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    二极管阵列 1 对共阴极 60 V 6A 表面贴装型 TO-252-3,DPak(2 引线 + 接片),SC-63

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SDM1260VCS_L2_00001 数据手册
SDM1260VCS ULTRA LOW VF SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER VOLTAGE 60 Volt CURRENT 12 Ampere FEATURES • Ultra low forward voltage drop, low power loss • High efficiency operation • Lead free in compliance with EU RoHS 2011/65/EU directive • Green molding compound as per IEC61249 Std. . (Halogen Free) MECHANICAL DATA • Case: TO-252 molded plastic • Terminals: Solder plated, solderable per MIL-STD-750, Method 2026 • Polarity: As marking • Weight: 0.0104 ounces, 0.297 grams. MAXIMUM RATINGS(TA=25oC unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER SYMBOL VALUE UNIT Maximum repetitive peak reverse voltage VRRM 60 V Maximum rms voltage VRMS 42 V VR 60 V Maximum dc blocking voltage Maximum average forward rectified current per device per diode I F(AV) 12 6 A Peak forward surge current : 8.3ms single half sine-wave superimposed on rated load per diode I FSM 120 A Typical thermal resistance per diode ( No te 1 ) R JC 8 TJ -55 to + 150 o C TSTG -55 to + 150 o C Operating junction temperature range Storage temperature range O C /W Note : 1. Mounted on 10cm x 10cm x 0.5mm copper pad area January 10,2014-REV.00 PAGE . 1 SDM1260VCS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(TA=25oC unless otherwise noted) SYMBOL Breakdown voltage per diode Instantaneous forward voltage per diode TEST CONDITIONS IF, Forward Current (A) - - V 0.55 V VF 0.33 0.41 0.5 I F=1A I F=3A TJ=125oC - 0.25 0.37 - V VR=48V TJ=25oC - 20 - A VR=60V TJ=25oC TJ=125oC - 8 210 - A mA 5 4 3 2 1 Per Diode 0 100 125 150 1000 100 10 Per Diode 1 1 10 100 VR, Reverse Bias Voltage (V) TC, Case Temperature (°C) Fig.1 Forward Current Derating Curve Fig.2 Typical Junction Capacitance 100 100000 TJ = 150°C IF, Forward Current (A) IR, Reverse Current (μA) 60 - 6 75 UNIT TJ=25oC IR 50 MAX. I F=1A I F=3A I F=6A 7 25 TYP. I R=0.5mA Reverse current per diode 0 MIN. VBR CJ, Junction Capacitance (pF) PARAMETER 10000 TJ = 125°C 1000 TJ = 75°C 100 10 Per Diode TJ = 25°C 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage (%) Fig.3 Typical Reverse Characteristics January 10,2014-REV.00 10 TJ = 150°C TJ = 125°C 1 TJ = 75°C 0.1 TJ = 25°C Per Diode 0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 VF, Forward Voltage (V) Fig.4 Typical Forward Characteristics PAGE . 2 SDM1260VCS Part No_packing code_Version SDM1260VCS_L2_00001 SDM1260VCS_S2_00001 For example : RB500V-40_R2_00001 Serial number Version code means HF Packing size code means 13" Part No. Packing type means T/R Packing Code XX Packing type Tape and Ammunition Box (T/B) Tape and Reel (T/R) Bulk Packing (B/P) Tube Packing (T/P) Tape and Reel (Right Oriented) (TRR) Tape and Reel (Left Oriented) (TRL) FORMING January 10,2014-REV.00 Version Code XXXXX 1st Code Packing size code A N/A 0 HF 0 serial number R 7" 1 RoHS 1 serial number B 13" 2 T 26mm X S 52mm Y L F PANASERT T/B CATHODE UP (PBCU) PANASERT T/B CATHODE DOWN (PBCD) 2nd Code HF or RoHS 1st Code 2nd~5th Code U D PAGE . 3 SDM1260VCS Disclaimer • Reproducing and modifying information of the document is prohibited without permission from Panjit International Inc.. • Panjit International Inc. reserves the rights to make changes of the content herein the document anytime without notification. Please refer to our website for the latest document. • Panjit International Inc. disclaims any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product including damages incidentally and consequentially occurred. • Panjit International Inc. does not assume any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. • Applications shown on the herein document are examples of standard use and operation. Customers are responsible in comprehending the suitable use in particular applications. Panjit International Inc. makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. • The products shown herein are not designed and authorized for equipments requiring high level of reliability or relating to human life and for any applications concerning life-saving or life-sustaining, such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery et cetera. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Panjit International Inc. for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. • Since Panjit uses lot number as the tracking base, please provide the lot number for tracking when complaining. January 10,2014-REV.00 PAGE . 4
SDM1260VCS_L2_00001 价格&库存

