Prod uct Bul le tin OP775A Feb ru ary 2000
NPN Phototransistor with Collector-Emitter Capacitor
Types OP775A, OP775B, OP775C, OP775D
Features • • • •
Supresses high frequency noise Variety of sensitivity ranges Wide receiving angle Side looking package for space limited applications
Ab so lute Maxi mum Rat ings (TA = 25o C un less oth er wise noted)
Collector- Emitter Volt age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 V Emitter- Collector Volt age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.0 V Stor age and Tem pera ture Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40° C to +100° C Lead Sol der ing Tem pera ture [1/16 inch (1.6 mm) from case for 5 sec. with sol der ing iron]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 ° C(1) Power Dis si pa tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 mW(2)
NOTES: (1) RMA flux is rec om mended. Du ra tion can be ex tended to 10 sec. max. when flow sol der ing. Max. 20 grams force may be applied to leads when soldering. (2) Derate linearly 1.33 mW/° C above 25° C. (3) Light source is an unfiltered GaAs LED with a peak emission wavelength of 935 nm and a radiometric intensity level which varies less than 10% over the entire lens surface of the phototransistor being tested. (4) To calculate typical collector dark current in µA, use the formula ICED = 10(0.040T A-3.4) where TA is ambient temperature in ° C.
The OP775 consists of an NPN phototransistor and 1000 pF capacitor molded in a blue tinted epoxy package. The internal collector-emitter capacitor allows the device to be used in applications where external high frequency emissions could compromise signal integrity. The device’s wide receiving angle provides relatively even reception over a large area. The OP775 is 100% production tested using an infrared light source for close correlation with Optek’s GaAs and GaAIAs emitters. The side-looking package is designed for easy PC board mounting of slotted optical switches or optical interrupt detectors.
Typi cal Per form ance Curves
Typical Spectral Response
Wavelength - nm
Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc.
1215 W. Crosby Road
Car roll ton, Texas 75006 3-48
(972) 323- 2200
Fax (972) 323- 2396
Types OP775A, OP775B, OP775C, OP775D
Elec tri cal Char ac ter is tics (TA = 2 5 C un less oth er wise noted) SYM BOL PARAMETER
On-State Collector Current IC(ON) OP775D OP775C OP775B OP775A
0.70 0.70 1.20 1.80
5.50 2.25 3.40 5.50 100 100
VCE = 5.0 V, Ee = 1.0 mW/cm2(3)
Relative IC Changes with Temperature Collector Dark Current Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Capacitance 5.0
%/ ° C nA V 0.40 V pF
VCE = 5.0 V, Ee = 1.0 mW/cm2, λ = 935 nm VCE = 10.0 V, Ee = 0 IE = 100 µA IC = 100 µA, Ee = 1.0 mW/cm2(3) VR = 0 V
Typi cal Per form ance Curves
Normalized Output vs. Frequency
1.00 .75 V RL = 1 V V CE = 5 V 50% Duty Cycle LED: λ = 9 35 nm RL = O P555 0.25 R L = 10 K Ω 0.00 1 10 100 1000 160
Typical Rise and Fall Time vs. Load Resistance
LED = GaAIAs, λ = 8 90 nm 140 V RL is voltage across R L 120 V CC = 5 V 100 V RL = 1 V 80 f = 100 Hz 6 0 PW = 1 mS 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 OP775 OP555
Frequency - KHz
R L - Load Resistance - KΩ
Op tek re serves the right to make changes at any time in or der to im prove de sign and to sup ply the best prod uct pos si ble Op tek Tech nol ogy, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road Car roll ton, Texas 75006 (972)323- 2200 Fax (972)323- 2396