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    超小型7.8mΩ 4A负载开关

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SLG59M309V 数据手册
SLG59M309V Ultra-small 7.8 mΩ 4 A Load Switch  General Description Pin Configuration The SLG59M309V is a 7.8 mΩ 4 A single-channel load switch that is able to switch 1 V to 5 V power rails. The product is packaged in an ultra-small 1.5 x 2.0 mm package. • 1.5 x 2.0 mm FC-TDFN 8L package (2 fused pins for drain and 2 fused pins for source) • Logic level ON pin capable of supporting 0.85 V CMOS Logic • User selectable ramp rate with external capacitor • 7.8 mΩ RDSONwhile supporting 4 A • Two Over Current Protection Modes • Short Circuit Current Limit • Active Current Limit • Over Temperature Protection • Pb-Free / Halogen-Free / RoHS compliant • Operating Temperature: -40 °C to 85°C • Operating Voltage: 2.5 V to 5.5 V 1 ON 2 D 3 D 4 SLG59M309V Features VDD 8 GND 7 CAP 6 S 5 S 8-pin FC-TDFN (Top View) Applications • Notebook Power Rail Switching • Tablet Power Rail Switching • Smartphone Power Rail Switching Block Diagram 4 A @ 7.8 mΩ D +2.5 to 5.5 V CAP S Charge Pump Linear Ramp Control Over Current and Over Temperature Protection ON ©2022 Renesas Electronics Corporation 000-0059M309-101 CMOS Input Rev 1.01 Revised February 14, 2022 SLG59M309V  Pin Description Pin # Pin Name Type Pin Description 1 VDD PWR VDD power for load switch control (2.5 V to 5.5 V) 2 ON Input Turns MOSFET ON (4 MΩ pull down resistor) CMOS input with VIL < 0.3 V, VIH > 0.85 V 3 D MOSFET Drain of Power MOSFET (fused with pin 4) 4 D MOSFET Drain of Power MOSFET (fused with pin 3) 5 S MOSFET Source of Power MOSFET (fused with pin 6) 6 S MOSFET Source of Power MOSFET (fused with pin 5) 7 CAP Input Capacitor for controlling power rail ramp rate 8 GND GND Ground Ordering Information Part Number Type Production Flow SLG59M309V FC-TDFN 8L Industrial, -40 °C to 85 °C SLG59M309VTR FC-TDFN 8L (Tape and Reel) Industrial, -40 °C to 85 °C 000-0059M309-101 Page 2 of 10 SLG59M309V  Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter VDD TS ESDHBM WDIS Description Conditions Power Supply Storage Temperature ESD Protection Human Body Model Min. Typ. Max. Unit -- -- 7 V -65 -- 150 °C 2000 -- -- V -- -- 1 W -- -- 6 A Package Power Dissipation MOSFET IDSPK Peak Current from Drain to Source For no more than 1 ms with 1% duty cycle Note: Stresses greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Electrical Characteristics TA = -40 °C to 85 °C (unless otherwise stated) Parameter Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit VDD Power Supply Voltage -40 °C to 85 °C 2.5 -- 5.5 V IDD Power Supply Current (PIN 1) when OFF -- -- 1 µA when ON, No load -- 70 100 µA Static Drain to Source ON Resistance TA 25°C @ 100 mA -- 7.8 9.5 mΩ TA 70°C @ 100 mA -- 8.5 11.5 mΩ IDS Operating Current VD = 1.0 V to 5.5 V -- -- 4 A VD Drain Voltage 1.0 -- VDD V 0 300 500 µs RDSON TON_Delay ON pin Delay Time 50% ON to Ramp Begin Configurable 1 50% ON to 90% VS TTotal_ON Total Turn On Time Example: CAP (PIN 7) = 4 nF, VDD = VD = 5 V, Source_Cap = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA -- Slew Rate CAPSOURCE Source Cap -- ms Configurable 1 10% VS to 90% VS TSLEWRATE 1.96 ms V/ms Example: CAP (PIN 7) = 4 nF, VDD = VD = 5 V, Source_Cap = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA -- 3.0 -- V/ms Source to GND -- -- 500 µF ON_VIH High Input Voltage on ON pin 0.85 -- VDD V ON_VIL Low Input Voltage on ON pin -0.3 0 0.3 V Active Current Limit MOSFET will automatically limit current when VS > 250 mV -- 6.0 -- A Short Circuit Current Limit MOSFET will automatically limit current when VS < 250 mV -- 0.5 -- A Thermal shutoff turn-on temperature -- 125 -- °C THERMOFF Thermal shutoff turn-off temperature -- 100 -- °C THERMTIME Thermal shutoff time -- -- 1 ms -- 20 28 µs ILIMIT THERMON TOFF_Delay OFF Delay Time 50% ON to VS Fall, VDD = VD = 5 V Notes: 1. Refer to table for configuration details. 000-0059M309-101 Page 3 of 10 SLG59M309V  SLG59M309V Turn ON The normal power on sequence is first VDD, with VD only being applied after VDD is > 1 V, and then ON after VD is at least 90% of final value. The normal power off sequence is the power on sequence in reverse. If VDD and VD are turned on at the same time then it is possible that a voltage glitch will appear on VS before VDD achieves 1 V which is the VT of the main MOSFET. The size of the glitch is dependent on source and drain capacitance loading and the ramp rate of VDD & VD. SLG59M309V Turn ON The VS ramp follows a linear path, not an RC limitation provided the ramp is slow enough to not be current limited by load capacitance. SLG59M309V Current Limiting The SLG59M309V has two forms of current limiting. Standard Current Limiting Mode Current is measured by mirroring the current through the main MOSFET. The mirrored current is then sent through a resistor creating a voltage V(i) proportional to the MOSFET current. The V(i) is then compared with a Band Gap voltage V(BG). If V(i) exceeds the Band Gap voltage then the voltage V(g) on the gate of the main MOSFET is reduced. The V(g) continues to drop until V(i) < V(BG). This response is a closed loop response and is therefore very fast and current limits in less than a few micro-seconds. There is no difference between peak or constant current limit. Temperature Cutoff However, as the V(g) drops the Rds(ON) of the main MOSFET will increase, thus limiting the current, but also increasing the power dissipation of the IC. The IC is very small and cannot dissipate much power. Therefore, if a current limit condition is sustained the IC will heat up. If the temperature exceeds approximately 120°C, then V(g) will be brought low completely shutting off the main MOSFET. As the die cools the MOSFET will be turned back on at 100°C. If the current limiting condition has not been mitigated then the die will again heat up to 120°C and the process will repeat. Short Circuit Current Limiting Mode When V(S) < 250 mV, which is the case if there is a solder bridge during the manufacturing process or a hard short on the power rail, then the current is limited to approximately 500 mA. This current limit is accomplished in the same manner as the Standard Current Limiting Mode with the exception that the current mirror is 15x greater. Because the current mirror is so much larger, a 15x smaller main MOSFET current is required to generate the same V(i). If V(S) rises above approximately 250 mV, then this mode is automatically switched out. 000-0059M309-101 Page 4 of 10 SLG59M309V  TTotal_ON vs. CAP @ VDD = 3.3 V SLG59M309V TTotal_ON: ON (50%) - VS (90%) VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C. CL = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA 6 5 Ttotal_on (ms) 4 VD = 1.5V 3 VD = 2.5V VD = 3.3V 2 1 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Cap (pf) TTotal_ON vs. CAP @ VDD = 5.0 V SLG59M309V TTotal_ON: ON (50%) - VS (90%) VDD = 5.0 V, TA = 25 °C. CL = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA 6 5 Ttotal_on (ms) 4 VD = 1.50V VD = 2.50V 3 VD = 3.30V VD = 5.00V 2 1 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Cap (pf) 000-0059M309-101 Page 5 of 10 SLG59M309V  TSLEW vs. CAP @ VDD = 3.3 V SLG59M309V TSLEW: VS (10%) - VS (90%) VDD = 3.3 V, TA = 25 °C. CL = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA 15 14 13 12 11 10 V/ms 9 VD = 1.50V 8 VD = 2.50V 7 VD = 3.30V 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 Cap (pf) TSLEW vs. CAP @ VDD = 5.0 V SLG59M309V TSLEW: VS (10%) - VS (90%) VDD = 5.0 V, TA = 25 °C. CL = 10 µF, IDS = 100 mA 15 14 13 12 11 10 V/ms 9 VD = 1.50V 8 VD = 2.50V VD = 3.30V 7 VD = 5.00V 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 Cap (pf) 000-0059M309-101 Page 6 of 10 SLG59M309V  TTotal_ON, TON_Delay and Slew Rate Measurement ON 50% ON 50% ON TOFF_DELAY 90% VS VS 90% VS TON_DELAY 10% VS 10% VS Slew Rate (V/ms) TFALL TTotal_ON 000-0059M309-101 Page 7 of 10 SLG59M309V  Package Top Marking System Definition Date Code + Revision Pin 1 Identifier 000-0059M309-101 XXA DDR LL Part Code + Assembly Site Lot Traceability Page 8 of 10 SLG59M309V  Package Drawing and Dimensions 8 Lead TDFN Package 1.5 x 2.0 mm (Fused Lead) JEDEC MO-252, Variation W2015D Index Area (D/2 x E/2) L A1 1 e 8 b (8X) D S L1 L2 A2 A E Unit: mm Symbol A A1 A2 b D E Min 0.70 0.005 0.15 0.15 1.95 1.45 Nom. 0.75 0.20 0.20 2.00 1.50 Max Symbol Min Nom. L 0.80 0.35 0.40 L1 0.060 0.515 0.565 0.135 0.185 L2 0.25 e 0.50 BSC 0.25 0.37 REF S 2.05 1.55 000-0059M309-101 Max 0.45 0.615 0.235 Page 9 of 10 Approved: SLG59M309V  Tape and Reel Specifications Max Units Leader (min) Nominal Reel & Package # of Package Size Hub Size Length Type Pins per Reel per Box Pockets [mm] [mm] [mm] TDFN 8L FC Green 8 1.5 x 2.0 x 0.75 3000 3000 178 / 60 100 400 Trailer (min) Pockets Length [mm] Tape Width [mm] 100 400 8 Part Pitch [mm] 4 Carrier Tape Drawing and Dimensions Pocket BTM Pocket BTM Package Length Width Type TDFN 8L FC Green Pocket Depth Index Hole Pitch Pocket Pitch Index Hole Diameter Index Hole Index Hole to Tape to Pocket Tape Width Edge Center A0 B0 K0 P0 P1 D0 E F W 1.68 2.18 0.9 4 4 1.5 1.75 3.5 8 P0 D0 Y E W F Section Y-Y Y P1 A0 B0 CL K0 Refer to EIA-481 specification Recommended Reflow Soldering Profile Please see IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020: latest revision for reflow profile based on package volume of 2.25 mm3 (nominal). More information can be found at www.jedec.org. 000-0059M309-101 Page 10 of 10 IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES (“RENESAS”) PROVIDES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for developers skilled in the art designing with Renesas products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate products for your application, (2) designing, validating, and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. Renesas grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses Renesas products. Other reproduction or use of these resources is strictly prohibited. No license is granted to any other Renesas intellectual property or to any third party intellectual property. Renesas disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify Renesas and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, or liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. Renesas' products are provided only subject to Renesas' Terms and Conditions of Sale or other applicable terms agreed to in writing. No use of any Renesas resources expands or otherwise alters any applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for these products. (Rev.1.0 Mar 2020) Corporate Headquarters Contact Information TOYOSU FORESIA, 3-2-24 Toyosu, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan www.renesas.com For further information on a product, technology, the most up-to-date version of a document, or your nearest sales office, please visit: www.renesas.com/contact/ Trademarks Renesas and the Renesas logo are trademarks of Renesas Electronics Corporation. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2021 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved.
SLG59M309V 价格&库存


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 3000+3.154253000+0.38084


  •  国内价格 香港价格
  • 1+14.074241+1.69928
  • 10+8.6770410+1.04764
  • 25+7.2646325+0.87711
  • 100+5.66997100+0.68458
  • 250+4.88613250+0.58994
  • 500+4.40360500+0.53168
  • 1000+3.999681000+0.48291
