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    OPI1268 - High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator - OPTEK Technologies

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OPI1268 数据手册
High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 • • • • • • TTL Compatible Output 16KV Isolation 2Mbd Transfer Rate Creepage Path: 0.970” (24.64mm) Air Path: 0.970” (24.64mm) Low Propagation Delay Time OPTEK Technology Product Photo Here The OPI1268 is a high voltage isolator with a digital output which is capable of high speed data transmission. This device is capable of DC and AC voltage isolation between the input and output circuitry while providing TTL signal integrity. The input of the OPI1268 consists of a high efficiency GaAlAs LED which is optically coupled to the output optical IC. A photodiode in the output IC detects the incoming modulated light and converts it to a proportionate current. This current is fed into a high gain, linear amplifier which is temperature, current and voltage compensated. The result is a highly stable digital output in an open collector inverter configuration. Applications include: • High Voltage Isolation • PCBoard Power System Isolation • Industrial Equipment Power Isolation • Medical Equipment Power Isolation Ordering Information Please order part number OPI1268 Optek reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com A subsidiary of TT electronics plc Issue A 07.04 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 OPTEK Technology Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25o C unless otherwise noted) Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Input-to-Output Isolation Voltage -40° C to +100° C -40° C to +100° C 16KVDC(2) Lead Soldering Temperature (1/16” (1.6mm) from case for 5 seconds with soldering iron) 260° C (1) LED Forward Current Peadk Forward currnet (2 µs pulse width, 0.1% Duty Cycle) Reverse DC Voltage Power Dissipation 50 mA 3.0 A 3.0 V 100 mW ® Output IC –Photologic Supply Voltage Range Output Voltage Range Output Current Power Dissipation -0.5V to 7.0V -0.5V to 18.0V 25 mA 40 mW Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25o C unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL Input Diode VF IR Forward Voltage Reverse Current 1.3 1.6 100 V µA IF = 20mA VR = 3.0V PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITION Output IC (VCC = 4.5V to 5.5V) IOH VOL ICCH ICCL High Level Output Current Low Level Output Voltage High Level Supply Current Low Level Supply Current 0.25 0.4 2.5 6 15 0.5 7 10 µA V mA mA IF = 0mA, VCC = 5.25V, VOH = 18.0V IF = 10mA, VCC = 4.5V, IOL = 8.0mA IF = 0mA, VCC = 5.25V IF = 10mA, VCC = 5.25V Coupled Characteristics (VCC = 5V) CIO tPLH tPHL tPHL- tPLH IISO IF+ Coupling Capacitance Propagation Delay—Low to High Propagation Delay—High to Low Difference in Propagation Delays Isolation Leakage Current LED Positive Going Threshold Current 0.9 4.0 100 1.0 10.0 2.0 100 200 pF ns ns ns µA mA Input and output leads shorted. See Figures 1 & 2 See Figures 1 & 2 See Figures 1 & 2 VISO = 7KV(RMS), input and output leads shorted VCC = 5V, IOL = 8.0mA Notes: (1) RMA flux is recommended. The duration can be extended to 10 seconds maximum when flow soldering. (2) Measured with the input leads and the output leads shorted together. Typical input/output capacitance is 0.05pF. (3) Measured with a 1µs pulse width, 300pps. OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Issue A 07.04 Page 2 of 7 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 OPTEK Technology ICCH & ICCL vs. Ambient Temperature 10 9 8 7 Supply Current - mA 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta - Ambient Temperature - °C ICCH V cc=5.25 V IF = 0 m A ICCL Vcc = 5.25 V IF = 10 mA VOL vs. Ambient Temperature 0.60 0.50 VOL - Low Output Voltage - V Vcc = 4.50 V IOL = 8 mA IF = 10 mA 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta - Ambient Temperature - °C OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Issue A 07.04 Page 3 of 7 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 OPTEK Technology V(out) vs IF 6.0 5.0 V(out) - Voltage Low Output - V 4.0 Vcc = 5.0 V IOL = 8 mA Ta = 25 °C 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 IF - Forward Current - mA IOH vs. Ambient Temperature 8 7 6 Vcc = 5.0 V VOH = 18.0 V 5 IOH - µA 4 3 2 1 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta - Ambient Temperature - °C OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Issue A 07.04 Page 4 of 7 OPI1268 dV/dT Emitter OPI1268 0.5 0.4 OPI1268 Of f ( Spec 0.8 Volt s) OPI1268 On ( Spec 2 Volt s) 0.3 IF - Forward Current - mA 10 0 2 4 6 8 -40 0.2 0.1 Volts 0 -20 -0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 Pulse Trailing Edge Pulse Leading Edge 0 2,000 volt s Peak-Peak Rise or Fall Time 20 ns 10%-90% 2,000 volt s Peak-Peak - 0.4 Rise or Fall Time 20 ns 10%-90% - 0.5 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 20 Time (ns) IF(+) vs Ta dV/dT OPI1268 dV/dT Sensor 40 Volts 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 OPTEK Technology Issue A 07.04 Page 5 of 7 Time (ns) 950 OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Ta - Ambient Temperature - °C OPI1268 On (Spec 2 Volt s) OPI1268 Of f (Spec 0.8 Volt s) 0.5 VCC = 5.0 V IOL = 8.0 mA 0.4 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator 0.3 60 0.2 0.1 80 0 -0.1 100 -0.2 Pulse Trailing Edge 2,000 volt s Peak-Peak Rise or Fall Time 20 ns 10%- 90% -0.3 Pulse Leading Edge -0.4 2,000 volt s Peak-Peak Rise or Fall Time 20 ns 10%-90% -0.5 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 OPTEK Technology Propogation Delay vs Ambient Temperature 200 180 160 140 120 100 TPLH Vcc=5.25 IF=10mA RL=560ohm FREQ=100KHZ TPH Propogation Delay - ns 80 60 40 20 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ta - Ambient Temperature - °C Figure 1: Propagation Delay Test Schematic Figure 2: Input/Output Waveforms OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Issue A 07.04 Page 6 of 7 High Speed, High Voltage Optical Isolator OPI1268 OPTEK Technology Mechanical Dimensions: OPTEK Technology Inc.— 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323– 2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Issue A 07.04 Page 7 of 7
OPI1268 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+79.90897
  • 10+73.76213
  • 30+72.53276
  • 100+68.84465
