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    A2TPMI336G9OCA - Thermopile with integrated signal processing circuit - PerkinElmer Optoelectronics

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A2TPMI336G9OCA 数据手册
Datasheet A2TPMI Ô Thermopile with integrated signal processing circuit FEATURES · · · · · · · · · · · Smart thermopile sensor with integrated signal processing. Can be adapted to your specific measurement task. Integrated, calibrated ambient temperature sensor. Output signal ambient temperature compensated. Fast reaction time. Different optics and IR filters available. Digital serial interface for calibration and adjustment purposes. Analog frontend/backend, digital signal processing. 2 E PROM for configuration and data storage. Configurable comparator with high/low signal for remote temperature threshold control. TO 39 6 pin housing. APPLICATIONS · · · · Miniature remote non contact temperature measurement (pyrometer). Temperature dependent switch for alarm or thermostatic applications Residential, commercial, automotive, and industrial climate control. Household appliances featuring a remote temperature control like microwave oven, toaster, hair dryer. Temperature control in laser printers and copiers. Automotive climate control. · · FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Offset correction + TP Switch A Comp 1 Switch C V1 + V2 VTobj PTAT Serial Interface (SCLK, SDAT) Signalprocessor Vref Comp 2 Control Unit Switch B Switch D VTamb / VRef TP: PTAT: Thermopile Temperature Sensor VTobj : VTamb : VRef : Output voltage object temperature Output voltage ambient temperature 1.225 V reference voltage A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 1 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet DESCRIPTION A2TPMI Ô The PerkinElmer A2TPMI is a versatile infrared thermopile sensor with an integrated configurable ASIC for signal processing and ambient temperature compensation. This integrated infrared module senses the thermal radiation emitted by objects and converts this to a analog voltage. The A2TPMI can be delivered fully factory calibrated and adapted to the customer specification, as well as customer programmable via the serial interface. In the pre-calibrated version, only three pins are necessary for operation: object output voltage, 5V supply voltage, and ground. As described in this specification, the temperature accuracy of the fully adjustable integrated circuit outperforms that of the previous PerkinElmer thermopile modules with discrete components on pcb, because the A2TPMI features an offset correction of the amplifier and a factory calibrated ambient temperature sensor. This makes the A2TPMI a versatile, compact and high precision device. Due to the internal digital signal processing and 8 bit resolution of the internal control registers the 2 A2TPMI has improved accuracy for adjustment and improved performance. E PROM technology allows unlimited changing of the configuration. For amplification of the highly sensitive thermopile signal in the micro- to millivolt range, a high resolution programmable low noise chopper amplifier is provided. An adjustable high precision ambient temperature sensor followed by a signal processor, offers an accurate compensation signal with polynomial characteristics that perfectly matches to that of the thermopiles output. Adding of these signals results in an ambient independent object temperature signal over a large temperature range, which still can be adapted / scaled to customer needs due to flexible offset and postgain adjustment facilities of the device. The two configurable comparators of the A2TPMI, that can alternatively be used, enhance the functionality. This allows to employ the A2TPMI as an temperature dependent switch for alarm purposes. Threshold temperatures and the hysteresis is free programmable for both comparators. Due to integration of sensor and electronic in a compact TO 39 housing, the A2TPMI is robust and insensitive to environmental influences like pcb contamination (leakage currents), humidity and electromagnetic interference. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 2 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet TPMI Ordering Information Part code: Series (sn) A2 A2TPMI Ô nnn Pnx MxGxx xxxx sn TPMI n3c xxx Gxx Oxx analog ASIC - version 1 TPMI - TO 39 housing - 5 isolated pins, 1 ground pin to housing - internal ASIC for signal conditioning Sensor chip and cap (n3c) chip: 2 0.7 x 0.7 mm absorber (standard) n=3 digit "3": cap: c=4 c=6 c=7 temperature reference included (standard for TPMI) standard cap, window diameter 2.5 mm , fov = 60° / lens cap of various lengths high cap, additional internal optics, e.g. internal reflector (IR) 2 square hole 3.5 x 3.5 mm , low cap, large fov = 100° 2 Sensor optics (xxx) blank standard filter with 5.5 µm cut-on wavelength L-x.y silicon lens with x.y mm focal length IRA internal reflector (mirror) A internal aperture Infrared filter on sensor (Gxx) blank standard filter with 5.5 µm cut-on wavelength G9 pyrometry filter, 8..14 µm bandpass Gxx PerkinElmer specified broadband or (narrow) bandpass filter Output configuration (Oxx) Pin VTobj A ambient temperature compensated output voltage representing object temperature B not compensated output voltage C comparator 1 enabled Pin VTamb A V C output voltage representing ambient (sensor) temperature Vref = 1.225 V comparator 2 enabled Temperature sensing range (n) nnn -20 ... nnn°C (remark: for object T range < 100°C the min. T-range may be >20°C) Option: Printed circuit board (pcb) standard pcb 17 x 33 mm2 P1 mini pcb 17 x 20 mm2 P3 L1 or L2 electrical low pass filter on pcb (L1 = 1st order with RC; L2 = 2nd order with OpAmp) Option: External optics and filter ML / MR / MF mirror left / right / front looking G standard filter glued to mirror G12 G12 (uncoated silicon) filter glued to mirror Option: Connector blank none WTB wire to board I / JxT I = customer specific connector / J = standard JST connector, x = no of pins, top entry I / JxS I = customer specific connector / J = standard JST connector, x = no of pins, side entry I / JxxC with counterpart A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 3 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Examples: · A2TPMI 334-L5.5 OAA 100 and A2TPMI 334-L5.5 OAA 300 A2TPMI Ô are standard configurations of the PerkinElmer TPS 334 sensor with integrated A2TPMI ASIC and lens optics with 7° field of view adapted to an object temperature range –20…+100°C and -20…300°C, respectively. · A2TPMI 334 OAA 140 P1L1 MLG12 J4T features the PerkinElmer TPS 334 sensor with integrated A2TPMI ASIC on a standard pcb (P1). An RC circuit serves as a low pass filter to block the chopper frequency. The optics is the standard left looking mirror with attached protection filter. A 4 pin JST connector with top entry is used. The object temperature range is set to –20…100°C. Typical module for microwave oven application.) · A2TPMI 334 OAA 60 features the PerkinElmer TPS 334 sensor with integrated A2TPMI ASIC. No additional optics – the sensor looks with full field of view into the surrounding. The temperature range is –10…60°C. (This is a typical module for air conditioner application.) · A2TPMI 334 L5.5 OAA 250 P3L2 J6S features the PerkinElmer TPS 334-L5.5 sensor with integrated A2TPMI ASIC and build-in 5.5 mm nd lens on a miniature pcb. It has an additional 2 order low pass filter with operation amplifier to block the chopper frequency. The connector is a 6 pin side entry connector and the temperature range is –20…250°C. This is a high performance module for industrial applications. The 6 pin connector gives access to the serial interface of the module. · For data visualization and for configuration changes a versatile application kit with PC software is available. Please ask for details. Labeling Sensor: SSSS XYY HHH AA Example: SSSS XYYHHH AA Last four digits of the device part number X = Last digit of the calendar year, YY = Week of the calendar year Serial number of the production lot Calibration encoding A XYYHHH A PCB Version: Sensors assembled on a PCB are labeled with a sticker having a letter and a serial number printed on. The letter describes the manufacturing site as follows: H B E Production parts made in Germany Production parts made in Indonesia Engineering samples A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 4 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Absolute Maximum ratings Parameter Supply Voltage VDD Storage Temperature Range (Note 1) Operating Temperature Range Voltage at all inputs and outputs (Note 1) Current at input pins (Note 2) Lead temperature (Soldering, 10sec) ESD Tolerance (Note 3) Min -0.3 V -40 °C -25°C -0.3 V A2TPMI Ô MAX +6.5 V 100°C 100°C VDD +0.3 V +/- 5mA +300°C 2.5 kV Note 1: Extension to 120°C for limited periods of several minutes possible Note 2: Limiting input pin current is only necessary for input voltages that exceed absolute maximum input voltage ratings Note 3: Human body model, 1.5kW in series with 100pF. All pins rated per method 3015.7 of MIL-STD-883. Static-sensitive device. Unused devices must be stored in conductive material. Protect devices from static discharge and static fields. Stresses above those listed under “Absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Precautions should be taken to avoid reverse polarity of power supply. Reversed polarity of power supply results in a destroyed unit. Do not expose the sensors to aggressive detergents such as freon, trichlorethylen, etc. Optical windows (e.g. filter, lens) may be cleaned with alcohol and cotton swab. Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise indicated, all limits specified for TA = 25°C, VDD = +5 V Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Power Supply VDD IDD Supply Voltage Supply Current 4.5 5 1.5 5.5 2 V mA RL > 1MW Outputs VTobj / VTambESD VO RO RL CL ISC Output Voltage Swing Output Resistance Resistive Output Load Capacitive Output Load Output short circuit current 13 mA Sinking 50 100 6 500 0.25 VDD – 0.25V 100 V W kW pF mA Sourcing Iout: -100mA … +100mA Serial Interface SDAT, SCLK ViL ViH IiL IiH Low level input voltage High level input voltage Low level input current High level input current 0.7VDD -600 -200 1 0.3 VDD V V mA mA A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 5 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Electrical Characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter VoL VoH Low level output voltage High level output voltage VDD0.6V A2TPMI Ô Min Typ Max 0.5 Unit V V Conditions Output current £ 2mA output current ³ -2mA Reference Voltage VRef TCVRef Reference voltage Temperature coefficient of reference voltage 1.223 1.225 ±30 1.227 ±100 V ppm K -1 RL > 1MW, TA = 25°C AC Characteristics Unless otherwise indicated, all limits specified for TA = 25°C, VDD = +5V Symbol Parameter InN tStrt tlat tresp V1 Input referred voltage noise Response Time after Power On Latency time for VTobj Response Time 90 Min Typ Max 120 1 75 150 Unit nV/ÖHz s ms ms Conditions rms value Thermopile Characteristics Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Conditions 3-type chip (TPS 33x) S N Sensitive (absorber) area Noise voltage Time constant 0.7x0.7 38 25 mm 2 nV/ÖHz ms t VTobj / VTamb Characteristics The VTobj and the VTamb characteristics of thermopile sensors depends not only on object and ambient temperature but on several other factors like object size to spot size relation, ambient temperature compensation behaviour or optical filter characteristics. Therefore it is not possible to specify a general VTobj and VTamb characteristic. Those characteristics will be specified application specific in a separate customer specification. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 6 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Optical Characteristics Radiation Source Aperture A2TPMI Ô The A2TPMI is available with different standard optical cap assemblies with and without an infrared lens or mirror. The optics defines the view angle or field of view (FOV) of the sensor. Distance 2m The FOV is defined as the incidence angle difference, where the sensor shows 50% relative output signal according to the setup shown. Relative output signal 100% FOV at half energy points 50% TPMI Angle of incidence Figure 1: FOV definition Rotation Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Standard Cap Type (C4) FOV OA Field of view Optical axis 60 0 70 ± 10 ° ° 50% rel. output signal High cap type with internal reflector (C6 IRA) FOV OA Field of view Optical axis 15 0 20 ±2 ° ° 50% rel. output signal Low cap type (C7) FOV OA Field of view Optical axis 100 125 0 105 135 ±10 ° ° ° 50% rel. output signal 10% rel. output signal Mirror Module (ML / MR / MF) Field of view 7 12 ° 50% rel. output signal Lens Cap Type (L5.5) FOV OA D:S Field of view Optical axis Distance to spot size ratio 7 0 8:1 12 ± 3.5 ° ° 50% rel. output signal A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 7 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Optical Characteristics (continued) Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max A2TPMI Ô Unit Conditions Lens Cap Type (L10.6) FOV OA D:S Field of view Optical axis Distance to spot size ratio 5 0 11:1 8 ±2 ° ° 50% rel. output signal Filter Characteristics Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Standard Filter Average Transmission Average Transmission Cut On 5.2 5.5 70 0.5 5.8 % % µm Wavelength range from 7.5 µm to 13.5 µm Wavelength range from visual to 5 µm At 25°C W avelength range from 9 µm to 13 µm Wavelength range from visual to bandpass At 25°C Wavelength range from 5.5 µm to 13.5 µm G9 Filter Average Transmission Average Transmission Cut On 7.8 8 70 1 8.2 % % µm Uncoated Silicon Lens (G12) Average Transmission 52 % PerkinElmer offers a wide range of Infrared Filters available in many different filter characteristics. Please contact PerkinElmer if you have special requirements or need further information. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 8 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet General Description THERMOPILE SENSOR A2TPMI Ô The signal voltage, generated by the infrared radiation-sensitive thermopile sensor, is preamplified by a programmable choppered amplifier with 8 bit resolution. Due to the principle of thermopile temperature measurements, the thermopile voltage can be positive or negative depending if the object temperature is higher or lower than the ambient temperature of the A2TPMI. In order to allow signal processing of negative voltages with a single supply system, all internal signals are related to an internal voltage reference (Vref) of nominal 1.225 V, which serves as a virtual analog ground. For offset voltage trimming of the thermopile amplification path, the preamplifier is followed by a programmable trimming stage generating an offset voltage with a resolution of 8 bit. The thermopile voltage shows a non-linear output characteristic versus the object temperature. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE SENSOR The temperature of the A2TPMI, respectively the thermopile sensor, is detected by an integrated temperature sensor. This signal will be amplified and signal processed in order to match the reverse characteristics of the amplified thermopile curve, to realize an optimum of ambient temperature compensation after adding the two signals. The characteristics of the temperature sensor signal is adjustable. This adjustment is part of the ASIC production process and will be provided by PerkinElmer. Thus the characteristics of the A2TPMI ambient temperature signal VTamb is always provided fully calibrated. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION The thermopile sensor converts the temperature radiation of an object surface to an electrical signal by means of thermocouples (Seebeck effect). The sensor output voltage is caused by the temperature difference between radiation heated (hot) junctions and cold junctions with a good thermal contact to the housing. In order to deliver an output signal which is only dependent on the object temperature, any change of housing (ambient) temperature has to lead to an appropriate output signal correction. For temperature compensation, the amplified thermopile- and temperature reference signals (VTambint) are added in an adding amplifier stage. The amplification is adjustable in a wide range according to application / customer requirements. The ambient temperature compensated and amplified signal is supplied to the output VTobj. The temperature reference signal or alternatively the bandgap reference voltage is available on a second output pin VTamb. Both outputs are short circuit stable . A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 9 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet CONTROL UNIT / SERIAL INTERFACE A2TPMI Ô The operation characteristics of the A2TPMI have to be configured with a set of internal random access registers. All parameters / configurations are permanently stored in E2PROM in parallel, Configuration is usually done during factory calibration and does not need any user input. The control unit offers via serial interface access to all the registers, i.e. the internal parameters of the A2TPMI. The serial interface is a two wire bi-directional synchronous (SDAT, SCLK) type. A2TPMI sensors are in general factory calibrated and therefore there is no need to use the serial interface for standard applications. The SDAT- / SCLK pins are internally pulled up to VDD and can be left unconnected. If the SDAT / SCLK pins will be connected in the application, ensure signal conformity to the serial interface specification. Subsequent undefined signals applied to these pins, may change the configuration and lead to malfunctioning of the sensor. For detailed information about the serial interface refer to application note: A2TPMI Serial Interface description, or contact PerkinElmer application support. OUTPUT CONFIGURATION The A2TPMI offers various output configurations, which can be configured via the serial communication interface by means of integrated analog switches. For each output it can be individually selected whether the output operates in ‘Analog mode’ or in ‘Comparator mode’. In ‘Analog mode’ the output signal represents the measured IR radiation, respectively the temperature as an analog DC voltage. In ‘Comparator mode’ the measured IR radiation, respectively the temperature is compared to a programmed threshold. For slowly changing signals an additional hysteresis can be configured. If the measured signal is above the threshold, +5VDC (logical high) is applied to the output. If the measured signal is below the threshold, 0VDC (logical low)is applied to the output. For detailed information about the output configuration refer to application note: A2TPMI Serial Interface description, or contact PerkinElmer application support. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 10 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Application Information AMBIENT TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION A2TPMI Ô Because of many physical effects, that influence the non-contact temperature measurement based on infrared radiation, it is difficult to meet the best initial adjustment for a specific application. Therefore some deviations might be found at first measuring. For all applications the optimized solution can be prepared and fixed based on the measurement in the application environment. PerkinElmer is pleased in providing you assistance to find the conditions, which deliver the highest accuracy in your application. The temperature compensation is only working well within a certain ambient temperature range, limited by different device parameters of the thermopile sensor and the temperature reference sensor. The following diagram shows a typical characteristics and is only an example for better understanding of the principle compensation curve. The curve shows the deviation for a correct working of a compensated module. Temperature Deviation of VTobj vs. Ambient Temperature 3 Typical Temperature Deviation [K] 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 -20 -0,5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Ambient Temperature [°C] The compensation of the module sample in the diagram is adjusted to the best fitting at 20°C to 80°C ambient temperature, but the curve can be shifted in the whole ambient temperature range through the change of A2TPMI parameters. MEASUREMENT TOLERANCE The temperature error of the A2TPMI depends on several factors like the emissivity, object temperature, object size to spot size relation, temperature gradients over the sensor housing in the environment, device tolerances and the optimal adjustment of the ambient temperature compensation. The accuracy as specified under VTamb and VTobj characteristics is based on theoretical calculation as well as on statistical evaluation results. The PerkinElmer quality system ensures that all A2TPMIs are calibrated and tested under a certain test conditions in order to guarantee these specifications. However, due to the nature of infrared remote temperature measurements there might occur limits exceeding or deviations in specific application environments. In this case please contact the PerkinElmer application support to help you solving the problem. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 11 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet OUTPUT SIGNAL A2TPMI Ô The A2TPMI amplifiers are realized in chopper amplifier technology. Due to the nature of this technology the output signals VTobj and VTamb incorporate an AC signal of approximately 10 mV peak to peak in the range of 250 kHz. This AC voltage can be suppressed either by an electrical low pass filter or via an additional software filtering. In applications with low resistive load ( > 1Mohm) a simple RC low pass filter as follows can be used to smooth the signal: 500 Ohms A2TPMI VTobj or VTamb VTobj or VTamb filtered L1 Option ³470 nF In applications with high resistive load (50kOhm … 1MOhm) filtering can be achieved with the following circuit. A rail to rail OPAmp like the LMV358 should be used so that the full sensing range will be available on the output of the filter circuit. C L2 Option R A2TPMI VTobj or VTamb R LMV358 + VTobj or VTamb filtered C R = 10kOhms C = 100nF - PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (PCB) VERSION Two different sizes of standard PCB versions are available. P1 version is a 17 x 34 mm PCB which 2 allows assembly of additional external mirror optics (M options). P3 version is 17 x 20 mm PCB suitable for applications with restricted space. P3 version is not available with mirror (M option). Each PCB version is available either as plain version (sensor directly wired to connector), or with 1 nd order (RC-circuit, L1 option) or 2 order (active OpAmp circuit, L2 option) low pass filter, in order to provide attenuation of the AC portion on the output signal as described in chapter Output Signal. st 2 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 12 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet The PCB versions are available with following connector assemblies: Connection type 4 pin top entry 4 pin side entry 6 pin top entry 6 pin side entry A2TPMI Ô Manufacturer: Model No. Header Connector JST: B 4B-PH-K-S Housing: PHR 4 Contact: SPH-004T-P0.5S JST: S 4B-PH-K-S JST: B 6B-PH-K-S Housing: PHR 6 Contact: SPH-004T-P0.5S JST: S 6B-PH-K-S Contact Material: Phosphor bronze ; tin-plated, 2 Applicable wire: 0.032 to 0.08mm Insulation O.D.: 0.5 to 0.9 mm Note: Engineering samples will be delivered only with a 6 pin header and counterpart connector with 350 mm cable. OUTPUT LOAD Capacitive loads which are applied directly to the outputs reduce the loop stability margin. Values of 100 pF can be accommodated. Resistive load for the outputs should be held as small as possible (i.e. a large load resistance, Rload > 50 kW has to be used) in order to avoid an impact on the temperature signal due to self heating of the module. RESPONSE TIME The response time to an object temperature jump depends on the time constant t of the thermopile and the signal processing time of the A2TPMI. The processing of the thermopile signal has a latency time (tlat) of max. 75ms caused by the time required for AD-conversion, DA conversion and signal processing. The following diagram explains the connection of these events Tobj 2 Tobj 1 t t lat resp t resp t t lat t VTobj 2 63% 37% VTobj 1 Figure 2: response time definition The A2TPMI has a sampling rate of 30 samples / second which results in a resolution of approx. 30ms for dynamic signals at VTobj. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 13 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet A2TPMI Ô LATCHUP AVOIDANCE Junction isolated CMOS circuits inherently include a parasitic 4 layer (PNPN) structure which has characteristics similar to a thyristor (SCR). Under certain circumstances this junction may be triggered into a low impedance state, resulting in excessive supply current, which can thermally destroy the circuit. To avoid this condition, no voltage greater than 0.3 V beyond the supply rails should be applied to any pin. In general the ATPMI supplies must be established either at the same time or before any signals are applied to the inputs. If this is not possible the drive circuits must limit the input current flow to maximum 5mA to avoid latchup. In general the device has to be operated with a 100 nF capacitor in parallel to the power supply. SOLDERING The TPMI is a lead-free component and fully complies with the ROHS regulations, especially with existing roadmaps of lead-free soldering. The terminations of the TPMI sensor consist of nickel plated Kovar and gold finish. Hand soldering is recommended. A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 14 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Packaging Information TO39 with Standard cap (C4): A2TPMI 334 A2TPMI Ô TO 39 with 5.5mm focal length Si lens (L5.5): A2TPMI 334-L5.5 6±1 9.3 max 8.2 max 0.5 9.3 max 8.2 max Æ 5.5 6±1 sensor surface Æ 2.5 Æ 6.5 max Æ 0.41 – 0.48 0.81 ± 0.15 4.2 ± 0.2 22.5° 0.89 ± 0.15 45° 0.89 ± 0.15 22.5° 0.81 ± 0.15 Æ0.41 – 0.48 1.9 ± 0.1 8.25 ± 0.2 45° Æ 5.84 Æ 5.84 TO39 with high cap and int. reflector (C6 IRA): A2TPMI 336 IRA 6±1 9.3 max 8.25 max sensor surface 0.7 ± 0.2 TO39 with low cap and square hole (C7) A2TPMI 337 6±1 9.3 max 8.25 max 0.7 ± 0.2 sensor surface Æ 5.0 – 5.6 3.2 – 3.6 Æ0.41 – 0.48 0.81 ± 0.15 1.9 ± 0.1 Æ1.4 max 0.81 ± 0.15 Æ0.41 – 0.48 0.3 max 1.15 ± 0.2 13.35 – 13.75 22.5° 0.89 ± 0.15 45° 0.89 ± 0.15 22.5° 45° 3.05 – 3.4 Æ 5.84 Æ 5.84 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 15 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Packaging Information (continued) TO 39 with 10.6mm focal length Si lens (L10.6): A2TPMI 334-L10.6 A2TPMI Ô 9.3 max 8.2 max Æ 5.5 6 ± 0.5 sensor surface Æ0.41 – 0.48 max 0.81 ± 0.1 1.9 ± 0.1 13.9 ± 0.1 22.5° 0.89 ± 0.1 45° Æ 5.84 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 16 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet A2TPMI Ô PCB Version P1 J4S 8.25 max A 4.8 1.1 4 max 37.4 ± 0.3 Dimensions (Cap Type) C4 C6IRA C7 L5.5 L10.6 A 4.3 ± 0.3 13.6 ± 0.3 3.5 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.3 14.0 ± 0.3 33 ± 0.3 J6S 1.5 1.5 Dimensions B Refer to sensor drawings 17± 0.3 13.7 B Æ2 9.9 13.9 1.65 ± 0.4 7.7 11.1 6 ± 0.4 PCB Version P1 J4T 8.25 max 6.2 max A 4 max 1.1 Dimensions (Cap Type) C4 C6IRA C7 L5.5 L10.6 A 4.3 ± 0.3 13.6 ± 0.3 3.5 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.3 14.0 ± 0.3 J6S 33 0.3 4.5 1.5 Æ2 9.9 13.9 4.5 1.5 ± Dimensions B Refer to sensor drawings 17± 0.3 13.7 B 1.65 ± 0.4 7.7 11.1 6 ± 0.4 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 17 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet A2TPMI Ô PCB Version P1 J4S with external Mirror 13.5 max 13.5 max view direction MR Type view direction 15 max 9 ± 0.5 4.8 1.1 4 max 37.4 ± 0.3 ML Type view direction 33 ± 0.3 J6S 1.5 Æ2 9.9 13.9 1.5 17± 0.3 13.7 MF Type 11.1 1.65 ± 0.4 6 ± 0.4 view direction PCB Version P1 J4T with external Mirror 13.5 max 13.5 max view direction 15 max 6.2 max 9 ± 0.5 4 max 1.1 J6S 33 ± 0.3 4.5 1.5 Æ2 9.9 13.9 4.5 1.5 17± 0.3 13.7 1.65 ± 0.4 11.1 6 ± 0.4 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 18 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet A2TPMI Ô PCB Version P3 J4S 8.25 max 1.1 ± 0.2 A 4.8 24.25 max 8.2 9.9 20 ± 0.2 18.2 ± 0.2 7.3 ± 0.1 Æ2.3 15.2 ± 0.2 Dimensions (Cap Type) C4 C6IRA C7 L5.5 L10.6 A 4.3 ± 0.3 13.6 ± 0.3 3.5 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.3 14.0 ± 0.3 J6S Dimensions B Refer to sensor drawings 17 ± 0.2 B 6.5 ± 0.1 13 ± 0.1 Æ1 13.9 PCB Version P3 J4T 8.25 max 1.1 ± 0.2 A 9.4 6.0 4.5 20.8 max 9.9 Dimensions (Cap Type) C4 C6IRA C7 L5.5 L10.6 A 4.3 ± 0.3 13.6 ± 0.3 3.5 ± 0.3 8.3 ± 0.3 14.0 ± 0.3 20 ± 0.2 18.2 ± 0.2 7.3 ± 0.1 Æ 4.2 ± 0.2 J6T Dimensions B Refer to sensor drawings Æ2.3 17 ± 0.2 15.2 ± 0.2 B 9.4 6.5 ± 0.1 13 ± 0.1 Æ1 6.0 13.9 A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 19 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet Connection Information PCB Version P1 J4S VTobj GND VDD VTamb A2TPMI Ô PCB Version P1 J4T VTobj GND VDD VTamb PCB Version P1 J6S VTobj GND VDD VTamb SCLK SDAT PCB Version P1 J6T VTobj GND VDD VTamb SCLK SDAT PCB Version P3 J4S VTobj GND VDD VTamb PCB Version P3 J4T VTobj GND VDD VTamb PCB Version P3 J6S VTobj GND VDD VTamb SCLK SDAT PCB Version P3 J6T VTobj GND VDD VTamb SCLK SDAT Non PCB Version VTobj VDD GND VTamb SCLK SDAT Bottom view A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 20 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003 Datasheet A2TPMI Ô Liability Policy The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Customers are advised to consult with PerkinElmer Optoelectronics sales representatives before ordering. Customers considering the use of PerkinElmer Optoelectronics thermopile devices in special applications where failure or abnormal operation may directly affect human lives or cause physical injury or property damage, or where extremely high levels of reliability are demanded, are requested to consult with PerkinElmer Optoelectronics sales representatives before such use. The company will not be responsible for damage arising from such use without prior approval. As any semiconductor device, thermopile sensors or modules have inherently a certain rate of failure. It is therefore necessary to protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into the equipment. PerkinElmer Optoelectronics GmbH & Co. KG PO Box 3007 65020 Wiesbaden · Germany Tel.: +49 (0)611 492 430 Fax: +49 (0)611 492 177 http://www.perkinelmer.com A2TPMI Datasheet Rev4 Page 21 of 21 Rev. Oct 2003
1. 物料型号 - 型号为A2TPMI,是一款集成信号处理电路的热电堆传感器。

2. 器件简介 - A2TPMI是一款多功能红外热电堆传感器,具有集成的可配置ASIC,用于信号处理和环境温度补偿。它能够感应物体发出的热辐射,并将其转换为模拟电压信号。该传感器可以完全工厂校准,并可根据客户规格调整,也支持通过串行接口进行客户编程。

3. 引脚分配 - A2TPMI采用TO-39 6引脚封装,其中5个引脚隔离,1个引脚接地。

4. 参数特性 - 供电电压范围:-0.3V至+6.5V。 - 存储温度范围:-40°C至100°C。 - 工作温度范围:-25°C至100°C。 - 引脚电流:输入引脚电流不超过±5mA。

5. 功能详解 - A2TPMI具有内部数字信号处理和8位分辨率的内部控制寄存器,提高了调整的准确性和性能。E2PROM技术允许无限次更改配置。 - 为了放大热电堆信号,提供了高分辨率可编程低噪声斩波放大器。可调节的高精度环境温度传感器后面是一个信号处理器,提供与热电堆输出完美匹配的多项式特征的准确补偿信号。

6. 应用信息 - 适用于微型远程非接触式温度测量(辐射高温计)、温度依赖的开关用于报警或温控应用、住宅、商业、汽车和工业气候控制等。

7. 封装信息 - 提供TO-39标准帽(C4)、带5.5mm焦距硅透镜(L5.5)、带高帽和内反射器(C6 IRA)和低帽和正方形孔(C7)等多种封装选项。
A2TPMI336G9OCA 价格&库存

