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    OPI1280-080 - Fiber Optic Isolator-Phototransistor Sensor - OPTEK Technologies

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OPI1280-080 数据手册
Fiber Optic Isolator—Phototransistor Sensor OPI1280 Series Features: • • • • • • Opaque plastic housings High noise immunity Visible Red LED with Phototranisitor Output 0.05” (1.27 mm) lead spacing Data Transfer through plastic fiber optic cable Isolation voltage 15 KV (OPI1280-032), Longer versions higher Description: Each OPI1280 consists of a visible Red LED and a Phototransistor sensor, which are housed in separate opaque molded plastic housings and coupled by plastic fiber optic cable. The heavy-duty opaque housing shields the optical signal from dust, making this series of devices ideal for dust contaminated environments. The OPI1280 series are designed for applications that require high voltage isolation between input and output or signal communication over short distances. Depending on the length of the fiber optic cable, the emitter does not have to be optically in-line with the sensor. The isolation voltage is greater than 10 K volts per inch (Isolation distance between components) for all versions of the OPI1280. Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representative or OPTEK for more information. Ordering Information Applications: • Requiring High Voltage isolation between input and output • Electrical isolation in dirty environments • Industrial equipment • Medical equipment Part Number OPI1280-018 OPI1280-026 OPI1280-032 OPI1280-040 OPI1280-066 OPI1280-080 Isolation Distance 0.71” [18 mm] 1.02” [26 mm] 1.26” [32 mm] 1.57” [40 mm] 2.60” [66 mm] 3.15” [80 mm] Device Length 1.26” [32.0 mm] 1.57” [40.0 mm] 1.80” [45.8 mm] 2.12” [53.8 mm] 3.15” [80.0 mm] 3.69” [93.8 mm] LED Peak Wavelength Lead Length 645 nm 0.45” [11.4 mm] 1 3 2 4 Device Length - [9.0] -.355 Pin # 1 2 LED Anode Cathode Pin # 3 4 Transistor Emitter Collector RoHS OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Issue A.2 08/07 Page 1 of 2 OPTEK Technology Inc. — 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com Fiber Optic Isolator—Phototransistor Sensor OPI1280 Series Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25°C unless otherwise noted) Storage Temperature Range (note 4) Operating Temperature Range (note 4) Lead Soldering Temperature [1/16 inch (1.6 mm) from case for 5 seconds with soldering iron] Power Dissipation (2) -40o C to +80o C -20° C to +75° C 260° C(1) 100 mW Electrical Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNITS TEST CONDITIONS LED (See OP240 for additional information) VF IR On-State Collector Current Collector-Dark Current 0.9 1.5 80 V µA IF = 20 mA VR = 3.0 V SENSOR—Phototransistor (See OP240 for additional information) ICEO V(BR)CEO V(BR)ECO COUPLED IC(ON) IISO(3) 0.36 1.0 mA µA VCE = 5 V, IF = 10 mA I @ 7 KV RMS, 25° C, Test Duration = 2 sec. Collector Dark Current Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage 33 5.5 - 50 - nA V V VCE = 10 V, EE = 0 IC = 100 µA, EE = 0 IE = 100 µA, EE = 0 Notes: 1. RMA flux is recommended. Duration can be extended to 10 seconds maximum when flow soldering. A maximum 20 grams force may be applied to the leads when soldering. 2. Derate linearly 1.33 mW/° C above 25° C. 3. Isolation voltage testing is required. 4. Storage and Operating temperature values are based on the plastic optical interface temperature ratings. Please reference UL1577 and UL file AVLVZ.E89328 Output Current vs Forward Current vs Temperature 5.0 Normalized IF = 10mA, Vce = 5V, Ta = 20°C 4.5 4.0 Normalized Output Current 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 -40°C -20°C 0°C 20°C 40°C 60°C 80°C 100°C 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Forward Current ( mA) OPTEK reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Issue A.2 08/07 Page 2 of 2 OPTEK Technology Inc. — 1645 Wallace Drive, Carrollton, Texas 75006 Phone: (972) 323-2200 or (800) 341-4747 FAX: (972) 323-2396 sensors@optekinc.com www.optekinc.com
物料型号: - OPI1280-018 - OPI1280-026 - OPI1280-032 - OPI1280-040 - OPI1280-066 - OPI1280-080

器件简介: OPI1280系列由一个可见红光LED和一个光电晶体管传感器组成,它们被分别封装在不透明的塑料外壳中,并通过塑料光纤电缆耦合。这种重型不透明外壳可以屏蔽光学信号免受灰尘影响,使其非常适合在灰尘污染环境中使用。

引脚分配: - LED引脚: - 1:阳极 - 2:阴极 - 晶体管引脚: - 3:发射极 - 4:集电极

参数特性: - 隔离电压:15KV(OPI1280-032),更长版本的隔离电压更高。 - 隔离距离:不同型号的隔离距离不同,从0.71英寸到3.15英寸不等。 - LED峰值波长:645nm。 - 引脚间距:0.05英寸(1.27mm)。

功能详解: OPI1280系列设计用于需要输入和输出之间高电压隔离或短距离信号通信的应用。根据光纤电缆的长度,发射器不必与传感器光学对齐。所有版本的OPI1280的隔离电压都大于每英寸10K伏特。

应用信息: - 需要输入和输出之间高电压隔离的应用。 - 在脏乱环境中的电气隔离。 - 工业设备和医疗设备。

封装信息: - 封装类型:不透明塑料外壳。 - 引脚长度:0.45英寸(11.4mm)。
OPI1280-080 价格&库存

