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MOC3021M 数据手册
MOC3010M, MOC3011M, MOC3012M, MOC3020M, MOC3021M, MOC3022M, MOC3023M 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Features Description • Excellent IFT Stability—IR Emitting Diode Has Low Degradation • Peak Blocking Voltage – 250 V, MOC301XM – 400 V, MOC302XM • Safety and Regulatory Approvals – UL1577, 4,170 VACRMS for 1 Minute – DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 The MOC301XM and MOC302XM series are optically isolated triac driver devices. These devices contain a GaAs infrared emitting diode and a light activated silicon bilateral switch, which functions like a triac. They are designed for interfacing between electronic controls and power triacs to control resistive and inductive loads for 115 VAC operations. Applications • • • • • • • • • Industrial Controls Solenoid/Valve Controls Traffic Lights Static AC Power Switch Vending Machines Incandescent Lamp Dimmers Solid State Relay Motor Control Lamp Ballasts Schematic Package Outlines ANODE 1 6 MAIN TERM. CATHODE 2 5 NC* N/C 3 4 MAIN TERM. *DO NOT CONNECT (TRIAC SUBSTRATE) Figure 2. Package Outlines Figure 1. Schematic ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) July 2015 As per DIN EN/IEC 60747-5-5, this optocoupler is suitable for “safe electrical insulation” only within the safety limit data. Compliance with the safety ratings shall be ensured by means of protective circuits. Parameter Installation Classifications per DIN VDE 0110/1.89 Table 1, For Rated Mains Voltage Characteristics I–IV < 150 VRMS I–IV < 300 VRMS Climatic Classification 40/85/21 Pollution Degree (DIN VDE 0110/1.89) 2 Comparative Tracking Index Symbol 175 Value Unit Input-to-Output Test Voltage, Method A, VIORM x 1.6 = VPR, Type and Sample Test with tm = 10 s, Partial Discharge < 5 pC 1275 Vpeak Input-to-Output Test Voltage, Method B, VIORM x 1.875 = VPR, 100% Production Test with tm = 1 s, Partial Discharge < 5 pC 1594 Vpeak VIORM Maximum Working Insulation Voltage 850 Vpeak VIOTM Highest Allowable Over-Voltage VPR Parameter 6000 Vpeak External Creepage ≥7 mm External Clearance ≥7 mm External Clearance (for Option TV, 0.4" Lead Spacing) ≥ 10 mm DTI Distance Through Insulation (Insulation Thickness) ≥ 0.5 mm RIO Insulation Resistance at TS, VIO = 500 V > 109 Ω ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 2 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Safety and Insulation Ratings Stresses exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may damage the device. The device may not function or be operable above the recommended operating conditions and stressing the parts to these levels is not recommended. In addition, extended exposure to stresses above the recommended operating conditions may affect device reliability. The absolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only. TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. Symbol Parameters Device Value Unit TOTAL DEVICE TSTG Storage Temperature All -40 to +150 °C TOPR Operating Temperature All -40 to +85 °C Junction Temperature Range All -40 to +100 °C Lead Solder Temperature All 260 for 10 seconds °C 330 mW 4.4 mW/°C TJ TSOL PD Total Device Power Dissipation at 25°C Ambient Derate Above 25°C All EMITTER IF Continuous Forward Current All 60 mA VR Reverse Voltage All 3 V 100 mW 1.33 mW/°C PD Total Power Dissipation at 25°C Ambient All Derate Above 25°C DETECTOR MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M VDRM ITSM PD Off-State Output Terminal Voltage Peak Repetitive Surge Current (PW = 100 μs, 120 pps) Total Power Dissipation at 25°C Ambient ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 V MOC3020M MOC3021M MOC3022M MOC3023M 400 All 1 A 300 mW 4 mW/°C All Derate Above 25°C 250 www.fairchildsemi.com 3 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Absolute Maximum Ratings Individual Component Characteristics Symbol Parameters Test Conditions Device Min. Typ. Max. Unit EMITTER VF Input Forward Voltage IF = 10 mA All 1.15 1.50 V IR Reverse Leakage Current VR = 3 V, TA = 25°C All 0.01 100 μA DETECTOR IDRM Peak Blocking Current, Either Direction Rated VDRM, IF = 0(1) All 10 100 nA VTM Peak On-State Voltage, Either Direction ITM = 100 mA peak, IF = 0 All 1.8 3.0 V Typ. Max. Unit Transfer Characteristics Symbol DC Characteristics Test Conditions Device Min. MOC3020M 30 MOC3010M 15 MOC3021M IFT LED Trigger Current Voltage = 3 V(2) MOC3011M 10 MOC3022M MOC3012M 5 MOC3023M IH Holding Current, Either Direction mA All μA 100 Isolation Characteristics Symbol Parameter VISO Voltage(3) Isolation Test Conditions t = 1 Minute Device Min. All 4170 Typ. Max. Unit VACRMS Notes: 1. Test voltage must be applied within dv/dt rating. 2. All devices are guaranteed to trigger at an IF value less than or equal to max IFT. Therefore, recommended operating IF lies between max IFT (30 mA for MOC3020M, 15 mA for MOC3010M and MOC3021M, 10 mA for MOC3011M and MOC3022M, 5 mA for MOC3012M and MOC3023M) and absolute maximum IF (60 mA). 3. Isolation voltage, VISO, is an internal device dielectric breakdown rating. For this test, pins 1 and 2 are common, and pins 4, 5 and 6 are common. ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 4 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Electrical Characteristics TA = 25°C unless otherwise specified. 1.8 800 1.7 ITM - ON-STATE CURRENT (mA) V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE (V) 600 1.6 1.5 1.4 TA = -55oC 1.3 TA = 25oC 1.2 TA = 100oC 1.1 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 1.0 -800 1 10 100 -3 -2 IF - LED FORWARD CURRENT (mA) Figure 3. LED Forward Voltage vs. Forward Current 0 1 2 3 Figure 4. On-State Characteristics 1.4 25 IFT - TRIGGER CURRENT (NORMALIZED) ITM - TRIGGER CURRENT (NORMALIZED) -1 VTM - ON-STATE VOLTAGE (V) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 15 10 5 0 0.7 NORMALIZED TO: PWin ≥ 100 μs 20 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 NORMALIZED TO TA = 25°C PWin - LED TRIGGER WIDTH (μs) 0.6 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 6. LED Current Required to Trigger vs. LED Pulse Width AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - TA (oC) Figure 5. Trigger Current vs. Ambient Temperature 10000 12 STATIC dv/dt (V/μs) IDRM - LEAKAGE CURRENT (nA) STATIC dv/dt CIRCUIT IN FIGURE 9 10 8 6 4 2 1000 100 10 1 0 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (oC) 0.1 Figure 7. dv/dt vs. Temperature -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 TA - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (oC) Figure 8. Leakage Current, IDRM vs. Temperature ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 5 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Typical Performance Curves RTEST 2. 100x scope probes are used, to allow high speeds and voltages. R = 10 kΩ CTEST PULSE INPUT MERCURY WETTED RELAY DUT 3. The worst-case condition for static dv/dt is established by triggering the DUT with a normal LED input current, then removing the current. The variable RTEST allows the dv/dt to be gradually increased until the DUT continues to trigger in response to the applied voltage pulse, even after the LED current has been removed. The dv/dt is then decreased until the DUT stops triggering. τRC is measured at this point and recorded. X100 SCOPE PROBE Vmax = 400 V (MOC302X) = 250 V (MOC301X) APPLIED VOLTAGE WAVEFORM 252 V (MOC302X) 158 V (MOC301X) dv/dt = 0 VOLTS 0.63 Vmax RC RC = = 252 RC 158 RC (MOC302X) (MOC301X) Note: This optoisolator should not be used to drive a load directly. It is intended to be a trigger device only. Figure 9. Static dv/dt Test Circuit RL Rin 1 6 180 Ω VCC 2 MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M 120 V 60 Hz 5 3 4 Figure 10. Resistive Load ZL Rin 180 Ω 6 1 2.4 kΩ VCC 2 3 MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M 120 V 60 Hz 5 0.1 μF C1 4 Figure 11. Inductive Load with Sensitive Gate Triac (IGT ≤ 15 mA) ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 6 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) 1. The mercury wetted relay provides a high speed repeated pulse to the D.U.T. 400 V (MOC302X) 250 V (MOC301X) Vdc Rin VCC 1 2 180 Ω 6 MOC3010M MOC3011M MOC3012M 3 1.2 kΩ 120 V 60 Hz 5 0.2 μF C1 4 Figure 12. Inductive Load with sensitive Gate Triac (IGT ≤ 15 mA) Rin 1 6 360 Ω 470 Ω HOT VCC 2 3 MOC3020M MOC3021M MOC3022M MOC3023M 5 0.05 μF 39 240 VAC 4 0.01 μF LOAD GROUND In this circuit the “hot” side of the line is switched and the load connected to the cold or ground side. The 39 Ω resistor and 0.01 μF capacitor are for snubbing of the triac, and the 470 Ω resistor and 0.05 μF capacitor are for snubbing the coupler. These components may or may not be necessary depending upon the particular and load used. Figure 13. Typical Application Circuit ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 7 MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) ZL MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Reflow Profile 300 260°C 280 260 >245°C = 42 s 240 220 200 180 °C Time Above 183°C = 90 s 160 140 120 1.822°C/s Ramp-up Rate 100 80 60 40 33 s 20 0 0 60 120 180 270 360 Time (s) Figure 14. Reflow Profile ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 www.fairchildsemi.com 8 Part Number Package Packing Method MOC3010M DIP 6-Pin Tube (50 Units) MOC3010SM SMT 6-Pin (Lead Bend) Tube (50 Units) MOC3010SR2M SMT 6-Pin (Lead Bend) Tape and Reel (1000 Units) MOC3010VM DIP 6-Pin, DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 Option Tube (50 Units) MOC3010SVM SMT 6-Pin (Lead Bend), DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 Option Tube (50 Units) MOC3010SR2VM SMT 6-Pin (Lead Bend), DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 Option Tape and Reel (1000 Units) MOC3010TVM DIP 6-Pin, 0.4” Lead Spacing, DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 Option Tube (50 Units) Note: 4. The product orderable part number system listed in this table also applies to the MOC3011M, MOC3012M, MOC3020M, MOC3021M, MOC3022M, and MOC3023M product families. Marking Information 1 MOC3010 2 X YY Q 6 V 3 5 4 Figure 15. Top Mark Top Mark Definitions 1 Fairchild Logo 2 Device Number 3 DIN EN/IEC60747-5-5 Option (only appears on component ordered with this option) 4 One-Digit Year Code, e.g., ‘5’ 5 Two-Digit Work Week, Ranging from ‘01’ to ‘53’ 6 Assembly Package Code ©2005 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation MOC301XM, MOC302XM Rev. 1.5 9 www.fairchildsemi.com MOC301XM, MOC302XM — 6-Pin DIP Random-Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler (250/400 Volt Peak) Ordering Information(4) TRADEMARKS The following includes registered and unregistered trademarks and service marks, owned by Fairchild Semiconductor and/or its global subsidiaries, and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. F-PFS FRFET® SM Global Power Resource GreenBridge Green FPS Green FPS e-Series Gmax GTO IntelliMAX ISOPLANAR Making Small Speakers Sound Louder and Better™ MegaBuck MICROCOUPLER MicroFET MicroPak MicroPak2 MillerDrive MotionMax MotionGrid® MTi® MTx® MVN® mWSaver® OptoHiT OPTOLOGIC® AccuPower AttitudeEngine™ Awinda® AX-CAP®* BitSiC Build it Now CorePLUS CorePOWER CROSSVOLT CTL Current Transfer Logic DEUXPEED® Dual Cool™ EcoSPARK® EfficientMax ESBC ® ® Fairchild Fairchild Semiconductor® FACT Quiet Series FACT® FastvCore FETBench FPS OPTOPLANAR® ® Power Supply WebDesigner PowerTrench® PowerXS™ Programmable Active Droop QFET® QS Quiet Series RapidConfigure  Saving our world, 1mW/W/kW at a time™ SignalWise SmartMax SMART START Solutions for Your Success SPM® STEALTH SuperFET® SuperSOT-3 SuperSOT-6 SuperSOT-8 SupreMOS® SyncFET Sync-Lock™ ®* TinyBoost® TinyBuck® TinyCalc TinyLogic® TINYOPTO TinyPower TinyPWM TinyWire TranSiC TriFault Detect TRUECURRENT®* SerDes UHC® Ultra FRFET UniFET VCX VisualMax VoltagePlus XS™ Xsens™ 仙童® * Trademarks of System General Corporation, used under license by Fairchild Semiconductor. DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION, OR DESIGN. TO OBTAIN THE LATEST, MOST UP-TO-DATE DATASHEET AND PRODUCT INFORMATION, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.FAIRCHILDSEMI.COM. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD’S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS. AUTHORIZED USE Unless otherwise specified in this data sheet, this product is a standard commercial product and is not intended for use in applications that require extraordinary levels of quality and reliability. This product may not be used in the following applications, unless specifically approved in writing by a Fairchild officer: (1) automotive or other transportation, (2) military/aerospace, (3) any safety critical application – including life critical medical equipment – where the failure of the Fairchild product reasonably would be expected to result in personal injury, death or property damage. Customer’s use of this product is subject to agreement of this Authorized Use policy. In the event of an unauthorized use of Fairchild’s product, Fairchild accepts no liability in the event of product failure. In other respects, this product shall be subject to Fairchild’s Worldwide Terms and Conditions of Sale, unless a separate agreement has been signed by both Parties. ANTI-COUNTERFEITING POLICY Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation's Anti-Counterfeiting Policy. Fairchild's Anti-Counterfeiting Policy is also stated on our external website, www.fairchildsemi.com, under Terms of Use Counterfeiting of semiconductor parts is a growing problem in the industry. All manufacturers of semiconductor products are experiencing counterfeiting of their parts. Customers who inadvertently purchase counterfeit parts experience many problems such as loss of brand reputation, substandard performance, failed applications, and increased cost of production and manufacturing delays. Fairchild is taking strong measures to protect ourselves and our customers from the proliferation of counterfeit parts. Fairchild strongly encourages customers to purchase Fairchild parts either directly from Fairchild or from Authorized Fairchild Distributors who are listed by country on our web page cited above. Products customers buy either from Fairchild directly or from Authorized Fairchild Distributors are genuine parts, have full traceability, meet Fairchild's quality standards for handling and storage and provide access to Fairchild's full range of up-to-date technical and product information. Fairchild and our Authorized Distributors will stand behind all warranties and will appropriately address any warranty issues that may arise. Fairchild will not provide any warranty coverage or other assistance for parts bought from Unauthorized Sources. Fairchild is committed to combat this global problem and encourage our customers to do their part in stopping this practice by buying direct or from authorized distributors. PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status Advance Information Formative / In Design Preliminary First Production No Identification Needed Full Production Obsolete Not In Production Definition Datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data will be published at a later date. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve design. Datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve the design. Datasheet contains specifications on a product that is discontinued by Fairchild Semiconductor. The datasheet is for reference information only. Rev. I77 © Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation www.fairchildsemi.com
MOC3021M 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+1.03929
  • 30+1.00345
  • 100+0.93178
  • 500+0.86010
  • 1000+0.82426


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 50+1.7576350+0.21312
  • 200+1.71186200+0.20757
  • 750+1.67524750+0.20313
  • 2500+1.638622500+0.19869
  • 10000+1.5653910000+0.18981


    •  国内价格
    • 10+3.31965


      •  国内价格
      • 1+39.12163
      • 10+11.72774
      • 40+8.00812
      • 93+5.75885


      •  国内价格
      • 1+3.62910
      • 10+2.71410
      • 20+2.10430
      • 50+1.52480
      • 250+1.37240
