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    HEF40160BF - 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset - NXP Semiconductors

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HEF40160BF 数据手册
INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET For a complete data sheet, please also download: • The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Family Specifications HEF, HEC • The IC04 LOCMOS HE4000B Logic Package Outlines/Information HEF, HEC HEF40160B MSI 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC04 January 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset DESCRIPTION The HEF40160B is a fully synchronous edge-triggered 4-bit decade counter with a clock input (CP), an overriding asynchronous master reset (MR), four parallel data inputs (P0 to P3), three synchronous mode control inputs (parallel enable (PE), count enable parallel (CEP) and count enable trickle (CET)), buffered outputs from all four bit positions (O0 to O3) and a terminal count output (TC). Operation is fully synchronous (except for the MR input) and occurs on the LOW to HIGH transition of CP. When PE is LOW, the next LOW to HIGH transition of CP loads data into the counter from P0 to P3 regardless of the levels of CEP and CET inputs. HEF40160B MSI When PE is HIGH, the next LOW to HIGH transition of CP advances the counter to its next state only if both CEP and CET are HIGH; otherwise, no change occurs in the state of the counter. TC is HIGH when the state of the counter is 9 (O0 = O3 = HIGH, O1 = O2 = LOW) and when CET is HIGH. A LOW on MR sets all outputs (O0 to O3 and TC) LOW, independent of the state of all other inputs. Multistage synchronous counting is possible without additional components by using a carry look-ahead counting technique; in this case, TC is used to enable successive cascaded stages. CEP, CET and PE must be stable only during the set-up time before the LOW to HIGH transition of CP. Fig.1 Functional diagram. FAMILY DATA, IDD LIMITS category MSI See Family Specifications January 1995 2 This text is here in white to force landscape pages to be rotated correctly when browsing through the pdf in the Acrobat reader.This text is here in _white to force landscape pages to be rotated correctly when browsing through the pdf in the Acrobat reader.This text is here inThis text is here in white to force landscape pages to be rotated correctly when browsing through the pdf in the Acrobat reader. white to force landscape pages to be ... January 1995 3 Fig.2 Logic diagram. Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset HEF40160B MSI Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset PINNING PE P0 to P3 CEP CET CP MR O0 to O3 TC parallel enable input parallel data inputs HEF40160B MSI count enable parallel input count enable trickle input clock input (LOW to HIGH, edge-triggered) master reset input (active LOW) parallel outputs terminal count output Fig.3 Pinning diagram. HEF40160BP(N): HEF40160BD(F): HEF40160BT(D): 16-lead DIL; plastic (SOT38-1) 16-lead DIL; ceramic (cerdip) (SOT74) 16-lead SO; plastic (SOT109-1) ( ): Package Designator North America SYNCHRONOUS MODE SELECTION PE L H H H Notes 1. MR = HIGH 2. H = HIGH state (the more positive voltage) 3. L = LOW state (the less positive voltage) 4. X = state is immaterial CEP X L X H CET X X L H preset no change no change count Note 1. TC = CET . O0 . O1 . O2 . O3 MODE TERMINAL COUNT GENERATION CET L L H H (O0 ⋅ O1 ⋅ O2 ⋅ O3) L H L H TC L L L H Fig.4 State diagram. January 1995 4 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset AC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = 0 V; Tamb = 25 °C; input transition times ≤ 20 ns VDD V Dynamic power dissipation per package (P) 5 10 15 TYPICAL FORMULA FOR P (µW) 1 200 fi + ∑ (foCL) × VDD2 5 600 fi + ∑ (foCL) × 16 000 fi + ∑ (foCL) × VDD2 VDD2 where HEF40160B MSI fi = input freq. (MHz) fo = output freq. (MHz) CL = load capacitance (pF) ∑ (foCL) = sum of outputs VDD = supply voltage (V) AC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = 0 V; Tamb = 25 °C; CL = 50 pF; input transition times ≤ 20 ns VDD V Propagation delays CP → On HIGH to LOW 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH CP → TC HIGH to LOW 10 15 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH CET → TC HIGH to LOW 10 15 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH MR → On HIGH to LOW MR → TC HIGH to LOW 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 tPHL tPHL tPLH tPHL tPLH tPHL tPLH tPHL 110 45 30 115 45 35 130 55 35 140 55 40 105 50 35 90 35 25 120 50 35 145 60 45 220 90 60 230 95 65 260 105 75 280 115 80 210 100 75 185 70 50 245 100 70 295 120 85 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 83 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 34 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 22 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 88 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 34 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 27 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 103 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 44 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 27 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 113 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 44 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 32 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 78 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 39 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 27 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 63 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 24 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 17 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 93 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 39 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 27 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL 118 ns + (0,55 ns/pF) CL 49 ns + (0,23 ns/pF) CL 37 ns + (0,16 ns/pF) CL SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. TYPICAL EXTRAPOLATION FORMULA January 1995 5 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset VDD V Output transition times HIGH to LOW 5 10 15 5 LOW to HIGH 10 15 AC CHARACTERISTICS VSS = 0 V; Tamb = 25 °C; CL = 50 pF; input transition times ≤ 20 ns VDD V Minimum clock pulse width; LOW Minimum MR pulse width; LOW Recovery time for MR Set-up times Pn → CP 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 PE → CP 10 15 5 CEP, CET → CP Hold times Pn → CP 10 15 5 10 15 5 PE → CP 10 15 5 CEP, CET → CP 10 15 thold thold thold tsu tsu tsu tRMR tWMRL tWCPL SYMBOL MIN. 100 40 30 100 40 30 25 15 10 110 40 30 120 40 25 260 100 70 20 10 5 15 5 5 25 15 10 TYP. 50 20 15 50 20 15 0 0 0 55 20 15 60 20 10 130 50 35 −35 −10 −10 −45 −15 −10 −105 −35 −25 MAX. ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns tTLH tTHL SYMBOL MIN. TYP. 60 30 20 60 30 20 MAX. 120 60 40 120 60 40 ns ns ns ns ns ns HEF40160B MSI TYPICAL EXTRAPOLATION FORMULA 10 ns + (1,0 ns/pF) CL 9 ns + (0,42 ns/pF) CL 6 ns + (0,28 ns/pF) CL 10 ns + (1,0 ns/pF) CL 9 ns + (0,42 ns/pF) CL 6 ns + (0,28 ns/pF) CL see also waveforms Figs 5, 6, 7 and 8 January 1995 6 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset VDD V Maximum clock pulse frequency 5 10 15 fmax SYMBOL MIN. 2,5 7 9 TYP. 5 14 18 MAX. MHz MHz MHz HEF40160B MSI Conditions PE = LOW P0 to P3 = HIGH Fig.5 Waveforms showing minimum CP and MR pulse widths and MR to CP recovery time. Conditions: PE = MR = HIGH. Fig.6 Waveforms showing set-up times and hold times for CEP and CET inputs. January 1995 7 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset HEF40160B MSI Conditions PE = LOW MR = HIGH Fig.7 Waveforms showing set-up times and hold times for Pn inputs. Condition MR = HIGH Fig.8 Waveforms showing set-up times and hold times for PE inputs. Note Set-up and hold times are shown as positive values but may be specified as negative values. January 1995 8 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset HEF40160B MSI Fig.9 Timing diagram. APPLICATION INFORMATION An example of an application for the HEF40160B is: • Programmable decade counter. January 1995 9 Philips Semiconductors Product specification 4-bit synchronous decade counter with asynchronous reset HEF40160B MSI NOTE On the TC outputs, glitches can occur during counting. In totally synchronous mode they will not have any adverse affect. However the TC output in asynchronous mode can cause problems. Fig.10 Synchronous multi-stage counting scheme. January 1995 10
1. 物料型号: - HEF40160B MSI

2. 器件简介: - HEF40160B是一款完全同步的边沿触发4位十进制计数器,具有时钟输入(CP)、覆盖的异步主复位(MR)、四个并行数据输入(P0至P3)、三个同步模式控制输入(并行使能(PE)、并行计数使能(CEP)和滴答计数使能(CET)、缓冲输出所有四个位位置(O0至O3)以及终端计数输出(TC)。

3. 引脚分配: - PE:并行使能输入 - P0至P3:并行数据输入 - CEP:并行计数使能输入 - CET:滴答计数使能输入 - CP:时钟输入(低至高边沿触发) - MR:主复位输入(低电平有效) - O0至O3:并行输出 - TC:终端计数输出

4. 参数特性: - 动态功耗、传播延迟、输出转换时间、最小时钟脉冲宽度等。

5. 功能详解: - 该计数器在PE为低电平时,下一个CP的低至高转换会从P0至P3加载数据到计数器,不论CEP和CET输入电平如何。 - 当PE为高电平时,只有当CEP和CET都为高电平时,下一个CP的低至高转换会使计数器进入下一个状态;否则,计数器状态不变。 - 当计数器状态为9(O0和O3为高电平,O1和O2为低电平)且CET为高电平时,TC为高电平。 - MR为低电平时,所有输出(O0至O3和TC)被设置为低电平,不受其他输入状态影响。

6. 应用信息: - HEF40160B的一个应用示例是可编程十进制计数器。

7. 封装信息: - HEF40160BP(N):16引脚DIL;塑料封装 - HEF40160BD(F):16引脚DIL;陶瓷封装(SOT74) - HEF40160BT(D):16引脚SO;塑料封装(SOT109-1)
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