RF360 Europe GmbH
A Qualcomm TDK Joint Venture
SAW components
SAW RF filter
Automotive telematics
Ordering code:
December 02, 2016
RF360 products mentioned within this document are offered by RF360 Europe GmbH and other subsidiaries of
RF360 Holdings Singapore Pte. Ltd. (collectively, the RF360 Subsidiaries). RF360 Holdings Singapore Pte. Ltd.
is a joint venture of Qualcomm Global Trading Pte. Ltd. and EPCOS AG. References in this documentation to
EPCOS AG should properly reference, and shall be read to reference, the RF360 Subsidiaries.
RF360 Europe GmbH, Anzinger Str. 13, München, Germany
© 2016 RF360 Europe GmbH and/or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.
These materials, including the information contained herein, may be used only for informational purposes by
the customer. The RF360 Subsidiaries assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or
the information contained herein. The RF360 Subsidiaries reserve the right to make changes to the product(s)
or information contained herein without notice. The materials and information are provided on an AS IS basis,
and the RF360 Subsidiaries assume no liability and make no warranty or representation, either expressed or
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No use of this documentation or any information contained herein grants any license, whether express, implied,
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Qualcomm and Qualcomm RF360 are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States
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This technical data may be subject to U.S. and international export, re-export, or transfer (export) laws.
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免费人工找货- 国内价格 香港价格
- 1+12.961281+1.55033
- 10+10.5558210+1.26261
- 25+9.7318625+1.16405
- 50+9.1515650+1.09464
- 100+8.60748100+1.02956
- 250+7.93708250+0.94938
- 500+7.46475500+0.89288
- 1000+7.020391000+0.83973
- 国内价格 香港价格
- 5000+5.685425000+0.68005