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    GreenPAK 可编程混合信号阵列 SLG46xxxx GreenPAK™ CPLD 评估板

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GreenPAK Universal Development Board User Guide Silego Technology Corporate Headquarters 1715 Wyatt Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone: 408-327-8800 http://www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Copyrights Copyright © 2010 Silego Technology. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Silego Technology assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Silego product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Silego products are not warranted nor intended to be used for medical, life support, lifesaving, critical control or safety applications, unless pursuant to an express written agreement with Silego. Furthermore, Silego does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Silego products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Silego against all charges. GreenPAK3 Designer™, GreenPAK3 Programmer™ and GreenPAK3™ are trademarks of Silego Technology. All other trademarks or registered trademarks referenced herein are property of the respective corporations. Any Source Code (software and/or firmware) is owned by Silego Technology (Silego) and is protected by and subject to worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign), United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Silego hereby grants to licensee a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to copy, use, modify, create derivative works of, and compile the Silego Source Code and derivative works for the sole purpose of creating custom software and or firmware in support of licensee product to be used only in conjunction with a Silego integrated circuit as specified in the applicable agreement. Any reproduction, modification, translation, compilation, or representation of this Source Code except as specified above is prohibited without the express written permission of Silego. Disclaimer: SILEGO MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Silego reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the materials described herein. Silego does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein. Silego does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Silego product in a lifesupport systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Silego against all charges. Use may be limited by and subject to the applicable Silego software license agreement. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Contents 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………4 1.1. Kit contents……………………………………………………………………………………….…4 1.2. GreenPAK3 Designer………………………………………………………………………………4 1.3. Support………………………………………………………………………………………………5 2. Getting Started……………………………………………………………………..…………………6 2.1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….…………6 2.2. Install Hardware……………………………………………………………………………………6 2.3. Install Software……………………………………………………………………………..………6 2.4. Uninstall Software………………………………………………………………………….………6 3. Hardware………………………………………………………………………………………………7 3.1. Overview…………………………………………………………………………………….………7 3.2. Functional Description…………………………………………………………………..…………8 3.2.1. Power Supply…………………………………………………………………………………..…8 3.2.2. USB Communication………………………………………………………………….…………8 3.2.3. GND connections……………………………………………………………………...…………8 3.2.4. Pin test points………………………………………………………………………….…………8 3.2.5. LEDs………………………………………………………………………………………………8 3.2.6. Socket connector…………………………………………………………………...……………9 3.2.7. Expansion connector……………………………………………………...……………………10 3.2.8. Pins connectivity……………………………………………………………...…………………15 4. Example projects……………………………………………………………………………………18 4.1. Project: Counter with clock enable…………………………………………………..…………18 4.2. Project: LED string with direction…………………………………………………….…………31 A. Appendix……………………………………………………………………………….……………39 A.1. Schematic…………………………………………………………………………………………39 A.2. BOM………………………………………………………………………………………………..44 Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 1. Introduction Thank you for choosing Silego Technology products. GreenPAK Universal Development Board allows you to develop your custom design using GreenPAK3 mixed signal IC. You can design your own projects starting from a blank project or by altering the sample projects provided at Silego website. GreenPAK3 chip is a mixed signal micro FPGA IC that combines configurable standard logic, timing, analog comparators, ADC and other macro modules in tiny 12-pin 2x3mm package when still running on very low power. 1.1. Kit contents The GreenPAK Universal Development Board contains:  GreenPAK Universal Development Board with socket board;  USB A to mini B cable;  GreenPAK3 samples;  Quick start guide. Inspect the contents of the kit; if you find any part missing, contact Silego for help. 1.2. GreenPAK3 Designer GreenPAK3 Designer is an easy-to-use full-featured integrated development environment (IDE) that allows you to specify exactly how you want the device to be configured. This provides you a direct access to all GreenPAK3 device features and complete control over the routing and configuration options. GreenPAK3 Designer has simple and intuitive software interface to GreenPAK3 Universal Board that gives you a quick and easy way to develop your entire GreenPAK3 project with just one tool. With GreenPAK3 Designer, you can:  Design the configuration which corresponds to your project needs;  Verify the project using software interface to GreenPAK3 Universal Board hardware;  With a simple-to-use and intuitive software and hardware tools you can reduce your project development time and get to market faster. To start working with GreenPAK3 Designer please do the following steps:  Download and install GreenPAK3 Designer software;  Configure modules that you will need for your project;  Interconnect and configure modules;  Specify the pinout;  Test your design with the GreenPAK3 Universal Board Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 1.3. Support Free support for GreenPAK3 Universal Board is available online at http://www.silego.com. At At : silegousa silegochinese silegoeurope silegojapan : Silego-Technology GreenPAK3 Designer will update itself when a new software version is detected and available. For manual updates please go to Software & Docs page at Silego Technology website You can also find all these resources in the Help menu of GreenPAK3 Designer. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 2. Getting Started 2.1. Introduction This chapter describes how to install and configure the GreenPAK3 Universal Board. Chapter 3 provides the details of hardware operation. Chapter 4 provides instructions on how to create a simple project example. The Appendix section provides the schematics and BOM associated with the GreenPAK3 Universal Board. 2.2. Install Hardware No hardware installation is required for this kit. 2.3. Install Software GreenPAK3 Designer software is available free of charge from the Silego website at Software & Docs page. 2.4. Uninstall Software The software can be uninstalled in the way typical for your operating system. Please refer to your operating system support documentation if you need the specific instructions or visit Support section of this document for additional support from Silego. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 3. Hardware 3.1. Overview Figure 3-1. GreenPAK3 Universal Board, top view Notification: All test points were designed only for observation of signals on the pins. Please do not try to connect external power/signal source to test points, this will affect GreenPAK3 Universal Board functionality and may even damage it. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 3.2. Functional Description 3.2.1. Power Supply Main power source of GreenPAK3 Universal Board is USB power lines. GreenPAK3 chip power supply range is 1.8-5.5 volts. The development board can provide power from 0 to 5.5V. To provide this power range the development board is enabled with a boost converter. A Signal generator with a buffered output controls GreenPAK3 chip power rail. For more information about GreenPAK3 electrical specification, please refer to the part datasheet. 3.2.2. USB Communication The board has a USB communications interface that uses the USB mini-B connector, as shown in Figure 3-2. This interface provides communication with software control tool and supplies power to the board, as discussed in Power Supply chapter. Figure 3-2. USB Interface 3.2.3. GND connections There are 6 GND pins on the left side, 6 pins and 1 header on the right side. These can be used for test equipment (oscilloscope, multimeter etc.) ground reference connection or to connect external test circuitry ground. 3.2.4. Pin test points Each GreenPAK3 chip pin including VDD has its own observation test point. These test points were designed only for observation, if you need to connect an external signal source, use a software-controlled expansion connector. 3.2.5. LEDs All the pins except Pin2 can be connected to buffered LEDs. This option allows you to visualize digital levels on chip pins. There are 2 selection modes: - Buffered LED (with high impedance input); Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board - Inverted Buffered LED (with high impedance input); This option can be enabled in GreenPAK3 Designer. 3.2.6. Socket connector The GreenPAK3 Universal Board is supplied with a detachable socket board (Figure 3-3). Its main purpose is to connect GreenPAK3 chip to the Development Board. It can be used to have an easy way to use programmed chip in external circuits, or measure current consumption of your project. Figure 3-3.GreenPAK3 Socket Board and schematic Figure 3-4.GreenPAK3 Socket PCB Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 3.2.7. Expansion connector This port was designed to connect GreenPAK3 Universal Board to external circuits and apply external power, signal sources and loads. It can be used to apply GreenPAK3 chip into your custom design with minimum additional tools. Schematic is available on Figure 3-5. Figure 3-5. GreenPAK3 expansion connector schematic Each pin except PIN11 (GND) is controlled through individual analog switch. Expansion connector is a standard 0.1” double row connector. GreenPAK3 Designer allows you to easily open or close external pins, as it is shown on figure below. Main purpose of Expansion connector is to connect external signal/power source safety for GreenPAK3 Universal Board. Figure 3-6. Expansion connector control in GreenPAK3 Designer Figure 3-7 demonstrates schematic of the expansion connector control. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 3-7. Socket and expansion connector schematic Expansion connector is enabled only in Emulation mode or Test mode. To enter any of this two modes GreenPAK3 chip is required inside the socket. When the Test mode button is pressed the software will first read the chip to verify that it was inserted and then configure the GreenPAK3 Universal Board as it was set in Emulation Tool window. When the Test mode button is grey then the Dev. Board is in Default state and all expansion port switches are open (disconnected). After Emulation button is pressed, the software will automatically perform the following steps: Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board - check chip presence; - open all expansion port switches (external signals/loads can be leaved connected to expansion port); - use internal power and load configuration to the chip - only for case #3: adjust internal power source to external power level -> close external power switch -> open internal power switch; - configure board as it was set in Emulation Tool window; Also the parasitic effects should be considered while using GreenPAK3 Universal Board incircuit with analog signals. The entire board circuitry along with the wiring have significant amount of mutual capacitance and inductance. The detachable socket can also be used for the in-circuit development with programmed chips (the board and socket connectors have same pinout). The GreenPAK Universal Board provides three possible ways of using expansion connector: 1) The internal power is used to run chip, no external power output is needed, external signal sources and loads can be connected between pins and GND. The configuration steps: - close internal and open external power switch; - close all used expansion port switches in the software; - hit Emulation/Test mode button; This is common way of using Expansion connector. Figure 3-8. Internal power source 2) The internal power is used to run chip and external circuit (internal power source/sink current is limited to 50mA). The configuration steps: - close internal power switch; - close external power switch; - close all used expansion port switches in the software; - hit Emulation/Test mode button; Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 3-9. Internal power source for GreenPAK3 chip and external board 3) The external power is used to run chip and external circuit (internal source output is in Hi-Z state). The configuration steps: - open internal power switch; - close external power switch; - close all used expansion port switches in the software; - hit Emulation/Test mode button (External power should be applied before this step); Mention that GreenPAK3 chip is OTP part and "Emulation mode" allows to load the project into GreenPAK3 chip many times, but after power loss all internal data will be lose. Also when the GreenPAK chip is already programmed - user can use Emulation mode to load some other project and test it on the emulation tool during the Emulation mode, in that case emulation data will be cleared. The "Emulation" mode is not necessary for checking programmed parts: in this case the "Test mode" is enough. Expansion connector can be divided on 3 types of connections. 1. VDD; 2. GND; 3. Data connections. VDD connection allows you to connect/disconnect external and internal power source. This connection meets next requirements:  External power in range 1.8 - 5.5 volt.  High ohm voltage dividers are not recommended. GND connection is connected directly to Development board, and cannot be controlled with GreenPAK3 Designer. Data connections are easiest way to connect external lines to GreenPAK3 chip. They are software controlled switches. Every line is connected with 100Ohm resistor. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 3-10. Expansion connector. Pin with protection resistor. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 3.2.8. Pins connectivity GreenPAK3 Universal Board allows connecting eight types of loads and signal sources. Each source has its own special purpose. List of available connections for each pin is presented in the table below. Pin Set to Set to Pull up Pull VDD GND down Set LED Signal generator Logic generator configurable button # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 VDD - - - - - - + - Pin2 + + + + + - - + Pin3 + + + + + + - + Pin4 + + + + + + - + Pin5 + + + + + + - + Pin6 + + + + + + + + Pin7 + + + + + + + + Pin8 + + + + + + + + Pin9 + + + + + + - + Pin10 + + + + + + + + Pin12 + + + + + + + + Pin13 + + + + + + + + Pin14 + + + + + + + + Pin15 + + + + + + - + Pin16 + + + + + + - + Pin17 + + + + + + - + Pin18 + + + + + + - + Pin19 + + + + + + - + Pin20 + + + + + + - + Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Pin signal sources/loading schematics: Set to VDD Set to GND Set to GND Set to VDD Pull up Pull down Pull up Pull down Button released Button pressed Button pressed Button released Button with different configurations Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 Button VDD – HI-Z Button HI-Z - GND Button VDD - GND Button Pull up - Pull down Button Pull up - GND Button VDD – Pull down www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board LED LED Buffered LED Inverted buffered LED VDD Signal generator* VDD Signal generator *- VDD Signal generator works similar to other Signal generators but has wider output voltage range. It can provide maximum supply level of 5.5 V. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 4. Example projects 4.1. Project: Counter with clock enable The first example project - Counter with clock enable is very simple. For this project we will need: - 2 digital inputs; - 1 digital output; - 1 Look-Up table with two inputs; - 1 Counter. Figure 4-1. GreenPAK3 Designer Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-2. GreenPAK3 Components list Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board All these components can be found in components list. If there are no components on a work area - make sure this component is enabled. Pin Configuration Pin # Pin Name Type Pin Description 1 VDD PWR Supply Voltage 2 Clock Digital input Digital Input 3 Enable Digital input Digital Input 11 GND GND Ground 20 Counter Output Push pull output Digital Output On Figure 4-1 there are shown all the components used in project; next step is to configure selected blocks. Double click on PIN20 to open “Properties” panel. Select “1x push pull” from the drop-down menu in Pin20 properties and hit “Apply” button Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-3. Pin 20 mode Next component in this design is Look-Up table. First Look-Up (LUT4) table is used to generate logic “1” only when there are high logic levels on both inputs (AND gate). Select AND gate from “Standard gates” drop-down menu or set table manually. Second Look-Up (LUT5) configured as NOR gate. It is used to generate reset signal for counter on PIN3 falling edge. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-4. Look-Up table properties configured as AND gate Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-5. Look-Up table properties configured as AND gate Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-4. Counter properties Final step is to connect used components. Use Wire tool to perform this action. To connect two pins select “Set Wire” and then click on the first and the second pin of the module or modules that you want to connect. The trace will be automatically routed. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-5. GreenPAK3 Designer Figure 4-5 displays ready project, with configured blocks and wire connections. Use the GreenPAK Universal Board to test this project. Connect GreenPAK Universal Board to PC and press “Emulation” button. This will load code of your project to the chip and will enable Test Board functionality of your Dev. Board. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-6. GreenPAK3 Designer, Emulation tool To test this project we will use next tools: - Signal generator. Signal generator is applied on VDD pin to power GreenPAK3 chip. - Logic generator. Logic generator serves as clock source. - Button is a software simulation of the real button. It switches PIN between VDD and GND signal levels. - Inverted buffered LED. - Buffered LED. Figure 4-7. Signal generator connected to VDD pin Signal generator is presented as power source for GreenPAK3 chip. It's configured to output source constant 3.3V. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-8. Signal generator settings Logic generator's purpose is to provide counter module clock pulses. It is configured as 10 Hz clock source as shown on Figure 4-9. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-9. Logic generator properties Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Functionality Waveform Channel 1 (yellow/top) – Logic generator; Channel 2 (light blue/2nd line) – Button, 1- enable Counter; 0-disable Counter; Channel 3 (magenta/3rd line) – Counter output. Figure 4-11. Waveform, triggered on button pressed Channel 1 (yellow/top) – Logic generator; Channel 2 (light blue/2nd line) – Button, 1- enable Counter; 0-disable Counter; Channel 3 (magenta/3rd line) – Counter output. Figure 4-12. Waveform, no trigger and button released Channel 1 (yellow/top) – Logic generator; Channel 2 (light blue/2nd line) – Button, 1- enable Counter; 0-disable Counter; Channel 3 (magenta/3rd line) – Counter output. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-13. Waveform, impulse width of Logic generator and count end signal As it is shown on Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13 Counter works only when the button is pressed. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 4.2. Project: LED string with direction For this project we will need: - Analog pin for input data; - Digital pin for PWM output; - ADC block; - PWM block. Figure 4-14. Used blocks for current project For testing this project we will use Signal generator with sine waveform. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-15. Sine waveform generated with Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-16. Emulation window, with Buffered LED and Signal generator Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Pin Configuration Pin # Pin Name Type Pin Description 1 VDD PWR Supply Voltage 2 DIRECTION Input Controls direction 6 SIGNAL Input Analog Input 11 GND GND Ground 15 LED_A Output LED 17 LED_B Output LED 19 LED_C Output LED Figure 4-17. Pin properties Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Pin 6 is configured as analog input-output. This pin will be used for generating SINE waveform. Figure 4-18. Pin properties Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Figure 4-19. ACMP properties Pin 15, 17, 19 - output pins with 1x push pull. They are an observing pin. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board All comparators positive inputs are connected to Pin 6 analog input. When voltage on positive input is higher than voltage on negative comparator will set logic “1” on its output. In this project, 3 comparators are used. ACMP0 positive input is 200mV, ACMP1 is 500mV, and ACMP2 is 800mV. In this case, we will have 4 states: - all LEDs are off; -LED_A is on; -LED_A and LED_B are on; -All LEDs are on. If Pin 2 logic level will be set to “1”; this states will transform into: - all LEDs are on; -LED_A and LED_B are on; -LED_A is on; -All LEDs are off. Figure 4-21. GreenPAK3 Designer Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Functionality Waveform Channel 1 (yellow/top) – Direction; Channel 2 (light blue /2nd line) – LED_A. Channel 3 (magenta/3rd line) – LED_B; Channel 4 (blue / 4rth line) – LED_C. Figure 4-22. Direct direction Figure 4-23. Opposite direction The PWM duty cycle rises up to 100% when analog signal is close to 1V. Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board A. Appendix A.1. Schematic MCU Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Analog switches, protection diodes and LEDs Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Socket and expansion connectors Signal generators Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board Boost converter USB interface Port extender Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board USB protection Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board A.2. BOM GreenPAK Universal Dev. Board 1 No items package qty./per board 1 N/A TQFN20 1 2 MCU TQFP-100 1 IC9 3 CY7C64345-32LQXC QFN-32 1 IC8 4 AD5628BRUZ-2 16TSSOP 2 IC12, IC13 5 NLAS7222BMUTBG 10-UFQFN 1 IC7 6 MAX4712EUE+ 16TSSOP 5 IC14 – IC18 7 BAS21SLT1G SOT-23 -3 19 D7 – D25 8 GM1JS35200AE 0603 (1608 Metric) 1 LED1 9 LB Q39E-N1P1-35-1 0603 (1608 Metric) 1 LED2 10 LW Q38G-Q1S1-3K6L-1 0603 (1608 Metric) 1 LED3 11 LTST-C193KGKT-5A 0603 (1608 Metric) 17 LED4 – LED20 12 NX5032GA-25.0MHZLN-CD-1 2-SMD 1 X1 13 SC4503TSKTRT TSOT23-5 1 IC3 14 USB-M26FTR 1 CONN1 15 2N7002 SOT-23-3 2 Q1, Q2 16 MBRX120-TP SOD-123 4 D3 – D6 17 SLG59M610V TDFN-8 1 IC4 18 AD8591 SOT-23-6 1 IC11 19 ECMF02-2AMX6 6-UFQFN 1 IC19 20 NRS4018T100MDGJ 4.00x4.00x1.8mm 1 L1 21 BLM18KG260TN1 0603 (1608 Metric) 2 L2,L4 Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 symbol www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 22 RES 10K OHM 1/10W .1% 0603 0603 (1608 Metric) 1 R27 23 RES 44.2K OHM 1/10W 0.1% 0603 (1608 Metric) 1 R28 24 ACM4520-421-2P-T000 4.70mm x 4.50mm 1 L3 25 GRM31CF50J107ZE01L 1206 (3216 metric) 5 C8 – C12 26 LM317LCPK SOT89-3 2 IC2, IC5 27 LM6211MF/NOPB SOT23-5 2 IC6, IC10 28 GRM155F51C104ZA01D 0402 (1005 metric) 28 C6, C13, C16, C19, C20, C22, C23, C27, C28, C30, C31, C33, C35, C36, C37, C38, C40, C41, C42, C44, C46, C47, C48, C49, C50, C51, C54, Csoc 29 EMK316BJ106KL-T 1206 (3216 metric) 7 C2, C3, C4, C7, C14, C26, C32 30 C2012X7R1C105K/1.25 0805 (2012 metric) 4 C21, C29, C45, C39 31 CC0402KRX7R9BB103 0402 (1005 Metric) 4 C5, C15, C52, C55 33 CC0402JRNPO9BN220 0402 (1005 metric) 8 C1, C17, C18, C24, C25, C34, C43, C53 34 RESISTOR 442k 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 1 R25 35 RESISTOR 100k 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 14 R1, R6, R7, R8, R10, R12, R13, R15, R16, R20, R21, R26, R31, R32 Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 36 RESISTOR 453k 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 3 R18, R19, R30 37 RESISTOR 576k 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 1 R3 38 RESISTOR 560 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 2 R4, R9 39 RESISTOR 2.05 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 1 R11 40 RESISTOR 1.91k 1/16W 1% 0402 (1005 metric) 1 R5 41 RESISTOR 2k 1/16W 0402 (1005 metric) 6 R22, R23, R24, R33, R34, R2 42 RESISTOR 24 ohm 1/16W 0402 (1005 metric) 2 R14, R17 43 RESISTOR 2 ohm 0805 (2012 metric) 1 R29 44 YC164-JR-072KL 1206 (3216 metric) 4 RN6, RN7, RN8, RN9 45 YC164-JR-07100RL 1206 (3216 metric) 5 RN1, RN2, RN3, RN4, RN5 54 RESISTOR 0 ohm 1206 (3216 metric) 1 R35 55 SLG55321 TDFN-8 1 IC1 56 BZV55C5V6-TP SOD-80C 1 D1 46 5000_ 1 VDD 47 5001_ 1 GND 48 5002_ 18 TP2 – TP10, TP12 – TP20 49 SJ61A6 5 50 TSW-110-08-L-D-RA Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 0.100" (2.54mm) 2 SV4, SVsoc www.silego.com GreenPAK Universal Development Board 51 SSQ-110-02-T-D-RA 0.100" (2.54mm) 1 SV1 52 961106-6404-AR 0.100" (2.54mm) 2 SV2, SV3 53 3021009-06 Silego Technology Inc. 10/13/2014 1 www.silego.com


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