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    图像传感器 1/2.5英寸 5 MP CMOS

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MT9P031I12STC-DR 数据手册
DATA SHEET www.onsemi.com 1/2.5-Inch 5 Mp CMOS Digital Image Sensor MT9P031 ILCC48 10x10 CASE 847AA General Description The onsemi MT9P031 is a 1/2.5−inch CMOS active−pixel digital image sensor with an active imaging pixel array of 2592 H x 1944 V. It incorporates sophisticated camera functions on−chip such as windowing, column and row skip mode, and snapshot mode. It is programmable through a simple two−wire serial interface. The 5 Mp CMOS image sensor features onsemi’s breakthrough low−noise CMOS imaging technology that achieves CCD image quality (based on signal−to−noise ratio and low−light sensitivity) while maintaining the inherent size, cost, and integration advantages of CMOS. Table 1. KEY PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Parameter Active Imager Size 5.70 mm (H) x 4.28 mm (V) 7.13 mm Diagonal Active Pixels 2592 H x 1944 V Pixel Size 2.2 x 2.2 μm Color Filter Array RGB Bayer Pattern Shutter Type Global Reset Release (GRR), Snapshot Only Electronic Rolling Shutter (ERS) Maximum Data Rate / Pixel Clock 96 Mp/s at 96 MHz (2.8 V I/O) 48 Mp/s at 48 MHz (1.8 V I/O) Full Resolution Programmable up to 14 fps HDTV (640 x 480, with binning) Programmable up to 53 fps 12-bit, On-chip Responsivity 1.4 V/lux-sec (550 nm) Pixel Dynamic Range 70.1 dB SNRMAX 38.1 dB Supply Voltage I/O 1.7−3.1 V Digital 1.7−1.9 V (1.8 V Nominal) Analog 2.6−3.1 V (2.8 V Nominal) • • • • • • Operating Temperature –30°C to +70°C Packaging 48-pin iLCC, Die August, 2021 − Rev. 11 • • • • • • 381 mW at 14 fps Full Resolution 1 High Resolution Network Cameras Wide FOV Cameras 720 P–60 fps Cameras Dome Cameras with Electronic Pan, Tile, and Zoom Hybrid Video Cameras with High Resolution Stills Detailed Feature Extraction for Smart Cameras Features • Power Consumption © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2006 • • • • • 1/2.5-inch (4:3) ADC Resolution Applications • Value Optical Format Frame Rate ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 2 of this data sheet. High Frame Rate Superior Low-light Performance Low Dark Current Global Reset Release, which Starts the Exposure of All Rows Simultaneously Bulb Exposure Mode, for Arbitrary Exposure Times Snapshot Mode to Take Frames on Demand Horizontal and Vertical Mirror Image Column and row skip modes to reduce image size without reducing field−of−view (FOV) Column and Row Binning Modes to Improve Image Quality when Resizing Simple Two-wire Serial Interface Programmable Controls: Gain, Frame Rate, Frame Size, Exposure Automatic Black Level Calibration On-chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Publication Order Number: MT9P031/D MT9P031 Ordering Information Table 2. AVAILABLE PART NUMBERS Part Number Product Description MT9P031D00STCC18BC1−200 5 MP 1/3” CIS Die Sales, 200mm Thickness MT9P031D00STMC18BC1−200 5 MP 1/3” CIS Die Sales, 200mm Thickness MT9P031I12STC−DP 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack with Protective Film MT9P031I12STC−DR 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack without Protective Film MT9P031I12STC−DR1 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack Single Tray without Protective Film MT9P031I12STC−TP 5 MP 1/3” CIS Tape & Reel with Protective Film MT9P031I12STM−DP 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack with Protective Film MT9P031I12STM−DP1 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack Single Tray with Protective Film MT9P031I12STM−DR 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack without Protective Film MT9P031I12STM−DR1 5 MP 1/3” CIS Dry Pack Single Tray without Protective Film Description The MT9P031 sensor can be operated in its default mode or programmed by the user for frame size, exposure, gain setting, and other parameters. The default mode outputs a full resolution image at 14 frames per second (fps). An on−chip analog−to−digital converter (ADC) provides 12 bits per pixel. FRAME_VALID (FV) and LINE_VALID (LV) signals are output on dedicated pins, along with a pixel clock that is synchronous with valid data. The MT9P031produces extraordinarily clear, sharp digital pictures, and its ability to capture both continuous video and single frames makes it the perfect choice for a Orderable Product Attribute Description wide range of consumer and industrial applications, including cell phones, digital still cameras, digital video cameras, and PC cameras.. Functional Overview The MT9P031 is a progressive−scan sensor that generates a stream of pixel data at a constant frame rate. It uses an on−chip, phase−locked loop (PLL) to generate all internal clocks from a single master input clock running between 6 and 27 MHz. The maximum pixel rate is 96 Mp/s, corresponding to a clock rate of 96 MHz. Figure 1 illustrates a block diagram of the sensor. Array Control TRIGGER Pixel Array EXTCLK RESET_BAR STANDBY_BAR OE Output 2752H x 2004V Serial Interface Analog Signal Chain Data Path SCLK S DATA SADDR PIXCLK DOUT [11:0] LV FV STROBE Figure 1. Block Diagram a row has been read, the data from the columns is sequenced through an analog signal chain (providing offset correction and gain), and then through an ADC. The output from the ADC is a 12−bit value for each pixel in the array. The ADC output passes through a digital processing signal chain (which provides further data path corrections and applies digital gain). The pixel data are output at a rate of up to 96 Mp/s, in addition to frame and line synchronization signals. User interaction with the sensor is through the two−wire serial bus, which communicates with the array control, analog signal chain, and digital signal chain. The core of the sensor is a 5 Mp active−pixel array. The timing and control circuitry sequences through the rows of the array, resetting and then reading each row in turn. In the time interval between resetting a row and reading that row, the pixels in the row integrate incident light. The exposure is controlled by varying the time interval between reset and readout. Once www.onsemi.com 2 MT9P031 VDD_PLL VAA_PIX VAA VDD VDD_IO 1.0kΩ 1.5kΩ1 1.5kΩ1 VDD_IO 2,3 VDD2,3 VAA2,3 SADDR RESET_BAR STANDBY_BAR DOUT [11:0] PIXCLK FV LV STROBE 1μF SCLK S DATA TRIGGER From controller Master clock To controller EXTCLK TEST AGND3 RSVD DGND3 OE Figure 2. Typical Configuration (Connection) 48 48 47 46 45 DOUT 9 1 DOUT 10 2 DOUT 11 A GND 3 DGND TEST 4 VDD SCLK 5 VAA_PIX SDATA 6 VAA_PIX RSVD NOTE: 1. A resistor value of 1.5 kΩ is recommended, but may be greater for slower two-wire speed. 2. All power supplies should be adequately decoupled. 3. All DGND pins must be tied together, as must all AGND pins, all VDD_IO pins, and all VDD pins. 44 43 FRAME_VALID 7 42 DOUT8 LINE_VALID 8 41 DOUT7 DOUT3 STANDBY_BAR 35 DOUT2 TRIGGER 15 34 DOUT1 RESET_BAR 16 33 DOUT0 OE 17 32 PIXCLK NC 18 31 EXTCLK 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NC 13 14 NC SADDR NC DOUT4 36 NC 37 DGND 12 VDD_PLL DOUT5 VDD VAA 38 VAA VDD_IO 11 AGND DGND VDD_ IO TEST DOUT6 39 TEST 40 NC 9 10 STROBE Figure 3. 48-Pin iLCC 10 x 10 Package Pinout Diagram (Top View) www.onsemi.com 3 MT9P031 Table 3. PIN DESCRIPTION Name Type RESET_BAR Input When LOW, the MT9P031 asynchronously resets. When driven HIGH, it resumes normal operation with all configuration registers set to factory defaults. Description EXTCLK Input External input clock. SCLK Input Serial clock. Pull to VDD_IO with a 1.5 kΩ resistor. OE Input When HIGH, the PIXCLK, DOUT, FV, LV, and STROBE outputs enter a High-Z. When driven LOW, normal operation resumes. STANDBY_BAR Input Standby. When LOW, the chip enters a low-power standby mode. It resumes normal operation when the pin is driven HIGH. TRIGGER Input Snapshot trigger. Used to trigger one frame of output in snapshot modes, and to indicate the end of exposure in bulb exposure modes. SADDR Input Serial address. When HIGH, the MT9P031 responds to device ID (BA)H. When LOW, it responds to serial device ID (90)H. SDATA I/O PIXCLK Output Pixel clock. The DOUT, FV, LV, and STROBE outputs should be captured on the falling edge of this signal. DOUT[11:0] Output Pixel data. Pixel data is 12-bit. MSB (DOUT11) through LSB (DOUT0) of each pixel, to be captured on the falling edge of PIXCLK. FRAME_VALID Output Frame valid. Driven HIGH during active pixels and horizontal blanking of each frame and LOW during vertical blanking. LINE_VALID Output Line valid. Driven HIGH with active pixels of each line and LOW during blanking periods. STROBE Output Snapshot strobe. Driven HIGH when all pixels are exposing in snapshot modes. VDD Supply Digital supply voltage. Nominally 1.8 V. VDD_IO Supply IO supply voltage. Nominally 1.8 or 2.8 V. DGND Supply Digital ground. VAA Supply Analog supply voltage. Nominally 2.8 V. VAA_PIX Supply Pixel supply voltage. Nominally 2.8 V, connected externally to VAA. Serial data. Pull to VDD_IO with a 1.5 kΩ resistor. AGND Supply Analog ground. VDD_PLL Supply PLL supply voltage. Nominally 2.8 V, connected externally to VAA. TEST − Tie to AGND for normal device operation (factory use only). RSVD − Tie to DGND for normal device operation (factory use only). NC − No connect. www.onsemi.com 4 MT9P031 Pixel Data Format Pixel Array Structure The MT9P031 pixel array consists of a 2752−column by 2004−row matrix of pixels addressed by column and row. The address (column 0, row 0) represents the upper−right corner of the entire array, looking at the sensor, as shown in Figure 4. The array consists of a 2592−column by 1944−row active region in the center representing the default output image, surrounded by a boundary region (also active), surrounded by a border of dark pixels (see Table 4 and Table 5). The boundary region can be used to avoid edge effects when doing color processing to achieve a 2592 x 1944 result image, while the optically black column and rows can be used to monitor the black level. Pixels are output in a Bayer pattern format consisting of four “colors”−GreenR, GreenB, Red, and Blue (Gr, Gb, R, B)−representing three filter colors. When no mirror modes are enabled, the first row output alternates between Gr and R pixels, and the second row output alternates between B and Gb pixels. The Gr and Gb pixels have the same color filter, but they are treated as separate colors by the data path and analog signal chain. Table 4. PIXEL TYPE BY COLUMN Column Pixel Type 0–9 Dark (10) 10–15 Active boundary (6) 16–2607 Active image (2592) 2608–2617 Active boundary (10) 2618–2751 Dark (134) Table 5. PIXEL TYPE BY ROW Column Pixel Type 0–49 Dark (50) 50–53 Active boundary (4) 54–1997 Active image (1944) 1998–2001 Active boundary (3) 2002–2003 Dark (2) (0,0) 50 black rows 4 (16,54) Active Image 134 black columns 10 2592 x 1944 active pixels 6 10 black columns 4 2 black rows (2751, 2003) Figure 4. Pixel Array Description column readout direction .. black pixels . Gr R Gr R Gr R Gr row readout direction First clear pixel (10,50) B Gb B Gb B Gb B ... Gr R Gr R Gr R Gr B Gb B Gb B Gb B Gr R Gr R Gr R Gr B Gb B Gb B Gb B .. . Figure 5. Pixel Color Pattern Detail (Top Right Corner) www.onsemi.com 5 MT9P031 Default Readout Order When the sensor is imaging, the active surface of the sensor faces the scene as shown in Figure 5. When the image is read out of the sensor, it is read one row at a time, with the rows and columns sequenced as shown in Figure 6. By convention, the sensor core pixel array is shown with pixel (0,0) in the top right corner (see Figure 4). This reflects the actual layout of the array on the die. Also, the first pixel data read out of the sensor in default condition is that of pixel (16, 54). Lens Scene Sensor (rear view) Row Readout Order Column Readout Order Pixel (0,0) Figure 6. Imaging a Scene Output Data Format (Default Mode) and vertical blanking, as shown in Figure 7. LV is HIGH during the shaded region of the figure. FV timing is described in “Output Data Timing”. The MT9P031 image data is read out in a progressive scan. Valid image data is surrounded by horizontal blanking P0,0 P0,1 P0,2 .....................................P0,n−1 P0,n P1,0 P1,1 P1,2 .....................................P1,n−1 P1,n 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 VALID IMAGE HORIZONTAL BLANKING Pm−1,0 Pm−1,1 .....................................Pm−1,n−1Pm−1,n Pm,0 Pm,1 .....................................Pm,n−1 Pm,n 00 00 00 ..................................... 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..................................... 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL BLANKING VERTICAL BLANKING 00 00 00 ..................................... 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..................................... 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 00 00 00 .................. 00 00 00 Figure 7. Spatial Illustration of Image Readout www.onsemi.com 6 MT9P031 Readout Sequence Columns are read out in the following order: 1. Dark columns: If either Show_Dark_Columns or Row_BLC is set, dark columns on the left side of the image are read out followed by those on the right side. The set of columns read is shown in Table 7. The Column_Skip setting is ignored for the dark columns. If neither Show_Dark_Columns nor Row_BLC is set, no dark columns are read, allowing all columns to be part of the active image. This does not change the row time, as WDC is included in the vertical blank period. 2. Active image: The columns defined by column start, column size, bin, skip, and column mirror settings are read out. If this set of columns includes the columns read out above, these columns are resampled, meaning the data is invalid. Typically, the readout window is set to a region including only active pixels. The user has the option of reading out dark regions of the array, but if this is done, consideration must be given to how the sensor reads the dark regions for its own purposes. Rows are read from the array in the following order: 1. Dark rows: If Show_Dark_Rows is set, or if Manual_BLC is clear, dark rows on the top of the array are read out. The set of rows sampled are adjusted based on the Row_Bin setting such that there are 8 rows after binning, as shown in the Table 6. The Row_Skip setting is ignored for the dark row region. If Show_Dark_Rows is clear and Manual_BLC is set, no dark rows are read from the array as part of this step, allowing all rows to be part of the active image. This does not change the frame time, as HDR is included in the vertical blank period. 2. Active image: The rows defined by the row start, row size, bin, skip, and row mirror settings are read out. If this set of rows includes rows read out above, those rows are resampled, meaning that the data is invalid. Table 7. DARK COLUMNS SAMPLED AS A FUNCTION OF COLUMN_BIN Column_Bin WDC (Dark Columns After Binning) 0 80 1 40 3 20 Table 6. DARK ROWS SAMPLED AS A FUNCTION OF ROW_BIN Row_Bin HDR (Dark Rows After Binning) 0 8 1 8 3 8 www.onsemi.com 7 MT9P031 Output Data Timing The output images are divided into frames, which are further divided into lines. By default, the sensor produces 1944 rows of 2592 columns each. The FV and LV signals indicate the boundaries between frames and lines, respectively. PIXCLK can be used as a clock to latch the data. For each PIXCLK cycle, one 12−bit pixel datum outputs on the DOUT pins. When both FV and LV are asserted, the pixel is valid. PIXCLK cycles that occur when FV is negated are called vertical blanking. PIXCLK cycles that occur when only LV is negated are called horizontal blanking. PIXCLK FV LV D OUT [11:0] P0 Vertical Blanking Horiz Blanking P1 P2 P3 P4 Valid Image Data Pn Horiz Blanking Vertical Blanking Figure 8. Default Pixel Output Timing LV and FV will be extended back to include them; in this case, the first pixel of the active image still occurs at the same position relative to the leading edge of FV. Normally, LV will only be asserted if FV is asserted; this is configurable as described below. The timing of the FV and LV outputs is closely related to the row time and the frame time. FV will be asserted for an integral number of row times, which will normally be equal to the height of the output image. If Show_Dark_Rows is set, the dark sample rows will be output before the active image, and FV will be extended to include them. In this case, FV’s leading edge happens at time 0. LV will be asserted during the valid pixels of each row. The leading edge of LV will be offset from the leading edge of FV by 609 PIXCLKs. If Show_Dark_Columns is set, the dark columns will be output before the image pixels, and LV LV Format Options The default situation is for LV to be negated when FV is negated. The other option available is shown in Figure 9. If Continuous_LV is set, LV is asserted even when FV is not, with the same period and duty cycle. If XOR_Line_Valid is set, but not Continuous_Line_Valid, the resulting LV will be the XOR of FV and the continuous LV. FV Default LV FV Continuous LV LV FV XOR LV LV Figure 9. LV Format Options The timing of an entire frame is shown in Figure 10. www.onsemi.com 8 MT9P031 t ROW W WDC LV Dark Columns FV Dark Rows Row Readout H t FRAME HDR Column Readout Active Image Blanking Region Figure 10. Frame Timing rate of 1 pixel per PIXCLK. One row time (tROW) is the period from the first pixel output in a row to the first pixel output in the next row. The row time and frame time are defined by equations in Table 8. Frame Time The pixel clock (PIXCLK) represents the time needed to sample 1 pixel from the array, and is typically equal to 1 EXTCLK period. The sensor outputs data at the maximum Table 8. FRAME TIME Parameters Name fps Frame Rate tFRAME Frame Time Equation 1/tFRAME (H + max(VB, VBMIN)) × Default Timing at EXTCLK = 96 MHz 14 tROW Row Time W Output Image Width 2 × ceil((Column_Size + 1) / (2 × (Column_Skip + 1))) H Output Image Height 2 × ceil((Row_Size + 1) / (2 × (Row_Skip + 1))) 1944 rows SW Shutter Width max (1, (2 * 16 × Shutter_Width_Upper) + Shutter_Width_Lower) 1943 rows HB Horizontal Blanking Horizontal_Blank + 1 1 PIXCLK VB Vertical Blanking HBMIN Minimum Horizontal Blanking VBMIN Minimum Vertical Blanking tPIXCLK Pixclk Period tPIXCLK 71.66 ms tROW 2× x max(((W/2) + max(HB, HBMIN)), (41 + 346 x (Row_Bin+1) + 99)) Vertical_Blank + 1 346 × (Row_Bin + 1) + 64 + (WDC / 2) max (8, SW − H) + 1 1/fPIXCLK The minimum horizontal blanking (HBMIN) values for various Row_Bin and Column_Bin settings are shown in Table 9. www.onsemi.com 9 36.38 μs 2592 PIXCLK 26 rows 450 PIXCLK 9 rows 10.42 ns MT9P031 Table 9. HBMIN VALUES FOR ROW_BIN VS. COLUMN_BIN SETTINGS Column_bin (WDC) Row_bin 0 1 3 0 450 430 420 1 796 776 766 3 1488 1468 1458 Frame Rates at Common Resolutions rates are shown both with subsampling enabled and disabled. Table 10 and Table 11 show examples of register settings to achieve common resolutions and their frame rates. Frame Table 10. STANDARD RESOLUTIONS Frame Rate Sub− sampling Mode Column_ Size (R0x04) Row_ Size (R0x03) Shutter_ Width_ Lower (R0x09) Row_ Bin (R0x22 [5:4]) Row_ Skip (R0x22 [2:0]) Column_ Bin (R0x23 [5:4]) Column_ Skip (R0x23 [2:0]) 2592 x 1944 (Full Resolution) 14 N/A 2591 1943
MT9P031I12STC-DR 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+247.25000
  • 10+236.50000
