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    RL78/G14 RL78 RL78 MCU 16-位 评估板 - 嵌入式

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RTK5RLG140C00000BJ 数据手册
Quick Start Guide RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board The RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board provides an entry point for evaluation, prototyping and development with the RL78/G14 MCU. Moreover, since this board incorporates an emulator circuit, you can use it for designing your own applications without needing to make further investments in tools. This product includes through-holes for pin headers that allow access to all MCU signal pins, allowing easy prototyping with a breadboard. (1) Package components   RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board (RTK5RLG140C00000BJ) Quick Start Guide (this document) (2) Table of board specifications Item Evaluation MCU Board size Power-supply voltage Power-supply circuit Push switch LED USB connector Pmod™ connector Arduino™ connector MCU header *1 Specification Part No.: R5F104MLAFB; package: 80-pin LFQFP On-chip memory: 512-KB ROM, 48-KB RAM, 8-KB data flash memory Size: 54 mm × 95 mm; thickness: 1.6 mm VDD: 1.8 V to 5.5 V; EVDD is the same voltage as VDD. USB connector: VBUS (5-V input); VBUS is converted to 3.3 V by LDO. 2-pin external power-supply header*1 Coin-cell battery: CR2032 (3 V)*1 Reset switch x 1; user switch x 1 Power indicator: green x 1, user: green x 2, ACT LED: green x 1 Connector: Micro USB Type-B Connector: Angle type, 12 pins x 2 Connector: 6 pins x 1, 8 pins x 2, 10 pins x 1 The interface is compatible with Arduino™ UNO R3. Header: 40 pins x 2 *1: This part is not mounted. Do not fit (DNF). (3) Parts layout ACT LED Six analog pins for ArduinoTM Uno R3 Eight power pins for ArduinoTM Uno R3 PmodTM connector 1 Micro-USB connector MCU pin headers (41 to 80) Power LED RL78/G14 MCU User LEDs Sub-clock oscillator MCU pin headers (1 to 40) PmodTM connector 2 User switch Reset switch Ten digital pins for ArduinoTM Uno R3 Eight digital pins for ArduinoTM Uno R3 (4) Arduino interface VCC GND GND VCC ANI6 ANI5 ANI4 ANI3 ANI2 ANI1 P26 P25 P24 P23 P22 P21 NC IOREF RESET 3V3 5V GND GND VIN 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 6 5 4 3 2 1 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 D15 D14 ADREF GND D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 P60 P61 P20 GND P54 P53 P52 P12 P11 P03 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 P02 P10 P77 P76 P75 P142 P144 P143 SCLA0 SDAA0 AVREFP TRDIOB1 TRDIOC1 SCK31 SI31 SO31 SO11 SI11 SCL31 SDA31 SCK11 KR7 KR6 KR5 SCK30 SO30 SI30 SCL11 SDA11 RxD1 TxD1 TRDIOD1 INT11 INT10 INT9 TxD3 RxD3 SCL30 SDA30 Analog pin Pin no. Power supply Digital pin GND PWM function Control signal Serial array unit Port Other function (5) PMOD interface The RL78/G14 Fast Prototyping Board has two Pmod connectors for the Type 2A interface. Pin no. Port 7 PmodTM 1 UART SO00 TxD0 SI00 RxD0 I2C P74 1 2 P140 P51 8 3 P130 P50 9 P30 4 10 5 SDA00 P147 SCK00 SCL00 P146 GND GND 11 VCC 6 12 VCC *Note: These serial ports are different from those for the Pmod I2C interface recommended by Digilent. P16 1 7 PmodTM 2 SPI (CSI) 2 P141 P13 8 3 P14 9 SI20 RxD2 SDA20 SCLA0 SCK20 SCL20 SDAA0 P111 10 5 TxD2 P17 P15 4 SO20 P110 GND 11 GND VCC 6 12 VCC 1 7 2 8 Pin no. Serial array unit Redirection of peripheral I/O 3 9 Power supply 4 10 GND 5 11 6 12 Port (6) Note on using the board Download the user's manual from the Web site below and check the full specifications before using the board. An integrated development environment and flash programming software are also available for downloading. URL: http://www.renesas.com/rl78fpb R20UT4571EJ0100
RTK5RLG140C00000BJ 价格&库存


  •  国内价格
  • 1+222.22846
  • 5+200.00257
