A max. A1 A2 A3 bp c D (1) E (1) e HE L Lp Q v w y Z (1) mm 1.75 0.25 0.10 1.45 1.25 0.25 0.49 0.36 0.25 0.19 10.0 9.8 4.0 3.8 1.27 6.2 5.8 1.05 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.7 0.3 inches 0.069 0.010 0.057 0.004 0.049 0.01 0.019 0.0100 0.39 0.014 0.0075 0.38 0.16 0.15 0.05 0.039 0.016 0.028 0.020 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.028 0.012 0.244 0.041 0.228 θ o 8 o 0 Note 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 mm (0.006 inch) maximum per side are not included. REFERENCES OUTLINE VERSION IEC JEDEC SOT109-1 076E07 MS-012 JEITA EUROPEAN PROJECTION ISSUE DATE 99-12-27 03-02-19 Figure 30. Package outline SOT109-1 (SO16) TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 61 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 15 Revision history Table 9. Revision history Document ID Release date Data sheet status TEA2017AAT_2 v.1.3 20230918 Product data sheet Modification: • Section 11 has been updated. TEA2017AAT_2 v.1.2 20230731 Product data sheet - TEA2017AAT_2 v.1.1 TEA2017AAT_2 v.1.1 20220224 Product data sheet - TEA2017AAT_2 v.1 TEA2017AAT_2 v.1 20210519 Product data sheet - - TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Change notice TEA2017AAT_2 v.1.2 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 Supersedes © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 62 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller 16 Legal information 16.1 Data sheet status Document status [1][2] Product status [3] Definition Objective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development. Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification. Product [short] data sheet Production This document contains the product specification. [1] [2] [3] Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design. The term 'short data sheet' is explained in section "Definitions". The product status of device(s) described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices. The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL http://www.nxp.com. 16.2 Definitions Draft — A draft status on a document indicates that the content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information included in a draft version of a document and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. Short data sheet — A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s) and title. A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail. Product specification — The information and data provided in a Product data sheet shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NXP Semiconductors and its customer, unless NXP Semiconductors and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NXP Semiconductors product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the Product data sheet. 16.3 Disclaimers Limited warranty and liability — Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. NXP Semiconductors takes no responsibility for the content in this document if provided by an information source outside of NXP Semiconductors. In no event shall NXP Semiconductors be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including - without limitation lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Notwithstanding any damages that customer might incur for any reason whatsoever, NXP Semiconductors’ aggregate and cumulative liability towards customer for the products described herein shall be limited in accordance with the Terms and conditions of commercial sale of NXP Semiconductors. Right to make changes — NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including without limitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Suitability for use — NXP Semiconductors products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical systems or equipment, nor in applications where failure or malfunction of an NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. NXP Semiconductors and its suppliers accept no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk. Applications — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products, and NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NXP Semiconductors product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customer(s). Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NXP Semiconductors does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). Customer is responsible for doing all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NXP Semiconductors products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customer(s). NXP does not accept any liability in this respect. Limiting values — Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and (proper) operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the Recommended operating conditions section (if present) or the Characteristics sections of this document is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and conditions of commercial sale — NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale, as published at http://www.nxp.com/profile/terms, unless otherwise agreed in a valid written individual agreement. In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NXP Semiconductors hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NXP Semiconductors products by customer. No offer to sell or license — Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 63 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Quick reference data — The Quick reference data is an extract of the product data given in the Limiting values and Characteristics sections of this document, and as such is not complete, exhaustive or legally binding. Export control — This document as well as the item(s) described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from competent authorities. Suitability for use in non-automotive qualified products — Unless this document expressly states that this specific NXP Semiconductors product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NXP Semiconductors’ warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NXP Semiconductors for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NXP Semiconductors’ standard warranty and NXP Semiconductors’ product specifications. Translations — A non-English (translated) version of a document, including the legal information in that document, is for reference only. The English version shall prevail in case of any discrepancy between the translated and English versions. TEA2017AAT_2 Product data sheet Security — Customer understands that all NXP products may be subject to unidentified vulnerabilities or may support established security standards or specifications with known limitations. Customer is responsible for the design and operation of its applications and products throughout their lifecycles to reduce the effect of these vulnerabilities on customer’s applications and products. Customer’s responsibility also extends to other open and/or proprietary technologies supported by NXP products for use in customer’s applications. NXP accepts no liability for any vulnerability. Customer should regularly check security updates from NXP and follow up appropriately. Customer shall select products with security features that best meet rules, regulations, and standards of the intended application and make the ultimate design decisions regarding its products and is solely responsible for compliance with all legal, regulatory, and security related requirements concerning its products, regardless of any information or support that may be provided by NXP. NXP has a Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) (reachable at PSIRT@nxp.com) that manages the investigation, reporting, and solution release to security vulnerabilities of NXP products. NXP B.V. — NXP B.V. is not an operating company and it does not distribute or sell products. 16.4 Trademarks Notice: All referenced brands, product names, service names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. NXP — wordmark and logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. GreenChip — is a trademark of NXP B.V. All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. Rev. 1.3 — 18 September 2023 © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. 64 / 65 TEA2017AAT/2 NXP Semiconductors Digital configurable LLC and multimode PFC controller Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 4 5 6 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.4 8.5 8.5.1 8.5.2 8.5.3 8.5.4 8.5.5 8.5.6 8.5.7 8.5.8 8.5.9 8.5.10 8.5.11 8.5.12 8.5.13 8.6 8.6.1 8.6.2 8.6.3 8.6.4 8.6.5 8.6.6 8.6.7 General description ............................................ 1 Features and benefits .........................................2 Distinctive features ............................................ 2 Green features ...................................................2 Protection features .............................................3 Applications .........................................................3 Ordering information .......................................... 3 Marking .................................................................3 Block diagram ..................................................... 4 Pinning information ............................................ 5 Pinning ............................................................... 5 Pin description ................................................... 5 Functional description ........................................7 Supply voltages ................................................. 7 Start-up and supply voltage ...............................7 High-side driver-floating supply (SUPHS pin) ..................................................................... 9 LLC system regulation .....................................10 Output power regulation loop .......................... 11 Output voltage start-up .................................... 12 Modes of operation ..........................................13 High-power mode ............................................ 14 Low-power mode ............................................. 15 Burst mode ...................................................... 17 Frequency regulation ....................................... 18 Negative transient response ............................ 18 Burst-mode delay function ............................... 19 Burst-mode exit delay function ........................ 20 Optobias regulation ..........................................20 Power factor correction (PFC) regulation .........21 PFC switching frequency .................................23 Frequency jitter ................................................ 24 Multimode operation (DCM/QR/CCM) ............. 24 DCM/QR mode of operation ............................ 24 Fixed-frequency CCM mode ............................24 PFC start-up .................................................... 25 Output voltage regulation ................................ 25 PFC burst mode .............................................. 25 PFC burst mode soft start/soft stop ................. 26 Valley switching and demagnetization ............. 26 Frequency limitation .........................................26 Mains voltage compensation (SNSMAINS pin) ................................................................... 27 Active X-capacitor discharge ........................... 27 Protections ....................................................... 27 Undervoltage protection SUPIC .......................29 MTP fail ........................................................... 29 Internal overtemperature protection (OTP) ...... 29 Brownin/brownout and external overtemperature protection ..............................29 Short-circuit protection/fast disable ..................31 Brownout mains ............................................... 31 Overvoltage protection (SNSBOOST pin) ........31 8.6.8 8.6.9 8.6.10 8.6.11 8.6.12 8.6.13 8.6.14 8.6.15 8.6.16 8.6.17 8.6.18 8.6.19 8.7 8.8 8.8.1 8.8.2 8.8.3 8.8.4 8.8.5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Overvoltage protection (DRAINPFC pin) ......... 31 Overcurrent protection, inrush protection (SNSCURPFC pin) .......................................... 32 PFC coil short protection (SNSCURPFC pin) ................................................................... 32 Undervoltage protection SUPHS ..................... 32 Undervoltage protection boost .........................32 Overvoltage protection .....................................32 Capacitive mode regulation (CMR) ..................32 Overcurrent protection ..................................... 34 Maximum start-up time .................................... 34 Overpower protection ...................................... 34 Latched, safe restart, or latched after safe restart ...............................................................35 Fast latch reset ................................................35 Power good function ........................................36 Settings ............................................................ 37 General settings .............................................. 37 Protection register ............................................37 Supply start level ............................................. 37 Read lock .........................................................37 Write lock .........................................................37 Reset to the default values ..............................37 Customer MTP code ........................................37 PFC settings .................................................... 38 Soft-start time .................................................. 38 Active X-capacitor discharge ........................... 38 Mains measurement impedance ......................38 Number of mains resistors .............................. 38 PFC mode of operation ................................... 38 PFC minimum and maximum frequency ..........38 Burst mode: Output voltage ripple ................... 38 Burst mode: Soft-start/soft-stop time ............... 39 LLC settings .....................................................39 LLC disable ......................................................39 Start-up ............................................................ 39 LLC switching .................................................. 39 Feedback ......................................................... 40 Operation modes ............................................. 40 Protection settings ........................................... 42 General protections ......................................... 42 PFC general protections ..................................43 LLC general protections .................................. 44 Power good settings ........................................ 46 Limiting values .................................................. 48 Thermal characteristics ....................................49 Characteristics .................................................. 50 Application information .................................... 56 Ringo parameter settings .................................57 Package outline .................................................61 Revision history ................................................ 62 Legal information .............................................. 63 Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s) described herein, have been included in section 'Legal information'. © 2023 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. For more information, please visit: http://www.nxp.com Date of release: 18 September 2023 Document identifier: TEA2017AAT_2
TEA2017AAT/2Y 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+27.920421+3.38548
  • 10+20.9744910+2.54326
  • 25+19.2327825+2.33206
  • 100+17.31501100+2.09953
  • 250+16.40147250+1.98876
  • 500+15.85077500+1.92198
  • 1000+15.397541000+1.86702


  •  国内价格
  • 1+9.15200
  • 100+9.06400
  • 2500+8.80000


  •  国内价格
  • 2500+8.89350


    •  国内价格
    • 1+22.92160
    • 10+21.04867
    • 25+19.16698
    • 100+16.94396
    • 250+16.06875
    • 500+15.42110
    • 1000+13.87199


    •  国内价格
    • 1+12.71120
    • 10+11.73340
    • 100+10.75560
    • 1000+9.77780


    •  国内价格 香港价格
    • 2500+13.230122500+1.60422


      •  国内价格
      • 1+21.35499
      • 10+18.46681
      • 50+18.29177
      • 100+16.19128
      • 500+14.52839
      • 1000+14.44087
      • 2000+12.77799


        •  国内价格
        • 1+17.15040
        • 10+14.50440
        • 30+12.86280
        • 100+10.37880
        • 500+9.61200
        • 1000+9.28800
