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NCL30051LEDGEVB 数据手册
NCL30051LEDGEVB 35-50 Volt, Up to 1.5 Amp, Offline Power Factor Corrected LED Driver with Flexible Dimming Options Evaluation Board User's Manual http://onsemi.com EVAL BOARD USER’S MANUAL Introduction these applications have accessibility issues that would significantly reduce maintenance costs given the LEDs long operating lifetime. This specific driver design is tailored to support LEDs such as the Cree XLAMPt XP−G and XM−L, and OSRAM Golden DRAGON® Plus that have maximum drive currents of at least 1000 mA. These LEDs exhibit good efficacies at higher drive currents allowing fewer LEDs to be used to achieve the same light output. For example, the Cree XLAMP XM−L is rated for up to 3 A drive current and has a very low typical forward voltage of 3.1 V @ 1500 mA drive current. At 1500 mA and 85°C junction temperature, in cool white, each LED generates from 440−475 lumens typical with an efficacy of greater than 100 lm/W. So with just 12 LEDs, the source lumen output would be in the range of 5200−5700 lumens at 85°C junction temperature and the typical load power would be ~53 W which is over 100 lm/W. This application note also focuses on various options for dimming including PWM, analog and bi−level dimming. Intelligent dimming takes full advantage of the instant turn−on characteristics of LEDs and combines it with lighting controls to save significant energy without compromising lighting quality or user safety and comfort. Some traditional large area light sources are difficult to easily dim and have long turn−on times to full brightness. This is not the case with LEDs as they can quickly be turned on and off and their lifetime improves when dimmed because the average operating junction temperature is reduced. PWM and analog dimming are traditional techniques for dimming. Bi−level or multi−level dimming uses these techniques and adds sensors or controls (motion, networked, or timer based) to incorporate two or more discrete lighting levels. This allows additional energy savings without compromising safety and convenience. This is especially useful in outdoor and underground lighting were bi−level control can reduce the light level based on time−of−day or activity detection to save power without compromising safety. In fact the California Lighting Technology recently published a study where bi−level LED lighting saved 87% over conventional 70 W HID outdoor pathway bollards. This application note describes a 60 W, off−line, power factor corrected, line isolated, LED driver using ON Semiconductor’s new NCL30051 two−stage controller. This controller contains the control circuitry for both a critical conduction mode (CRM) boost power factor corrector (PFC), and a fixed frequency, series resonant half−bridge converter, and is housed in a 16 pin SOIC package. The high level of integration and low pin count is based on a novel control topology where the PFC output bulk voltage is adjusted via closed loop to change the amount of power transferred by the fixed duty cycle half−bridge. The resonant half−bridge essentially functions as a dc−to−dc step−down transformer. This approach is simpler to implement and stabilize compared to the more complex LCC topology where the frequency of the resonant controller is varied to change the amount of power transferred to the load. The fixed frequency and symmetrical duty cycle of the resonant half−bridge clocking allows for very simple transformer design. This topology is capable of powering series LED loads with efficiencies reaching 90%. This is mainly due to the CRM power factor corrector and the very high efficiency of the resonant half−bridge which results in zero current and voltage switching in the power MOSFETs. Such efficiencies would be quite difficult using a conventional flyback converter in the second stage. Constant voltage, constant current control (CVCC) is handled on the secondary side of the power circuit using ON Semiconductor’s NCS1002 CVCC controller with integrated reference. Although this particular design represents a 60 W nominal application, the controller topology is ideal for power levels to 200 W and higher. This specific design is available as evaluation board NCL30051LEDGEVB. There are a wide variety of medium power lighting applications that would benefit from replacing the traditional light source with an LED source including street lights, refrigerator cases, parking garages, wall washers, wall packs and architectural lighting. All of these applications have high operating hours, challenging environmental conditions, and can benefit from advanced dimming control to further save energy. Moreover many of © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2011 November, 2011 − Rev. 1 1 Publication Order Number: EVBUM2039/D NCL30051LEDGEVB Beyond the power stage design, circuitry is provided for demonstrating three types of dimming control: • Analog dimming with a 0 to 10 V programming signal; • Bi−level dimming with a simple logic level input signal; • PWM dimming using an onboard oscillator with variable pulse width. These three dimming functions are incorporated on an optional plug−in DIM card. Without the card, the demo board can be dimmed with a user provided PWM input signal operating from 150 to 300 Hz. The maximum output voltage can be adjusted via selection of a single resistor; however, it is compliant enough to handle almost a 2:1 output voltage compliance range depending on the string forward voltage and worst case high line voltage. The default output current is set at 1 A, but a maximum DC output current of 1.5 A is available by modifying a single resistor value. Higher currents can be supported with different transformer designs. The power level of this design is targeted at applications operation below 60 Vdc maximum and below 100 VA to be under the maximum power requirements of IEC (EN) 60950−1 (UL1310 Class 2) supplies. The specification table below lists the key design objectives. Protection: PWM dimming frequency 160 Hz – 300 Hz with external signal input (referenced to a secondary side signal ground) Dimming range > 10:1 0−10 V (100K) analog voltage input dimming, 1 = minimum, 10 V is 100% on (range dependent on nominal AC input) Short Circuit Protection Open Circuit Protection < 60 V peak Over Temperature – (optional) Over Current Protection − Auto recovery Over voltage protection (input and optional output) Primary Side Circuitry The primary side circuit schematic is shown in Figure 1. It contains the PFC and resonant half−bridge along with the associated bias, drive, and primary feedback circuitry. As shown in the primary side schematic, the circuit grounds should are segregated into three areas (logic, drive, and power) and interconnected at strategic “star” or “tree” points as shown to minimize ground loops and cross talk interaction. For optimum circuit performance and stability, it is critical that “star” grounding be used for the PCB layout. Logic level timing and filter components such as C10, C12, C14, C15, C17, and C16 should be located as close to main controller U1 as possible. Jumper JMP1 and test point terminals are provided to facilitate testing the PFC and resonant half−bridge separately. Jumper JMP3 can be used as a wire loop for a clip−on current probe to check the current waveform profile and tuning of the resonant half−bridge. Referring to Figure 1, a combination common and differential mode conducted EMI filter is incorporated at the mains input. The leakage inductance of L1 in conjunction with “X” capacitors C1 and C2 form a differential mode filter. Common mode filtering is achieved via the coupled inductance of L1 and “Y2” capacitor C27 which ac couples the primary and secondary grounds. In this particular design, the simple common mode filter indictor of L1 was sufficient to pass EN55022, Level A for commercial applications. A plot of the conducted EMI is shown in Figure 14 and the harmonic line current profile is shown in Figure 15. Specifications Universal Input: 90 − 265 Vac (up to 305 Vac with component changes) Frequency 47 − 63 Hz Power Factor: > 0.9 (50−100% of Load with dimming) Harmonic Content EN61000−3−2 Class C Compliance Efficiency > 88% at 50 −100% of 50 W, Iout = 1 A / Vf = 50 V Target UL1310 Class 2 Dry/Damp, isolated < 100 VA and < 60 V peak Vmax Range: 35 to 50 Vdc (selectable by resistor divider) Constant Current 0.7 − 1.5 A, 1 A nominal (selectable by Iout Range: resistor) Vout Compliance >50 to 100% of Vout Current Tolerance ±2% or better Cold Startup < 1 sec typical to 50% of load Pout Maximum: 60 W Dimming: Two Step Bi−level Analog Dimming PWM dimming with optional DIM board http://onsemi.com 2 NCL30051LEDGEVB AC In F1 1.5A R1A 560K x2 R1B T C1 0.22 ”X” L1 C2 0.22 ”X” D1 − D4 MRA4007 x4 C3 0.22uF 400V 1 L2 D5 1N5406 4 700uH 3 6 Q1 TO−220 R8 1.2K C8 5.6nF Z1B 82 uF R2 C5 400V 0.15 0.5W C4 82 uF 400V D6 MURS360 Z1A R14 R18 MRA4007 D12 2.7M,0.5W MMSZ5248B 2.7M,0.5W HVout R3 560K 0.5W R4 560K 0.5W JMP1 HVin D11 MRA4007 Drive Ground D9 D10 MURA160 16 R40 1.2K U1 NCL30051 1 14 15 3 13 2 4 11 12 9 10 5 7 6 8 C14 C15 C9 0.22 25V 10K MMBT 2907A R43 10 GND R5 R6 Q8 10K NDD04N60ZT MMBT A06LTG Q3 C17 1.2nF D7 JMP3 0.1uF C6 400V MURA160 Q2A Q2B C7 0.1uF 400V 2 5 T1 7 11 10 14 C CVCC Feedback A C PWM Dim A Pirmary Ground C27 Plane 1 U2 4 2 PS2561A R42 5.1K 1 2 PS2561A U3 2.7K R15 MMBT A06LTG 4 3 R41 10K MURA160 D8 NDD04N60ZT Q7 D13 MMSD 4148B 3 http://onsemi.com TH1 R7 10 0.25W R9 27.4k R10 0.1 C11 4.7K, 0.5W C10 R19 27.4k C13 0.68uF 1nF 0.1 Figure 1. Primary Side Schematic R17 820pF C12 100pF R16 1K 330uF 35V 3 NOTES: 1. Q2A, Q2B are D−Pak devices. 2. L1 is Coilcraft E3492−AL (2.9 mH) 3. Heavy schematic lines are recommended ground plane areas − blue is power ground; black is signal/logic ground, green is drive ground. 4. NCL30051 signal grounds and associated components should be single−point connected to the power and drive ground planes as shown in schematic. 5. L2 and T1 are PQ2020 cores with 14 pin bobbins. 6. Q1 requires small heatsink. 7. C10, C17, and Q7/R40 should be as close to associated U1 pins as possible. R11 680K 0.5W R12 680K 0.5W R13 Open Logic/signal Ground C16 10K NCL30051LEDGEVB Power Factor Correction Section Resonant Half−Bridge Section The boost power factor corrector circuit is composed of MOSFET Q1, boost diode D6, boost inductor L2, and the components associated with the PFC control section and pins of the NCL30051 control IC U1. D5 provides a bypass diode to prevent resonant (L/C) charging of series boost output capacitors C4 and C5 during initial startup when the line voltage is first applied. Two 400 Vdc capacitors are used in series for the bulk capacitors to accommodate the 550 maximum bulk voltage. 300 Vdc rated capacitors could have also been used in this application. C3 is a polypropylene film capacitor used to “stiffen” the input source impedance to the boost converter and provide EMI filtering. Operating bias (VCC) for the control IC U1 is derived from the low voltage auxiliary winding on boost choke L2. This is essentially a charge pump circuit comprised of R7, C8, Z1, D10 and VCC filter capacitors C15 and C16. The power factor correction circuit operates in critical (or boundary) conduction mode (CRM) and, hence, has a variable switching frequency depending on line and load conditions. Since the L2 inductor current always drops to zero before Q1 is turned back on again, boost diode D6 will have essentially no reverse recovery losses when Q1 is switched on each cycle. In addition the turn−on gate drive requirement for Q1 is minimized since the MOSFET current always starts at zero, however, complementary driver Q3/Q8 is implemented in the gate drive line for efficient switching of Q1. In some cases it is possible to vary the resistance of R11/R12 slightly to improve the power factor at high line. This circuit provides “feed forward” signal information to the PFC on−time setting capacitor C17. It should also be noted that resistor R9 is used to provide the zero current detect signal (or de−magnetizing signal) to the chip from L2’s aux winding so that the circuit can operate in true CRM. The resonant half−bridge is comprised of MOSFET switches Q2A and Q2B, resonant capacitors C6/C7, transformer T1, and the associated components and half−bridge driver section of U1. Since Q2A, the upper MOSFET is “floating” at a switched node, a “bootstrap” driver bias supply composed of D11, C9 and the internal circuitry of U1 is implemented for gate drive of this MOSFET. The half−bridge is operated with a fixed frequency, symmetric duty ratio (with dead time between each half−cycle) signal and is powered from the PFC bulk voltage. The NCL30051 controller is rated for up to 600 Vdc operation in the half−bridge section, so factoring in system derating, a maximum operating PFC bulk voltage in the 480−510 V range is recommended. Resonant circuit operation is achieved by resonating the leakage inductance of T1’s primary with capacitors C6/C7 which appear in parallel. By adjusting the L/C ratio of these parameters to match the switching frequency of the gate drive output of U1, resonant operation is possible with very low switching losses in MOSFETs Q2A and Q2B. The frequency of the half−bridge drive is set by the Ct capacitor C10. This value can be changed to accommodate the resonant frequency determined by C6/C7 and T1’s leakage inductance. Without any complex winding structure, the leakage inductance of T1 came out to about 100 mH with the transformer design shown in Figure 4. The waveform of the sinusoidal primary current (45 W output) is shown in Figure 2. The use of fixed frequency, resonant switching in the half−bridge creates a condition of zero current switching in the MOSFETs which results in very high conversion efficiency. Diodes D7 and D8 provide voltage clamping to the bulk rail in the event of parasitically generated voltages or transients during start up and/or dynamic operation. Figure 2. Resonant Half−Bridge Current Waveform http://onsemi.com 4 NCL30051LEDGEVB Secondary Side Circuitry Output voltage sensing is achieved via the sense divider of R28 and R29 and U4A. The maximum output voltage can be adjusted by the value of R28 and is set to approximately 50 V in this application. Both amplifiers drive optocoupler U3 which controls the pulse width of the PFC MOSFET by pulling compensation pin 8 low on the main controller U1. In this way the bulk output voltage of the PFC is regulated so as to provide a correct high voltage dc input to the resonant half−bridge converter. The amplifier whose output is lowest will be dominant, thus providing constant current, constant voltage control with a smooth transition at the CVCC knee. To minimize the Miller capacitance effects of optocoupler U3’s photo transistor to the feedback loop, R15 and D13 have been added to force extra current through the opto transistor without loading pin 8 of U1. Since the PFC also senses the bulk output voltage via resistor network R14, R18, and R19, this divider is set via R19 such that this “inner” voltage loop is closed when the bulk voltage reaches 550 Vdc so as to not prematurely interfere with the secondary voltage loop of U4A. Note that if the secondary voltage feedback loop were to fail, the inner PFC voltage feedback loop would clamp the bulk voltage to approximately 550 Vdc. The secondary winding of the half−bridge transformer, the full−wave, center−tap rectifier, and the associated secondary side circuitry are shown in the schematic of Figure 3. The secondary rectifier D16 is a dual Schottky device and, because of the symmetrical duty ratio, only a modest amount of capacitive filtering is necessary to attenuate the high frequency output ripple. In this design a paralleled pair of 4.7 mF, 100 Vdc film capacitors were used. The current and voltage sensing circuitry is based around the NCS1002 CVCC controller. The specific sensing circuitry is essentially identical to that used in ON Semiconductor application note AND8470 for the NCL30001 LED controller and will only be briefly described here. Current regulation is accomplished by section B of U4. The output current is sensed by resistor R22 and the dc output current level can be adjusted by changing R26. If PWM dimming is used, the circuit of Q5, C22, R31 and R32 form a sample and hold circuit that prevents the current pulse interruptions through current sense resistor R22 from corrupting the dc current sense information presented to pin 6 of U4B. This keeps the peak current output level constant during PWM dimming. http://onsemi.com 5 NCL30051LEDGEVB T1 Xfmr C18,19,20 7 10 11 14 D16 MBRF10H150 R20 2.2K C25 4.7 uF 100 V x 2 C19 6 C20 0.1uF 100V R21 Is C30 10nF C29 Vs R22 Gnd 0.1 0.10 0.5W C23 R29 3.9K R28 R27 78.7K 6.2K 0.1 2.5V R26 68K 1nF C24 R25 2.7K Is 15K, 0.5W MJD243G C18 Q4 R23 0.22uF Vcc = 14V 47K − + 8 U4B 5 7 C28 NCS1002 2 1uF + − R24 47K 1 4 U4A Vref 3 internal to U3 C21 0.1uF 100V Q5 R31 100 5.1K R30 Current Sense Sample & Hold 1uF C22 R32 2.7K 10 Q10 10 R34 R33 2N7002KT1G Vcc R35 10 MMUN 2212L Q6 5 6 R36 10K R38 10K MMBTA06LT1G R37 10K JMP2 Jumper if DIM Card not used 3 2 1 P1 PWM Out Vcc In Vref In Analog Dim out Common + LED Anode J2 PWM In 100−200Hz LED Cathode − J3 Gnd Dimming Control Options Card http://onsemi.com A D14 Z2 0.1 C26 MMSZ5245B MMSD4148 Q9 MMBT2907A C27 2.2nF R39 2.7K NCL30051 LED Driver CVCC Secondary Sensing 6 CVCC Feedback C D15 MMSD4148 To Primary Side Ground Plane A C PWM Dim Notes: 1. D16 requires small heatsink. 2. Heavy schematic lines are recommended ground plane areas. Figure 3. Secondary Side Schematic NCL30051LEDGEVB Resonant Half−Bridge Transformer Design (T1) actually purposely designed in, however, with the three layer primary and adequate insulating tape between the primary and secondary there should be adequate leakage inductance that will facilitate a resonant capacitor with a common value that will obtain a reasonable resonant frequency that can be accommodated by the internal half−bridge clock in the NCL30051 controller. By shorting the transformer secondary pins out with very short wires, the primary leakage can be measured with an inductance meter. In this design the leakage inductance worked out to be between 90 and 100 mH, sufficient to produce a resonant frequency of 36 kHz with a pair of 0.1 mF capacitors (in parallel effectively) for C6 and C7. It turned out that a clock timing capacitor of 1 nF for C10 sets the switching frequency to about 36 kHz which provided the optimum tuning as displayed in primary current waveform of Figure 2. The design summary of the transformer T1 is shown in Figure 4. Since the output current and/or voltage is regulated by controlling the PFC bulk voltage, the value of the bulk voltage will be directly proportional to Vout via the turns ratio of the transformer. For example, if we have an LED string with a nominal forward voltage of 40 V, the bulk voltage will be regulated at: Vout x Np/Ns x 2 = 40 x 5 x 2 = 400 Vdc (where two represents the fact that the half−bridge primary switches only 1/2 of the bulk voltage). Herein highlights a limitation of this topology in cases where the string voltage may be very low. For a Vf of 32 V, the bulk voltage will be 320 Vdc and this puts a limit on the maximum line voltage in which the PFC boost converter can function. The bulk voltage must always be higher than the peak of the line voltage for the boost converter to work, so at 230 Vac input, the line peak is 1.4 x 230 = 322 V so now we have reached the lower limit of the LED forward voltage range. Obviously at 120 Vac (Vpeak = 170 Vdc) we could feasibly allow the output Vf to go even as low as 25 Vdc without any problems (25 Vdc x 5 x 2 = 250 Vdc bulk which is still higher than Vac peak). Careful analysis of the throughput voltage conversion and proper selection of the transformer turns ratio will allow optimization for a given LED application. A maximum operating PFC bulk voltage of 510 Vdc is recommended for adequate safety margins. Examples and further discussions of the circuit limitations are addressed below under “Topology Limitations”. Since the half−bridge transformer operates in a fixed frequency, symmetrical duty ratio, the design becomes very straightforward. A half−bridge converter switches 1/2 of bulk voltage across the transformer primary due to the capacitive divider network formed by resonant capacitors C6 and C7. By choosing the maximum bulk voltage at about 500 Vdc and assuming a maximum output voltage of 50 V, the turns ratio on the transformer will be: Vbulk/2 divided by 50 Vout = 250/50 = 5 So, a turns’ ratio of 5:1 is required between the primary and one of the half’s of the−secondary(note: push−pull output rectification!). All that is required now is to determine the minimum number of primary turns necessary to avoid core saturation and then ratio the secondary turns from this point. The selected core is a PQ−2020 with a cross sectional core area (Ae) of 0.6 cm2. Using the transformer design relationship: Np + V 4 10 8 D F BM Ae + 20 V 4 1 35 kHz 3200G 10 8 0.6 cm 2 + 96.7 turns Where: Np is the minimum primary turns needed V is the max voltage across the primary (with a little margin) F is the switching frequency Bm is the maximum flux density in the ferrite core Ae is the cross sectional area of the core The average primary current will be a little more than 60 W / 250 Vdc x 0.95 = 228 mA assuming close to 95% converter efficiency. The rms value will actually be a little higher but AWG # 28 magnet wire will easily handle this and 96 turns can comfortably be wound over 3 layers with 32 turns per layer. The number of secondary turns will be 96 / 5 = 19.2 turns so 19 turns will be close enough. It turns out that due to the center tapped secondary, two strands of #26 magnet wire wound bifilar on top of the primary will make the secondary easily handle up to 1.5 A output current. The primary leakage inductance is the only unknown factor that was not http://onsemi.com 7 NCL30051LEDGEVB Part Description: Resonant Half−bridge Transformer − 60 W, 35 kHz (Rev 3) Schematic ID: T1 Core Type: PQ20/20, Ferroxcube 3C95 or equivalent material Primary Inductance: 6 mH minimum Leakage Inductance: 90 − 100 uH nominal (resonant half−bridge, leakage inductance is Lr) Bobbin Type: PQ20/20 14 pin PC mount bobbin Windings (in order): Winding # / type Turns / Material / Gauge / Insulation Data Primary winding (2 − 5) 96 turns of #28 HN magnet wire over 3 layers, 32 turns per layer approx. Self−leads to pins. Insulate with Mylar tape sufficient for 3 kV Hipot to next winding. Secondary winding (7,11 − 10,14) 19 turns of 2 X #26 magnet wire bifilar wound over two layers. Self−leads to pins per schematic below. Final insulate with Mylar tape. Note: The critical parameter is to achieve a leakage inductance of 90 − 100 uH with a min primary inductance of 6 mH. The overall turns can be increased or decreased to achieve this as long as the turns ratio remains 5:1. Vacuum varnish assembly. Hipot: 3000 volts from Primary to Secondary (1 minute) Lead Breakout / Pinout Schematic Bottom View 2 Primary 5 14 7 11 11 Secondary 10 14 10 7 Figure 4. Resonant Half−Bridge Transformer Design (T1) http://onsemi.com 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 NCL30051LEDGEVB PFC Choke Design (L2) L+ Using the PFC design approach illustrated in ON Semiconductor Application Note AND8123, we can analyze the PFC choke design. Inductor rms current at 50 W output and 85 Vac input: 0.72 A Inductor peak current at 50 W out and 85 Vac input: 1.75 A Maximum inductance for reasonable switching frequency: 1200 mH max. Turns ratio to aux winding to produce a 15 to 18 Vdc VCC: 9:1 or 10:1 To maintain component consistency, a PQ−2020 ferrite core was also selected for the PFC choke. Based on an rms choke current of 0.72 A and an average switching frequency of around 100 kHz, three strands of AWG #30 magnet wire was chosen for the main winding to minimize ac losses. Calculations based on the approximate wire diameter (2 x 0.012” or 0.61 mm), and a core bobbin inside winding width of about 0.47” (12 mm); it appears that 75 turns of this wire can comfortably be wound on 4 or 5 layers with about 18 turns per layer. Using the above parameters from the design spreadsheet, and the following inductor relationships we can determine the optimum design using this PQ−2020 core: Where: N B max Ipk 10 8 Ae and Lg + 0.4p N Ipk B max N is the number of turns Bmax is the max flux density Ipk is the peak inductor current Ae is the core cross sectional area (cm2) Lg is the total core gap (cm) Substituting the known values into first equation for N = 75 turns, Bmax = 3000 gauss, Ae = 0.6, and Ipk = 1.75 A we get L = 770 mH which is less than the max of 1200 mH. This will result in a switching frequency of 70 kHz min and 200 kHz max for typical operation, so this is probably a reasonable inductance to start with. We could increase the inductance and lower the PFC switching frequency by adding more turns, but this would probably require a larger core. In order to prevent saturation, the core must be gapped per the second equation. Substituting in the known parameters we get Lg = 0.055 cm or 0.022 inches. Since this is the total gap, we would use half of this length if we were gapping all three pole legs of the core. This gap should also give us the required inductance of about 700 mH. The final choke design is shown in Figure 5. http://onsemi.com 9 NCL30051LEDGEVB Part Description: PFC Choke − 60 W, 100 kHz (CRM); Rev. 4 (6/8/10) Schematic ID: L2 Core Type: PQ20/20, Ferroxcube 3C95 or equivalent material Core Gap: Gap for 675 uH +/−25 uH across pins 1 to 3. Inductance: 650 − 700 uH nominal Bobbin Type: PQ20/20 14 pin PC mount bobbin Windings (in order): Winding # / type Turns / Material / Gauge / Insulation Data Main winding (1 − 3) 75 turns of 3 strands of #30 trifilar wound. Wire can be twisted if desired. Self−leads to pins. Insulate with 2 or 3 layers of Mylar tape to next winding. (Other option: 2 strands #28 bifilar) Vcc winding (4 − 6) 8 turns of #30 magnet wire spiral wound over one layer. Self−leads to pins. Final insulate with Mylar tape. Vacuum varnish assembly. Hipot: 1000 volts from main winding to Vcc winding.. Lead Breakout / Pinout Schematic Bottom View 1 14 Main − 75T of 3 x #30 11 3 Vcc − 8T of #30 10 4 7 6 Figure 5. PFC Choke Design Details (L2) http://onsemi.com 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 NCL30051LEDGEVB Dimming Capabilities not installed. More details of the DIM card operation can be found in AND8470. A table for configuring the three different operating modes is shown below and the schematic for the DIM card circuit is shown in Figure 7. To demonstrate the LED dimming capabilities of this circuit, the same DIM control card used in the NCL30001 LED driver circuit described in AND8470 has been used here. Dimming can be accomplished using three methods: pulse width modulation (PWM) of the output current; analog current dimming where the current reference voltage for U4B is modified via a 1 to 10 V control signal to linearly control the output current to the LEDs; and bi−level dimming in which a logic level signal will lower the LED intensity level by reducing the LED output current. Without this DIM card, a PWM input terminal (J3) is still provided for an external 160 to 300 Hz PWM input signal to control the output current. This is done by switching transistor Q6 on and off which in turn switches the sample and hold transistor gate drive, and toggles optocoupler U2 which switches U1’s Ct pin (2) via buffer transistor Q7. This pin, when grounded, will terminate drive to the half−bridge MOSFETs (Q2A, Q2B) thus rapidly stopping output current flow. Due to the low value of output capacitors C18 and C19, a rectangular wave signal in the frequency range of 160 to 300 Hz will adequately PWM the output current with good rise and fall times (see Figure 6). C1 on the DIM card sets this frequency. Higher dimming frequencies can but used but the dynamic range of the dimming can be limited due to waveform fall times. It should be noted that jumper J2 across pins 2 and 3 of connector P1 is necessary if the DIM card is Dimming Configuration Modifications; Jumper Configurations External PWM dimming input Omit DIM card; short pins 2 and 3 of P1. Inject PWM signal into J3 Internal PWM dimming Add DIM card with JMP1 added to P1 on DIM card; Add JMP3 to P2 on DIM card. Adjust pot R1 to vary pulse width. Bi−Level Dimming Add DIM card with JMP1 (P1) removed; Add JMP3 to P2 on card; Connect switch from TP1 and TP2. Closed switch gives low dim level. Analog Dimming, Internal Adjust Add DIM card with JMP1 (P1) removed: Add JMP2 to P2; Adjust pot R9 for LED brightness. Analog Dimming, External Adjust Add DIM card with JMP1 (P1) removed. Add JMP2 to P2. Remove pot R9 and wire in external 100k potentiometer to TPs 2, 3 and 4. TP3 is the pot wiper. Adjust external pot for LED brightness. Figure 6. PWM Dimming Mode – Output Current Profile modulation at some pulse widths. It is best to select the PWM dimming frequency to be in between the line frequency harmonics. Thus, 160 or 220 Hz would be recommended optimum PWM frequencies for a line frequency of 60 Hz. (See section on Output Ripple below.) Depending on the selected PWM dimming frequency (C1 of Figure 7), it is possible to get a slight beat between this frequency and a harmonic of the line frequency. Depending on the magnitude of the overall output ripple and the selection of C4 / C5, there is the potential for LED current http://onsemi.com 11 NCL30051LEDGEVB Con1 (to P1) PWM Out 6 JMP1 P1 20K D1 Vcc R1 MMSD 4148 U1 4 D2 8 3 2 0.1 1 C1 330nF Notes: 1. Pots R1 and R9 are Vishay/Spectrol 43P type 20 turn cermet trimmers (Mouser part # 594−43P203 and 594−43P104) 2. All caps are SMD ceramic, 25V min. 3. TH1 is PTC thermistor − LS = 5mm 4. All semiconductors are ON Semi parts C3 5 6 Vcc (source) C2 0.1 5 Vcc In Dimming Option Control Card Schematic (Rev 3) MC1455D C4 Vcc 1.0 uF 25V R16 10K 2N7002KT1G MMBT2222A Q2 R2 10K Q1 150K D3 R4 MMSD4148 R3 20K TP1 R5 + _ 4.3K 1nF R8 Bi−level or PWM C6 R6 P2 Analog Dimming 15K U2B R14 R12 C9 10 0.1 U2C R10 10K Vcc 30K _ R15 TP3 11K + 2 R11 _ Analog Dim Out 100K TP4 Temp Compensation TH1 TBD TP2 R9 Dim Adj 10nF 5K 1 − 10V Analog JMP2 10V 1K R13 10K C8 10nF 1 U2D C7 0.1 Common Figure 7. DIM Card Schematic http://onsemi.com 12 LM324DG _ Dim Select JMP3 R7 + C5 Bi − Level Switch + 3 Vref In (2.5V) U2A External 100K Pot NCL30051LEDGEVB Topology Limitations Vf compliance ratio, however, due to the fact that the primary VCC is derived from the PFC inductor aux winding, experimentation has shown that 20 Vdc is actually the lowest safe minimum Vf for 120 Vac input for reliable VCC maintenance for this design. 230 Vac: The peak line voltage will be 230 x 1.4 = 322 Vpk. Again, dividing this by 10 yields 32.2 V, or 35 V for the minimum output Vf with a tolerance margin. 277 Vac: Vpk = 277 x 1.4 = 388 Vdc, so output Vf minimum becomes about 40 Vdc. 305 Vac: Vpk = 305 x 1.4 = 427 Vdc; so output Vf minimum becomes about 45 Vdc This limitation should considered up front when designing the LED driver and the consequential effects of the min and max of the diode string Vf as a result of binning, forward current and thermal variations. For applications with high nominal line levels, the transformer turns ratio becomes more critical when optimizing max and min load Vf tolerances. As seen from the 120 Vac input example, there is much Vf latitude. The usable dimming range can also be affected by the combination of line voltage and Vf. This is particularly acute when using the analog dimming mode because this mode also reduces the primary side control circuit VCC as the output current is reduced. PWM dimming mode has less effect on the VCC due to the fact that the VCC capacitor is peak charged and the reflected peak VCC aux voltage does not appreciably decrease with PWM dimming. Figure 8 shows the limitations of increasing AC input line on the minimum usable Vf out. The diagonal section of the graph indicates converter shutdown and re−start action. Despite the high efficiency and relatively low complexity of the resonant half−bridge and magnetics design in this topology, it does have some limitations with respect to the ac line and output load forward voltage extremes. These limitations are primarily due to the fact that, since the feedback loop controls the output voltage of the power factor corrector, the “bulk” voltage is directly proportional to Vout or the Vf of the diode string when operating in the normal constant current mode. Since the output (Vbulk) of a boost converter must always be higher then the peak ac input voltage for the boost converter to function, the relationship that Vbulk > Vac peak must always be maintained for continuous circuit operation and constant output. In the design example for this demo board, the PFC output bulk voltage is 10 times the output voltage (or Vf) due to the transformer turns ratio (5:1) and the fact that the resonant half−bridge switches 1/2 of the bulk across the transformer primary. We can deduce some of the limitations from this fact. The best way is to see the impact the nominal ac line voltage has on the output Vf. The NCL30051 has a 600 V max rating on the high side gate driver section (pins 15 and 16). As a consequence, assuming an 85% derating, the bulk bus can be set at 510 Vdc max. Under these conditions Vout max under no load conditions could be 50 Vdc with the 5:1 turns ratio on T1. Assuming this 50 Vdc output max as our nominal open circuit Vout, let’s see what the minimum output Vf can be that will still maintain boost converter operation for normal ac line voltages. 120 Vac: In this case the peak line voltage will be 1.4 x 120 Vac = 168 Vpk. Dividing this peak by 10 (T1 turns ratio x half−bridge factor of 2) yields 16.8 V which is less than 1/3 of the Vf max of 55 V. This would theoretically allow a 3:1 http://onsemi.com 13 NCL30051LEDGEVB 50 45 LED FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vdc) 40 35 30 25 230 Vac 20 15 120 Vac 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 OUTPUT CURRENT (mA) Figure 8. Output Current/Voltage Transfer Function versus Line http://onsemi.com 14 900 1000 NCL30051LEDGEVB 35 30 LED FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vdc) 700 mA 1000 mA 25 20 15 10 90 115 140 165 190 215 240 265 INPUT LINE VOLTAGE (Vac) Figure 9. Minimum Forward Voltage versus Line and Output Current Efficiency the efficiency is greater than 90% from 35−45 W for both 120 and 230 Vac for this 50 W nominal design. With this topology it is possible to achieve better than 90% efficiency even at modest loads. As illustrated in Figure 10, http://onsemi.com 15 NCL30051LEDGEVB 95 94 93 EFFICIENCY (%) 92 91 230 Vac 90 120 Vac 89 88 87 86 85 34 38 42 46 50 OUTPUT FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vdc) Figure 10. Efficiency versus line and load Power Factor and Input Harmonic Content In addition to power factor, a more critical parameter in some regions is harmonic content. Lighting Power supplies fall under the IEC61000−3−2 Class C standard and there are vary strict limits on harmonic content for power supplies > 25 W. The power factor will remain above 0.90 for the rated load output (1 A) and to minimum Vf levels for 120 Vac input and down to Vf = 35 Vdc for 230 Vac. As the actual current load is decreased from the rated maximum, the power factor will also degrade with lower Vf. These effects are shown in Figure 10. http://onsemi.com 16 NCL30051LEDGEVB 1.00 120 Vac 0.95 0.85 0.80 230 Vac 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 20 25 30 35 40 OUTPUT FORWARD VOLTAGE (Vdc) Figure 11. Power Factor versus Forward Voltage (Iout = 1 A) 45 1.00 Iout = 1A 0.95 POWER FACTOR (PF) POWER FACTOR (PF) 0.90 0.90 Iout = 0.5A Iout = 0.7A 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 90 115 140 165 190 215 INPUT LINE VOLTAGE (Vac) Figure 12. Power Factor versus Output Current http://onsemi.com 17 240 265 NCL30051LEDGEVB 30 Harmonic Current Percentage of Fundametal (%) 25 20 15 Limit (%) Measured (%) 10 5 0 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Harmonic Figure 13. Harmonic Levels (230 Vac input, Full Load) Dimming Effects on Power Factor and Vf Limits The power factor is also affected by both analog and PWM dimming and is reduced at lower dimming levels. This is shown in Figure 14. http://onsemi.com 18 31 33 35 37 39 NCL30051LEDGEVB 1.00 120 Vac; Analog Dim 0.95 POWER FACTOR (PF) 120 Vac; PWM Dim 0.90 230 Vac; Analog Dim 230 Vac; PWM Dim 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT OF FULL LOAD (%) Figure 14. Power Factor versus Dimming Dimming Limitations the bulk will be reflected to the output by the product of the transformer turns ratio and the half−bridge switch voltage reduction ratio, or, as mentioned previously, 5 x 2 = 10. Since the power factor control loop must have a low bandwidth to produce high power factor, the 120 Hz bulk ripple will naturally be transferred to the output proportionally. In this example, the use of two bulk capacitors of 82 mF in series, giving a total capacitance of 41 mF, was adequate to keep the output current ripple below 10%. Figure 15 shows the output current ripple with an LED string of Vf = 40 V. The magnitude of the ripple is only slightly affected by Vf and line voltage. PWM dimming is effective down to less than 5% duty ratio for 120 and 230 Vac within the Vf ranges shown in the graphs of Figure 8 above. It is not recommended to take PWM dimming to zero as this will ultimately result in the power supply going into a start−stop “hiccup” mode due to controller VCC depletion. Analog dimming is limited to 10% (of rated max current) due to depletion of primary circuitry VCC. Output Ripple The output current ripple is primarily a function of the amount of bulk capacitance (C4 and C5), and the ripple on http://onsemi.com 19 NCL30051LEDGEVB Figure 15. Output Current Ripple at 1 A Load and Vf = 40 Vdc Output Current Profile at Turn−on overshoot. The nature of the start−up profile can be tailored by the proper selection of feedback compensation components R23 and C25 around current amplifier U4B. The start−up profile is shown in Figure 16. Despite the low control loop bandwidth (approximately 25 Hz), the output current profile during start−up when the ac line is applied is very well controlled from excessive Figure 16. Output Current Profile at Supply Turn−on (230 Vac) Line Current and Conducted EMI different line voltages and Vf points were also captured. These results are shown in the figures below (Green is peak and red is average). The prototype supplies were tested for FCC Level A conducted emissions. Waveforms of the input line current at http://onsemi.com 20 NCL30051LEDGEVB dBuV NCL30051 − 120 Vac 45 W output 100 90 80 70 EN 55022; Class A Conducted, Quasi−Peak Peak Neutral EN 55022; Class A Conducted, Average 60 50 40 30 Average Line 20 10 0 1 10 (Start = 0.15, Stop = 30.00) MHz 5/18/2010 2:51:02 PM Figure 17. Conducted EMI Spectrum at 1 A with Vf = 45 V (Red = average) Figure 18. Input Line Current under Different Operating Conditions http://onsemi.com 21 NCL30051LEDGEVB CONCLUSIONS current needs and illustrates different methods to implement dimming The application note describes the operation of the NCL30051LED Evaluation board and describes the primary design stages including transformer design as well as operational behaviors. This architecture can achieve very high efficiency for LED lighting applications while meeting power factor and harmonic content requirements. The evaluation board is flexible to support a range of LED drive References 1. NCL30051 Data Sheet 2. NCS1002 CVCC controller data sheet 3. ON Semiconductor Application Note AND8470/D 4. ON Semiconductor Application Note AND8427/D 5. ON Semiconductor Design Note DN06068/D Golden DRAGON LED is a registered trademark of OSRAM Opto Semiconductor, Inc. XLamp is a trademark of Cree, Inc. http://onsemi.com 22 onsemi, , and other names, marks, and brands are registered and/or common law trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba “onsemi” or its affiliates and/or subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. onsemi owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of onsemi’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. onsemi is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. The evaluation board/kit (research and development board/kit) (hereinafter the “board”) is not a finished product and is not available for sale to consumers. The board is only intended for research, development, demonstration and evaluation purposes and will only be used in laboratory/development areas by persons with an engineering/technical training and familiar with the risks associated with handling electrical/mechanical components, systems and subsystems. This person assumes full responsibility/liability for proper and safe handling. Any other use, resale or redistribution for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. THE BOARD IS PROVIDED BY ONSEMI TO YOU “AS IS” AND WITHOUT ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, ONSEMI (AND ITS LICENSORS/SUPPLIERS) HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES IN RELATION TO THE BOARD, ANY MODIFICATIONS, OR THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, NON−INFRINGEMENT, AND THOSE ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, TRADE USAGE, TRADE CUSTOM OR TRADE PRACTICE. onsemi reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any board. You are responsible for determining whether the board will be suitable for your intended use or application or will achieve your intended results. Prior to using or distributing any systems that have been evaluated, designed or tested using the board, you agree to test and validate your design to confirm the functionality for your application. Any technical, applications or design information or advice, quality characterization, reliability data or other services provided by onsemi shall not constitute any representation or warranty by onsemi, and no additional obligations or liabilities shall arise from onsemi having provided such information or services. onsemi products including the boards are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in life support systems, or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a similar or equivalent classification in a foreign jurisdiction, or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless onsemi, its directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, distributors, and assigns, against any and all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, judgments, and expenses, arising out of any claim, demand, investigation, lawsuit, regulatory action or cause of action arising out of or associated with any unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that onsemi was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of any products and/or the board. This evaluation board/kit does not fall within the scope of the European Union directives regarding electromagnetic compatibility, restricted substances (RoHS), recycling (WEEE), FCC, CE or UL, and may not meet the technical requirements of these or other related directives. FCC WARNING – This evaluation board/kit is intended for use for engineering development, demonstration, or evaluation purposes only and is not considered by onsemi to be a finished end product fit for general consumer use. It may generate, use, or radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing devices pursuant to part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment may cause interference with radio communications, in which case the user shall be responsible, at its expense, to take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference. onsemi does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: onsemi shall not be liable for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect or punitive damages, including, but not limited to the costs of requalification, delay, loss of profits or goodwill, arising out of or in connection with the board, even if onsemi is advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall onsemi’s aggregate liability from any obligation arising out of or in connection with the board, under any theory of liability, exceed the purchase price paid for the board, if any. The board is provided to you subject to the license and other terms per onsemi’s standard terms and conditions of sale. For more information and documentation, please visit www.onsemi.com. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: Email Requests to: orderlit@onsemi.com onsemi Website: www.onsemi.com ◊ TECHNICAL SUPPORT North American Technical Support: Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910 www.onsemi.com 1 Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Phone: 00421 33 790 2910 For additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative
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