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NCP1340B6DR2G 数据手册
High-Voltage, Quasi-Resonant, Controller Featuring Valley Lock-Out Switching NCP1340 The NCP1340 is a highly integrated quasi−resonant flyback controller suitable for designing high−performance off−line power converters. With an integrated active X2 capacitor discharge feature, the NCP1340 can enable no−load power consumption below 30 mW. The NCP1340 features a proprietary valley−lockout circuitry, ensuring stable valley switching. This system works down to the 6th valley and transitions to frequency foldback mode to reduce switching losses. As the load decreases further, the NCP1340 enters quiet−skip mode to manage the power delivery while minimizing acoustic noise. To help ensure converter ruggedness, the NCP1340 implements several key protective features such as internal brownout detection, a non−dissipative Over Power Protection (OPP) for constant maximum output power regardless of input voltage, a latched overvoltage and NTC−ready overtemperature protection through a dedicated pin, and line removal detection to safely discharge the X2 capacitors when the ac line is removed. If transient load capability is desired, the NCP1341 offers the same performance and features with the addition of power excursion mode (PEM). Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Integrated High−Voltage Startup Circuit with Brownout Detection Integrated X2 Capacitor Discharge Capability Wide VCC Range from 9 V to 28 V 28 V VCC Overvoltage Protection Abnormal Overcurrent Fault Protection for Winding Short Circuit or Saturation Detection Internal Temperature Shutdown Valley Switching Operation with Valley−Lockout for Noise−Free Operation Frequency Foldback with 25 kHz Minimum Frequency Clamp for Increased Efficiency at Light Loads Skip Mode with Quiet−Skip Technology for Highest Performance During Light Loads Minimized Current Consumption for No Load Power Below 30 mW Frequency Jittering for Reduced EMI Signature Latching or Auto−Recovery Timer−Based Overload Protection Adjustable Overpower Protection (OPP) Fixed or Adjustable Maximum Frequency Clamp Fault Pin for Severe Fault Conditions, NTC Compatible for OTP 4 ms Soft−Start Timer © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2017 March, 2021 − Rev. 17 1 www.onsemi.com 8 9 1 1 SOIC−8 NB D SUFFIX CASE 751 SOIC−9 NB D1 SUFFIX CASE 751BP MARKING DIAGRAM 9 1340xz ALYW G 1 1340xz x z A L Y W G = Specific Device Code = A or B = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 = Assembly Location = Wafer Lot = Year = Work Week = Pb−Free Package PIN CONNECTIONS Fault 1 HV FB VCC ZCD/OPP DRV CS GND Fault FMAX FB ZCD/OPP CS 1 HV VCC DRV GND (Top Views) ORDERING INFORMATION See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 3 of this data sheet. Publication Order Number: NCP1340/D NCP1340 TYPICAL APPLICATION SCHEMATIC Figure 1. NCP1340 8−Pin Typical Application Circuit Figure 2. NCP1340 9−Pin Typical Application Circuit www.onsemi.com 2 NCP1340 Table 1. ORDERING INFORMATION TABLE Device Marking Package Shipping† NCP1340A3D1R2G 1340A3 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B1DR2G 1340B1 SOIC−8 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B3D1R2G 1340B3 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B4D1R2G 1340B4 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B5D1R2G 1340B5 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340A6DR2G 1340A6 SOIC−8 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B6DR2G 1340B6 SOIC−8 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B7D1R2G 1340B7 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B8D1R2G 1340B8 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B9D1R2G 1340B9 SOIC−9 2500 / Tape & Reel NCP1340B10DR2G 1340B10 SOIC−8 2500 / Tape & Reel Orderable Part Number †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. Table 2. DEVICE DIFFERENTIATION TABLE Ordering Code Brownout Start/Stop Levels OVLD Timer X2 OTP/Overload Protection Frequency Clamp RFB Pullup VCC OVP IFB Pullup Jitter NCP1340A3D1R2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Latched Adjustable 400 kW Yes 100 mA 1.3kHz NCP1340B1DR2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Auto−Restart None 400 kW Yes 100 mA 1.3kHz NCP1340B3D1R2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Auto−Restart Adjustable 400 kW Yes 100 mA 1.3kHz NCP1340B4D1R2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Auto−Restart Adjustable 20 kW No None 1.3kHz NCP1340B5D1R2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Auto−Restart Adjustable 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340A6DR2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Latched None 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340B6DR2G 112V/98V 160 ms Yes Auto−Restart None 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340B7D1R2G 112V/98V 160 ms No Auto−Restart Adjustable 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340B8D1R2G 90V/80V 160 ms No Auto−Restart Adjustable 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340B9D1R2G 90V/80V 40 ms No Auto−Restart Adjustable 20 kW Yes None None NCP1340B10DR2G Disabled 160 ms No Auto−Restart None 20 kW Yes None None www.onsemi.com 3 NCP1340 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 3. NCP1340 Block Diagram Table 3. PIN FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 8−Pin 9−Pin Pin Name Function 1 1 Fault The controller enters fault mode if the voltage on this pin is pulled above or below the fault thresholds. A precise pull up current source allows direct interface with an NTC thermistor. − 2 FMAX A resistor to ground sets the value for the maximum switching frequency clamp. If this pin is pulled above 4 V, the maximum frequency clamp is disabled. 2 3 FB 3 4 ZCD/OPP 4 5 CS 5 6 GND Ground reference. 6 7 DRV This is the drive pin of the circuit. The DRV high−current capability (−0.5 /+0.8 A) makes it suitable to effectively drive high gate charge power MOSFETs. 7 8 VCC This pin is the positive supply of the IC. The circuit starts to operate when VCC exceeds 17 V and turns off when VCC goes below 9 V (typical values). After start−up, the operating range is 9 V up to 28 V. − 9 N/C Removed for creepage distance. 8 10 HV This pin is the input for the high voltage startup and brownout detection circuits. It also contains the line removal detection circuit to safely discharge the X2 capacitors when the line is removed. Feedback input for the QR Flyback controller. Allows direct connection to an optocoupler. A resistor divider from the auxiliary winding to this pin provides input to the demagnetization detection comparator and sets the OPP compensation level. Input to the cycle−by−cycle current limit comparator. www.onsemi.com 4 NCP1340 Table 4. MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value High Voltage Startup Circuit Input Voltage VHV(MAX) −0.3 to 700 V High Voltage Startup Circuit Input Current IHV(MAX) 20 mA Supply Input Voltage VCC(MAX) −0.3 to 30 V Supply Input Current (Note 1) ICC(MAX) 30 mA Supply Input Voltage Slew Rate dVCC/dt 1 V/ms Fault Input Voltage VFault(MAX) −0.3 to VCC + 0.7 V V Fault Input Current IFault(MAX) 10 mA Zero Current Detection and OPP Input Voltage VZCD(MAX) −0.3 to VCC + 0.7 V V Zero Current Detection and OPP Input Current IZCD(MAX) −2/+5 mA VMAX −0.3 to 5.5 V Maximum Input Voltage (Other Pins) Unit Maximum Input Current (Other Pins) IMAX 10 mA Driver Maximum Voltage (Note 2) VDRV −0.3 to VDRV(high) V IDRV(SRC) IDRV(SNK) 500 800 mA Operating Junction Temperature TJ −40 to 125 °C Maximum Junction Temperature TJ(MAX) 150 °C TSTG –60 to 150 °C Driver Maximum Current Storage Temperature Range Power Dissipation (TA = 25°C, 1 oz. Cu, 42 D Suffix, SOIC−8 D1 Suffix, SOIC−9 mm2 Copper Clad Printed Circuit) Thermal Resistance (TA = 25°C, 1 oz. Cu, 42 mm2 Copper Clad Printed Circuit) D Suffix, SOIC−8 D1 Suffix, SOIC−9 ESD Capability Human Body Model per JEDEC Standard JESD22−A114F (All pins except HV) Human Body Model per JEDEC Standard JESD22−A114F (HV Pin) Charge Device Model per JEDEC Standard JESD22−C101F Latch−Up Protection per JEDEC Standard JESD78E PD(MAX) RqJA 450 330 225 300 2000 800 1000 ±100 mW °C/W V V V mA Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. The VCC pin is rated to handle the full transient current of the DRV pin. 2. Maximum driver voltage is limited by the driver clamp voltage, VDRV(high), when VCC exceeds the driver clamp voltage. Otherwise, the maximum driver voltage is VCC. www.onsemi.com 5 NCP1340 Table 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: (VCC = 12 V, VHV = 120 V, VFault = open, VFB = 2.4 V, VCS = 0 V, VZCD = 0 V, VFMAX = 0 V, CVCC = 100 nF , CDRV = 100 pF, for typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ is – 40°C to 125°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max VCC(on) VCC(on) 17.0 15.0 18.0 9.0 – – 6.5 0.70 18.0 16.0 19.0 9.5 – – 7.5 1.05 Unit START−UP AND SUPPLY CIRCUITS Supply Voltage Startup Threshold (Other Versions) Startup Threshold (Version B10) Discharge Voltage During Line Removal Minimum Operating Voltage Operating Hysteresis (Other Versions) Operating Hysteresis (Version B10) Internal Latch / Logic Reset Level Transition from Istart1 to Istart2 dV/dt = 0.1 V/ms VCC increasing VCC increasing VCC decreasing VCC decreasing VCC(on) − VCC(off) VCC(on) − VCC(off) VCC decreasing VCC increasing, IHV = 650 mA VCC(X2_reg) VCC(off) VCC(HYS) VCC(HYS) VCC(reset) VCC(inhibit) 16.0 14.0 17.0 8.5 7.5 5.5 4.5 0.40 VCC(off) Delay VCC decreasing tdelay(VCC_off) 25 32 40 ms Startup Delay Delay from VCC(on) to DRV Enable tdelay(start) – – 500 ms VHV(MIN) – – 30 V 0.2 0.5 0.65 mA 2.4 2.0 3.75 3.75 5.0 5.0 Minimum Voltage for Start−Up Current Source Inhibit Current Sourced from VCC Pin Start−Up Current Sourced from VCC Pin Start−Up Circuit Off−State Leakage Current Supply Current Fault or Latch Skip Mode (excluding FB current) Operating Current V Vcc = 0 V Istart1 Vcc = Vcc(on) – 0.5 V –40°C to 105°C –40°C to 125°C Istart2 VHV = 162.5 V VHV = 325 V VHV = 700 V IHV(off1) IHV(off2) IHV(off3) – – – – – – 15 20 50 VCC = VCC(on) – 0.5 V VFB = 0 V fsw = 50 kHz, CDRV = open ICC1 ICC2 ICC3 − − − 0.115 0.230 1.0 0.150 0.315 1.5 VCC(OVP) 27 28 29 V tdelay(VCC_OVP) 25 32 40 ms mA mA mA VCC Overvoltage Protection Threshold VCC Overvoltage Protection Delay X2 CAPACITOR DISCHARGE (ALL VERSIONS EXCEPT B7/B8/B9/B10) Line Voltage Removal Detection Timer Discharge Timer Duration Line Detection Timer Duration VCC Discharge Current VCC = 20 V HV Discharge Level tline(removal) 65 100 135 ms tline(discharge) 21 32 43 ms tline(detect) 21 32 43 ms ICC(discharge) 13 18 23 mA VHV(discharge) – – 30 V 107 85 112 90 116 95 93 75 98 80 102 85 9.0 6.0 14 10 – – BROWNOUT DETECTION (ALL VERSIONS EXCEPT B10) System Start−Up Threshold Other Versions Versions B8, B9 VHV increasing VBO(start) V Brownout Threshold Other Versions Versions B8, B9 VHV decreasing Hysteresis Other Versions Versions B8, B9 VHV increasing Brownout Detection Blanking Time VHV decreasing tBO(stop) 40 70 100 ms Rise Time VDRV from 10% to 90% tDRV(rise) – 20 40 ns Fall Time VDRV from 90% to 10% tDRV(fall) – 5 30 ns VBO(stop) V VBO(HYS) V GATE DRIVE www.onsemi.com 6 NCP1340 Table 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: (VCC = 12 V, VHV = 120 V, VFault = open, VFB = 2.4 V, VCS = 0 V, VZCD = 0 V, VFMAX = 0 V, CVCC = 100 nF , CDRV = 100 pF, for typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ is – 40°C to 125°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max IDRV(SRC) IDRV(SNK) – – 500 800 – – Unit GATE DRIVE Current Capability Source Sink mA High State Voltage VCC = VCC(off) + 0.2 V, RDRV = 10 kW VCC = 30 V, RDRV = 10 kW VDRV(high1) VDRV(high2) 8.0 10 – 12 – 14 V Low Stage Voltage VFault = 0 V VDRV(low) – – 0.25 V VFB(open) 4.9 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.1 V KFB − 4 − – RFB 350 17 400 20 440 23 kW IFB 90 − 100 0 108 − mA VFB decreasing VFB decreasing VFB decreasing VFB decreasing VFB decreasing VFB increasing VFB increasing VFB increasing VFB increasing VFB increasing V1to2 V2to3 V3to4 V4to5 V5to6 V6to5 V5to4 V4to3 V3to2 V2to1 1.316 1.128 1.034 0.940 0.846 1.410 1.504 1.598 1.692 1.880 1.400 1.200 1.100 1.000 0.900 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 2.000 1.484 1.272 1.166 1.060 0.954 1.590 1.696 1.802 1.908 2.120 VFMAX = 0.7 V VFMAX = 3.5 V VFMAX = 3.5 V fMAX1 fMAX2 fMAX3 fMAX3 100 300 60 68 110 360 75 75 120 420 85 78 9−Pin Versions Only VFMAX(mode) 3.85 4.00 4.15 V IFMAX 9.0 10 11 mA ton(MAX) 28 32 40 ms FEEDBACK Open Pin Voltage Versions B5/B6/A6 VFB to Internal Current Setpoint Division Ratio Internal Pull−Up Resistor Versions A6, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10 VFB = 0.4 V Internal Pull−Up Current Versions A6, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10 Valley Thresholds Transition from 1st to 2nd valley Transition from 2nd to 3rd valley Transition from 3rd to 4th valley Transition from 4th to 5th valley Transition from 5th to 6th valley Transition from 6th to 5th valley Transition from 5th to 4th valley Transition from 4th to 3rd valley Transition from 3rd to 2nd valley Transition from 2nd to 1st valley Maximum Frequency Clamp Versions A2, B2 Versions A3, B3, B4, B5, B7, B8, B9 Versions A3, B3, B5, B7, B8, B9 Version B4 FMAX Secondary Mode Threshold V FMAX Pin Source Current Maximum On Time kHz DEMAGNETIZATION INPUT ZCD threshold voltage VZCD decreasing VZCD(trig) 35 60 90 mV ZCD hysteresis VZCD increasing VZCD(HYS) 15 25 55 mV VZCD step from 4.0 V to −0.3 V tdemag – 80 250 ns IQZCD = 5.0 mA IQZCD = −2.0 mA VZCD(MAX) VZCD(MIN) 12.4 −0.9 12.7 −0.7 13 0 Demagnetization Propagation Delay ZCD Clamp Voltage Positive Clamp Negative Clamp V Blanking Delay After Turn−Off tZCD(blank) 600 700 800 ns While in soft−start After soft−start complete t(tout1) t(tout2) 80 5.1 100 6.0 120 6.9 ms Current Limit Threshold Voltage VCS increasing VILIM1 0.760 0.800 0.840 V Leading Edge Blanking Duration DRV minimum width minus tdelay(ILIM1) tLEB1 220 265 330 ns Timeout After Last Demagnetization Detection CURRENT SENSE www.onsemi.com 7 NCP1340 Table 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: (VCC = 12 V, VHV = 120 V, VFault = open, VFB = 2.4 V, VCS = 0 V, VZCD = 0 V, VFMAX = 0 V, CVCC = 100 nF , CDRV = 100 pF, for typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ is – 40°C to 125°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Step VCS 0 V to VILIM1 + 0.5 V, VFB = 4 V tdelay(ILIM1) – 95 175 ns Step VCS 0 V to 0.7 V, VFB = 2.4 tdelay(PWM) – 125 175 ns Vfreeze 170 200 230 mV CURRENT SENSE Current Limit Threshold Propagation Delay PWM Comparator Propagation Delay Minimum Peak Current Freeze Setpoint Abnormal Overcurrent Fault Threshold VCS increasing, VFB = 4 V VILIM2 1.125 1.200 1.275 V Abnormal Overcurrent Fault Blanking Duration DRV minimum width minus tdelay(ILIM2) tLEB2 80 110 140 ns Step VCS 0 V to VILIM2 + 0.5 V, VFB = 4 V tdelay(ILIM2) – 80 175 ns nILIM2 – 4 – tOPP(delay) – 95 175 ns tOPP(blank) 220 280 330 ns ICS 0.7 1.0 1.5 mA Jitter Frequency fjitter 1.0 1.3 1.6 kHz Peak Jitter Voltage Added to PWM Comparator Vjitter 90 100 115 mV Measured from 1st DRV pulse to VCS = VILIM1 tSSTART 2.8 4.0 5.0 ms VCS = VILIM1 tOVLD 120 30 160 40 200 50 Overvoltage Protection (OVP) Threshold VFault increasing VFault(OVP) 2.79 3.00 3.21 V OVP Detection Delay VFault increasing tdelay(OVP) 22.5 30 37.5 ms Overtemperature Protection (OTP) Threshold (Note 3) VFault decreasing VFault(OTP_in) 380 400 420 mV Overtemperature Protection (OTP) Exiting Threshold (Note 3) VFault increasing Versions B Only VFault(OTP_out) 874 910 966 mV OTP Detection Delay VFault decreasing tdelay(OTP) 22.5 30 37.5 ms VFault = VFault(OTP_in) + 0.2 V IOTP 42.5 45.0 48.5 mA Fault Input Clamp Voltage VFault(clamp) 1.15 1.7 2.25 V Fault Input Clamp Series Resistor RFault(clamp) 1.32 1.55 1.78 kW trestart 1.8 2.0 2.2 s fMIN 21.5 25 27.0 kHz tDT(MAX) 34 − − ms tquiet 1.25 − − ms Abnormal Overcurrent Fault Propagation Delay Number of Consecutive Abnormal Overcurrent Faults to Enter Latch Mode Overpower Protection Delay VCS dv/dt = 1 V/ms, measured from VOPP(MAX) to DRV falling edge Overpower Signal Blanking Delay Pull−Up Current Source VCS = 1.5 V JITTERING (All Except Version A6, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10) FAULT PROTECTION Soft−Start Period Flyback Overload Fault Timer Other Versions Version B9 OTP Pull−Up Current Source Autorecovery Timer ms LIGHT/NO LOAD MANAGEMENT Minimum Frequency Clamp Dead−Time Added During Frequency Foldback VFB = 400 mV Quiet−Skip Timer Skip Threshold VFB decreasing Vskip 350 400 450 mV Skip Hysteresis VFB increasing Vskip(HYS) 20 50 70 mV www.onsemi.com 8 NCP1340 Table 5. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: (VCC = 12 V, VHV = 120 V, VFault = open, VFB = 2.4 V, VCS = 0 V, VZCD = 0 V, VFMAX = 0 V, CVCC = 100 nF , CDRV = 100 pF, for typical values TJ = 25°C, for min/max values, TJ is – 40°C to 125°C, unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Conditions Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Thermal Shutdown Temperature increasing TSHDN – 140 – °C Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis Temperature decreasing TSHDN(HYS) – 40 – °C THERMAL PROTECTION 3. NTC with R110 = 8.8 kW www.onsemi.com 9 NCP1340 INTRODUCTION The NCP1340 implements a quasi−resonant flyback converter utilizing current−mode architecture where the switch−off event is dictated by the peak current. This IC is an ideal candidate where low parts count and cost effectiveness are the key parameters, particularly in ac−dc adapters, open−frame power supplies, etc. The NCP1340 incorporates all the necessary components normally needed in modern power supply designs, bringing several enhancements such as non−dissipative overpower protection (OPP), brownout protection, and frequency reduction management for optimized efficiency over the entire power range. Accounting for the needs of extremely low standby power requirements, the controller features minimized current consumption and includes an automatic X2 capacitor discharge circuit that eliminates the need to install power−consuming resistors across the X2 input capacitors. • High−Voltage Start−Up Circuit: Low standby power consumption cannot be obtained with the classic resistive start−up circuit. The NCP1340 incorporates a high−voltage current source to provide the necessary current during start−up and then turns off during normal operation. • Internal Brownout Protection: The ac input voltage is sensed via the high−voltage pin. When this voltage is too low, the NCP1340 stops switching. No restart attempt is made until the ac input voltage is back within its normal range. • X2−Capacitor Discharge Circuitry: Per the IEC60950 standard, the time constant of the X2 input capacitors and their associated discharge resistors must be less than 1 s in order to avoid electrical shock when the user unplugs the power supply and inadvertently touches the ac input cord terminals. By providing an automatic means to discharge the X2 capacitors, the NCP1340 eliminates the need to install X2 discharge resistors, thus reducing power consumption. • Quasi−Resonant, Current−Mode Operation: Quasi−Resonant (QR) mode is a highly efficient mode of operation where the MOSFET turn−on is synchronized with the point where its drain−source voltage is at the minimum (valley). A drawback of this mode of operation is that the operating frequency is inversely proportional to the system load. The NCP1340 incorporates a valley lockout (VLO) and frequency foldback technique to eliminate this drawback, thus maximizing the efficiency over the entire power range. • Valley Lockout: In order to limit the maximum frequency while remaining in QR mode, one would traditionally use a frequency clamp. Unfortunately, this can cause the controller to jump back and forth between two different valleys, which is often undesirable. The • • • • • • • NCP1340 patented VLO circuitry solves this issue by determining the operating valley based on the system load, and locking out other valleys unless a significant change in load occurs. Frequency Foldback: As the load continues to decrease, it becomes beneficial to reduce the switching frequency. When the load is light enough, the NCP1340 enters frequency foldback mode. During this mode, the peak current is frozen and dead−time is added to the switching cycle, thus reducing the frequency and switching operation to discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). Dead−time continues to be added until skip mode is reached, or the switching frequency reaches its minimum level of 25 kHz. Skip Mode: To further improve light or no−load power consumption while avoiding audible noise, the NCP1340 enters skip mode when the operating frequency reaches its minimum value. foldback isavoid acoustic noise, the circuit prevents the switching frequency from decaying below 25 kHz. This allows regulation via burst of pulses at 25 kHz or greater instead of operating in the audible range. Quiet−Skip: To further reduce acoustic noise, the NCP1340 incorporates a novel circuit to prevent the skip mode burst period from entering the audible range as well. Internal OPP: In order to limit power delivery at high line, a scaled version of the negative voltage present on the auxiliary winding during the on−time is routed to the ZCD/OPP pin. This provides the designer with a simple and non−dissipative means to reduce the maximum power capability as the bulk voltage increases. Frequency Jittering: In order to reduce the EMI signature, a low frequency triangular voltage waveform is added to the iniput of the PWM comparator. This helps by spreading out the energy peaks during noise analysis. Internal Soft−Start: The NCP1340 includes a 4 ms soft−start to prevent the main power switch from being overly stressed during start−up. Soft−start is activated each time a new startup sequence occurs or during auto−recovery mode. Dedicated Fault Input: The NCP1340 includes a dedicated fault input. It can be used to sense an overvoltage condition and latch off the controller by pulling the pin above the overvoltage protection (OVP) threshold. The controller is also disabled if the Fault pin is pulled below the overtemperature protection (OTP) threshold. The OTP threshold is configured for use with a NTC thermistor. www.onsemi.com 10 NCP1340 • Overload/Short−Circuit Protection: The NCP1340 • HIGH VOLTAGE START−UP The NCP1340 contains a multi−functional high voltage (HV) pin. While the primary purpose of this pin is to reduce standby power while maintaining a fast start−up time, it also incorporates brownout detection and line removal detection. The HV pin must be connected directly to the ac line in order for the X2 discharge circuit to function correctly. Line and neutral should be diode “ORed” before connecting to the HV pin as shown in Figure 4. The diodes prevent the pin voltage from going below ground. A resistor in series with the pin should be used to protect the pin during EMC or surge testing. A low value resistor should be used (
NCP1340B6DR2G 价格&库存

