Revised January 2005
Dual 4-Bit Binary Counter
General Description
The MM74HC393 counter circuits contain independent ripple carry counters and utilize advanced silicon-gate CMOS
technology. The MM74HC393 contains two 4-bit ripple
carry binary counters, which can be cascaded to create a
single divide-by-256 counter.
■ Typical operating frequency: 50 MHz
Each of the two 4-bit counters is incremented on the HIGHto-LOW transition (negative edge) of the clock input, and
each has an independent clear input. When clear is set
HIGH all four bits of each counter are set to a low level.
This enables count truncation and allows the implementation of divide-by-N counter configurations.
■ Low quiescent supply current: 80 µA maximum
(74HC Series)
■ Typical propagation delay: 13 ns (Ck to QA)
■ Wide operating supply voltage range: 2–6V
■ Low input current: