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Design Example Report Title 12 W Non-Isolated, Buck Topology, Power Factor Corrected, LED Driver Using LinkSwitch®-PH LNK405EG 90 VAC – 265 VAC Input 36 VTYP, 0.33 ATYP Output LED Driver Applications Engineering Department DER-192 June 9, 2010 1.0 Specification Application Author Document Number Date Revision Summary and Features  Dramatically simplifies off-line, power factor corrected, LED driver design  Single-stage, power factor corrected, low component count, non-isolated LED driver  Configurable for TRIAC dimming or non-dimming configurations  PF >0.9 across line & load (non-dimming configuration)  Eliminates all control loop compensation  No output current sensing required  High system efficiency both at 115 V and 230 V (>83% non-dimming configuration)  Advanced performance features  Compensates for inductance tolerance  Compensates for input voltage variations  Compensates for output voltage variations  Frequency jittering greatly reduces EMI filter costs  Advanced protection and safety features  Auto-restart protection for short-circuit  Hysteretic thermal shutdown Power Integrations 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95138 USA. Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations' patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at . Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 2 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5 Power Supply Specification ........................................................................................ 8 Schematic ................................................................................................................... 9 Circuit Description..................................................................................................... 10 4.1 Non-Dimming, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver ................................. 10 4.2 TRIAC Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver ........................... 10 4.3 Minimum Dimming Limitations ........................................................................... 11 5 PCB Layout............................................................................................................... 12 6 Bill of Materials ......................................................................................................... 13 6.1 Non-Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver ............................... 13 6.2 TRIAC Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver ........................... 14 7 Heatsink Assembly ................................................................................................... 16 8 Inductor Specification................................................................................................ 17 8.1 Electrical Diagram.............................................................................................. 17 8.2 Electrical Specifications ..................................................................................... 17 8.3 Materials ............................................................................................................ 17 8.4 Inductor Build Diagram ...................................................................................... 17 9 Performance Data..................................................................................................... 18 9.1 Non-Dimming Configuration Performance Data ................................................ 18 9.1.1 Efficiency ....................................................................................................18 9.1.2 Line and Load Regulation...........................................................................19 9.1.3 Power Factor ..............................................................................................20 9.1.4 Harmonics ..................................................................................................21 9.1.5 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 11 LED Load. ...............................23 9.1.6 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 12 LED Load. ...............................23 9.1.7 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 13 LED Load ................................23 9.1.8 230 VAC, 50 Hz Harmonics Data, PIN = 12.977 W .....................................24 9.1.9 115 VAC, 60 Hz Harmonics Data, PIN = 12.517 W .....................................25 9.2 Dimming Configuration Performance Data ........................................................ 26 9.2.1 Efficiency ....................................................................................................26 9.2.2 Line and Load Regulation...........................................................................27 9.2.3 Power Factor ..............................................................................................28 9.2.4 Dimming Performance................................................................................29 9.2.5 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 11 LED Load........................................30 9.2.6 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 12 LED Load........................................30 9.2.7 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 13 LED Load........................................30 9.2.8 115 VAC Dimming Data (TRIAC: DING CHUNG 110 V, 800 W)................31 9.2.9 230 VAC Dimming Data (TRIAC: YUEFENG 250 V, 10 A) ........................31 10 Waveforms................................................................................................................ 32 10.1 Non-Dimming Configuration .............................................................................. 32 10.1.1 Input Line Current.......................................................................................32 10.1.2 Drain Voltage and Current Normal Operation.............................................33 10.1.3 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Operation............................................34 10.1.4 Output Current and Output Voltage ............................................................35 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com 1 2 3 4 Page 3 of 54 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 10.1.5 Output Current Ripple ................................................................................36 10.1.6 Output Current and Voltage at Power-up, Power-down .............................37 10.1.7 Output Short...............................................................................................38 10.1.8 Open Load/LED Condition .........................................................................38 10.2 Dimming Configuration .......................................................................................39 10.2.1 Input Current at Full Conduction Angle ......................................................39 10.2.2 Input Current at Different Dimming Angle...................................................40 10.2.3 Output Current at Different Conduction Angle: 115 VAC, 60Hz .................41 10.2.4 Output Current at Different Conduction Angle: 230 VAC, 50Hz .................43 10.2.5 Drain Voltage and Drain Current During Dimming .....................................44 11 Thermal Measurements.............................................................................................45 11.1 Thermal Test Set-up...........................................................................................45 11.2 Thermal Test Results .........................................................................................46 12 Conducted EMI Measurements .................................................................................47 12.1 Conducted EMI Test Set-up ...............................................................................47 12.2 Conducted EMI Test Results..............................................................................48 12.2.1 Non-Dimming Configuration Conducted Emission .....................................48 13 Power Line Transient Tests .......................................................................................52 14 Revision History.........................................................................................................53 Important Note: Although this board is designed to satisfy safety isolation requirements, the engineering prototype has not been agency approved. Therefore, all testing should be performed using an isolation transformer to provide the AC input to the prototype board. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 4 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 1 Introduction The document describes a non isolated, high power-factor, TRIAC dimmable LED driver designed to drive 36 V at 0.33 A from an input voltage range of 90 VAC to 265 VAC. The LED driver utilizes the LNK405EG device from Power Integrations. The LinkSwitch-PH has been developed to cost effectively design a single-stage power factor corrected LED driver with primary-side constant current control. The LinkSwitch-PH controller was optimized for LED driver applications with minimal external parts count and control of the output current through the LED load without the use of an optocoupler. The LinkSwitch-PH monolithically integrates the 725 V power MOSFET and controller. The controller consists of an oscillator, PWM, 6 V regulator, BYPASS pin programming functions, over-temperature protection, frequency jittering, cycle-by-cycle current limit, leading edge blanking, and charge controller for output CC (constant-current) control. The LinkSwitch-PH also provides a sophisticated range of protection features including auto-restart for control loop open/short faults and output short-circuit conditions. Accurate hysteretic thermal shutdown ensures safe average PCB temperatures under all conditions. The non-isolated power factor corrected buck presented in this report shows how LinkSwitch-PH dramatically simplifies off-line, high-efficiency, power factor corrected LED driver design with very low parts count. This document contains the LED driver specification, schematic, PCB diagram, bill of materials, conducted EMI measurements, thermal measurements, power line transient tests, inductor documentation and typical performance characteristics. Page 5 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 Figure 1 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Top (Non-Dimmable). Figure 2 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Top (Non-Dimmable). Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 6 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Figure 3 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Top (Dimmable). Figure 4 – Populated Circuit Board Photograph, Bottom (Dimmable). Page 7 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 2 Power Supply Specification The table below represents the minimum acceptable performance of the design. Actual performance is listed in the results section. 12 W Non-Dimmable Specifications Description Input Voltage Frequency Output LED voltage LED Current Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Environmental Conducted EMI Safety Surge Efficiency Harmonic Power Factor Ambient Temperature TAMB 0.9 25 o Symbol VIN fLINE VOUT Min 90 47 30 300 9 Typ Max 265 63 38 340 13 Units VAC Hz V mA W Comment 2 Wire – no P.E. 50/60 36 330 12 POUT Meets CISPR22B / EN55022B Non isolated 2.5 80 Class C kV Ringwave 61000-3-2 C 12 W TRIAC Dimmable Specifications Description Input Voltage Frequency Output LED voltage LED Current Total Output Power Continuous Output Power Environmental Conducted EMI Safety Surge Efficiency Power Factor Ambient Temperature TAMB 79 0.8 25 o Symbol VIN fLINE VOUT Min 90 47 30 260 Typ Max 265 63 38 360 14 Units VAC Hz V mA W Comment 2 Wire – no P.E. 50/60 36 POUT 12 Meets CISPR22B / EN55022B Nonisolated 2.5 kV Ringwave C Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 8 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 3 Schematic Figure 5 – Schematic (Non-Dimmable) Figure 6 – Schematic (TRIAC Dimmable). Page 9 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 4 Circuit Description 4.1 Non-Dimming, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver The LinkSwitch-PH (U1) is a highly integrated primary side controller intended for use in LED driver applications. The LinkSwitch-PH provides high power factor in a single-stage conversion topology while regulating the output current in a wide range of input and output voltage variations typical in LED driver application environment. All of the control circuitry responsible for these functions plus a high-voltage power MOSFET is incorporated into the device. Capacitor C1, C2, C9, L1, and L2 perform EMI filtering while maintaining high-power factor. This input filter network plus the frequency jittering feature of LinkSwitch-PH easily meets Class B emission limits. Resistor R13 and R12 were used to damp the Q of L1 and L2 for lower EMI. The buck power circuit with floating output connection composed of U1 (power switch + control), D8 (free-wheeling diode), C6 (output capacitor), and L4 (output inductor). Diode D10 was used to prevent negative voltage appearing across drain-source of U1 especially near the zero-crossing of the input voltage. Diode D5 and C3 detect the peak AC line voltage. The voltage across C3 along with R3, R4, and R11 sets input current fed into the V pin. This current is used by U1 to control line undervoltage (UV), overvoltage (OV), and feed-forward current which in conjunction with the FEEDBACK pin current provides constant current to the LED load. The FEEDBACK pin current used by U1 for output voltage feedback is provided by the voltage to current converter network formed by R7-R10, Q2, C5, and D11. Resistor R7 sets the IFB current for a given output voltage. Changes in output voltage are seen by the voltage across R8 which serves as the reference for the current source formed by R7, R8 and Q2. Voltage across R8 was chosen high enough to eliminate or minimize the effect of the temperature and VCE dependence of Q2’s VBE voltage. The power Zener VR3 protects the output circuitry during an open load condition. If the load is open for extended period, VR3 will fail short and the unit will enter into auto-restart condition. 4.2 TRIAC Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver The board can also be configured for TRIAC dimmable applications. From the original network shown on Figure 3, several circuit blocks need to be added (Figure 4) to enable the power supply to be controlled by a phase-angle controller (TRIAC) and allow the output current, and thus the LED brightness to be controlled. Three networks were added to realize dimming. A damper network formed by R19 and C8 dampens the ringing created by the input capacitance C1-C9 and L1, and L2, every time the TRIAC fires and applies a transient voltage at the input. The network formed by Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 10 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG R14-R17, R25-R26, D6, VR1, VR2, C10 and Q3 provides inrush limiting during TRIAC firing and R25-R26 also helps in damping during the initial stage of the ringing caused by the inrush currents when the TRIAC fires. The third network necessary for dimming applications is the linear regulator formed by R20, R21, R22, R24, R27, Q4, and Q7. This network provides a supply current to the BYPASS pin during periods when the TRIAC is not conducting. 4.3 Minimum Dimming Limitations The minimum dimming angle or TRIAC conduction angle of the driver relies on the TRIAC itself, the BYPASS pin supply current provided by the linear regulator, and the V pin resistor networks which sets UV level of the power supply. Different TRIAC dimmers have different minimum conduction angles and different power ratings which translate to different minimum holding currents. If the TRIAC minimum conduction angle is the limiting factor, the driver will continue to operate at the minimum angle capacity of the TRIAC as long as the UV (line and BYPASS pin) voltage is above their turn-off thresholds. For a dimmer with a small minimum conduction angle, minimum dimming relies on the undervoltage threshold (voltage present at the peak detector) of the design and linear regulator cut-off voltage. For very low TRIAC conduction angles, the peak detector voltage will drop to a low value where the linear regulator configured as a current source may no longer maintain the supply and the unit will shutdown. This shutdown is caused by the BYPASS pin voltage reaching the IC UV threshold. One possible source of power to provide a supply for the BYPASS pin during very low dimming angles is the output itself. As long as the LEDs are conducting a voltage appears across the output and may be used to provide the supply for the BYPASS pin by incorporating a similar network configuration used to feed the FEEDBACK pin. However, these circuit improvements are not covered in this report. Page 11 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 5 PCB Layout Figure 7 – Printed Circuit Layout (Designed to Fit Inside PAR38 Lamp Form Factor). Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 12 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 6 Bill of Materials 6.1 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Non-Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver Qty 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ref Des BR1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C9 D5 D8 D10 D11 ESIP CLIP1 F1 J1 J2 J3 JP1 L L1 L2 N TP4 Q2 R23 R3 R4 R5 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 RV1 SCREW1 L4 TERMINAL EYELET1 TP3 U1 VR3 WASHER1 Description 800 V, 1 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, DFS 68 nF, 400 V, Film 1 uF, 400 V, Electrolytic, (6.3 x 11) 10 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Gen Purpose, (5 x 11) 1 F, 100 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 120 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 61 m, (8 x 15) 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 100 nF, 400 V, Film 1000 V, 1 A, Rectifier, DO-41 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 75 V, 0.15 A, Fast Switching, 4 ns, MELF Heatsink Hardware, Edge Clip xxN (xx lbs) 14.33 mm L x 6.35 mm W 3.15 A, 250V, Slow, RST 3 Position (1 x 3) header, 0.1 pitch, Vertical Wire Jumper, Insulated, 22 AWG, 0.2 in Test Point, WHT,THRU-HOLE MOUNT 1500 H, 0.25 A Test Point, BLK,THRU-HOLE MOUNT PNP, Small Signal BJT, 500 V, 0.15 A, SOT23 Jumper 1.6 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 324 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 49.9 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 75 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 34.8 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 47 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film 90.9 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 2 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 10 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 275 V, 23 J, 7 mm, RADIAL SCREW MACHINE PHIL 4-40X 3/16 SS Bobbin, EE13, Vertical, 10 pins Terminal, Eyelet, Tin Plated Brass, Zierick PN 190 Test Point, RED,THRU-HOLE MOUNT LinkSwitch, LNK405EG, eSIP 43 V, 5 W, 5%, DO204AC (DO-15) Washer, Lk, #4 SS ERJ-8GEYJ165V ERJ-8ENF3243V ERJ-8ENF4992V ERJ-6ENF7502V ERJ-6ENF3482V CFR-25JB-47K ERJ-6ENF9092V ERJ-8GEYJ205V ERJ-6GEYJ103V V275LA4P 67413609 YW-538-02B 190 5010 LNK405EG P6KE43AG 4NSLWS Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Littlefuse MSC Industrial Supply Yih-Hwa Zierick Keystone Power Integrations On Semi Olander Co. Mfg Part Number DF08S ECQ-E4683KF EKMG401ELL1R0MF11D ECA-1HHG100 ECJ-3YB1E105K EKZE500ELL121MH15D ECJ-2YB1H104K ECQ-E4104KF 1N4007-E3/54 UF4004-E3 UF4004-E3 LL4148-13 TRK-24 507-1181 22-28-4030 C2004-12-02 5012 SBC3-152-251 5011 FMMT560TA Mfg Diodes Inc. Panasonic United ChemiCon Panasonic Panasonic Nippon ChemiCon Panasonic Panasonic Vishay Vishay Vishay Diode Inc. Kang Tang Hardware Belfuse Molex Gen Cable Keystone Tokin Keystone Zetex Page 13 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 6.2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 09-Jun-10 TRIAC Dimmable, Power Factor Corrected Buck LED Driver Qty 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ref Des BR1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 D5 D6 D8 D10 D11 ESIP CLIP1 F1 J1 J2 J3 JP1 L L1 L2 N TP4 Q2 Q4 Q6 Q3 Q7 R23 R3 R4 R5 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R19 R20 R21 R22 Description 800 V, 1 A, Bridge Rectifier, SMD, DFS 68 nF, 400 V, Film 2.2 F, 400 V, Electrolytic, (8 x 11.5) 10 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Gen Purpose, (5 x 11) 1 F, 100 V, Ceramic, X7R, 1206 120 F, 50 V, Electrolytic, Very Low ESR, 61 m, (8 x 15) 100 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 220 nF, 400 V, Film 100 nF, 400 V, Film 22 nF, 50 V, Ceramic, X7R, 0805 1000 V, 1 A, Rectifier, DO-41 1000 V, 1 A, Rectifier, Glass Passivated, DO-213AA (MELF) 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 400 V, 1 A, Ultrafast Recovery, 50 ns, DO-41 75 V, 0.15 A, Fast Switching, 4 ns, MELF Heatsink Hardware, Edge Clip xxN (xx lbs) 14.33 mm L x 6.35 mm W 3.15 A, 250V, Slow, RST 3 Position (1 x 3) header, 0.1 pitch, Vertical Wire Jumper, Insulated, 22 AWG, 0.2 in Test Point, WHT,THRU-HOLE MOUNT 1500 H, 0.25 A Test Point, BLK,THRU-HOLE MOUNT PNP, Small Signal BJT, 500 V, 0.15 A, SOT23 400 V, 2 A, 4.4 Ohm, 600 V, N-Channel, DPAK PNP, Power BJT, 400 V, 2 A, SOT-428 Jumper 1.6 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 1 M, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 49.9 k, 1%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 66.5 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 34.8 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 47 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film 90.9 k, 1%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 1.8 M, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 10 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 750 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 100 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 15 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 470 , 5%, 1 W, Metal Oxide 470 k, 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 470 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Carbon Film 360 , 5%, 1/8 W, Thick Film, 0805 ERJ-8GEYJ165V ERJ-8ENF1004V ERJ-8ENF4992V ERJ-6ENF6652V ERJ-6ENF3482V CFR-25JB-47K ERJ-6ENF9092V ERJ-8GEYJ185V ERJ-6GEYJ103V ERJ-8GEYJ754V ERJ-6GEYJ104V ERJ-6GEYJ150V RSF100JB-470R ERJ-6GEYJ474V CFR-25JB-470K ERJ-6GEYJ361V Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Yageo Panasonic Mfg Part Number DF08S ECQ-E4683KF SMG400VB2R2M8X11LL ECA-1HHG100 ECJ-3YB1E105K EKZE500ELL121MH15D ECJ-2YB1H104K ECQ-E4224KF ECQ-E4104KF ECJ-2VB1H223K 1N4007-E3/54 DL4007-13-F UF4004-E3 UF4004-E3 LL4148-13 TRK-24 507-1181 22-28-4030 C2004-12-02 5012 SBC3-152-251 5011 FMMT560TA IRFRC20TRPBF 2SA1862TLP Mfg Diodes Inc. Panasonic Nippon ChemiCon Panasonic Panasonic Nippon ChemiCon Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic Vishay Diodes Inc Vishay Vishay Diode Inc. Kang Tang Hardware Belfuse Molex Gen Cable Keystone Tokin Keystone Zetex Vishay/Siliconix Rohm Semi Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 14 of 54 09-Jun-10 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R24 R27 R25 R26 RV1 SCREW1 L4 TERMINAL EYELET1 TP3 U1 VR1 VR2 VR3 WASHER1 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 36 k, 5%, 1/4 W, Thick Film, 1206 51 , 5%, 2 W, Metal Oxide 275 V, 23 J, 7 mm, RADIAL SCREW MACHINE PHIL 4-40X 3/16 SS Bobbin, EE13, Vertical, 10 pins Terminal, Eyelet, Tin Plated Brass, Zierick PN 190 Test Point, RED,THRU-HOLE MOUNT LinkSwitch, LNK405EG, eSIP 15 V, 5%, 500 mW, DO-213AA (MELF) 91 V, 1.5 W, DO-41 43 V, 5 W, 5%, DO204AC (DO-15) Washer, Lk, #4 SS ERJ-8GEYJ363V RSF200JB-51R V275LA4P 67413609 YW-538-02B 190 5010 LNK405EG ZMM5245B-7 BZY97C91 P6KE43AG 4NSLWS Panasonic Yageo Littlefuse MSC Industrial Supply Yih-Hwa Zierick Keystone Power Integrations Diodes Inc Fagor On Semi Olander Co. Page 15 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 7 Heatsink Assembly Figure 8 – Heatsink Dimensions Figure 9 – Heatsink Assembly Drawing. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 16 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 8 Inductor Specification 8.1 Electrical Diagram Figure 10 – Inductor Electrical Diagram. 8.2 Electrical Specifications Pins 1-3, all other windings open, measured at 66 kHz, 0.4 VRMS Pins 1-3, all other windings open 680 H ±5% 1 MHz (Min.) Inductance Resonant Frequency 8.3 Materials Item [1] [2] [3] [4] Description Core: PC44 EE13 (NC2H) Bobbin: EE13, Vertical, 10 pins, 5/5. Magnet Wire: #29 AWG. Tape: 3M 1298 Polyester Film, 7.5 mm wide. 8.4 Inductor Build Diagram Figure 11 – Inductor Build Diagram. Page 17 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9 Performance Data All measurements performed at room temperature. 9.1 Non-Dimming Configuration Performance Data The following data were measured using 3 sets of load (i.e. 11, 12, and 13 LED strings to represent the load range of 30 V ~ 36 V output voltage). Refer to the table on Section 9.1.5 for the complete set of test data values. 9.1.1 Efficiency 87.0 86.5 86.0 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED Efficiency (%) 85.5 85.0 84.5 84.0 83.5 83.0 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 12 – Efficiency vs. Load and Input Voltage. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 18 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.1.2 Line and Load Regulation 340 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED 335 Output Current (mA) 330 325 320 315 310 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 13 – Regulation vs. Load and Input Voltage. Page 19 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9.1.3 Power Factor 1.00 0.99 0.98 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED Power Factor 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 14 – Power Factor vs. Load and Input Voltage. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 20 of 54 09-Jun-10 9.1.4 Harmonics 50 45 40 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Class C Limit DER-192 Harmonic Data at 230 VAC Harmonic Current (mA) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic Order Figure 15 – 230 VAC Input Current Harmonics. Page 21 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 90 80 70 Class C Limit DER-192 Harmonic Data at 115 VAC Harmonic Current (mA) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Harmonic Order Figure 16 – 115 VAC Input Current Harmonics. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 22 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.1.5 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 11 LED Load. VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.13328 0.11815 0.10201 0.08946 0.0679 0.05705 0.05556 0.05281 PIN (W) 11.927 11.731 11.602 11.58 11.796 12.3 12.411 12.78 PF 0.9924 0.9912 0.9872 0.9808 0.963 0.9351 0.9285 0.9111 VOUT (V) 31.45 31.46 31.46 31.45 31.46 31.49 31.49 31.50 IOUT (mA) 321.3 317.9 315.7 314.5 318.5 327.6 329.7 337.1 POUT (W) 10.105 10.001 9.932 9.891 10.020 10.316 10.382 10.619 Efficiency (%) 84.72 85.25 85.61 85.41 84.94 83.87 83.65 83.09 9.1.6 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 12 LED Load. VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.14437 0.12761 0.10987 0.0957 0.0724 0.05999 0.05832 0.05508 PIN (W) 12.909 12.679 12.517 12.441 12.61 12.977 13.075 13.384 PF 0.9922 0.9919 0.9888 0.983 0.9656 0.9383 0.932 0.9148 VOUT (V) 34.05 34.01 34.02 34.04 34.05 34.06 34.07 34.08 IOUT (mA) 322.4 318.5 315.7 314.4 317 322.8 324.4 330.4 POUT (W) 10.978 10.832 10.740 10.702 10.794 10.995 11.052 11.260 Efficiency (%) 85.04 85.43 85.80 86.02 85.60 84.72 84.53 84.13 9.1.7 Non-Dimming Configuration Test Data, 13 LED Load VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.15729 0.13824 0.11853 0.10355 0.07792 0.06413 0.06223 0.05849 PIN (W) 14.052 13.732 13.518 13.495 13.625 13.953 14.028 14.333 PF 0.9912 0.9921 0.9901 0.9853 0.9693 0.9437 0.9377 0.9221 VOUT (V) 36.96 36.91 36.9 36.92 36.92 36.95 36.96 36.96 IOUT (mA) 324.4 319.7 316.5 316.7 318.8 323.6 324.5 331 POUT (W) 11.990 11.800 11.679 11.693 11.770 11.957 11.994 12.234 Efficiency (%) 85.32 85.93 86.39 86.64 86.39 85.69 85.50 85.35 Page 23 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9.1.8 230 VAC, 50 Hz Harmonics Data, PIN = 12.977 W n 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Measured (mA) 61.340 0.040 11.390 6.600 3.770 2.500 2.090 1.910 2.020 1.740 1.860 1.590 1.580 1.200 1.020 0.910 0.710 0.690 0.510 0.590 0.610 Base I Harmonics (mA/W) 230 V Limit (mA) Remarks 3.40000 1.90000 1.00000 0.50000 0.35000 0.29615 0.25667 0.22647 0.20263 0.18333 0.16739 0.15400 0.14259 0.13276 0.12419 0.11667 0.11000 0.10405 0.09872 44.122 24.656 12.977 6.489 4.542 3.843 3.331 2.939 2.630 2.379 2.172 1.998 1.850 1.723 1.612 1.514 1.427 1.350 1.281 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 24 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.1.9 115 VAC, 60 Hz Harmonics Data, PIN = 12.517 W n 1 2 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 Measured (mA) 112.850 0.050 9.220 2.580 5.200 5.700 5.080 3.770 2.330 0.930 0.860 1.490 1.640 1.460 1.210 0.780 0.390 0.340 0.600 0.840 0.770 Base I Harmonics (mA/W) 230 V Limit (mA) Remarks 3.40000 1.90000 1.00000 0.50000 0.35000 0.29615 0.25667 0.22647 0.20263 0.18333 0.16739 0.15400 0.14259 0.13276 0.12419 0.11667 0.11000 0.10405 0.09872 85.11560 47.56460 25.03400 12.51700 8.76190 7.41392 6.42539 5.66946 5.07268 4.58957 4.19047 3.85524 3.56966 3.32348 3.10906 2.92063 2.75374 2.60489 2.47131 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Page 25 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9.2 Dimming Configuration Performance Data The following data were measured using 3 sets of load, 11, 12 and 13 LED strings to represent the load range of 30 V ~ 36 V output voltage. Refer to the tables for the complete set of test data values. 9.2.1 Efficiency 85.0 84.5 84.0 83.5 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED Efficiency (%) 83.0 82.5 82.0 81.5 81.0 80.5 80.0 79.5 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 17 – Efficiency vs Load and Input Voltage. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 26 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.2.2 Line and Load Regulation 350 Output Current (mA) 335 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED 320 305 290 275 260 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 18– Regulation vs. Load and Input Voltage. Page 27 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9.2.3 Power Factor 1.00 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 11 LED 12 LED 13 LED Power Factor Input Voltage (VAC) Figure 19 – Power Factor vs. Load and Input Voltage. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 28 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.2.4 Dimming Performance 350 300 Output Current (mA) 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 115 VAC 230 VAC Conduction Angle (º) Figure 20 – Dimming Performance. Page 29 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 9.2.5 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 11 LED Load VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.11532 0.10678 0.09667 0.08803 0.07245 0.06558 0.06488 0.0639 PIN (W) 10.307 10.578 10.939 11.301 12.232 13.214 13.426 14.047 PF 0.9909 0.9889 0.9821 0.9703 0.9359 0.8739 0.8601 0.8276 VOUT (V) 31.61 31.53 31.54 31.54 31.58 31.65 31.62 31.63 IOUT (mA) 269 278.7 289.5 299.2 320.2 338.6 342.4 354 POUT (W) 8.503 8.787 9.131 9.437 10.112 10.717 10.827 11.197 Efficiency (%) 82.50 83.07 83.47 83.50 82.67 81.10 80.64 79.71 9.2.6 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 12 LED Load VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.12442 0.11547 0.1045 0.09498 0.07758 0.06925 0.06825 0.06675 PIN (W) 11.106 11.446 11.86 12.251 13.219 14.165 14.353 14.904 PF 0.9902 0.9897 0.9847 0.9749 0.9443 0.8871 0.8737 0.8404 VOUT (V) 34.31 34.36 34.39 34.37 34.37 34.45 34.42 34.44 IOUT (mA) 267 279 291 300.5 321.6 337.8 341 349.9 POUT (W) 9.161 9.586 10.007 10.328 11.053 11.637 11.737 12.051 Efficiency (%) 82.48 83.75 84.38 84.30 83.62 82.15 81.78 80.85 9.2.7 Dimming Configuration Test Data, 13 LED Load VIN (VAC) 90 100 115 132 180 230 240 265 Line Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 50 50 50 50 IIN (A) 0.13307 0.12335 0.11153 0.10133 0.08238 0.07279 0.07157 0.06957 PIN (W) 11.865 12.234 12.674 13.108 14.126 15.077 15.253 15.761 PF 0.9891 0.9898 0.9864 0.9781 0.9507 0.8982 0.8854 0.8529 VOUT (V) 36.92 36.98 37.04 37.09 37.12 37.2 37.15 37.16 IOUT (mA) 268 278.2 289.8 299.9 320.7 336.5 339.4 347.5 POUT (W) 9.895 10.288 10.734 11.123 11.904 12.518 12.609 12.913 Efficiency (%) 83.39 84.09 84.69 84.86 84.27 83.03 82.66 81.93 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 30 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 9.2.8 115 VAC Dimming Data (TRIAC: DING CHUNG 110 V, 800 W) Conduction Angle (˚) 180 150 135 120 90 60 45 30 0 IOUT (mA) 291 279 255 230 145.8 97.66 60.58 0 0 9.2.9 230 VAC Dimming Data (TRIAC: YUEFENG 250 V, 10 A) Conduction Angle (˚) 180 150 135 120 90 60 45 30 0 IOUT (mA) 337.8 319 292 258.8 174.46 103.62 71.62 45.54 0 Page 31 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 10 Waveforms 10.1 Non-Dimming Configuration 10.1.1 Input Line Current Figure 21 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 22 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 23 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 50 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 24 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 50 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 32 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.1.2 Drain Voltage and Current Normal Operation Figure 25 – 90 VAC 60Hz, Full Load. Upper: IDRAIN, 500 mA / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 50 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 26 – 90 VAC 60Hz, Full Load. Upper: Normal. Lower: Zoomed-in. Figure 27 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IDRAIN, 500 mA / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 28 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: Normal. Lower: Zoomed-in. Page 33 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 10.1.3 Drain Voltage and Current Start-up Operation Figure 29 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load Start-up. Upper: IDRAIN, 500 mA / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 30 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load Start-up. Upper: Normal. Lower: Zoomed-in. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 34 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.1.4 Output Current and Output Voltage Figure 31 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 32 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 33 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 34 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Page 35 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.1.5 Output Current Ripple 09-Jun-10 Figure 35 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 36 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 37 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 38 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 5 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 36 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.1.6 Output Current and Voltage at Power-up, Power-down Figure 39 – 90 VAC 60Hz, Output Rise. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Figure 40 – 90 VAC 60Hz, Output Fall. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Figure 41 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Output Rise. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 50 ms / div. Figure 42 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Output Fall. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VOUT, 10 V, 500 ms / div. Page 37 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.1.7 Output Short 09-Jun-10 Figure 43 – 265 VAC 60 Hz, Output Short. Upper: IDRAIN, 1 A / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V, 200 ms / div. Figure 44 – 265 VAC 60 Hz, Output Short. Upper: IDRAIN, 1 A / div. Lower: VDRAIN, 200 V, 10 ms / div. 10.1.8 Open Load/LED Condition Figure 45 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, Open Load. CH1: VDRAIN, 100 V / div. CH4: VOUT, 10 V, 1s / div. Figure 46 – 265 VAC 60 Hz, Open Load. CH1: VDRAIN, 100 V / div. CH4: VOUT, 10 V, 1s / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 38 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.2 Dimming Configuration 10.2.1 Input Current at Full Conduction Angle Figure 47 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 48 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 49 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 50 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Figure 50 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, Full Load. Upper: IIN, 50 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 10 ms / div. Page 39 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.2.2 Input Current at Different Dimming Angle 09-Jun-10 Figure 51 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 150˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IIN, 500 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 52 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 135˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IIN, 500 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 53 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 90˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IIN, 1 A / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 54 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 60˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IIN, 1 A / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 40 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Figure 55 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 45˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IIN, 1 A / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. 10.2.3 Output Current at Different Conduction Angle: 115 VAC, 60Hz Figure 56 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 150˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 57 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 135˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Page 41 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 Figure 58 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 120˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 59 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 90˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 60 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 60˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 61 – 115 VAC 60 Hz, 45˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 42 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 10.2.4 Output Current at Different Conduction Angle: 230 VAC, 50Hz Figure 62 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 150˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 63 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 135˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 64 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 120˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 65 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 90˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Page 43 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 Figure 66 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 50˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. Figure 67 – 230 VAC 50 Hz, 45˚ Conduction Angle. Upper: IOUT, 100 mA / div. Lower: VIN, 100 V, 5 ms / div. 10.2.5 Drain Voltage and Drain Current During Dimming Figure 68 – 90 VAC 60 Hz, 90˚ Conduction Angle. C2, Z2: IDRAIN, 500 mA / div. C1, Z1: VDRAIN, 100 V, 2 ms / div. Figure 69 – 265 VAC 50 Hz, 90˚ Conduction Angle. C2, Z2: IDRAIN, 500 mA / div. C1, Z1: VDRAIN, 100 V, 2 ms / div. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 44 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 11 Thermal Measurements 11.1 Thermal Test Set-up Thermal Measurements were done with the whole assembly (buck board + PAR38 housing + fixture cover) operated at a room temperature. The ambient measurement location inside the assembly is shown below. Output power was adjusted to maximum to obtain worst case thermal measurements. Figure 70 – Ambient2 Location. Figure 71 – Board Position on PAR38 Housing. Figure 72 – PAR38 Assembly. Figure 73 – PAR38 with Top Cover at Room Temperature. Page 45 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 11.2 Thermal Test Results Temperature Temperature (˚C) (˚C) ~25 83 79 96 88 92 78 97 101 89 96 75 98 91 81 90 60 15.38 34.8 356 12.39 80.57% ~25 89 80 101 100 96 65 102 106 74 81 76 77 79 83 265 50 15.4 34.9 355 12.39 80.45% Reference Amb1 Amb2 Amb3 U1 Q7 D8 BR1 T1 (Core) T1 (Wire) L1 L2 R19 R25 Q3 C6 VIN fL PIN VLED ILED POUT Eff Description Room Temperature Ambient Inside (Component Side) Ambient Inside ( Solder Side) LNK405EG Linear Regulator Output Rectifier (FWD) Bridge Rectifier Output Inductor, Core Output Inductor, Wire Differential Choke Differential Choke Damper Resistor Damper Resistor Damper Transistor Output Capacitor Input Voltage, V Line Frequency, Hz Input Power, W Output Voltage, V Output Current, mA Output Power, W Efficiency Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 46 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 12 Conducted EMI Measurements 12.1 Conducted EMI Test Set-up Conducted EMI were measured with the LED Board inside the PAR38 housing + LED loads (12 LED ~ 36 V at 330 mA). A top cover which is isolated from the PAR38 is also used and this cover is grounded to earth as shown on the Figure below. Figure 74 – Conducted EMI Measurement Set-up. Page 47 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 12.2 Conducted EMI Test Results 12.2.1 Non-Dimming Configuration Conducted Emission Figure 75 – Phase L1: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Figure 76 – Phase N: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 48 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Figure 77 – Phase L1: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Figure 78 – Phase N: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Page 49 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 12.2.2 Dimming Configuration Conducted Emission 09-Jun-10 Figure 79 – Phase L1: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Figure 80 – Phase N: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 115 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 50 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG Figure 81 – Phase L1: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Figure 82 – Phase N: Conducted EMI, ~36 V Load, 230 VAC, 60 Hz, and EN55022 B Limits. Page 51 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 09-Jun-10 13 Power Line Transient Tests The unit was subjected to ±500 V line to line surge and ±2500 V ring wave, both at 115 VAC and 230 VAC. A test failure was defined as a non-recoverable interruption of output requiring supply repair or recycling of input voltage. Level (V) ±500 ±500 ±500 ±500 ±2500 ±2500 ±2500 ±2500 Input Voltage (VAC) 115 115 230 230 115 115 230 230 Injection Location L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 L1, L2 Injection Phase (°) 0 90 0 90 0 90 0 90 Test Result (Pass/Fail) Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Type Surge Surge Surge Surge Ring Wave (200A) Ring Wave (200A) Ring Wave (200A) Ring Wave (200A) Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com Page 52 of 54 09-Jun-10 DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG 14 Revision History Date 09-Jun-10 Author CA Revision 1.0 Description & changes Initial release Reviewed Apps & Mktg Page 53 of 54 Power Integrations Tel: +1 408 414 9200 Fax: +1 408 414 9201 www.powerint.com DER-192 12 W PAR38 BUCK LED Driver Using LNK405EG For the latest updates, visit our website: www.powerint.com 09-Jun-10 Power Integrations reserves the right to make changes to its products at any time to improve reliability or manufacturability. Power Integrations does not assume any liability arising from the use of any device or circuit described herein. POWER INTEGRATIONS MAKES NO WARRANTY HEREIN AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. PATENT INFORMATION The products and applications illustrated herein (including transformer construction and circuits external to the products) may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents, or potentially by pending U.S. and foreign patent applications assigned to Power Integrations. A complete list of Power Integrations’ patents may be found at www.powerint.com. Power Integrations grants its customers a license under certain patent rights as set forth at http://www.powerint.com/ip.htm. The PI Logo, TOPSwitch, TinySwitch, LinkSwitch, DPA-Switch, PeakSwitch, EcoSmart, Clampless, E-Shield, Filterfuse, StackFET, PI Expert and PI FACTS are trademarks of Power Integrations, Inc. Other trademarks are property of their respective companies. ©Copyright 2010 Power Integrations, Inc. Power Integrations Worldwide Sales Support Locations WORLD HEADQUARTERS 5245 Hellyer Avenue San Jose, CA 95138, USA. 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